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School: STA.

ISABEL ES Grade Level: VI

DATES: JULY 29- AUGUST 2, 2023 Quarter: WEEK 1


Content Standards Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates QUIZ
skills that will lead to one skills that will lead to one and skills that will lead to knowledge and skills
becoming an ideal becoming an ideal one becoming an ideal that will lead to one
entrepreneur. entrepreneur. entrepreneur. becoming an ideal
Performance Sells products based on Sells products based on Sells products based on Sells products based on
Standards needs and demands needs and demands needs and demands needs and demands

Most Essential Identify the sellers and Identify the sellers and Produce simple products
Learning buyers. buyers TLEIE6-0a-2
1. Define entrepreneurs
2. Discuss the qualities of
an ideal entrepreneur

Subject Matter THE IDEAL Identifying the Buyer Produce Simple

ENTREPRENEUR and the Seller Products

Learning Resources
TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC pp. TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC pp. TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC TLE-IA - K to 12
407 407 pp. 407 MELC pp. 407

a. Reviewing Let’s Think! Let’s think! Let’s think Based on our discussion,
Previous Lesson or do you think that
Presenting the New Have you family own a Do you think you have What are the best products business is easy? Why?
Lesson business? Or relative? characteristic of an or services that you already Or Why not?
What kind of business they entrepreneur? What kind of encounter? It can be food,
have? characteristic is it? toy, or any purchases.

In the future do want to own Where do you buy these

a business? What kind of products nowadays?

Do you know who the owner

of Jollibee is? Or National
Book Store? Or the
Philippine Airline?

These people below are what

we called entrepreneur or
b. Establishing What is entrepreneur Can you tell what’s on the Small Group
purpose for the lesson picture?
In a small group, share your
insight on what kind of
business to you want to get
into? What kind of product
or services.

This is what entrepreneur is.

Also entrepreneur means a What do you think is their

person who organizes and roles?
operates a business or
businesses, taking on greater
than normal financial risks in
order to do so.

c. Presenting Do you want to be like them? From above, let us now know A product is something
example/instances of Then let us learn what the more about the seller and the that is manufactured
the new lesson best characteristic of a good buyer. following a process, or
entrepreneur are. grown and nurtured in
What do you think you are? order to be sold for a profit.
Are you the seller or the
d. Discussing new This means an entrepreneur Starting your own business An ideal entrepreneur
concepts is someone who is willing to entails serious hard work. It desires to establish business Read and answer the
put up involves, that will be able to produce following questions
the capital needed to set up a among others, activities such simple products. Starting below.
business fully aware of the as research, planning, testing, your own business entails 1. What business can
risks involved. He developing, serious hard work. It you create out of the
or she plans, organizes, and marketing, and the like. involves, among others, things you enjoy doing?
manages the business, hires What type of business do you such as activities as Name at least three.
the people to want to get into? A business research, planning, testing,
help run it, and ensures that involves developing, marketing, and 2. Do you think people
the product or service being selling a product or service the like. need the product or
offered is sold or both. Hints to help one decide service that these
at a reasonable price in order A product is something that what type of business to businesses offer? Why?
to earn. is manufactured following a get into:
process, 3. Do you think people
● Start with a hobby
Entrepreneurs play a key role in order tobe sold for a profit. are willing to buy these
in any economy, using the A service is a facility or interest. products or services?
skills supplying a public or market ● Produce something Why?
and initiatives necessary to needed or
that you can offer
anticipate needs and bring demand. Some examples are
or sell to your
good new ideas to hair salons offering hair care
friends and school
market. and hair
styling services; bus
companies, offering transport ● Products that are
services; and spas and always in demand
wellness centers offering are food items.
massage services, skin care
● Start small before
treatments, and the
like. you think of
producing bigger
● Do some research
and investigation.
● Observe people and
their food
● Check existing
products in the
local market.

Things to remember when

putting up a business:
● Keep your cost down
while maintaining the
quality of your product.
● Make sure to canvass
and find out where you
can get your materials
and supplies in the best
price available.
● Purchase ingredients in
a store or market that
sells fresh produce.
● Packaging must be of
good quality to affect
its saleability.
e. Continuation of Qualities of an Ideal There are two people or Instruction: In a bond
the discussion of new Entrepreneur parties involved in business paper, think a product or
concepts transaction services that you want to
● Industrious
Displays hard work and such as selling and buying, offer to your customer. Try
perseverance in the face the seller and the buyer. to have a price list for each
of challenges; utilizes 1. The Seller product or services.
skills to diligently carry - owns or manages a store or
out tasks or make goods. business establishment
- offers goods, products, or
● Innovative
services to those who need it
Has the ability to envision - must learn the art of selling
future needs or demands - must maintain good
and create new relationships with people,
opportunities, products, patient, and
and services to meet courteous towards the
these demands. prospective consumers or
● Honest buyers.sells products, goods,
or services at a specified
Does not engage in amount called selling price.
deceptive or fraudulent 2. The Buyer
acts; displays sincerity at - buys goods or services from
all times. the seller
● Persistent - is also a consumer who
Does not easily give up or makes use of the goods to
let go. meet
his/her needsor wants and
● Caring those of his family
Understands the feelings, - also called the end user
concerns, and needs not because they use the good or
only of his or her product or service in order to
customers but also his or meet the needs and wants of
her workers. consumers and derive
satisfaction from it.
● Helpful
Is always available to
provide assistance.
● Faith in goodness and
Conducts business fairly and
cultivates a culture of
● Organized yet flexible
Is able to adapt to any
change yet remain logical
and organized
● Confident
Feels or shows certainty, as
of success.
● Strategist
Is a careful planner; sets
long term goals and plans
and executes a well
thought of strategy in
order to achieve them.
● Prudent
Is never wasteful and always
ensures that all resources
are used wisely and every
bit of raw material does
not go to waste
● Determined
Is a go-getter and an
achiever; acting on a
dream, vision, and plan,
no matter how hard it
may seem at first
● Knowledgeable
Is well-trained and possess
information and
understanding of
concepts necessary to run
a business venture
● High quality philosophy
Strives for excellence and
perfection to exceed
customer satisfaction
Takes calculated risks and
knows how to match
opportunities with market
realities; takes on risks
anticipating business
profitability and chances
of success.

f. Developing Instruction: Complete the Below are the duties of a After your activity on your
Mastery cloud map. Give a simple seller: bond paper. Share it to the
example of the given 1.Make business fairly with class.
characteristic. buyers
2.Deliver on time, with
proper care and place of
3.Provide warranty for the
product sold to the buyer.

The seller sells products,

goods, or services at a
specified amount
called his selling price, while
buyer is the person who
buys goods or
services from the seller.
g. Finding Instruction: Choose thumbs Read the following Write down you costing to
practical applications up if the situation define a statements below. Identify your product.
of concepts and skills good characteristic of an and write B if it refers to the What are the prices of
in daily living entrepreneur and thumbs Buyer and S if it’s Seller. ingredients of materials?
down if not. You may use the table.
1. Invest to the products and
1. Thalia is a goal getter. materials of the item.
2. Joshua doesn’t want to 2. Give feedback to an item
take a risk for his small or services.
business. 3. Making sure of the good Materi Quanti Price
3. Lian, is indecisive towards service in the business. als ty
her plans for her business. 4. The one who consume the
4. Joana always think the products.
best for her customer in 5. Keeping the trust of the
picking products. customer.
5. Haylee, checking what is
on thread nowadays that
helps her business grow.
h. Making Who can be an ideal Differentiate buyers from What are the things to
generalizations and entrepreneur? sellers. remember when putting up
abstractions about the a business?
lesson What are the characteristics Based on your point of view
and values that help or experiences, discuss the
individuals become important roles of buyers and
successful entrepreneurs? sellers in business.
i. Evaluating

Additional Activities
for application or


a. Number of
learners who earned
80% of the evaluation
b. Number of
learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of
learners who have
caught up with the
e. Number of
learners who continue
to require remediation
f. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help me
g. What innovation
or localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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