Class 12 Activity 2

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a lo draw the graph of sin x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror
reflection (about the line y= x).
their properties.knowledge : Knowledge of trigonometric functions and inverse of trigonometric functions and
Materials required : A cardboard of dimensions 30 cm x 30 cm, ruler, coloured pencils, b0ara pins, paper
pins and strings.
Place achart paper firmly on a cardboard with the help of board pins as shown in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1
2. On the chart paper, draw perpendicular axes X*OX' and YOY as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2
1 -1
3. Mark the points on y-axis 1, 2: 0, 2-1, etc.
4. To sketch the graph of y = sin x, we can make a table of values that we
can compute exactly.

6 4 3 2

1 1
sin x =0.5
2 50.71 2
= 0.87

5. Fix paper pins in the coordinate plane to represent the points T

namely A, 6 0.5, A
Ag 3
,0.87, A, as shown in Fig. 5.3.
6. On the other side of the x-axis, repeat the same process and mark the points given in the table below:

6 4 3 2

-1 -1 -V3 = -0.87
sin x
= -0.5 J50.71 -1

7. Fix the paper pins on the points namely

Fix one paper pin on the origin O, as shown in Fig. 5.3.
8. Join the pins with the help of a string on both side of x-axis. Here we will get a curve which is the graph of
sin x from
9. Now plot the points (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), ... etc. on the coordinate plane to draw the graph of
line y = X.
10. From the marked points A4, Ag, Aq, A4, draw perpendiculars on the line y = Xand construct lines such
that length of perpendicular on both sides of the line y = x are equal. Mark these points as B, B,,
B, B, and fix the pins on them.
11. Repeat the same process on the other side of x-axis and fix the pins on the points namely B,, B,,
B,. B,.
12. Join the pins on both sides of the line y = x by a string tightly to obtain the graph of y= sin'x.
13. Now place amirror on the line y = x. The mirror image of the graph of sin x represents the graph
of sin-1 x, which shows sin'x is a reflection of sin x about the line y = x.

1+ B y= sin X
2 A
23 4 6 >X

y= sin 'x

Fig. 5.3

1. The image of point A, in the mirror (the line y = x) is B,.

2. The image of point A, in the mirror (the line y = x) is B,.
3. The image of point A, in the mirrOr (the line y = x) is B
4. The image of point A, in the mirror (the line y = x) is B4
5. The image of point A , in the mirror (the line y = X) is B':
6. The image of point A', in the mirror (the line y = x) is B,.
7. The image of point A; in the mirror (the line y = X) is B'a:
The image of point A, in the mirror (the ine y = x) is B'4.

The mirror image of the graph of sinx about the line y = x is the graph of sin'x, and the mirror image of
the graph of sin'x about the line y = x is the graph of sin x.
Application:This activity is useful for concept clarity about graphs of inverse trigonometric functions.

Follow-up Activity
Perfom similar activity for drawing the graphs of cos-1 x, tan-1 x, etc.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. Wte the value of sin1 (-x)?
Ans. -sin-'x (for all x e (-1, 1])
2. By looking at the graph. what is the principal value of sin 1 - ?
Ans. The principal value of sin1 -2 is 6
3. Find the domain and range of y = sin1 (x 2).

Ans. Domain is given by the interval [1, 3] and range is given by the interval
4. Find the domain and range of y =2 sin (x + 1).
Ans. Domain = (-2. 0] and Range = (-n, n]
5. What is the domain and range of y =sin-1 x?

Ans. y = sin- x has domain (-1, 1] and range It is strictly increasing on its entire domain.
6. Is Sin ' (sin x) = x for all real x?

Ans. No. In fact sin '(sin x) =x for all xe


7. Is sn (sin x) = x for all real x?

Ans. No. sin(sin'x) = x for all x e (-1, 1].

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