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BSN 2-3

Essential Hardware Components:

• Processing Unit (CPU): Performs calculations and executes instructions.

• Memory (RAM): Stores temporary data for quick access.
• Storage (HDD/SSD): Holds data permanently, even when powered off.
• Motherboard: Connects all components and facilitates communication.
• Power Supply Unit (PSU): Converts AC power to DC power for components.

Key Peripherals:

• Monitor: Displays visual information.

• Keyboard: User input device for typing and commands.
• Mouse: User input device for navigating and selecting.
• Printer: Creates physical copies of digital documents.
• Network Adapter: Connects to networks for communication.

CPU Operations:

1. Fetch: Retrieves instructions from memory.

2. Decode: Interprets the instruction's meaning.
3. Execute: Performs the required operation.
4. Store: Saves results back to memory or storage.

Power Measurement for Computers:

Computers use three main units to measure power consumption:

• Watts (W): This is the standard unit of power and measures the total amount of energy
a computer uses per second. Higher wattage indicates higher energy consumption.
• Volts (V): This measures the electrical pressure used by the components. Different
components require different voltage levels.
• Amperes (A): This measures the current flowing through the system. Multiplying volts
and amps gives you the total power in watts.

Input, Output, and Storage Devices:

Input Devices:

• Keyboard: Used for typing text and commands.

• Mouse: Used for pointing and clicking on the screen.
• Touchscreen: Allows direct interaction with the display.
• Microphone: Capturing audio for voice input or recording.
• Webcam: Captures video for video conferencing or streaming.
• Scanner: Digitizes physical documents or images.

Output Devices:

• Monitor: Displays visual information like text, images, and videos.

• Printer: Creates physical copies of digital documents.
• Speakers: Produce sound for audio playback.
• Headphones: Offer private audio listening.
• Projector: Shows images or videos on a larger screen.

Storage Devices:

• Internal Hard Drive (HDD): Traditional magnetic storage offering large capacity but
slower speeds.
• Solid-State Drive (SSD): Flash-based storage offering faster speeds and lower power
consumption but typically smaller capacity.
• USB Flash Drive: Portable storage device with plug-and-play functionality.
• SD Card: Expandable storage for cameras, mobile devices, and some computers.
• Network Attached Storage (NAS): Shared storage device accessible across a

Types of Computers:

1. Personal Computers (PCs): General-purpose desktops and laptops for individual use.
2. Servers: Powerful computers designed for storing and sharing data within a
network,often dedicated to specific tasks.
3. Mainframes: High-performance, centralized computers handling large-scale
operations for businesses or institutions.
4. Supercomputers: The fastest computers, used for complex scientific calculations and
5. Embedded Systems: Small, dedicated computers integrated into devices like
cars,phones, and appliances.
6. Mobile Devices: Smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices for personal use and

Network Hardware Devices:

• Router: Directs network traffic between different networks, like your home network
and the internet.
• Switch: Connects multiple devices within a single network, allowing them to
communicate directly.
• Access Point: Creates a wireless network zone, allowing devices to connect without
• Firewall: Protects a network from unauthorized access by filtering incoming and
outgoing traffic.
• Modem: Converts the signal from your internet service provider (ISP) into a format
usable by your devices.
These devices work together to establish and manage network connections, enabling
communication and data sharing.

If you can develop a computer hardware or improve it, what would it be and why? How
can this development help in the health delivery system?

Introducing the Healthy Options Computer (HOC), a specially designed system tailored
for healthcare needs. This advanced computer is like having a medical expert at your fingertips,
rapidly processing crucial information such as test results and images for quicker and more
accurate diagnoses. Its user-friendly interface simplifies patient record management, reducing
errors and ensuring easy access for healthcare providers. The HOC also promotes telehealth by
supporting high-quality video calls, enhancing remote patient consultations. For nursing
students like myself, this technology streamlines workflow, allowing more time for patient care
and collaboration with the healthcare team. Though challenges such as cost and system
integration may arise, the HOC aims to make healthcare processes more efficient, secure, and

American National Standards Institute & Electronic Industries Alliance

(2018).American National Standard for Information Technology -- Telecommunications and
Information Exchange Between Information Technology Systems – Local and Metropolitan
Area Networks – Specific Requirements – Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges

National Center for Education Statistics (2020). Digital Education: 2020.

Patterson, D. A., & Hennessy, J. L. (2016). Computer organization and design: The
hardware/software interface. Morgan Kaufmann.

Stallings, W. (2020). Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology

(Ninth Edition). Pearson Education.

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