Cpe102 Final Requirement

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

Subjects CPE 102 and CPE 110

Activity Video Documentation
Timeline ● March – April (Data Gathering)
● April 3- Meeting with Block Leaders
● April – Conceptualization, Filming, Fieldwork
● April 27 – Submission of the video to course advisers
● May 8 – Culmination
Objectives By accomplishing this project, the students are expected to:

⮚ explore the philosophical, sociocultural, historical, legal, and

political context that ushered in the establishment of the
⮚ determine the different strategies for creating a positive
school culture;
⮚ explain what school and community partnership means;
⮚ cite examples of school-community partnerships;
⮚ explore leadership experiences of school principal/head; and
⮚ determine the role of teacher leadership in school reforms.

Expected ⮚ create a video presentation that will highlight school

output leadership, school culture and climate, and community
partnership within the selected school
Instructions ⮚ Each block shall be divided into four groups.
⮚ Each group shall choose a public or private elementary
school where they will gather data.
⮚ The group shall create a video documentation that will
highlight the following:
A. School Culture and Climate
B. School Leadership
C. Community Partnership
⮚ Ensure that your video presentation is creative and can
engage viewers’ attention.
⮚ The length of the video should be 5-10 minutes long.
⮚ The leader and assistant leader will rate the members of the
group individually. Then, the group members will rate the
leader and assistant leader. Please use the individual rating
sheet attached.
⮚ Before you conduct your interviews for data gathering,
secure permission from the school and offices. Review the
ethical guidelines for interviewing in the file attached here.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

Here are the guide questions you can use to ensure that you
capture all necessary information expected from your output:

School Climate and Culture (for school principal or teachers)

1. What are the various reasons for the establishment of the
2. What are the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Core Values of the
school? Please explain your understanding of those
3. How do you describe your school’s culture? Does it align
with your school’s Vision, Mission, Goals, and Core Values?
Please explain.
4. What are your efforts or initiatives to have a positive school
Leadership Aspect [for school principal/leader(s)]
1. Can you describe a specific leadership challenge you've
faced as a school principal/head and the approach you took
to address it? What did you learn from that experience?
2. As a leader, how do you inspire and motivate others,
especially during challenging times or when faced with
resistance to change?
3. How would you describe the difficulty of the responsibilities
and roles of a school leader? What is your message to
young teachers or future educators who will assume
leadership roles?
School-Community Linkages [for school principal/leader(s)]
Please feel free to use additional questions provided in the
interview guide (attached at the last part) that are most relevant to
the stakeholders you will be interviewing (internal or external).
These questions are tailored to gather insights from both internal
stakeholders (such as school administrators, teachers, and staff)
and external stakeholders (such as community members,
organizations, LGUs, etc). Select the questions that best align with
the perspective and role of the interviewee to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of School-Community Linkages and
their impacts.
1. How would you characterize the current status of School-
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

Community Linkages within your school environment?

2. What do you perceive as the major advantages or outcomes
of robust school-community relationships? Could you provide
instances of successful collaborations or programs that have
notably influenced your school community, academically or
3. In what methods do you think your school could improve its
involvement of external stakeholders to bolster student
achievement and overall development? Are there any
specific strategies or initiatives you believe would enhance
your school's ties with the community and amplify the
effectiveness of your joint endeavors?
4. How do you envision your school harnessing its internal
resources and expertise to better meet the needs of the
community and contribute to its broader development?
These are the additional interview guide questions for School-
Community Linkages.
(for teachers)

1. How frequently do you communicate with parents or

caregivers about their child's progress in school?

2. In what ways do you involve the local community in your

classroom activities?

3. Have you ever collaborated with local businesses or

organizations to provide opportunities for your students?
If so, please describe.
4. How do you promote and encourage parent or caregiver
involvement in your classroom and school activities?

5. In your opinion, what are some of the benefits of strong

school-community partnerships?

6. How do you use technology to facilitate communication

between your classroom and the community?

7. Have you ever participated in any professional

development opportunities related to building school-
community partnerships? If so, please describe.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

8. What are some potential challenges that can arise when

trying to establish and maintain strong school-community
partnerships? How do you address these challenges?

9. How do you ensure that your school's policies and

practices align with the values and needs of the local

10. In what ways do you believe that school-community

partnerships can positively impact student learning and

(for principals/school leaders)

1. How do you encourage and support teachers to involve

the local community in classroom activities?
2. In what ways do you collaborate with local businesses or
organizations to provide opportunities for students and
3. How do you communicate with parents or caregivers
about school events, policies, and their child's progress?
4. How do you ensure that school policies and practices
align with the values and needs of the local community?
5. How do you engage the local community in the school's
decision-making processes?
6. How do you promote and encourage parent or caregiver
involvement in school activities?
7. Have you ever faced any challenges when establishing or
maintaining school-community partnerships? If so, how did
you address these challenges?
8. In what ways have you seen school-community
partnerships positively impact student learning and
9. How do you use technology to facilitate communication
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

between the school and the community?

10. In your opinion, what are the essential elements of
successful school-community partnerships?

(for external stakeholders-community members, local

business, organizations)

1. How do you currently engage with your local school

2. How do you perceive the role of community members,
local businesses, and organizations in contributing to the
success and well-being of our schools?
3. In what ways do you believe that the local community can
support the school?
4. Can you share examples of successful collaborations or
partnerships between external stakeholders and schools
that have made a meaningful impact on student learning,
engagement, or overall school improvement?
5. What are some of the benefits of having strong school-
community partnerships?
6. What specific areas or initiatives within the school
community do you believe external stakeholders could
contribute to most effectively, and how might these
collaborations be structured to maximize their impact?
7. In what ways can the local community help ensure that the
school's policies and practices align with community values
and needs?
8. How can the school better communicate with the local
9. Have you ever participated in any school-sponsored
events or activities? If so, please describe.
10. How can local businesses and organizations contribute
to the success of the school and its students?

(for parents)
1.How frequently do you communicate with your child's
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

teacher about their progress in school?

2.In what ways have you participated in school activities or
3.How do you believe that parent involvement can positively
impact student learning and achievement?
4.What suggestions do you have for ways that the school
can better involve parents in the school community?
5.How can the school better communicate with parents
about school events, policies, and initiatives?
6.Have you ever volunteered at your child's school? If so,
please describe your experience.
7.In what ways do you think that the school and local
community can collaborate to support student learning and
8.How can local businesses and organizations contribute to
the success of the school and its students?
9.What suggestions do you have for ways that the school
can better align its policies and practices with community
values and needs?
10.In your opinion, what are the essential elements of
successful school-parent partnerships?

Content (35%)
- The video comprehensively covers aspects of school culture,
leadership, and community partnership.

RUBRICS - The video provides a thorough and insightful analysis of school

culture, leadership, and community partnership, supported by rich
examples and perspectives. such as but not limited to interviews
and testimonials.

Organization and Structure (20%)

-The documentary has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
-Information is logically organized and presented in a cohesive
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

-Transitions between sections or topics are smooth and facilitate
-Key points and main ideas are effectively highlighted and

Visuals, Creativity and Innovation (20%)

-The video incorporates engaging and relevant visuals, such as
interviews, footage of school and community activities, and relevant
-The video demonstrates creativity and originality in presenting the
-Innovative approaches are used to engage the audience, such as
storytelling techniques, unique perspectives, or creative editing.
-High production quality, including clear audio, proper lighting, and
appropriate camera techniques.
-Effective use of visual elements, such as captions, graphics, or
animations, to enhance understanding and engagement.

Clarity of Message (10%)

-The documentary effectively conveys the intended message about
the importance and impact of school-community linkages.
-The information is presented in a clear, concise, and accessible
-Complex concepts or terms are explained or simplified for better

Overall Impact (10%)

-The video documentary is engaging and captures the attention of
the audience.
-It evokes an emotional response or leaves a lasting impression on
the viewers.
-The documentary inspires viewers to recognize the significance of
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Bachelor of Education Department

school culture, effective organizational leadership, and school-

community linkages and encourages them to take action.

Time (5%):
-The documentary is filmed within the allotted time and shows
evidence of effective time management. (5-10 minutes)

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