Making Schools Inclusive

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Asbury College Incorporated

Poblacion, Anda, Pangasinan

College Department

A.Y. 2024 – 2025

1st Semester

Prepared by GROUP 2

Edward Paul Madayag

Christine Grace Celeste

Romel Mapili

Rhea Del Mhar Molina

Desiree Acay

Dianne Calicdan

Melvie Quelinderino

John Rey Abuan

Jhonas Calisaan

Prepared to:



Table of Contents


A. Lesson 1: Creating Inclusive Cultures (Christine Grace Celeste)

1. Role of Stakeholders (Romel Mapili – Rhea Del Mhar Molina)

2. Special Education vs. Mainstreaming vs. Inclusive Education

(Desiree Acay)

B. Lesson 2: Producing Inclusive Policies (Diannee Calicdan)

C. Lesson 3: Evolving Inclusive Practices (Melvie Quelinderino)

1. Universal Design for Learning (John Rey Abuan)

2. Differentiated Instruction (Jhonas Calisaan)

The Dimensions and Sections in the Index of Inclusion adapted from Booth and Ainscow, 2002
Previously, you learned about the history, context, and foundations of special needs and
inclusive education. By understanding the role that disability frameworks play, we can now
move on to finding out how to implement inclusive practices in the classroom. This chapter shall
provide insights and practical tips on cultivating inclusive habits and implementing such
practices in the classroom effectively. It is entirely based on the Booth and Ainscow (2002)
framework to help schools determine their next steps in shifting to a more inclusive setting.
• Diversity is the new “normal.”
• Practices must be dynamic and collaborative.
• To be truly inclusive, educators must always check for the presence,
• Participation, and achievement of their learners. Differentiation plays an
important role in the success of inclusive education practices.
1. The ability to respond effectively to educational needs of students with additional needs
2. The ability to create safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environment for
students with additional needs.

In 2002, Booth and Ainscow came up with an Index for Inclusion, which aims to direct
educational institutions toward developing their own next steps and action plans if they want to
restructure into becoming more inclusive. “It takes on the social model of disability as its starting
point, builds on good practice, and then organizes the index work around a cycle of activities
which guide schools through stages of preparation, investigation, development, and review”
(UNESCO 2005:30). A three-dimensional framework was created.
Considered the backbone of the framework is the laying down and establishing of an
inclusive culture. Without this at the it will be quite difficult to get people to shift policies and
practices. A non-supportive culture would most likely result in resistance from the school’s
direct stakeholders. They explain that these three dimensions also branch out into sections to
further guide schools into implementing more direct steps toward this paradigm shift.



This dimension creates a secure, accepting, collaborating, and stimulating community, in
which everyone is valued as the foundation for the highest achievements of all. It develops
shared inclusive values that are conveyed to all new staff, students, governors, and
parents/carers. The principles and values, in inclusive school cultures , guide decisions about
policies and moment to moment practice in classroom, so that school development becomes a
continuous process.


This dimension makes sure that inclusion permeates all school plan. Policies encourage
the participant of student and staff from the moment they join the school, reach out to all students
in the locality, and minimize exclusionary pressures. All policies involve clear strategies for
change. Support is considered to be all activities which increase the capacity of a school respond
to student diversity.

Inclusion is as much the responsibility of society as it is the responsibility of schools.
We realized from the previous chapter that the key to successful inclusive practices are
merging of frameworks and aligning of definitions of disability.

❖ In other words, these are the teachers, administrators, school staff, officials and
other workers, the parents and their families, the community, and the government.

❖ Stakeholders are important because they play a major role in "connecting what is
being taught in a school to its surrounding community
UNESCO (2017) reported that there has been significant global improvement in
accessing education, specifically in the primary level for the last 15 years.
Global Education Monitoring Report reveals that there are still an estimated 263
million children and youth aged 6 to 17 all around the world who are still not in school at this
The report also confirmed the continuous plight of women against gender discrimination,
among others. With increasing globalization and international migration, the problem pertaining
to inclusive education and how it affects PWDs could not be more real.

Roles of Stakeholders

What Stakeholders Can Do?

The rights-based approach to educational programming "insists that no right can

exist without a corresponding governmental obligation" (Van den Brale-Balescut &
Sandkull 2005).
Governments and communities are starting to understand how they are
accountable to children with additional needs in fulfilling their right to education and
providing access to quality education that is also safe, welcoming, and inclusive. Legally
defining terms and formalizing a system for setting up inclusive schools in areas where
there are none to begin with ensures uniformity, universality, consistency of
implementation, and eventual success of inclusion in the country.

Some steps stakeholders can take to create inclusive cultures:

1) Set the parameters for inclusion.

The government has identified key people and professions, and highlighted
important factors leading to the success of inclusive placement process, committees,
staffing and responsibilities, teacher training and compensation, incentives for private
sector participation, and collaboration of the Department of Education with other
branches of government. These clearly show not just an attempt to centralize inclusive

practices, but an initiative to make the welfare and development of children with
additional needs the responsibility of all. These are also consistent with what the
UNESCO pushes for in 'terms of getting every stakeholder involved.

2) Build key people.

Government acknowledges importance of teacher training in both special needs
and general education. This is an important factor
that every nation has to constantly revisit as the needs of students across continents,
though similar, would have nuances depending on where they reside.

3) Identify and eradicate barriers.

UNESCO's Inclusion Guide emphasizes identifying and removing obstacles
related to changing systemic attitudes and values. As a stakeholder in education, whether
you're a teacher, administrator, policymaker, parent, or community member, identifying
and eradicating barriers is crucial for several reasons;

● Equity and Access - Every student deserves an equal opportunity to access quality
● Achievement and Success - Removing barriers can improve student achievement
and outcomes.
● Community Well-being - Education impacts not only individual students but also
communities as a whole.

Common Barriers to Inclusion

1. Attitudes, values systems, misconceptions, and societal norms -can lead to

prejudices and/or actual resistance to implement inclusive practices
(UNESCO 2005).
2. Physical barriers -the lack of building, facility, transportation, or road
accessibility are types of physical barriers that can literally affect one's
3. Curriculum - a rigid "one size fits all" type of curriculum that does not allow
room for individual differences can significantly stunt one's learning and
opportunity for growth.
4. Lack of teacher training and low teacher efficacy - whether training in
teaching strategies, using curriculum frameworks, or behavior and classroom
management, lack of training as well as low confidence in one's own skills
can directly affect how inclusive practices are implemented.
5. Poor language and communication-language barriers may also directly have
implications on how well inclusive practices are implemented.
6. Lack of funding - enough funding can allow for training more teachers as
well as coming up with more appropriate programs, instructional materials, or
facilities; lack of funds can be limiting and debilitating to schools.

7. Lack of policies - policies have the ability to unify beliefs and mobilize
resources; unfortunately, lack of it can become a convenient justification for
8. Organization of educational systems - centralized systems may have some
type of detachment in terms of implementing policies and seeing the reality of
how such policies are affecting learners and other stakeholders.
9. Too much focus on performance-based standards - schools have also
reportedly refused inclusion because of fear that the presence of learners with
additional needs will pull down their rankings in standardized tests.

A. Special Education vs. Mainstreaming vs. Inclusive Education

Part of what needs to occur when creating cultures is to also determine
distinctions among frameworks and practices. Most important in this scenario is to
understand how different special education, mainstreaming, and inclusive education are
from each other.
Special education assesses, instructs, and evaluates students individually and intentionally, this
type of educational setting is beneficial to those with very unique needs as well.
Mainstreaming shares more similarities with inclusion than with special education. Both look at
integrating the child with additional needs into a general education setting.
Inclusive education means real learning opportunities for groups who have traditionally been
excluded – not only children with disabilities, but speakers of minority languages too.

Comparing special education, inclusion, and mainstreaming


As reiterated in the previous chapters, the premise of inclusion starts with an acceptance
and embracing of diversity. It is difficult to start movement if this practice is not rooted on a
culture that assumes the right perspectives and values. For simultaneous paradigm shifts to
happen among its education stakeholders, schools must first create a new culture.
UNESCO (2005) realistically acknowledges that a societal change in attitude need not be
initially present in a community before inclusion can be fully practiced. Rather it mustviewed as
a perspective or an ideal to work toward. Without this realization, differences in standards and
quality of education may surface as potential problem.
Without this realization, differences in standards and quality of education may surface as
potential problems. Just very recently, the pre-service education curriculum was restructured so
that special needs education units are not only given to special needs education majors but to
other education majors as well.
The following is a list of other possible steps that educators can take to facilitate the
much needed societal shift and inform policy:
1. Involve other scores of society.

Current training and awareness campaigns seem to limit the movement of
inclusion to a mere home- school relationship. At most, these are extended to the
departments for social welfare and health. However, for an inclusive set-up to truly be
successful, active involvement of the entire community must be ensured. For instance,
those in the business, commercial, security, and religious sectors must also be given
representation in trainings.

2. Collaborative.
Whether creating an academic program specific to a child with additional needs or
creating a new legislative bill for the PWD community, collaboration is crucial. Each
member of the inclusive education team would have their own strengths and weaknesses,
and these have to be used wisely to benefit the child with additional needs.

Del Del Corro-Tiangco. (2014) states that general education teachers are trained
in the general curriculum but would not know how to teach and manage children with
additional needs; while a special needs education teacher would be equipped to handle
atypical behaviors but would not know much about the general education curriculum.
True collaboration would guarantee an inclusive program that would cover as many areas
as possible

3. Recognize the shift in roles of the teacher.

With the shift to inclusive education, the role of special education (SPED)
teachers suddenly seems to be reduced to only as needed. As a result, the SPED teacher's
role no longer becomes that of an implementer but that of a consultative nature instead. It
also becomes the responsibility of the general education teacher to know what to do v
when faced with a a leamer with additional needs in his or her classroom

4. Include transitions in planning.

An abrupt systemic change that is not well- planned or that disregards practices-
whether existing or implied-may hinder the shift to inclusion and cause resentment from
all stakeholders. In current practices have to be respected and gradual shift to inclusive
education. honored so Instead, as to facilitate a gradual shift to inclusive education.

Booth and Ainscow (2002) recommend that schools reflect on their current policies and
practices have to check their readiness for an inclusive set-up. They also devised a questionnaire
that would help administrators, faculty, and other stakeholders comprehensively gather baseline.
Different aspects of the school and the delivery of its services:
• Student admission
• Accessibility to utilities and facilities
• Supports available to students, parents, and school personnel
• Learner accommodations
• Exclusionary and discriminatory incidents
• Number of bullying cases
• Faculty and staff promotion


Evolving inclusive practices is the third dimension to Booth and Ainscow's framework for
schools (2002), where administrators must first try to create an inclusive culture among its
stakeholders, then build better, more all-encompassing policies. Two steps in evolving
inclusive practices
Moreover, the term “Evolving” assumes that we already have strategies in place which we just
have to revisit for possible tweaking. It suggests advancement and positive growth, which means
we can look at these existing strategies and just adjust these according to the needs of our
students along the way.

Two effective evidence-based inclusive practices that can be used in the classroom
1. Universal Design for Learning
2. Differentiated Instruction

1. Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design in Architecture

Such is the mechanics of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach to instruction.
UDL refers to the design of instructional materials and activities to make the content information
accessible to all children (Rose & Meyer 2006 as cited in Turnbull et al. 2013).

There are three elements to UDL:

1. Multiple means of representation

2. Multiple means of action and expression
3. Multiple means of engagement

In UDL, teachers are supposed to present information and materials in many different
ways, taking into consideration that some students may have not fully absorbed the lesson the
first time it was presented.

UDL Principles UDL Principles and Examples of UDL

Inclusive Practices Implementations and
Inclusive Practices
Principle 1: Equitable Inclusive practices are Use UDL principles
Use designed to be useful, equitably
appealing, and safe for all Use culturally response
students, families, and teaching strategies and
professionals to use. materials like MTBMLE
Individual differences and (mother tongue based
various context are respected. multilingual education)

Principle 2: Flexible Inclusive practices are

use designed to accommodate the
individual preferences,
abilities, and needs of all the
students, families and
professionals. Flexibility in
providing choices for
methods and pacing are
Principle 3: Inclusive practices are
● Establish classroom rules
Simple and Intuitive designed to be easy for all to
Use use and understand. and routines
● Use graphic organizers
for synthesizing material

● Develop scoring rubrics
with the students
Principle 4: Inclusive practices are Use technological and
Perceptible designed so that they assistive devices to support
Information communicate valuable learning, communicate with
information to all through parents, or share information
various formats.
Principle 5: Inclusive practices are • Teach study and learning
Tolerance for Error designed to minimize errors strategies
and unintended consequences • Teach self-regulatory
by providing safeguards and techniques
warnings to assist all in using • Encourage students and
them safely foster their intrinsic
• Offer grading alternatives
that are valid and

Principle 6: Low Inclusive practices are

● Chunk activities and give
Physical Effort designed to be used
comfortably and efficiently more breaks
without much effort from all ● Teach mindfulness

● Provide additional
support as needed
Principle 7: Inclusive practices are
● Take advantage of seat
Size and Space for designed for use by all,
Approach and Use regardless of their mobility, arrangements and
physicality, or way of classroom furniture (e.g.,
communication specialized chairs,
stability balls, use of
ambient music, and
appropriate lighting).
● Provide opportunities for
outdoor work
● Allow technology as

Principle 8: Inclusive practices are
● Use project-based
Community of designed to promote
Learners social interaction and learning
communication for all ● Promote collaborative
activities such as fish
bowl discussions or
● Establish strong home-
school partnerships
● Classroom check-ins and
Principle 9: Inclusive Inclusive practices are
● ·Make students aware of
Environment designed to foster
acceptance and a and comfortable with
sense of diversity
belongingness for all. ● ·Emphasize social roles in
the classroom; (e.g., that
we students are there to
teach each other and learn
from each other.)
● ·Allow bonding activities

● Do team-building
exercises regularly and
integrate lessons in such

2. Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instrction
According to Tomlinson (2010), differentiated (or differentiating) instruction is a
teacher's response to students' varying needs, interests, and learning styles.
 "It refers to a systematic approach to planning curriculum and instruction for
academically diverse learners.It is a way of thinking about the classroom with the dual goals
of honoring each student's learning need and maximizing student's learning capacity."

According to Friend Bursuck (2009), when teachers differentiate instruction, they use a
variety of teaching and learning strategies that are necessary to meet the diverse needs of
students in any class.

Why Differentiated Instruction?

All learners are unique and have varying interests, talents, strength, as well as needs.

It is essential that teaching and learning experiences reflect this diversity.

To ensure engaged, successful, and flourishing learners, teaching and learning experiences need
to be designed in a way that provide opportunities for students to learn and demonstrate their
understanding in varied ways. Differentiating Instruction (DI) helps ensure that learners are
engaged in respectful tasks and provide diverse means of learning that reflect their strengths and
address their needs simultaneously.

How Is Instruction Differentiated?

Elements of the curriculum that can be differentiated accdg. toBender in 2002 (as cited
by Gentry et al. 2013)
1. content,
2. process,
3. product, and
4. learning environment
In response to the students' characteristics: interests, readiness, and learning profile.
As an overview, differentiation is achieved by:
a. providing materials and tasks;
b. at varied levels of difficulty:
c. with varying levels of instructional support;
d. by using multiple grouping arrangement;
e. that involve student choice; and
f. use varied evaluation strategies

As teachers, you must know your curriculum. You are suggested to revisit or identify which
are non-negotiable and negotiable learning objectives and tasks. You are also expected to know
your students' interests, readiness level (based on diagnostic data), and learning styles/profile
(strengths and needs). You may create a class profile to provide an overview of the class's
characteristics and needs. Next, you have to identify and plan what and how to differentiate your
material. The goal is to start small and take simple steps toward differentiating instruction.

Differentiation strategies

What is taught? How is it taught? How is it assessed? ENVIRONMENT
What is learned? How is it learned? How is learning How is the classroom
demonstrated? arranged?
• Provide • Choices of reading • Homework • Flexible grouping:
additional materials options whole class, small
materials/skills • Varied presentation • Student choice on groups, one-on- one,
• Reduce materials styles: Say it, Show product (oral peer- teaching pairs,
• Skills it, and Model presentations. partner learning.
Explorations by • Use media (video, written report, role independent
interest audio, computer, TV, plays, simulations, learning. and
and manipulatives) etc.) cooperative learning
• Varied pacing • Varied journal • Flexible seating
• Reading buddies: - prompts • Preferential seating
Read/ summarize - • Choice Boards • Pull-out from class
Read Question/ • Think-Tac-Toe (for learners with
Answer -Visual • Tiered activities special needs)
organizer (by readiness and
summarizer interest)
• Think-Pair- Share • More items
by readiness, (advanced learners)
interest, and learning • Less items (with
profile special needs)
• Learning centers/ • Learning
stations contracts
• Small-group • RAFT (Role,
instruction Audience, Format,
• Jigsaw (expert Topic)
• Cooperative
learning activities
• Teams, Games and
• Cubing
• Learning contracts

Rhea Del Mar Molina

● Knowing the common barriers to inclusion is important because it helps us make

places more welcoming and fairer for everyone. These barriers can stop people from
joining in and feeling like they belong. By understanding and fixing these issues, we can
create environments where everyone has a chance to succeed and feel valued. This
also helps us follow rules and do the right thing by supporting diversity and different
perspectives. Ultimately, it makes our communities and workplaces stronger and more
Moreover, identifying these barriers helps us provide better support and
resources for people who face these challenges. It allows us to create specific programs
and initiatives that address the needs of underrepresented groups. This proactive
approach not only promotes fairness but also builds a culture of respect and
understanding. By regularly checking and fixing these barriers, we can keep improving
and making sure our efforts to be inclusive are effective and long-lasting.

Melvie Quilinderino

● Evolving inclusive practices, it means involve an ongoing process of developing

and improving methods, policies, and approaches that promote diversity, equity, and
inclusion within an organization or community. It entails adapting and changing
practices to better accommodate and support people from diverse backgrounds,
ensuring that all individuals feel valued, respected, and included. This continuous effort
aims to create an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their unique
perspectives and talents.

John Rey Abuan

● In a world of diversity, teachers must perform innovation in teaching to allow all
of students engaged and learn equally despite of differences. As an aspiring teacher i
need to learn how to be an effective facilitator for children specially in their progress.
The Universal design for learning is the useful tool that can be a guide for me to be
more productive in teaching and also it emphasizes the value of equity, equality,
flexibility, and different values in this field.
Teacher has big role and responsibility because students learning style have
different variety. Efforts and attention are essential because building a great nation is
also building it in mind of future generation

Edward Paul Madayag
● It is very important to have inclusive schools as this will lead to a better school
environment for all students. Inclusive education goes beyond just making education
available; it means appreciating and accepting the differences among all individuals in
the school community. Schools can achieve this by promoting inclusion and ensuring
that each student feels respected, supported, and capable of achieving their full

Inclusive schools also put equity first. This involves dealing with any obstacles to
learning and participation that may exist for some groups like disabled students, English
language learners or youth from marginalized communities. By offering every kind of
resource necessary, backing them up where needs be and creating room for everyone
to grow, the schools are able to create equal opportunities for all students.

Christine Grace Celeste

● Creating an inclusive culture is an ongoing process that requires commitment,
effort, and the willingness to learn and adapt. By implementing these practices,
organizations can create environments where everyone feels valued and empowered to

Jhonas Calisaan
● A teacher must how to differentiate instruction for diverse learners and know
curriculum. Teacher expected to know the student’s interests, strength and
weaknesses, readiness, and learning styles of the students. Next, teacher must provide
a learning strategies and plan to meet diverse needs of students. To ensure engaged,
successful, and flourishing learners, teaching and learning experiences need to be
designed in a way that provide opportunities for students to learn and demonstrate
their understanding in varied ways.

Desiree Ahne Acay

● Sped education, mainstreaming and inclusive education reflect on how each
student is progressing academically, socially, and emotionally, interactions with other
professionals, parents, and stakeholders and also the use of assessments and data to

inform instructional decisions. The development of peer relationships between students
with disabilities and their general education peers can also collaborates.

As an educator we can build our own growth in fostering inclusive practices and
it helps us continuously evaluate and consider the integration of students with diverse
abilities and backgrounds into all aspects of school life. As an educator we can
encourage and motivate and support them as well with equity to ensures that every
student can no one left behind.

Dianne Calicdan
● We are now in a world that is full of judgments. To accept their judgment, we
should first accept ourselves and embrace our diversity. Producing inclusive policies
involved involving society, collaborating between educators, recognizing shifting teacher
roles, and including transitions in planning. Producing inclusive policies help other
people to engage with their peers around us, especially people with special needs
without any obstacles. The policies in school are helpful to lessen some unnecessary
actions. It can also help other people with special needs to embrace themselves and
feel like they belong to other people. With this, people with special needs are welcome
in any institution without barriers. On the other hand, it also becomes the responsibility
of the general education teacher to know what to do when faced with a learner with
additional needs in his or her classroom. The teachers can encourage and help students
with special needs. Teachers can also practice and learn how to engage a person with
special needs once the policies are implemented.

Romel Mapili
● The range of stakeholders is very wide, from politicians and government officials
to teachers, parents and community members. Each stakeholder has a different part to
maintain the inclusive education environments. These stakeholders need to work
together effectively for their collaboration and communication to overcome challenges
and exploit chances for inclusive education as best possible.


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