Viii - Biology Part Test Cat 1

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1. Which of the following should be used by a farmer with a large farm to harvest

his crops quickly and efficiently?

A. Winnowing machine B. Combine C. Sickle D. Seed drill
2. In today’s world, where water is a scarce resource, which of the following irriga-

tion methods is most feasible and sustainable?

A. Sprinkler system B. Drip system
C. Tube well D. Chain pump
3. Poultry Industry is related to _____ Revolution.
A) Gold Revolution B) Silver Revolution
C) Diamond Revolution D) White Revolution
4. What does IPM stand for in agriculture?
a. Integrated Pest Management
b. International Plant Movement
c. Invasive Plant Monitoring
d. Irrigation Pump Management
5. Who is considered as father of Green Revolution in the World?
A) William S Gaud B) Norman Borlaug
C) Rachel Carson D) Dr. M.S> Swaminathan
6. Arrange the following agricultural practices in the order in which they are
1. Harvesting
2. Sowing
3. Storage
4. Irrigation
5. Preparation of soil
A) 1→2→3→4→5 B) 5→2→4→1→3 C) 2→1→3→5→4 D) 5→3→4→1→2
7. Identify the kharif crops
a) paddy, maize, wheat, groundnut
b) maize, soya bean, groundnut, mustard
c) paddy, wheat ,soya bean, maize
d)paddy, maize, soyabean, groundnut
8. Which type of farming is practiced in areas of high population pressure on land?
a) Extensive subsistence farming b) Commercial farming
c) Primitive subsistence farming d) Intensive subsistence farming
9. The monsoon season in our country is during the months
(a) April to December
(b) June to September
(c) November to March
(d) January to May

Using the options given below , answer the questions 10 & 11

a) Both assertion A and reason (R)are true and reason is the correct explanation
of A
b) Both A and R reason are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false d) Both A and R are false
10. Assertion: crop production without using chemical fertilizers is called organic
Reason: Cyanobacteria are autotropic prokaryotes which are used as
biofertilizers in paddy fields
11. Assertion: Farmers have to add manure to the fields to replenish the soil with
Reason: continuous cultivation of crops makes the soil in nutrients

Linked comprehensive passage (12-14)

The substances which are added to the soil in the form of nutrients for the healthy
growth of plants are called manure and fertilisers. Soil supplies mineral nutrients
to the crop plants. These nutrients are essential for the growth of plants. In certain
areas, farmers grow crop after crop in the same field. Fertilisers are produced in
factories. Some examples of fertilisers are urea, ammonium sulphate, super phos-
phate, potash, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium).The use of fertilisers has
helped farmers to get better yield of crops such as wheat, paddy and maize. But
excessive use of fertilisers has made the soil less fertile.
12. Organic substance obtained from the decomposition of plant and animal waste
that helps in the healthy growth of plants are called:
(a) Fertilisers (b) Chemicals
(c) Manure (d) Cow dung
13. Excessive use of fertilisers is generally observed to …?
(a) Decrease the fertility of soil
(b) Increase the soil content
(c) Rise the amount of microbes
(d) Rise the amount of water in soil
14. Which of the following nitrogen fixing bacteria is present in the root nodules of
leguminous plants?
(a) E. coli (b) Rhizobium bacteria
(c) Archaebacteria (d) Eubacteria
15. Sprinkler system of irrigation is very advantageous because it
a)Helps the fields to get water logged b) Controls the water supply
c)Increases the evaporation of water d)Decrease the fertility of soil
16. Bio-fertilizer include
a) nitrogen fixing bacteria b) nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria
c) both bacteria and cyanobacteria d) bacteria, cyanobacteria and
mycorrhizal fungi
17. Major drawback of DDT as a pesticide is
a) Organisms at once develop resistance to it
b) It is significantly less effective than other pesticides.
c) Its cost of production is high.
d) It is not easily and rapidly degraded in nature
18. The prefix “Bt” in Bt cotton means
a) “Barium treated” cotton seeds b) Bigger thread
c) biotechnology d) Bacillus thuringiensis

Using the below options answer the questions 19 and 20

A) both statements 1 and 2 are correct
B) both statements 1 and 2 are not correct
C) statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
D) statement 1 is incorrect, and statement 2 are correct

19. Statement I : Fumigation of grains using chemicals is done before storing in

statement II: Fumigation gives nice colour to the grains.
20. Statement I: A pulse crop is grown in a time interval between two cereals.
statement II: To compensate for the toss of nitrogen.

21.Which among the following pathogens causes cholera?

[A] Bacteria [B] Protozoan [C] Fungus [D] Virus

22.. The bacterium present in curd is:

[A] Salmonella typhi [B] Lactobacillus [C] Penicillin [D] Vibrio cholera
23. Techoic acid is present on

[A]. Cell walls of the gram-positive bacteria

[B]. Outer membrane of the gram-positive bacteria

[C]. Outer membrane of the gram-negative bacteria

[D].Cell walls of the gram-negative bacteria

24. Robert Koch discovered the bacillus anthracis in 1876 which cause Anthrax (a

dangerous human and cattle) disease caused by

[A]. Virus [B]. Fungi [C]. Bacteria [D]. Protozoa

25. A plant disease called citrus canker is caused by a ___ .

[A] Bacteria [B] Fungi [C] Protozoa [D] Virus

26. Bacteria that causes food poisoning is

A) Streptomyces B) Clostridium botulinum C) Salmonella D) Mycobacterium

27. Given below are the few statements stating the facts about the

microorganisms. Which one of the following facts is incorrect?

A) Microorganism are helpful

B) Microorganism are dangerous
C) Microorganism are very small
D) Microorganisms can be seen by the naked eyes
28. Different microorganisms reproduces by different methods. Identify the meth-

ods of reproduction in the microorganism given below in the figure

A) Endospore in bacteria B) Fission is amoeba

C) Spore formation in fungus D) Cell division in virus
29. Bacteria have been grouped into four different types based on their shapes.

Identify the different types and select the correct statement regarding

A) Vibrio cholerae is an example of type S, which causes cholera.
B) Lactobacillus is an example of type P, which helps in curdling of milk.
C) Type R bacteria are rod-shaped and are called as bacilli bacteria.
D) Streptococcus is an example of type Q bacteria that causes pneumonia.
30. Which of the following is represented by 'X' in the figure given be-

A) Protozoa B) Bacteria C) Viruses D) Algae
31.Given above is the diagram of a bacteriophage. In which
one of the options all the four parts A, B, C and D are correct?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3
32. A virus’s non-living property is referred to as
(a) The ability to reproduce only within the host’s body
(b) the ability to go through mutation
(c) the ability to solidify or crystallise
(d) the ability to inflict sickness upon the host
33.Viruses that attack yeast are called___.
(a) Mycophage (b) Cyanophage (c) Bacteriophage (d)Zymophage
34. Which of the following is the genome of the virus?
(a) DNA (b) RNA (c) DNA or RNA (d) DNA and RNA
35. Bacteriophages that induce bacterial cell lysis are called___.
(a) Viroids (b) Lysogenic phages (c) Virulent phages (d) Temperate
36. Which of the following bacteria lives symbiotically in pea plants?
A) Rhizobium
B) Nitrosomonas
C) Azotobacter
D) Clostridium
37. Which one of the following pairs is incorrect?
A) Rust of wheat - fungi
B) Citrus canker - bacteria
C) Yellow vein mosaic - Virus
D) Aspergillosis – Bacteria

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the
options given below for questions 38 and 39 .
A) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct

explanation of the assertion

B) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct expla-

nation of the assertion

C) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
D) If both the assertion and reason are false
38. Assertion : Bacteria are prokaryotic.
Reason : Bacteria do not possess true nucleus and membrane bound cell orga-
39.Assertion : Some bacteria are classifies as gram positive
Reason : They retain the colour of iodine used in gram staining procedure.
40. Match the names of scientists given in Column A with the discovery made
by them given in Column B.
Column A – Column B
(a) Louis Pasteur – (i) Penicillin
(b) Robert Koch – (ii) anthrax bacterium
(c) Edward Jenner – (iii) Fermentation
(d) Alexander Fleming – (iv) smallpox vaccine
A) a- ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i B) a- iii, b-ii, c-iv, d-i
C) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii D) a- iv, b-ii, c-iii d-i

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