Webb Book Review 501

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,

Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 1

The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving
Problems, Reaching Goals, and Developing Others Book Review

Jasmine Waldon
School of Behavioral sciences Liberty University

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 2

Webbs detail in context relating to how to be an optimal coach and allow the individual coach

you have individuality takes the reader on a journey to explore the complexities of the coaching

relationship. It originates with Webb discovering his own individual flaws and coaching skill bye

doing God's work. After reflecting on the work of the Lord and seeing his inability to change he

began to ask the Lord for direction, and he found coaching. The art of code chain is more so

necessary to guide an individual on their journey and not tell them how aware their journey

should end. The benefits of a coach is to be a part of the trip that their coach he is on. This book

was very edifying he provided details regarding what it means to coach. And while exploring

what it means to coach it also explored what it means to be a servant to God , and how being a

servant means following and being willing to learn.

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 3

Overview/summary of author's key points

Keith Webb’s book titled The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful

Leadership Skills for Solving Problems, Reaching Goals, and Developing Others, was an

interesting read that provided a sense of awareness for coaching skills and not purely relying on

life experiences to aid individuals in self-development. The author took great care in

acknowledging the individual struggles with trying to direct someone in the right direction but

also the fallacy of trying to tell someone what you think they should do based off of the coach’s

life experience. When he developed this text and the significant detail he placed on the

relationships and what it meant to guide someone, to an understanding or an outcome and not tell

them the answer outcome was like a big bang for me. When he provided information on the

coaching model it was interesting because it provided why it is important to connect and to

understand what they were looking for to aid themselves and to be aware of their individual

shortcomings. Also what they lacked in information to set up a path of understanding. The

highlight aspect is mutually beneficial to the Coach and the Coachee, some of the key points that

they received from their time in seeking out the answer with you as their coach and what they

gleaned from the time to set their discovery stage. The relationship of coach and the coachee

described in the text was unique, it head essence of a therapeutic relationship, but it provided

something a little bit more direct towards finding a solution for a direct need.

Throughout the text the author inspired many biblical principles into the foundations of

coaching. These foundations set up the base for the process and the individual when they leave

the coaching process. Being able to work according to the Holy Spirit and allowing God to be the

teacher and the leader and only working in collaboration with the Holy Spirit not against the will

of God. These biblical inspiring thoughts were abundant in the artist text and it reminded me

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 4

considerably that we are a vessel and how important that we as vessels of God remember

purpose and that this purpose is in God and not in each other. Webb, often inspired the reader by

igniting self-discovery (Webb,2019) and encouraging individual progress in understanding your

individual shortcomings. This author's individual works were profoundly enlightening and

edifying, the insight provided is coupled with an abundance of references to individual cases that

were experienced by other members of the ministry in which he served.

Another impactful point in the webbook was looking at coaching as a way of guiding

them to their own story. Webb,2019, Often referenced the ability to listen and have a response

and how we have to shift our focus from responding to a gentle guiding. Additionally this was

not to remove the necessary factor of teaching exploring and having an opinion but to provide

the individual with resources to tell their own story after establishing the need and the goal. This

includes how to reach that goal and what you already know about the goal, highlighting some of

the key points of the conversation and then setting up an expectation with the coachee to ensure

that they have followed through with their goals is critical to the coaching process.

Personal Response

After reading the text it was impressive. As a student in the process becoming a

professional counselor it provided a lot of insight as to how the relationship should be with the

client. Knowing that the goal of coaching is to direct and guide the client to their own answers

similar to the counseling process which is to allow them to explore their needs and concerns and

to give the client a safe space to share their intimate feelings. The coaching process was honestly

more evolved than I thought it was, I have heard of a lot of life coaches and I never assumed that

this was the level of experience in teaching that they should have or would need. I can attest to a

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 5

lot of the information Webb provided such as a coach should be a part of the coaching foundation

in order to always be up to date with current principles and practices similar to that of a

counselor. This new information will make me reevaluate individuals that promote themselves as

coaches in a more professional sense. I can definitely see the application of this information

being used within my own profession. Due to the in-depth approach and spiritual understandings

provided it is definitely edifying too be a part of someone's life without telling them everything

to do but helping them find their own answer. It is difficult to refrain from telling someone what

they should do because in general my perspective of coaches is tell me how to get better tell me

what to do to improve my score, and this text said as a coach your mission is to act as a neutral

point and not necessarily as a reactive agent forcing the changes. The perspective of coaching is

to get them to see their target and their goal, not the goal that you think they should have or the

goal that you see and help them plan a way to get there based off of their strengths and what they

have experienced in life. In life coaching is not necessarily using your life experience to coach

you're using their life experiences to lead them to their destination. upon understanding that

perspective from the Webb text it amplified my reading because now I'm looking at it from the

perspective of not my life experience as a coach but your life experience as an individual that's

going to get you to where you are trying to arrive.

Application to you as a life coach

In my professional future the intention is not to become a life coach I am on track to be a

professional license counselor. However, this information is applicable to counseling in every

way and has similar approaches to a counseling process. I would apply this information after my

client has sorted through some of the more pressuring needs of the therapeutic relationship as far

as exploring their frustrations and concerns. I would use this process towards the end of the main

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 6

therapeutic need of the client, understanding that they have process some out there hole in the

heart issues then we can now begin the building process and what that should look like in order

to properly transitioning from the need of therapy. The coaching model was through and had

good direction, transitioning the reader as if the reader is the coachee. In a article by Boakes,

2020 the works described the transition of the church in a time of decline and proposed that the

church remember its purpose in the people and its deacons as purpose driven servants led on the

path that God has for them and not simply spoken to. This was a Powerful point for me because

it made me think about ministry and how ministries application to individuals lies is different for

every individual just like the word of God even though it's the same text always changes in

regard to the season. As a professional counselor who is in a way a coach for my clients is

important for me to remember that every individual season varies and to direct them in

accordance with their individual season not based off of everyone else’s private journey.

Applying these principles to the works moving forward would mean ensuring that I have a good

understanding of that person and that I know what that person is looking for and helping them set

up a plan that they feel that they can keep and not a plan that I think they should have.


To conclude this, review the information provided in the web text was truly a blessing for

my future studies. I had never considered the aspect of coaching being dis involved and that

detailed before I read this book. My goal in reading and being a part of this course was to

understand the importance of coaching and how to provide change to a client without telling

them what to do and this provided me that resource and that direction to give them guidance

based off of gods purpose for my role in their life. Being able to understand the coaching model

and its different aspects Of connecting, outcome, awareness, course and the highlights. Being

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 7

able to show individual perspectives for those moments and asking the individual what is it that

you're looking for, what are you wanting out of this experience, what do you know about what

you're looking for, how do you want to get there, and asking them what did they get out of this

moment to move forward and what can I do to encourage your growth. This is a powerful way to

be a part of someone's journey and to truly be a passenger and not their captain.

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The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems,
Reaching Goals, and Developing Others 8


Boakes, N. (2020). Being an archdeacon: A coaching model. Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 22(3),


Webb, K. E. (2019). The Coach Model for Christian leaders: powerful leadership skills for

solving problems, reaching goals, and developing others

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