20240827-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Jacinta Allan Premier & Ors

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3 Jacinta Allan Premier & Ors 27-8-2024
4 [email protected]
6 Madam,
7 Ministers of the Crown are supposed to be “constitutional advisers” but it appears to me
8 you lack proper understanding what is constitutionally appropriate.
9 Allegedly, I was caught speeding on 30 July 2024 and the purported Infringement Notice claim I
10 was doing 48 (but changed to 46) in a 40 kilometres zone. It refers to an obligation number
11 2420909397. Well, it even indicates that if I do not pay now then $147 collection fee will be
12 added and $64.30 for an enforcement warrant + $28 .40 penalty reminder.
14 As a self-educated constitutionalist I comprehensively defeated the Australian Electoral
15 Commission and 9 Attorney-Generals in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on FAILING TO VOTE and
16 numerous other constitutional and legal grounds on 19 July 2006, representing myself all along.
17 One doesn’t succeed merely of claiming to have some law degree, after all many lawyers lose
18 cases for their clients, it is however if you know and able to use your knowledge against the
19 opposite parties successfully. As such, as I have maintained all along the purported Infringement
20 Court is unconstitutional as well as without the warrant of law, and well The AEC and 9
21 Attorney-Generals failed and I do not fear to repeat the same.
23 On Monday 19 August my daughter Gabrielle (has a disability permit) and I went to Smith Street
24 Collingwood/Fitzroy, and I noticed at some spots instead of parking bays available they were not
25 having seatings for people. Moment, the claim has been that parking restrictions and so parking
26 fees are so people will not park their cars for a too long period and will make space for others,
27 well if you convert parking bays to seating areas then you clearly defeat the very argument as
28 with seating areas blocking any parking facility it underlies it was all a lie, just to extract monies
29 from citizens.
30 115 States not to coin money
31 A State shall not coin money, nor make anything but gold and
32 silver coin a legal tender in payment of debts
34 Ok, I admit that since I arrived in Australia way back in 1971, I never had formal education in
35 the English language, however, I do view that this Section 115 is very clear. As such, I can go
36 into any state entity and pursue to pay with gold and silver coins no matter how large the bill
37 might be. That is all the State can demand for me to pay in gold and silver coins. Failing that I
38 and anyone else in my view can park without any payments. It is the State that defies the
39 constitutional rights and its limitations. While the State may offer alternatives such as electronic
40 payments, this however it cannot enforce and so it has no alternative but to alter all parking
41 meters to be able to accept gold and silver coins. I tried to pay at the meter only to discover that
42 one cannot pay with gold and silver coins as the meter allows only electronic payments. My
43 daughter then, even so merely parling for about 10 minutes ended up paying by card. Just that
44 after she did so I then noticed down below a sticker that disabled didn’t have to pay. What a rip
45 off.
27-8-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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2 Today, my son requested me to come to the hospital to bring some clean clothing and well I
3 immediately found a vacant parking spot and it was number 38 and went over to the meter as I
4 had gold coins in $1 and $2 gold coins to pay. Well, the meter (as in Collingwood/Fitzroy)
5 showed a sing that one can only pay electronically. I noticed a police officer just driving into a
6 driveway and made known that this is unconstitutional to prevent a person to pay with gold and
7 silver coins but he made known he didn’t want to get involved and had his video camera
8 recording matters. He suggested I call the mobile number that was displayed on the meter. I tried
9 twice and both times was advised that the mobile number was disconnected. Now let me get this
10 I have to spend my own monies to phone to try to pay any charges to park? That is a rip off.
11 Well, I noticed another police officer and advised him I desired to park and pay but the meter
12 prevented me from doing so. The police officer made known he didn’t want to get involved. OK
13 I still took his name and motor vehicle registration number, so for the record I could show I had
14 at least requested 2 police officers assistance.
16 Here we have a violation of constitutional limitations, etc, and police officers do not desire to get
17 involved this even so by this they allow unconstitutional conduct to continue. This was how the
18 Victorian Police were firing rubber bullets at parents holding small children on their arms when
19 they were exercising their constitutional rights of “political liberty” and “religious liberty”. It
20 were the police that were the tugs, the criminals, the terrorist, etc. Both police officers clearly
21 refused to do their job as in my view they should have immediately taken action that meters that
22 refuse to accept gold and silver coins are unlawful and should have been taped over to prevent
23 others to be coerced in paying otherwise then they are entitled upon.
24 And, for security left a note on a A4 size while enveloped explained the situation.
26 As for the purported speeding Infringement Notice it indicates I can check at a website a phot.
27 When I tried I have to “log in”. No I do not have to and have no desire to do so. Meaning I am
28 denied my legal rights to be presented with any alleged evidence and somehow have the
29 obligation to incur time and monies to find out of a image is what it may be claimed to be. I
30 know this from a Barrister asking a witness while giving evidence in chief about certain
31 photographs having been made and recorded by GPS. The witness confirmed this. I when
32 permitted to cross-examine the witness stated/asked: I put it to you are not telling the truth, Are
33 you?” Ok the trial judge then asked: “Are you saying he is lying?”. I responded: Let the witness
34 himself state so.
35 I then produced photos he earlier had confirmed during evidence in chief and he ended up
36 admitting that they were not all made as claimed during evidence in chief, and even the judge
37 himself made known that some had no GPS details on them and the witness didn’t even know
38 where a photo with a building he had claimed was mine, but was not, where it was made!
40 Let us consider that the States were created within Section 106 of the Commonwealth of
41 Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) which stated the following:
43 106 Saving of Constitutions
44 The Constitution of each State of the Commonwealth shall, subject
45 to this Constitution, continue as at the establishment of the
46 Commonwealth, or as at the admission or establishment of the
47 State, as the case may be, until altered in accordance with the
48 Constitution of the State.
50 It refers to the “The Constitution of each State of the Commonwealth” however the real intend
51 was “ The constitution of each colony shall be that of the State, subject to this constitution” After
27-8-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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1 all, the newly created States had no constitution but were now provided with the Olga colonial
2 constitution but “subject to this constitution” and that means that all powers in Section 52 were
3 withdrawn from the previously Colonial constitution for newly created States As for Section 51
4 the same with the provision that the States could legislate until the Commonwealth commenced
5 to do so!
7 Hansard 27-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
9 Mr. BARTON.-I was going to explain when I was interrupted that the moment the
10 Commonwealth legislates on this subject the power will become exclusive.
13 Hansard 27-1-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
15 Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-If this is left as an exclusive power the laws of the
16 states will nevertheless remain in force under clause 100.
17 Mr. TRENWITH.-Would the states still proceed to make laws?
18 Mr. BARTON.-Not after this power of legislation comes into force. Their existing laws
19 will, however, remain. If this is exclusive they can make no new laws, but the necessity of
20 making these new laws will be all the more forced on the Commonwealth.
23 Hansard 7-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
25 My only desire is to give power to the Federal Parliament to achieve a scheme for old-age
26 pensions if it be practicable, and if the people require it. No power would be taken away
27 from the states. The sub-section would not interfere with the right of any state to act in the
28 meantime until the Federal Parliament took the matter in hand.
31 This means that the colonial constitutions were no more and the States Parliament legislative
32 powers also was amended:
34 HANSARD 10-03-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
36 Dr. COCKBURN: All our experience hitherto has been under the condition of
37 parliamentary sovereignty. Parliament has been the supreme body. But when we embark
38 on federation we throw parliamentary sovereignty overboard. Parliament is no longer
39 supreme. Our parliaments at present are not only legislative, but constituent bodies. They
40 have not only the power of legislation, but the power of amending their constitutions. That
41 must disappear at once on the abolition of parliamentary sovereignty. No parliament
42 under a federation can be a constituent body; it will cease to have the power of
43 changing its constitution at its own will. Again, instead of parliament being supreme, the
44 parliaments of a federation are coordinate bodies-the main power is split up, instead of
45 being vested in one body. More than all that, there is this difference: When parliamentary
46 sovereignty is dispensed with, instead of there being a high court of parliament, you bring
47 into existence a powerful judiciary which towers above all powers, legislative and
48 executive, and which is the sole arbiter and interpreter of the constitution.
51 It should be clear that with those amendments the States each had to publish in the State Gazette
52 the newly reduced State constitution. To my knowledge this never eventuated, and by this the
53 States were without the warrant of law.

27-8-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 Once the Members of Parliament elected during the colonial period had served their times, the
2 lack of the newly created state constitution not having been published in the Gazette means there
3 were no valid laws existing and neither for any political elections.
5 The Supreme Court of Victoria in regard of charges against protesters based upon the Albert
6 Park Racing Act, essentially thew the charges out of the window because it was established that
7 the purported act was never published in the Gazette.
9 As every amendment to the new State constitution had to be approved by way of referendum by
10 the state electors then any purported Victorian Constitution Act 1975 is also without warrant of
11 law. You cannot amend a constitution that was never existing as it was never published and
12 neither can one replace it!
14 If therefore there were no valid laws to hold any state elections, then every purported elected
15 Member of State Parliament simply were imposters!
16 Actually, that is what I submitted to the Court regarding the 2001 purported federal election
17 during the AEC v Schorel-Hlavka litigation and neither the Commonwealth prosecutor or the 9
18 Attorney-Generals challenged me on this. In fact, then Attorney-General Rob Hulls made known
19 the State of Victoria would accept the courts decision!
21 The 2 January 1901 Letters Patent published in the Victorian Gazette clearly provides for
22 “impartial administration of Justice”. This clearly prevent the Courts to be a party in the
23 litigation or to do the work for a party who refuses to place matters to the court to oppose the
24 other party. It also means the purported Infringement Court fails as it doesn’t allow both parties
25 to be heard and I proved decades ago, that a police officer issued an Infringement Notice and
26 then afterwards (without disclosure to the alleged offender) obtains a Infringement Court order
27 as to a different charge. That is not a “impartial administration of justice”!
29 Also, I view you are disqualified within S44 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution
30 Act 1900 (UK) to which the States within Section 106 are to operate “subject to this
31 constitution” where you to my understanding collaborated with others to commit:
33 The following, not stated in any order of importance:


37 ----


39 ----

40 (Mass-) Murder,
41 ----

42 Manslaughter,
43 ----

27-8-2024 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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2 ----

4 ----

5 Fraud, etc.
7 As I wrote to the Victorian Ombudsman on 8 April 2020 and on 13 April 2020 to the Victorian
8 Human rights commissioner as well as to IBAC that the MANDATES were unconstitutional.
10 Yet, nothing was done about it and IBAC claimed it was not of “public interest”. So, killing
11 Victorians/Australians is not of public interest? Well, I have a son who has been a few months
12 ago a mere 2 years to live after having been coerced to have 2 jabs and well every evil doer who
13 was behind all this better brace themselves for the legal accountability I will be pursuing.
14 Banyule City Council terrorist my (now late wife) Olga and well I am determine to hold the evil
15 doers legally accountable. For decades the State government ignored my elaborate writings and
16 went on a killing spree with its collaborators and this while I offered to discus matters. Now it
17 has beyond mere discussions to seek to resolve matters. I do not fear litigations as I proved in
18 AEC v Schorel-Hlavka I know what I need to know.
19 When police officers are willing to ignore violations of the constitution then they are in my view
20 no longer validly police officers.,
21 The following legal principle applies in Australia also:
23 Scheuer v Thodes, 416 US 232 94S Ct 1683, 1687 (1974) states:
24 “when a state officer (which includes Judges) acts under a state law in a manner violative
25 of the US Constitution, he comes into conflict with the superior authority of that
26 Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is
27 subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct.
28 The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme
29 authority of the United States”.
31 The alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus never was proven to exist as it was never isolated and purified
32 by the Koch postulate. It is like claiming one need to be jabbed to prevent the Tooth Fairy to
33 cause a tooth disease that caused the falling out of teeth!
35 If trams, etc, do not allow for gold and money payments and likewise so the train network then
36 no payments can be demanded!
38 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
40 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
41 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


43 (Our name is our motto!)
27-8-2024 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
[email protected] See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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