Detecting Parkinson'S Disease Using Machine Learning

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[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website:
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7, July. -2021
Raksha Sharma
GITAM University, Hyderabad, India.

Parkinson disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects nervous system and the root cause of it is
falling rates of dopamine levels in the forebrain. It is a chronic degenerative disease with progressive illness,
which means it develops new symptoms over time.This happens with progressive neuronal loss in the
substantia nigra of brain. People with PD cannot do their works as a normal human. Though clinical
assessments considered ample amount of data that include various features, sometimes it is hard to decide
whether a person is suffering from PD or not based on the type of data, feature selection methods help to
solve this issue. Various methods are developed, proposed, and analyzed to detect the Parkinson disease,
given the required data. This paper is a survey of predicting Parkinson disease using machine learning
algorithms, various new technologies applied, and their accuracies achieved.

Keywords: PD (Parkinson Disease), dopamine, SVM (Support Vector Machine), KNN (K Nearest
Neighbor), ANN (Artificial Neural Network).

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system affecting movement and inducing
tremors and stiffness. It has 5 stages to it and affects more than 1 million individuals every year in India.
This is chronic and has no cure yet. It is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting dopamine-producing neurons
in the brain.Biomarkers derived from human voice can offer insight into neurological disorders, such as
Parkinson’s disease (PD), because of their underlying cognitive and neuromuscular function. PD is a
progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects about one million people in the United States, with
approximately sixty thousand new clinical diagnoses made each year. Historically, PD has been difficult to
quantify and doctors have tended to focus on some symptoms while ignoring others, relying primarily on
subjective rating scales. Due to the decrease in motor control that is the hallmark of the disease, voice can be
used as a means to detect and diagnose PD. With advancements in technology and the prevalence of audio
collecting devices in daily lives, reliable models that can translate this audio data into a diagnostic tool for
healthcare professionals would potentially provide diagnoses that are cheaper and more accurate. We
provide evidence to validate this concept here using a voice dataset collected from people with and without
This paper explores the effectiveness of using supervised classification algorithms, such as deep neural
networks, to accurately diagnose individuals with the disease. Our peak accuracy of 85% provided by the
machine learning models exceed the average clinical diagnosis accuracy of non-experts (73.8%) and average
accuracy of movement disorder specialists (79.6% without follow-up, 83.9% after follow-up) with
pathological post-mortem examination as ground truth.

In this Python machine learning project, using the Python libraries scikit-learn, numpy, pandas, and xg
boost, we will build a model using an XGB Classifier. We’ll load the data, get the features and labels, scale
the features, then split the dataset, build an XGB Classifier, and then calculate the accuracy of our model.
It is a disease which is a disorder in the nervous system. Parkinson’s disease affects the movement of the
human body. In today’s world, around 1 million people are suffering from this disease. This is a disorder
which produces neurodegenerative dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. The following system will
detect Parkinson’s symptoms in the human body.

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[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website:
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7, July. -2021

Figure 1: Parkinson’s Disease Detection Flowchart

The project will be made by a new machine learning algorithm called the XG Boost. XG Boost is a new
Machine Learning algorithm designed with speed and performance in mind. XG Boost stands for Extreme
Gradient Boosting and is based on decision trees. In this project, we will import the XGB Classifier from the
XG boost library; this is an implementation of the scikit-learn API for XG Boost classification.To build a
model to accurately detect the presence of Parkinson’s disease in an individual.

XG Boost- is an implementation of gradient boosted decision trees designed for speed and performance that
is dominative competitive machine learning.XGBoost provides a wrapper class to allow models to be treated
like classifiers or regressors in the scikit-learn framework.This means we can use the full scikit-learn library
with XGBoost models.

XGB Classifier-The XGBoost model for classification is called XGB Classifier. Initialize an XGBClassifier
and train the model. This classifies using eXtreme Gradient Boosting- using gradient boosting algorithms for
modern data science problems. It falls under the category of Ensemble Learning in ML, where we train and
predict using many models to produce one superior output. We can create and and fit it to our training
dataset. Models are fit using the scikit-learn API and the function.To detect the presence of
Parkinson’s Disease in individuals using various factors. We used an XGBClassifier for this and made use
of the sklearn library to prepare the dataset.

In this Python machine learning project, we learned to detect the presence of Parkinson’s Disease in
individuals using various factors. We used an XGBClassifier for this and made use of the sklearn library to
prepare the dataset. This gives us an accuracy of 94.87%, which is great considering the number of lines of
code in this python project.

Figure 2: Output Screenshot

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[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website:
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 7, July. -2021
The aim of the study is to analyze which algorithm provide the high accuracy of prediction for the
Parkinson’s disease dataset, here the classification accuracy was studied and compared, with good
performance and fast implementation XGBoost achieved a high accuracy with 94%. This system provides
the comparison between machine learning classifiers of LR and XGBoost in PD disease diagnosis with high
dimensional data.

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