22 Series CSDCurriculum IVSEMESTER

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B.E. (Computer Science & Design)



(An autonomous college under VTU)

Poojya Doddappa Appa Engineering College, Kalaburagi (An Autonomous Institution)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Teaching Hours / Week Examination

Theory Lecture

Self Study(S)

Total Marks
Tutorial (T)

SEE Marks
CIE Marks

Duration in


Sl. Course Code Course Title

1 PCC 22CG41 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 0 3 50 50 100 3

2 IPCC 22CG42 Database Management System Design 3 0 2 0 3 50 50 100 4
3 IPCC 22CG43 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 3 0 2 0 3 50 50 100 4
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
4 PCCL 22CGL44 0 0 2 0 3 50 50 100 1
5 ESC 22CG45A Finite Automata and Formal Languages 3 0 0 0 3 50 50 100 3
6 BSC 22BSC46 Biology for Engineers 3 0 0 0 3 50 50 100 3
7 UHV 22UHV47 Universal Human Values 0 2 0 0 2 50 50 100 1
8 AEC 22CGAE481 Web Application Development 0 0 2 0 3 50 50 100 1
22NS49 National Services Schemes (NSS)
9 22PE49 Physical Education (PE) Sports 0 0 2 0 0 50 0 50 0
22YO49 Yoga and Meditation
Total 15 2 10 0 23 450 400 850 20

Subject Code : 22CG41 Credits :03 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 Hrs SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics

Course objectives:
 Explore the microprocessor architecture and its instruction set.
 Develop skills for programming in Assembly language.
 Interface Peripheral devices with 8086 Microprocessor and ARM Processor

MODULES Teaching
Module - I
The 8086/8088 Processors : Architecture of 8086 microprocessor, Signal
Descriptions of 8086, Physical Memory Organization, Minimum and Maximum 09 Hrs
Mode 8086 System and Timings, The Processor 8088.
8086/8088 Instruction Set Assembler Directives : Machine Language Instruction
Formats, Addressing Modes of 8086, Instruction Set of 8086/8088, Assembler
Directives and Operation.
Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088: A Few Machine Level
Programs, Machine Coding the Programs, Programming with an Assembler,
Assembly Language Example Programs. 08 Hrs
Special Architectural Features and Related Programming: Introduction to
stack, stack structure of 8086/88, interrupts and interrupt service routines, Interrupt
cycle of 8086/88, Non maskable interrupt, Maskable interrupt, Interrupt

Special Architectural Features and Related Programming Cont..: passing
parameter to procedures, MACROs, Timings and Delays.
Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88: Semiconductor Memory 08 Hrs
interfacing, Dynamic RAM interfacing, Interfacing I/O ports, P/O 8255, Modes of
operations of 8255. Interfacing Analog to digital Converter, Interfacing Digital to
Analog Converter.
Microcontrollers-Types of Microcontrollers-Criteria for selecting a
microcontroller-Example Applications. Characteristics and Resources of a
microcontroller. Organization and design of these resources in a typical 08 Hrs
microcontroller-8051.8051Architecture,signal description of 8051,register set of
8051,psw of 8051,memory and I/O addressing by 8051,interrupts and stack of
8051,8051 instruction set
ARM Processor Fundamentals: Registers, Current Program Status Register,
Pipeline, Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table, Core Extensions.
ARM Instruction Set: Data Processing Instructions, Branch Instructions, Software
Interrupt Instructions, Program Status Register Instructions, Co processor 09 Hrs
Instructions, Loading Constants, Simple programming exercises.
Thumb instruction set: Thumb Register usage, ARM-Thumb interworking, other
branch instructions, Data Processing instructions, single-Register Load-Store
instructions, Multiple-Register Load-Store instructions, stack instructions, software
interrupt instruction.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions.
There will be 2 questions from each module, covering all the topics from a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Bhurchandi and Ray, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, Third Edition McGraw
Hill, 2012
2. Raj Kamal, Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design,
Pearson Education, 2011.
3. ARM System Developer’s Guide, Andrew N.Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, Elsevier
Reference Books:
1. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors – Architecture, Programming and Interfacing,
Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2015
2. A. Nagoor Kani, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:

Course CO # Course Outcome (CO)

CO1 Describe internal architecture of 8086/8088 microprocessors and
demonstrate instruction set and assembler directives.

22CG41 CO2 Demonstrate assembly language proficiency using various addressing

modes, data transfer instructions and stack.
CO3 Design hardware interfacing using the microprocessor.
CO4 Describe internal architecture, register organization of 8051
CO5 Describe ARM processor and demonstrate instruction set program.
Subject Code : 22CS42 Credit :4 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 Hrs SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 SEE Hours: 03
Prerequisites: knowledge of C, C++ Programming Principles, Data Structures
Course Objectives:
 Learn and practice data modeling using entity relationship and developing database design
 Understand the use of SQL
 Understand the functional dependency and Normalization Techniques.
 Understand the online transaction processing and recovery methods.
MODULES Teaching
Module I
Introduction: An example, Characteristics of Database approach, Actors on
the screen, Workers behind the scene, Advantages of using DBMS approach, A
brief history of database applications, when not to use a DBMS. Data models, 08 Hrs
schemas and instances, Three-schema architecture and data independence,
Database languages and interfaces. Entity-Relationship Model: Using High-
Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design, An Example Database
Application, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys, Relationship types,
Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints, Weak Entity Types.

Module II
Refining the ER Design, ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design 08 hours
Issues, Relationship types of degree higher than two, Subclasses, Super Classes
and Inheritance, Specialization and Generalization Relational Model:
Relational Model Concepts, Relational Model Constraints and Relational
Database Schemas. The Relational Algebra and relational calculus
Module III
SQL-99: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries, and Views, SQL
Programming Techniques. Database Design - 1: Informal Design Guidelines for 08 hours
Relation Schemas, Functional Dependencies, And Normal Forms Based on Primary
Keys, General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Code Normal

Module IV
Database Design – 2: Properties of Relational Decompositions, Algorithms for
Relational Database Schema Design, Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth
Normal Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form, Inclusion
Dependencies, Other Dependencies and Normal Forms Transaction
08 hours
Processing Concepts: Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction
and System Concepts, Desirable Properties of Transactions, Characterizing
Schedules Based on Recoverability, Characterizing Schedules Based on
Serializability, Transaction Support in SQL. Concurrency Control Techniques:
Two- Phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Concurrency
Control Based on Timestamp Ordering, Multiversion Concurrency Control
Techniques, Validation Concurrency Control Techniques,
Module V
Transaction Processing contd.. Granularity of Data items and Multiple
Granularity Locking, Using Locks for Concurrency Control in Indexes.
Database Recovery Techniques : Recovery Concepts, Recovery Techniques
Based on Deferred Update, Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate
Update, Shadow Paging, The ARIES Recovery Algorithm Recovery in Multi 08 hours
database Systems, Database Backup and Recovery from Catastrophic
Failures. Database Security and Authorization: Introduction to Database
Security Issues, Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and
Revoking Privileges.

1. Implementation of DDL commands of SQL with suitable examples.

 Create table
 Alter table
 Drop Table
2. Implementation of DML commands of SQL with suitable examples
 Insert
 Update
 Delete
3. Implementation of different types of function with suitable examples
 Number function
 Aggregate Function
 Character Function
 Conversion Function
 Date Function
4. Implementation of different types of operators in SQL
 Arithmetic Operators
 Logical Operators
 Comparison Operator
 Special Operator
 Set Operation
5. Implementation of different types of Joins
 Inner Join
 Outer Join
 Natural Join etc..
6. Study and Implementation of
 Group By & having clause
 Order by clause
 Indexing
7. Study & Implementation of
 Sub queries
 Views
8. Study & Implementation of different types of constraints.
9. Study & Implementation of Database Backup & Recovery commands, Rollback, Commit,
Text books:

1. Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri and Navathe, 7th Edition,Addison- Wesley,

2. SQL – The Complete Reference- James R Groff, Paul N.Weinberg and Andrew J.Oppel, 3 rd
Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2009. (Module-II)

Reference Books:

1. Data Base System Concepts- Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan, 5th Edition, Mc-Graw
Hill, 2006.
2. Database Management Systems -Raghu Ramakrishn anand Johannes Gehrke – 3rd Edition.
MCSraw- Hill, 2003.
3. An Introduction to Database Systems - C.J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynatham, 8th
Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course CO # Course Outcome (CO)
CO1 Understand the fundamentals and applications of data base management
CO2 Implement and Interact database with SQL statements.

22CG42 CO3 Design data base by applying ER diagram, relational model, functional
dependency and Normalization Techniques
CO4 Illustrate and understand the basic issues of transaction processing and
concurrency control.
CO5 Demonstrate different recovery techniques and security issues
Subject Code : 22CG43 Credits :04 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 Hrs SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 SEE Hours: 03
Prerequisites: Data structures, C Programming
Course objectives:
 Analyze the asymptotic performance of the algorithms in time and space domain.
 Introduce various algorithm design techniques.
MODULES Teaching
Introduction: Algorithm, Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving,
Important problem Types, Fundamental Data Structures, Fundamentals of the 08 Hrs
Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency, Analysis Framework, Asymptotic Notations and
Basic Efficiency Classes, Mathematical analysis of Non-recursive and Recursive
Algorithms, Examples- Fibonacci Numbers
Module- II
Brute Force: Introduction, Selection sort, Bubble Sort, Sequential search and
Brute-Force String Matching, Exhaustive Search, Depth first search and Breadth
First search. 08 Hrs
Decrease & Conquer : Introduction, Insertion Sort, Topological Sorting,
Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial objects.
Divide & Conquer : Introduction, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary search, Binary
tree traversals & related properties, Multiplication of large integers & Stressen's
08 Hrs
Matrix Multiplication.
Transform & Conquer : Introduction , Presorting, Balanced Search Trees, 2-3
Trees, Heaps and Heap Sort, Problem Reduction,
Space & Time Tradeoffs : Sorting by Counting, Input Enhancement in String
matching , Hashing.
Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Three basic examples, The Knapsack
Problem and Memory Functions, Optimal binary search trees, Warshall's and 08 Hrs
Floyd's Algorithm.
Greedy Techniques: Introduction, Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim's Algorithm,
Kruskal's Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Huffman trees and codes .
Module- V
Limitations of Algorithms Power: Introduction, Lower- Bound Arguments, 08 Hrs
Decision Trees, P, NP, and NP – Complete Problems.
Coping with the limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking, N-Queen‟s
problem, Hamiltonian circuit problem, Subset problem, General remarks. Branch
and Bound : The assignment problem , Knapsack problem, Travelling sales man
Subject Code :22CG45A Credit : 3 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week(L:T:P) 3:0:0 Hrs SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Pre-requisites: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Course objectives:
 To gain an understanding of automata theory principles
 Familiarize applications of automata theory in compiler construction and text
Modules Teaching
Module I
Introduction to Finite Automata: Introduction to Finite Automata, The
central concepts of Automata theory; Deterministic finite automata,
Nondeterministic finite automata, An application of finite automata, Finite 09 Hrs
automata with Epsilon-
Module II
Regular Expressions, Regular Languages and Properties: Regular
expressions, Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, Applications of Regular
Regular Languages and Properties: Regular languages, Proving languages 08 Hrs
not to be regular languages, Closure properties of regular languages.
Module III
Properties of Regular Languages and Context Free Grammars: Decision
properties of regular languages, Equivalence and minimization of automata.
Context-Free Grammars and L anguages: Context –free grammars, Parse 08 Hrs
trees, Applications, Ambiguity in grammars and Languages.
Module IV

Pushdown automata: Definition of the Pushdown automata, The languages of

a PDA; Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s, Deterministic Pushdown Automata. 09 Hrs
Properties of context-free languages: Normal forms for CFGs, The pumping
lemma for CFGs, Closure properties of CFL.
Module V
Introduction to Turing Machine: Problems that Computers cannot solve, The
turning machine, Programming techniques for Turning Machines,
Extensions to the basic Turning Machines, Turing Machine and Computers. 08 Hrs
Undecideability: A Language that is not recursively enumerable, An
Undecidable problem that is RE, Post’s Correspondence problem, Other
undecidable problems.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions.
There will be 2 questions from each module, covering all the topics from a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
Text books:
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation – John E. Hopcroft,
Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman:, 3rd Edition, Pearson education, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Raymond Greenlaw, H.JamesHoove, Morgan Kaufmann, Fundamentals of the
Theory ofComputation: Principles and Practice –, 1998.
2. John C Martin, Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory –3rd Edition,
TataMcGraw-Hill, 2007.
3. Daniel I.A. Cohen, Introduction to Computer Theory –2nd Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2004.
4. Thomas A. Sudkamp,An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Languages
andMachines –3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2006.
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course CO # Course Outcome (CO)
CO1 Design Deterministic and non Deterministic finite automata for a
Given language and identify related applications in text processing.
CO2 Construct Regular expressions for given language and describe
properties of regular language.
22CG45A CO3 Develop Context Free Grammar and illustrate with its applications
CO4 Design PDA, discuss equivalence of CFG and PDA and explain
Properties of Context Free Languages.
CO5 Illustrate Turing machine concepts and its variants and the
notion of undecidability.
Subject Code : 22BSC46 Credit : 3 CIE: 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week(L:T:P) 3:0:0 Hrs SEE: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 42 SEE Hours: 03
Pre-requisites: Basic Science
Course objectives:
 To familiarize the students with the basic biological concepts and their engineering
 To enable the students with an understanding of biodesign principles to create novel
devices and structures.
 To provide the students an appreciation of how biological systems can be re- designed as
substitute products for natural systems.
 To motivate the students to develop interdisciplinary vision of biological engineering.

Teaching-Learning Process(General Instructions)

These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes.
1. Explanation via real life problem, situation modelling, and deliberation of solutions, hands-on
sessions, reflective and questioning /inquiry-based teaching.
2. Instructions with interactions in classroom lectures (physical/hybrid).
3. Use of ICT tools, including YouTube videos, related MOOCs, AR/VR/MR tools.
4. Flipped classroom sessions (~10% of the classes).
5. Industrial visits, Guests talks and competitions for learning beyond the syllabus.
6. Students’ participation through audio-video based content creation for the syllabus (as
7. Use of gamification tools (in both physical/hybrid classes) for creative learning outcomes.
8. Students’ seminars (in solo or group) /oral presentations
Modules Teaching
INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY: The cell: the basic unit of life,
Structure and functions of a cell. The Plant Cell and animal cell,
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell, Stem cells and their application. 08 Hrs
Biomolecules: Properties and functions of Carbohydrates, Nucleic acids,
proteins, lipids. Importance of special biomolecules; Enzymes
(Classification (with one example each),Properties and functions),
vitamins and hormones.


: Carbohydrates (cellulose-based water filters, PHA and PLA as
bioplastics), Nucleic acids (DNA Vaccine for Rabies and RNA vaccines 08 Hrs
for Covid19, Forensics – DNA fingerprinting), Proteins (Proteins as food
– whey protein and meat analogs, Plant based proteins), lipids (biodiesel,
cleaning agents/detergents), Enzymes (glucoseoxidase in biosensors,
lignolytic enzyme in bio-bleaching).


(QUALITATIVE): Brain as a CPU system (architecture, CNS and 09 Hrs
Peripheral Nervous System, signal transmission, EEG, Robotic arms for
prosthetics. Engineering solutions for Parkinson’s disease).Eye as a
Camera system (architecture of rod and cone cells, optical corrections,
cataract, lens materials, bionic eye). Heart as a pump system (architecture,
electrical signalling - ECG monitoring and heart related issues, reasons for
blockages of blood vessels, design of stents, pace makers, defibrillators).
Lungs as purification system (architecture, gas exchange mechanisms,
spirometry, abnormal lung physiology - COPD, Ventilators, Heart-lung
machine). Kidney as a filtration system (architecture, mechanism of
filtration, CKD, dialysis systems).


(QUALITATIVE): Echolocation (ultrasonography, sonars), 08 Hrs
Photosynthesis (photovoltaic cells, bionic leaf). Bird flying (GPS and
aircrafts), Lotus leaf effect (Super hydrophobic and self-cleaning
surfaces), Plant burrs (Velcro), Shark skin (Friction reducing swim suits),
Kingfisher beak (Bullet train). Human Blood substitutes - hemoglobin-
based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) and perflourocarbons (PFCs)


Skeletal Systems as scaffolds (architecture, mechanisms, bioengineering 09 Hrs
solutions for muscular dystrophy and osteoporosis), scaffolds and tissue
engineering, Bioprinting techniques and materials, 3D printing of ear,
bone and skin. 3D printed foods. Electrical tongue and electrical nose in
food science, DNA origami and Biocomputing, Bioimaging and Artificial
Intelligence for disease diagnosis. Self healing Bioconcrete (based on
bacillus spores, calcium lactate nutrients and biomineralization processes)
and Bioremediation and Biomining via microbial surface adsorption
(removal of heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic).
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten questions.
There will be 2 questions from each module, covering all the topics from a module.
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Text books:
Suggested Learning Resources: Books
1. Biology for Engineers, Rajendra Singh C and Rathnakar Rao N, Publishing, Bengaluru, 2023.·
2. Human Physiology, Stuart Fox, Krista Rompolski, McGraw-Hill eBook. 16th Edition, 2022·
3. Biology for Engineers, Thyagarajan S., Selvamurugan N., Rajesh M.P., Nazeer R.A.,
Thilagaraj W., Barathi S., and Jaganthan M.K., Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2012.·
4. Biology for Engineers, Arthur T. Johnson, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2011·
5. Biomedical Instrumentation, Leslie Cromwell, Prentice Hall 2011.·

6. Biology for Engineers, Sohini Singh and Tanu Allen, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi,
7. Biomimetics: Nature-Based Innovation, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, 1st edition, 2012, CRC Press.·

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