Mit 1. Introduction To CFD

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1. INTRODUCTION TO CFD 1.1 What is computational fluid dynamics? 1.2 Principles of fluid mechanics 1.

3 Different ways of expressing the fluid-flow equations 1.4 Basic principles of CFD 1.5 The main discretisation methods


1.1 What is Computational Fluid Dynamics? Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the use of computers and numerical techniques to solve problems involving fluid flow. CFD has been successfully applied in a huge number of areas, including many of interest to civil engineers (highlighted below). Examples include: aerodynamics of aircraft and automobiles; hydrodynamics of ships; engine flows IC engines and jet engines; turbomachinery pumps and turbines; heat transfer heating and cooling systems; combustion; process engineering mixing and reacting chemicals; windpower; wind loading forces and dynamic response of structures; building ventilation; fire and explosion hazards; environmental engineering transport of pollutants and effluent; coastal and offshore engineering loading on coastal and marine structures; hydraulics pipe networks, reservoirs, channels, weirs, spillways; sediment transport sediment load, scour and bed morphology; hydrology flow in rivers and aquifers; oceanography tidal flows, ocean currents; meteorology numerical weather forecasting; high-energy physics plasma flows; biomedical engineering blood flow in heart, veins and arteries; electronics cooling of circuitry. The range of applications is broad and encompasses many different fluid phenomena. In particular, techniques used for high-speed aerodynamics (where compressibility is significant but viscous effects are often unimportant) are different from those used to solve low-speed, frictional flows typical of hydraulic and environmental engineering. Although many of the techniques learnt in this course will be general, the focus will be on simulation of viscous, incompressible flow by the finite-volume technique.



David Apsley

1.2 Principles of Fluid Mechanics 1.2.1 Definitions A fluid is a substance that continuously deforms under a shearing force, no matter how small. Fluids may be liquids (have a definite volume and free surface) or gases (expand to fill any container). Hydrostatics is the study of fluids at rest; hydrodynamics is the study of fluids in motion. Hydraulics is the study of the flow of liquids (usually water); aerodynamics is the study of the flow of gases (usually air). All fluids are compressible to some extent, but their flow can be approximated as incompressible if flow-induced pressure changes dont cause significant density changes. This is usually the case for velocities much less than the speed of sound (1480 m s1 in water, 340 m s1 in air). An ideal fluid is one with no viscosity; it doesnt exist, but it can be a good approximation. Real flows may be laminar (adjacent layers slide smoothly over each other) or turbulent (subject to random fluctuations about a mean flow). Turbulence is the natural state at high Reynolds number. The majority of civil-engineering and environmental flows are fully turbulent.

1.2.2 Notation Geometry x (x, y, z) or (x1, x2, x3) position; (z is usually vertical) t time Field variables u (u, v, w) or (u1, u2, u3) velocity p pressure (p patm is the gauge pressure; p* = p + gz is the piezometric pressure.) T temperature concentration (amount per unit mass or per unit volume) Fluid properties / c density dynamic viscosity kinematic viscosity diffusivity (of heat, salinity, pollutant ...) speed of sound



David Apsley

1.2.3 Dimensionless Groups Many dimensionless groups occur in fluid mechanics; see, e.g., White (2002) or the Hydraulics 2 notes. Some of the most important are listed below. If U and L are representative velocity and length scales, respectively, then: Re Fr UL U UL Reynolds number (viscous flow; = dynamic viscosity)

gL U Ma c U Ro L

Froude number (open-channel flow) Mach number (compressible flow; c = speed of sound) Rossby number (rotating flows; = angular rotation rate)

These groups emerge naturally when the governing equations are non-dimensionalised see Section 2.

1.2.4 Basic Principles Hydrostatics At rest, pressure forces balance weight. This can be written mathematically as p= g z or dp = g dz

(1) (2)

The same equation also holds in a moving fluid if there is no vertical acceleration, or, as an approximation, if vertical acceleration is much smaller than g. If density is constant then (2) integrates to give p* p + gz = constant * p is called the piezometric pressure; it represents the combined effect of pressure and weight. For a constant-density flow without a free surface, gravitational forces can be eliminated entirely from the equations by working with the piezometric pressure.

Thermodynamics Pressure, density and temperature are connected by an equation of state. An example is the ideal gas law: p = RT , R = R0 /m (3) where R0 is the universal gas constant, m is the molar mass and T is the absolute temperature.



David Apsley

Dynamics The most important equations are those governing fluid motion. Although they can be expressed mathematically in many different ways (see later) they fundamentally represent conservation of: mass: mass is neither created or destroyed momentum: force = rate of change of momentum energy: change of energy = work done + heat input The Role of Energy The role of energy is different in compressible and incompressible flows. For compressible flow, internal energy is changed by both work done and by heat input; fluid density and pressure are then governed by the laws of thermodynamics and it is necessary to solve an energy equation (in order to calculate the temperature). Formally, mass equation ; T; energy equation pressure is determined by an equation of state (e.g., the ideal gas law). For compressible flow it is necessary to solve an energy equation. For incompressible flow, however, pressure changes (by definition) cause negligible changes to density. Here, temperature is not involved and: incompressibility condition is constant along a streamline mass-conservation constraints on solutions of momentum equation p For CFD of incompressible flow there is no need to solve a separate energy equation.

In theoretical work (but not CFD), energy changes in steady flow can be expressed by Bernoullis equation along a streamline. For steady, incompressible flow: p ( + gz + 1 U 2 ) = work done on fluid 2


where ( ) gives the change in energy per unit mass and the RHS represents the energy (per unit mass) input by pumps or removed by turbines or friction. For compressible flow: p (e + + gz + 1 U 2 ) = heat supplied to fluid + work done on fluid 2 e is the internal energy (per unit mass). The quantity e + p/ is called the enthalpy.




David Apsley

1.3 Different Ways of Expressing the Fluid-Flow Equations Fluid flows are governed by conservation laws for the transport of: mass; momentum; energy; any additional constituents; together with constitutive relations (e.g. for viscous stress or heat flux) and relationships between fluid properties (e.g. the ideal gas law). There are many different ways of expressing these physical principles mathematically.

1.3.1 Integral (or Control-Volume) Form of the Governing Equations In continuum mechanics, conservation laws are expressed most fundamentally in integral (total-amount-of) form. Here, one considers how the total amount of some physical quantity (mass, momentum, energy, ) changes within a control volume. If we consider an arbitrary control volume then the total amount within that volume can only change because of: transport across the surface of the control volume (flux); or creation (or destruction) within the control volume (source).

For example, mass has no sources (it cant be created or destroyed), but forces are the source of momentum. In practice we do two things: (1) We actually consider the rate of change of the physical property; thus:

FLUX through boundary

SOURCE inside V

The second term is the net outward flux through the surface (flow out flow in). (2) The flux (= rate of transport across a surface) is decomposed into: advection movement with the fluid flow; diffusion net transport by random (molecular or turbulent) motion. Then, for an arbitrary control volume V:

ADVECTION + DIFFUSION through boundary

SOURCE inside V


The important point is that there is a single generic scalar-transport equation of the form (6), regardless of whether the physical quantity is the x, y or z-component of momentum, amount of pollutant or whatever. Thus, instead of dealing with lots of equations we can consider the numerical solution of the general scalar-transport equation (Section 4). The numerical approximation of the governing equations in integral form is the basis of the finite-volume method which is the subject of this course.



David Apsley

1.3.2 Differential Forms of the Governing Equations In regions without shocks, interfaces or other discontinuities, the fluid-flow equations mechanics can also be written in equivalent differential forms. These describe what is going on in the vicinity of a point rather than over a whole control volume. Mathematically, they can be derived from the corresponding integral equations simply by making the control volume infinitesimally small. This will be demonstrated in Section 2. From these, it is also possible to derive other differential forms of the governing equations (for example, Laplaces equation for velocity potential in inviscid flow). This will be discussed (briefly) in Section 3. Approximation of a differential form of the governing equations leads to the finite-difference method.

1.4 Basic Principles of CFD The approximation of a continuously-varying quantity in terms of values at a finite number of points is called discretisation.

continuous curve

discrete approximation

The fundamental elements of any CFD simulation are: (1) The fluid continuum is discretised; i.e. field variables ( , u, v, w, p, ) are approximated by their values at a finite number of nodes. The equations of motion are discretised; i.e. approximated in terms of values at nodes: differential or integral equations algebraic equations (continuum) (discrete) The system of algebraic equations is solved to give values at the nodes.



The main stages in a CFD study are: Pre-processing: problem formulation (governing equations & boundary conditions); construction of a computational mesh. Solving: numerical solution of the governing equations. Post-processing: plotting and analysis of results. This is seldom a one-way process the sequence may be repeated several times with different meshes to establish the desired accuracy, or with different values of a parameter to examine sensitivity to that variable.



David Apsley

1.5 The Main Discretisation Methods


Finite-Difference Method Discretise the governing differential equations directly; e.g. u i +1, j u i 1, j vi , j +1 vi , j 1 u v + 0 = + x y 2x 2y




Finite-Volume Method

Discretise the governing integral equations directly; e.g. net mass outflow = ( uA) e ( uA) w + ( vA) n ( vA) s = 0

uw vs


Finite-Element Method Express the solution as a weighted sum of shape functions substitute into the governing equations (often in the form of a variational principle) and solve for the degrees of freedom (i.e. the weights): u (x, t ) = u m N m (x, t )

This course will focus almost exclusively on the finite-volume method. The finite-element method is popular in solid mechanics (geotechnics, structures) because: it has considerable geometric flexibility; general-purpose codes can be used for a wide variety of physical problems. The finite-volume method is popular in fluid mechanics (aerodynamics, hydraulics) because: it rigorously enforces conservation; it is flexible in terms of both geometry and the variety of fluid phenomena; it is directly relatable to physical quantities (mass flux, etc.).



David Apsley

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