SUMMARY Key Investment Opp - Temp FINAL A3
SUMMARY Key Investment Opp - Temp FINAL A3
SUMMARY Key Investment Opp - Temp FINAL A3
Summary of Key
Opportunities in Kenya
The Third Medium Term Plan 2018-2022 of Kenya Vision 2030 outlines policies, programmes
and projects as well as legal and institutional reforms to be implemented during the period. It
incorporates the “Big Four” agenda and programmes and projects aimed at achieving the Africa
Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programmes and projects in
the MTP III provide various investment opportunities for both local and foreign investors.
Increased trade and investment opportunities in the country will be critical towards implementation
of the government’s “Big Four” agenda. This will play a major role in addressing the underlying
challenges such as unemployment, poverty and lack of income-generating opportunities especially
among youth and women. We believe that the private sector and Development Partners, in
collaboration with the Government and the Kenyan people, will be key in achieving the country’s
transformative agenda.
The Government has put in place several key legislations to support investment as well as strengthen
local capacities toward realization of inclusive growth. The Public Private Partnership Act, 2013
provides for an institutional framework for implementation of public-private agreements. In
addition, the Special Economic Zones Act, 2015 provides framework for promoting industrial
development in the country. More importantly, the 47 county governments have put in place
legislations to promote investment in all sectors at county level. These counties are implementing
second generation County Integrated Development Plans which provide several investment
opportunities to potential investors.
The Government has implemented several reforms to improve the country’s ease of doing business
and targets to improve its ranking to at least position 45 out of 189 from 56 in 2019. The country
boasts of developed financial services and infrastructure; stable macroeconomic environment,
developed institutions as well as its integration to regional and international economic blocks.
This booklet identifies viable investment opportunities and projects planned for implementation
through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Private Sector engagements. The Government
welcomes investors to Kenya as an ideal destination of choice for investment and assures all
investors of necessary support.
The Government is implementing the Third Medium Term Plan (MTP 2018-2022) Kenya Vision
2030 whose theme is Transforming Lives: Advancing socio-economic development through the
“Big Four”. The plan outlines several programmes and projects to be implemented both at the
national and county governments. Successful implementation of programmes and projects will
require sizeable financial resources to be met through annual budgetary allocations, engagement
of development partners and through Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
The Government through the National Treasury and Planning has packaged viable investment
opportunities in the country. Investment opportunities exist in development of infrastructure;
generation of power; development of oil, gas and mineral resources; agro-processing; tourism;
financial services among others. This publication provides in detail the specific investment
opportunities available in each of the key sectors of our economy.
Strategies to improve investment environment in the country have been put in place. These include
enactment of necessary legislations and strengthening key institutions to support investment. The
State Department for Planning is mandated with formulation of national development plans from
which investment opportunities are derived, while Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) is
charged with profiling and promoting the opportunities.
Let me take this opportunity to thank the Cabinet Secretary, The National Treasury and Planning
for his steadfast leadership, my fellow Principal Secretaries for their invaluable support and the
technical team that pieced this document together. I also extend my sincere gratitude to the Public
Finance Management Reforms Secretariat for the financial support towards production of this
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ACRONYM....................................................................................................................................ix
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Location and Key Geographical Features.........................................................................................1
1.2 Key Economic Indicators..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Why invest in Kenya........................................................................................................................3
2.0 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES.................................................................................................5
2.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Infrastructure Sector.........................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Energy Sub-Sector............................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Transport Sub-Sector......................................................................................................................10
2.3 Manufacturing Sector.....................................................................................................................17
2.4 Financial Services Sector................................................................................................................21
2.5 Trade Sector....................................................................................................................................22
2.6 Sports, Culture and the Arts Sector.................................................................................................24
2.6.1 Sports Sub-Sector...........................................................................................................................24
2.6.2 Culture and Arts Sub-Sector...........................................................................................................24
2.7 Information and Communication Technology Sector.....................................................................25
2.8 Business Process Outsourcing Sector.............................................................................................26
2.9 Tourism Sector ...........................................................................................................................28
2.10 Agriculture and Livestock Sector...................................................................................................31
2.10.1 Crop Development Sub-Sector.......................................................................................................31
2.10.2 Livestock Sub-Sector......................................................................................................................33
2.10.3 Fisheries Sub – Sector....................................................................................................................36
2.10.4 Co-operatives Sub-Sector...............................................................................................................38
2.11 Environment, Water, Sanitation and Regional Development Sector..............................................39
2.11.1 Water Sub-Sector............................................................................................................................39
2.11.2 Irrigation Sub-Sector.......................................................................................................................43
2.11.3 Environment and Natural Resources Sub-Sector............................................................................44
2.11.4 Regional Development Sub-Sector.................................................................................................46
2.12 Health Sector...................................................................................................................................53
2.13 Education Sector.............................................................................................................................56
2.14 Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources.....................................................................................................58
2.14.1 Petroleum Sub-Sector.....................................................................................................................58
2.14.2 Mining Sub-Sector..........................................................................................................................59
2.15 Security, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Sector...............................................................60
AGCE Africa Geothermal Centre of Excellence
ASALs Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
BMA Bandari Maritime Academy
BOT Build Operate Transfer
CBET Competency Based Education and Training
EAC East African Community
ENNDA Ewaso Ngiro North Development Authority
ENSDA Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority
EPZA Export Processing Zones Authority
GDC Geothermal Development Corporation
GDP Gross Domestic Product
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ITES Information Technology Enabled Services
JKIA Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
KMRC Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company
KNSL Kenya National Shipping Line
KOMEX Kenya National Multi-Commodities Exchange
KoTDA Konza Technology Development Authority
kV Kilo-volts
LAPSSET Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MSMEs Micro and Small Enterprises
MTP Medium Term Plan
MT Metric Tonnes
MW Mega Watts
NIFC Nairobi International Financial Centre
NMRTS Nairobi Metropolitan Rapid Transit System
NYS National Youth Service
NPI Natural Product Industry
NSCC National System Control Centre
NSP National Spatial Plan
PPP Public Private Partnership
REREC Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation
RSS Road Side Stations
SACCOs Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SGR Standard Gauge Railway
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
TARDA Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
The Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income
country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by the year 2030. The Government is
implementing the Third Medium Term Plan 2018-2022 of Kenya Vision 2030 which outlines
programmes and projects aimed at achieving the “Big Four” Agenda, Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and Africa Agenda 2063. The investment opportunities contained in this publication
are critical for national economic growth and development as envisaged in the Vision. The
publication therefore provides a summary of key investment opportunities available in the country.
Kenya is located in the Eastern part of the African Continent bordered by Ethiopia and South
Sudan to the north; Uganda to the west; Tanzania to the south; Somalia to the northeast; and Indian
Ocean to the southeast. The country enjoys tropical climate with sunshine all year round. The
temperatures average between 200C to 280C throughout the year.
The country boasts of numerous unique tourist attractions and beautiful landscapes, ranging
from the open savannah, coastal beaches, deep tropical forests, a snow-capped mountain, alpine
meadows, coral reefs, caves, beaches and river deltas. Kenya is also a haven of natural wonders
such as the memorable wildebeest migration. It is also home to the “Big Five” game and has
won international acclaim as the authentic wildlife safari destination. The latest Country Brand
Index (CBI) reports that 82% of visitors to Kenya demonstrated brand loyalty, with the main
contributing factors being the generosity, warmth and hospitality of the Kenyan people.
The Kenya Economic Survey 2019 highlights various economic indicators in the country. Some
of the key indicators are as illustrated in figure 1.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
i. Kenya is the largest and the most advanced economy in East and Central Africa; with
strong growth prospects supported by investments in infrastructure and an emerging urban
middle class. It is ranked the 3rd largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa with a GDP of
USD 88 billion;
ii. Kenya’s investment climate is the strongest in the East Africa Community (EAC), with
Foreign direct Investment (FDI) flowing in from emerging and developed markets and a
high volume of multinational companies with regional and continent-wide headquartered
in the country;
iii. Kenya is among the 10 most improved economies in the World Bank Ease of Doing
Business Report, 2019 from position 80 in 2017 to position 56 in 2019;
iv. Kenya’s geographical location makes the country ideal for strategic partnerships aimed at
improving regional and global market share. The country is the logistics, telecoms, financial
and diplomatic hub for the region;
v. Kenya is the dominant economy in the East Africa Community, contributing approximately
50% of the region’s GDP and is centrally located in the region, providing investors access
to wider consumer market of up to 174 million people in the EAC and 560 million in
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region;
vi. Kenya is a member of several trade arrangements and a beneficiary of trade promotion
schemes that include the World Trade Organization, EAC-EU Trade Agreement, Africa
Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).
vii. Kenya enjoys political stability and a favourable investment environment which is supported
by the Constitution. The national and county governments work with the private sector as
a key partner in the development and growth of the economy;
viii. Kenya has a well-developed private sector and presents many opportunities for investment
in sole and joint ventures, and PPP. The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Federation
of Kenya Employers (FKE), Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the
Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) play key advocacy roles;
ix. Kenya has the most developed stock market in the Eastern and Central African region.
Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) has a market capitalization of USD 23 billion by 2019;
x. Kenya has a large, highly educated, skilled and trainable work force with population aged
15-64 accounting for 57% of total population;
xi. Nairobi is ranked 6th in the world’s 20 most dynamic cities according to the World
Economic Forum City Momentum Index 2018. The City has attractive tourism products,
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
hospitable and friendly people, quality night life, and hotels and restaurants offering local
and international cuisines. Over the next five years, Nairobi is projected to have one of the
fastest-growing populations in the world.
xi. Kenya has an extensive and relatively well developed banking industry, serving the
domestic, regional and international markets. There are 41 banks registered in Kenya that
include local, regional and global brands. In the 2019 World bank Ease of Doing Business
Report, Kenya is ranked position 8 out of 190 countries in ease of accessing credit;
xii. Kenya has one of the highest rates of internet access in the continent, with 89.4%
(approximately 42.6 Million) of its population having internet access making it ideal for
investment in internet driven and knowledge economy;
xiii. Kenya tops in mobile money penetration globally 100% mobile money penetration
(Communication Authority of Kenya Report, 2019);
xiv. Kenya is firmly interconnected through a network of roads, railways, ports, airports,
water ways and telecommunications. Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and
Mombasa Port are among the busiest in Africa;
xv Kenya has the potential to improve its power generation capacity from 2,711 MW in 2018
to 5,000+ MW in the medium term, through focus on geothermal and other green and cost
effective energy sources. This will ensure adequate power supply and significantly reduce
cost of doing business; and
xvi. Kenya has put in place supportive legal frameworks to promote investment in the country.
The Public Private Partnership Act, 2013 provides a legal framework for Government
and private sector investment engagements. The Special Economic Zones Act, 2015
provides enabling environment for the development of all aspects of special economic
zones including integrated infrastructure facilities; investment incentives for economic
and business activities and removal of impediments to economic or business activities
within the Economic Zones. The Mining Act, 2016 and the Mining Regulations, 2018
provides world class incentive for private sector investors. The Nairobi International
Financial Centre Act, 2017 seeks to provide the legal framework for the development of
an efficient and globally competitive financial sector in the country.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
2.1 Overview
The Third MTP 2018-2022 (MTP III) of Kenya Vision 2030 provides numerous investment
opportunities especially in the “Big Four” initiatives, and programmes and projects aimed at
enhancing economic growth and attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda
2063 and other regional and international development agendas. In view of limited fiscal space,
implementation of the MTP III will leverage on private sector investments including through
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). In this regard, the PPP Unit has been strengthened to attract
and engage the private sector and ensure speedy implementation of identified programmes and
projects through PPPs.
Key business and investment opportunities exist in the “Big Four” initiatives: In manufacturing
the Government targets to increase the manufacturing share of GDP from 9.2 per cent in 2016
to 15 per cent by 2022 and agro-processing to at least 50 per cent of total agricultural output; in
the Population, Urbanization and Housing Sector it targets to provide at least 500,000 affordable
houses across the country; in Agriculture sector the target is to achieve Food and Nutrition Security
(FNS); and, in Health it targets to achieve 100 per cent Universal Health Coverage. Key business
and investment opportunities also exist in other sectors of the economy such as tourism; Blue
economy; infrastructure; communications (ICT and BPO); financial services; trade; oil, gas and
mineral resources; environment, water, sanitation and regional development; and security, peace
building and conflict resolution. Specific areas of investment are enumerated below.
The Sector comprises of Energy; Transport; Infrastructure; Housing and Urban Development;
Shipping and Maritime; and Public Works sub-sectors. Efficient, accessible and reliable
infrastructure is an enabler for sustained economic growth and development. It lowers the cost of
doing business; improves security; improves livelihoods and the country’s global competitiveness.
The country’s installed electricity capacity was 2,711 MW in 2018. It is anticipated that electricity
demand will rise due to accelerated consumer connections and numerous economic activities. To
meet this projected demand in electricity, the Government through its Medium Term Plan (MTP
III, 2018-2022 aims to increase installed capacity to 5,000+ MW by 2022 through increase in
capital outlay and distribution infrastructure.
It is envisaged that the private sector will play a key role in providing the required capital
either on its own or through Public Private Partnerships (PPP). The projected growth
in electricity demand, therefore, presents a golden opportunity to invest in the energy
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Geothermal Development
The estimated potential of geothermal energy is approximately 10,000 MW with a total of 672
MW having been developed by 2018. There is great potential to develop additional geothermal
energy in Olkaria, Silali, Eburu, Menengai, and Bogoria regions. The Government has invested
heavily to support scientific research, drilling and generation of power from geothermal. There
are many investment opportunities for potential investors ranging from; supply of equipment and
materials; development of steam fields and power plants; and supply of generation equipment to
civil engineering and construction. Investor engagement procedures have been simplified through
the establishment of a one-stop advisory and investment facilitation service at the Geothermal
Development Corporation (GDC).
Name of project : Geothermal Steam Development
Implementing Agency : Geothermal Development Company and
Location : Nakuru/Narok Counties
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The projects aim to add 640 MWe geothermal energy for power generation
to the national grid from Olkaria VIII, Olkaria IX, Menengai Phase II, Korosi Phase I, Paka Phase
I, and Suswa Phase I. This will be achieved through drilling geothermal wells to extract steam
from reservoirs formed as rainwater or other water seeps down and reaches hot zones at depths of
about 3,000 meters underground and construction of the geothermal plants. The project estimated
cost is USD 1,405 million.
Name of project : Geothermal Wells
Implementing Agency : Geothermal Development Company
and KENGEN (GoK)
Location : Nakuru County
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The projects aims to drill 269 wells for the 640 MWe geothermal energy for
power generation to the national grid from 269 Geothermal Wells Drilling (Olkaria Geothermal
Field, Menengai Phase III, IV and V, Korosi Phase I, Paka Phase I, Silali Phase I, Suswa Phase I).
This will be achieved through drilling geothermal wells to extract steam from reservoirs formed
as rainwater or other water seeps down and reaches hot zones at depths of about 3,000 meters
underground. The project estimated cost is USD 2,064 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project Description: The project aims to add 300MW geothermal energy to the national grid
under phase I from Korosi, Paka and Silali fields. This will be achieved through (transmission /
evacuation of power to the national grid). Development of the geothermal power plant.
Project Description: The project entails the establishment and operationalization of Africa
Geothermal Centre of Excellence (AGCE) aimed at building geothermal human capacity in the
country and beyond. This includes: Master Plan development; buildings and constructions for the
AGCE laboratory, workshops and related/associated equipment; and curriculum development.
The estimated project cost is USD 1,710 million.
Solar Energy
Kenya lies across the equator and receives daily insolation of between 4 and 6 kilowatt-hours
per square metre. A vibrant solar energy market has developed in Kenya over the years due to
increased demand for affordable and clean energy to supply homes and institutions remote from
the national grid. There is also the wider market provided by other member states of the East
African Community (EAC) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Project description: The Northern Kenya and other arid lands have strong reliable sunshine
throughout the year thus providing high potential for investment in solar energy for sale to the
national grid. Opportunities also exist in manufacturing of associated components and accessories,
such as charge controllers, inverters and Photo Voltaic batteries.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
the new (photovoltaic) PV power plant in Gitaru Eastern Hydros. The main activities will include
installation of the solar panels and other related infrastructure. The estimated cost for the project
is USD 57 million.
The Government is keen on promoting development and utilization of small hydro power. The
estimated potential of small hydro power is about 3,000 MW. Development of small hydropower
plants by private investors has been facilitated by the establishment of the Feed-in Tariffs (FITs)
policy. Numerous sites have been identified for hydropower development with high potential in
Kirinyaga, Embu, Nyeri, Muranga and Meru counties. The studies are still on-going and site
assessments have been done in the five drainage basins of Tana, Athi, Lake Victoria, Rift Valley
and Ewaso-Ngiro North. In its effort to increase installed small hydro capacity, the Government
has been assisting investors and developers with resource assessments and feasibility studies.
Preliminary wind resource assessment shows that wind regimes in certain parts of Kenya such
as Turkana, Marsabit, Meru, Ngong and the Coastal region can support commercial electricity
generation as they enjoy wind speeds ranging from 8 to 14 metres per second. The country has
the potential to produce over 800 MW of wind power for sale to the national grid. Investment
opportunities include:
Name of project : Meru Wind (480 MW)
Implementing Agency : Kenya Electricity Generating Company
Location : Meru County
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: The proposed project will be undertaken in three phases of 80MW, 150MW
and 250MW. The project provides opportunities for Engineering Procurement and Construction
(EPC) Contractor to design, supply, install, test and commission Phase I of the Meru Wind Project.
In addition, an equity partner is required for the subsequent phases. Phase I (80MW) has already
been awarded and private investors are invited to bid for Phase II and Phase III. The estimated
cost is USD 888 million.
Project description: The project entails development of 50MW wind power in Kangeta hills –
Tigania East in Meru County as the area falls under wind class 4-5. The annual revenue projection
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
is USD 14.45 million, with an estimated payback period of seven years. The estimated cost of the
project is USD 100 million.
Bio-Fuel Production
Project description: Kenya requires 77 million litres of ethanol per year for a national 10%
(E10) blend at current consumption levels. The demand is projected to grow to 148 million litres
by 2030. Opportunities in production and processing of Jetropha and sweet sorghum into bio-
fuel exist in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) areas of the country. In addition, consultancy
opportunities exist in research work and capacity building in bio-technology and related industrial
potential for production of bio-fuels.
Project description: Substantial coal deposits have been discovered in Kenya in the Mui Basin,
Kitui County with seams of up to a depth of 27 metres and an area of about 500km2. Coal
mining preparations are at an advanced stage. Coal exploration is scheduled to start in the newly
delineated thirty one (31) Blocks which are spread across Kitui County. Further, a nation-wide
coal exploration programme has been put in place especially in Taru basin, Kwale County. This
presents huge investment opportunities in coal exploration and development.
Power Transmission
Name of project : Turkwel - Lokichar 66kV Line
Implementing Agency : Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy
Corporation (REREC)
Location : Turkana County
Investment engagement : PPP
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project Description: The project comprises of construction of 540km of 400kV double circuit
transmission line and associated substation split in three lots. Lot A comprising the development
of 400kV double circuit transmission line from proposed Nairobi East Substation to Kitui and also
construction of 20km 220kV double circuit transmission line from the proposed Lamu coal plant
to the existing 220kV Lamu (Hindi) Substation. Lot B entails construction of a 400kV double
circuit transmission line from Kitui to a Substation near the coal plant in Lamu. Lot C covers the
construction of two 400kV/220kV substations in Nairobi East and one in Lamu near the coal plant
and extension of the existing substation at Hindi. The estimated project cost is USD 295 million.
The subsector aspires to transform transport infrastructure in the country in order to increase
competitiveness in business and industry, improve urban environment and promote regional
development. This will ultimately improve the socio-economic status of the citizens.
Name of the Project : Development of Cruise Ship Facilities
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Kilifi, Kwale and Lamu
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: There is opportunity on Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) or Build Operate
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
and Own (BOO) for investors interested in air transport industry in the development of airstrips
infrastructure and services in Kenya in tourist circuit areas of Maasai Mara, South Coast and other
parts of the country. The estimated project cost is USD 73 million.
Name of the Project : Development of Maritime Skills
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public works
Location : Bandari Maritime Academy- Mombasa
Investment Engagement : PPP
Name of the Project : Revival of Kenya National Shipping Line
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Mombasa County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The Kenya National Shipping Line (KNSL) will be revived to leverage on
pre-eminent logistics and be a transportation hub on the eastern seaboard of the African continent.
This will entail restructuring of operations and management including settlement of outstanding
debts and other liabilities including settlement of disinterested shareholders. The KNSL will also
leverage on container terminal 2 and engage a global strategic partner to drive cargo volumes to
2 million Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) transhipped at the port of Mombasa from other
regional ports for redistribution. The KNSL will initially charter vessels to build sufficient market
share and thereafter acquire own vessels through pooling of resources.
Name of project : Development of Lamu Port
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public works
Location : Lamu County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The project entails the construction of 29 out of 32 berths and a draft of 18
metres to accommodate larger ships equivalent to 200,000 tons. The first three berths are under
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
construction through government funding while 29 are available for development through PPP
framework. The port will be linked to Ethiopia and South Sudan through a road network and a
standard gauge railway. The Government is prioritising sourcing of the operator and equipment
for 1st three (3) berths at an estimated cost of USD 240 million and development of additional
three (3) berths as outlined in the Port Master Plan. The three berths include: Agri-bulk Terminal,
Liquid-bulk Terminal and Special Economic Zone at an estimated cost of USD 163, 61 and 98
million respectively.
Project description: The project entails development of a highway along the LAPSSET corridor
which is planned to run from the Port of Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to Nakodok (Kenya/South Sudan
border). The road network will provide reliable transport corridor for Ethiopia and Southern
Sudan, ease market access, open up Northern Kenya and expand other economic activities The
investment opportunity exist in construction of the following road setions: Lamu Port Link Road
(10 Kms) – USD 23 million; Garsen- Witu – Lamu (115Km) – USD 110 million; Lamu–Garissa -
Isiolo (530Km) – USD 720 million; and Isiolo-Lokichar (368Km – USD 380 million
Project description: The project entails development of aSGR along the LAPSSET corridor
which is planned to run from the Port of Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to Nakodok (Kenya/South Sudan
border) and Juba (South Sudan), Isiolo to Moyale (Kenya/Ethiopia border) and Addis Ababa
(Ethiopia). The rail network will provide critical infrastructure necessary to ease market access
and open the areas for expanded economic activities. It is estimated that the economic internal
rate of return of the rail will be 17.8%. Investment opportunities include development of: Lamu-
Isiolo SGR main line-544.4km single track, Railway Class I ( USD 3,511 million); Isiolo-Nairobi
SGR main line-278.6km single track, Railway Class I (USD 2,495 million); Isiolo-Nakodok SGR
main line-753.2km single track, Railway Class II ( USD 4,432 million); Isiolo-Moyale SGR main
line-475.9km single track, Railway Class II (USD 3,178 million); and Lamu-Mariakani SGR line-
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of the Project : Implementation of the Roads Annuity Program
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Nationwide
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The percentage of paved road in Kenya is estimated at 11.6% out of a
total road network of 161,451KM. The Government has prioritized construction of an additional
10,000KM of roads over a period of five years. Development of these roads will open up production
areas and facilitate accessibility to market areas. Adoption of Annuity program as an alternative
financing mechanism will enable bridge the financing gap towards development of 10,000km and
further increase connectivity. The investor will Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain-Transfer
(DBFOMT) Scheme. In return, the private developer is compensated via fixed and performance
related periodical payments (annuity) by Government from public funds.
Name of the Project : Development of Road Side Stations (RSS)
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Nairobi, Kiambu and Nakuru, Kakamega, Uasin
Gishu Counties
Investment Engagement : Private Sector
Project description: Kenyan major Corridors such as the Northern Corridor (NC) provides a very
low level of service since there are few rest facilities with parking space that can accommodate
heavy and large vehicles. Most of facilities used do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic conditions.
The investment opportunity exists in establishment of Road Side Stations as part of a strategy to
address road safety and health for road users as well as improvement of economic activities of the
people living along the corridor. Approximately 17 viable RSS have been identified and design
models finalized.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The Government has developed a transit plan aimed at reducing traffic by
integrating a number of transport systems to include a heavy rail, light rail and a bus rapid transit.
The plan is to develop nine key railway transport corridors linking the Nairobi Railway Station
(NRS) with: Ruiru and Thika; Juja Road to Kangundo; JKIA to Athi River; Langata Road to Karen
and Upper Hill to Ngong. Feasibility study has been completed and the preparation of the terms
of reference for detailed designs is on-going. The Government seeks partnership to develop and
run the commuter service of the Nairobi Commuter Rail including provision of rolling stock. The
project is expected to cost USD 138 Million.
Project description: The projects involves development of railway cities in Nairobi, Kisumu,
Mombasa and Voi. The developments in the proposed cities will include; ultra-modern railway
stations, direct rail links with the international airport in the host city, commercial buildings, an
industrial park, shopping arcades, malls and restaurants among other facilities. The project will be
developed through Build Operate Transfer (BOT), land leases, franchises and Joint-Ventures. The
estimated cost of the project is USD 2,150 Million.
Project description: Development of ship construction and repair industry in Kenya to supply
medium sized coastal vessels for coastal transportation and fishing industries. The existing facilities
have a dry-dock capacity for vessels up to 170 metres length overall that is not utilized to full
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
potential. This is besides supporting other sectors value chains in the economy. Effective harnessing
of Kenya’s potential requires investment in ship building and repairs. Other opportunities include,
container manufacturing and cleaning.
Project description: The project entails the development of an airport city on an 800 acre site
using the most eco-friendly and sustainable technology and designs to make one of Africa’s most
advanced airport city.
Name of project : Rehabilitation of the Voi-Taveta Railway Line
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Taita Taveta County
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: This project entails rehabilitation of Voi-Taveta railway line to take
advantage of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) to promote trade between Kenya and Tanzania.
The estimated cost of the project is USD 1.4 billion.
Project description: The project involves rehabilitation of existing 100km railway line, doubling
of sections and support infrastructure and provision of rolling stock.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
rolling stock with an objective of increasing capacity utilization for commuter services at an
estimated cost of USD 2.54Million.
Project description: Kenya’s housing supply is estimated at 50,000 units annually against a de-
mand of 250,000 units, leaving a deficit of 200,000 units. Cumulatively, there is a backlog of
about 2 million housing units. To reduce the backlog, the Government prioritized to facilitate con-
struction of at least 500,000 affordable houses to Kenyans by 2022. Construction of 1,370 housing
units are complete in Park road, Nairobi.
The proposed project entails construction of 3,000 housing units and associated infrastructure in
Shauri Moyo, Nairobi (32.2 acres); and 5,400 housing units and associated infrastructure in Starehe,
Nairobi (20 acres) both in Nairobi; under Public Private Partnership (PPP). Once completed, the
government will pay off the investor through off-take agreements and offer the houses for sale
to the public. The estimated cost of the project is USD 196 million (USD 125 million for Shauri
Moyo and USD 71 million for Starehe).
Project description: The project entails partnering with investors to upgrade informal settlements
in Kibera Soweto Zone B (10 acres) and Mariguini South B (6 acres). The investment opportunity
entails construction of housing units and associated physical and social infrastructure as follows:
4,435 units at Kibera Soweto Zone B at a cost of USD 64 million and 2,690 units at Mariguini
South B at a cost of USD 41 million. The estimated cost of the project is USD 105 million.
xviii. Name of the project : Development of Housing units for the Civil
Servants Scheme
Implementing Agencies : Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing,
Urban Development and Public Works
Location : Nairobi County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Civil Servants Housing Scheme is a revolving Fund that has since inception
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
benefited about 3,500 Civil Servants out of over 200,000 work force through loans for house
construction or purchase. Through the Fund, the government has disbursed about Ksh. 3.7 Billion
and constructed 1,183 units for sale to Civil Servants. Over time, the demand has remained
overwhelming with more than 85% of applicants missing out on the allocations.
The proposed project entails construction of 1,350 housing units under Public Private Partnerships
(PPP) arrangement in 9 sites in the following Counties: Murang’a (150); Kakamega (150); Nyeri
(150); Kisii (150); Mombasa (200); Garissa (100); Nakuru (150); Uasin Gishu (150); and Meru
(150) Once completed, the units will be offered for sale to Civil Servants. The estimated cost of
the project is USD 49 million.
The manufacturing sector plays a key role in Kenya’s economic growth and development through
employment and wealth creation. The goal of the sector is to increase its contribution to GDP
from 7.7% in 2018 to 15% by 2022. The sector is one of the ‘Big Four’ initiatives and will play
a key role in the country’s economic growth and development by facilitating employment and
wealth creation through investments. The Government targets to improve ease of doing business
to position 45 out of 189 by 2022 from the current rank of 56 in 2019. FDI inflows are expected
to increase to USD 2 billion, in addition to creation of five million additional jobs in the sector by
2022. The following are the investment opportunities in the sector:
Name of the project : Industrial Cluster Programmes
Implementing agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: This programme entails two (2) components aimed at increasing industrial
investments. These are textiles and apparel manufacturing; and manufacture of leather and leather
products. Other investment opportunities include construction of low cost industrial warehouses;
hides and skin collection; tanning; finished goods processing; and construction of 3 parks and
associated infrastructure.
Project Description: The Petroleum Master Plan outlines the forms and investment opportunities
in the sector. The investment opportunities in the oil and gas industry include establishment of
fertilizers and petrochemicals industries.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of the Project : Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Mombasa County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The Dongo Kundu SEZ in Mombasa is the pilot SEZ in the country. The
Master Plan, feasibility study and detailed plans for the project are completed. Investment
opportunities exist in development of residential housing and Meeting, Incentives, Conference
and Exhibition (MICE).
Name of the Project : Kisumu Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Kisumu County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Kisumu has been earmarked for development of a special economic zone
to spur industrial growth in the lake-side region. Investment opportunities exist in establishment
of light industries, components and accessories processing plants as well as artisanal and craft
units. The Government has set aside 10,000 acres of land in Muhoroni Constituency for the
establishment of the Special Economic Zone and will provide sector-appropriate on-site and off-
site infrastructure and utilities.
Name of the Project : Lamu Special Economic Zone
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Lamu County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project Description: The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) will be established strategically/
optimally, adjacent to the port site within the Lamu Metropolis. The development of this SEZ will
include establishment of a free trade zone; free port; logistics hub and an industrial zone. It will
also entail light industrial development or services focused on low environmental impact/green
industries as well as ancillary residential and commercial development.
Name of the Project : KenGen Green Energy Industrial Park
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Nakuru County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project Description: KenGen Green Energy Industrial Park will cover 1,200 acres for the
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
development of a world-class mixed use industrial park including various clusters of businesses,
services and manufacturing. In particular, KenGen seeks investment in geo-chemical (Silica and
Lithium); apparel and textile sector; logistics and data centre.
Name of the Project : Kenya Leather Park
Implementing Agencies : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Development/Export Processing Zones Authority
Location : Kenanie, Machakos County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: There are 14 active tanneries across the country with a processing capacity
of 2.28 million hides and 18.6 million skins. The leather industry generates USD 100 million
annually and is projected to earn 10 times more by exporting processed products compared to the
current semi-processed products. In order to promote the leather industry, the Government has
set aside 500 hectares of land and initiated provision of the necessary enabling infrastructure for
development of a leather industrial park hosting additional tanneries and value addition facilities.
The investment opportunities existing under this project are construction of thirty six (36) tanneries
in the Leather Park and a common tannery effluent treatment plant; and construction and equipping
of eight (8) leather value facilities. The estimated cost of the project is USD 11.8 million.
Project description: In order to promote industrial dispersion and balanced economic development
in the country, the national and county governments in conjunction with the private sector will
collaborate in identification of land, infrastructure development and management of SMEs/
Industrial Parks. The investment opportunities include construction of sheds, SMEs and industrial
parks; establishment of centres of excellence and business support services.
ix. Name of the projects : Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Development Programmes
Implementing agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Development/County Governments
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: The investment opportunities include development of Micro and Small
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project Description: This project will involve promotion of value addition to agricultural crops
and animal products. Investment opportunities include establishment of agro-processing plants
for produce such as tea, nuts, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers; construction of
animal product processing and packaging factories; manufacture of animal feeds and establishment
of facilities for training agro-processing entrepreneurs.
Name of the Project : Integrated Iron and Steel Milling
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Development/ Numerical Machining Company
Location : Lamu County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Iron ore reserves exist in several locations in Kenya, including Taita-Taveta,
Tharaka Nithi and Kitui counties. In addition, limestone, which is a raw material in steelmaking
process is mined in Taita-Taveta, Kitui and Kajiado counties. The availability of these raw
materials coupled with high demand for steel in building, construction and fabrication provides an
investment opportunity in establishment of an iron and steel mill in Lamu County. The estimated
cost of the project is USD 1,472.35 million.
Project description: The current machinery and equipment need to be upgraded. This presents
an opportunity for supply and installation of new machinery and equipment. This will enable the
production of uniforms for all national security agencies and for export.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project aims to drive manufacturing and production of machinery,
equipment, automotive parts and industrial steel to support local industries and MSMEs
manufacturing capacity. Investment opportunities exist in supply and installation/assembly
of: machinery, tools and equipment for enhancement of foundry works and metal fabrication;
agricultural machineries; facilities for research and development on design and manufacture of
machinery and reverse engineering; and automotive manufacturing facilities. It will also involve
upgrade of Computer Numerically Controlled machining facilities.
Description of the Project: The project entails establishment of two Industrial Training Centres
in Eldoret town (Uasin Gishu County) and Nyeri town. The Centres are expected to contribute to
occupational proficiency through the transfer of appropriate skills, competencies and training in
development and application of indigenous technology. The project is estimated to cost USD 48
Achieving the high economic growth and funding key Vision 2030 projects requires an increased
mobilization of financial resources. This can be achieved by deepening financial markets, focusing
on enhancing financial access, improving efficiency while maintaining financial stability.
Project Description: The aim of the project is to make Nairobi a major regional hub for
financial services and investment. The NIFC will mobilise domestic, regional and international
savings and investments to spur sustained economic growth. Opportunities exist in setting up
of subsidiary regional and international financial service firms as well as making investments
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
through companies incorporated in the NIFC, which benefit from attractive incentives such as no
restriction on ownership.
Trade sector is key to Kenya’s economic development agenda and is expected to expand
substantially as the economy moves towards a 7 percent growth target of Third MTP (2018-2022).
There exists high potential and a vibrant wholesale and retail business in Kenya, with wholesale
and retail trade accounting for about 7.6 percent of GDP. Investment opportunities in the trade
sector exist in the following areas:
Name of the Project : Refurbishment of Warehousing Facilities
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Development/Kenya National Trade Corporation
Location : Nairobi County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The project entails modernization of existing KNTC warehouses. There are
several investment opportunities including structural upgrading of the warehouses; rebranding
of warehouses; equipping the warehouses with laboratories for quality assurance for standards’
compliance and installation of storage facilities to ease supply chain logistics. The estimated cost
of the project is USD 2 Million.
Name of the project : Construction of a Model Tier 1 Retail Market
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Machakos County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The project entails establishment of a multi-lane outlet offering a variety of
high quality goods and services. Investment opportunities exist in design and construction of a
fully equipped-integrated mega retail market on 50 acres of land at Athi-River, Machakos County.
Project description: The project entails establishment of a World Trade Centre (Kenyan Chapter),
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of the project : Construction of a pilot Wholesale Hub
Implementing agency : Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise
Location : Maragua - Muranga County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: This project will involve construction of a fully equipped integrated mega
producer wholesale market mainly for agricultural and fish products. Investment opportunities
include: construction and provision of the cold storage facilities; warehouses; sorting, grading
and packaging facilities; quality testing facilities; parking and loading infrastructure; banking
services; waste and refuse treatment facilities; and amenities for bulk weighing. The project is
estimated to cost USD 43.5 million.
Project Description: This is a platform where various agricultural and non-agricultural products
will be traded. KOMEX will be regulated by the Capital Markets Authority. KOMEX will launch
a physical warehouse with commodities under a warehouse receipt system. The private sector is
set to benefit through injecting private finance for returns in the establishment of the KOMEX.
Project description: The project involves construction of three (3) shared border markets with an
integrated model to cater for both retailers and wholesalers. The retail section will cater for small-
scale low-value traders with an occupancy of 80% while the remaining 20% will be for wholesale
to cater for large-scale high value traders. The aim of these markets is not only to increase trade
flows between the Republic of Kenya and the Republics of Uganda and Tanzania, but also integrate
small scale traders to international trade and offer a one-stop shop for merchandise and bulk order.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
The sub-sector seeks to harness, develop and manage sports and support sports organizations,
sports bodies and professional sports persons for improved economic status by endeavoring to
collaborate with the relevant investment actors in order to make the country a better place through
the power of sports. Investment opportunities in the sports sub-sector exist in the following areas:
Project description: The project aims to provide adequate and well maintained sports and
recreation facilities for training and competition, thus, creating an enabling environment for talent
development and exposure to international championships. It involves construction of six (6)
National Sports facilities and Stadia in Nairobi, Mombasa, Garissa, Uasin Gishu, Kisumu and
Nakuru Counties. The estimated cost of the project is USD 600 million.
Kenya is a multi-cultural society endowed with a rich and diverse cultural heritage. There is
untapped potential in the culture and arts domains, with huge potential to generate income.
Investment in these areas will also provide social benefits such as cultural heritage, theatres,
promotion and marketing of arts and music. Projects envisaged in the Culture and Arts sub-sector
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of the project : International Arts and Culture Centre
Implementing Agency : Ministries of ICT and Youth Affairs, and Sports,
Culture and Heritage
Location : Nairobi County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project Description: This entails establishment of an international centre that will be used for
development of youth potential and nurture talent among the youth in music, arts and theatre.
The Centre will house the International Hall of Fame and provide showrooms, exhibition and
performance halls for marketing and showcasing Kenya’s cultural goods and services. It will also
serve as a meeting point for artistic activities at local, regional and international levels. The cost
of investment will be recouped through the various commercial generating aspects that include
hire of halls and offices, ticket sales for showrooms, exhibitions, and theatres amongst others. The
estimated cost of the project is USD 30.9 million.
Project description: The initiative seeks to add value to our indigenous knowledge and associated
technologies to generate locally derived products. Investment opportunities exist in production of
nutritional products, personal care, household care, pharmaceuticals/medicinal, organic fertilizers
and ethno-veterinary. The estimated cost of the project is USD 4.8 million.
Project description: The Project aims at promoting indigenous Kenyan creativity and production
of talent and increasing domestic Kenyan content on local television to 60 per cent. Investment
opportunity exists in expansion of the Kenya Film School that will also serve as a regional hub for
nurturing African and international talents. The estimated cost of the project is USD 7.2 million.
The Kenya Vision 2030 identifies the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector as
a foundation for socio-economic transformation. The Sector registered an average annual growth
rate of 10% over the last 10 years and is recognized as one of the fastest growing in Africa. The
Government of Kenya invites strategic partnerships towards facilitating development of key ICT
infrastructure, e-Government services and capacity building among others. Available investment
opportunities in the sector include:
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project Description: The project entails laying of optic fibre infrastructure in all sub counties
and public institutions such as schools, hospitals, police stations and Huduma Centres to provide
connectivity to national systems which enables access to Government services through online
platforms such as e-Citizen, IFMIS, and IPPD. It will also include maintenance/rehabilitation of
already laid down fibre infrastructure.
Name of Project : e-Waste Management Centres
Implementing Agency : Ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs
Location : Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu
Investment Arrangement : Private Sector
Project description: The project involves establishment of e-waste centres in Nairobi, Mombasa,
Nakuru and Kisumu counties to collect, dispose or recycle e-waste. The growth in the Sector has
resulted in a lot of e-waste from obsolete equipment such as mobile phones, computers, chargers,
batteries and many others.
Name of the Project : Konza Technology City
Implementing Agency : Konza Technology Development Authority
Location : Makueni County
Investment Arrangement : PPP/Joint Ventures
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
ii. Name of the Project : Multi Media Technology Parks and Incubation
Implementing Agency : Ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs
Location : Nationwide
Investment Arrangement : PPP
Project description: The purpose of the project is to build the foundation for Kenyan dominance
in the African media industry and to create employment for youths with creative and technical
skills in the media industry. The project will entail construction of Multi Media Technology Parks
and Incubation Centres in the 47 Counties.
Project Description: The project entails establishment of incubation centres across all the
47 counties. It also involves equipping innovators with appropriate skills to run competitive
businesses, structure their business plans, commercialize and outsource innovations, patenting
and copywriting their ideas, developing export marketing plans, capacity building innovators with
financial skills and developing governance structures.
Project Description: The purpose of this programme is to outsource jobs from abroad and
employ Kenyan youth to work online. The project entails establishment of facilities equipped
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
with computers and internet (Studio Mashinani) at the community or local level.
Project description: The Resort Cities Project is a component of the LAPSSET which comprise
of the Railway, Highway and local Airports network. The Resort Cities aims at diversification of
tourism products as well as spread the benefit of tourism to the unexploited regions of the country.
Investment opportunities include: accommodation facilities, shopping malls, sports facilities,
amusement parks among others.
Isiolo Resort city is premised on a rich bio diversity and habitation to rare and endangered wildlife
species. It will leverage on the 5 National Parks/Reserves and internationally renowned private
and community conservancies within the vicinity of the project site. The estimated cost of the
project is USD 200 million
Turkana Resort City is proposed to be located at Eliye Springs on the shore of Lake Turkana and in
close proximity to Central Island National Park; Sibiloi National Park; Southern Island National
Park; Eliye Springs; and Loiyangalani sites. The estimated cost of the project is USD 42 million.
Lamu Resort City is proposed to be located at Mokowe and is premised on the rich cultural history
including the Swahili village, beaches, unique cultural identity, world heritage sites and
national reserves/parks. The construction of the resort city is expected to make Lamu one of the
leading tourist destinations in the world. The estimated cost of the project is USD 970 million
The process of procuring land for Isiolo and Turkana Resort City has been initiated under LAPSSET
Programme, while master planning of the Lamu Resort City and Metropolis is ongoing.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) catering for local, regional and
international events. The convention facility will involve construction of 2,500 seat plenary hall,
exhibition hall and a precinct parking lot. It will also include a cultural centre and a state of the art
200 room 5-star and 200 room 3-star hotels.
The financial viability assessment has been carried out based on the assumptions that debt to
equity ratio remains unchanged at 70:30 at all times; a CAPEX grant of up to 25% of the project
cost for the Convention Centre; and a 20-year concession limit. Approximately 81 acres of land
is available for the project and is close to various touristic attraction sites such as the Nairobi
National Park, the Giraffe Centre and the Karen Blixen Museum. The project is estimated to cost
USD 108 million.
Description of the Project: The project will entail development of a new mega and modern
convention centre with a capacity to host up to 10,000 delegates. It will also include other facilities
like shopping centre, restaurants, parking space and modern exhibition halls. This aims to boost
Kenya’s position as a leading international convention hub. The estimated cost of the project is
USD 123 million.
Project description: The convention centre will be built at the current site of Mombasa Beach
Hotel and will comprise several meeting rooms with capacity of 5,000 delegates. The Centre will
also have office space, casino, parking lots, conference rooms and restaurants. This will position
the country as both leisure and business destination. The estimated cost of the project is USD 80
Project description: This is a proposed new tourism city that is to be developed on approximately
600 acres of land in Shanzu. Investment opportunities in the city will comprise world class hotels,
amusement parks, aquarium as well as cable car for epic views of the creek.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of Project : Cable Car Project
Implementing agency : Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife/County
Location : Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Vihiga Counties
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Kenya is endowed with a topographic view interlinking mountain tops,
escarpments, and hills setting the stage for cable car development. The project seeks to develop
Kerio Valley Cable Car along Lake Kamnarok National Reserve in Baringo and Kamariny stadium
at the escarpment in Iten, Elgeyo Marakwet. It will also involve developing a cable car project in
Vihiga County with breath taking scenery of Lake Victoria.
Project description: The project will comprise a convention centre with a capacity of 1,000
delegates, combined with a luxury hotel of 200 rooms and a vacation resort nestled in the Taita
hills. The proposed project seeks to transform Voi town into a premier conference destination. The
project will take advantage of rich and distinct tourism attraction sites as well as the expected easy
access to Voi via the Standard Gauge Railway and the Ikanga Airstrip. The estimated cost of the
project is USD 50.65 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
heritage beach park approximately 21 kilometres from Kisumu city. The proposed development
will feature several distinct parks set up on 10 to 15 acres. The project will involve development of
Theme Parks, Water Park, adventure (action) park, Heritage Park and African Heritage Park. The
County Government proposes an agreed shareholding with an investor within a Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV).
This sub-sector contributes on average 27 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product.
It also contributes indirectly to GDP through linkages with other sectors such as agro-based
manufacturing, transport, wholesale and retail trade. In addition, it contributes approximately 75%
of industrial raw materials, 65% of export earnings and 60% of the total employment. The sub-
sector plays a major role in reducing the cost of food, alleviating poverty and aims at ensuring
food and nutrition security for all Kenyans as envisaged in the “Big Four” agenda. Investment
opportunities in agriculture exist in: manufacturing and production of inputs; food production to
bridge existing gap; and agro-processing and value addition. Specific investment opportunities
Name of project : Promotion of Rice Value Chain
Implementation Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries
and Cooperatives
Location : Rice Growing Counties
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The project targets to produce an additional 70,000 MT of rice annually. The
current annual production is 150,000 MT against consumption of 540,000 MT. The investment
opportunities include irrigation infrastructure development; input provision (fertilizer, seeds, and
agrochemicals); sale and lease of agricultural machinery in the rice value chain; rice milling; and
value addition of rice and by products. The estimated cost of the project is USD 250 million.
Project Description: Kenya grows a variety of agricultural crops out of which 16% of agricultural
produce is processed leaving a huge percentage (84%) unprocessed. In this regard, the country
has potential to increase its agro- and food-processing, and value-addition capacity. Investment
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
opportunities exist in establishing Six (6) large-scale agro and food processing hubs across the
country through a rapid Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) process targeting both domestic and
export markets. The estimated cost of the project is USD 13.28 million.
Project Description: The project aims at establishing Warehouses and Cold chain storage
facilities from farm to markets (Domestic & Exports). Agricultural produce suffers from large
post-harvest and cold chain storage losses and waste of up to 25% of the produce. There are no
cold storage facilities close to the production areas and the ones at exit points (Airports & sea
port) are inadequate. Investment opportunity exists in development of cold storage infrastructure
and transport facilities. In addition, investment opportunities exists in development of warehouse
facilities to meet the existing supply gap.
Name of project : Large Scale Crops and Feed Production
Implementation Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The project aims at putting additional 700,000 acres under maize, potatoes,
rice, cotton, aquaculture and feeds production through PPP. This will involve utilizing and leasing out
public and institutional land to private investors for increased production. The Government will give
incentives to large scale private farms to increase acreage under food and livestock feeds production.
Name of project : Promotion of Sorghum Value Chain
Implementation Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The project aims at promoting large scale production of sorghum including
through irrigation to meet rising demand for food, feed, fuel, export and industrial beer production.
The sorghum processing industry in Kenya is still in infancy stage but with huge potential for
growth. Investment opportunity exists along the entire sorghum value chain and especially in
mechanized production and threshing.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of project : Crop Insurance
Implementation Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : Private Sector
Project Description: The project aims at managing risks and losses amongst smallholder farmers,
increasing productivity in agriculture through improved access to credit and higher yielding
technology such as use of certified seed and fertilizers. This will support the transition from
subsistence to commercially oriented agriculture. Investment opportunity exists in provision of
agricultural insurance services. The estimated cost of the project is USD 25 million.
Name of project : Commercialization of Agricultural Research
Implementation Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : PPP
Project Description: The project aims at putting into use existing and new agricultural
technologies and innovations. This will promote the commercialization of viable technologies
through incubation centres and innovations. The investment opportunities include investment in
incubation centres and innovations; and investment in a big data platform to enhance increased
and easy access to agricultural research information.
Kenya’s animal resource base comprises of 15.7 million cattle, 28 million goats, 19.3 million
sheep, 4.6 million camels, 30.3 million indigenous poultry, 5.6 million layers, 2.9 million broilers,
1.2 million other poultry (Turkeys, Ducks, Quails, Guinea fowl, Geese, Pigeons and Doves), 1.2
million donkeys, 0.4 million pigs and an undetermined number of companion, game and aquatic
animals. Investment opportunities that exist in the livestock value chain include:
Project Description: The project aims at enhancing value addition of livestock products.
Investment opportunities exist in establishment of meat processing facilities, transport cold chain,
commercial ranching and feedlots. The Government is in the process of establishing Disease Free
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Zones that will facilitate the development of export meat processing abattoirs for regional and
international markets. In addition, there exists investment opportunities in setting up medium to
large scale processing facilities to handle poultry, pig and other emerging livestock products for
both local and export market.
Project Description: The project aims at providing milk processing and storage facilities to
reduce post-harvest losses and increase milk value addition. Investment opportunities exist in:
dairy mechanization, value addition, preservation and processing of milk and milk products and
establishment of cooling plants/coolers to address post-harvest losses.
Project Description: The project aims at improving livestock production through distribution
of certified livestock breeds (cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and bees), hatcheries, equipment and
machineries. There is an increased demand for improved livestock breeding technologies such as
Artificial Insemination (AI) and embryo transfers technologies. This offers investment opportunities
in: establishment of facilities for production of germplasm; establishment of livestock breeding
centres, establishment of liquid nitrogen production plants and distribution cold chain, livestock
multiplication units, and hatcheries among others.
Project Description: The country targets to increase national livestock vaccination coverage
from 10% to 80%. In this regard, there is a need to increase the capacity to produce adequate
and improved vaccines and drugs. This provides an investment opportunity to establish modern
facilities to enhance livestock vaccines and drugs production for a range of diseases and sufficient
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
quantities for local and international markets. The estimated cost of the project is USD 16 million.
Name of project : Livestock Feeds Processing Facilities
Implementing agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives/County Governments
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : Private Sector
Project Description: The project entails investment in Strategic Feed Reserves for livestock
through establishment of livestock feed production manufacturing/processing facilities that ensure
quality, affordable and accessible feeds.
Name of project : Feedlots for Commercial Beef Cattle Production
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives /County Governments
Location : ASAL areas
Investment engagement : PPP
Name of project : Hides and Skin Processing Facilities
Implementing agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives/ County Governments
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : Private Sector
Project Description: The aim of the project is to enhance processing of hides and skins for
the development of leather industry. Investment opportunities exist in establishment of hides,
skins and leather processing facilities such as tanneries, leather products manufacturing and other
leather related cottage industries.
Name of project : Livestock Insurance
Implementing agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives/County Governments
Location : Nationwide
Investment engagement : Private Sector
Project Description: The project aims at mitigating weather related risks, diseases, theft and
rustling to build resilience for pastoralists to enhance livestock production. A few insurance
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
companies offer livestock insurance products despite the great potential in the subsector.
Investment opportunities exist in establishment of insurance products for livestock and livestock
based enterprises especially in ASALs to cushion livestock keepers against major risks including
diseases and pests; weather; theft and rustling. The estimated cost of the project is USD 50 million.
Fisheries is an important source of livelihood and contributes to food and nutrition security
in Kenya. It also provides raw materials for production of animal feeds as well as fish oil and
bioactive molecules for the pharmaceutical industry. Fisheries support auxiliary industries
such as net making, packaging material, boat building and repairs, sports and recreation. The
fisheries sector contributed on average about 0.5% of the Gross Domestic Product. There exists
great potential for aquaculture development and exploitation of marine fisheries especially in the
Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs).
Project description: Kenya has a long coastline and vast seawater area. However, the country
does not have the necessary facilities to harness the fishery potential in the marine waters, which is
exploited by Distant Water Fishing (DWF) fleet. The investment opportunities include construction
and development of fisheries infrastructure such as fish ports, harbours, jetties, landing sites, fish
auction facilities, domestic fleet, cold chain facilities and processing facilities, and fish market
outlets. In addition, investors can enter into joint ventures with the local fisher-folks in deep sea
fishing. The estimated cost of the project is USD 452.3 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of the Project : Development of Lake Turkana Fisheries
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries
and Cooperatives/County Governments
Location : Turkana and Marsabit Counties
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: Lake Turkana is Kenya’s largest inland fresh water lake with over 48 species
of fish and supporting more than a dozen commercial fishery ventures. The fisheries resource in
Lake Turkana is yet to be fully developed and exploited largely due to poor infrastructure leading
to very high post-harvest loses. This is beside lack of an organized and centralized marketing
system coupled with weak Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) that hampers enforcement
of fisheries regulations. The lake directly supports about 7,000 fisher-folks and 6,500 fish traders
and transporters. This provides investment opportunities in cold chain facilities; fish landing sites
and fish market outlets. The estimated cost of the project is USD 41.7 million.
Name of the Project : International Nile Perch Research Centre
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives/County Governments
Location : Kisumu County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The project entails construction and development of an International Nile
Perch Research Centre at Kabonyo, in Kisumu for research on reproduction, nutrition and genetic
variation factors in Nile perch for future restocking of Lake Victoria. The estimated cost of the
project is USD 111.5 million.
Name of the Project : Seaweed Farming and Processing
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Cooperatives/Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research
Institute (KEMFRI)/County Governments
Location : The coastal strip (Mombasa, Kilifi, Lamu,Kwale
and Tana River counties)
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Kenya is currently a net importer of agar and alginate, yet it has the potential
to be self-sufficient or even an exporter of the seaweed products. Fifteen (15) sites along the
Kenyan coast have been evaluated and found to have the potential for harvesting seaweeds and
establishing seaweed farms. Investment opportunities exist in establishment of seaweed farms
and processing plants. The processing plants will include cottage industry for value addition,
processing factories and industrial products manufacturing factories for products like paper,
biofuels among others. The estimated cost of the project is USD 25 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Co-operatives play a critical role in the processing and marketing of major agricultural commodities,
supply and distribution of farm inputs and services and mobilization of savings through Savings
and Credit Co-operatives Societies (SACCOs). The following opportunities exist in the Sub-
Name of project : Potato Processing Plant
Implementing agency : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nyandarua County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The purpose of the project is to commercialize potato farming through co-
operatives. This will be achieved through establishment of processing infrastructure; structured
collection channels: improved marketing and distribution; and capacity building for farmers.
Investment opportunities exist in establishing a processing plant which will comprise cooling,
grading and packaging facilities as well as a sales outlet in Ol-Kalau town, Nyandarua County.
The estimated cost of the project is USD 20 million.
Name of project : Cotton Ginneries
Implementing Agencies : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Nyanza, Western, Eastern, Coast, Rift Valley and
Central regions
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The aim of the project is to modernize cotton ginneries, and promote the
cotton/ textile value chain to increase productivity, competitiveness and efficiency. The project
will focus on upgrading the existing cotton ginneries in Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Coast, and
Eastern regions. The estimated cost of the project is USD 25 million.
Name of project : Banana Processing Plant
Implementing agencies : Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and
Location : Tharaka Nithi County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Banana farming plays a major role in food security in Tharaka Nithi, Meru
and Embu Counties with over 500,000 farmers involved in this livelihood activity. The purpose
of the project is to establish a banana processing plant in Chuka to serve the three Counties. The
plant will comprise a cooling facility system, grading, and packaging and a sales outlet with a
processing capacity of 5,000,000 Kgs of raw bananas annually. The estimated cost of the project
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
is USD 15 million.
The Kenyan national water coverage is 62.9 percent (70.3 percent urban and 50.2 percent rural)
while national sewerage coverage is 16 percent (25 percent urban and 1 percent rural) as at 2019.
To ensure the full realization of the right to water and sanitation as enshrined in the Constitution
and Kenya Vision 2030, the sector needs to grow by at least three percentage points annually.
Given the population projections in the National Water Master Plan and the current estimate
levels of Non-Revenue Water of 42 percent, the sector needs to increase water production to
two and a half times the current levels in order to meet demand. Likewise, to attain the sewerage
coverage targets under Vision 2030, approximately 350,000 additional sewerage connections have
to be made or 3.2 million additional people have to be served annually. The situation requires a
sustained investment of a minimum of USD 1 billion annually as opposed to the current amount
of USD 0.5 billion.
Project description: The current water supply in Nairobi is 546,700m3/ day against demand
of 671,018m3/day. The supply is further reduced by 40% due to total water losses. This dam is
to augment water supply by producing 132,192m3/day additional water for Nairobi Metro Area
to meet the current and ever-growing water demand. The investment opportunities includes
construction of 30 million cubic metres dam; 3.36 km long Mathioya transfer tunnel; water
treatment works at Ndunyu Chege; installation of raw water gravity mains; and installation of
treated water gravity main to Gigiri reservoirs. The estimated cost of the project is USD 240
Project description: The project targets to serve the counties of Nairobi (Utawala, Embakasi);
Kiambu; Machakos (Mavoko and Athi River Industrial Park) and Kajiado (Kitengela). The
investment opportunities are construction of a 300 million cubic metres water reservoir; both raw
and treated water pumping stations; raw and treated water pumping mains; water treatment facility
at Ndarugu and a booster pumping station at Kasarani. The estimated cost is USD 200 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The sewerage network for Nairobi metro area is dilapidated and cannot meet
the demand from the growing population. This requires intensive investment into the secondary
reticulation networks in order to increase the sewerage coverage. The investment opportunities
under this project include development of East Nairobi sewerage consisting of 684km sewerage
network; construction of two (2) sewerage treatment plants with a combined capacity 90,000m3/
day; rehabilitation of 412km sewerage network in Nairobi; development of modern waste water
treatment technologies (Omni-processor).
Project description: The current water production in Coast is 87,800m3 per day against the
projected demand of 467,910m3 per day by 2020. The project aims at augmenting the supply
capacity by 100,000m3 per day to serve an additional population of 1,050,000 people in Taita
Taveta, Kwale, Kilifi and Mombasa (including proposed Dongo Kundu industrial park) Counties.
The investment opportunities are in the expansion of the intake tunnel, reservoirs and the 220km
Project description: This project entails construction of Malewa Multi-purpose Dam to supply
20,000m3 of water per day to the Naivasha Industrial Park. Additionally, this project will supply
water to Ol Kalou town (Nyandarua County) and Naivasha and Gilgil Towns (Nakuru County).
The project is expected to adequately serve a population of 200,000 persons up to 2035.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of project : Mosongo Water Project
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
Location : Elgeyo-Marakwet, Uasin-Gishu, Trans-Nzoia
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: The main objective of this project is to increase water supply, access to serve
additional 80,000 people across Bungoma and Busia Counties. Investment opportunities exist in
construction of 86.3km of water supply pipeline; water treatment plant with a capacity of 100,000
m3 per day and management of 25 water collection kiosks.
Project description: The proposed Kinja Dam is expected to serve an additional 97,000 people
in North Kinangop Sub-County, by abstracting water from Kinja River. The dam will supply
9,450m3 of water per day to Kitiri, Engineer and Murungaru locations of North Kinangop Sub-
County and parts of Gilgil which are currently abstracting raw water from Kinja River. The
investment opportunities are construction of a 20m high dam with a storage capacity of 1.6 million
cubic metres and a water treatment plant with a capacity 9,450m3 per day.
Project description: Pesi (Nyahururu) Dam will be located on Pesi River and about 1.5km
upstream of the confluence of Pesi and Gathanji Rivers. The specific areas to be served in Laikipia
County include Nyahururu, Marmanet and Wiyumiririe Towns and their environs with a water
demand of 28,013m3 per day. The areas of Nyandarua County that will be served with water
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
include Ndaragwa, Gwa Kung’u, Mairo-Inya, Ol Joro Orok and Kasuku. This dam will serve
an additional 625,500 people upon completion. The investment opportunities are construction of
a 60m high dam with storage capacity of 16 Million cubic meters and a treatment plant with a
capacity of 75,250m3 per day.
Project description: The multipurpose project is expected to serve an additional 450,000 people
in Londiani, Redwa, and Fort Ternan in Kericho County as well as provide water for irrigation.
The opportunities for private investment include construction of a 42m high dam with a storage
capacity of 55million cubic meters; a water treatment plant with a capacity of 43,198m3 per day;
installation of a 90 kilometre Pipeline with a capacity of 129,800m3 of irrigation water servicing
2800 Ha of land.
Project description: The proposed dam is to be located at Crocodile Jaws site on the border of
Isiolo and Laikipia Counties and is intended to supply water to Isiolo town including the proposed
Isiolo Resort city and rural areas of Isiolo, Laikipia and Samburu counties. An estimated 1,340,311
additional people will benefit from this project after completion.
The opportunities for investment under this project are construction of 83m high dam with storage
capacity of 215 million cubic meters and a water treatment plant capacity of 53,703 m3 per day.
The estimated cost of the project is USD 15 million.
Project description: Maralal town in Samburu County has a growing population that requires
investment in sewerage network. The investment opportunity under this project are construction
of sewer lines extensions and treatment plant in addition to reticulation of water to households in
Maralal town. The estimated cost of the project is USD 9.2 Million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: Nanyuki town in Laikipia County lacks adequate water for domestic,
industrial and agricultural use. The dam is expected to meet water requirements for about
100,000 people. The investment opportunities under this project are in the construction of a 3.5
m3 dam; gravity mains and extension of distribution lines; installation of irrigation water supply
infrastructure and construction of a hydropower plant. The estimated cost of the project is USD
18 million.
Project description: There is shortage of hostels and accommodation facilities for students in
KEWI campuses. The investment opportunities include construction and management of student
hostels. KEWI will provide utilities such as land, water, electricity and security.
Name of Project : Mini Hydropower Systems
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
Location : Kisii, Kericho, Migori, Kisumu and Siaya
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: About 90% of water supply systems in Lake Victoria Sewerage and Water
Service Board (LVSWSB) operational area are energy dependent. The high cost of energy
coupled with irregular power supply in the region has contributed to underperformance of the
utilities and unaffordable water services. Investment opportunities exist in construction of mini-
hydroelectricity plants with a combined capacity of 3MW at Nyakwana falls in Kisii, Litein, Gogo
falls in Migori and Ndano falls on River Yala in Siaya.
The realization of food and nutrition security will largely depend on irrigation to increase
agricultural production and productivity in an environment of weather uncertainties and population
growth. Overall, the sub sector targets to increase land under productive and sustainable irrigation
from 484,000 acres to 1.2 million acres by 2022. The following investment opportunities exist:
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: This project entails rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure in major canals.
A total of 128,000 acres of land is available for this project. Investment opportunities exist in
refurbishment and expansion of irrigation infrastructure as well as management of the irrigation
scheme. The estimated cost of the project is USD 500,000.
Description of the Project: The project involves development of irrigation infrastructure along
lower river Yala to open 4,000 acres for production of horticultural crops and rice.
Description of the Project: The project involves development of irrigation infrastructure along
lower river Kuja/Migori to open 75,000 acres for production of horticultural crops and rice. It
will also involve expansion of existing hydro-power plant / New Gogo Falls Dam. The project is
estimated to cost USD 140 million.
Sustainable management of the environment and natural resources is critical for the economic
growth and development of a country. There is a wide range of investment opportunities within
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
this sector including green growth measures such as catchment protection, sustainable exploitation
of economically viable natural resources and proper waste management.
Name of the Project : Forest Parks and Eco Tourism
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Environment and Forestry/County
Location : Nationwide
Investment Arrangement : PPP
Project description: Kenya is endowed with over 1.9 million hectares of public forests in diverse
ecosystems across the country with potential for development of tourism and recreational facilities.
The project entails construction of low-impact recreational facilities including walking/jogging
trails, picnic areas, amusement areas, arboreta, restaurants, gift shops, visitor education centres,
community centres, zip lines, health & fitness facilities and special event areas. Forest parks shall
provide critical green spaces to serve the recreational needs of the people living in towns as urban
areas in Kenya continue to expand rapidly. The project is estimated to cost USD 40 Million.
Project description: Used plastics constitute the biggest challenge to solid waste management in
Kenya. The project entails establishment of plastic recycling plants and investment in production
of eco-friendly alternative bags. It also entails technology transfer in the construction of sanitary
landfills and waste treatment plants. The estimated cost of the project is USD 14.1 Million.
Project description: The project entails re-establishment of 30,000 Ha of forest plantations and
maintenance of 112,000 Ha of softwood plantations in public forest. This will include establishment
of five (5) model tree nurseries with an annual production of 10 million seedlings. The forests are
expected to sustainably generate 1 million cubic meters of high-quality round wood for processing
to timber, veneer, plywood, block boards and other boards. The estimated cost of the project is
USD 19 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
The sub-sector promote efficiency and better management in utilization of natural resources to
enable the government achieve its strategic objective of economic growth and sustained wealth
creation. The sub-sector seeks to tackle major discrepancy in socio-economic performance between
regions through undertaking integrated basin-based development programmes. Investment
opportunities include:
Project description: The project will entail development of 77,000 hectares of land for irrigation.
It is estimated that the project will produce over 140,000 MT of sugar to address sugar deficit
in the country. The projects will address food security, create new employment opportunities
particularly for youth and women, increase sugar production, household income and general
economic development of the area. The project is estimated to cost USD 385.6 million.
Project Description: The project involves the revamping of rice milling operations and
improvement of machinery to enhance efficiency and spur productivity in Kisumu, Busia,
Bungoma, Homabay and Siaya Counties. It is estimated that the upgraded mill will process 1,000
tons of paddy from farmers annually. The upgraded mill will operate at 3.5 tons per hour with a
minimum of 75% recovery rate. This project is estimated to cost USD 2.4 million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project is meant to enhance inland fish farming. Investment opportunities
exist in annual production and distribution of an estimated 6 million mono-sex fingerlings using
the Reticulation Aquaculture System (RAS) technology. The project is estimated to cost USD
Project description: The project will entail drilling of two boreholes, installation of solar array
units for submersible borehole pump, building of every 2 elevated steel tanks with pipe layouts,
and installation of 2 irrigation units for irrigation of 200 hectares of land. The project will be
implemented in three phases. Phase 1 will involve development of irrigation infrastructure at
Lichota in Migori County. Phase 2 will focus on infrastructure development at Muhoroni in
Kisumu County while phase 3 will be done at Alupe in Busia County. The project is estimated to
cost USD 3.5 Million.
Project description: The Multipurpose project is integrated in nature and seeks to generate 120
MW into the national grid, put 13,807 hectares under irrigation, provide access to adequate water
for industrial and other agricultural use and in addition ensure catchment conservation of River
Sondu. It involves construction of 95m high and 450m long dam with live storage capacity of
445 million cubic metres to serve Nyamira, Bomet, Kisumu, Kericho and Homabay counties. The
project is estimated to cost USD 842.7 Million.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project will involve the construction of 584 affordable housing units
targeting the middle and high income economic classes. It entails the construction of one (1), two
(2) and three (3) bedroom apartments and six (6) shops at Migosi and Milimani wards in Kisumu
County. The project is estimated to cost USD 17.5 Million.
Project Description: The project entails construction of a cotton ginnery and oil press factory in
Kisumu as a strategy of reviving the cotton industry in Western Kenya and the nation as a whole,
while promoting a viable variety known as BT-cotton. The project will involve the acquisition and
installation of cotton ginning machine with a capacity of processing 3,780 tonnes of cotton per
year. The project is estimated to cost USD 6.8 Million.
Project Description: The project involves the design and development of between 200-500
acres of land in Muhoroni to accommodate state of the art infrastructure and amenities with zero
effluents and optimum growth within the concept of an agro-industrial park for investor’s uptake.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
The project will develop backward linkages to agricultural suppliers, expanding the possibilities
of small holder producers to access attractive markets that demand high value, high quality and
safe agro-food products and increase the ability of the SMEs to become more competitive by
accessing innovative technologies and management systems. The project is estimated to cost USD
Project description: The project involves construction of a multipurpose dam with water storage
reservoirs of 138 million cubic metres to serve Kwale and Mombasa counties. The dam has
potential to produce Hydropower and supply water for irrigation, domestic and industrial use. It
will also enhance fisheries, livestock, tourism and navigation; and environmental conservation
among other purposes. The project is estimated to cost USD 48 million.
Project description: The project involves investment in 40 Megawatts solar power production
with an expansion capacity of 120MW to the national grid. 150 acres of land for the project have
been identified in Kwale County.
Project description: The project involves supplying water for domestic use, livestock, forestry
and irrigation. Investment opportunities exist in: abstracting 2,640,000 m3/yr of water from Lake
Challa; drilling & equipping of 3 boreholes (Nakruto &Kilanga Schemes) with a water supply
capacity of 7,920,000 m3/yr to irrigate 2,000 ha; and development of water supply pipeline to
Mwakitau and Tsavo West National park. In addition, the lake provides opportunities for the
development of eco-tourism facilities.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project involves investment in setting up an integrated fruit processing
plant in Tana River with potential of processing 12,000 tonnes of fresh mangoes per year and
production of pulp. The estimated cost of the project is USD 3.26 million.
Project description: The project involves the development of an integrated fish resources. It
entails rehabilitation of fish habitat; fish farming and breeding; fish harvesting; fish processing
and value addition; marketing and market linkages; and community support. The Authority will
provide earmarked land sites for the project.
Project description: The project involves construction of 5.4 billion cubic litres of water storage,
additional irrigation area of 180,000 hectares in the flood plain and 20,000 hectares conserved at
the delta, 700 MW hydropower, and conservation of a buffer zone, domestic water supply and
ecotourism. The estimated cost of the project is USD 1.54 billion with an estimated IRR of about
18 per cent to be realized from sale of 700 MW of power to national grid.
Project description: Tana delta irrigation project is an integrated agribusiness project located in
the Tana Delta flood plains. Investment opportunity exists in rice production in 12,000 ha through
irrigation with an estimated production of 35,000 tonnes of milled rice annually. The project will
also incorporate other high value crops within the crop production system. The estimated cost of
the project is USD 25 million with an estimated IRR of about 18 per cent.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project entails construction of a multipurpose reservoir with a capacity
of 600 million cubic meters of live storage meant for large scale irrigation and domestic water
supply. The main project components include: a hydro-electric power station with a capacity of
40MW; Irrigation of 13,000Ha and Community Water Supply.
Project description: The project will entail 16,000 hectares of estate sugarcane farming and 4,000
hectares of small-holder sugarcane blocks through controlled irrigation method of production.
The project will also include establishment of sugar processing mill with cane crashing capacity of
10,000 tonnes per year, cogeneration of 35 MW power, production of power alcohol and industrial
sugar, livestock production, and feeds and fodder production. The Authority will provide 16,000
ha of land for the project. The project is estimated to cost USD 500 million with an estimated IRR
of 19.1 % to be realized from sale of sugar, 35 MW power and ethanol.
Name of Project : Gum Arabic and Resins Integrated Development
Implementing Agency : Ewaso Ngiro North Development Authority
Location : Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Garissa, Isiolo, Samburu
and Meru Counties
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project description: Gums and resins hold a lot of potential towards the support of livelihood
among the local communities in the dry lands of Kenya. The project has the following components:
mapping of gums and resins coverage, infrastructural development, research marketing and
extension, development of gums and resins enterprise and establishment of collection centres.
The estimated cost of the project is USD 3 million.
Project description: The camel milk subsector in Kenya is large and has potential to permanently
change the livelihoods of poor communities living in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. The
project entails establishment of a World Class Camel Milk Processing Factory in the region to add
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
value to the camel milk from Marsabit, Isiolo, Wajir, Garissa, Mandera, Samburu and Laikipia for
both local and export market. The estimated cost of the project is USD 24.6 million.
Project description: The project involves the construction of a central meat processing factory
with a daily capacity of 1,000 goats, 500 cattle and 200 camels. It will also process edible and
non-edible by-products for better utilization of the resources. The central meat processing factory
will consist of slaughter house and processing facilities, cooling and freezing equipment, canning
and packaging equipment, sewage disposal facilities, electricity and water supply. The project will
also include the development of 50 livestock watering points in the livestock supply counties of
Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit, Wajir and Garissa. The estimated cost of the project is USD 35 million.
Project description: The project entails harnessing of wind power with a potential of generating
50MW, development of auxiliary infrastructure, mineral resources utilisation, water development
including irrigation and catchment conservation.
Project description: The Programme involves harnessing of Wind Power to generate 1,200 MW,
exploitation of the salt mineral resources to develop a glass and salt factory, water development
including irrigation and catchment conservation. The estimated cost of the project is USD 1.95 billion.
Project description: The project entails investment in commercialization of bamboo in the Mau
forest and other catchment areas through promotion of bamboo farming and manufacturing.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and has multiple benefits and is used in
making furniture, kitchen ware, roofs, floor tiles, scaffolding etc. The project will reduce pressure
on indigenous forest in the basin and Mau catchment areas, increase forest cover and provide
alternative economic opportunities. The estimated cost of the project is USD 4.8 million.
xxvi. Name of the Project : The Lower Ewaso Ng’iro South River
Multipurpose Dam Development Project
Implementing Agency : Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority
Location : Narok and Kajiado Counties
Investment Agency : PPP
Project Description: The Project aims at constructing three multipurpose dams to generate
180MW of power and put 4,500 ha of land under irrigation. The project is also expected to improve
the livelihoods of the people through the supply of water for domestic and livestock to over
350,000 inhabitants and creating opportunities for fish farming and eco-tourism development. The
estimated cost of the project is USD 1.4 Billion.
The Health Sector aims at achieving equitable, affordable and quality health, and related services
at the highest attainable standards to all Kenyans. The sector’s approach to health is through “the
social and economic determinants of health” whereby health service delivery is not restricted to
the actions of the Health Ministry, but includes all actions in other related sectors that have an
impact on health. Kenya is committed to implementing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as
one of the “Big Four agenda” to ensure access to quality essential health services by the 2022.
Investment opportunities in this sector include the following:
Project description: The project entails cooperation in manufacture of modern low-cost vaccines
and medical devices through a stepwise approach of identifying areas of technological transfer,
capacity building of human resource and establishment of manufacturing plants. Other potential
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: The project aims at promoting Kenya as a hub for specialized healthcare,
training and retaining specialized health expertise, creating employment in specialized healthcare
and making health a vibrant socioeconomic sector in the country. Investment opportunities exist
in: establishing East African Kidney Centre of Excellence; establishment of specialized child
and geriatrics hospitals; establishment of Ten (10) Level 6 regional hospitals to serve as national
referral hospitals; modernisation of Mathari and the Spinal Injury National Referral hospitals;
establishment of four comprehensive cancer centres; and establishment two trauma centres at
Makindu and Rongai.
Project description: The Government has been strengthening 94 County public hospitals (two in
each county) and 4 National Teaching and Referral hospitals through the state-of-the-art diagnostic
and Management Equipment Services project (MES Project). The opportunities that exist are in
scaling up the MES project to cover additional equipment and target 112 County public hospitals.
Project description: Kenya is currently the only manufacturer of 7.1% Chlorhexidine (CHX)
in Africa which is an essential medicine for Children, for umbilical cord care. Further, many
countries in the continent do not have the product locally available; hence a huge potential market
exists. Investment opportunities exist in expansion of local capacity to produce Chlorhexidine for
export to the rest of Africa.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: Kenya’s health insurance coverage stands at about 24 per cent with 16 per
cent being in the formal sector. There are about 21 companies providing medical cover to clients
with the National Hospital Insurance Fund as the basic health insurance provider. The penetration
of the private sector is just about 2-3 per cent. The Government aspires to achieve 100 percent
insurance coverage by 2022. This aspiration coupled with expanding middle class and increasing
incomes guarantees investment opportunities in the health insurance.
Project description: This project encompasses the construction of high quality cottage hospitals
providing all medical services equivalent to a referral hospital. It also entails construction of med-
ical training colleges and establishment of a fully-fledged medical university.
Project description: Opportunities exist in strengthening e-Health systems within public and
private hospitals. This will promote use of electronic health records, computerized physician order
entry, e-prescribing, clinical decision support, telemedicine, and consumer health informatics.
Project description: The project comprises establishment of four (4) fully-fledged cancer
diagnostic and treatment centres. It involves infrastructure development, installation and
operationalization of radiology diagnostic equipment (CT scanners and fluoroscopy), installation
of modern radiotherapy equipment (including brachytherapy), provision of chemotherapy services
and capacity building of domestic human resources.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Project description: This is a build-operate-transfer PPP project where the private party finances,
constructs, operates and maintains (O&M) the envisaged seven storey to house 300-bed hospital
building. Development of the project will provide local access to state-of-the-art specialty care
and thereby reduce foreign travel in search of medical services.
Project description: The project will involve development of 2,000 one, two and three
bed-roomed housing units on a 10-hactare piece of land owned by Kenyatta National
Hospital off Mbagathi Road, complete with a shopping complex and training centre.
The education sector has investor friendly laws and regulations that are conducive for investment
such as tax rebates on investment in education related materials and equipment. Further, the sector
has developed the Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum which is in line
with market demand for skills. The expansion of the education sector has opened up opportunities
for investors such as: investment in infrastructure that support education and training; and
development and production of teaching and learning materials including books, teaching aids,
equipment and appropriate technologies. Specific investment opportunities include:
Project description: The project entails contractual engagements between the Governing
Councils of National Polytechnics and investors to construct hostels for students in the eleven
(11) National Polytechnics. These polytechnics include: Kabete in Nairobi; Meru; Kisii; Kisumu;
Coast in Mombasa ; Sigalagala in Kakamega; North Eastern in Garissa; Kitale in Trans Nzoia;
Eldoret, Nyeri and the Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) in Nairobi.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Name of project :National Science and Technology Parks
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Education
Location : Konza Techno City and Dedan Kimathi
University of Technology
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: Konza Techno City and Dedan Kimathi University of Technology have been
earmarked for implementation of National Science and Technology Parks. The project aims to
support technology transfer to encourage start-up and incubation of innovation/knowledge-based
businesses. The Park will provide investment opportunities for universities, TVET Institutions,
research centres, incubation centres and technology-based companies. Government will provide
land, infrastructure and other social amenities to support the science and technology parks.
Project description: Capacity development for promoting rural electrification using renewable
energy has been conducted by JKUAT using Japanese expertise under the project named Better
life of people in Rural areas and intellectual network on green energy and its Hands on Technology
(BRIGHT). Under the project, JKUAT conducted research and successfully produced prototypes
in the areas of solar Photovoltaics technology, Biomass energy, small hydro power technology and
wind energy. There exists investment opportunities in mass production and roll out of 1KW Wind
turbine; thermal Gasifier; micro hydro turbine; and Solar PV.
Project Description: Kenya currently does not have a physical science research laboratory that is
essential for cutting edge physical science solutions in engineering, new production technologies,
fabrication of research equipment and tools that need complex design outlay. A Physical Science
Research Laboratory houses specialized advanced High-Tech laboratories for all physical sciences
and engineering where research, technology development and innovations are undertaken. The
investment opportunities lie in the development and management of the laboratory which will be
private sector led and useful in metrology, forensic science, and material testing among others that
is currently done abroad.
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Oil, gas and mineral resources are spread across the geographical space of the country and raise
potentials of socio-economic development opportunities. The Sector has the potential to boost the
country’s economic growth and development through increased export earnings, development of
infrastructure, employment creation and improvement of social welfare.
Project description: The project will entail a Crude Oil Pipeline from Lokichar to Lamu. The
project will traverse through Turkana, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa and Lamu counties. Opportunities
for investment exist in construction of 840 km-20 inch crude oil pipeline and its heating system,
pumping stations, and marine terminal storage and export facilities. The Government has set aside
land for this project. The estimated cost of the project is USD 3.9 billion with an internal Rate of
Return of 21.6 percent.
Description of the Project: A total of Ninety Three (93) oil exploratory and appraisal wells
have been drilled in the country. Additional oil discoveries have been made in Turkana County in
Twiga, Amosing, Agete, Ekales, Etuko, EwoiEkunyuk, Etom & Erut and South Lokichar Basin
(Blocks 13T and 10B). Gas has also been discovered in offshore Lamu Basin (Block L8, Mbawa-1
well and Block 9 in Anza Basin Sala-1 well), while both oil and gas have been discovered in
offshore Lamu Basin Block L10A and Sunbird-1well. The investors can acquire geophysical data
and invest in the exploration, appraisal and exploitation of oil and gas in the gazetted blocks.
Name of project : Mombasa Petroleum Trading Hub
Implementing agencies : Ministry of Petroleum and Mining/ National Oil
Corporation of Kenya (NOCK)
Location : Mombasa County
Investment Engagement : PPP
Project Description: The project aims at improving petroleum products supply security as well
as reducing the cost. The Trading Hub will be a modern petroleum terminal comprising of two
off-shore petroleum jetties, one for loading/offloading of crude oil and black fuels and the other
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
for refined products. .investment opportunities exist in construction of offshore jetty, 740,000 MT
of storage tank and a modern Greenfield petroleum tanks farm with a capacity of 300,000MT. The
project is estimated to cost USD 30 million.
Project Description: To curb widespread use of wood-fuel, there is need to promote use of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as an alternative source of cooking energy and thus reduce
deforestation and destruction of water catchments areas. The Government is keen to ensuring
availability and access of cheap Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to low income households. The
investment opportunities include construction of a mini-LPG storage and refilling plants across the
country; a bulk LPG import handling, storage and bottling facilities in Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu,
Eldoret in Uasin Gishu, Sagana in Muranga and Nanyuki in Laikipia.
Project Description: The project will involve construction of fuel storage capacity of 33,328
cubic metres in Mombasa and 72,000 cubic meters of Jet A-1 aviation fuel at Jomo Kenyatta
International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi. Investment opportunities include construction of the fuel
storage tanks and fuel handling facilities. The project is estimated to cost USD 30 million (USD
10 for Mombasa and USD 20 million for Nairobi).
Project description: The project entails establishment of a Gemstone Processing Factory to add
value to the County’s considerable mineral wealth by cutting and polishing gemstones to a high
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
standard for both local and export markets. Investment opportunities exist in the construction and
equipping of a factory with an installed capacity of 20,000 carat per annum, and setting up of a
gemmology centre. The estimated cost of the project is USD 775,000.
Project Description: The project will involve establishment of a ceramic factory to utilize the
millions of tonnes of clay in Murang’a County. The clay is suitable for making ceramics products
such as tiles and building bricks which have ready market locally and internationally. The county
has identified land for the factory. Investment opportunities include construction and equipping
the factory and provision of transport and logistics services.
Project description: The project will involve processing calcium and fluorine (CF2) that
is essential for chemical, metallurgical and ceramic processes. The government will lease the
existing processing plant to potential investors to undertake mining and processing of fluorspar.
The fluorspar deposit extends to individual pieces of land and hence compensation will need to be
done before mining of the deposits.
The Kenya Vision 2030 recognizes security as a foundation for national transformation and
sustainable socio-economic development. The Sector is a key incentive for attracting investment as
it provides an enabling environment for individuals and businesses to thrive as well as facilitating
a secure 24 hour economy. Investment opportunities in the Sector include:
A Summary of Key Investment Opportunities in Kenya
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National
Location : Nairobi County
Investment engagement : PPP
Project description: The project entails the construction and equipping of the National Police
Service hospital for the benefit of police service staff and their families. The investor is expected
to construct, equip and hand over the hospital and recoup its cost with some interest over a period
of time through government financing. The project cost is estimated at USD 100 Million.
Project description: The project involves the design and construction of a 4000T Slipway and
associated Workshops and Parking Areas that will be used for the following:
Project description: The project will involve establishment of 2 new ammunition production
lines of NATO and WARSAW including infrastructure at estimated cost of USD 100 million. The
project will enhance national and regional security by building capacity and sustaining operations.
Project description: The project will involve purchase and installation of equipment for fruit
processing, canning, concentration and freeze dryings, and Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) under
Military Industrialization. It will also involve construction of warehouse and administration block
at estimated cost of USD 18 million.