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International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

ISSN: 2617-6548

URL: www.ijirss.com

Student food selection behaviour after returning to face-to-face classes

Yersi-Luis Huaman-Romani1*, Juan-Jesús Garrido-Arismendis2, Jhon-Felix Agurto-Zapata3, Nayely-Paola

4 5
Juarez-Vera , Rene-Antonio Hinojosa-Benavides

1National University of Frontera, Academic Department of the Faculty of Economic and Environmental Sciences, Sullana, Peru.
University of Frontera, Faculty of Engineering of Food Industries and Biotechnology, E. P. Engineering of Food Industries,
Sullana, Peru.
5National Autonomous University of Huanta, Professional School of Agronomic and Forestry Business Engineering, Peru.

*Corresponding author: Yersi-Luis Huaman-Romani (Email: [email protected])

The pandemic raised awareness about the consumption of healthy and high- quality food which was practiced at home
leaving aside the consumption of "junk food" but students are returning to the consumption of these unhealthy foods in
university. The objective of this research is to describe and analyze the behavior of students in the selection of their food
(good and bad for health) after returning to school. The methodology applied is descriptive, correlational and predictive of
a cross-sectional quantitative type in which 765 students participated anonymously and voluntarily in an online survey.
Results. A low level of consumption of "good" foods was found while the consumption of "bad" foods is growing daily.
Conclusion. " Good" food is only eaten at home while “bad" food is eaten everywhere A policy of selling healthy food
should be implemented. If these foods are not regulated, there is a tendency to have an overweight university student
population in the future.
Keywords: Anxiety, College students, Eating habits, Healthy eating, Junk food, Obesity, Post COVID -19, Student behavior.

DOI: 10.53894/ijirss.v6i1.1059
Funding: This study received no specific financial support.
History: Received: 19 September 2022/Revised: 8 November 2022/Accepted: 22 November 2022/Published: 12 December 2022
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Authors’ Contributions: All authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the study.
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Transparency: The authors confirm that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study; that no vital
features of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned have been explained.
Ethical Statement: This study followed all ethical practices during writing.
Publisher: Innovative Research Publishing

1. Introduction
Students are motivated to change their eating habits by the epistemology and educational messages they receive from
their training environment [1] while in rural areas, there is usually little research on the benefits that can be obtained by
supplementing the diet with milk, eggs and foods provided by nature itself that are not taken advantage of, this type of
supplementation could give great results both in the physical development of students and in their cognitive development [2].
It has been found that people with normal body weight consume more dietary fiber and vegetables than those who are
overweight or obese [3].

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of high school students who suffer from diseases
resulting from a diet low in nutrients. This rise has been attributed to students’ lack of knowledge about balanced nutrition
and poor eating habits [4]. Healthy eating programs within schools give very favorable results with significant effects as
they help students improve their eating habits in their daily lives by encouraging them to consume healthy and nutritious
foods [5]. Experts with excellent professional training are required for student nutrition programs to be successful and to
achieve this type of professionals, it is necessary to consider various factors that can help to have better results and
requirements according to the geographical area [6].
There is a relationship between obesity and school meals due to the existence of fast food and unbalanced food stores
around educational institutions [7]. So, doctors around the world are encouraged to provide care and nutritional information
to their patients in order to ensure people develop better eating habits because a lack of nutritional education can lead to
various health problems [8]. The canteen service is very important in many schools with the sole purpose of combating
hunger in students, but due to the limited rations, it is not able to cover all students [9] and during the COVID-19 pandemic,
there were changes in the diet of most students with the main factors that influenced the change being the selection of
available and easily accessible food [10].
Schools should become centers of balanced nutrition because there are unhealthy foods that still contain sugar that are
harmful to students’ health [11]. Despite the fact that the presence of free meals for students that contribute having positive
effects on students’ health, i.e. the student canteen that offers free lunch has shown better results in terms of improving the
students’ health as well as in their academic performance. Additionally, it was also shown that the free student canteen
service aided low-income families [12]. There are standard programs to improve the nutrition of low-income students that
have received significant scores as healthy food for the development of energy intake and diet quality within students [13].
University students suffer from diseases due to the consumption of non-nutritious food. This pandemic affected more people
with chronic diseases. Research examined the importance of the nutritional value of food sold concluded that the nutrition
of the population and especially students should be improved [14].
There are impact programs that suggest selecting correct food preparation for students in educational institutions [15],
because the current poor nutrition is due to a lack of nutritional knowledge and the intake of micronutrients in excess of
substances that lead to obesity [16]. To avoid these consequences young people from low economic schools form clubs to
spread knowledge about good nutrition through educational programs [17]. Since consuming nutrients will help young
people have a good diet while avoiding the consumption of foods that are harmful to health such as excessive consumption
of alcohol, cigarettes and food with excess preservatives [18].
Students who travel and study abroad become overweight due to poor diet and lack of adequate and balanced
information, Mohammed, et al. [19] finding that the majority of students consume cheap food and as a result start to suffer
from chronic diseases [20], as food is very important, there should be a training plan to teach the basics about the importance
and raise awareness of the consumption of healthy food for health [21]. There are meals (breakfast and lunch) that are
offered with the only purpose of improving the nutritional quality of students in order to have a better academic performance
and an impact on the student [22] i.e. good nutrition prevents diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, obesity and
overweight [23]. Poor nutrition is a common problem in the population so teachers should be trained to guide and prevent
diseases due to poor nutrition [24]. It is necessary to identify the main factors to advise a healthy lifestyle [25].

1.1. Justification and Objectives of the Study

The COVID -19 pandemic has led to changes in routine and behavioral changes at the societal level, especially in eating.
One of many changes is clearly reflected in the eating habits of post-pandemic university students. This research is
developed in the Peruvian environment, especially in post-pandemic university students from different areas of the natural
sciences, engineering and literature. Through this research, we will analyze student behavior in the selection of post
pandemic eating habits. This study also aims to contribute more scientific knowledge about eating a healthy diet during
pandemic and post pandemic in a Peruvian context. Based on these realities, we have set the following specific objectives:
• To identify the frequency and mean of students' assessment of the foods consumed by Peruvian university students in
relation to a healthy diet.
• To determine the relationship between the research elements and the perception of food consumption in Peruvian
university’s students post pandemic.

2. Methodology
The research method to be developed is descriptive, correlational and predictive. This research is quantitative in nature.

2.1. Sample
This study has selected a sample of university students from the Universidad Nacional de Frontera who were confined to
their homes due to the pandemic for more than two years but by order of the Peruvian State, they began to return to the
classrooms to carry out semi-presential classes at the same university. This provision was complied with and the students
had to comply with it, so, they were forced to attend classes and consequently, the arrival of students to the university was
also forced to eat food inside and outside the university after or before classes leaving aside the good food that ruled at home.
The total sample obtained in the survey is 765 university students out of a total of 1048 students enrolled in semester 2022-1
at the National Frontier University. More specifically, the sample includes students whose ages are between 16 and 20 years
(70.6%), between 21 and 25 years (23.1%), between 26 and 30 years (3.9%), between 31 and 35 years (1.2%) and over 36
years (1.2%) that is, the ages are concentrated between 16 and 20 years. The gender of the participants is even with a slight

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

difference between the female sex (54.5%) and the male sex (45.5%). These students are part of the ten academic cycles: I
(16.9%), II (7.1%), III (28.9%), IV (6.9%), V (11.9%), VI (7.5%), VII (8.1%), VIII (2.4%), IX (4.8%) and X (5.6%). The
students are in six professional careers: Forestry Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Economic Engineering,
Biotechnology Engineering, Hotel and Tourism Administration and Food Industry Engineering. The area where they were
confined due to the pandemic was also determined and we have that 71.9% were in the urban area (consuming good and bad
quality food due to easy access) while 28.1% were confined in the rural area (where there is not a large amount of bad
quality food, which makes it more difficult to consume bad quality food).

A. Instrument
The data was collected using a validated survey in Spain [26] which consists of 23 items, divided into two parts in the
Peruvian context: the first part is the consumption of "good" foods with 15 items, BZN: consumption of fruit juices and
nectars (250 ml), BCL: consumption of milk (250 ml approx. ), BCQ: consumption of cheese (50 gr), BCH: consumption of
eggs (1 piece), BCCR: consumption of meat (150 gr), BCP: consumption of fish (150 gr), BCLg: consumption of legumes
(200 gr), BCar: consumption of rice (150 gr), BCPs: consumption of pasta (150 gr), BCF: consumption of fruits (1 serving),
BCVC: consumption of raw vegetables (salad) (approx. 200 gr), BCVC_A: consumption of cooked vegetables (approx. 200
gr), BCPn: consumption of bread (50 gr), BCCrl: consumption of whole grain cereals (bread, rice, oatmeal, etc. ) and
BCCRp: consumption of fast food (1 serving), the second part is made up of the consumption of "bad" foods with 8 items,
MCA: consumption of alcohol (whiskey, rum, gin) (approx. 50 ml), MCC: consumption of beer (approx. 250 ml), MCV:
consumption of wine (approx. 50 ml). MBG: consumption of soft drinks (coke, soda, etc.) (approx. 250 ml), MBE:
consumption of energy drinks (approx. 250 ml); MCPF: consumption of fermented products (125 gr), MCB: consumption of
pastries (1 serving), MCCh: consumption of sausage (150 gr). The consumption of these foods will be analyzed according to
the perspectives of post-pandemic university students who acquire food in the surroundings of the university before or after
receiving classes during the months of May and July.
The instrument in its Peruvian version and context was divided into two parts: "good" or healthy foods and foods
suitable for consumption by students, which were selected from survey list and classified according to the recommendations
of nutritionists, in this part of "good" foods the 6-point Likert scale was used (1= "0 (no consumption)", 2= "1 to 3 times per
week", 3= "4 to 6 times per week", 4= "7 to 9 times per week", 5= "10 to 12 times per week", 6= "more than 13 times per
week") and the second part was divided as "bad" foods for health in which the 6-point Likert scale was also used (6= "0 (no
consumption)", 5= "1 to 3 times per week", 4= "4 to 6 times per week", 3= "7 to 9 times per week", 2= "10 to 12 times per
week", 1= "more than 13 times per week") considering that the highest point was assigned to students who do not consume
"bad" foods and the lowest point was assigned to students who do consume but occasionally.
In the original manuscript there are valid and viable scales and statistics that were obtained with the confirmatory factor
analysis, the adaptation to the Peruvian version is done by classifying "good" and "bad" foods for the consumption of the
same by university students when they return to classes (of some courses), The original manuscript was in English, so it was
translated into Spanish by two experts and then the respective validation and reliability was carried out. The results of the
statistics are shown in Table 1 in which they were analyzed for "good" and "bad" foods. The results in Table 1 confirm that
in both cases, the values obtained are optimal for further research.

Table 1.
Validation and viability.
Food No. of items Cronbach's alpha Total mean P. Tukey's non-additivity Hotelling's P.
Inter subject 8298.187 801.195
Between elements 923.531
Good 15 0.936 2.69
F 95.399 56.254
Sig. 0.000 0.000
Inter subject 4968.939 980.416
Between elements 229.419
Bad 8 0.988 5.32
F 409.446 138.959
Sig. 0.000 0.000

2.2. Procedure and Data Analysis

The research began in mid-May 2022, when students returned to semi-presential classes and crowds were observed at
food stands, nearby stores, cafeterias, and other locations near the National Frontier University. Thus, a group of students
wondered what is the student behavior in the selection of post-pandemic eating habits? Then, they proceeded to look for an
instrument with which to measure eating habits, finding four instruments, one was chosen that was adapted to our
environment and Peruvian reality. A survey was designed through the Google form and distributed among teachers and
students in order to have a multiplying effect among the students of the National Frontier University. The students answered
only once (programmed in the form) using the institutional mail of the same university. The survey was conducted
anonymously and voluntarily. More than 70% students enrolled in the 2022-1 semester.
Once the sample for our study was selected, we proceeded to download the data from the form and analyze the data to
see if there were any incomplete responses for their respective cleaning. If there were no data to clean, the data were
transferred to the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program for their respective analyses such as

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis), confirmatory factor analysis, linear regression and to
analyze the sociodemographic data of gender, age and sex.

3. Results
Table 2 shows the descriptive data of the central tendency of the "good" foods for health consumed by university
students around the university city as a result of the return to blended classes, together with the variance, skewness and
kurtosis. The highest frequency mean is Bcar (3.35 approximately 3) they consume more frequently rice (150 gr) from "4 to
6 times per week" and the lowest frequency mean is BCQ (2.21 approximately 2) consumes less frequently cheese (50 gr).
And the consumption of "good" foods in general has a mean of 2.69 (2.41, 2.47, 2.21, 2.76, 2.76, 2.70, 2.53, 3.35, 2.50, 3.02,
2.78, 2.85, 2.73, 2.91 y 2.30) approximately 3 which is in the range of "4 to 6 times per week" the consumption of "good"
foods around the university when they attend classes face-to-face.

Table 2.
Distribution of "good" food consumption.
Mean 2.41 2.47 2.21 2.76 2.76 2.70 2.53 3.35
Median 2.26 2.30 2.08 2.58 2.60 2.51 2.38 3.12
Mode 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Deviation 1.067 1.213 1.024 1.102 1.052 1.133 1.188 1.335
Variance 1.138 1.472 1.048 1.214 1.108 1.283 1.411 1.781
Skewness 1.505 0.971 1.371 1.184 1.099 1.157 0.993 0.629
Kurtosis 2.507 0.618 2.507 1.141 0.991 0.976 0.784 -0.507
Mean 2.50 3.02 2.78 2.85 2.73 2.91 2.30
Median 2.33 2.79 2.55 2.63 2.52 2.66 2.11
Mode 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Deviation 1.100 1.236 1.238 1.239 1.227 1.229 1.124
Variance 1.211 1.528 1.533 1.536 1.506 1.510 1.263
Skewness 1.363 0.889 1.051 1.032 1.036 1.096 1.529
Kurtosis 1.837 0.072 0.558 0.488 0.586 0.530 2.467
Note: BZN: consumption of fruit juices and nectars (250 ml), BCL: consumption of milk (250 ml approx. ), BCQ: consumption of cheese
(50 gr), BCH: consumption of eggs (1 piece), BCCR: consumption of meat (150 gr), BCP: consumption of fish (150 gr), BCLg: consumption
of legumes (200 gr), BCar: consumption of rice (150 gr), BCPs: consumption of pasta (150 gr), BCF: consumption of fruits (1 serving),
BCVC: consumption of raw vegetables (salad) (approx. 200 gr), BCVC_A: consumption of cooked vegetables (approx. 200 gr), BCPn:
consumption of bread (50 gr), BCCrl: consumption of whole grain cereals (bread, rice, oatmeal, etc.) and BCCRp: consumption of fast food
(1 serving).

Table 3 shows the descriptive data on the central tendency of the "bad" foods for health consumed by university students
in the university city as a consequence of the return to semi-presential classes, together with the variance, asymmetry and
kurtosis. The means with the highest frequency are MCA and MCB both with 5.48 (approximately 5) indicating that they
consumed alcohol (Whisky, rum, gin of an approximate of 50 ml) from "1 to 3 times per week", as well as pastry which is
one of the foods that they consumed from "1 to 3 times per week" and the mean with lowest frequency is MBG (4. 96
approximately 5) indicating that they consume less (although it does not seem so) soft drinks (coca cola, soda, etc. of 250 ml
approx.). The consumption of "bad" foods in general has a mean of 5.32 approximately 5 which is in the range of "1 to 3
times per week" for the consumption of "bad" foods around the university when they attend classes face to face.

Table 3.
Distribution of "bad" food intake.
Mean 5.48 5.46 5.47 4.96 5.27 5.38 5.48 5.06
Median 5.60 5.57 5.59 5.09 5.44 5.52 5.63 5.23
Mode 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5
Deviation 0.866 0.861 0.879 0.964 1.027 0.933 0.941 1.029
Variance 0.750 0.741 0.773 0.930 1.054 0.870 0.886 1.059
Skewness -2.614 -2.605 -2.563 -1.698 -2.013 -2.114 -2.407 -1.521
Kurtosis 8.946 9.189 8.369 4.371 4.810 5.553 6.549 2.798
Note: MCA: consumption of alcohol (whiskey, rum, gin) (approx. 50 ml), MCC: consumption of beer (approx. 250 ml), MCV:
consumption of wine (approx. 50 ml). MBG: consumption of soft drinks (coke, soda, etc.) (approx. 250 ml), MBE:
consumption of energy drinks (approx. 250 ml); MCPF: consumption of fermented products (125 gr), MCB: consumption of
pastries (1 serving), MCCh: consumption of sausage/sausage (150 gr).

Figure 1 shows the histograms of student behavior when selecting and consuming the "good" foods before or after
entering classes due to face-to-face classes at the National Frontier University, whose result show that students in 14 out of
15 items (BZN, BCL, BCQ, BCH, BCCR, BCP, BCLg, BCPs, BCF, BCVC, BCVC_A, BCPn, BCCrl and BCCRp)

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

consume the "good" foods from "1 to 3 times per week", but there is the item (BCar) that deals with meat consumption, those
who do consume "4 to 6 times per week" and do so in different forms such as breakfast, lunch, fried foods or others.

Figure 1.
Histograms of "good" food consumption behavior.

Figure 2 shows the histograms of student behavior when selecting and consuming "bad" foods before or after entering
classes due to face-to-face classes at the National Frontier University, the result of which shows that students in 6 out of 8
items (MCA, MCC, MCV, MBE, MCPF, MCB) do not consume the "bad" foods before or after classes but there are two
items (MBG AND MCCh) that refer to soft drinks and sausages that abound in the surroundings of the university, such
consumption is done "1 to 3 times per week".

Figure 2.
Histograms of "bad" food consumption behavior.

Table 4 shows the correlation between the elements of student behavior in the selection of "good" eating habits before or
after attending classes revealing a significant and positive correlation.

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

Table 4.
Correlation between elements of student behavior in the selection of "good" eating habits.
BCL 0.384
BCQ 0.326 0.504
BCH 0.408 0.547 0.615
BCCR 0.351 0.406 0.494 0.647
BCP 0.380 0.443 0.487 0.593 0.694
BCLg 0.296 0.399 0.471 0.546 0.542 0.550
BCar 0.230 0.330 0.334 0.533 0.557 0.496 0.510
BCPs 0.355 0.401 0.499 0.572 0.550 0.551 0.610 0.523
BCF 0.398 0.450 0.429 0.591 0.547 0.568 0.568 0.540 0.554
BCVC 0.385 0.421 0.455 0.537 0.514 0.595 0.563 0.483 0.573 0.776
BCVC_A 0.420 0.453 0.493 0.576 0.572 0.629 0.585 0.520 0.591 0.794 0.863
BCPn 0.309 0.403 0.435 0.556 0.543 0.469 0.483 0.603 0.522 0.492 0.465 0.527
BCCrl 0.337 0.367 0.409 0.550 0.543 0.550 0.553 0.602 0.539 0.586 0.574 0.624 0.656
BCCRp 0.266 0.309 0.408 0.424 0.476 0.419 0.403 0.392 0.511 0.391 0.398 0.416 0.477 0.446
Note: BZN: consumption of fruit juices and nectars (250 ml), BCL: consumption of milk (250 ml approx. ), BCQ: consumption of cheese (50 gr), BCH: consumption of eggs (1
piece), BCCR: consumption of meat (150 gr), BCP: consumption of fish (150 gr), BCLg: consumption of legumes (200 gr), BCar: consumption of rice (150 gr), BCPs:
consumption of pasta (150 gr), BCF: consumption of fruits (1 serving), BCVC: consumption of raw vegetables (salad) (approx. 200 gr), BCVC_A: consumption of cooked
vegetables (approx. 200 gr), BCPn: consumption of bread (50 gr), BCCrl: consumption of whole grain cereals (bread, rice, oatmeal, etc.) and BCCRp: consumption of fast food (1

Table 5 shows the correlation values between the elements of student behavior in the selection of "bad" eating habits
before or after attending classes revealing a significant and positive correlation.

Table 5.
Correlation between elements of student behavior in the selection of "bad" eating habits.
MCA 0.992 0.856 0.918 0.945 0.946 0.876 0.973
MCV 0.857 0.921 0.950 0.949 0.878 0.974
MBG 0.894 0.864 0.863 0.936 0.856
MBE 0.950 0.917 0.917 0.927
MCPF 0.945 0.891 0.958
MCB 0.878 0.925
MCCh 0.872
Note: MCA: consumption of alcohol (whiskey, rum, gin) (approx. 50 ml), MCC: consumption of beer (approx. 250 ml),
MCV: consumption of wine (approx. 50 ml). MBG: consumption of soft drinks (coke, soda, etc.) (approx. 250 ml),
MBE: consumption of energy drinks (approx. 250 ml); MCPF: consumption of fermented products (125 gr), MCB:
consumption of pastries (1 serving), MCCh: consumption of sausage/sausage (150 gr).

4. Discussion
University students have been successfully motivated to have a healthier and more nutritious eating behavior [1]. Some
ministries of health in Peru have developed some measures for the sale of food in educational centers greatly enhancing
the nutrition of students at the primary and secondary levels.
In order to promote good health in students and people and lower the morbidity level of excess obesity, necessary
measures should be taken to achieve an increase in vegetables consumption and awareness.
Health professionals receive little or no training in promoting healthy eating habits in population. It is suggested that
educational policies on nutrition should be improved and nutrition education in medical training should be included in the
curricula [8] to raise awareness among students and the general population. Research has shown that to achieve less food
waste, it is necessary to promote school nutrition by using various strategies to combat "junk" food [9] and cultivate a
healthy and nutritious eating habit.
By identifying the effects of poor nutrition in university students university welfare and some NGOs (Non-
Governmental Organization) that support the population were able to provide permanent training. With this background,
the perception of knowledge about nutrition and eating habits improved. Its effects are expected in school performance and
especially in student athletes in developing attitude, knowledge and rigorous nutrition practices to improve positive results
in their competitions [27].
The "good" or "bad" foods for college students health is only theory, because they only want to keep a full stomach
with which they can resist classes or resist hunger until they get home and consume the foods that day by day they do
without knowing if it is good or bad, leaving as a future question, whether these habits will change over time? or will they
remain. We will also ask ourselves if the "bad" eating habits will disappear or increase over time? This research work will be
the basis for requesting guidance from the respective office to encourage good nutrition and will also serve as a theoretical
and practical basis for future work on "good" and "bad" nutrition.

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6(1) 2023, pages: 1-8

5. Conclusion
It was found that after two years of returning to the university classrooms, they did not forget their favorite "kiosk",
returning to consume these foods in less quantity. It was found that the consumption of "good" habits is at a low level with
the hope that in the future university students will improve their eating habits. In addition, the consumption of "bad" foods
is at a low level. This level will decrease and not increase but university students did not forget about carbonated beverages,
sausages and cold cuts which they were not reluctant to indulge in.
The frequencies and values representing each item were identified, interpreted and analyzed, providing significant
positive and negative results.
In determining the correlation between the elements of the "good" and "bad" food perspectives, there are significant and
positive effects to represent and compare the results with other research on college students' back-to-school eating behavior.

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