Mathematical Modeling

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❑ Architects and structural engineer carry out extensive stress analysis on

proposed designs and create architectural models.
❑ Automobile body designers work with clay models
❑ Hydraulic engineers and shipbuilders carry out extensive modelling of a
proposed design, followed by physical model testing.
❑ A control system is conceived to ensure that some dynamic variable
maintains a desired state with respect to time.
❑ Before this control system is constructed or assembled, it has to be
designed and analyzed for operation in the field.
❑ After control system is in operation, it continues to require tuning and
operational analysis from time to time.
❑ It is thus necessary to develop a technique for the purpose of
analysis, design and tuning control systems.
❑ Transfer functions are used for analyzing the operation and
performance of closed loop control system.
❑ The transfer function of a control system depends on the characteristics
of its components (or subsystems) and on the way these components are
❑ Characteristics of some components , such as electrical resistor and
mechanical springs, can be described by linear algebraic expressions,
whereas most of the components, such as inductors and capacitors ,
require integral or derivative terms to properly model their behavior.
❑ A differential equation is required to model a simple series
electrical circuit containing a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor.
❑ From this differential equation, a transfer function can be developed,
which completely describes its dynamic behavior.
Mathematical model for an element or a system is an equation or set of
equations that define the relationship between the input and output
The operational behavior of an element depends on its
characteristics. For a system, its behavior is dependent not only on
its components, but also on how these components are linked
❑ Example
❑ Ohm’s laws describe the relationship between current and voltage
for a resistor. In other words, it can be stated that Ohm’s law is a
mathematical model for a resistor voltage = resistance×current
V = IR
Transfer Function
The transfer function of an element or a system is an S-domain
expression describing the relationship that exists between input and
output variables, assuming that all initial conditions are zero
❑ The mathematical model of a resistor element describing the
relationship between current flow through it and the voltage applied
across it is numerical constant R
❑ Consider a series RC circuit, where it is desired to express the relation
between capacitor voltage vc (output) and voltage applied to circuit e
❑ This is expressed through differential equation
dvc ( t )
RC + vc ( t ) = e ( t )
 dvc ( t ) 
L  RC + vc ( t )  = L e ( t ) 
 dt 
( RCsV ( s ) + V ( s ) ) = E ( s )
V ( s )( RCs + 1) = E ( s )
V (s) = E (s)
( RCs + 1)

❑ The output voltage in series RC circuit is related to input voltage

through the model RCs + 1
( )
Electrical system
The transfer function for series RC circuit
❑ Capacitor voltage + resistor voltage=applied voltage
vc ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )

The transfer function depends upon the desired output variable

Two separate transfer function will be developed:
i) For capacitor voltage R
ii) For resistor current
i) For capacitor voltage
dvc ( t ) R
❑ Replace i(t) with i ( t ) = C dt
vc ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
dvc ( t )
i (t ) = C
dt E C
dvc ( t )
vc ( t ) + RC = e (t )
 dvc ( t ) 
L  vc ( t ) + RC  = L (e (t ))
 dt 
Vc ( s ) + RCsVc ( s ) = E ( s )
Vc ( s )(1 + RCs ) = E ( s )
1 Applied voltage E(s) 1 Capacitor voltage VC(s)
Vc ( s ) = E (s)
(1 + RCs ) (1 + RCs )
output Vc ( s ) 1
= = = TF
input E ( s ) (1 + RCs )
ii) For resistor current
❑ Replace i(t) with vc ( t ) =  i ( t ) dt R
vc ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
vc ( t ) = i ( t ) dt
i ( t ) dt + + Ri ( t ) = e ( t ) E C
1 
L   i ( t ) dt + + Ri ( t )  = L ( e ( t ) )
C 
I (s)
+ RI ( s ) = E ( s )
 1 
 + R  I (s) = E (s)
 Cs 
 1 + RCs 
  I (s) = E (s) Applied voltage E(s) Resistor current I(s)
 Cs  Cs
Cs 1 + RCs
I (s) = E (s)
1 + RCs
output I ( s ) Cs
= = = TF
input E ( s ) 1 + RCs
The transfer function for series RL circuit
❑ Inductor voltage + resistor voltage=applied voltage
vL ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )

The transfer function depends upon the desired output variable

Two separate transfer function will be developed:
i) For inductor voltage R
ii) For resistor current
i) For inductor voltage
1 R
❑ Replace i(t) with i ( t ) =  vL ( t )dt
vL ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
1 E
i ( t ) =  vL ( t )dt L
vL ( t ) + R  vL ( t )dt = e ( t )
 
L  vL ( t ) +  vL ( t )dt  = L ( e ( t ) )
R VL ( s ) = E (s)
 L  Ls + R
R output VL ( s ) Ls
VL ( s ) + Vc ( s ) = E ( s ) = = = TF
Ls input E ( s ) Ls + R
 R
VL ( s ) 1 +  = E ( s ) Inductor voltage VL(s)
 Ls  Applied voltage E(s) Ls
Ls + R
ii) For resistor current
i (t )
❑ Replace vL(t) with vL ( t ) = L R
vL ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
i (t )
vL ( t ) = L
dt E
i (t ) L
L + + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
 i (t ) 
L L + Ri ( t )  = L ( e ( t ) )
 dt 
LsI ( s ) + RI ( s ) = E ( s )
( Ls + R ) I ( s ) = E ( s )
( Ls + R ) I ( s ) = E ( s )
1 Applied voltage E(s) 1
Resistor current I(s)
I (s) = E (s)
Ls + R Ls + R
output I ( s ) 1
= = = TF
input E ( s ) Ls + R
The transfer function for series RLC circuit
❑ Inductor voltage + Capacitor voltage+ resistor voltage=applied voltage
vL ( t ) + vc ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t ) R

vL ( t ) + vc ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = e ( t ) E
i (t )
vL ( t ) = L C
vc ( t ) =  i ( t ) dt
i (t ) 1
L +  i ( t ) dt + Ri ( t ) = e ( t )
dt C R
 i (t ) 1 
L L +  i ( t ) dt + Ri ( t )  = L ( e ( t ) )
 dt C  E
I (s) L
LsI ( s ) + + RI ( s ) = E ( s )
Cs C
 1 
 Ls + + R  I (s) = E (s)
 Cs 
 LCs 2 + RCs + 1 
  I (s) = E (s)
 Cs 
Cs Applied voltage E(s) Resistor current I(s)
I (s) = E (s)
LCs 2 + RCs + 1
LCs + RCs + 1

output I ( s ) Cs
= = = TF
input E ( s ) LCs + RCs + 1
Determine the transfer function of a series RLC circuit relating
circuit current to applied voltage, when subjected to an input voltage
of 10V dc. Given that
Resistor R= 2.2kΩ
Capacitor C = 4.7 μF
Inductor L= 1mH E

output I ( s ) Cs
= = = TF
input E ( s ) LCs + RCs + 1

C = 4.7  F
R = 2.2k 
L = 1mH
TF =
LCs 2 + RCs + 1
4.7  Fs
TF =
1mH  4.7  Fs 2 + 2.2k   4.7  Fs + 1
4.7 10−6 s
TF =
4.7 10−9 s 2 + 1.03 10−2 s + 1
Determine the transfer function if the circuit is subjected to an
input voltage of 12V instead of 10V
Resistor R= 2.2kΩ
Capacitor C = 4.7 μF
Inductor L= 1mH E

Determine the transfer function of the circuit in figure below for
output versus input voltage. Output voltage is measured across the
RC filter R2C



Fig. Circuit diagram for the RC filter

a. Determine the transfer function of the circuit in figure below
with the following component values: R1=1kΩ. R2=680Ω, c=
b. Determine an expression for output voltage for a step input of
10 V dc. R1



Fig. Circuit diagram for the RC filter

Mechanical system
Mechanical systems
A linear translation, passive mechanical system has three
main components:
a) Spring,
b) Mass and
c) Damper
A car suspension system consists of a wheel (mass), spring and a shock
For the purpose of analysis, the components are assumed to contain only pure
elements, that is a spring is considered to be pure spring with zero mass and it
assumed to dissipate no energy during compression or extension
According to Newton second law of motion, force applied to a mass results in
acceleration of mass given by
Applied force = mass  resultant acceleration
f = Ma
output acceleration A ( s ) 1
TF = =
applied force F ( s ) M

Applied force F(s) 1

Output acceleration A(s)
Mass can be related to resultant change in velocity
Applied force = mass × rate of change of velocity
dv ( t )
f (t ) = M
 dv ( t ) 
L ( f (t )) = L  M 
 dt 
F ( s ) = MsV ( s )
output velocity V ( s ) 1
TF = =
applied force F ( s ) Ms
Similarly, from the mass and displacement relation
d 2 x (t )
f (t ) = M
dt 2
output displacement X ( s ) 1
TF = =
applied force F ( s ) Ms 2
When a spring is stretched or compressed, it develops a force related to its
spring stiffness(K) and total displacement from the equilibrium position

f = Kx
applied displacement X ( s ) 1
TF = =
applied force F ( s ) K
A damper is a mechanical component that provides damping in the motion
control systems.
Some form of damping is desirable in most of motion control systems, because
damping reduces vibrations and tendency to hunt (back and forth movement
about the target position)
This type of damper (viscous) provides a resistance only to movement.
Force (resistance) developed by a viscous damper is directly proportional to
f = Bv
f =B
B damping coefficient
 dx 
L( f ) = L B 
 dt 
F ( s ) = BsX ( s )
the damper transfer function
applied displacement X ( s ) 1
TF = =
applied force F ( s ) Bs
Spring mass damper System
❑ A spring mass damper system is shown in fig.
❑ The system is fixed at ends between two supports.
❑ Mass is supported by the spring and free to oscillate about the position of
❑ The frequency at which these oscillations take place is a function of the
spring stiffness and inertial mass and is known as the natural frequency
of the system.
❑ An equation of motion relating vertical motion of mass to applied force
will be developed.
❑ Four different forces are at work here
❑ Spring force (force = stiffness × displacement)
❑ Mass (inertia) force (resistance = mass × acceleration)
❑ Damping force (resistance = damping coefficient × velocity)
❑ External force F
❑ Equation all the forces,
❑ Mass force + damping force + spring force = F
d 2x dx
M 2 + B + Kx = F
dt dt

❑ This differential equation fully describes the

behavior of this spring, mass, and damper
❑ Transfer function
❑ By taking Laplace transformation of both sides and simplifying, a transfer
function can be developed that relates the movement of mass to an external
d 2 x (t ) dx ( t )
M 2
+B + Kx ( t ) = F ( t )
dt dt
 d 2 x (t ) dx ( t ) 
L M 2
+B + Kx ( t )  = L ( F ( t ) )
 dt dt 
( Ms X ( s ) + BsX ( s ) + KX ( s ) ) = F ( s )

( Ms + Bs + K ) X ( s ) = F ( s )
Applied force F(s) 1 Mass movement X(s)
X (s) =
F (s) ( Ms 2 + Bs + K )
( Ms + Bs + K )

TF =
1 Transfer function of spring mass damper system
( Ms 2 + Bs + K )

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