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Basic Definitions of Overall Engineering Phases

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PROCESS DESIGN PACKAGE (BASIC ENGINEERING) Process Block Diagram(s) PBD Each Block can be represented a single piece of equipment or a complete stage in the process. The stream flow rates, temperatures and compositions can be shown on the diagram adjacent to the stream lines.

Process Flow Diagram - PFD ( with material and energy balance )

PFD should indicate the following: 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 All major equipment Equipment names, Equipment identification number, Major by-pass and recirculation lines, Control valves, Valves required to demonstrate routing for all mode of operation, 1.1.7 Pipe sizes if required by office practice, 1.1.8 Interconnections to other systems, 1.1.9 Equipment ratings or capacities, Pumps : Capacity, Head, H / Exch. : Heat duty, Lines : Flow, Temp. Pressure, Reactors : Diam., Catalyst Volume, LHSV Inlet / Outlet Temps and Pressures a SOR and EOR conditions. Towers : Diam., No of trays, Feed / Products Inlet outlet tray Numbers /temperatures (and pressures) Heaters : Heat Duty, inlet/outlet temperature and pressures Drums & Vessels : Diam., Height, Level or Volume


Process Control Flow Diagram - CFD ( on PFD ) CFD should indicate the following: Recommended major instrumentation and control elements for all mode of operation on the PFD.


Detailed Process Description


Basis of Design (The Basis of Design document defines project requirement,

primarily outlined during the conceptual and feasibility stages, in terms of quality, capacity, utilities and performance)

System design basis, (Description of the overall system) 1.3.2 Description of operating modes, Initial start-up and/ or start-up after major overhaul, Normal start-up, Min. capacity case, Normal shut-down, Emergency shut-down (power failure, cooling water failure, fire or as appropriate ) 1.3.3 Description and performance ratings of major equipment, if necessary for all mode of operation 1.3.4 Control concept, 1.3.5 Detail description of catalyst regeneration, catalyst and/or support material loading / unloading, chemical charge, washing drying etc. 1.4
1.5 1.6

Major equipment list Major equipment process data sheets, Proposed metallurgy (for equipment, pipes, structural etc.) Safety requirements Waste disposal requirements, Recommended analytical techniques,

1.8 1.9

1.10 Fire Fighting


2.1 2.2

System Design Basis ( as a part of basic engineering package ) Basic Engineering Design Data BEDD 2.2.1. Feed stocks, intermediates and products specifications ( or material data sheets), 2.2.2. General : 2.2.3. Measurement Systems, - Applicable codes and standards, - Utilities & Site Conditions & Pollution Control & Safety: - Steam ( LP, MP, HP, normal/max./min temp and press levels, mechanical design ranges) - Condensate ( types and pressure levels ) -

Electric power (rates) Water ( type of water and specifications), sea water, demin. -water, desalinated water, CCCW, tempered water, Fuel ( Liquid, gas or solid, composition, LHV, HHV, availability) Air and Inert Gas o Plant Air ( Press., Temp., Dew Point) o Instrument Air ( Press., Temp., Dew Point) o Inert Gas ( Nitrogen or Fuel Gas composition, Pressure) Flare and Blow Down Site Conditions; o Direction of prevailing wind ( throughout a year ) o Design wind pressure o Temperature ( summer-winter max/min, shade/solar) o Soil Temperature (surface 0.5m, 1.0m & 1.5m depth in summer & winter) o Dry bulb max/min. o Welt bulb temperature and humidity. o Snow rainfall (mm, p/hour, p/year) o Earthquake o Sea Water, River Water ( lowest, max, normal levels)

o Soil Exploration Data ( Soil Report), o Geo-hazard report,

Anti pollution Measurement and Environmental Regulations o Noise levels o Water disposal ( clean, oily, chemical, domestic) o Waste gases o Solid / Sludge Waste disposal Min. Safety Distances between units/ facilities ( on- site and off site ), equipment spacing

2.2.4. Operating reliability and flexibility


Delivery and shipping logistics (feed and products),

2.2.6. Equipment design and sizing criteria. Min / max velocities Min / max pressure drops Dimensions, volumes Metallurgies, Recommended sizes,

2.2.7. Philosophy for isolation and decontamination 2.2.8. Material construction 2.2.9. Winterization requirement (selection of insulation material, steam vs. electrical tracing vs. hot oil vs. hot process fluid circulation etc.) 2.2.10. Fire protection requirement (fire hydrant, sprinkler system, CO2 etc.) 2.2.11. Waste disposal requirement 2.2.12. Safety requirements 2.2.13. All required procedures, method statements etc.

2.3 Utilities & Effluents 2.3.1 Utility Summary

2.3.2 Catalyst & Chemicals & Support Materials Summaries 2.3.3 Effluent Summary

2.4 Equipments Complete equipment list(s) 2.4.2 Equipment data sheet ( with Process and Mechanical design information )
2.4.1 Vessels, Drums, Tanks, Bins etc. Heat Exchangers (Tubular, Fin-Fan, Coils etc.) Heaters/Furnaces Rotary Machinery (pumps, fans, compressors turbines etc.), Vendor package units (nitrogen plant, IA dryers etc.) Others, (PSV data sheets, Process Inst. Data sheets etc.) 2.5 Flare Loading Sheets ( Summary )

Line List / Schedule ( with Piping Specs )

2.7 Drawings 2.7.1 General Plot Plan ( with elevations ) 2.7.2 Equipment Layout and Spacing 2.7.3 P & ID s ( Process, Utilities and Off-site ) 2.7.4 Material of Construction ( marked on PFDs ) 2.7.5 Preliminary piping layout and tie-in.

2.8 General Specifications 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 Piping, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, 2.8.5 Civil/Arch./Structural, 2.8.6 Others ( painting, insulation, fireproofing),

2.9 HAZID and / or HAZOP Review

2.0 PROCUREMENT Pre-select vendors, 4.2 Prepare Inquire and Material Requisition, 4.3 Receive Bids, 4.4 Preliminary Evaluation of Bids, 4.5 Technical & Commercial Evaluation, 4.6 Pre-award meeting-(Condition Bids) 4.7 Select Vendor 4.8 Pre-commitment meeting 4.9 Award Order

3.0 EXPEDITING PROCEDURE 5.1 Inspection ( Workshop and Field ) 5.2 Acceptance of Equipment

5.0 DETAILED ENGINEERING CHECK LIST 5.1 Process Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Process Control Flow Diagram (CFD) Process Description (unit by unit) Heat & Material balances (on Process Flow Diagram) Process lines physical / chemical data Process equipment specification / load sheets Process equipment sizes /sketches with recommended metallurgy (See Process Design Package for details) 5.2 Systems Plot Plan Preparation / Equipment Layout P & I Diagrams, process / utility / auxiliary Hydraulic Profiles of Process and Utilities on Plant Layout Battery limit conditions for each process block Utility balance diagrams Line schedule or Line list - Line sizing / wall thickness & line data (metallurgy, operation and design temperatures & pressures) Pump & re-boiler NPSH calculations Relief valve discharge & flare calculations Relief valve data sheets Piping special item data sheets Environmental emissions & permit documents Equipment lists for all engineering sections (See Process Design Package for details)

5.3 Furnaces & Heaters Furnace design / purchase specifications Furnace data sheets Furnace design calculations

Furnace general arrangement / detail drawings Furnace Inquiry / Purchase requisitions Vendor drawings Test procedures/test reports / performance requirements Parts lists / recommended spares Operating & maintenance catalogues Vessels (Tanks, Towers, Drums, Bins etc.)


Vessel design / purchasing specifications Vessel outline & detail drawings Vessel design calculations Vessel nozzle sizes / orientations Vessel inquiry / purchase requisitions Vendor fabrication drawings & design calculations Vessel platforms / ladders & pipe support / guide drawings

5.5 Exchangers Exchanger design / purchasing specifications Exchanger rating / calculations Exchanger setting plans / tube sheet layouts Exchanger inquiry / purchase requisitions Vendor fabrication drawings & design calculations

5.6 Rotating Machinery / Special & Utility Equipment Equipment design / purchasing specifications Equipment detail specifications / data sheets Equipment Inquiry / purchase requisitions Floor space and utility summary Vendor arrangement / detail drawings Test procedures / test reports / performance curves Vendor parts list / recommended spares Vendor operating and maintenance catalogues.

5.7 Instruments Instrument Architecture and Design Philosophy Instrument design / purchasing specifications Instrument Index Instrument specifications/data sheets Functional process control specifications Control room & panel layouts Instrument logic diagrams DCS & PLC configuration code Instrument vessel / equipment sketches Instrumentation inquiry / purchase requisitions Instrument location plans Instrument loop diagrams Instrument tray / conduit / cable / piping layouts Instrument installation details Instrument winterization schedule Instrument wring/termination lists

Plant and Piping Layout

Plot plans / Site plans / Piping layout ( 1/ 5000 ) Plant arrangement studies Plot plan block model (1/8" = 1) Piping design model (3/8" = 1) Battery limits connections plan (tie-in's) Piping design / purchasing specifications Pipe line material specification sheets U/G piping drains, sewers, layouts drawings A/G piping key plans / elevation drawings Piping isometrics

Piping bills of materials Piping stress, load & support calculations Piping support drawings / detail Piping special items data sheets Piping materials inquiry / purchase requisitions (plain carbon steel, lined / coated carbon steel, galvanized, stainless steel, alloys, etc. )

5.9 Civil Civil design / purchasing specifications (incl. blast proof buildings) Site preparation drawings Foundation design calculations Foundation design drawings A/G concrete structure design calculations A/G concrete drawings Rebar detail drawings Foundation location plans Site paving / ditches drawings Civil material bill of quantities Civil material inquiry / purchase requisitions 5.10 Architectural Building sketches / floor plans Purchased components specifications/data sheets Building layout s/ detail drawings Building inquiry / purchase requisitions Civil design / purchasing specifications 5.11 Structural Steel Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural steel design / purchasing specifications steel design drawings & calculations steel fabrication details steel bills of materials steel inquiry / purchase requisitions


5.12 Electrical Electrical design / purchasing specifications Electrical loads list Single-line electrical diagrams Electrical area classification drawings Electrical equipment specifications/data sheets Electrical power layouts Electrical cable sizing Electrical U/G conduit / cable runs Electrical A/G cable tray / conduit layouts Electrical schematic & wiring drawings Electrical grounding layouts / details Cathodic protection drawings Electrical wiring / termination lists Electrical material / inquiry / purchase requisitions

5.13 Paint / Insulation Winterizing Desert Area Marine Atmosphere / Fireproofing Painting design / purchasing specifications Insulation design / purchasing specifications. Fireproofing design / purchasing specifications List of painted / insulated / fireproofed equipment List of painted / insulated / fireproofed piping List of painted / fireproofed structural steel Special Considerations


HAZOP Study and Safety Inspection Checklist

(Ref. GPA Safety Insp. Checklist)



Applicable Local and International Design and Engineering Codes, Standards and Recommended Practices


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