Fall2023 Interference of Light Via Double Slit Lab Online-1-Filled

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Interference of Light Via Double Slit Lab Online

The purpose of this activity is to examine the diffraction and interference patterns that occur when
monochromatic laser light passes through difference combinations of apertures.

In 1801, Thomas Young obtained
convincing evidence of the wave
nature of light. Light from a single
source falls on a slide containing
two closely spaced slits. If light
consists of tiny particles (or
‘corpuscles’ as described by Isaac
Newton) then on a viewing screen
placed behind those two slits we
would observe two bright lines
directly in line with the two slits.

However, Young observed a series

of bright lines. Young was able to
explain this result as a wave
interference phenomenon,
because of diffraction, the waves
leaving the two small slits spread
out from the edges of the slits.
This is equivalent to the
interference pattern of ripples,
from two wave sources, to the top
for a body of water crossing each
other’s paths, and interference
with each other when they do.

In general, the distance between the slits is very small compared to the distance from the slits to the
viewing screen where the interference pattern is observed. The rays from the edges of the slits are
essentially parallel to each other. Constructive interference will occur on the screen when the distance
that the rays from each of the slits travels to the screen is different by a whole number multiple of the
wavelength of the light itself. Those spots are where the bright spots in the observed interference
pattern form. While destructive interference will occur on the screen when the different distances that
the rays from each of the slits travels to the viewing screen is related to half a wavelength of the light

When the monochromatic (single wavelength) light is passed through two slits, the bright spots
(maxima) of the interference pattern that forms is symmetric around a central bright spot. Each of the
maxima are evenly spaced, and of the same width. They will get slightly dimmer as they get further
away from the central maxima.

Equations for Double Slits

If we draw a diagram for the double slit
configuration, we can use simple
trigonometry to determine where the bright
spots will form on the viewing screen. Here d
is the distance between the two slits. L is the
distance from the two slits and the viewing
screen. y is the displacement from the center
point of the viewing screen to the point P
where the bright spot forms. θ is the angular
location of the bright spot. Finally, S is the
difference in the distance traveled by the two
light rays r1 and r2. From the properties of the right triangle it is clear that S = d sin θ. Since we know
that the bright spots will form where S is to equal integer multiples of the wavelength (λ) of the light
that means;

d sin θ = nλ

𝑛 is an integer 𝑛 = . . . −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . .. where 0 corresponds to the central maxima located at location
C in our diagram. As previously stated, L is going to be much larger than d, which is going to result in L
also being much larger than y. This means that θ, the angular position of the bright spots, is always going
to be very small. So we can invoke the small angle approximation of sin θ. (sin θ ≅
tan θ , when θ is small) Which makes our equation;

d tan θ = nλ

opp 𝑦
Finally, since tan θ = adj
we have tan 𝜃 = 𝐿 in this case. Substituting that in gives us:

𝑑 = 𝑛𝜆

Solving for y:

𝑦𝑛 = 𝑛

Our equation tells us that for the two slit configuration, the various maxima will be located integer
multiples of the wavelength of the light multiplied by the distance from the slits to the viewing screen,

and all divided by the distance between the slits. So 𝑦𝑛 is the linear location of the nth bright spot,
measured from the location of the central bright spot.

If we want to find the angular location of the bright spots, we just return to our original equation and
solve for θ:

𝜃𝑛 = sin−1 ( )

1. Go to the following website: https://ophysics.com/l5.html
2. You should now see the following:

3. Please note the following in the simulation:
a. The two blue dots separated by a distance d on the left side of the simulation represent
our two light sources.
b. The two sets of blue concentric circles represent the wave fronts of the light being
emitted from our two light sources
c. The grey dashed lines represent the location of the local maximas of the interference
pattern, and local maximas correspond to the locations where the two wave fronts
overlap with each other.

1. In the purple box on the left side of your screen make the following settings, then record then in
the Table 1:
a. Slit distance, d = 3 µm.
b. Wave Length, λ = 400 nm
2. At the bottom of the simulation window it is listed that the distance from the two light sources,
and the viewing screen on the right side of the simulation window is, L = 10 µ. Record this in the
Table 1.
3. Using the scale on the right side of the screen, measure and then record the location of all the
maxima locations that are visible on the screen in Table 2. There should be 5 of them.
a. Remember that the center maxima correspond to n = 0.

Analysis of Interference of Light via Double Slit Lab Online


Table 1 (5 points)
d (µm) 3
λ (nm) 400
L (µm) 10

Table 2 (10 points)

Peak (n) 2 1 0 -1 -2

𝑦 2.8 1.4 0 -1.4 -1.8

Δ𝑦(µm) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

1. According to the theory, the distances (Δy) between consecutive peaks for two slit interference
patterns should all be the same. Calculate the distances between consecutive peaks, record
them in the chart, and then calculate the standard deviation for the distances between peaks.
Show work. (20 points)

2. Calculate the location 𝑦𝑛 for each of the peaks. Show work. (10 points)

3. Calculate the % error between the theoretical value and your measured value for the peak 𝑛 =
2. Show work. (5 points)

4. Calculate the angular location 𝜃𝑛 for each of your measured maxima. Show work. (10 points)

5. Is there a direct or inverse relationship between the size of the distance between the two light
sources d, and the locations of the maxima 𝑦𝑛 ? (15 points)

Looking at the equation, there is an inverse relationship between the size of the distance and
the location of the maxima.

6. Is there a direct or inverse relationship between the size of the distance between the
wavelength of the light, 𝜆, and the locations of the maxima 𝑦𝑛 ? (15 points)

Looking at the equation, there is a direct relationship between the size of the distance and the
location of the maxima.

7. Did our experiments support the theory? Explain your answer. (10 points)

Comparing the theory and the experimental confirms the theory since there is a small
difference. The factors that could’ve caused this difference are human error or machine error.

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