Unit 1 Outhm Level 3 - Saqib Javed

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UNIT :1- Understand the requirements for
health & safety, welfare in the working

1.1(Explain the legal requirements

underpining health & safety at work.)

•The health & safety at work According to

the HASWA act 1974 , the united Kingdom
government has given well & efficient
infrastructure of rules & regulations
regarding to the health & safety at the work
place. Its also put duties on employer &
employees at the working areas.

1) Duties of Employers:
•The employers has to maintain all the
check & balance of equipment PPE'S & safe
system of work in the filed.
• Employers has to carry out the risk
assessment report of the equipment,
hazards using there in order to knowing the
risk levels.
• It has to convey its information in all
languages, training instructions, So all of
the employees could understand well
about safety at work place.
•Employer has to provide all the welfare
facilities at the work place.

2) Duties of Employees:
•It is also a responsibility of employees or
worker individually to take care of health &
safety by own self & also of their
colleagues at the work place.
•They has to follow the policy's rule &
regulations of the company or employers
to maintain the safety at work place.

3) Enforcement :
•The HSE Health Safety Executive has own
policy & rules regulations they has safety
control teams which can inspection
physically on work place to investigate the
incident or accident on the site & all
control measurements.
•They has authority to take any action
against responsible of damage cause.
•HSE team has fully authority to issuing the
legal notices of any improvement requires,
and on prohibition, to the company.

4) First aid:
•Giving first aid facility to the
•Providing training & instructions of
first aid treatment.
•Providing them first aid kits & all the
measurement necessary needed.

5) Reporting of a incident /accident:

•In the working field if any accident
happens the employees has responsibility
to report their supervisor or manager or
any senior person.
•If any serious damage is there call any of
emergency hospital.

6) Fine & insurance:

•According to the act if someone not
follow the rules & regulations employees &
employers under the ILO convention he can
face fines, penalty, & imprisonment of
breaking safety laws.
7) Criminal & civil law:
•Criminal law :Its is law in which Law
enforcement agency is activated
automatically when the crime is happens,
such as robbery, disaster, murder, etc.
•Civil Law: Its is a law in which we has to go
in court in order to claim any rights, or any
injustice activity involment against the
other party.
• Both laws are involved in HSE field has
their own value in company.

8) Health and safety policy:

•The HASAWA act 1974 allow government
to make health & safety policy, rules
regulations to ensure the requirements for
the companies, or organization.

1.2(Welfare facilities Health, Safety,

towards employers at the workplace).
•The 1992 regulations of UK government
has provided legal laws instructions for the
people working in a company, organization,
regarding to their health, safety & the all
the facilities which will be provided by the
employers at work place. These regulations
make the work place safe & comfortable
for the work. There are some basic needs
which are listed below at work place.

1) Cleanliness:
•In the company the Employers or HR
supervisor are responsible to ensure all the
cleaning of areas, floor, machine to avoid
any slip, & trip. Making good keeping so the
work place is comfortable and safe.

2) Work place Temperature:

•Proper exust system will be there to
carrying out fumes , vapours, gases, etc.
•The temperature of the workplace should
be suitable & comfortable where worker can
work easily.
•In the workingplace temperature
measurements instruments should be there
so worker knows about temperature.

3) Lighting:
•In the workplace the lightning should be
sufficient suitable balance that its doesn’t
irritate eyes & visible for the worker.
•Special eyes protecting light should be
installed with levels.

4) Water facility:
•At the workplace suitable drinking water
should be there with the season wise.
5) Pregnant women:
•In workplace if any woman is pregnant
its employers responsibilities to take
care of her & replace her with another
•Providing them special rest area &
drinking water.
•Be ensure about changing & replacing
of their shift duty with other

6) Washroom Facility:
• In the workplace its employers duty is to
provide Washrooms which should be in
large number as compared to the workers
in company.
•Proper cleanliness, sanitized & well
maintain its should be.
•The other facilities such as soap, hands
washer, sanitizer, & basins should be
provided by employers.

7) Visitors:
•In the company if any outsider, contractor,
visitors visit a company its employers duty
to facilitate them providing guidance,
information, & waiting areas.
•Giving training to the new employees
before giving them tasks.

8) Safe workplace:
•It is a employers duty to give employees
good PPE'S, maintain safe work provision.
•Providing them special mock training
exercises if any natural, or accident occurs.
•Emergency alarming system, emergency
exits routes, & emergency safety
equipment’s should be there for any
emergency situations.

9) Food & Accommodation:

•It is a employers duty to provide good
healthy food for the workers & neat clean
area for sitting.
•Drinking purified water should be there .
•Providing lunch on time.

1.3,1.4(Requirement’s for the vulnerable

workers training, communication, Health &
In the organization employees come from
different countries, areas, so conveying
information guidance is major issues for this
purpose it’s a employers duty to manage this
issue some of them listed how we can
manage it..
1) Health & safety communication
•Its including all the data & information,
policy, rules, in different languages so
everyone can understand easily.
•News alert, first aid, & or any new plan
schedule it will be display on notice board.

2) Safety TBT talks.

•The seniors, supervisor, or any safety
officer it is there duty to do tool box talk
randomly & guiding the workers about
safety health in workplace.
•They has duty to guide how PPE’S is using,
& other instructions of using machines
• Just 10-15 minutes meeting it should be
so all worker understand easily.

3) Safety signs:
•In company proper signs symbol board,
charts should be display visible for the
•Hazards, emergency exits, safety routes
should display well .

4) Safety manual book:

•In the company it is employers
responsibilities to provide safety manual
handbook so worker take a guideline from
it if needed.
•Manual book includes also instructions
how to operate machine, policy of

5) Emergency drill:
•Employers has to arrange such a
emergency drill so the worker should know
& well prepared for any emergency case.
•such as fire drill, natural disaster etc.
6) Feedback & Review:
• The company has to provide manually or
any channel where worker give them opinion
& review .
•If any improvement needed with the help
of worker reviews company will know.

7) Inspection audit :
•The manager , supervisor or safety officer
duty is to check & balance of safety
•They has to visit sites area by physical
•Monthly or weekly basis continues their
inspection audits.
•If any improvement, correction needed
they has authority to fix it.

8) Reporting :
• The environment should be provided
as freedom openly so if any incident,
accident, or nearmiss happens then
worker report it easily without any
•After report or any achievement
employers should award him to
encourage his moral.

9) Induction Training:
•New recruitment at least 1month or
weeks manager duty is to give training &
instructions before on job.
•Telling them about health & safety policy.
•Good communication with them so all
them understand instructions comfortably.

10) New worker :

•In the company new worker is
inexperienced which should be assist with
experience worker so he should learn & do
work without any risk.
•Consulting with them regular basis so
them feel comfortable.

11) Health facility:

• In the company employers duty is to
provide health checkup in a month.
•By doing this step coast of medical Billings
will reduce & worker will be cooperative.

12) Transportation:
•It is employers or company base facility if
they are financially good , they can arrange
transport service for worker.
•such as pick & drop service, or giving flight
Tickets, or any other work assigned by
1.5(The main causes of injuries illness
health at work).
Injuries illness is now major issues
everywhere on workplace. Negligence of
safety measurement can causes illness
health issues. Injuries can be causes on the
site on some of our mistakes.
Some of the causes are listed.

1) Slip & trip :

•Slip ; Mostly slip causes in those area’s
where surface is wet such as water, oily
surface where less friction is there worker
can slip & cause injury.
•Trip; The trip mostly occurs where bad
keeping is there, all the things are not on
its position. In these places tough to walk

2) Hazardous materials:
•In company there is many substance or
materials which can cause serious reaction
like chemicals, injuries, infection, diseases,
For this purpose use of PPE'S is necessary
in use of worker.

3) Ergonomic Effects:
• In the workplace repetition of tasks doing
same work all the days can cause pain in
our shoulder, neck, backbone, & other
body parts,
•Such as doing desk job, or operating
machine can cause ergonomic effects.
•For avoiding ergonomic effects employers
has to replace or change the shifts with the
Other workers to reduce in this effects.

4) Stress & Tension:

•The burden of work & excessive hours
working or overtime, home issues, office
issues, salary these small issues can lose
concentration while doing work & can
cause any serious accident or incident.
• Its can cause collateral & financial
damage to the employers or company.

5) Manual handling:
•The employees without any training
picking up heavy things in appropriate way
It can cause pain in their muscle, back,
hands, & can cause stress, & injuries.
•Health issues can be effects on his daily
routine working days & can cause to leaves.

6) Electricity:
•The electricity is hazard all the wiring,
equipment using electricity is hazard.
• In the company exposure of electrical
wires, or any shortage of electric machine
if someone direct in contact with it he cab
can face major or fatal injuries.
•It is a very common & most dangerous
hazard in the workplace.

7) Maintenance:
•In the company maintenance is very
necessary of machine, workplace, & also of
the workers.
•Mostly accident occurs due to improper
use of machines, operating.
•Maintenance of machines is also needed
because its can cause accident or incident
if any error is there it can carry out in
maintenance before use which reduce the
chance of accident.

8) Communication Errors:
•In company mostly people come to job
different parts of world, may be some of
Them not understand language then may be
it can cause incident.
•Sometimes the safety instructor doesn’t
conveys his message to worker how to use of
machines with safier ways, its may be leads
to accident.

9) Work area :
• It is a employers duty to provide safe
working environment where worker feel
•Ventilation ,cooling perfect room
temperature should be provided .
•Rest area’s drinking water should be in
place of work.

10) No reports :
• In the company if some of worker reports
any incident or any hazards but employers
doesn’t take any action so next time may
Be no one report.
•If there is no reporting system employers
will never know how to do improvement.
•It will leads to more accidents, & deaths,
financial losses.
•Reputation & trust will lose by the

11) Individual workers:

• The new worker or young worker if they
not guided properly regarding to the health
& safety they may be young encouraged so
they can work lonely without taking advice
Or supervision.
•They must be fully trained before job
•They should merge with old experience
worker, it will reduce the chance of
•In working sites individual lonely work
Should be banned prohibited areas or
tinnitus areas.

12) Lack of resources:

•It is a mostly common issues in every
company, resources like PPE'S, safety
•The expired equipments, or PPE'S such as
gloves, helmet, jacket, shoes, glasses,
which can expose worker easily in contact
of any hazardous substances.

1.6(The potential consequences for non

compliance with the health & safety
In the organization the incident & accident
Is very common cases. The major causes
Of these cases negligence, not proper check
& balance on workers , bad safety policy.
After these accident in results with the
Passage of time many losses, damage,
financially, direct or indirect,fatal death,
Injuries, faces by organization.

1) Financial loss:
•If any accident occurred on the site both
employers & employees will face financial
•Employers paying hospital bills, insurance
Of the worker & also facing the damages
cost on the workplace.
•If anyone’s died on the site then
employers has to give insurance, or
compensation to his family, which costs a
lot .

2) Legal penalties :
•The employers can face the prosecution,
judiciary if any employees complain against
•If they founded any sort of illegal activities
Or any violation than they can also face
prison & fines by the court.
•At the workplace any injured person can
claim insurance or compensation.

3) Reputation loss:
•In the company if again & again accident
happening with passage of time they will
Lose their reputation the trust of customer,
clients on them.
•May be no one make deal with them
•Negative impact will be on the public so
may be no one buy their products.

4) Decrease in production:
•When no one believing, trusting on that
employers or company due to large scale
accident reporting.
•Nobody , investor will invest in that
company he won’t take a risk on it.
•Automatically it will reduce in production
if no one is going to buy their products.

5) Reducing in experience worker:

•Due to the accidents may be leads to loss
of experience worker.
•The new vulnerable worker may be costs
High on training induction again & again.
•May be lack of experience worker leads to
more accident & incident on workplace.
•Experience worker can easily handle any
situation calmly as compared to new young

6) Sociological / psychological impact:

•The accidents can bad impact on workers
such as stress, tension & trauma attacks. May
be they didn’t feel comfortable & thinking
About what will happens next.
•They can face mental health issues & with
these issues working on place increases the
risks of accidents again.

7) Insurance :
•The number of accidents increase the
number of injuries, death which will
increase the insurance policies claiming.
•This will again impact on company
employers financially.

8) Injuries, death:
•In the organization accidents, incidents,
nearmiss, causes injuries, fracture bones,
disability, mental issues, which is direct
cost on employers & employees.
•In medical bills, hospital bill, if any of it
Receive death then all the cost will pay by
the employers it will financially lost to him.
9) Family facing :
•When the single person doing job in
company & receive death in accident
then it will effects on his family too.
•Mostly family single mothers doing &
searching for jobs.
•Family receive tension burdens of
house stability financially.
•Fulfilling the needs & requirements of
the family which may be difficult for the
single mother after the death of head of

1.7(Occupational health & safety

strategy in business )
In every business before investment, or
taking action the perfect plans are
needed. In HSE PDCA is there which tell
About the business wealth, every
organization it is the basic need of
safety provision because if safety is
there less damages, accident will
happens which is good for success.

1) Sets Goals & objective:

•In the organization its employers & upper
level body works to clearly sets the aim
goals of safety measurement & implement
on the employees & take surety that
Everyone understand well & easily.

2) Stakeholders:
• Identifying stakeholders such as
supervisor, HR, manager, saftey officer,
union leaders, the middle body of
organization ensuring & visiting the all the
safety measures are taken or not it is there
Duty to check & balance the safety

3) Monitoring :
•The middle level has duty to visit &
physical inspection time to time in working
hours in order to know all the saftey
measures are following or not.
•Its their responsibility to implement
safety precautions.

4) Appreciate & Awarding :

• In the organization if someone following
health & safety policy or performing well it
Is employers or manager responsibilities to
encourage his moral, appreciate him & if
possible give him awards so next time
everyone try to main safety in company.

5) Assigning Responsibilities:
•It is a manager duty to assigns
responsibilities duty to everyone.
•Best way is to display duty schedule on
the board so for everyone it is easy to
understand their responsibilities.

6) Regular Meetings:
•The middle body has to manage small
meeting or tool box talk with the
employees for any update regarding to the
saftey & health.
•If any issue is between the employees so
they can share & discuss with them.
•Exchanging information & making friendly
relations so employees trust on middle

7) Standardize procedures:
•In the organization employers has to
ensure all the policies rules regulations
Standardize & should be followed by
everyone in the organization it should be
Follow & easy to understand .

8) Feedback & Review system:

•In the organization employers has to built
system like suggestions box, channel,
meeting, where employees review back
to the company , giving suggestions where
improvements needed.
•If any problem issues they are facing they
can share in feedback review system.
•After suggestions it is employers
responsibilities to take immediate action
on it.

9) Emergency Drills:
•At the workplace conducting emergency
drill for preparing the employees for any
natural or technical emergency in company.
•So they can prepare themselves how to
handle these types emergencies, such as fire,
earthquake, short circuit, accident etc

10) External collaboration :

•In HSE it is very good step to collaborate
external team with internal employees
team this exchange the information
experiences with each others.
•Practicing saftey standard learning &
sharing experiences.

11) Celebration :
•In the company small celebration should
be there. Celebrate happiness with the
others it is good for safety & health.
•Achievements of organization they should
celebrate & arrange small ceremony party
for employees to enjoy.
12) New recruitment training:
•When the new worker is hired before job
training induction is necessary for him.
•Before assigning him job trained him well
Which will reduce the risk of incident.

13) Records :
• Every organization has to maintain the
record of employees activities, machines,
Incidents, accident, damages, computerize
Record of it, investigation reports, .
•Making record is necessary for reducing
these activities in future.

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