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To calculate the uncertainty in position (slit width) and momentum of photons from the single-slit
diffraction pattern.

Optical rail, Kinematic laser mount, Detector mount with X-translation stage, Cell mount and single slits,
Diode laser with power supply, Detector with output measurement unit.

When light passes through a single slit of width ‘d’, that is, of the order of the wavelength of light (), we
can observe a single slit diffraction pattern on a screen placed at a distance D (D >> d) away from the slit.
Huygens’s principle tells us that each part of the slit can be considered as a source of light, and all these
waves interfere to produce a diffraction pattern. The intensity of the light distribution due to the interference
is a function of angle of diffraction, θm (m is the order of the diffraction and in this experiment, we take m =1).

p py Δpy


Figure1: Schematic of the single-slit diffraction pattern with a laser beam of initial momentum p and the spread in the
momentum py along the y-direction for the diffracted beam.

We can estimate the slit width, d, from the diffraction condition as:

𝑑 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃 (1)
The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics describes the inherent uncertainties in a particle’s
properties, such as position and momentum, due to the particles’ wave nature. The uncertainty principle
states that it is impossible to calculate a particle’s exact position (y) and momentum (py) along the same
direction, simultaneously. Mathematically, we described this as follows:

∆𝑦 . 𝑝𝑦 = (2)

Where, Δx, is the uncertainty in the position, ∆p, is the uncertainties in the momentum, and h is
Planck’s constant (ℎ = 6.626 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠).

When a monochromatic light (photons) passes through a single slit of width d, we don’t know where the
photons strike in that vertical slit. Hence, we can define an uncertainty in position for the beam is equal to
the slit width d. That is:
∆𝑦 = 𝑑 (3)
When a laser beam travels to a single slit, it has a definite momentum, p in x - direction, before it gets into
the slit. Once the slit diffracts it, the diffracted photons will have momentum both in the x- and y- directions
(See Fig-1). From the diffraction intensity profile, it is clear that as photons travel through a single slit, they
acquire momentum in y - direction, py. It is because some photons go straight, and others fall at an angle θ1
from the normal to the screen. And using trigonometric relations, the uncertainty in the momentum of the
diffracted beam can be calculated as:

∆𝑝𝑦 = 𝑝. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1 (4)

From the single slit diffraction equation for first minima (n=1),
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃1 = 𝑑 (5)

Comparing equations (3) and (5),

𝑑 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃 = ∆𝑦

Therefore, ⟹ ∆𝑦 . ∆𝑝𝑦 = 𝑝. 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃1 . 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑝 (6)

From de Broglie relation,

𝜆=𝑝 (7)

From equations (6) and (7) for the minimum uncertainty we can write,
∆𝑦 . ∆𝑝𝑦 = ℎ (8)

So, by noting the angle between central maximum and first minimum we can get the de Broglie relation,
here θ1 being the angle of first minimum (see Fig-1), therefore,
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃1 =
−1 𝑎
⟹ 𝜃1 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 (𝐷) (9)

from equations (4) and (7),

ℎ 𝑎
∆𝑝𝑦 = (𝜆) 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (𝐷)) (10)

Here, a is the distance between the central maximum and first order minimum and D is the distance between
the slit and the detector.
Uncertainty in momentum can be calculated from equation (10) and further, Uncertainty in position, slit
width, can be calculated using equation (8).

1. Switch on the Laser power supply and output measurement unit.
2. Adjust the Laser beam so that it falls exactly at the centre of the pinhole photodetector, and the
output measurement unit shows a maximum output (use kinematic knobs with laser mount to adjust
the beam).
3. Insert the cell mount between the laser and the detector. Fix it on the rail and insert the single slit cell
into the mount.
4. Remember to align the laser beam so that it falls directly on the slit and the diffracted beam falls on
the detector.
5. Observe the diffraction pattern on the detector.
6. Note the micrometre readings at central maxima and first-order minima and the corresponding output
from the measurement unit.
7. Trace the pattern and find the distance between central maxima and first-order minima.
8. Find the uncertainty of momentum and slit width or position from those values.
9. Repeat the experiment for other slits of different widths and calculate the corresponding change in

Figure2: Experimental set-up for the single-slit diffraction pattern

1 Optical Rail, 2 Diode Laser, 3 Kinematic Laser Mount, 4 Power supply for laser, 5 Cell mount with
Diffraction cell, 6 Pinhole detector, 7 Output Measurement Unit, 8 Linear translation stage, 9 Slit Box

 Velocity of light = 3x 108 m / s.
 Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 Joule - Second.
 Wavelength of the laser λ = 650 nm.
 Least count (LC) = 0.01 mm
 a1- micrometer position reading at Maximum Intensity = MSR1 + CSR1  LC
 a2- micrometer position reading at Minimum Intensity = MSR2 + CSR2  LC
 a is distance between central maximum and first order minimum

Slit D Micrometre Output

No. (mm) Reading (mm) Current a θ1 = tan-1(a / ∆py d (∆y)
(µA) (mm) (mm) (mm)
At max. At min. Max. Min.
intensity intensity [a1- a2]
(a1) (a2)

1. For each slit, calculate the distance between central maximum and first order minimum with the help
of micrometer reading and output current.
2. Then, calculate the value of ∆py using the equation (10) and slit width using equation (8).
3. Verify the Uncertainty principle from the momentum distribution.

1. Momentum distribution of photons and slit widths are calculated.





1. Avoid directly looking into the laser, as it causes injury via thermal radiation.
2. Take good care while handling the single slits.

1. What is diffraction?
2. What is Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
3. How is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is verified by single slit diffraction experiment?
4. What will happen to the spread in momentum, if the slit width is further increased?

To determine the numerical aperture of a given multimode optical fibre.


 Diode laser
 Optical fibre
 Laser - fibre coupler
 Optical rail
 Pinhole photo detector
 Power supply for laser and detector output measurement unit.

Fig.I Parts of optical fibre

1. Kinematic laser mount 7. XYZ translation stage
2. Diode laser 8. Fibre chuck
3. Laser - fibre coupler with multi 9. Power supply for diode laser
axis translation stage 10. Detector output measurement unit
4. Optical fibre 11. Photo detector
5. Optical rail
6. Rotation stage with fibre chuck
 Optical fibres are optical waveguides used for data transmissions. They are made
of low loss materials like glass and plastic. They have a central core through
which the light is guided, embedded in an outer cladding of a slightly lower
refractive index than the core (See Fig. 1).

Fig.1: Schematic of optical fibre both in cross-section and lateral views

 The geometry of launching a light ray into an optical fibre is shown in Fig. 2, which
illustrates a meridional ray A at the critical angle c within the fibre at the core-cladding
interface. It is observed that this ray enters the fibre core at an angle θa to the fibre axis
and is refracted at the air-core interface before transmission to the core-cladding
interface at the critical angle. Hence, any rays incident into the fibre core at an angle
greater than θa will be transmitted to the core-cladding interface at an angle less than c
and will not be totally internally reflected. This situation is also illustrated in Fig. 2,
where the incident ray B at an angle greater than θa is refracted into the cladding and
eventually lost by radiation. Thus, for rays to be transmitted by total internal reflection
within the fibre core, they must be incident on the fibre core within an acceptance cone
defined by the conical half angle θa. Where, θa is the maximum angle to the axis at which
light may enter the fibre to be propagated, and is referred to as the acceptance angle for
the fibre.
 Numerical aperture (NA) is the light gathering capacity of an optical fibre. The NA is
a measure of how much light can be collected by an optical system. NA varies
according to an angle known as the acceptance angle θa, which gives the size of a
cone of light that can be accepted by the fibre.
 From Fig. 3 acceptance angle can be defined as
𝜽𝒂 = 𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏 ( )
R is the radius corresponding to 5% of the maximum attainable intensity
Z is the distance between fibre output end and the detector

Fig. 3
 The sine of the acceptance angle is defined as numerical aperture (NA).
𝑵𝑨 = 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽𝒂
 Switch on the Laser and output measurement unit. Using fine adjustment screws
(Fig. 4) on the Laser mount make the beam to fall on the objective of the Laser fibre

Fig. 4 Fig. 5
 Couple maximum light into the fibre with the help of the multi axis translation stages
 Also adjust the position of the detector using the XYZ micrometers (refer Fig.6) until
the output measurement unit shows a maximum output (above 150 μA). Ensure that
the distance between fibre tip and the pinhole detector is zero (Z=0) (refer Figures 7
& 8). (You should get maximum output in μA range)

Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.8

 After attaining the maximum output, manipulate the Z-micrometer by taking it
through two full rotations. This will ensure a distance of 1 mm made between the
detector and the fibre tip (Fig.9). In other words, Z = 1 mm. Throughout the
experiment this Z value is to be kept fixed.


 Using the X-micrometre, move the detector to the right / left extreme position
(where the output shows zero or minimum current) and move back the micrometre
in the opposite direction, stopping at equal intervals (refer Figures 10 & 11). For
each of those intervals note down the micrometre reading and the corresponding
detector output current.

Fig.10 Fig.11
 The current output value will reach a maximum between the extreme positions,
where the output currents are minimum.
 Plot a graph with the micrometre reading on X-axis and the corresponding output
current on Y-axis. From the graph, evaluate ‘D’. Calculate the acceptance angle
from the obtained values, and eventually the numerical aperture (NA).

Least count = 0.01mm

Z Micrometer Reading (mm) Output current R= D/2

(mm) MSR HSR TR (μA) (mm)


From the graph,

Beam radius corresponding to 5% of maximum attainable intensity = …………………mm
Distance between detector and fibre optic end (Z) = ........................ mm
Acceptance angle = .....................
Numerical aperture = ......................

The Numerical aperture (NA) of the given multimode fibre = ……………
 ………………………
 ………………………
 Laser radiation predominantly causes injury via thermal effects; hence avoid
looking directly into the laser beam.
 Diode laser source should be properly aligned with optical fibre cable.
 Ensure that the launch point of optical fibre cable is properly aligned and
maximum amount of optical power is transferred to the cable.
 Keep the fibre optic cable straight to ensure minimum attenuation due to bending.


1. What is the numerical aperture of an optical fibre?
2. How is the numerical aperture defined?
3. How can the numerical aperture be calculated from the refractive indices of the
core and the cladding?
4. What is the significance of the numerical aperture?
5. What are the factors that affect the numerical aperture of an optical fibre?
6. How does the numerical aperture affect the performance of an optical fibre?
7. What is the difference between the numerical aperture of a single-mode and a
multimode fibre?


2. John M. Senior. Optical Fibre Communications Principles and Practice, Third
edition,2009,Pearson & prentice hall.
To determine the refractive index of the given transparent liquid using travelling microscope

 Travelling microscope
 Transparent liquid (Tap water)
 Glass beaker
 Magnifying glass
 Saw dust

The refractive index of a material is a dimensionless number that describes how light
propagates through that medium. It is defined as the ratio between the speed of light in
vacuum and speed of light in the medium. Further, from Snell’s law, it can be defined as the
ratio of sine of angle of incidence and sine of angle of refraction. Now, when light travels
from rarer to denser medium, the light bends towards the normal to the surface of incidence;
and it bends away from the normal when it is moving from denser to denser to rarer medium.
The bending is governed by the Snell’s law and this concept is necessary to understand the
concept of apparent depth.

Real depth and apparent depth; and their relation with refractive index of the medium:

Real depth can be defined as the depth at which an object is placed in a medium, so that the
observer and the object are in the same medium. Here, the important factor is that the light
should propagate from the object to the observer and vice-versa and should be in the same

Figure.1 Real depth and apparent depth due to refraction of light

On the other hand, when an object is placed under water (or any other medium like glass),
then observing it from outside the water (or medium), it appears to be raised up. This is
defined as the apparent depth; wherein the depth of the object is measured by the observer
when the object and the observer are in different medium. This is due to the effect of the
refraction of light while propagating from one medium to the other medium.

The refractive index of a liquid can be defined as follows:

Real depth of the liquid

µ= (1)
Apparent depth of the liquid

Travelling Microscope and refractive index of liquid

In simple terms, a travelling microscope is a compound microscope that is fitted with a
vertical scale, which carries a main scale along with a vernier scale. Using this equipment, we
can calculate the real and apparent depth as depicted in the figure below:

Red dot

Empty beaker Beaker filled with Saw dust over the

water surface of the water

Figure.2 Steps in the measurement of refractive index using travelling microscope.

The refractive index can be calculated from the following equation:
µ= (2)
A is the microscopic reading when the red dot is focused directly
B is the microscopic reading when the red dot is focused through the liquid
C is the microscopic reading when saw dust sprinkled on the surface of the liquid is
In equation (2):
(C-A): Real depth of the liquid
(C-B): Apparent depth of the liquid

A. Procedure to calculate the refractive index of the transparent liquid

 Keep the travelling microscope near a light source.

 Find the least count of the travelling microscope; considering the vertical scale.
 Set the microscope with its axis vertical.
 Make sure that the base of the traveling microscope is horizontal. Adjust the screws at
the base with a spirit label to make the base horizontal.
 Hold a white paper in front of the objective of the microscope and adjust the eyepiece
so that the cross wires are seen clearly.
 Put an empty glass beaker with a red dot in the bottom under the microscope
 Focus the microscope objective with the screws controlling the vertical movement of
the microscope barrel to see clearly the red ink dot. Note down the T.S.R. (MSR +
VSR) for this condition (Reading A)
 Pour 40 ml of water in the beaker slowly.
 Raise the microscope (without disturbing the focusing screw) so that the image of the
red dot is in focus again. Note the corresponding microscope scale reading (Reading
 Sprinkle some saw dust over the surface of the water in the beaker.
 Raise the microscope (without disturbing the focusing screw) so that the saw dust
particles are in focus. Note the corresponding microscope scale reading (Reading C).
 Repeat the above steps for 60 ml of water.
 Calculate the value of refractive index in each case of 40 ml and 60 ml and find the
 Calculate the percentage error, considering the standard refractive index (µ0) of water

B. Least count for traveling microscope

Least count = Value of 1 MSD/ Number of divisions in the Vernier

Value of 1 MSD = 0.05 cm; Number of divisions in the Vernier = 50
Least count = 0.05 cm / 50 = 0.001 cm

Total scale reading (TSR) = Main scale reading (MSR) + (Vernier scale division x least

Least count of the vertical Vernier scale = ……cm

Clear image of the Clear image of the Clear image of the

red dot through the red dot through saw dust over the
Volume empty beaker water (Reading B) surface of the water
of the (Reading A) (Reading C)
(C-A) (C-B)
water in µ
(cm) (cm)
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)

40 ml

60 ml

MSR- Main Scale Reading, VSR-Vernier Scale Reading, TSR: Total Scale Reading
VSR-Vernier Scale division x Least count (LC)
Calculate the value of (C-A) and (C-B), and obtain the refractive index for each of the
volumes, 40 ml and 60 ml.

Error Calculations:

Experimental Value (µ) − Standard Value (µ0 )

% 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 = | | × 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Average refractive of the water = Experimental value ± % error


1. The parallax in the microscope should be removed properly.
2. To avoid backlash error, the microscope should be moved in only one direction.
3. Care should be taken so that the microscope is properly calibrated.
4. Once the microscope is focused for the first reading, the focusing arrangement in the
lens system should not be changed/altered for subsequent readings.
5. Use magnifying glass to read the vernier scale to avoid error in finding vernier
coinciding division.
1. Define refractive index of a medium.
2. Indicate the dependence of refractive index with the density of medium.
3. List two factors that affect the refractive index of the material.
4. What is apparent shift?
5. On what factors does the apparent depth depend?
6. Will a colourless slab be visible if immersed in a transparent liquid of the same
refractive index as that of the slab? State the reason for it.


To determine the fill factor and efficiency of a solar cell.

Solar Cell, Light Source (100 Watt), Ammeter, Voltmeter, Variable Load Circuit, Connecting

The Solar cell is a semiconductor device that converts solar energy into electrical energy. It is
a specially designed PN junction diode that converts sunlight into electrical power by a three-
step process: (i) Generation of carrier pairs (electron-hole pairs), (ii) Separation of electrons
and holes, (iii) Collection of separated carriers. When the PN junction is exposed to light,
electron-hole pairs are generated in the P and N regions. By diffusion in the material, the
electron and holes reach the junction. The barrier field separates the positive and negative
charge carriers at the junction. That is, under the action of the electric field, the electrons
(minority carriers) from the P region are swept into the N region. Similarly, the holes from
the N region are swept into the P region. The accumulation of charges on the two sides of the
junction produces an emf (Voltage), called a photo-emf/Photo-voltage. The photo emf or
voltage can be measured with a voltmeter, and this optical energy conversion is known as the
photovoltaic effect. Therefore, a solar cell is also called a photovoltaic cell. When an external
circuit (load) is connected across the solar cell terminals, the minority carriers return to their
original sides through the external circuit, causing the current to flow through the circuit.
Thus, the solar cell behaves as a battery with the N side as the negative terminal and the P
side as the positive terminal.

Light Energy
Metal Contact


(a) (b)

Figure1: (a) Solar cell working principle (b) Equivalent circuit diagram of Solar cell experiment
The emf is generated by the solar cell in the open circuit, i.e., when no current is drawn from
it, and is denoted by VOC (V-open circuit). This is the maximum value of voltage that can be
generated by the solar cell. When an external (load of high resistance) is connected in the
circuit, a small current flows through it, and the corresponding voltage decreases. The voltage
goes on falling, and the current increases as the resistance in the external circuit is reduced.
When the load resistance is reduced to zero, the current rises to its maximum value, known as
short-circuit/saturation current, and is denoted as ISC; the voltage becomes zero in this case.
Figure 2 shows the I-V characteristic of a solar cell with its VOC and ISC.

Figure2: Current-Voltage(I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) characteristics of Solar cell

The product of open circuit voltage VOC and short circuit current ISC is the (ideal) power that
can be generated from a solar cell and it can be calculated as:

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 𝑉𝑂𝐶 × 𝐼𝑆𝐶

However, the maximum power (Pmax) that can be harvested from the solar is the area of the
largest rectangle that can be formed under the I-V curve (see Fig-2). It is calculated from the
corresponding Current (Imp) and Voltage (Vmp) at that condition as:

𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑉𝑚𝑝 × 𝐼𝑚𝑝

The corresponding fill factor (FF) can be calculated by taking the ratio of the maximum
power to the ideal power as:
𝑉𝑚𝑝 × 𝐼𝑚𝑝
𝐹𝐹 =

If AC is the area of the solar cell and  is the incident intensity, then the efficiency () of the
solar cell is calculated as:

𝐴𝐶 


Procedure for I-V characteristics of Solar cell:

1. Place the solar cell and the light source (100-watt lamp) opposite to each other.

2. Connect the circuit as shown by dotted lines on the circuit board (See Fig. 1) using

connecting cables.

3. Switch ON the lamp to expose the light onto the Solar Cell.

4. Set a suitable distance between the solar cell and the lamp as mentioned in the solar

kit (Note: The gap between the solar panel edge to the tin-lamp box edge is the actual


5. Break the circuit by plugging out any cable to measure the open circuit voltage VOC

6. Set the load-resistance knob to Short-Circuit mode and measure the corresponding

short-circuit current ISC.

7. Vary the load resistance through the knob switch and note down the current and

voltage corresponds to each load resistance in the observation Table 1

8. Repeat it for different distances to minimise the error in the experiment.

9. Plot a graph of current (I) versus Voltage (V). Plot a graph of Power (P) versus
Voltage (V). From the plot, find the maximum power (Pmax) and the corresponding
Current (Imp) and Voltage (Vmp).
Voltmeter reading for open circuit and Millimetre reading with zero resistance are

VOC:-------------------------- ; ISC:------------------- ;

Load Distance (x) in mm: ----------------; Intensity of

Resistance Light: --------------------
Voltage (V) Current (mA) Power (mW)

From the graph and observation table, the fill factor (FF) and the efficiency () can be
calculated by using the values of VOC, ISC, Vmp, Imp :

𝑉𝑚𝑝 × 𝐼𝑚𝑝 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥

𝐹𝐹 = 𝜂=
𝑉𝑂𝐶 × 𝐼𝑆𝑐 𝐴𝐶 

Compare your calculated value of efficiency () to the standard value, 0.

 − 0
% 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 = | | × 𝟏𝟎𝟎

At a given distance, x=………. mm
1. The fill factor of the give solar cell is found to be, FF = ....................
2. The efficiency of the give solar cell is found to be,  = …………….




1. The solar cell should be exposed to light before using it in the experiment.
2. Light from the lamp should fall normally on the cell.
3. Distance should be appropriately measured using a scale
4. The load resistance should be used within a safe current limit.


1. What is the difference between a solar cell and a photodiode?

2. Why are solar cells known as photovoltaic cells?
3. What are the types of semiconductor materials used for solar cells?
4. What is Dark current?
5. What is the difference between solar photovoltaic and solar hot water systems?
6. What is the response time of a photocell?
7. What is the role of load resistance in solar cell experiment


To determine the average crystallite size from the given X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern
of a polycrystalline material.

Tools Required:

 XRD pattern (uploaded in the course page)

 Peak fitting program (Open source/free software like fityk, gnuplot and
qtiplotis preferable)

Basic Theory:

We will use Scherrer equation to calculate the crystallite size. This method gives
qualitative results.
The Scherrer Equation is: D
 cos
 Peak width (β in radians)
 Crystallite size (D)
 Scherrer constant (K)
 X ray wavelength (λ)
 Peak position (θ)

There are several reasons for X- ray diffraction peak to get broadened: instrumental peak
profile, crystallite size, micro strain, solid solution in-homogeneity and temperature
factors. In this exercise we assume that in the given X- ray diffraction pattern the peaks
are broadened only due to crystallite size and instrumental peak profile.

When the size of the crystallite becomes small, small number of lattice planes only
available for diffraction. Because of this the Bragg condition of diffraction will get
satisfied at lower angles and extends to the higher angles on both the sides of original
Bragg peak position. This will broaden the diffraction peak.
1. Fit the given diffraction data with Voigt or pseudo-Voigt peak profile function.
2. Note down the peak center and “full-width at half-maximum” (FWHM) of the
diffraction peaks in the tabular column given. (Should be converted into radian)
3. Subtract the given instrumental broadening from the FWHM of all the peaks.
4. FWHM will be in 2θ, one has to make it as θ.
5. Make the required conversions in units.
6. Use the given formula and calculate the crystallite size.


Instrumental broadening: 0.01o

Wavelength of the X- ray used: 1.546 Å

Scherrer constant: 0.94 (assuming that crystallites are spherical in shape)


Peak Center Average crystallite

( deg ) ( rad )
( deg ) ( nm )

Results: The average crystallite size is ------------------------

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