Chapter 1

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Bagong Barrio Senior High School




Managing affordable food choices can be a challenge, especially for senior high school
students who need to balance their budget. With rising costs and limited money, many
students find it hard to make food choices that are both affordable and healthy.

This research study focuses on understanding the food habits of teenagers, especially those
in senior high school. As students grow older, they start making more of their own decisions
including what they eat. However, many students have to choose food that fits within a
limited budget, which might lead them to pick cheaper options that are not always
healthy. Sogari, G., Velez-Argumedo, C., Gómez, M. I., & Mora, C. (2018).. This study
seeks at what types of food students are eating and whether these choices provide the
nutrients they need to stay healthy.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable change in how students eat. Smith, J., & Jones,
A. (2023). Many teens prefer fast food, snacks, and sugary drinks because they are
affordable and easy to get. These foods are often high in calories, fats, and sugars but low
in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Regularly eating such foods can affect
students' health, leading to issues like weight gain, low energy, and other health problems.
This study aims to understand how they might affect students' health. Another important
part of this study is looking at why students choose the foods they do. According to
Freudenberg, N., Goldrick-Rab, S., & Poppendieck, J. (2019). Many students come from
families where money is tight, making it harder to buy healthier food options. Also, with busy
school schedules, activities, and sometimes part-time jobs, students might not have the time
to prepare healthy meals. This research will explore these challenges and how they
influence the food choices that students make every day. Previous research has looked at
how college students or adults manage their budgets and food choices, but no much has
been done to understand what senior high school students are doing.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School

In summary, this study will explore the senior high school students on what they can afford
and how healthy their food choices are. This study will help to fill the gap in understanding
how budget constraints affect students nutrition. In recent years, there has been a
noticeable change in how students eat. Yun, T. C., Ahmad, S. R., & Quee, D. K. (2018).


This study will address this gap by investigating the types of foods that senior high school
students typically purchase and assess the nutritional value of these foods.

The following research questions will guide this study:

1. What is the impact of choosing cheaper food over healthier options on the nutrition of
senior high school students?

2. How does having affordable and nutritious food in school cafeterias affect students' eating

3. Is there a difference in nutrient levels between students who eat fast food or processed
snacks frequently and those who eat home-cooked or fresh foods?

By addressing these questions, this study seeks to investigate the challenges students face
in making food choices and healthy living. The findings could provide insights for students,
educators, policymakers, and parents to help support students in making healthier, more
affordable food decisions.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School


The following are the assumptions of the researchers:

Assumption 1: "Senior high school students who prioritize affordability in their food choices
are more likely to consume diets with lower nutritional value compared to those who
prioritize nutritional quality."

Assumption 2: "The availability of affordable and nutritious food options in school cafeterias
positively influences the dietary habits of senior high school students."

Assumption 3: “Senior high school students who frequently consume affordable fast food or
processed snacks have lower levels of essential nutrients compared to those who consume
home-cooked or fresh foods.”


This study is significant as it explores how senior high school students' financial constraints
impact their food choices, offering insights that are valuable to several key groups:


- By highlighting the connection between nutritional value and food choices, this study can
help students become more aware of how their food choices affects their nutrition. It will also
provide practical advice on how to make healthier food choices within their financial means.


- The findings of this study will be useful for parents who want to better understand the
challenges their children face when trying to eat well on a limited budget. This knowledge
can help them guide their children in making smarter, healthier food decisions.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School


- This study offers insights into the broader factors affecting their students' well-being. With
a better understanding of the link between food and nutrition, teachers can support students
in making better choices and possibly integrate these lessons into health and life skills

School Canteen Managers

-Food service providers can use the study’s insights to create menus that are both
appealing to students and aligned with nutritional standards, potentially increasing meal
program participation.


- The results of this research could inform policymakers who are responsible for creating
and implementing programs that support student health and nutrition. The study's findings
can be used to advocate for more affordable, nutritious food options in schools, especially
for students from low-income families.

Future Researcher's

- This study adds to the body of knowledge on the relationship between food choices and
nutritional value among young people. It provides a foundation for future research to explore
similar topics, such as the long-term effects of diet on student health and academic
performance, or the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving student nutrition.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School



This scope of this study will be focused on managing affordable food choices that can be a
challenge for senior high school students. The study concluded that nutrition education is
critical for improving the eating habits of senior high school students. The target

of this study is the senior high school students specifically those in grade 11 and 12 aged 16
to 18 this study primarily aims to assess the nutritional value of food options that are
economically accessible to senior high school students, current trends indicate a continued
focus on nutritional in school meals with initiatives aimed at improving food accessibility in
underserved areas.


The study will be limited to investigate this research aims to inform school nutrition policies
and programs emphasizing the necessity for improvements in food quality and accessibility
which can enhance overall student health and support better education outcomes


• Affordable Food Choices- Drinks and food, which are included under the usual senior
high school student budget, take into account pocket money or regular allowances. The
majority of students in that age bracket often have budgetary constraints that cannot be met
by the price tags of these choices.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School

• Nutritional Value - The exact amount of essential nutrients food items supply,
including micro nutrients such as proteins, lipids, and carbs and micro nutrients such as

vitamins and minerals, each of which is necessary for a diet that feels balanced and healthy,
Nutritional value is assessed by standardized nutritional information that can be located on
food labels or provided by vendors.

• Senior High School Students - Students who are almost done with their high school
education and about to graduate who are enrolled in the eleventh and twelfth years of
secondary education. These students typically fall between the ages of 16 and 18.

• Dietary Needs - The precise dietary needs that must be satisfied to maintain health
might change depending on a number of variables, including age, sex, level of exercise, and
overall health. It entails providing high school seniors with an adequate intake of calories,
protein, vitamins, and minerals to facilitate their ongoing development and growth.

• Food Security- A state in which everyone has access to enough food that is safe,
nourishing, and sufficient to live an active and healthy lifestyle. When it comes to students, it
frequently has to do with making sure they can afford healthy food choices.

• School Nutrition Programs- school-led initiatives to serve meals that adhere to strict
dietary requirements. These initiatives try to provide students the option of affordable,
balanced meal options.

• Nutritional Guidelines - guidelines established by health organizations (such as the

Dietary Guidelines for Americans) that offer advice on what makes a healthy diet.

These recommendations aid in guiding dietary decisions so that people can meet their
needs for food.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School

• Economic Accessibility - The degree to which people can purchase and get nutritious
food alternatives. This considers factors including food costs, accessibility, and personal or
family earnings.

• Food Environment - the social, cultural, and physical environments that affect dietary
decisions. This includes neighborhood markets, high school cafeterias, and community

• Health Outcomes- The impact of food choices on health, including energy levels,
managing weight, and general well being. Analyzing these results can assist in determining
the calorie content and effectiveness of food choice.
Bagong Barrio Senior High School


Conceptual Framework

To further understand the concept of the study, the researchers created a simple
conceptual framework that presents the connection between different variables.

The Independent Variable (IDV) is the "Senior High School Students", while the
Dependent Variable (DV) is the "Affordable Food Choices" of the food consumed by
senior high school students. Next, the Mediating variables in the study are the
“Nutritional Value”. Meanwhile, the Moderating variables in the study are the “Food
Budget”. Lastly, the Extraneous variables which were not included in the study is the
"Gender of the Students ."

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