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Sociology is the scientific study of human social life. Elaborate this statement with research methods applicable in sociological studies. (1990) As an officer how can you benefit yourself from the subject matter sociology? (1992) Sociology is social science of human interaction. Please elucidate. (1997) Note Sociology of the Holy Quran (1998) Sociology is the controlled observation and interpretation of differing patterns of human relationships, their sources and consequences. (Wilson) Discuss it in detail. (1999)

Chapter 1: Individual, Culture and Society INDIVIDUAL AS A SOCIAL PRODUCT.

Prove that individual is a social produce. Highlight the contribution of culture and society in this process. (1993)

How does socialization help in the development of personality? (1992) What do you understand by socialization? Discuss its function in the family. (1999) What is the role of culture in socialization of an individual to become a useful member of a society? Discuss with examples. (2001) In your opinion what are the advantages of socialization? Is socialization process applicable to the adults? Discuss it. (2005) Define social institution. What is the significance of family, religion and education as institutions in the process of socialization? Explain your answer with examples from Pakistani society? (2006) Individual is product of society and culture. Different methods of socialization lead to a variety of building norms and values in the personality of individuals. Discuss: (a) the relationship of individual, society and culture. (b) Different methods of socialization (c) the variation exemplified due to different methods of socialization in norms and values. (2007)

Short note - Ethnocentrism and xenocentrism (1990) Ethnocentrism leads to sectarianism. Is it so? How both are number one problems of Pakistan? What are the remedies? (1997) Short note - Ethnocentrism (2004)


Short note - Value and norm (1997) In what respects are your values similar to those of your parents? In what respects do they differ? How do you explain these differences? (2008)

Discuss the role of culture and social group in the formation of personality. (1991) Define culture. Use this definition as a framework and discuss the salient features of Pakistani culture. (1992) Prove that individual is a social produce. Highlight the contribution of culture and society in this process. (1993) Culture is everything which is socially learned and shared by the members of a society. Discuss by giving examples from Pakistan society. (1994) Define and corroborate Culture and sub-culture. (1997) The cultural deception of the West and the cultural diffusion of the East lead to anomic. Elucidate. (1998) Often social change results in social disorganization. What cultural prerequisite can avoid such situation? (1998) Discuss Cultural implications of the small/nuclear family. (2000) Why is culture indispensable to human society and what part do norms and values play in social life. (2004)

It has been said that a person raised in one culture may learn to act like people in an adopted culture, but will never be able to think and feel like a person of adopted culture. Do you agree?

Chapter 2: Sociological Theory THEORIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS

Short note Theory of differential association. Discuss the contribution of Ibn-i-Khaldun as a Muslim Social thinker. (1990) Who was Ibne Khaldun? What is his contribution to sociology with which publication and what theory? Is he a father of Sociology?(1997) Ibne Khaldun is quoted to have said, Solidarity with community lies in the adoption of moral standards inculcated by family to each member collectively responding to social responsibility. Please offer comments. (1998) Max Weber has written the book Sociology of Religion. What are its main contents? (1998) Comprehensive note Ibne Khalduns contribution to Sociology. (1999) Discuss the contributions of Ferdinand Tonnies to scientific sociology. (1999) Keeping in view the contributions of Max Weber and Karl Marx, elaborate the salient features of the school of sociological thought they present. (2000) Ibne Khaldun is known as Father of Sociology. Briefly discuss his contributions to sociology. (2001) Discuss the concept of social solidarity and are the ideas of Ibne Khaldun and Emile Durkheim on this regard. Divisions of Labour has been discussed by various sociological theories. Discuss in detail the point of view taken about divisions of labour by Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim. (2002) Max Weber is a strong advocate of bureaucratic forum of government system. Explain in detail what lead Max Weber to write in favour of bureaucracy. (2002) Describe the idea of philosophy of money as presented by George Simmel. How and in what ways other scholars have presented their views to describe the idea of philosophy of money. (2003) What major contributions did Karl Marx and Ibne Khaldun make to our understanding of the social experience? (2004)

What are different theories about origin of society? Discuss them in detail. (2005) What is the role of C. W. Mills in the development of Frankfurt School of Conflict Theory? Where and how he differs from his contemporaries? Discuss with evidence. (2006) What major contributions were made by Emile Durkhiem and Max Weber to the understanding of society theoretically? How far the two theories can be taken relevant today? (2007) Karl Marx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. What do you understand by that theory; write your answer in detail. (2008) Discuss the major contributors of Max Weber in understanding the society theoretically. (2009) Karl Marx Theory of Labour Discuss in detail. (2009), (2011) Discuss critically the theories of social action and bureacracy presented by Max Weber. How the theory of bureaucracy is relevant to situation in Pakistan? Discuss with logic and evidence. (2010) Write a note in detail on "Evolutionary Theory" given by Ibn-i-Khaldun. (2011)

Chapter 3: Methods of Sociological Research SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH

Sociological research findings are scientific to the extent sociologists use scientific method of research. Discuss. (1991) Distinguish between survey research and experimental research. Choose anyone of the two and discuss it in detail. (1991) Distinguish between probability and non-probability sampling. Discuss the types of probability sampling in detail. (1992) What do you understand by research design? Take any research which you think is suitable to study human behaviour and discuss it in detail. (1994) Is survey research really scientific? Illustrate by giving major scientific characteristics of survey research. What is hypothesis? Formulate five hypothesis indicating variable of facts. (1997) Which one of the designs of social research is more preferred by sociologists and why? (2000)

Discuss briefly the method of sociological research. Formulate three hypothesis indicating variable of each. (2001) What do you understand by experimental method used in data collection? Explain why some researchers preferred it over other data collection methods in social sciences and for what kind of studies experimental method is used by researchers. (2002) When is survey research appropriate? What type survey research would you use to study heroin users? Define the logic of your choice. (2003) What do you understand by scales and indexes used in social sciences? When is it necessary to shift the base of an index and how is the process carried out? (2003) Short Note Probability and Non-probability Sampling (2004) Why is research essential to the scientific enterprise and what are the principal theoretical methods available to sociologists in the study of social life? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? (2004) Discuss the importance of social research for the study of sociology. Explain the steps to be taken in Social Research Process. (2005) What is a research design? What type of a research design can be used for studying the problems of drug addiction/HIV/AIDS in Pakistani society? Discuss with examples. (2006) Discuss the salient features of experimental design of research. What are the limitations in its application to the study of human behaviour? A research design is a roadmap for investigation. Discuss the major decisions a researcher makes in designing a study. While discussing decisions, identify a research problem with reference to which the designing has been envisaged. (2007) What type of survey would you use to study young criminals? Defend the logic of choice in detail. (2008) Discuss the term Social Research and explain the important steps of inducting social research. (2009) What is internal validity that influences social science research design? What are different threats to internal validity? Discuss with examples. (2010) Define the term "Social Research" and discuss the procedure "How to conduct a Research?" (2011)

Chapter 4: Social Interaction CLASS

What advantages and disadvantages does a closed class system hold for a society? For the individual? Mention some deliberate attempts to decrease competition for status in Pakistan. (1990) What is social class? Does it perform some functions in society? Give arguments in support of your view point. (1991) Discuss the significance of social class. (1994) What is the difference of caste and class? How socio-cultural changes effect both? (1997) Discuss the class structure of Pakistani society with special reference to(a) the influence of the class structure at the time of independence.(b) the determinants of social mobility (c) the feudal system (2007)

What role biradri/caste system is playing in decision making on political issues especially local bodies elections in rural areas of Pakistan? How this biradri based political organization influences the community development processes? Discuss in the light of issues/conflicts arising from the situation and their impact on the individual, family and society. (2006) What is role of biradri/castes in political system of Pakistan? support your answer with data and evidence from previous general election results in Pakistani society. (2010)

What is the difference of caste and class? Discuss the impact of Feudal System in Pakistan. Among the social problems Feudalism still plays negative role to build up Pakistan as an egalitarian Islamic Republic. Please offer your own views with justification. (1998) Critically evaluate Feudal system in Pakistan. (2000) What are the different forms of Social Classes? Discuss the impact of Feudal System in Pakistan. (2001)

Define status. Discuss the factors which decide status of an individual in society. (2005)


Define social mobility. Discuss its determinants in Pakistani society. Discuss the concept of social mobility and compare the ideas of Ibne Khuldun on the subject with those of Emile Durkehim. What is social stratification? Discuss its significance by giving examples from Pakistani society. (1992) Do you consider yourself to be a highly mobility-oriented? What factors do you think explain your mobility orientation? (1993) What do you understand by social mobility? Discuss do transfer of payments aid or discourage social mobility. (2008)

Chapter 5: Social Control

The world would be a hopeless muddle if we were allowed to do exactly as we pleased and have all the freedom we wanted. Comment on the statement with reference to social control. (1990) Write an essay on social control highlighting the forces that become instrumental in a change from its informal status to a formal status. (1992) Discuss the means and processes whereby Pakistani society secures its members conformity to its expectations. (1994) Discuss briefly the internal and external means of social control with reference to Pakistani society. (2001) Define social control. What are the informal modes of social control?

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