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The Megachilidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apiformes) of the Democratic

Republic of Congo curated at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA,

Preprint · December 2022

DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.17.520875


0 307

4 authors, including:

Alain Tshibungu Alain Pauly

Université Libre de Bruxelles Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium


Nicolas J Vereecken
Université Libre de Bruxelles


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Climate change and its effects on Pollination Services (CliPS) View project

Insect Service and Biodiversity in Agroecological Farming (ISeBAF) View project

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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

The Megachilidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Apiformes) of the

Democratic Republic of Congo curated at the Royal Museum for
Central Africa (RMCA, Belgium)

Agroecology Lab, Brussels Bioengineering School, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Av. F.D.
Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Ecology, Restoration Ecology and Landscape, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université de
Lubumbashi (UNILU), Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), O.D. Taxonomy & Phylogeny, Rue Vautier 29, B-
1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), Biology Department, Entomology Section, Leuvensesteenweg
13, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium.
University of Mons, Research Institute for Biosciences, Laboratory of Zoology, Place du parc 20, 7000
Mons, Belgium.

* Corresponding authors:
Alain Tshibungu Nkulu: E-mail: [email protected], Phone number: +32.467.79.51.76; Nicolas
J. Vereecken: E-mail: [email protected], Phone number: +32.473.60.35.63
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Natural history collections (NHCs) are a cornerstone of entomology, and the conservation of specimens is
the essential prerequisite for the development of research into systematics, biogeography, ecology, evolution
and other disciplines. Yet, specimens collected during decades of entomological research conducted in less
developed countries across Sub-Saharan Africa on pests, beneficial insects and insect biodiversity in general
have largely been exported to be permanently preserved in developed countries, primarily in South Africa,
Europe and the United States of America.
This is particularly true for the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) diverse wild bee fauna, which
has been investigated throughout the colonial period by visiting or resident entomologists and missionaries
who have then transferred their collected material primarily to Belgium as part of a wider legacy of scientific
exploration and colonialism. Digitizing NHC is one way to mitigate this current bias, by making samples
accessible to researchers from the target post-colonial countries as well as to the wider international
scientific community.
In this study, we compiled and digitized 6,490 specimens records relevant to 195 wild bee species grouped
in 18 genera within the biodiverse family Megachilidae, essentially from the colonial era (i.e., mostly
between 1905-1960, with additional records up to 1978), and curated at the Royal Museum for Central
Africa (RMCA) in Belgium. We provide a detailed catalogue of all records with updated locality and
province names, including 26 species only available as type specimens. We also explore the historical
patterns of diversity and distribution across DRC, and we provide a list of the research entomologists
involved. This study is an important first step that uses digital technologies to democratize and repatriate
important aspects of DRC’s natural heritage of insect biodiversity, to stimulate more contemporary field
surveys, as well as to identify and characterize research gaps and biodiversity shortfalls in little-explored
regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Keywords: Entomological collections, colonial era, wild bees, biodiversity, decolonization.

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Table of contents

Abstract 2

Table of contents 3

Introduction 4

Material and methods 6

Digitization of RMCA specimen records 6

Preparation of the RMCA Megachilid bees catalogue 6

Analysis of spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns 6

Results 8

Catalogue 8

Spatial patterns of Megachilidae species and specimen records 109

Taxonomic and temporal patterns of Megachilidae specimen records 115

The entomologists behind the historical Megachilidae specimen records at RMCA 116

Discussion 121

Wild bees in the family Megachilidae in DRC 121

Diversity and endemism of wild bees in DRC 123

Contemporary research on wild bees in DRC: where to start? 124

Concluding remarks 124

References 127

List of illustrations and tables Erreur !

Signet non défini.

Appendices: State of knowledge on the endemism of bees within the family Megachilidae in the DRC
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.


The collection and preservation of biological specimens has traditionally been at the core of most research
dealing with the systematics, biogeography, ecology and evolution of living organisms, and the
establishment of natural history collections (NHCs) has proven an immensely valuable tool to stimulate
scientific research long before Darwin and Wallace. Today, important new perspectives are provided for
NHCs, as they already confirmed their key role as infrastructures allowing the study of global change, of
temporal (i.e., time series) changes in communities, systematic revisions and the more recent development
of various “-omics” approaches to the study of biodiversity. By and large, and despite the increasing
regulations in place to control specimen collection (Sikes et al. 2016), it seems that NHCs still have a bright
future (Suarez & Tsustui 2004; Pyke & Ehrlich 2010) and that hitherto unexpected societal challenges
related to environmental conservation, to food security, and to human health will find at least part of their
answers through the adequate use and valorisation of NHCs (Heberling 2020; Hedrick et al. 2020; Lendemer
et al. 2020; Belitz et al. 2022). Nowadays, the availability of research-grade biodiversity data is pressing to
better evaluate extinction risks and conservation needs along with the multiple threats on ecosystem services
(Rodger et al. 2004; Enke et al. 2012; Potts et al. 2016a, Díaz et al. 2019 Ganzevoort et al. 2017; Mkenda
et al. 2019).
Over the past century or more, entomological surveys on pests, beneficial insects and insect biodiversity in
general conducted in lower-income but biodiverse countries have yielded countless specimens that have
largely been exported outside their native range to be permanently preserved in higher-income countries.
Sub-Saharan African specimens have primarily been exported to South Africa, Europe and the United States
of America (USA). As a consequence, the long tradition of establishing NHCs has been primarily associated
with higher-income countries, leaving lower-income countries lagging behind in terms of infrastructure. Up
to the present day, many countries in (sub-)tropical and biodiverse regions of the world still lack even the
most basic NHCs, as well as the financial support and logistic means to curate specimens appropriately and
sustainably in airtight boxes, in temperature and humidity-controlled spaces, with back-up generators and
with no exposure to sunlight. This, in turn, has been a major obstacle to knowledge transfer, local capacity
building and the development of scientific research on biodiversity conservation in lower-income countries.
Furthermore, the overall lack of digitization efforts targeting specimens collected in lower-income but
biodiverse countries is also responsible for the current gaps and spatial patterns in sampling biases (i.e.,
more data and studies on trends in biodiversity in higher-income vs. lower-income countries), as well as for
the major distortion in our understanding of the contemporary state of biodiversity at the worldwide scale
(Hughes et al. 2021; Raja et al. 2022). Addressing such cases of “scientific colonialism” (when the
knowledge base relevant to a certain country is by default located or curated outside of that specific country)
is increasingly becoming an important societal issue fuelled by shifting social and political priorities, the
global economics, and the socio-political context of countries and their colonial history among other key
drivers (Zizka et al. 2021).
The colonial history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Central Africa has been described
extensively (Freund 1998; Ewans 2001; Van Reybrouck 2015), and the country is also renowned for its
unparalleled and threatened biodiversity within the African continent, and within the Sub-Saharan region in
particular. A significant part of our contemporary understanding of biodiversity in DRC stems directly from
research and surveys made during the colonial era (i.e., until 1960), through fieldwork typically supervised
and carried out by visiting or resident, non-indigenous researchers (from Belgium and other countries)
enrolling the local indigenous populations on colonized territories then controlled by the Belgian Ministry
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

of Colonies. These historical surveys and more contemporary biodiversity research have highlighted that
DRC harbours has the highest number of species for almost all groups of organisms with the exception of
plants, whose diversity is at its peak in South Africa. This, along with high numbers of endemic species,
make DRC a most important target for biodiversity conservation in Africa. However, biodiversity in DRC
and more largely in the Congo Basin region is also severely threatened by agriculture, the collection of
fuelwood (Megevand et al. 2013; Aquilas et al. 2022; Miao et al. 2022) and urbanization (Parnell &
Walawege 2011). These factors, considered as the major drivers of anthropogenic land use change, resulting
in the deforestation and forest degradation of biodiverse habitats, have plagued this region of the world since
precolonial times and still persist to the present day (Larcom et al. 2016).
Among the biodiverse organisms of conservation interest in DRC are wild bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea,
Apiformes), an important group of pollinators for wildflowers and insect-pollinated crops alike (Klein et al.
2007) that significantly contribute to human well-being (Potts et al. 2016b) and the generation of income in
rural areas (Wratten et al. 2012; Sabino et al. 2022). The bees of DRC have received attention during the
end of the 19th and the first two decades of the 20th century, through the collecting efforts of non-
indigenous, resident or non-resident entomologists. This has resulted in several landmark publications
(Smith 1853; Schletterer 1891; Friese 1903, 1905, 1909; Vachal 1910; Strand 1921 among others) and the
collection of more specimens by missionaries, anonymous, amateur and professional entomologists (the
latter originally and primarily working on pest control) during the first half of the 20th century. A famous
introductory paper on the bees of DRC was entitled “Collecting bees in the Belgian Congo”, published by
Cockerell (1932), a British-born professor of systematic zoology at the University of Colorado who led the
“Mission Cockerell” with a team of “Biluluists” (“bilulu” is a term used in DRC, Rwanda and Burundi to
designate insects or insect pests; the term is likely derived from “kilulu” in Swahili with the same meaning).
Over 16,000 insect specimens were collected during this expedition, which also resulted in a series of
landmark papers on the bees of the then-Belgian Congo (Cockerell 1930, 1931, 1935a, 1936a, 1936b among
others; see Eardley & Urban’s 2010 “Catalogue of Afrotropical Bees” for more details and references).
Collectively, these publications have stimulated the interest of the non-indigenous, resident and non-resident
entomologists in DRC, resulting in increasing sampling activity and export of wild bee specimens to the
Museum of Belgian Congo in Belgium (now Royal Museum of Central Africa (RMCA)) up until just under
two decades after the independence of the Belgian Congo in 1960 (that is, in 1978 for the last records).
These collections have also proven useful as they have been used for taxonomic revisions in the second half
of the 20th century (Pasteels 1965, 1968, 1970, 1984), but they have never been complied at a higher
taxonomic level or digitized to date.
In this paper, we provide a catalogue of all wild bee specimens belonging to the family Megachilidae
collected in DRC (with their updated locality, provinces names and taxonomy) and curated at the Royal
Museum of Central Africa (RMCA) in Belgium. We focused on the family Megachilidae because it is one
of the most species-rich bee families in Sub-Saharan Africa (841 spp. according to Eardley & Urban (2010)),
only second to the family Halictidae (915 spp. according to Eardley & Urban (2010)). We also explore and
analyze the historical patterns of diversity and distribution of specimen records across DRC, as well as those
of the entomologists involved. Collectively, our results will shed new light on the underreported
entomlogical biodiversity of DRC and help establish a robust baseline for future studies, and they also
contribute to democratize the access to important aspects of DRC’s natural heritage - an essential
prerequisite to stimulate more research into the taxonomy, the ecology and the evolution of wild bees in the
Afrotropical region.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material and methods

Digitization of RMCA specimen records

The digitization of the wild bee data curated at RMCA was carried out following the organization of the 79
numbered boxes in the collection and the alphabetical sorting of genera, subgenera and species within these
boxes. The RMCA Megachilidae collection was identified in the 1960’s and 1970’s by the late Jean J.
Pasteels who worked on Sub-Saharan African bees and published several taxonomic revisions. For example,
on genera Creightonella, Chalicodoma, Megachile (s. str.) (Pasteels 1965, 1966), Coelioxys (Pasteels 1968),
and Anthidiinae (Pasteels 1984), as classified by him. Another important revision was devoted to the
Lithurginae (Eardley 1988), wich has only 4 species in Sub-Saharian Africa and was not published by
Pasteels. The corresponding box number of each specimen and species is retained in the catalogue to
facilitate their future examination in the RMCA collections. For each specimen record, we retained its
taxonomic affiliation (both as it was used by Pasteels and the current taxonomic update as described above),
the contemporary name of the collection locality as well as the former name between parathesis and its
geographic coordinates (degrees and minutes in WGS84 at 1 km resolution, obtained from GoogleMaps),
the date of collection (dd.month.yyyy) and the name of the collector. It should be noted here that the catalog
data follows the recommendations of the European Journal of Taxonomy (

Preparation of the RMCA Megachilid bees catalogue

All of the above-mentioned digitized specimen records are compiled and detailed in the form of a catalog
and we have followed the higher taxonomic updates for each group. Specifically, Tribe Lithurgini was
inspired by Eardley (1988), while Megachile sensu lato, Genus Gronoceras, and Genus Noteriades were
reorganized as informed by Praz et al. (2008), Gonzalez et al. (2012, 2019), Litman et al. (2012), Litman et
al. (2016), Trunz et al. (2016). The remaining groups (i.e., genus Coelioxys, tribe Anthidiini, and tribe
Osmiini) were taken up following contemporary work on bees in sub-Saharan Africa by Schulten (1977),
Liongo li Enkulu (1988), Eardley et al. (2010), Eardley & Urban (2010), Eardley (2012a, 2012b). Overall,
the groups referred to the most recent checklist by Ascher & Pickering (2020) as described above to classify
the Megachilidae into the following seven taxonomic groups:
1. Tribe Lithurgini: including the genus Lithurgus;
2. Megachile sensu lato: comprising “Leafcutter bees” (i.e., subgenera Megachile s. str., Amegachile,
Anodonteutricharaea, Creightonella, Digitella, Eurymella, Eutricharaea, Megella) and “(Resin-)dauber
bees” (i.e., subgenera Callomegachile, Carinula, Chalicodoma, Cesacongoa, Maximegachile, Neglectella,
Pseudomegachile and Stenomegachile);
3. Genus Coelioxys: including subgenera Coelioxys and Liothyrapis;
4. Genus Gronoceras;
5. Genus Noteriades;
6. Tribe Anthidiini: including the genera Anthidium, Pseudoanthidium, Eoanthidium, Euaspis,
Immanthidium, Pachyanthidium, Serapista, Trachusa, and Afrostelis;
7. Tribe Osmiini: including the genera Heriades and Heriadopsis.

Analysis of spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns

We first mapped the distribution of all Megachilidae specimen and species records using QGIS ver. 3.6
(QGIS Development Team 2020) using a 50 km x 50 km grid. We used three different administrative
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

boundaries, namely (i) the six historical provinces (valid up to the Independence on June 30, 1960), (ii) the
26 present-day provinces, and (iii) the 10 known phytogeographical districts defined within the country
(Coastal, Mayumbe, Low-Congo, Kasaï, Low-Katanga, Central Forestry, Ubangi-Uele, Lake Albert, Lakes
Edouard and Kivu, Upper-Katanga). This allowed us to plot and discuss the abundance and the diversity of
DRC Megachilidae records from the RMCA collection according to different spatial scales and contexts.
To characterize the taxonomic patterns of specimen records and the associated entomological collectors, we
then used the rankabundance and rankabunplot functions in the "BiodiversityR" package (v. 2.14-2; Kindt
& Coe 2005). This allowed us to compute a top 10 (or rank abundance) of the most commonly recorded
Megachilidae species, as well as to identify the entomologists associated with the highest numbers of
specimen records. We also computed a kind of diversity index for each of these 10 major collectors, in order
to assess their contribution to the variety of Megachilidae species among all reported specimens. This was
done by using the diversitycomp function in the “BiodiversityR” package (v. 2.11-3; Kindt 2019) by
computing the Simpson, Shannon (alpha diversity) and Pielou (species evenness) diversity indices (Borcard
et al. 2018). To further explore the database, we then visualized the temporal trends in the collection of
various taxonomic groups within the Megachilidae across DRC using specimen accumulation curves and
the specaccum function in the “vegan” package (v. 2.5-7; Oksanen et al. 2020). All these analyses were
performed in RStudio (RStudio Team 2020) for R (R Core Team 2020).
We then tested whether there is a significant difference in community composition among (i) the six
historical provinces in DRC, (ii) the 26 present-day provinces, and (iii) the 10 known phytogeographical
districts defined within the country, using analyses of similarities (ANOSIM) with the vegan package
(version 2.0–5) (Oksanen et al. 2019). We computed average Bray-Curtis distances among samples and
used 10,000 permutations to statistically test the extent to which an increase in the number of administrative
or natural units (i.e., 6 vs. 10 vs. 26) was statistically associated with an increase in community
differentiation. This analysis allows to discuss the scale of a putative spatial concentration of records around
key localities preferentially visited by entomologists to collect Megachilidae species during the targeted
period in DRC.
To examine in greater detail, the species and phylogenetic structure of wild bee communities among
increasing numbers of administrative units in DRC, we followed the analytical procedure described in
Vereecken et al. (2021) by first aggregating the dataset to retain a single line of species occurrence records
for each region, and then used the “BAT” package (v. 1.6.0.; Cardoso et al. 2015) to explore the species and
phylogenetic turnover. For the phylogenetic approach, we built up a phylogeny based on the hierarchical
Linnaean classification following the higher-rank classification adopted here; the R-package ape (v. 5.0)
(Paradis et al. 2004) was used to build a polytomous, ultra-metric tree comprising all species, and branch
lengths were calculated for the whole “taxonomy-based phylogeny” by setting the p-parameter to 1,
following Hoiss et al. (2012). For both the species and phylogenetic approaches, we computed the Sørensen
index of beta diversity, βsør, a measure of total dissimilarity, and its partitioning into its two major
components: (1) species replacement among habitats, i.e., turnover: βsim; and (2) species loss/gain among
habitats, i.e., nestedness: βsne; following the formula βsør = βsim + βsne (Baselga 2010, Legendre 2014).
The relative values of βsim and βsne allow to quantitatively evaluate the relative importance of species
turnover versus nestedness among habitats. This “taxonomy-based phylogeny” was used as an input for
analyses of phylogenetic turnover; for both approaches, we investigated the differentiation among (i) the six
historical provinces in DRC, (ii) the 26 present-day provinces, and (iii) the 10 known phytogeographical
districts defined within the country as described above. Thus, the values of the two components (βsim and
βsne) allow to quantify the relative contribution of turnover and nestedness (respectively) to the overall
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

taxonomic and phylogenetic differentiation with an increase in the number of administrative or natural units
(i.e., 6 vs. 10 vs. 26).


The catalogue presented below includes, for each species, the number of female and male specimens, the
collection details, including the locality, conventional, and date, and the name of collectors. The collections
of the Megachilidae of the RMCA were all identified by Professor Jean Jules Pasteels, who was the last
author to publish inclusive taxonomic revisions for Afrotropical Megachilid bees based on the RMCA
collections, until about the 1980s and later reorganized by the museum technician (? De Bakker). For this
reason, and to allow easy tracking of the collection holdings, we use as titles taxon names based on the
updated taxonomy (in bold font), and also provide below the species-level taxonomy as understood by
Pasteels and as it appears in the collection boxes.

Sub-family Lithurginae
Tribe Lithurgini
Lithurgus acanthurus Vachal, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 62 (1♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kambove-
Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct.1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA. Allotype • 1 ♀; Lukafu; 10°31'
S, 27°33' E; 1909; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.

Lithurgus pullatus Vachal, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 62 (2♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’
N, 31°07’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 2 ♀♀; Tanganyika: Mpala; 06°45’ S, 29°31’
E, alt. 780 m; Jul. – Aug. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Lithurgus sparganotes (Schletterer, 1891)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 62 (130♀♀ and 13♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Jun. 1937; J.
Vrijdagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Jun. 1937; J. Vrijdagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Jun. 1937; J. Vrijdagh leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1927; Dr. Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’
E; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1930; Dr. Staner leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Aug. 1937; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 16 Sep. 1936; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16
Sep. 1936; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Nov. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; 14 Jul. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jan. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1936; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

same location as for preceding; Aug. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Aug. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Equateur; 00°00’ N, 18°14’ E; 15 Nov. 1911; Cap. Van Gile leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Flandria; 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; 1 Sep. 1932; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1932; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; 9 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Mayumbe: Ganda Sundi; 05°30' S,
12°53' E; 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 7 ♀♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E;
1933; A. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1911; Dr. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Dr. Houssiaux; leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Kisantu
(Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 12 Jan. 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 22 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1927; R.P.
Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 1932; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
1 Apr. 1930; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Apr. 1930; R.P.
Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst; leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Thysville (Mbanza
Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; Jan. 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 2 ♀♀; Moyen Kwilu: Leverville
(Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; Jan. 1914; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Lomami: Kabwe;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; Jul. – Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kafakumba (Sandoa);
09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Apr. 1933; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’
E; 3 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 6 Nov. 1910; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. – Nov. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Lokandu; 02°31’ S, 25°47’ E; Dec. 1939; Lt Vissers leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Bafula; 04°09'
N, 27°54' E; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E;1933; J. Van
Gils leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 2 ♀♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 10 Feb. 1932; J. Vrijdagh leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 3 ♀♀;
Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep.
1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. - Sep. 1951; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; Tshuapa:
Mayumbe: Ganda Sundi; 05°30' S, 12°53' E; 1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1954; R.P. Lootens
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Feb. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1954; R.P. Lootens
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Apr. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tshuapa:
Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 9 Sep. 1952; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Sub-family Megachiliinae
Tribe Megachilini
Leafcutter bees
Megachile (Amegachile) acraensis Friese 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 10 (76♀♀ and 41♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 1 Jun. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 10 Aug. 1933; J.V.
Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30
Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Mobwasa; 02°40’ N,
23°11’ E; Sep. 1911; De Giorgi leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 10 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀;
Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 23 Nov. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Eala
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 11 Nov. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 14 Jul. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr.
1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec.
1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Wamba; 00°20’ S, 29°50’ E; 1932; Putnam leg.;
RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; Nov. 1935; M. & Me. Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; Oct. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Irumu-Penge; 01°27’ N,
02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; 1 Mar. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♂; Ilebo; 04°20’ S, 20°36’ E;
14-15 Jul. 1925; S.A.R. Prince Léopold leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kasaï: Lutzkwadi (Ilebo); 04°20’ S, 20°36’ E;
17 Jun. 1946; V. Lagae leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 2 ♀♀; Lula (Kasaï); 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E; 1958; A.J.
Jobaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 20 Apr.1939; J.J. Deheyn leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Camp
de Lukula; 05°23’ S, 12°57’ E; 1911; Dr. Daniel leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba) (Madimba);
05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; Rév. P. Regnier leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942;
Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami-Luputa; 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; Apr. 1934; Dr.
Bouvier leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Aug. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Sep.
1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo;
04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Apr. 1954; Dr. J. Claessens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Apr.
1954; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 5 ♀♀; Beni à Lesse; 00°45’ N, 29°46’ E; Jul. 1911; Dr.
Murtula leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N’Guli (Lubero); 00°10’ S, 29°20’ E; 3 Sep. 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA.
– Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’ N, 22°03’ E; 18 – 26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1937; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Lusambo: route
Batempa; 04°58’ S, 23°26’ E; 17 Jan. 1950; Dr. M. Fontaine leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Benadibele;
04°07’ S, 22°50’ E; 1925; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Djeka; 02°57’ S, 23°33’ E; 1955-1956;
R. Roiseux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; Apr. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kavumu à Kabunga, 82 km (Mingazi);
02°18’ S, 28°49’ E; May – Jun. 1951; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu; 05°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Sep. – Oct.
1925; S.A.R. Prince Léopold leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr.
– Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kipiri; 07°35’ S, 29°53’ E; Sep. 1912; Miss. Agric. leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 23 Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 30 Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E;
1 – 3 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kalenge; 06°33’ S, 26°35’ E; Feb. 1934; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♂; Basoko; 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; 6 Jun. 1909; Prince Albert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; Ponthierville; (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 22 Oct. 1910; Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’
N, 25°11’ E; 8 Apr. 1915; Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; Jan.
1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♂♂; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. – Sep. 1951; Rév. P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Ikela; 01°11’ S, 01°11’ S, 1956; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 1956; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Amegachile) bituberculata Ritsema, 1889

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 9 (184♀♀ and 97♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 2 ♀♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 1938; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 May 1938; P. Henrard
leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 11 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 11 May 1939; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 10 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
14 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P. Henrard
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1940; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 14 May 1941; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
25 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Jun. 1937; P. Henrard leg.;
RMCA • 9 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 9 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; 9 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1938;
P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

30 Aug. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Lebo Paigba; 04°27’ N, 23°57’ E; 14 Oct.1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mobwasa;
02°40’ N, 23°11’ E; Sep.1911; De Giorgi leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: van Kerkhovenville; 04°06’ N, 22°23’
E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 10 Oct.1933; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Aug.1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 2 ♂♂;
Beneden-Congo: Tumba; 00°50’ S, 18°00’ E; Sep. 1933; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Eala
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding, 22
Apr.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding, Mar.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Apr.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
May1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun.1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul.1932; A. Corbisier
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov.1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Nov.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr.1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Nov.1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’
E; 12 Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 18 Apr. 1933; De Loose
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 29 Jan. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 30 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
6 Jun. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1924; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Sep. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Mar. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 1925; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 Apr. 1933; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Apr. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1932; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Kimilolo);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 2 Apr. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville; riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 2 Apr. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Sep.
1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kampemba (Elisabethville); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jun.
1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1915; A. Smaelen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Katumba; 08°32’ S, 25°59’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; 10 May 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 9 Jan. 1921; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; May 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mbiliwa-Wantu; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Muelushi; 08°59’ S, 26°45’ E; 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Mufunga; 09°21’ S, 27°27’ E; 20 Oct. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU
Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 30 Apr.-10. May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kilwezi;
09°05’ S, 26°45’ E, alt. 750 m, 6 – 7 Sep.1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Lusinga, Rivière
Kamitungulu; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 13 Jun.1943; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; 3 Jun.1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Masombwe s. Grde; Kafwe; 09°05’ S,
27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
16. Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 9
Mar. 1911; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kadiamapanga; 08°16’ S, 26°36’ E; 30 Sep. 1952; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 30 Sep. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA •
2 ♀♀; Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Gorge de la Petenge; 08°56’ S,
27°12’ E, alt. 1150 m, 28 May 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Kanonga; 09°16’ S,
26°08’ E, alt. 675 m,14-23 Feb. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kaswabilenga; 08°51’
S, 26°43’ E, alt. 700 m; 15 Sep. – 6 Nov. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 15 Sep. – 6 Nov. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Mabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’
E, alt. 585 m; 1-11 Jan. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Faradje; 03°44’ N,
29°42’ E; 1909 – 1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E; 1920; L.
Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1923; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Mayumbe: Buende-Irundi; 04°43’ S, 13°00’ E; 15 May 1926; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayumbe:
Zobe; 05°08’ S, 12°29’ E; Jan. 1916; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNG [Parc National de Garamba];
03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 19 May 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Jun.
1950; G. Demoulin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Oct. 1950; G. Demoulin leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Dungu; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Blukwa; 01°45’
N, 30°36’ E; 22 Nov. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 28 Feb. 1934;
J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Kilo (Djugu); 01°50’ S, 30°09’ E; Jul. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 15 May 1925; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep.
1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mongbwalu (Kilo); 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; 1938; Mme. Scheitz leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1938; Mme. Scheitz leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Kasaï:
Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; 16 Mar. 1939; J.J. Deheyn leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Limbala;
06°07’ S, 22°20’ E; 3 – 8 Aug. 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lula (Kasaï); 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E;
1958; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♂; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1933; A.
Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Congo da Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jun. 1911;
R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 1932; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Rév. P. Regnier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E;
Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♀;
Kasaï: Samsonge; 06°07' S, 27°28' E; 18 Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Kolo-
Kwilu-Madiata; 05°27’ S, 14°52’ E; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu);
04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1927; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 3 ♀♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E;
Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lomami: Kabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; Jul.-Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. – Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami-
Luputa; 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; Apr. 1934; Dr. Bouvier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: M'Pemba Zeo (Gandajika);
06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 19 Oct. 1958; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♂♂; Biano; 10°20’ S, 27°00’
E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1933; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalule Nord; 09°45’ S, 25°55’ E;
1934; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 08°21’ S, Mar. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kayambo-Dikuluwe;
10°45’ S, 25°22’ E; Jun. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA ; • 1 ♂; Lubudi; 09°55’ S, 25°58’ E; 29
Jan. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 1 Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; May 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1933;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA •
4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sandoa; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; 28 Nov. 1918; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-
Ndombe • 1 ♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; 20 Jun. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Sep. – Nov.1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Maniema; 05°00’ S, 29°00’ E;
R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. de Kasongo, Lupaya; 04°23’ S, 26°46’ E; 8 Feb. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit
leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♂; Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 1 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Itimbiri; 02°03’ N, 22°45’ E; 23 May 1918; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 23 May 1918; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 28 May 1915; Dr.
Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 5 – 12 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni; 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E, alt. 1150 m; Jul. 1911; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA
• 9 ♀♀; Beni à Lesse; 00°45’ N, 29°46’ E, Jul. 1911; Dr. Murtula leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N. Kivu: Kisenyi;
01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; Feb. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNA: Ngoma (lac Biuniu); 01°41’ S, 29°14’
E; 3 – 20 Apr. 1935; Dr. H. Damas leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’ N,
22°03’ E; 18 – 26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Banzyville (Mobayi); 04°18’ N, 21°11’ E;
Royaux leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Ubangi: Bosobolo; 04°11’ N, 19°53’ E; 8-11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Ibanda; 02°29’
S, 28°51’ E; 1952; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katana (Kabare); 02°14’ S, 28°49’ E; Oct. 1932;
P. Van der Houd leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mulungu; 02°20’ S, 28°47’ E; 19 Sep. 1938; Hendrickx leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Uvira: riv. Kalimabenge; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E, alt. 780 m; 23 Mar. 1949; G. Marlier leg.; RMCA. –
Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1932; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; M'Paka,
Terr. Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Jul. – Aug.1959; M. Pecheur leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec 1959; M. Pecheur leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; Dec.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Motenge-Boma; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; 14 Dec. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Nzali; 03°15’ N, 19°47’
E; 3 – 4 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr.
– Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kabalo; 06°03’ S, 26°55’ E; Jan. 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Katompe (Kabalo); 06°11’ S, 26°20’ E; Feb. 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kongolo;
05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 12 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22
Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 23 Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 23 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukuga
r. Niemba; 05°57’ S, 28°26’ E; Dec. 1917 – Jan. 1918; Dr. Pons leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kalenge; 06°33’
S, 26°35’ E; Dec. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911;
Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 29 Apr. 1915; Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa
• 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3
♀♀; same location as for preceding; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Amegachile) fimbriata Smith, 1853

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 11 (4♀♀ and 21♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kambove;
10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Nov. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Mbiliwa-Wantu; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kiamakoto entre Masombwe et Mukana; 09°09’
S, 27°10’ E; 2 Sep. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kiamakoto-Kiwakishi; 09°09’ S,
27°10’ E, alt. 1070 m; 4 – 16 Oct. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde;
Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami •
1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; Jun. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kalongwe; 11°01’ S, 25°13’ E; 19 Sep. 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 28 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA – Ituri • 2 ♂♂; Kibimbi; 01°22’
N, 28°55’ E; 2 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 22 – 24 Apr.
1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA1 • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 1 – 3 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Tanganyika-Kabalo; 06°03’ S, 26°55’ E; 1 Jul. 1947; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 1 Feb. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1 Feb. 1934; H.
De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Amegachile) geoffreyi Cockerell, 1919

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 11 (1 ♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG, Akam; 03°40’ N, 29°00’
E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Amegachile) nasalis Smith, 1879

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 11 (1 ♀ and 8 ♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1929; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Mbiliwa-Wantu;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Panda (Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E;
16 Oct. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Kaswabilenga; 08°51' S, 26°43'E,

Holotype for Megachile fimbriata kiambensis Cockerell, 1933
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

alt. 700 m; 1 – 4 Nov. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; Sep. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Bunkeya-Lukafu; 10°24' S, 26°58' E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. –
Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) abongana Strand, 1911

Megachile (Paracella) abongana Strand, 1911

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (5♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; 20 Oct.1933; J. V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï, • 1 ♀; Kamayembi (Luebo); 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E;
19 Sep.1921; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Aruwimi: Panga; 01°51’ N, 26°25’ E; 19
Sep.1921; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 2 ♀♀; Moma; 00°45’ S, 21°56’ E; Jun.1925; Lt. J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) apiformis Smith, 1953

Megachile (Paracella) apiformis Smith, 1953

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 17 (7♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni à Lesse;
00°45’ N, 29°46’ E; Jul.1911; Dr. Martula leg.; RMCA ; • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1911;
Dr. Martula leg.; RMCA ; • 1 ♀; Butembo : Tuwali; 00°09’ N, 29°17’ E; Jan-Apr. 1954, C. Léontovich leg.;
RMCA ; • 1 ♀; Lac Kivu : Rwankwi; 01°20’ S, 29°22’ E; May 1948; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA ; • 1 ♂;
Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Apr. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mt. Ruwenzori; 00°26’ S,
29°50’ E; alt. 1400 m, 5. Jun.1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Terr. Lubero, Mulo; 00°10’ S, 29°14’
E; 1960, June-Jul. 1953, R.P.M. J. Célis leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 21-27. Aug.
1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct.
1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀ Kiamanwa; 09°30’ S, 27°57’ E; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) bangana Cockerell, 1920

Megachile (Paracella) bangana Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E;
Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 2 ♀♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952, R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) chrysopogon Vachal, 1910

Megachile (Paracella) chrysopogon Vachal, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 15 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kiamokosa;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA.

Megachille (Anodonteutricharaea) curtula Gerstaecker, 1857

Megachille (Paracella) curtula Gerstaecker, 1857
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (14♀♀ and 25♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1927; Dr. Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’
E; 1933, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935, A. Corbisier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; May 1933, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1933, A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1928-1933, De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Feb. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 30 Jan. 1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kolwezi (Affl. Dr. Lufira); 09°05’ S, 26°45’ E, alt. 750 m; 9-14 Aug. 1948; G.F. de
Witte leg.; RMCA – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♀♀; PNU Munoi, Bifure Lupiala; 08°50’ S, 26°44’ E, alt. 890 m;
28 May-15 Jun. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Mauda; 04°46’ N, 27°18’
E; Mar. 1935; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E; Oct.-Nov. 1923;
L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. –
Kinshasa • 1 ♂; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Aug. 1949; R. Dubois leg.; RMCA – Lomami
• 1 ♂; Lomami: Kabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; Jul.-Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Haut-
Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 15 Oct. 1929, Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapiri;
10°18’ S, 26°11’ E; Sep. 1912; Miss. Agric. leg.; RMCA – Mongala • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Binga (Lisala); 02°28’
N, 20°31’ E; 5-12 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 5-12 Mar.
1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 17 May 1936; L. Lippens
leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 2 ♂♂; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’ N, 22°03’ E; 18-26 Feb. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA –Sankuru • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Lukeni; 03°32’ S, 24°19’ E; Jan. 1928; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Basoko; 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; Oct. 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa •
1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokungu; 00°41’ S, 22°19’ E; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) fulvitarsis Friese, 1910

Megachile (Paracella) fulvitarsis Friese, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (16♀♀and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Nov. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1933, De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Feb. 1935; P. Quarré
leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Mar. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; P.
Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec.
1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kaziba; 09°09’ S, 26°57’ E, alt. 1140 m; 1-6 Feb. 1948; G.F. De
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 16 Apr. 1948; G.F. De Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀;
Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 1954; Dr. J. Claessens leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Luofu; 00°37’ S,
29°07’ E, alt. 1700 m; 10 Dec. 1934; G.F. De Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) granulicauda Cockerell, 1931

Megachile (Paracella) granulicauda Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (1 ♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 18 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) guineae Strand, 1912

Megachile (Paracella) guineae Strand, 1912

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Vallée
Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) harrarensis Friese, 1915

Megachile (uicertae sedis) harrarensis Friese, 1915

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 17 (1♀♂). D.R. CONGO. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’
E; 23 May 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA2.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) heteroscopa Cockerell, 1937

Megachile (Paracella) heteroscopa Cockerell, 1937

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Mongbwalu (Kilo); 01°50’ N, 30°09’
E; 1939; Mme Scheitz leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) maculosella Pasteels, 1965

Megachile (Parcella) maculosella Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S,
18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) meruensis Friese, 1910

Megachile (Paracella) meruensis Friese, 1910

This specimen is gynandromorphic
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 17 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S,
26°55’ E; 4 Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) niveicauda Cockerell, 1931

Megachile (Paracella) meruensis Friese, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Panda (Likasi);
11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 9 Sep. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Lualaba • 1 ♂; Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; 30 Jul. – 9 Aug. 1931; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) polychroma Cockerell, 1937

Megachile (Paracella) polychroma Cockerell, 1937

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 15 (6 ♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Uele: Dingila; 03°37' N, 26°03'
E; May 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Dec 1932;
A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. –
Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Mar. 1935; P. Carré leg.; RMCA.
– Maniema • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 3 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1
♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 27 Apr. 1915; Exp Lang-Chapin leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) selenostoma Cockerell, 1931

Megachile (Paracella) selenostoma Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 16 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mt. Ruwenzori;
00°26’ S, 29°50’ E, alt. 1400 m; 5 Jun. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) semivenusta Cockerell, 1931

Megachile (Paracella) semivenusta Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 15 (45♀♀ and 102♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes – Equateur • 1 ♀;
Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 4 Feb. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Katanga • 2 ♀♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 13 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 4 Feb. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

– Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 15 Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep.
1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Beneden-Congo: Tumba; 00°50’ S, 18°00’ E; Sep. 1938;
Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Oct. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

location as for preceding; May 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun.
1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Mokolo; 01°35’ N, 29°05’ E; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi:
Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11 – 17 Sep. 1931; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11 – 17 Sep. 1931; Mrs. W.P. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 16 Aug. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 May 1920;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Aug. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1928; Ch. seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (60km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Nord Tshisangwe); 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 4 Feb. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalunkumia; 10°49’ S, 26°51’ E; 3 Mar. 1925; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 Feb. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •
2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 11 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 2 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 23 May
1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 28 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; 4 Feb. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 8 Dec. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukafu; 10°31' S, 27°33' E; 15 Sep. 1930; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948;
G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kolwezi (Affl. Dr. Lufira); 09°05' S, 26°45' E, alt. 750 m; 27 Aug.
– 8 Sep. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde, Kafwe; 09°05' S, 27°12' E, alt.
1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E;
14 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 19 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 19 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
22 Mar. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 29 May 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Kadiamapanga; 08°16’ S, 26°36’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kaswabilenga;
08°51' S, 26°43' E, alt. 700 m; 21 Oct. 1947; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Mabwe (Lac Upemba);
08°39' S, 26°31' E, alt. 585 m; 28 Aug. 1947; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 4 Sep. 1947; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 1 Sep. 1911; Dr.
J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as
for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Abimva; 03°44’
N, 29°42’ E; 1925; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E; 1920; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 18 Dec. 1951; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Jun. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 25 Jun. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
25 Jun. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan. 1952; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Aug. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 9 Nov. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; PNG Akam; 03°40’ N, 29°00’
E; 22 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1950; H. De
Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG Mabanga; 04°22' N, 29°47' E; 29 Sep. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 2
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

♀♀; PNG Mt Tungu (S); 03°40' N, 29°00'E; 9 Jun. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG Utukuru;
03°40' N, 29°00' E; 22 Jul. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Watsa à Niangara; 03°02’ N, 29°32’ E;
Jul. 1920; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Ituri: La Moto (Madyu); 01°34' N, 30°14' E; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kibimbi; 01°22’ N, 28°55’ E; 2 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀;
Luluabourg; 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 3 ♂♂; Léopoldville (Kinshasa);
04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 16 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 18
Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 25 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanley Pool; 04°12' S, 15°33' E; 13 Aug. 1958; Dr. J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA. – Kongo
Central • 1 ♀; Banana; 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; Aug. 1910; Dr. Etienne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Congo da Lemba
(Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Mar. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Jan – Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Lomami • 4 ♂♂; Lomami: Kabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; Jul. – Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba
• 1 ♂; Biano; 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; 8 – 11 Jul. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’
E; 24 – 27 Jul. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1931; J. Ogilvie
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kalule Sud; 09°36' S, 25°37'E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kanzenze;
10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; La Mulonga; 09°56’ S, 25°53’ E; Aug.
1931; Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kolwezi; 10°44’ S, 25°28’ E; 1 – 6 Nov. 1952; Mme.
L. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Lukata; 10°05' S, 25°55' E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; 30 Jul. – 9 Aug. 1931; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 30 Jul. – 9 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♂; Bolobo (Mushie);
02°10’ S, 16°14’ E 24 Apr. 1924; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S,
25°55’ E; 10 Nov. 1910; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Bumba; 02°11’ N, 22°32’ E; Dec.
1939 – Jan. 1940; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 5-12 Mar.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNA SL Edouard: Bitshumbi; 00°20' S, 29°30' E, alt.
925 m; 15 Apr. 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Apr. 1936; L.
Lippens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 11 May 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 15 May 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Feb. – May 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec 1937; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Walikale; 01°25’ S, 28°03’ E; 7 Jan. 1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi
• 1 ♂; Ubangi: Bosobolo; 04°11’ N, 19°53’ E; 8 – 11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1
♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S, 28°47’ E; Aug. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀;
Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 9 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Nzali; 03°15’ N, 19°47’
E; 3 – 4 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’ S, 29°12’
E Dec. 1918; Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 16 Aug. 1921; Mlle.
Brunard leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Lomami: Katompe (Kabalo); 06°11’ S, 26°20’ E; 20 Dec. 1923; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; 1935; H. De Saeger leg.;
RMCA. – Tshopo • 2 ♂♂; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 20 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) ungulata Smith, 1953

Megachile (Paracella) ungulata Smith, 1953
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 17 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga, Rivière
Dipidi; 08°55' S, 27°12' E; 12 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) aculeata Vachal, 1910

Creightonella aculeata (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 51 (30♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kiamokosa;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Sep. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kipaila-Kisinga; 10°47’ S, 28°30’
E; Sep. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Sep.
1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1931; De Loose.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 11 Sep. 1932; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 12 Nov. 1933; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Jul. 1933; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1929; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Gombela; 10°47’ S, 27°48’ E; Jun. 1929; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Lubumbashi;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 May 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan.
1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S, 13 Jun.
1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde. Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt.
1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’
E; 23 Mar. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Biano; 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Apr. 1927; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1921; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S,
26°11’ E; 8 Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNA: S.L. Kitembo; 00°20’ S,
29°30’ E; 13 Apr. 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S,
28°47’ E; Jul. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E;
27 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 23 Jan. 1911; G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Feb. 1911; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 19134; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) adeloptera Schletterer, 1891

Creightonella adeloptera (Schletterer, 1891)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (53♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 14 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Aug. 1937; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Mobwasa; 02°40’ N, 23°11’ E; Sep. 1911; De Giorgi leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 11 May 1925; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 14 Mar. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul.
1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Flandria (Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; Jan. 1932; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA.
– Ituri • 18 ♀♀; Haut-Ituri; 01°53’ N, 29°03’ E; 1 – 3 May. 1931;1906; H. Wilmin leg.; RMCA. – Maniema
• 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 18 Jan. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lokandu (Biawa);
02°31’ S, 25°47’ E; Dec. 1939; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; 12-18
Dec. 1913; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Congo: Bolombo; 02°38’ N, 21°36’ E; ex coll.
Breuning leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Itimbiri; 02°03’ N, 22°45’ E; 23 May 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA. – Nord-
Ubangi • 2 ♀♀; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA. –
Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; 3 Feb. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Feb. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Jul. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kivu; 05°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Sep.-Oct. 1925; S.A.R.
Prince Léopold leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 2 ♀♀; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 1 – 3 May
1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Lula (Kisangani); 00°27’ N, 25°12’ E; 1958; A.J. Jobaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Utisongo
(Stanleyville); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 22 Apr. 1932; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 4 ♀♀; Boende;
00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1925; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E;
Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Moma; 00°45’ S, 21°56’ E; May 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) angulata Smith, 1853

Creightonella angulata (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 47 (24♀♀ and 19♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (60km ruiss.
Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 22 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’
E; Oct. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Katumba; 08°32’ S, 25°59’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S, 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de
Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♀♀; Lomami: Mutombo-Mukulu; 07°58’ S, 24°00’ E; Jun. 1931;
P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’
E; 15 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Sep. 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •
2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 2 ♀♀;
Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Oriental • 1 ♂; Sankuru:
Bakwanga (Dibindi); 06°08’ S, 23°38’ E; 18 Jun. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 2
♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♂♂;
Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’
E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ditanto; 10°15’ S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 18 Oct. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀;
Bumbuli; 03°24’ S, 20°31’ E; Jan.-Apr. 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Kindu; 02°57’ S,
25°55’ E; 7 Jun. 1912; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 1918; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1909; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. –
Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Djeka; 02°57’ S, 23°33’ E; 1955-1956; R. Roiseux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru:
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; May 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga;
05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr.-Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kabinda (Moba); 07°02’ S,
27°47’ E; Jan. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzui; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; 1935;
H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) aurivillii Friese, 1901

Creightonella aurivillii (Friese, 1901)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (8♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU : Lusinga
(riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 3 ♀♀;
Haut-Ituri, 29°03', 29°03’ E; 1906; H. Wilmin leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Lomami: Lusuku, 07°19’ S,
23°53’ E; Nov. 1930; R. Massart leg.; RMCA. –Lualaba • 1 ♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Sep. – Oct.1933;
H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Aug.1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Lulua : Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA ; 1 ♂ ; same collection data
as for preeceding ; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Moma; 00°45’ S, 21°56’ E;
Jun. 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) cognata Smith, 1853

Creightonella cognata (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 47 (28♀♀ and 17♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 7 Sep. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1921; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Oct. 1925; H.J. Brébo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Katanga: Mwera;
11°09’ S, 27°19’ E; 1956; R.P.Th. de Caters leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kundelungu; 10°40’ S, 28°00’ E; Sep.
1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1949; A. Zielinski leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 29 Jun. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Kabwe
sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, Alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU
Lusinga; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1760 m; 25 Mar. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; PNU
Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S, 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♂; Kamina; 08°44’ S, 25°00’ E; 27 Nov. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami:
Mutombo-Mukulu; 07°58’ S, 24°00’ E; Mar. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’
S, 25°35’ E; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1952;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan. 1953; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Katanga: Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua:
Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; Mar. 1936; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Gorge de la Petenge; 08°56’ S,
27°12’ E, alt. 1150 m; 22 May-22 Jun. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Munoi, bifure
Lupiala; 08°50’ S, 26°44’ E, alt. 890 m; 28 May-15 Jun. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Ituri, • 1
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

♂; Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; Oct. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï-Central • 1 ♀;
Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 18 Mar. 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central •
1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba);
05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév.
P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1927; Mme. J. Tinant
leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 15 Sep.-15 Oct. 1930; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Jan. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Tshumbe S. Marie; 04°02’ S, 22°41’ E; May 1948;
Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1932; Dr. H. Schouteden
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) discolor Smith, 1853

Creightonella discolor (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 47 (5♀♀ and 11♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 12 Jul. 1951; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 12 Jul. 1951; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Apr. 1931; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kiswishi; 11°30’ S, 27°26’ E; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukafu-Bunkeya; 10°31' S, 27°33' E; Oct.
1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Mabwe (R.P. Lac Upemba); 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 585 m; 17-
20 Nov. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; Apr. –
May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 2 ♂♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S, 28°47’ E; Jul.
1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’ S, 29°12’ E; Dec. 1918;
Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 27 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 25 Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) gastracantha Cockerell, 1931

Creightonella gastracantha (Cockerell, 1931)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Kilwezi affl. dr.
Lufira; 09°05’ S, 26°45’ E, alt. 750 m; 9 – 14 Jul. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) hoplitis Vachal, 1903

Creightonella hoplitis (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 47 (2♀♀ and 13♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami:
Lulumbo; 05°24’ S, 25°19’ E; Jul. 1930; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7
Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 2 ♂♂; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; Jan.-Apr. 1959; F. François
leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; Jul. 1930; R.P. Vanderyst
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA3 • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1939; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA. – Kongo
Central • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S,
15°13’ E; 1931; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév.
P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA.
– Lomami • 1 ♂; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E; 1935; Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami:
Kambaye; 06°53’ S, 23°44’ E; Jul. 1930; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka;
04°32’ S, 28°47’ E; Jul. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) ianthoptera Smith, 1853

Creightonella ianthoptera (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 48 (184♀♀ and 97♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Uele: Tukpwo;
04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Sep. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1937; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. –Equateur• 1 ♂; Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 1934; Dr. J. Schouteden
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 16 Jun. 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1933; A. Corbisier
leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; 14 Mar.1931; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar.1933;
A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov.1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Nov.1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 2 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Oct. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 22 Jul. 1914; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Jul. 1914; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 29 Aug. 1914; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Sep. 1939; G. Couteaux leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Nov. 1939; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1932;
A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 7
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA •
12 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1912; R. Mayné
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Sep. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May. 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA •

Published as Megachile vanderysti holotype in Cockerell, T.D.A. (1935) Bees of the genus Megachile in the Congo
Museum. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 26, 239–246.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

38 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 8 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Nov. 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Equateur; 00°00’ N, 18°14’ E; Verlaine leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Flandria
(Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; 15 Mar. 1932 R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jan.-Feb. 1928; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ikenge; 00°06’ S, 18°46’ E; 18 Sep. 1912; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 15 Nov.
1957; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Elisabethville; riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 2 Apr. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 2 May 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Lusinga; 08°55’
S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1760 m; 12-17 Dec. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga (riv.
Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S, 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ruwe-Kambove;
10°40’ S, 25°33’ E; 3 Apr. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lomami-
Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 1932; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1932;
R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Nov. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Abimva; 03°44’ N,
29°42’ E; 19-22 Jun. 1925; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E;
1923; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Feb. 1934; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 23 Feb. 1934; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; Ch.
Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1934; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri:
Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 1931; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
25 May 1925; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Nioka; 02°10’ N, 30°40’ E; 16-28 Aug.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilo: Kere-Kere; 02°42’ N, 30°33’ E; Jan. 1935; Dr. Turco leg.; RMCA
• 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1935; Dr. Turco leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lac Albert: Kasenyi;
01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 15 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E;
1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Région d'Abok; 02°00’ N, 31°00’ E; Oct. 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central •
1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; May
1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.;
RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sunba (Boma); 05°11’ S, 15°00’ E; Dec. 1907; Dr. Sheffield
Neave leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♂; Gandajika (Station INEAC 167); 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 1957; G.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Schmitz leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami: Kabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; Jul. – Aug. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA.
– Lualaba • 1 ♀; Katentenia; 10°19’ S, 25°54’ E; May 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua:
Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; May 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S,
22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; Mar.
1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♂; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; 13 Dec.
1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac Léopold II (Lac Maï-Ndombe); 02°00’ S, 18°15’ E; 1925;
R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mushie; 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; Jan. – Mar. 1915; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Manyema; 05°00’ S, 29°00’ E; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’
S, 26°11’ E; Apr. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr.-May 1918; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.-May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. –
Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Lac Vert; 01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; 16 Sep. 1951; A.E. Bertrand leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA [Parc
National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 10 Oct. 1951; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 9-12 Jul. 1955; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Ruwenzori; 00°20’ N, 29°50’ E, alt. 1000 m; 6 Dec. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ruwenzori:
Vall. Butagu; 00°20’ N, 29°50’ E, alt. 2000 m; 3 Dec. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshibinda;
02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 26 Nov. 1932; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 2 ♀♀; Yakoma; 04°06’
N, 22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’
E; 27 Jan. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Lodja; 03°29’ S, 23°26’ E; 17 Feb. 1930; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S, 28°47’ E; Jul. 1918; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 19 Sep. 1938; Hendrickx leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Région des lacs, 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Dr. Sagona
leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1937; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kabalo;
06°03’ S, 26°55’ E; Jan. 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 15
Mar. 1911; Dr. Valdonio leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukuga r. Niemba; 05°57’ S, 28°26’ E; Sep. 1917-Jan. 1918;
Dr. Pons leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tanganyika; 06°20’ S, 29°00’ E; 31 Aug. 1927; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E; Mar. 1954; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Isangi:
Région du Lomami; 00°47’ N, 24°16’ E; Oct. 1905; H. Wilmin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ponthierville (Ubundu);
00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Stan. Yangambi; 00°46’ N, 24°27’ E;
14-15 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 10 – 13
Sep. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1948; Dr. R. Mouchamps
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’ N, 24°27’ E; Dec. 1939; Dr. Parent leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 2 ♂♂;
Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mondombe (Ikela); 00°54’ S,
22°49’ E; Oct. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1949; Dupuis
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding, Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding, Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokungu; 00°41’ S,
22°19’ E; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA • 7 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1950; M. Dupuis leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) ikuthaensis Friese, 1903

Creightonella ikuthaënsis (Friese, 1903)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 50 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂ ; PNG [Parc National de
Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) paracantha (Pasteels, 1965)

Creightonella paracantha Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Katanga: Mwema;
08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; Aug. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) ruda (Pasteels, 1965)

Creightonella ruda Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Mobwasa; 02°40’ N,
23°11’ E; Sep. 1911; De Giorgi leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) rufa Friese, 1903

Creightonella rufa (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 50 (72♀♀ and 36♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 11 May 1938; P. Henrard
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1928-1929; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1930; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; De Loose leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jun. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 5 – 9 Oct. 1951; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kundelungu; 10°40’ S, 28°00’ E; Jun. 1949; A.
Zielinski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukafu; 10°31' S, 27°33' E; 6-22 Dec. 1930; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; PNU Kilwezi affl. dr. Lufira; 09°05’ S, 26°45’ E, alt. 750 m; 16 – 21 Mar. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♀♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan. 1953; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E;
1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1936; Freyne leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele
• 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 23 May 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 24 May 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 5 May 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNG Napokomweli; 03°40' N, 29°00' E; 18 Oct.
1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA – Ituri • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 1932; Ch. Scops
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 15 Apr. 1939; J.J. Deheyn
leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa• 1 ♂; Congo belge; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Carpentier leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central
• 1 ♂; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 28 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba);
05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1927; R. P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 1932; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Jan. – Apr. 1930; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R. P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; May 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. – Dec. 1944;
Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; 1942; Rév. P. Van
Eyen leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lomami
• 1 ♀; Gandajika; 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 22 Nov. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 24 Nov. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kanda Kanda; 06°56’ S, 23°37’ E; 1935;
J. Drion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami-Luputa; 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; May 1935; Dr. Bouvier leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; Sankuru: Mwene-Ditu; 07°00' S, 23°27'E; 25 Nov. 1952; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂;
Biano; 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Apr. 1927; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34'
E; Aug. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1933; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kayembe
Mukulu; 09°03' S, 23°57' E; 29 Nov. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S,
22°34’ E; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 4
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: r. Kapelekese; 08°21'S, 22°34' E; 16 Nov.
1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 18 Jan. 1910; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Jan. 1948; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; Apr.
– May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNA: S.L. Edouard Kitembo; 00°20' S, 29°30' E;
4 Apr. 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Lusambo: Sangale; 04°58' S, 23°26' E; Nov. 1934;
Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Rég. Des Grands Lacs; 02°29' S, 28°51' E; Thys leg.;
RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Shausele N. Kabemba; 05°57' S, 29°12' E; Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.;

Megachile (Creightonella) rufoscopacaea Friese, 1903

Creightonella rufoscopacaea (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 51 (42♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 2 ♀♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 26 Sep. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 29 Apr. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1924;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kambove-
Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kapema-Kipaila; 10°42’
S, 28°40’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kipopo; 11°33' S, 27°21' E; 11 Sep. 1961;
R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Nov. 1961; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 May 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; 5 – 9 Oct. 1951; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; 1956; R.P.Th. de
Caters leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 May 1945; Mis. G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Masombwe s. Grde. Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr.
1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 11 May 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 May 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 26 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kadiamapanga; 08°16’ S, 26°36’
E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
PNU Munoi, bifure Lupiala; 08°50' S, 26°44'E, alt. 890 m; 25 May-15 Jun. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Blukwa; 01°45’ N, 30°36’ E; 3-4 Dec. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba
• 1 ♀; Bunkeya-Lukafu; 10°24' S, 26°58' E; Oct. 1927; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kando;
10°42' S, 26°23' E; Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kayambo-Dikuluwe; 10°45’ S, 25°22’ E;
Jun. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Dec.
1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; 30 Jul.-9Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Maniema
• 1 ♀; Kakinga; 03°27' S, 26°32' E; Nov. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Tshibinda;
02°19' S, 28°45' E; Nov. 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Bobandana; 01°42' S, 29°01' E;
1928; O. Douce leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♀; Kahuzi; 02°15' S, 28°41' E; 25 Sep. 1938; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Lukuga r. Niemba; 05°57' S, 28°26' E; Nov. 1917-Jan. 1918; Dr. Pons leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lukulu
(Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 1 – 3 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tanganyika; 05°57’ S,
29°12’ E; Hecq leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H.
De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Mfungwe-Kayumbe; 01°17’ S, 26°16’ E; Jun. 1907; Dr. Sheffield
Neave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Creightonella) sternintegra (Pasteels, 1965)

Creightonella sternintegra Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 50 (8♀♀and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Kapema; 10°42’ S, 28°40’ E; Nov. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. Paratypes – Haut-Katanga • 2 ♀♀;
PNU Kankunda (riv. dr. Lupiala); 08°56' S, 27°12' E, alt. 1300 m; 13-27 Nov. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Shausele N. Kabemba; 05°57' S, 29°12' E; Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.;

Megachile (Creightonella) trichroma Friese, 1922

Creightonella trichroma Friese, 1922

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 46 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Lula, Terr. Luiza; 07°11' S,
22°24' E; Aug. 1956; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Digitella) digiticauda Cockerell, 1937

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 11 (5♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratype – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Biano; 10°20’ S,
27°00’ E; 8 – 11 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 2 ♂♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1928 – 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubombo;
08°10’ S, 29°45’ E; Aug. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) akamiella Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 7 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG Akam; 03°40’ N,
29°00’ E; 3 May 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) atroalbida Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’
E; Sep.1958, J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) aurifera Cockerell, 1935

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’
E; Jan. 1934; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; May 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) basalis Smith, 1853

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 1 (1♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lovoi; 08°50’ S,
25°00’ E; 18 Oct. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Mabwe (r. E. lac Upemba); 08°47’ S,
26°52’ E, alt. 585 m; 17-20. Nov.1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) bredoi Cockerell, 1935

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 4 (4 ♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Muelushi;
08°59’ S, 26°45’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Haut-Katanga • 3 ♀♀; Muelushi;
08°59’ S, 26°45’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) brochidens Vachal, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 7 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 14 Oct. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’
S, 25°51’ E; Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E;
18 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) bucephala Fabricius, 1793

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 4 (28 ♀♀ and 24 ♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Coquilhatville
(Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 10 Nov. 1931; Lt. Dorman leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’
N, 18°19’ E; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May
1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala-
Bokatola-Bikoro; 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1930; Dr. P. Staner leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle
Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 9 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Kalunkumia; 10°49’ S, 26°51’ E; 3 Apr. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’ E;
Jul. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Point E; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 18 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Kalele; 02°07’ S, 28°55’ E; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Kalele; 02°07’ S, 28°55’ E; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’
E; 19 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 6 Apr. 1949; Mis. G.F. de
Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; Nov. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.;
RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Banana; 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; Aug. 1910; Dr. Etienne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 28 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Congo da Lemba (Songololo);
05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E;
Jun. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van
Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Maniema
• 1 ♀; K.300 de Kindu; 02°57’ S, 25°55’ E; 9 Apr. 1911; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’
S, 25°55’ E; 6 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. de Kasongo, Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S,
26°40’ E; 8 Nov. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Vieux Kassongo (Kasongo); 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E;
22 Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S, 28°47’ E;
Jul. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’ S, 29°12’ E; 1 – 20
Jan. 1919; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr. – Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo;
05°24’ S, 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; 25 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 6 Feb. 1911; Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 2 ♀♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’
E; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul.
1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) caricina Cockerell, 1907

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (8♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Kaziba; 09°09’ S,
26°57’ E, alt. 1140 m; 11 – 15 Feb. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Masombwe s. Grde;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2
♀♀; Kadiamapanga; 08°16’ S, 26°36’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-
Uele: Abimva; 03°44’ N, 29°42’ E; 1925; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N,
30°15’ E; Jun. 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’
E; 14 Oct. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNA SL Edouard: Kamande; 00°20’
S, 29°30’ E, alt. 925 m; 4 Apr. 1935; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’
S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) crassitarsis Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (1♀ and 7♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kiamanwa; 09°30’
S, 27°57’ E; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’
S, 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde; Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E,
alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 8 Mar. 1921;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 8 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Wabishamba; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 3 Dec. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami •
1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) dolichognatha Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 4 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Ruwenzori; 00°20’
N, 29°50’ E, alt. 1900 m; 23 May 1915; Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Lusinga; 08°56’ S, 27°12’ E; 9 Apr. 1917; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
Megachile (Eurymella) eurymera Smith, 1854

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 1 (39♀♀ and 9♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele •1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; 11 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P.
Henrard leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Bokote; 00°06’ S, 20°08’ E; 6 Mar. 1926; R.P. Hulstaert leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1932, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 4
Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kilwa; 09°18’ S, 28°25’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU
Kaswabilenga; 08°51’ S, 26°43’ E, alt. 700 m; 21 Oct. 1947; G.F. De Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami
• 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 3 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Mabwe
(R.P. Lac Upemba); 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 585 m; 17-20 Nov. 1948; G.F. De Witte leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; G.F. De Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’
E; 1 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’
N, 29°00’ E; 16 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’
E; 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Penge; 01°20’ N, 28°09’
E; Jan. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 25
Sep. 1925; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Kalina; 04°18’ S, 15°17’ E; Jul. 1945;
Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; Rév. P. Regnier leg.; RMCA •
2 ♀♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; May 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayidi
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

(Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bokolaka (Bolobo); 02°09’ S, 16°14’ E; 1954, R.C. Eloy leg.; RMCA.
– Maniema • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; Apr. – May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) flavopilosa Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG [Parc National
de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 23 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. Paratypes DRC – Haut-Uele
• 3 ♂♂; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 27 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) garambana Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (2♀♀and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG Akam;
03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. Allotype – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG Nagero
(Dungu); 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; 1 – 23 Apr. 1954; C. Nebay leg.; RMCA. Paratypes DRC – Haut-Uele • 2
♂♂; PNG Akam; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG Mt. Mboyo;
03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 25 Sep. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) kimilolana Cockerell, 1931

Megachile (Eurymella) kimilonana Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (12♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville;
riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11 – 17 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapema; 10°42’ S, 28°40’ E; Sep. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kabwe
sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; PNU
Masombwe s. Grde; Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. –
Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Kalongwe; 11°01’ S, 25°13’ E; 15 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula:
Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 18 Oct. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) konowiana Friese, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 7 (6♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 6 ♂♂; PNU Lusinga, Rivière
Kamitungulu; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) michaelis Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 4 (4♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 8 Aug. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1951; Miss. H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) nigripollex Vachal, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 2 (51♀♀and 139♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Bunkeya;
10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.
– Equateur • 1 ♂; Beneden-Congo: Tumba; 00°50’ S, 18°00’ E; 20 Sep. 1938; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Bokote; 00°06’ S, 20°08’ E; 5 Mar. 1926; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Cité de Kombo
(Ingende); 00°05' S, 18°37' E; 21 Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’
N, 18°19’ E; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 14 Oct. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 25 Nov. 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. • 2 ♂♂;
Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 9 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. –
Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1-6 Sep. 1932; De Loose leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Kapema; 10°42’ S, 28°40’ E;
Sep. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Kikondja; 08°11’ S, 26°26’ E; 28 Nov. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo;
07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan.
1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂;
Mayumbe: Tshela; 04°59' S, 12°56' E; Jun. 1925; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNG [Parc National de
Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; Mis. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Gangala-na-
Bodio; 03°41' N, 29°08' E; Oct. 1956; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Kilo: Kere-Kere; 02°42’ N,
30°33’ E; Jan. 1935; Dr. Turco leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Luebo rivière; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; 25 May
1938; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 25 May 1938; Mevr. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Lula (Kasaï); 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E; 1958; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 1958; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lula: Terr. Luiza; 07°11' S, 22°24'
E; Aug. 1958; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Luluabourg: Katoka;
05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 1939; R.P.N. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Kimwenza (Kinshasa);
04°28’ S, 15°17’ E; Sep. 1962; M.J. Deheegher leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S,
15°19’ E; 13 Mar. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 17 Dec. 1925;
R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Léopold IX (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Camp de Lukula; 05°23’ S, 12°57’ E; 1911; Dr. Daniel leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; Apr. 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

for preceding; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 15 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1927; R.P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1928; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Apr. 1930; R.P. Vanderyst leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1 Apr. 1930; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1928; R.P. Vanderyst
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Rév. P. Regnier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba);
05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; 13 Apr. 1905; R.P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar.
1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Oct. – Dec. 1944; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’
E; 1942; 1945; R.P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Thysville
(Mbanza Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; 1 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango;
04°48’ S, 17°02’ E; 1925; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kwango: Atene; 05°23'S, 19°24'E; Charlier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Kwango: Kahemba; 07°17' S, 19°00' E; 1 Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu
• 1 ♂; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1925; Mme. Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀;
Sankuru: Gandajika; 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 1954; JP. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: M'Pemba
Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 9 Nov. 1959; Don R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Dilolo;
10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; 9 oct. 1933; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’
E; 17 oct. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Aug. 1934; G.F.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua: Tshibalaka; 08°32' S, 23°12' E; Oct. 1933;
G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Maï-
Ndombe • 1 ♀; Wombali (Mushie); 03°16’ S, 17°22’ E; Jul. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Maniema
• 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kindu; 02°57' S, 25°55' E; 13 Jul. 1947; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’
S, 26°11’ E; Apr.-May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.-May
1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Terr. De Kasongo, Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Feb. 1960; P.L.G.
Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Mongala
• 2 ♂♂; Bumba; 02°11’ N, 22°32’ E; 1935; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Abumombazi
(Mobayi); 03°34’ N, 22°03’ E; 18-26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga);
03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5-17 Feb. 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♂; Kaolele; 05°21' S, 24°02' E; Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♀♀; N'Kolé; 03°27' S, 22°26' E; May 1923; A. Pilette leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; May 1923; A. Pilette leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru; 04°57' S, 23°26' E; Apr. 1930; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Kondue; 04°58' S, 23°16' E; 1934; Puissant leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1
♂; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1941; N'Kele (Col. Sch.) leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kunungu (Nkele); 02°45’
N, 18°26’ E; 17 Apr. 1905; Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 8 Dec. 1931;
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; M'Paka, Terr. Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Dec. 1959; M. Pecheur leg.;
RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Katompe (Kabalo); 06°11’ S, 26°20’ E; Feb. 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 22 – 24 Apr. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 27 Apr. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 23
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Jan. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika-Kabalo; 06°03’ S, 26°55’ E; 5 Jul. 1947; Dr. M.
Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Lula; 00°27' N, 25°12' E; 1958; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀;
Moma (Equateur); 00°45' S, 21°56' E; Jun. 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshuapa: Bokuma;
00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Feb.-Mar. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E;
1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA •
2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan.-Feb. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Jul. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) opaculina Cockerell, 1937

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 1 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Sep.
1958; Dr. J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) ornaticoxis Cockerell, 1935

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Tshopo • 1 ♂; Ponthierville (Ubundu);
00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
– Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 9 Nov. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.;
RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♂; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 25 Nov. 1928; A. Collart leg.;

Megachile (Eurymella) paupera Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG [Parc National
de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 9 Nov. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. Paratypes – Maniema • 1 ♂;
Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 8 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’
E; Apr. – May 1919; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) perfimbriata Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville,
riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde, Kafwe; 09°05' S, 27°12' E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948;
G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) planatipes Cockerell, 1931

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 4 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Limbala; 06°07’
S, 22°20’ E; 5 – 8 Aug. 1913; Miss. H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1928 – 1929; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) platystoma Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 8 (4♀♀and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes DRC – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG
[Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E 10 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 23 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
30 Jul. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 23 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) pyrrhothorax Schletterer, 1891

The species Megachile (Eurymella) pyrrothorax was partitioned into several distinct forms by Pasteels
(1965). The two following forms are represented in the RMCA collections in addition to the typical form,
burgeoni Cockerell (dedicated to M. Burgeon) and dentata Friese.

Megachile (Eurymella) pyrrhothorax Schletterer, 1891

Cupboard 110, Box 3 (5♀♀ and 3♂♂)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (5♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 30 Oct. 1933; J.V.
Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Dec. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU Kamitungulu; 08°55' S, 27°12' E, alt. 1700 m; 3
Apr. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’ N,
22°03’ E; 18-26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) pyrrhothorax, f. burgeoni Cockerell, 1933

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (4♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Maniema • 1 ♀; Malela;
04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Dec. 1913; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA.
– Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; Jan. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂;
Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Ubangi: Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) pyrrhothorax, f. dentata Friese, 1909

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (4♀♀ and 6♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; 1 Jun. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E;
Apr. 1933, A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga •
1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Nov. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; La Panda
(Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 1 Oct. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Luluabourg
(Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E;
Nov. 1926; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA4. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kampunda; 08°14’ S, 29°46’ E; 10 Nov. 1914;
Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) riggenbachiana Strand, 1911

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Kulu-Mwanza; 07°54’ S,
26°45’ E; May 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) salsburyana Friese, 1922

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 6 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga, Rivière
Kamitungulu; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ruashi (Lubumbashi);
11°37' S, 27°32' E; 30 Jun. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Katentenia; 10°19’ S, 25°54’
E; May 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) seclusa Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 3 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 3 Feb. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 29 Apr. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami: Luputa; 11°00' S, 26°44' E; 1935; Dr. Bouvier leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) semierma Vachal, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 5 (103♀♀ and 88♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 11 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Jul. 1937; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 15 Oct. 1922;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Oct. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1921; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1933; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 15 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;

Published as Megachile ruficauda holotype in Cockerell, T.D.A. (1935) Bees of the genus Megachile in the Congo
Museum. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 26, 239–246.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1936; J. Ghesuière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932;
A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; J. Ghesuière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; Dec. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 14 ♀♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 19 Dec. 1952;
P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA • 9 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 3 Nov. 1933; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 May 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1928;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Katanga: Geleka; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 5 Apr. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♀♀;
Kadiamapanga; 08°16’ S, 26°36’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kapwasa; 07°33' S, 26°27'
E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 3 Jul. 1932; R. Massart
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; Mar. 1954; R. P. Th. De Caters leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂;
PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 7 May 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1
♂; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kilo: Kere-Kere; 02°42’ N, 30°33’
E; Jan. 1935; Dr. Turco leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Luebo rivière; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; 25 May 1938; Mevr.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 18 Mar. 1919;
P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo
Central • 1 ♀; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1937; Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 20 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Congo da Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’
E; Apr. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 13 ♂♂; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 6
♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Lemfu (Madimba);
05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’
E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami: Kambaye; 06°53’ S, 23°44’ E; Aug.
1930; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Ditanto; 10°15’
S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Funda Biabo; 09°50' S, 25°33' E; 15 – 18 Mar. 1914;
L. Charliers leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Aug. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Lualaba: Kolwezi; 10°44’ S, 25°28’ E; 1 – 6 Nov. 1952; Mme. L. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua:
Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 8 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Sep. 1921; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Manika
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

(Kolwezi); 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 2 ♀♀; Beni; 00°29’ N,
29°28’ E; Aug. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Lt. Borgerhoff
leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; Jul. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.
– Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Kunungu
(Nkele); 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1938; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 10
Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Baudouinville (Moba); 07°02' S, 29°47' E; 19
Jan. 1933; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 6 Nov. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert r leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♂;
Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 20 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♂;
Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 1934; R. Fr. Longinus leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S,
18°41’ E; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 1958; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Apr. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) vittatula Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 1 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Sud-Kivu 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Sep.
1958; Dr. Pasteels leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) wahlbergi Friese, 1901

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 7 (5♀♀ and 8♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Kwango • 4 ♀♀; Kasaï: Samsonge;
06°07' S, 27°28' E; 18 Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♂; Lomami-Luputa; 11°00’
S, 26°44’ E; Apr. 1934; Dr. Bouvier leg.; RMCA – Lualaba • 4 ♂♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. –
Lualaba • 1 ♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankuru:
Pemba Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49' S, 23°58' E; 7 Feb. 1960; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 7 Feb. 1960; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eurymella) waterbergensis Strand, 1911

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 1 (1♀ and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Uele; 04°06’ N, 22°23’
E; Degreef leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♂♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG Nagero (Dungu); 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; 24 Mar. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) admixta Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (11♂♂). D.R. CONGO. –Haut-Katanga, • 1 ♂; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 20 Oct. 1929; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1928; Ch. seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(60km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami •
1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 14 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 1 Sep. 1945; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Lualaba • 1 ♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Oct – Nov. 1933; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) boswendica Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (10♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Boswenda; 01°20’
S, 29°25’ E, alt. 1900 m; 22 Oct. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. Paratypes – Nord-Kivu • 2 ♀♀; Masisi;
01°24’ S, 28°49’ E; 30 Dec. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Haut Elila: Terr. Mwanga; 08°23’ S, 28°56’ E; Froideline leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 2
♀♀; Mahagi-Djugu; 01°56’ N, 30°30’ E; 7 – 9 Sep. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1
♀; Beni à Lesse; 00°45’ N, 29°46’ E; Jul. 1911; Dr. Murtula leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tshibinda; 02°19’ S,
28°45’ E; 21 – 27 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Aug.
1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) burungana Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Burunga; 01°20’
S, 29°02’ E; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNA [Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 16 – 29 Mar. 1954; P.
Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) derelictula Cockerell, 1937

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 13 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kaniama; 07°31’ S,
24°11’ E; 19 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo: Mwanakusu; 04°27’ S,
26°40’ E; Aug. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Nov.
1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) ekuivella Cockerell, 1909

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 13 (18♀♀ and 10♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1939; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17
Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 17 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Nov. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 4 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Sep. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Oct. 1931; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (60 Km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville ruiss. Kasepa; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; La Kasepa (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep.
1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 25 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 4 Oct. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Panda (Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’
E; 9 Sep. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320
m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde; Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’
E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Kafwi Af. Dr.
Lufwa; 08°56' S, 27°10' E; alt. 1780 m; 2 May 1929; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1
♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 14-17 May. 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba •
1 ♀; Biano; 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; 11 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’
E; 30 Jul. – 9 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Aug. 1931;
T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; PNA: Ngoma (lac Biunu); 01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; 3 – 10
May 1935; Dr. H. Damas leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 30 Jan. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) frontalis Smith, 1853

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 13 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (60km
ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua:
Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 3 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’
S, 26°11’ E; 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) gratiosa Gerstaecker, 1857

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (75♀♀ and 26♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Buta; 02°48’ N,
24°47’ E; 25 Jun. 1941; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Ibembo; 02°38’ N, 23°36’ E; Sep. 1949;
R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Basankusu; 01°13’ N, 19°49’ E; 1949; Zusters O.L.V. ten
Bunderen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1937; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 2
♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
1939; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1939; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 8 Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Flandria (Ingende); 00°20’ S,
19°06’ E; 24 Mar. 1928; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukolela (Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; Nov.
1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 1 Nov. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1928; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Oct. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 25 Apr. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1926; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(60km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; La Kasepa
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbasi; 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; 1 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1920; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 20 Dec. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Feb. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 23 May 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Jan.
1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mbiliwa-Wantu; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; PNK [Parc Nationa des Kundelungu]; 10°15’ S, 27°36’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1946; R. Verhulst leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Lomami • 4 ♀♀; Lomami: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 1931; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 11 Aug. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 13 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E; 1923; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1923; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bayenga,
terr. Wamba; 02°09’ N, 28°00’ E, alt. 810 m; 12 – 22 Aug. 1956; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele:
Dungu; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Watsa à Niangara; 03°02’ N, 29°32’ E; Jul. 1920;
L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Lubero; 00°10’ S, 29°14’ E; 1928; Mme. Van Riel leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Ituri: Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 25 May 1925; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilo (Djugu);
01°50’ S, 30°09’ E; 1930; G. du Soleil leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 15
May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mongbwalu; 01°55’ N, 30°02’ E; 1939; Mme. Scheitz leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1937; Mme. Scheitz leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Nioka; 02°10’
N, 30°40’ E; 20 Aug. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; 2 May
1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 15 Sep.
1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 2 ♀♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928; Mme.
J. Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankuru: M'Pemba Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; Nov.
1957; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E, Nov. 1933; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kolwezi; 10°44’ S, 25°28’ E; 16 Nov. 1952; Mme. L. Gilbert leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo: Mwanakusu; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Aug. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 1 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 10 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 29 Nov. 1910;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. de Kasongo, Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 04°27’ S, 26°40’
E; Oct. – Dec. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; N. Lac Kivu: Rwankwi; 01°20’ S,
29°22’ E; May 1948; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA SL Edouard: Kamande; 00°20’ S, 29°30’ E, alt.
925 m; 8 Apr. 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

as for preceding; Dec 1914; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec 1937; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Walikale; 01°25’ S, 28°03’ E; 7 Jan. 1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Sankuru • 2 ♀♀; Sankuru: Lodja; 03°29’ S, 23°26’ E; Jan. – May 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Jan. – May 1929; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 2 ♀♀; Ibanda;
02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1952; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalehe Makwe; 02°07’ S, 28°55’ E; Feb.
1950; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kavumu à Kabunga, 82 km (Mingazi); 02°18’ S, 28°49’ E; May – Jun
1951; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Sep. 1958; Dr. J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA. –
Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 29 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika •
1 ♀; Buli (Kabalo); 05°50’ S, 26°55’ E; 18 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukuga r. Niemba;
05°57’ S, 28°26’ E; Nov. 1917 – Jan. 1918; Dr. Pons leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S,
29°47’ E, alt. 780 m; Aug.-Sep. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct.
– Nov. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz
leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Ponthierville (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 21 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Ponthierville (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 25 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 25 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’
N, 24°27’ E; 1939; Dr. Parent leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Juillet 1952;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) gratiosella Cockerell, 1935

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (6♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’
E; 10 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Jul. 1911; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 28 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; PNG Nagero (Dungu); 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; 24 Mar. 1952; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.
– Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; PNKB: Luofu; 00°37’ S, 29°07’ E, alt. 1700 m; 10 Dec. 1934; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) hypopyrrha Cockerell, 1937

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga; 08°56’ S,
27°12’ E; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Ibanda; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1952;
M. Vandelannoite r leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) ituriella Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Kawa; 01°34’ N,
30°32’ E; 2 May 1929; A. Collart leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) luteoalba Pasteels, 1973

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14A (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kipopo; 11°33'
S, 27°21' E; 27 Aug. 1961; R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) malangensis Friese, 1904

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (1 ♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga; 08°55’ S,
27°12’ E; 13 Jun. 1911; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) multidens Fox, 1891

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 13 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville, riv.
Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) natalica Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kalongwe; 11°01’ S,
25°13’ E; 11 Aug. 1911; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; PNA [Parc National Albert];
00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 16-24 Mar. 1954; P. Vanschuytbroeck leg.; RMCA.
Megachile (Eutricharaea) panda Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Panda (Likasi);
11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 9 Nov. 1911; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) rhodesica Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 20 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀;
Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 13 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Blukwa;
01°45’ N, 30°36’ E; 28 Dec. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) ruficheloides Strand, 1911

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (14♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 4 ♀♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S,
25°51’ E; 10 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Jul. 1911; Dr.
J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Kalongwe; 11°01’ S, 25°13’ E; 15 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S,
25°48’ E; 20 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 29 Sep. 1911;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Oct. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba• 1 ♀;
Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) semiflava Cockerell, 1935

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 12 (11♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 13 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 5 Apr. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukonzolwa; 08°47’ S, 28°38’ E; 31 Dec. 1941;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG Akam; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950; H. De
Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 15 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 10 Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Sankuru • 1 ♀; Makarikari; 03°27' S, 22°26' E; 6 – 23 Aug. 1930; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu
• 1 ♀; Bukavu; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 28 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S,
29°08’ E; 29 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Tanganyika: Kabalo; 06°03’ S,
26°55’ E; 7 Jul. 1947; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Eutricharaea) stellarum Cockerell, 1920

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 14 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’
E; 8 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Megella) bouyssoui Vachal, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 8 (25♀♀ and 8♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; May 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 2 ♀♀; Haut-Ituri; 29°03', 29°03’
E, alt. 1150 m; 1906; H. Wilmin leg.; RMCA – Lualaba • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bena Bendi (Oshwe); 04°18’ S, 20°22’ E; May 1915; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Lokandu: Ile Biawa; 02°31’ S, 25°47’ E; Jul. 1939; Lt. Vissers leg.;
RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Congo: Bolombo; 02°38’ N, 21°36’ E; ex coll. Breuning leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; ex coll. Breuning leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Itimbiri; 02°03’ N, 22°45’ E; 23 May
1918; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Gamangui. Congo; 00°20’ N, 29°45’ E; Feb. 1910;
Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936;
Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. –
Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Moma;
00°45’ S, 21°56’ E; Jun. 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E;
Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Megella) exsecta Pasteels, 1960

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 8 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’
S, 25°48’ E; 20 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

(Resin-)dauber bees

Megachile (Callomegachile) chrysorrhoea Gerstaecker, 1857

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) chrysorrhaea (Gerstaecker, 1857)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 27 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Lusambo; 04°58’ S, 23°26’ E;
1936; Dir. Gén. M. Gol leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Magachile (Callomegachile) devexa Vachal, 1903

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) devexa (Vachal, 1903)

Following Pasteels (1965), Megachile (Callomegachile) devexa Vachal, 1903 includes Chalicodoma
(Callomegachile) duponti Vachal, 1903 by synonymy. We list them separetly below as it was organized in
the RMCA collections.
Magachile (Callomegachile) devexa Vachal, 1903
Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) devexa (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 26 (4 ♀♀ and 14♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Luebo; 05°20’ S,
21°24’ E; 25 May 1938; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango; 04°48’ S, 17°02’ E; 1925;
P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 12 ♂♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Sep.-Nov. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Jan. 1914; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1913; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Dec. 1951;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Magachile (Callomegachile) duponti Vachal, 1903

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) duponti (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 26A (70♀♀ and 110♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Bamania
(Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 8 May 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Boleke wa Bondele;
00°01’ S, 19°36’ E; 24 Nov. 1926; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’
E; 11 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15-30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21
Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; May
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Mokolo; 01°35’ N, 29°05’ E; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
RMCA. – Ituri • 5 ♀♀; Haut-Ituri, 29°03', 29°03’ E; 1906; H. Wilmin leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Ilebo;
04°20’ S, 20°36’ E; 14-15 Jul. 1925; S.A.R. Prince Léopold leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lutzkwadi (Ilebo); 04°20’
S, 20°36’ E; 17 Jun. 1946; V. Lagae leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

S, 21°52’ E; Apr. 1939; J.J. Deheyn leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Barumbu; 01°14’ S, 23°31’ E; Dec.
1920; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 6 Dec. 1925; Rév. P.
Hulstaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 2 ♀♀; Camp de Lukula; 05°23’ S, 12°57’ E; 1911; Dr. Daniel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Apr. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA. –
Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango; 08°00’ S, 20°00’ E; Jun. 1925; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Kikwit;
05°02’ S, 18°49’ E; 1920; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’
E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 92 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bena Bendi (Oshwe); 04°18’ S, 20°22’ E; May 1915; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lokandu: Ile Biawa; 02°31’ S, 25°47’ E; Jul. 1939; Lt. Vissers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’
E; Jan. 1914; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Congo: Bolombo; 02°38’ N, 21°36’ E; ex coll.
Breuning leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Itimbiri; 02°03’ N, 22°45’ E; 23 May 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA. – Nord-
Ubangi • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 15 Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Yakoma;
04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5-17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S,
23°46’ E; Apr.1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1930; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 4
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Jul. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N,
18°39’ E; Dec.1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♂; Ponthierville (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E
22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; Jan. 1952; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Callomegachile) excavata Cockerell, 1937

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) excavata (Cockerell, 1937)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 32 (6♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono);
07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 5 – 15 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 20 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1934; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema;
08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; Jul. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt.
1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU Munoi, bifure Lupiala;
08°50’ S, 26°44’ E, alt. 890 m; 28 May-15 Jun. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Callomegachile) montibia Strand, 1911

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) montibia (Strand, 1911)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 32 (6♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu• 1 ♀; PNA
[Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E, 23 Mar. 1954; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA •
2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Aug. 1953; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Mar. 1954; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Callomegachile) punctolineata Cockerell, 1935

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) punctolineata (Cockerell, 1935)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 26 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi;
03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; May 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Sankuru • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jul. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Callomegachile) rufipennis (Fabricius, 1793)

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) rufipennis (Fabricius, 1793)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 27 (49 ♀ and 18♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Oct. 1934; J.V. Leroy
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 10 May 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14
May 1938; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Apr. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Jul. 1937;
J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 9 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P.
Henrard leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’
E; 20 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Dingila; 03°37' N, 26°03' E; Jul. 1933; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMC• 1 ♀; Uele: Tukpwo;
04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Aug. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Jan. 1932; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Feb. 1931; R.P. Vankerckhoven
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1931; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Kipushi; 11°46’ S, 27°15’ E; Mar. 1932; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama;
09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 20 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’
E; 16 Nov. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 16 Nov. 1952; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30
Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Mabwe (R.P. Lac Upemba; 585m);
08°39' S, 26°31' E; 1-11 Jan. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National
de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E 5 Oct. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Watsa à Niangara; 03°02’
N, 29°32’ E; Jul. 1920; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Boma: Kimbuadi; 05°51' S, 13°03'
E; 1959; Mme. A. Van Alstein leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R. P.
Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; P. Vanderijst RMCA
• 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♀♀;
Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kansenia; 10°19’
S, 26°04’ E; Oct. - Dec. 1930; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualua: kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34'
E; Jan. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 2 ♀♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.;
RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Utisongo (Stanleyville); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 23 Apr. 1932; J. Vrydagh leg.;

Megachile (Callomegachile) rufipes (Fabricius, 1781)

Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) rufipes (Fabricius, 1781)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxes 28, 29 and 30 (223♀♀ and 167♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀;
Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 14 May 1938; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
23 Jun. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 6 Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ibembo; 02°38’ N, 23°36’ E; Van Hecks leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Bambili (riv. Uele); 03°38’ N, 26°06’ E; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mobwasa; 02°40’
N, 23°11’ E; Sep. 1911; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Dingila; 03°37' N, 26°03' E; 15 Jul. 1933;
J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Uele: Ibembo; 02°38’ N, 23°36’ E; 1950; J. Sion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20
May 1950; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele-Poko; 03°09' N, 26°53' E; Degreef leg.; RMCA. –
Equateur • 4 ♀♀; Basankusu; 01°13’ N, 19°49; 1949; Zusters O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Aug. 1930; R.
Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA •
3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
14 Mar. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15-30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; 15-30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 18 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 28 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 3
Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 24 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 26 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 12
♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jul. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♂♂; same location as
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukolela (Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; 1951; R.
Deguide leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 13 Nov. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1935; Dr. Richard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kampombwe;
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisamba; 07°20' S, 24°02' E; Mar. 1955; Dr.
J. Claessens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; Jul. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Jul. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Penge-Bamboli; 01°20' N, 28°09' E; Jun.
1933; Putnam leg.; RMCA – Haut-Lomami • 3 ♀♀; Kulu-Mwanza; 07°54’ S, 26°45’ E; May 1927; A.
Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 16 Nov. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 3 Jan. 1953; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Dec. 1952; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Munoi, bifure Lupiala; 08°50' S, 26°44'E, alt. 890 m; 28
May-15 Jun. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele; 02°46' N, 27°38' E;
Cotonco leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E 8 Apr. 1952; H. De
Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG Napokomweli; 03°40' N, 29°00' E; 18 Oct. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Uele: Dungu; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Gangala-na-Bodio; 03°41' N,
29°08' E; Nov. 1956; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1956; Dr. M. Poll leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Gingi; 03°34' N, 25°39' E; 3 Oct. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele:
Niangara; 03°41' N, 27°52' E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Suranga; 04°06'N 22°23'E; Degreef leg.;
RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Arara-Aru; 02°52' N, 30°52' E; 10 Apr. 1952; M. Winand leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Ituri: Faradje; 03°44' N, 29°42' E; 1944; J. Lisfrane leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Demu; 03°37' N, 28°34'
E; Feb. – Mar. 1936; Dr. J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Kilomines; 01°50' N, 30°09' E; May
1957; C. Smoor leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilo: Kere-Kere; 02°42’ N, 30°33’ E; 18 mar. 1950; Dr. Turco leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 5 May. 1935; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï
• 2 ♀♀; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; Jan. – Jul. 1958; F. François leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S,
20°48’ E; Apr. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1939; Mevr.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 30 Jan. 1963;
Jan Deheegher leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Shenateke; 05°54' S, 22°25' E; 27 Jun. 1946; V.
Lagae leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Oriental • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Bakwanga (Dibindi); 06°08’ S, 23°38’ E; 18 Jun.
1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Kalina; 04°18’ S, 15°17’ E; Aug. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Aug. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S,
15°19’ E; 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Apr. 1947; Dr. E.
Dartevelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 Sep. 1910; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dr. Houssiaux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Aug. 1949; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Bangu (Mbanza Ngungu); 05°15'S, 14°30'
E; Aug. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1935; W. Moreels leg.; RMCA
• 13 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 7 Nov. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Jul. 1920;
H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1950; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1950; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba);
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 13 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.
P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1932; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 1 Apr. 1930; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 17 Nov. 1932; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Apr.
1930; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1945; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 7 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kitobola; 05°22' S, 14°31' E; 1911; Rovere
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Feb. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Jun. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Oct. – Dec. 1944; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E;
1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Moanda; 05°56' S, 12°21' E; 28 Apr. 1970; P.M. Elsen leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Thysville (Mbanza Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; 1948; L. Salathiel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Jan. 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1953;
J. Sion leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Kolo-Kwilu-Madiata; 05°27’ S, 14°52’ E; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Moyen Kwilu: Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; Jan. 1914; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Lomami
• 1 ♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E; 1945-1946; Dr. Hautmann leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1933; Mme. Gillardin n leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshofa; 05°14’ S, 25°15’ E; Dec. 1934; Mme.
Gillardin leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Dec. 1932; R. Verschueren leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bolobo (Mushie); 02°10’ S, 16°14’ E; 27 Jul. 1912; Dr. Mouchet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Bolobo: Makamandelo; 02°10’ S, 16°14’ E; 1938; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Bomboma; 02°24’ N, 18°53 E; 21 Jul. 1935; A. Bal leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S,
16°12’ E; 20 Jun. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lac Léopold II: Bokalakala; 02°00' S, 18°15' E;
1957; N'Kele leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yumbi; 01°54' S, 16°33' E; 29 Jul. 1912; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Sep. 1959; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasongo:
Kahuta; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Sep. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kil. 345 de Kindu; 02°57’ S,
25°55’ E; Dr. Russo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Jan. 1914; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Maniema; 05°00' S, 29°00' E; 1936; Guraut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 13 May
1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. – May 1918; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. De Kasongo, Riv. Lupaya; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 8 Feb. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Terr. de Kasongo, Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Feb. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. • 2 ♀♀;
Vieux Kassongo (Kasongo); 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1
♂; Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 1 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. Lisala; 02°09' N,
21°30' E; Mar. 1937; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Ubangi: Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 5 –
12. Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yambata; 02°26' N, 22°02' E; 10 Dec. 1912; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 2 ♀♀; Ubangi: Bosobolo; 04°11’ N, 19°53’ E; 8 – 11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 8-11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi:
Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’
E; 4 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. –
Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Tshumbe S. Marie; 04°02’ S, 22°41’ E; May 1948; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

– Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Lolo; 02°16' S, 27°43' E; 23 May 1925; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Rég. Des Grands
Lacs; 02°29' S, 28°51' E; Dr. Sagona leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu (N'Kele); 02°45’ N,
18°26’ E; 1934; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1937; Dr. H.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; 22 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika
• 1 ♂; Katanga: Kabinda (Moba); 07°02’ S, 27°47’ E; Jan. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi
(Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 23 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 26 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 – 15 May
1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi-Baudouinville; 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 23 Apr. 1931; R.
Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 1932; Mr. Ramade leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Lulua: Kalenge; 06°33’ S, 26°35’ E; Feb. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mato; 06°07' S,
26°15' E; 8 Dec. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1926; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Tanganyika: Mpala; 06°45’ S, 29°31’ E, alt. 780 m; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H. Bomans leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Basoko;
01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; May 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May
1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabetha (Yahuma); 01°09’ N, 23°37’ E; Mme. J. Tinant leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ponthierville (Ubundu);
00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N,
25°11’ E; 10 Feb. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 10 – 13 Sep. 1928;
A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 13 – 23 Aug. 1923 Sep. 1928; A. Collart
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Aug. 1932; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 5 Feb. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bamania (Mbandaka);
00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; Feb. – Mar. 1958; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E;
Jan. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 2 Sep. 1934; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Sep. 1934; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Aug. 1952; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamanya; 00°01’ N,
18°19’ E; 1968; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Feb. 1954;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokungu;
00°41’ S, 22°19’ E; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Flandria (Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; 4
May 1946; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1948; Zusters
O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Carinula) decemsignata Rodoszkowski, 1981

Chalicodoma (Carinella) decemsignata (Rodoszkowski, 1981)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 24 (119♀♀ and 39♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; La Kulu; 07°08’ N, 28°06’ E; 25 Nov. 1930; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂;
Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Oct. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20 Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; May 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Modu (Wamba); 00°36’ N, 20°07’ E; 3 Jun. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 5 Jun. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 19 ♀♀; Ubangi: Mokolo; 01°35’ N, 29°05’
E; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU Mabwe (R.P. Lac Upemba); 08°47’
S, 26°52’ E, alt. 585 m; 1-11 Jan. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 20-26 Jan. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Mauda; 04°46’
N, 27°18’ E; Mar. 1925; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N,
29°00’ E; 9 Nov. 1950; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNG Nagero (Dungu); 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; 1
– 30 Jun. 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 7 ♀♀; Haut-Ituri, 29°03', 29°03’ E; 1906; H. Wilmin
leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Kasaï; 03°11’ S, 16°56’ E; L. Achten leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♂; Luebo rivière; 05°20’
S, 21°24’ E; 25 May 1938; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 25 May
1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lutzkwadi (Ilebo); 04°20’ S, 20°36’ E; 17 Jun. 1946; V. Lagae
leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Forêt de la Lindi; 05°45’ S, 12°27’ E; 1939; Van den Hirtz leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Matadi; 05°49’ S, 13°28’ E; 24 Apr. 1946; Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayidi
(Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu);
04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E, Jan.
1933; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Mar. 1933; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sandoa à Kapanga; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; 1929; Dr. Walker leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 10 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 31 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lokandu; 02°31’ S, 25°47’ E;
1939; Lt. Vissers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Jan.-Feb. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.;
RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♂; Lisala; 02°09’ N, 21°30’ E; 1937; Vermeiren leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀;
Beni à Lesse; 00°45’ N, 29°46’ E; Jul. 1911; Dr. Murtula leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Ubangi:
Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1937; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Mokolo; 01°35’ N,
29°05’ E; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E;
Apr. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1930; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul.
1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.
– Nord-ubangi • 1 ♂; Kunungu (Nkele); 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1938; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 12
♀♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Nzali;
03°15’ N, 19°47’ E; 3-4 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kalenge; 06°33’
S, 26°35’ E; Feb. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ponthierville (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; Apr. 1915; Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. de
Basoko (forêt); 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; 1950; R.P. Camps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’ N, 24°27’ E;
12 Dec. 1936; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E;
Sep.-Nov. 1958; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; Jan. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamanya; 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 1968; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’
E; May 1958; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Mar.
1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan.-Feb. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens
leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Carinula) fervida Smith, 1853

Chalicodoma (Carinella) fervida (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 25 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Carinula) junodi Friese, 1904

Chalicodoma (Carinella) junodi (Friese, 1904)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 25 (1♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 12 Oct. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Masombwe s. Grde.
Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 4 – 16 Jan. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami
• 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Carinula) silverlocki Meade-Waldo, 1913

Chalicodoma (Carinella) silverlocki (Meade-Waldo, 1913)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 25 (8♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂;
Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 10 Jun. 1911; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 16 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Apr. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♀; Bukama;
09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 12 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 12
Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 4 sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Carinula) torrida Smith, 1853

Chalicodoma (Carinella) torrida (Smith, 1853)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 25 (8♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Beneden-Congo:
Tumba; 00°50’ S, 18°00’ E; Sep. 1938; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1933; A. Corbisier
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov.
1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 21 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar
1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 9 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1933; De
loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 12 Apr. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2
♂♂; same location as for preceding; 12 Apr. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as
for preceding; 14 Nov. 1934; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Sep.
1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1933; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Feb. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Sep. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1924; P.
Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Katumba; 08°32’ S, 25°59’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. J. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA5 •
1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 22 Mar. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 23 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; Jul. 1927;
A. Bayet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; PNU Masombwe s. Grde. Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr.
1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 1947; B. Dewit
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami: Kishinde; 08°44' S,
25°00' E; Sep. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; Nov. 1953; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1952; Mme. L. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Mabwe (R.P. Lac Upemba; 585m);
08°39' S, 26°31' E; 2 Mar. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6

Described as Megachile torula Vachal, 1910
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Mar. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 1 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 29 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Paulis; 02°46' N, 27°38' E; Aug.
1947; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 15 May
1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 15 May 1950; H. De Saeger leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Dungu; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; 27 Jul. 1937; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀;
Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 22 Aug. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Dec. 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kibali-Ituri: Kilomines; 01°50' N, 30°09' E; May 1957; C.
Smoor leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1956; C. Smoor leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac
Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 13 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe;
02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mongbwalu; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; May 1939; Mme.
Scheitz leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; 1930; Dr Fourche leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Apr. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Apr. – May 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Lula, Terr. Luiza; 07°11'
S, 22°24' E; Aug. 1958; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1958; Dr. M.
Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Luluabourg: Katoka; 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 1939; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♂;
Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1933; A. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Dr. Houssiaux leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dr. Houssiaux leg.; RMCA.
– Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Banana; 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; 6 Aug. 1920; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 27 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; R.F. Achille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9 Jun. 1915; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Cattier (Lufutoto); 05°26’ S, 14°45’ E; 1946-1949; Delafaille leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May
1945; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De
Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Thysville (Mbanza
Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; Jan. 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Mar.
1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1930; Dr. Vanderhaegen leg.;
RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA. –
Lomami • 1 ♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E; Oct. 1934; Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kanda-Kanda:
Tshibata; 06°56' S, 23°37' E; J. Castelein leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lomami: Kambaye; 06°53’ S, 23°44’ E; Oct.
1930; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami-Luputa; 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; Apr. 1934; Dr. Bouvier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Gandajika; 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 19 Aug. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Ter. Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E; Dec. 1934; Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 3 ♂♂; Biano;
10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1933;
H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 19 Oct. 1929; Dom de
Montpellier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; 4 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Aug. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapiri; 10°18’ S, 26°11’ E; Sep. 1912; Miss. Agric. leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kolwezi
(à la lumière); 10°44' S, 25°28' E; 18 Oct. 1953; Mme. L. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lubudi; 09°55’ S,
25°58’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 11 Dec. 1932;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. –
Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bokala; 03°07' S, 17°04' E; 26 Apr. 1912; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Inongo;
01°57’ S, 18°16’ E; Aug. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E;
Aug. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yumbi; 01°54' S, 16°33' E; 29 Jul. 1912; Dr. Mouchet leg.;
RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Mar. 1960; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; 18 Nov.1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. – Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. – Oct.
1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr.
– May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. De Kasongo, Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Sep. 1959;
P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Vieux Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 17 Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni à Lesse; 00°03' N, 29°41' E; Jul. 1911; Dr. Murtula leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Buseregenye (Rutshuru); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Sep. 1929; Ed. Luja leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀;
Ubangi: Mokolo; 01°35’ N, 29°05’ E; 5 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N,
22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA• 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 5 – 17 Feb.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 2 ♀♀; Kunungu (Nkele); 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1938; Dr. H.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; M'Paka, Terr. Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Jul. – Aug. 1959; M. Pecheur
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Buli (Kabalo);
05°50’ S, 26°55’ E; 17 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 18
Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’ E; 6 Feb. 1911; R.P.
Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 26 Feb. 1928;
A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6-9 Sep. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 7 May 1926; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1932; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; J. Vrydagh
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Cesacongoa) quadraticauda (Pasteels, 1965)

Chalicodoma (Cuspidella) quadraticauda Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 45 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Munoi
bifure Lupiala; 08°50' S, 26°44' E, alt. 890 m; 28 May – 15 Jun. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
Allotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Ganza pr. r. Kamandula af.dr. Lukoka; 09°14' S, 26°42' E, alt. 860
m; 12 – 18 Jun. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Maximegachile) maxillosa Guérin-Méneville, 1845

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Chalicodoma (Maximegachile) maxillosa (Guérin-Méneville, 1845)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 33 (13♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kambove-
Lukafu; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Apr. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Masombwe s.
Grde. Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; 16 Apr. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 3 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac
Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N,
31°07’ E; Sep. 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. –
Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E, alt. 780 m; Jul. – Aug. 1953; H. Bomans leg.;
RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Tanganyika: Mpala; 06°45’ S, 29°31’ E, alt. 780 m; Jun. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Morphella) ambigua (Pasteels, 1965)

Chalicodoma (Morphella) ambigua Pasteels, 1965

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 45 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Morphella) biseta Vachal, 1903

Chalicodoma (Morphella) biseta (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 45 (35♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; 4 Jun. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’
E; 15-30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Eala:
Boyeka; 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe
sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♀♀;
Katanga: Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935; Freyne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’
E; 30 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Kilomines; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; 20
Apr. 1958; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1957; I. Mesmaekers
leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 19 ♀♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Kisantu; 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; Rév. P. Regnier leg.; RMCA. –
Mongala • 1 ♀; Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 1 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu •
2 ♀♀; Kivu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 21-27 Aug.1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1
♂; Kivu: Mulungu; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 23 Feb.1938; F.L. Hendrickx leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀;
Tshuapa: Bokungu; 00°41’ S, 22°19’ E; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Neglectella) mimetica Cockerell, 1933

Chalicodoma (Neglectella) mimetica (Cockerell, 1933)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 21 (10♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 2 ♂♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Jun. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapema; 10°42’ S, 28°40’ E;
Sep. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Kilwezi affl.dr. Lufira; 09°05' S, 26°45' E, alt. 750 m; 16-
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

21 Aug. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Luashi; 07°31’ S, 24°10’ E; 1935;
Freyne leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 3 ♂♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♂♂; Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Neglectella) scindularia Buysson, 1903

Chalicodoma (Neglectella) scindularia (Buysson, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 21(5♀♀ and 8♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 – 30
Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Lukolela (Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; Nov. 1934; Dr. Ledoux leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central
• 1 ♂; Luluabourg; 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 14 – 17 May 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central •
2 ♂♂; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀;
Ponthierville (Ubundu); 00°22’ S, 25°29’ E; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; 22 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
24 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 16 Apr.
1915; Exp Lang-Chapin leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Neglectella) stefenelii Friese, 1903

Chalicodoma (Neglectella) stefenelii (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 21 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Lac Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’
E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) gibbidens Vachal, 1910

Chalicocoma (Pseudomegachile) gibbidens (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (6♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotypes DRC – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Kundelungu; 10°40’ S, 28°00’ E; Sep. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA. Paratypes – Haut-Katanga
• 5 ♀♀; Kundelungu; 10°40’ S, 28°00’ E; Sep. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) battorensis Meade-Waldo, 1912

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) battorensis (Meade-Waldo, 1912)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (13♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambili (riv. Uele); 03°38’
N, 26°06’ E; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bambili; 03°38’ N, 26°06’ E; 24 Nov. 1913; Dr. Rodhain
leg.; RMCA. 1 ♀; Bambili; 03°38’ N, 26°06’ E; 29 Nov. 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG
[Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 3 Aug. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele •
1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Abock; 02°00’ N, 31°00’ E; 2 Oct. 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibimbi; 01°22’
N, 28°55’ E; 2 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E;
1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♀; Région d'Abok; 02°00’
N, 31°00’ E; Oct. 1935, M. & Mme. Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S,
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

26°11’ E; 26 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Gandajika; 06°45’ S,
23°57’ E; 27 Jan. 1951; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) biloba Vachal, 1910

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) biloba (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (13♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kundelungu;
10°40’ S, 28°00’ E; Sep. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Riv. Lusinga; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 20 Jul. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) bukamensis Cockerell, 1935

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) bukamensis (Cockerell, 1935)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (13♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Bukama;
09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 14 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11-17 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell
leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S, 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Riv. Lusinga; 08°55’ S, 27°12’ E; 20 Jul. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) congruens Friese, 1903

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) congruens (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 19 (30♀♀ and 15♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 6 Nov. 1937, J. Vrijdagh leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Sep.1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (60km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 4 ♀♀; Kinda: Kitundu; 09°29’
S, 24°49’ E; 16 Sep. 1914; L. Charliers leg.; RMCA • 13 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 19 Sep. 1914;
L. Charliers leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 6 Feb.
1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Dungu; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; 6 Feb. 1951, De Greef leg.;
RMCA. – Ituri • 2 ♂♂; Kibali-Ituri: Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 1932; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac
Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 1935; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep.
1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. –
Kasaï Central • 1 ♂; Kasaï: Lula, Terr. Luiza; 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E; Aug. 1956; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA. –
Lomami • 1 ♂; Gandajika; 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 1952; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Bunkeya;
10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Gandajika; 06°45’ S,
23°57’ E; 27 Jan. 1951; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lubudi; 09°55’ S, 25°58’ E; 27
Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Sandoa; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; Apr.-May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1
♀; Buseregenye (Rutshuru); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 1930; Ed. Luja leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Bassin
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr.-Jun. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kongolo; 05°24’ S, 27°00’
E; 23 Jan. 1911; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 4 – 7 Jul. 1931;
G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) fastigiata Vachal, 1910

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) fastigiata (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kambove-
Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Haut-Katanga • 1
♀; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) kigonserana Friese, 1903

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) kigonserana (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (22♀♀ and 5♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 5 Sep. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 1–6 Sep. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 5 Sep. 1923; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 25 Sep. 1932; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalengalele; 09°55’ S,
26°59’ E; 14 Jul. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kambove-Lukafu; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907;
Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lukonzolwa-Chaka; 08°47’ S, 28°38’ E; 29 Aug. 1907; Dr.
Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’ E; Jul. 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 2 ♀♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 16 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalongwe;
11°01’ S, 25°13’ E; 19 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kulu-Mwanza; 07°54’ S, 26°45’ E;
May 1927; A. Bayet leg.; RMCA Dr. M. Bequaert • 1 ♀; Mwabo; 08°44’ S, 25°00’ E; Jun. 1932; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA Dr. M. Bequaert • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 25 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Lualaba • 5 ♀♀; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; 24-27 Jul. 1931; Mrs. W.P. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Katentenia;
10°19’ S, 25°54’ E; May 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1924;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Dec. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) marchalli Friese, 1904

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) marchalli (Friese, 1904)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (1♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’
S, 25°51’ E; 10 Jun. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 12 Jul. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 30 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) mossambica Gribodo, 1895

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) mossambica (Gribodo, 1895)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 19 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kanonga; 09°16' S,
26°08' E, alt. 675 m; 14-23 Apr. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) natalensis Friese, 1921

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) congruens r. natalensis (Friese, 1921)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 19 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Mwera; 11°09’ S, 27°19’
E; 1956; R.P.Th. de Caters leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika• 1 ♂; Katompe (Kabalo); 06°11’ S, 26°20’ E; Feb.
1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. 1 ♂; Bomokandi (sources); 26 Nov. – 6 Dec. 1925; S. A. R. Prince Léopold
leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) neavei Vachal, 1910

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) neavei (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (21♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Bunkeya-
Kambove; 10°24' S, 26°58' E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.
Paratypes – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Lukafu; 10°31' S, 27°33' E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Lukafu-Bunkeya; 10°31' S, 27°33' E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 4
♀♀; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Bunkeya-Kambove; 10°24' S, 26°58' E; Oct.
1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 2 ♀♀; Elisabethville; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1 Aug. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Aug.
1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11-17 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Panda (Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 1 Sep. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀;
Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; Aug. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; Dr.
Rodhain leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 3 ♀♀; Lubudi; 09°55’ S, 25°58’ E; 27 Jul. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.
– Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Lubombo; 08°10’ S, 29°45’ E; Sep. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudomegachile) schulthessi Friese, 1903

Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) schultessi (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 20 (16♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 16 ♀♀; PNU Lusinga (riv.
Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Pseudmegachile) sinuata Friese, 1903

Chalicodoma (Pseudmegachile) sinuata (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 19 (2♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 2 ♀♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba];
03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 6 Feb. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Megachile (Stenomegachile) chelostomoides Gribodo, 1894

Chalicodoma (Stenomegachile) chelostomoides (Gribodo, 1894)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 33 (6♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kiamakoto entre
Masombwe-Mukana r. dr. Gr. Kafwe; 09°09’ S, 27°10’ E, alt. 1070 m; 20 Sep. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kilwezi affl. dr. Lufira; 09°05’ S, 26°45’ E, alt. 750 m; 9-14 Aug. 1948; Mis. G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 29 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 13 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) afra Lepeltier, 1841

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 54 (4♀♀ and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Apr. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932;
A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Mabwe; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 585 m, 22 Jan.
1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 2 ♀♀; PNG Akam; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 21 Apr. 1950;
H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri, • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’ E; 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.
– Lualaba • 1 ♂; Ditanto; 10°15’ S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♂;
Wombali (Mushie); 03°16’ S, 17°22’ E; Jul. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) congoensis Friese, 1922

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (2♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National
de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 31 Mar. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂;
Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Tshofa;
05°14’ S, 25°15’ E; Dec. 1934; Mme. Gillardin n leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; Kibombo; 03°54’ S,
25°55’ E; Sep.-Oct. 1930; Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) difformis Friese, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; J.
Pasteels leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) aurifrons Smith, 1854

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 53 (18♀♀ and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 2 ♀♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1933; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 17 Nov. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo;
07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♂; Léopoldville (Kinshasa);
04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Aug. 1949; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Banza Manteka; 05°28’
S, 13°47’ E; 10-15 Jun. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Nov.
1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kindu; 02°57’ S, 25°55’ E; Nov. 1913; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Ibanda; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1935; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; 1952; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Basoko; 01°13’ N,
23°36’ E; Sep. 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) capensis Smith, 1954

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 53 (8♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1 Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1934; P. Quarré
leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) coeruleipennis Friese, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (3♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Apr. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Jun. 1946; Ch. seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kulu-Mwanza; 07°54’ S, 26°45’ E; May 1927;
A. Bayet leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) cyanura Cockerell, 1932

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 54 (5♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville, riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jan. 1930; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 10 Oct.
1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethvile: Nord Tshinsangwe; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 4 Feb. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’
E; Oct.-Dec. 1944; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E;
Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet n leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mulungu; 02°20’ S, 28°47’ E; 14 May 1938;
Hendrickx leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) foveolata Smith, 1854

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (12♀♀ and 10♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Nov. 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kambove; 10°52’ S,
26°38’ E; Feb. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiamanwa; 09°30’ S, 27°57’ E; Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Masombwe S, Grde. Kafwe; 09°05’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1120 m; Apr.
1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami: Mutombo-Mukulu; 07°58’ S,
24°00’ E; Jun. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 30 Dec. 1952;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Dungu; 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; Sep. 1919; P. Van den Plas leg.;
RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 1937; R.F. Maristes leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ituri: Bunia;
01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 23 Feb. 1934; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; 23
Feb. 1934; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E;
1937; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. –
Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Dec. 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; 1933;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E, Jan. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. –
Mongala • 1 ♀; Bumba; 02°11’ N, 22°32’ E; 1939; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; PNA
[Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 24 Mar. 1954; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

– Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Lukuga r. Niemba; 05°57’ S, 28°26’ E; Oct. 1917-Jan. 1918; Dr. Pons leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) marchalli Pasteels, 1968

Coelioxys marchalli Friese

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 54 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Kapero; 08°56' S,
27°10' E, alt. 1760 m; 13 Jan. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) odin Strand, 1912

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 53 (2♀♀ and ♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bas-Uele; 04°00' N,
22°15' E; Jul.-Aug. 1920; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 30 Oct. 1933;
J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 1934; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♂; Barumbu; 01°14’ S, 23°31’ E; Aug. 1925; S.A.R. Prince Léopold leg.;

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) planidens Friese, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 53 (5♀♀ and 13♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 4 Nov. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Jul. 1937;
J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Kambove-Ruwe; 10°52' S, 26°38' E; 2 Mar. 1907; Dr.
Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 14 Mar. 1933; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 4 Apr. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Congo da Lemba (Songololo);
05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jan.-Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♂; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’
E; Jan. – Feb. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) postponenda Schulz, 1906

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 53 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; 7 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Mayumbe: Bunda Suindi; 04°54' S,
13°05' E; 15 May 1926; A. Collart leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♂; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; 7 Aug. 1921;
Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) recusata Schulz, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Ituri • 1 ♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’
E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) setosa Friese, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 52 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Kiamanwa; 09°30’ S,
27°57’ E; Feb. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU R. Kapero af. Kafwi; PNU Riv.
Lusinga, alt. 1700 m; 21 Jan. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; Mulungu:
Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) gracilis Pasteels, 1968

Coelioxys (Hemicoelioxys) gracilis Pasteels, 1968

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 56 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Dec 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) junodi Friese, 1904

Liothyrapis junodi Pasteels, 1962

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55A (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) scioensis Gribodo, 1879

Liothyrapis scioensis (Gribodo, 1879)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55 (12♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; Jul. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 May 1933; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. – Dec. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Munama; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Dec. 1930; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’
S, 22°34' E; Feb. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kanzenze; 10°31’ S, 25°12’ E; 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kivu: Butembo; 00°09’ N, 29°17’ E, alt. 1740 m; May 1965; C.
Leontovitch leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1951; P.C.
Lefèvre leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) subdentata Smith, 1854

Liothyrapis subdentata (Smith, 1854)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55A (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Sep. 1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Bunia; 01°34’ N,
30°15’ E; Fev. 1934; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) torrida Smith, 1854

Liothyrapis (Torridapis) torrida (Smith, 1854)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55 (22♀♀ and 7♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’ N, 25°51’ E; Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. –
Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 27 Dec.
1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 31 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1953; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Jan. 1953; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Uele 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 9 Nov 1950; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.
– Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀;
Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; Apr. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Luluabourg
(Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 18 May 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Léopoldville
(Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Dec. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 2 ♀♀; Boma;
05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1935; W. Moreels leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1937; Dr.
Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA.
– Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 11 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 8 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Kwamouth
(Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; Jun. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kisamba; 09°12’ S,
25°51’ E; Mar. 1955; Dr. J. Claessens leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Lulua: Source Losaka; 04°58' S,
23°26' E; 9 Feb. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Aug.
1938; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) verticalis Smith, 1854

Liothyrapis verticalis (Smith, 1854)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55A (64♀♀ and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Basankusu; 01°13’
N, 19°49’ E; 1949; Zusters O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°15’ E; 1927; Dr. Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 15-30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Flandria; 00°20’ S,
19°06’ E; 1928; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 2 Apr. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935;
P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1929; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kampombwe; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Kipushi; 11°46’ S, 27°15’ E; Sep. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kaniama;
07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; May 1932; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami: Kamina; 08°44' S, 25°00' E; 1930;
R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 1931; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. – Apr. 1932; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; Apr. 1932; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 15 Dec. 1952;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Mayumbe: Buku-Lobe; 05°30' S, 12°53' E; 22 Nov. 1925; A.
Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 15 May 1950; H. De
Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Faradje; 03°44' N, 29°42' E; Nov. 1912; Lang & Chapin leg.; RMCA. –
Kasaï • 1 ♀; Kasaï: Mubanga; 04°20' S, 21°20' E; 5 May 1946; V. Lagae leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Port-Francqui
(Ilebo); 04°20' S, 20°35' E; Oct. 1937; Mme. Gillardin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E;
Apr. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 3 ♀♀; Gandu; 05°30' S, 22°00' E; Apr. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Limbala; 06°07’ S, 22°20’ E; 5 – 8 Aug. 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Lulua; 05°54' S, 22°25' E; 1929; Dr. Walker leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Riv. Luele; 06°22' S, 23°51' E;
1929; Dr. Walker leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 18 May 1919; P.
Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo
Central • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 1932; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’
E; 1945; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928;
Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA 1 ♀; Terr. de Banningville (Bandundu); 03°18’ S, 17°21’ E; Apr. 1946; Dr.
Fain leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♀♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Nov. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; 11 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 8 Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932;
F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 3 ♀♀; Yumbi; 01°54' S, 16°33' E; 29 Jul. 1912; Dr. Mouchet
leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Kindu; 02°57’ S, 25°55’ E; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Malela;
04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Dec. 1913; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S,
26°55’ E; Apr. – Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 18 –
24 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Mfungwe-Kayumbe; 01°17’ S, 26°16’ E; Jun.
1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Terr. de Basoko; 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; 1950; R.P. Camps
leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Feb. – Apr. 1941; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’
E; Apr. 1960; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1951; Rév. P.
Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Etata; 00°14’ S, 20°43’ E; May 1970; J. Hauwaerts leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys (Torridapis) maculata Friese, 1913

Liothyrapis (Torridapis) maculata (Friese, 1913)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 55 (1♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Nov. 1938; De Loose leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Congo da
Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Apr. 1920; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba);
05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras africanibium (Strand, 1912)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) africanibia (Strand, 1912)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 44 (12♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; 15-30. Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Wendje; 03°59’ S, 23°34’ E; 30 Sep. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. Sankuru • 1 ♀;
Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; May 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Likete
s/Lomela; 00°43’ S, 21°24’ E; Jun. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Likete (Boende); 00°43’ S,
21°24’ E; 15 Juin 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Jun. 1936;
J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1953; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras bombiforme (Gerstaecker, 1857)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) bombiformis (Gerstaecker, 1857)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 34 (13♀♀ and 10♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 3 Feb. 1924; Ch. Seyedel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♂; PNU Mabwe (R.P. Lac Upemba);
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 585 m; 1-11 Oct. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Kalina;
04°18’ S, 15°17’ E; Jul. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’
E; 17 Apr. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville-Kalina; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Aug. 1945;
Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; Rév. P.
Regnier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Mayumbe; 05°08’ S, 12°29’ E; Cabra leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; R.
Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Moanda; 05°56' S, 12°21' E; 28 Apr. 1970; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA. –
Kwilu • 1 ♀; Kolo-Kwilu-Madiata; 05°27’ S, 14°52’ E; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Leverville (Bulungu); 04°50’ S,
18°44’ E; 1928; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 14 Oct. 1929; Dom de Montpellier
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Nov. 1929; Dom de Montpellier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 15 Sep. 1915-Oct. 1930; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga;
08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sandu; 09°41’ S, 22°53’ E; Apr. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Kanikiri; 00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras chapini (Cockerell, 1935)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) chapini (Cockerell, 1935)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxe 34 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; 1932; Mar. 1932. H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras cinctum (Fabricius, 1781)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) cincta (Fabricius, 1781)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxes 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 (947♀♀ and 323♂♂). D.R. CONGO. –
Bas-Uele • 3 ♀♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Oct. 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
10 Sep. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Jul. 1937; R.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Sep. 1933; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 15 Oct. 1923; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Mar.
1940; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Apr. 1937; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 21 Jan. 1933; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 24 Jun. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
3 Jul. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 May 1937; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Jul. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 9 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 9 May 1938; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Feb. 1934; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Jul. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
May – Jul. 1937; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 1912; A. Dufrasne leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 24 Sep. 1943; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9 May 1940; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
30 Oct. 1933; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; R.
Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambili; 03°38’ N, 26°06’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Baye,
terr. Bondo; 03°47' N, 23°48' E; Aug. 1956; R. Fr. L. Rooyakkers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Bondo; 03°47'
N, 23°48' E; 28 Feb. 1950; R.P. Theunissen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Dingila; 03°37' N, 26°03' E; May
1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Jun. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Jul. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Ibembo; 02°38’ N,
23°36’ E; 1950; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 12 Feb. 1950; J.V.
Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1952; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Oct. – Nov. 1951; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 9 ♀♀; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’ N,
25°51’ E; Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1937; J. Vrydagh
leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Bangala: Lubao; 01°36' N, 19°09’ E; 1928; Mme. Babilon leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; Basankusu; 01°13’ N, 19°49; 10 Oct. 1929; De Coninak leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 1949; Zusters O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boyeka (Eyala); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 6
Jan. 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1946; Ch. Scops
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Jun. 1924; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Nov. 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1927; Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6
Sep. 1948; R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Hulstaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1959; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 18 Feb. 1925; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 10 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’
E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 6 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 14 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1933; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 20 Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4
♀♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 7 Jul. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 16 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 88
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 44 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA •16 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA •9 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1933; Corbisier-baland leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; Corbisier-
baland leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 13 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 13
Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 13 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •13 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 14 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Nov.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 14 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 15 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 – 30 Oct. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
14 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 – 30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; 15 – 30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 16
Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 18 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 – 26 Feb.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 20 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 26 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 10 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 21 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1929;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5
♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4
Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 15 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Oct. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 9 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 18 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 16 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Mar. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 14 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 12 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1929; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 17 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 7 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; Nov 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Dec. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 9 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location
as for preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Jul. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Aug. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 16 Apr. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 25 May 1938;
P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1936; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Jul. 1936; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Jul. 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 10 Nov. 1918; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala: Boyeka; 00°03’
N, 18°19’ E; 30 Nov. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Equateur: Bokote; 00°06’ S, 20°08’ E; 1 Feb.
1926; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasaï: cité de Kombo (Ingende); 00°05' S, 18°37' E; 21 Mar.
1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukolela (Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; Nov. 1934; Dr. Ledoux
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; Dr. Ledoux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 1930; Dr. Obrassart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mobeka (Bomongo); 01°53’ N, 19°49’
E; 19 Mar. 1911; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Modu-Wamba; 00°36’ N, 20°07’ E; 5 Jun. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Neder-Congo: Tumba; 00°50’ S, 18°00’ E; Br. Krist. Scholen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Tshuapa: Basankusu; 01°13’ N, 19°49; 1948; Zusters O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga
• 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 5 Oct. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov.
1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 29 Jul. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Feb. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 21 May 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 24 Sep.
1932; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Oct. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1931; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7
Aug. 1921; Eg. Devroye leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1946; M. Lips leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Feb. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935; P. Quarré
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Sep. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; P.
Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1935;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1937; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Aug. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct.
1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1930; R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Jadotville (Likasi); 10°59’ S, 26°44’ E; 1948; R.S.M. Adelaïde
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kampombwe; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kapema;
10°42’ S, 28°40’ E; Sep. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Lemaire leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Weyms leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kasapa; 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; 15 – 20 May 1965; W. Verheyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Apr.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kasinga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Mufunga-Sampwe; 09°21’ S, 27°27’ E; 1951; R.S.M. Adelaïde leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 1955; R.S.M. Faber leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Mwema; 08°13’ S, 27°28’
E; Jul. 1927; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilwa; 09°18’ S, 28°25’ E; Mar. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Luanza; 10°21’ S, 27°51’ E; Mme. de Paeli leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 5 -
9 Oct. 1951; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 13 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Lusinga (riv. Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 Jun. 1945; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kilenge; 09°08’ S, 25°52’ E; Apr. 1923; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Katanga: Nyonga; 10°58’ S, 25°40’ E; 22 May 1925; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami:
Kasese; 07°40’ S, 24°01’ E; Sep. 1948; Dr. Zielinski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami: Kishinde; 08°44' S,
25°00' E; Oct. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami: Mutombo-Mukulu; 07°58’ S, 24°00’ E; Jun.
1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 30 Dec. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 5
Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1953; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’
S, 25°48’ E; 29 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sokole; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; May 1932 ; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Dila (Haut-Uele); 02°46’ N, 27°38’ E; 1925; S.A.R. Prince
Léopold leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Dungu-Nyangara Doruma; 03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; May 1912; Mme. Hutereau
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Moto; 03°03’ N, 29°28’ E; 1920; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. – Nov. 1923;
L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Gangala-na-bodio; 03°41' N, 29°08' E; 30 Aug. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayumbe: Zobe; 05°08’ S, 12°29’ E; Jan. 1916; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc
National de Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 23 Jul. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Uele: Dungu;
03°37’ N, 28°34’ E; Degreef leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Gangala-na-Bodio; 03°41' N, 29°08' E; Nov. 1956;
Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Wamba; 00°36’ N, 20°07’ E; 1936; Dr. Degotte leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀;
Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 30 Jul. 1937; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1934; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1939; R.F. Maristetes leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1938; Bastiaens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Fataki; 02°00’ N, 30°58’
E; 1938; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Forêt de Kawa; 01°34’ N, 30°32’ E; 13 Apr. 1929; A.
Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Irumu; 01°27’ N, 29°52’ E; 26 Sep. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; Dec. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1934; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Abock; 02°00’ N, 31°00’ E; 2 Oct. 1935;
Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Geti; 01°12’ N, 30°11’ E; Apr. 1939; R. Randour leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Kilo; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; 1930; Mlle. Jordens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kibali-Ituri:
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Kilomines; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; 11 Jan. 1957; C. Smoor leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Feb. 1956; C. Smoor leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1957; C. Smoor leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1955; R. Andry leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kibali-Ituri: Mahagi; 02°18’ N,
30°59’ E; 1934; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Jul. 1931; Ch. Scops leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilo: Kere-Kere; 02°42’ N, 30°33’ E; 1949; Dr. Turco leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lac Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lac
Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; 4 ; Sep. 1935;
Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 14 Sep. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mahagi-Port; 02°09’ N, 31°14’
E; Sep. 1934; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mongbwalu (Kilo); 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; 1930; Mme. E.
Milliau leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; May 1921; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Apr. – May 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Kasaï: Lula, Terr.
Luisa; 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E; Aug. 1956; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Limbala; 06°07’ S, 22°20’ E; 5 Aug.
1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lula (Kasaï); 07°11’ S, 22°24’ E; 1958; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA •
2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1919; A.J. Jobaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 20 Apr. May 1939; J.J. Deheyn leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jul. 1936; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1936; Puissant
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Luluabourg (Kasaï); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 21 Jan. 1963; Jan Deheegher leg.; RMCA. –
Kasaï Oriental • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Bakwanga; 06°08’ S, 23°38’ E; 12 Jun. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Bakwanga
(Dibindi); 06°08’ S, 23°38’ E; 18 Jun. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo:
Kalina; 04°18’ S, 15°17’ E; May 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Jul. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1945; Mme. Delsaut
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Congo Belge; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Don Gilson leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; Aug. 1945; Don Gilson leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kinshasa; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; A. Tinant leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; A. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’
S, 15°19’ E; Apr. – May 1911; A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1933; A.
Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1933; A. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 20 Jan. 1912; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1949;
Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May – Jun. 1911; Dr. A. Dubois leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1912; Dr. Christy leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Dr. Houssiaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 17 Sep. 1910; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 2 Sep. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7
Jun. 1946; Henrion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1945; J.M. Berteaux leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1945; J.M. Berteaux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Aug. 1945; J.M. Berteaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1957; P. Jobels
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; R. Fiasse leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1942; R. Fiasse leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Léopoldville-Kalina; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E;
Apr. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1945; Mme. Delsaut
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA • 8 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1945; Mme. Delsaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léo-
Stanleyville; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Jan. 1934; Weyms leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Weyms leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lio-Kalina; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; Sep. 1939; J.J. Deheyn leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Feb. – Mar. 1978; A. Ruwet leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Banana; 06°00’
S, 12°24’ E; May 1940; A.T. Marré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dr. Etienne leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1910; Dr. Etienne leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 14 Sep. 1913, Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Weyms
leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Bangu (Mbanza Ngungu); 05°15'S, 14°30' E; Aug. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Banana; 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; 1951; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Boma;
05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1950; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1955; R.F.
Anselmus leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1955; R.F. Anselmus leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Bas-Congo: Cattier (Lufutoto); 05°26’ S, 14°45’ E; 1946; Delafaille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1946 – 1949; Delafaille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Inkisi; 05°08’ S, 15°04’ E; 1951;
Mme. Malfeyt leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Kinkenge; 04°51’ S, 13°37’ E; Feb. – Mar. 1951; Mme. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Kisantu; 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; May 1945; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Kivunda-Luozi; 04°31’ S, 14°14’ E; 19 May 1951; Mme. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Lemfu; (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Apr. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1945;
Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1931; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Lukula; 05°23’ S, 12°57’ E; 1952; Dr. R. Wautier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo:
Manzadi; 05°49’ S, 13°28’ E; 1937; Dr. Dartevelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Matadi; 05°49’ S, 13°28’
E; 1959; C. Crespin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bas-Congo: Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P.
Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Bas-Congo: Moanda; 05°56' S, 12°21' E; 28 Apr. 1970; P.M. Elsen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boma; 05°51’ S,
13°03’ E; 15 Nov. 1911; Cambier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Jul; 1920; Dr. H.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 23 Jul. 1920; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9 Sep. 1920; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; 9 Sep. 1920; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1937;
Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 8 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1937; Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 1931; H. Derungs leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Nov.
1945; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; R.F. Achille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; R.F. Achille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1935; W. Moreels leg.; RMCA
• 2 ♀♀; Boma-Coquilhatville; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; Thisquens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Congo da Lemba
(Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jan. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 26 Dec. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1921; P. Gillet leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1921; P. Van Wing leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1921; P. Van Wing leg.; RMCA • 7 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1921; P. Van
Wing leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 7 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1931;
R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA •
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Apr. 1930; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Rév. P. Regnier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kwango: Kiniati-Yasa; 05°20’, 12°56’ E; 18 Jan.
1952; R.P. J. Ruelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. – Oct. 1952; R.P. J. Ruelle
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. – Nov. 1952; R.P. J. Ruelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lukunga (Bas-congo); 05°30’ S, 14°30’ E; 20 Feb. 1968; P.M. Elsen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Matadi; 05°49’ S,
13°28’ E; 1959; Dr. Ch. Wautier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1937; Dr.
Dartevelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. – Mar. 1937; Dr. Dartevelle leg.; RMCA
• 16 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayumbe; 05°08’ S, 12°29’ E;
Cabra leg.; RMCA 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Deleval leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayumbe: Ganda-
Sundi; 05°30’ S, 12°53’ E; Cabra leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1915; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayumbe: Seke Banza; 05°18’ S, 13°16’ E; 13. Apr. 1924; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Mayumbe: Tshela; 04°59' S, 12°56' E; 11. May 1924; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; Thysville (Mbanza
Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; Jan. 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec.
1952; N. Leleup leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshikay (Banana); 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; Jun. 1949; A.T. Marré leg.;
RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Kolo-Kwilu-Madiata; 05°27’ S, 14°52’ E; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA
• 10 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1913; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Leverville
(Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; 1928; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Moyen Kwilu: Leverville
(Bulungu); 04°50’ S, 18°44’ E; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mwilambongo (Idiofa); 04°56’ S, 19°48’
E; 1947; Rév. Sœur Imelda leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Gadanjika; 06°45’ S, 23°07’ E; 12 Feb. 1948;
P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 18 Dec. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 Dec. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 24 Nov. 1950; P. de Francquen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E; Dr. Schwetz
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kanda Kanda; 06°56’ S, 23°37’ E; 10 Dec. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 10 Dec. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lomami: Tshofa; 05°14’ S, 25°15’
E; Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1939; Mevr.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Gandajika; 06°45’ S, 23°57’ E; 1953; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding;12 Feb. 1948; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: M'Pemba
Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 11. Jun. 1960; R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding;19 Dec. 1959; R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 6 Sep. 1959;
R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Station de Gandajika INEAC; 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 1957; P. de Francquen
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. Kanda Kanda: Gandajika; 06°56’ S, 23°37’ E; 1947; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA. –
Lualaba • 4 ♂♂; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ditanto; 10°15’
S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Haut-Luapula: Kansenia; 10°19’ S, 26°04’ E; 14
Oct. 1929; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Oct. 1929; R. Verschueren
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kafakumba (Sandoa); 09°41’ S, 23°44’ E; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E;
Mar. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Katanga: Ditanto;
10°15’ S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Lubudi; 09°55’ S, 25°58’ E; Aug.
1945; R. Close leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Katanga: Musonoie; 10°42’ S, 25°23’ E; Jul. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kolwezi; 10°44' S, 25°28' E; 10 Apr. 1953; Mme. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua:
Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Mar. 1933; Mme. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Mar. 1933; Mme. Gilbert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; Mme. Gilbert leg.;
RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; Mme. Gilbert leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1
♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; 5 Dec. 1911; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lac Léopold
II: Bolobo (Lac Maï-Ndombe); 02°00’ S, 18°15’ E; 1956; R.J.D. Viccars leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Wombali;
03°16’ S, 17°22’ E; Jul. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♂; K. 240 de Kindu; 02°57’ S,
25°55’ E; 17 Sep. 1911; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; K. 300 de Kindu; 02°57’ S, 25°55’ E; 6 May 1911;
L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasongo: Kikwe; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 29 Oct. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Sep. – Nov. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; May 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1930; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kindu; 02°57’ S, 25°55’ E; Dr. Russo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; Jan. 1914; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 19 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Mar. – Apr. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. –
May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Vieux Kassongo (Kasongo); 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 1 Dec. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Bangala: Binga; 02°28’ N,
30°31’ E; 1933; Vandenput leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lisala; 02°09’ N, 21°30’ E; 1930; Mme. Babillon leg.;
RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni; 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E; 18 Aug. 1932; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Lt. Borgerhoff leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1911; Lt.
Borgerhoff leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Beni; 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E, alt. 1120 m; Feb. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Beni; 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E, alt. 1150 m; 7 Nov. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
Beni à Lesse; 00°45’ N, 29°46’ E; Jul. 1911; Dr. Murtula leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; de Beni à Semliki; 00°29’ N,
29°28’ E; 12 Nov. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Beni; 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E; Aug. 1914;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Butembo; 00°09’ N, 29°17’ E; Jul. – Aug. 1914; Mme. Van Riel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalonge, Riv Mushuva; 00°21’ N, 29°49’ E; 6 Jun. 1949; G. Marlier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Kivu: Buseregenye (Rutshuru); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Sep. 1929; Ed. Luja leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Kissengni;
01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; Jan. 1923; R. Van Saceghem leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar.
– Apr. 1923; R. Van Saceghem leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Masisi; 01°24’ S, 28°49’ E, alt. 1200 m; 1951;
Dedobeleere leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Mulo; 00°10’ S, 29°14’ E, alt. 1500 m; Apr. 1950; R.P. Celis leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Nyabikoro; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Feb. 1957; K. Baeten leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu:
Nyabikoro (Rutshuru); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Nov. 1956; K. Baeten leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N. Kivu: Kisenyi;
01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; Feb. 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1928;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N. Kivu: Lulenga (Rutshuru); 01°24’ S, 29°22’ E; Dec. 1927; Ch. Seydel
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; N.Kivu: Kissenyi; 01°41’ S, 29°14’ E; Feb. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA
[Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 15 Dec. 1957; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Oct. 1956; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 3 Apr. – 16. Aug. 1957; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jun. 1957; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1956; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 7 – 15 Jul. 1955; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA Lusilube;
00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 15 Aug. 1946; J. de Wilde leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Jan. 1934;
Dr. De Wulf leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1938; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

N, 22°03’ E; 18 – 26 Feb. 1932; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 – 26
Feb. 1932; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bosobolo; 04°11’ N, 19°53’ E; Dr. Girling leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Ubangi: Bosobolo; 04°11’ N, 19°53’ E; 5 – 11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 7 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 8 – 11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 8 – 11
Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Karawa (Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1935; Rév. Wallin
leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1937; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 15 Feb.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA •
12 ♀♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 8 ♂♂; same location as
for preceding; 5 – 17 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru; 04°58’ S, 23°26’ E;
1910; Dr. Abrassart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; Dec. 1918; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankuru: Tshumbe S. Marie; 04°02’ S, 22°41’ E; May 1948; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –
Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kalembelembe-Baraka; 04°32’ S, 28°47’ E; Jul. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu:
Bobandana; 01°42' S, 29°01' E; 1928; O. Douce leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Bukavu; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E;
Dec. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Katana (Kabare); 02°14’ S, 28°49’ E; Oct. 1932; P Van
der Houd leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Luvungi; 02°52’ S, 29°02’ E; Aug. 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Kivu: Mulungu; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; 1949; F.L. Hendrickx leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 15 Apr. 1938; F.L. Hendrickx leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Aug. 1938;
F.L. Hendrickx leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 29 Sep. 1938; F.L. Hendrickx leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1938; F.L. Hendrickx leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 19 Nov. 1932; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 19 – 26
Nov. 1932; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivu: Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; 16 – 23 Mar. 1953; P.
Basilewsky leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 16 – 23 Mar. 1953; P. Basilewsky leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 – 28 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1956; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N. Lac Kivu:
Rwankwi; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Apr. 1948; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Région des Lacs; 02°29’ S,
28°51’ E; Dr. Sagona leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Nov. 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; W. Kivu: Ibanda; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1937; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 1935; M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E;
1932; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 10 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 1931; J. Van Gils leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1931; J. Van Gils leg.;
RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Ubangi: Boma-Motenge; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Duma (Libenge); 03°53’
N, 18°41’ E; 1930; Cap. Van Gils leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Libenghi; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Vreurick leg.;
RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Ubangi: Motenge-Boma; 03°15’ N, 18°39’ E; 14 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 2 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
22 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀;
Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’ S, 29°12’ E; Jul. 1954; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Baudouinville
(Moba); 07°02' S, 29°47' E; Dec. 1958; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Buli (Kabalo); 05°50’ S, 26°55’ E;
18 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga: Katompe (Kabalo); 06°11’ S, 26°20’ E; Feb.
1929; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Katanga: Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; Feb. 1929; Mr.
Remacle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 10 Mar. 1911; Dr. Valdonio leg.;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 5 – 15 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May
1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lusaka (Baudouinville); 07°02' S, 29°47' E; 1937; R.P. Debbaudt
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E; Mar. 1954; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E, alt. 780 m; Jul. – Aug. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; Jul. – Aug. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika: Mpala; 06°45’ S,
29°31’ E, alt. 780 m; Jun. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. – Aug.
1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1954;
H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 2 ♀♀; Basoko;
01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; Jan. 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;; same location as for preceding; Feb.
1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Paulis; 02°46' N, 27°38' E; Oct. 1947; P.L.G. Benoit
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’ N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanleyville
(Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 1936; A. Becquet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Terr. de Basoko (forêt); 01°13’ N,
23°36’ E; 1950; R.P. Camps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’ N, 24°27’ E; Nov. 1936; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1937; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀;
Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 10 Mar; 1936; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Sep. – Nov. 1936; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; Jan. 1952;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Feb. – Apr. 1934; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Equateur:
Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; May 1958; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Equateur:
Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Jul. 1952; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Jul. 1934; Rév. P. Lootens leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952;
Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Equateur: Flandria (Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1928; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Riv. Busira; 00°06’ S, 19°55’ E; Jun. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamania
(Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; Sep. 1964; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1954; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamanya; 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 1960; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1960; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 1968; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1962; Rév. P.
Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1952; Rév.
P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; Tshuapa: Bokungu; 00°41’ S, 22°19’ E; 1949; M. Dupuis leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tshuapa: Flandria
(Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; Sep. 1946 – Aug. 1947; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Sep. – Dec. 1947; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras felinum (Gerstaecker, 1857)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) felina (Gerstaecker, 1857)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 44 (94♀♀ and 21♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Basankusu; 01°13’
N, 19°49; 31 Mar. 1911; Dr. Valdonio leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jan. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Aug.
1921; Eg. Devroye leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Apr. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Mar. 1913; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 12 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935;
P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Sep. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; De
Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; May 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; May 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
May 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jul.
1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 10
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; P. Quarré
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Jadotville (Likasi); 10°59’ S, 26°44’ E; 1948; R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Nov. 1946; R.S.M. Adelaïde leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kalumba-Kilwa; 09°18’ S, 28°25’
E; Aug. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1907; Dr.
Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kambove; 10°52’ S, 26°38’ E; 27 Jan. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga;
11°07’ S, 27°06’ E; Lemaire leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Katanga; 11°07’ S, 27°06’ E; Weym leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
Katumba; 08°32’ S, 25°59’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kiamokosa; 11°40’ S,
27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1907; Dr.
Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kipushi par Sakania; 11°46’ S, 27°15’ E; Jan. 1948; R. Mouchamps
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kapolowe; 11°02’ S, 26°58’ E; 1959; R. P. Th. De Caters leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 13 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Jun. 1921;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mbiliwa-Wantu; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 16 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 20 Apr. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kikondja; 08°11’ S, 26°26’ E;
28 Nov. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kulu-Mwanza; 07°54’ S, 26°45’ E; May 1927; A. Bayet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Bukena près de Mulongo; 07°42’ S, 27°10’ E; Jun. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; PNU Lufira au pied du Mt Sombwe; 10°10’ S, 27°20’ E; 13-15 Jul. 1949; Mis. G.F. de Witte
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 13 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele
• 1 ♀; PNG Napokomweli; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; Oct. 1931; G. Demoulin leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri:
Mahagi; 02°18’ N, 30°59’ E; 1931; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kibali-Ituri: Kilo; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E;
1930; G. du Soleil leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilo (Djugu); 01°50’ S, 30°09’ E; Dec. 1934; G. du Soleil leg.;
RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Banana; 06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; Sep. 1915; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1951; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♂♂; Biano;
10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug. 1931; G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kayambo-Dikuluwe; 10°45’ S, 25°22’ E; Jul. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; La Mulonga; 09°56’ S, 25°53’ E; Aug. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Manika
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

(Kolwezi); 10°20’ S, 27°00’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; PNA [Parc National
Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 20 Dec. 1956; P. Vanschuytbroeck leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Kanikiri;
00°09’ S, 29°32’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’ S,
29°12’ E; May – Jun. 1954; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 23 Apr.
1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 27 Apr. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 5 – 15 May 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tanganyika: Kabalo; 06°03’
S, 26°55’ E; 1 Jul. 1947; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tanganyika: Mpala; 06°45’ S, 29°31’ E, alt. 780
m; Jun. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1953; H. Bomans leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras mutala (Strand, 1912)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) mutala (Strand, 1912)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 44 (9♀♀ and 7♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 15 – 30 Oct. 1929; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 5 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N,
22°23’ E; 5 – 17 Feb.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 5 – 17 Feb.1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 22 Jul. 1924; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras nigrocaudatum (Friese, 1903)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) nigrocaudata (Friese, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 44 (3♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Uele: Tukpwo; 04°26’
N, 25°51’ E; Aug. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E;
May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni
(1930m); 00°29’ N, 29°28’ E; Mar. 1931; Mme. L. Lebrun leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras praetextum (Vachal, 1910)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) praetexta (Vachal, 1910)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 34 (9♀♀ and 23♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Katumba; 08°32’ S, 25°59’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA. Paratype – Haut-Katanga • 1
♂; Kiamokosa; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 12 Nov. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Apr. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 2 Oct. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
6 Apr. 1912; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1935; P. Quarré leg.;
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as
for preceding; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1934; P. Quarré leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (60km ruiss. Kasepa); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Panda (Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 16 Oct. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 12 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀;
Lomami: Mutombo-Mukulu; 07°58’ S, 24°00’ E; Jun. 1931; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Sankisia; 09°24’
S, 25°48’ E; 13 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 2 ♀♀; Kabinda; 06°08’ S, 24°29’ E;
Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♀♀; Dilolo; 10°41’ S, 22°21’ E; Aug; 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep.-Oct. 1933; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kapanga;
08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Aug. 1934; R. Verschueren leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct.
1932; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kipiri; 07°35’ S, 29°53’ E; Sep. 1912; R. Verschueren leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀ and 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34' E; Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1932; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀ and 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; Dec. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Aug. 1934; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA.

Gronoceras quadrispinosa (Friese, 1904)

Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) quadrispinosa (Friese, 1904)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 34 (3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; PNU Kabwe sur Muye;
08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; PNU Lusinga (riv.
Kamitungulu); 08°55’ S, 08°55’ S; 13 Jun. 1945; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA.

Noteriades clypeatus Friese, 1904

Heriades clypeatus Friese, 1904

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 76 (19♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 2 ♂♂;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1931, De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 19 Aug. 1932, De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Nov. 1933; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Kipushi; 11°46’ S, 27°15’ E; Sep. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lomami:
Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 1931, R. Massart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1931,
R. Massart leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï
• 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; Apr. 1939, Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. –Lualaba Province • 1 ♀;
Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; May 1934; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Kibombo;
03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Oct. 1930; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1930;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1930; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀;
Kibombo (P. Or); 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Oct. 1930; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Noteriades quinquecostatus (Strand, 1912)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 76 (4 ♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 8 Sep.1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Congo da
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♀♀;
Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Mar. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA.

Noteriades tricarinatus (Bingham, 1903)

Heriades tricarinatus (Bingham, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 76 (31♀♀ and 8♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 14 Apr. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 12 Oct. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 14 Mar. 1929; Dr.
M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 Apr. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1931; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 25-30 Nov. 1930; R. Massart
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 18 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 22 Mar. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 27 Dec. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9 Nov. 1920;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Panda (Likasi); 11°00’ S, 26°44’ E; 2 Oct. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 10 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 16 Jul. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S,
25°48’ E; 19 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 23 Sep. 1911;
Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 28 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA. – Kasaï • 4 ♀♀; Ikeke; 04°15' S, 21°15' E; 8 May 1946; V. Lagae leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀;
Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 16 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 18 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Congo da Lemba
(Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E Jan. – Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba);
05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E;
1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 2 ♀♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Mar. 1933;
G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Tenke; 10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; 9 Août 1911; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA. – Maï-
Ndombe • 1 ♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; Jun. 1913; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’ E; Oct. 1930; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Jun. 1930; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Tribe Anthidiini

Afrostelis tegularis Cockerell, 1931

Stelis (Afrostelis) tegularis (Cockerell, 1931)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxs 60 (2♀♀ and 1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♂; Kamaniola;
02°47' S, 29°00' E; 1 Feb. 1927; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 6 May 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï
Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 12 May 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA.

Anthidiellum (Pycnanthidium) absonulum (Cockerell, 1932)

Anthidiellum (Pygnanthidiellum) absonulum (Cockerell, 1932)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 58 (5♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; Mar.1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’
S, 27°28’ E; 11-17 Sep.1931; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep.
1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. • 2 ♂♂. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Polis-Mboli; 02°46’ N, 27°38’ E;
Apr.1947; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Nzombe (Amont, 200 m près de Mwana); 03°10’
S, 28°33’ E; Aug.-Sep. 1950; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Anthidiellum (Pycnanthidium) auriscopatum (Strand)

Anthidiellum (Pygnanthidiellum) auriscopatum (Strand)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 58 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Oct. 1934; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Anthidiellum (Pycnanthidium) zebra (Friese, 1904)

Anthidiellum (Pygnanthidiellum) zebra (Friese, 1904)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 58 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’ N, 24°27’ E;
May 1959; J. Decelle leg.; RMCA.

Anthidium (Anthidium) niveocinctum Gerstäcker, 1857

Anthidium (Nivanthidium) niveocintum Vachal

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 67 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S, 20°48’ E; Apr.
1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Lomami: Luputa; 11°00' S, 26°44' E; 1935; Dr.
Bouvier leg.; RMCA.

Anthidium (Severanthidium) severini Vachal, 1903

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 67 (5♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1933; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 11
Nov. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kilwa; 09°18’ S, 28°25’ E; Apr. 1931; J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 10 Apr. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀;
Lulua: r. Kiongwezi; 08°35' S, 22°31' E; 20 Sep. 1933; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Uvira;
03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Sep. 1958; Pasteels leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Vallée Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’
E; Nov. 1911; Dr. Schwetz leg.; RMCA.

Anthidium (Severanthidium) sudanicum Mavromoustakis, 1945

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 67 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Lac Albert: Ishwa; 02°13’ N, 31°12’
E; Sep. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.

Cyphanthidium sheppardi (Mavromoustakis, 1937)

Trianthidiellum sheppardi (Mavromoustakis, 1937)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 61 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Tanganyika• 1 ♂; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S,
26°55’ E; Apr. – Jun. 1954; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Eoanthidium (Clistanthidium) armaticeps (Friese, 1908)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 59 (3♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;

Elisabethville(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 14 Mar. 1929; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 31 May 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 9
Mar. 1938; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Euaspis abdominalis (Fabricius, 1793)

Cupboard 110, Boxs 62, 63 and 64 (334♀♀ and 60♂♂)
Euaspis abdominalis subsp. claripennis Strand, 1911

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 64 (4♀♀ and 1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 15 Mar. 1924; Ch. seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 27 Nov. 1956; Ch. seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1934; P.
Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU Kanonga; 09°16’ S, 26°08’ E, alt. 695 m; 13-27 Sep. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.;
Euaspis abdominalis (Fabricius, 1793)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxs 62 and 63 (321♀♀ and 59♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 2 ♀♀;
Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 1938; P. Henrard leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 10 Apr. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 14 May 1938;
P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 17 Sep. 1940; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
2 Oct. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Jun. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Nov. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 27 Jan. 1938; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 3 Jun. 1940;
J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Aug. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 6 Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Dec. 1937; J.
Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Feb. 1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb.
1934; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1936; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1938; P. Henrard
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 11 Apr. 1939; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 26 Apr. 1939; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec.
1946; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Dingila; 03°37’ N, 26°03’ E; 12 Oct. 1932; J. Vrydagh leg.; Dr. J.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Tshuapa: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 9 Oct. 1952; P. Henrard leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Aketi; 02°44’ N, 23°46’ E; 1934; C. Johnen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N,
25°43’ E; 12 Jun. 1940; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 10 Aug. 1933; J.V.
Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar.-
Apr. 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Ibembo; 02°38’ N, 23°36’ E; 1950; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bondo; Uele: Bondo; 28 Jan. 1950; R.P. Theunissen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1946-1948; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 20 May
1950; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Dec. 1951; R. Fr. Hutsebaut
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Sep. 1949; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Jun. 1952; R. Fr. Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1949; R. Fr. Hutsebaut
leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Lukulu (Manono); 07°08’ S, 28°06’ E; 1928 – 1932; Vandenbranden leg.; RMCA • 2
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

♀♀; Pawa; 02°30’ N, 27°41’ E; 1938; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele-Itimbiri: Aketi; 02°03’ N,
22°45’ E; 1934; C. Johnen leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Basankusu; 01°13’ N, 19°49’ E; 1949; Zusters
O.L.V. ten Bunderen leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 1946; Ch. Scops
leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1946; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA •
4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1927; Dr. Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
1927; Dr. Strada leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 21 Dec. 1929; D. Bourginuofuon leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Wafanya (Monkoto); 01°21’ S, 20°20’ E; 1927; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1937; G. Couteaux leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Jan. 1921; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; 10 Nov. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 13 Jan. 1921;
R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 13 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; 13 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
14 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 19 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding;7 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 7 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Jan. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Feb. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2
♂♂; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; May 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Jun. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Aug. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1929; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as
for preceding; Dec. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Flandria (Ingende); 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; Jan.-Feb. 1928; Rév. P. Hulstaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukolela
(Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; 1951; R. Deguide leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov.
1934; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mobeka (Bomongo); 01°53’ N, 19°49’ E; 11 Aug. 1947; Dr. M.
Poll leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 01°36’ N, 19°09’ E; 9 Dec.
1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; De Loose leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1914; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1934; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 1932;
R. Massart leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisamba; 07°20' S, 24°02' E; 1955; Dr. J. Claessens
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Abimva; 03°38’ N, 30°06’ E; 1925; L. Brgeon
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Yebo Moto; 03°34’ N, 28°20’ E; 1926; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNG
Nagero (Dungu); 03°45’ N, 29°31’ E; 3-29 May 1954; C. Nebay leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bayenga (Wamba);
02°09’ N, 28°00’ E, alt. 810 m; 10 May 1956; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 1-10 May 1957; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 15 Jul. 1956;
R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Uele: Bayenga, terr.Wamba (riv Tele); 02°09’ N, 28°00’ E, alt. 820 m, Oct.
1956; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Kibali-Ituri: Bayenga, terr. Wamba; 02°09’ N, 28°00’ E, alt.
810 m; Nov. 1955; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kibali-Ituri: Kilo; 01°50’ N, 30°09’ E; Dec. 1931; Ch.
Scops leg.; leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Brabanta; 04°20’ S, 20°36’ E; Apr.-May 1949; P. Henrard leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; Feb. 1931; J.P. Colin leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Tshikapa; 06°24’ S,
20°48’ E; Apr.1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr.-May 1939;
Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1921; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Katoka-Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 1933; R.P. Vankerckhoven
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1933; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lulua:
r. Luiza; 07°34’ S, 22°40’ E; 15 Oct. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’
S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1935; Mme. Gillardin
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Luluabourg-Katoka (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 1939; R.P. Vankerckhoven leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshibala; 06°21’ S, 21°52’ E; 1949; Zusters van Heule leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 3 ♀♀;
Kimwenza (Kinshasa); 04°28’ S, 15°17’ E; Jan.-Apr. 1956; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1956; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kinshasa; 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E;
Nov. 1923; Mme. J. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1933; A. Tinant
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Mar. 1912; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
30 Jul. 1911; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Nov. 1911; Dr. A. Dubois
leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dr. Houssiaux leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; May-Jun. 1911; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct.1955;
P. Jobels leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; R. Fiasse leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central
• 1 ♀; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1933; Dr. Hallet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Cattier (Lufutoto); 05°26’ S, 14°45’
E; 1946-1949; Delafaille leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kinkenge; 04°51’ S, 13°37’ E; Feb.-Mar. 1951; Mme. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 15 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1927; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 41 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1931; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
1931; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1932; R. P. Vanderyst leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1 Apr. 1930; R. P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 26 Dec. 1911; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1950;
Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; May 1945; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; May 1946; Rév. Fr. Anastase leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1927;
R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kivunda Luozi; 04°32’ S, 14°14’ E; 19 May 1951; Mme. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lemfu (Madimba); 05°18’ S, 15°13’ E; Jan. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Feb. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Dec. 1945; Rév. P. De Beir leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lukula; 05°23’ S, 12°57’ E; Jan. 1952; Dr. R.
Wautier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E; 1912; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA
• 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

preceding; 1942; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Van
Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Thysville (Mbanza Ngungu); 05°15’ S, 14°52’ E; Jan. 1951; P. Basilewsky leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1953; J. Sion leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshela; 04°59’ S, 12°56’ E;
10 Nov. 1920; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kasongolunda; 06°29’ S, 16°49’ E; Jul.
1971; P.V. Van Haelst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kingungi; 04°51’ S, 16°58’ E; Aug. 1939; R.P. Renier leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Mukila (Kenge); 05°01’ S,16°59’ E; Oct. 1952; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Nov. 1952; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Panzi (Kasongo Lunda); 07°13’
S, 17°58’ E; 12 Feb. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Popokabaka; 05°42’ S, 16°34’ E; Mar. 1952;
L. Pierquin leg.; RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀; Banningville (Bandundu); 03°18’ S, 17°21’ E; 1939; Dr. H.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♂; Lomami: Luputa: Luputa; 07°10’ S, 23°43’ E; Apr. 1934; Dr.
Bouvier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Sankuru: M'Pemba Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 1 Sep. 1958; R.
Maréchal leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Seke (Lubao); 05°08’ S, 25°44’ E; 26 Jun. 1911; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. –
Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kasaï: Lubudi; 09°55’ S, 25°58’ E; 6 Sep. 1929; Legros leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kapanga; 08°21’
S, 22°34’ E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1932; F.G.
Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Nov. 1933; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bolobo
(Mushie); 02°10’ S, 16°14’ E; May 1921; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Inongo; 01°57’ S, 18°16’ E;
Aug. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kutu; 02°44’ S, 18°45’ E; Oct. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Kwamouth (Mushie); 03°11’ S, 16°12’ E; Jun. 1913; Dr. J. Maes leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Wombali
(Mushie); 03°16’ S,17°22’ E; Jul. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Maniema; 05°00’ S,
29°00’ E; 1936; Guraut leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Lisala; 02°09’ N, 21°30’ E; 1940; C. Leontovitch
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. Lisala; 02°09’ N, 21°30’ E; Mar. 1937; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi:
Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 5-12 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Bumba; 02°11’
N, 22°32’ E; 14 Oct. 1939; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Buseregenye (Rutshuru);
01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 1930; Ed. Luja leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Cité de Kimbulugu (Lubero); 00°10’ S, 29°14’ E;
Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA [Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; Mar. 25
Jun. 1957; P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Karawa
(Businga); 03°21’ N, 20°18’ E; 1936; Rév. Wallin leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Djeka; 05°00’ S, 23°28’
E; Jan. 1954; R. Roiseux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kasaï: Kondoue (Lusambo); 04°58’ S, 23°16’ E; Ed. Luja
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lusambo; 04°58’ S, 23°26’ E; 19 Sep. 1949; Dr. M. Fontaine leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu
• 1 ♀; Costermansville (Bukavu); 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1939; Dr. Hautmann leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; 1939; Dr. Hautmann leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lubungola pr. Shabunda; 02°41’ S, 21°21’ E;
Feb. 1939; Dr. Hautmann leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1939; Dr. Hautmann leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Région des lacs, 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Dr. Sagona leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’
E; Oct. 1949; G. Marlier leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Kunungu; 02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1932; Dr. H.
Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 1931; J. Van Gils leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Aug. 1937; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding;
Dec. 1937; C. Leontovitch leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Libenge; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; Mar. 1936; C.
Leontovitch leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Ubangi: Libenghi; 03°39’ N, 18°38’ E; 29 Aug. 1926; Cap. Van Gils leg.;
RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Vreurick leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Zulu sur Lua (Ubangi);
02°45’ N, 18°26’ E; 1931; J. Van Gils leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 1931, J. Van
Gils leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Katanga: Kabinda (Moba); 07°02’ S, 27°47’ E; Jun. 1930; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Aruwimi; 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; Jun. 1926; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Basoko; 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E; Sep. 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

for preceding; May 1949; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Basoko Yaeberomans, 01°13’ N, 23°36’ E;
Apr. 1949; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabetha (Yahuma); 01°09’ N, 23°37’ E; Mme. J. Tinant
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 1936; A. Becquet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 13 – 23 Aug. 1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jan. 1926; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1948; Dr.
R. Mouchamps leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1926; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA •
1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1926; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma;
00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1938; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. –
Apr. 1941; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1935; Rév. P. Hulstaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Aug. – Sep. 1951; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; Rév. P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bolima (Bolomba); 00°03’ N, 19°23’ E; 17 – 28 Feb. 1939; Rév. P. Hulstaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; Jan. 1954; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Jan. – Jun. 1965; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1960; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1951; Rév.
P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1951; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA •
3 ♀♀; Tshuapa: Bamanya (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; 1968; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Jan. 1963; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jan. – Jun. 195; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1960;
Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Boende; 00°13’ S, 20°52’ E; 15 – 30 May 1951; Rév. P.
Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; Dr. J. Schouteden leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Flandria; 00°20’ S,
19°06’ E; 1940; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1946; Rév. P. Hulstaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1946; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; Apr.-May 1948; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. – Dec. 1947; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA.

Euaspis abdominalis subsp. martini Vachal, 1910

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 64 (9♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N,
18°19’ E; Sep.1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 2 ♀♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Jun.1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA, • 1 ♀; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; Jun.1926;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Uele • 1 ♀; Wamba (Uele Nepoko); 00°20’ S, 29°50’ E, alt. 1400 m; 25
Apr.1931; J. Vrydagh leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Lubungola pr. Shabunda; 02°41’ S, 21°21’ E; 1939;
Dr. Hautmann leg.; RMCA, • 1 ♀; Mulungu; 02°20’ S, 28°47’ E; Jun. 1935; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA, • 1 ♀;
Uvira: dans habitation; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Aug.-Dec. 1949; G. Marlier leg.; RMCA. –Tanganyika • 1 ♀;
Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E; 1939; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA.

Euaspis erythros (Meunier, 1890)

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 64 (43♀♀ and 5♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1 Feb. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 3 Mar. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 31 Jan. 1921;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1928; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Oct. 1934; P. Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kampombwe; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Apr. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 5 – 9 Oct. 1951; Ch; seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-
Lomami • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 31 Jul. 1952; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele
• 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Abimva; 03°44’ N, 29°42’ E; 1925; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Yebo
Moto; 02°46’ N, 27°38’ E; Dec. 1926; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 2 ♀♀; Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’
E; 22 Aug.1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Aug.1935; H.J. Brédo
leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lac Albert: Kasenyi; 01°24’ N, 30°26’ E; 15 May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Dec.1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 2 ♀♀; Léopoldville
(Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1933; A. Tinant leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug.
1949; Dr. A. Dubois leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1948; Dr. Richard leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Limete (Léo); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 1958; A. Froidebise leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Banana;
06°00’ S, 12°24’ E; Mar. 1951; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boma; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E; 1935; W.
Moreels leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1937; Dr. Schlesser leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; same location as for preceding; 31 Mar. 1913; Lt. Styczynski leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Jan. 1951; I. Mesmaekers leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Boma-Coquilhatville; 05°51’ S, 13°03’ E;
Thisquens leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Jan. 1926; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA. – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango:
Wamba; 04°51’ S, 16°58’ E; 1938; A. Henrion leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S,
22°34' E; Oct. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 2 ♀♀; Uvira: dans habitatioN, 03°25’ S,
29°08’ E; Aug. – Dec. 1949; G. Marlier leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Albertville (Kalemie); 05°57’
S, 29°12’ E; May – Jun. 1954; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA. • 2 ♀♀; Tanganyika: Moba; 07°02’ S, 29°47’ E,
alt. 780 m; Jul. – Oct. 1953; H. Bomans leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♂; Mfungwe-Kayumbe; 01°17’ S,
26°16’ E; Jul. 1907; Dr. Sheffield Neave leg.; RMCA.

Euaspis rufiventris subsp. uvirensis Cockerell, 1933

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 64 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’
E; 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA

Pachyanthidium africanum (Smith, 1854)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 65 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Tanganyika-Moero: Nyunzu;
05°57’ S, 28°01’ E; Jan. – Feb. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Pachyanthidium (Trichanthidium) benguelense (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 66 (6♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 2 May
1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 20 Sep. 19323; Dr. M. Bequaert
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 8 Apr. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Mar. 1931; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; 10 Jun. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Apr. 1920; Dr. M.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kabongo; 07°20’ S, 25°35’ E; 18 Nov. 1952; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) bouyssoui (Vachal, 1903)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 65 (27♀♀ and 12♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 25 Sep. 1934;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 30 Oct. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’
E; 10 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♂; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 16 Oct.
1936; G. Couteaux leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Apr. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A.
Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 6 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; May 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Jul. 1932; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Eala-Bokatola-Bikoro; 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; Sep. – Oct. 1930;
Dr. P. Staner leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU Gorge de la Petenge; 08°56’ S, 27°12’ E, alt. 1150
m; 19 Jun. 1947; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 1938; P.
Lefèvre leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Lulua; 05°54’ S, 22°25’ E; 1919; Dr. Walker leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua:
Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 30 Nov. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♂; Bena Bendi
(Oshwe); 04°18’ S, 20°22’ E; May 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Bomboma; 02°24’ N, 18°53 E;
21 Jul. 1935; A. Bal leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Malela; 04°22’ S, 26°08’ E; 30 Feb. 1913; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀; Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; 13 Mar. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Lolo; 02°16’ S, 27°43’ E; 23 May 1925; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA. –
Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr. – Jul. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. –
Tshopo • 1 ♀; Ile Bertha; 00°33’ N, 24°56’ E; 18 Oct. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1
♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Mar. 1952; Rév. P. Lootens leg.; RMCA.

Pseudoanthidium (Branthidium) braunsi (Friese, 1904)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 59 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 17 Oct. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA.

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) katangense Cockerell, 1930

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 65 (4♀♀ and 2♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; PNU Kabwe sur Muye; 08°47’ S, 26°52’ E, alt. 1320 m; 11 May 1948; Mis. G.F.
de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Kilenge; 09°08’ S, 25°52’ E; Apr. 1923; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Katentenia; 10°19’ S, 25°54’ E; Oct. 1931; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

• 1 ♀; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; Nov. 1927; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Tembwe
(Tanganyika); 06°30’ S, 29°26’ E; Feb. 1926; Dr. H. Schouteden leg.; RMCA.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) paulinieri (Guérin-Méneville, 1845)

Pachyanthidium paulinieri Smith6

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 65 (5♀♀ and 3♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♂ ; Bambesa ; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E ; 10 Jul. 1933 ; J.V. Leroy leg. ; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀ ; Ituri : Bunia ; 01°34’ N, 30°15’ E ;
1938 ; P. Lefèvre leg. ; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♂ ; Bateke-Nord ; 03°30' S, 15°45' E ; 1942 ; R.C.
Eloy leg. ; RMCA • 1 ♀ ; Mayidi (Madimba) ; 05°11’ S, 15°09’ E ; 1942 ; 1942 ; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg. ;
RMCA. – Kwilu • 1 ♀ ; Terr. de Baningville (riv Lune, Mpo) ; 03°18' S, 17°21' E; 1945; Dr. Fain leg.;
RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀ ; Sankuru : M'Pemba Zeo ; 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E ; 3 Jun. 1960; R. Maréchal leg.;
RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bumbuli; 03°24’ S, 20°31’ E; 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Wombali
(Mushie); 03°16’ S, 17°22’ E; 30 Sep. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA.

Pseudoanthidium (Immanthidium) integrum (Friese, 1905)

Immanthidium integrum (Friese, 1905)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 72 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♀; PNG [Parc National de
Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 29 Nov. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA.

Pseudoanthidium (Micranthidium) lanificum (Smith, 1879)

Micranthidium lanificum Smith, 1879

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 73 (84♀♀ and 7♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 2 ♂♂; Bambesa; 03°28’
N, 25°43’ E; 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Sep. 1933; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 31 Aug. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Sep. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Bas-Uele; 04°00' N, 22°15' E; Jul.-Aug. 1920; L. Burgeon leg.;
RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Uele: Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 10 Oct. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele:
Dingila; 03°37' N, 26°03' E; Aug. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15
Jul. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 Jul. 1933; J.V. Leroy leg.;
RMCA. – Equateur • 2 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; Sep. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935;
J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1938; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; Nov. 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 9 Dec. 1952;
P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 8 ♀♀; Lualaba: Kaniama; 07°31’ S, 24°11’ E; 19 Dec. 1952;
Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Abimva; 03°44’ N, 29°42’ E; 1925; L. Burgeon
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayumbe; 05°30'S, 12°53'E; 1917; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mayumbe Hiolo;
05°30'S, 12°53'E; 19 Jun. 1924; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Uele: Bayenga, terr. Wamba; 02°09’ N,

The attribution of this species to Smith as descriptor in the RMCA collections is erroneous.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

28°00’ E, alt. 810 m; 25 Nov. 1956; R. Castelain leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Watsa à Niangara; 03°02’ N, 29°32’
E; Jul. 1920; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 1 ♀; Banza Manteka; 05°28’ S, 13°47’ E; 10-15
Jun. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Congo da Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; Jan.-Feb. 1913;
R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Luali (Tshela); 05°06'S, 12°28'E; 26 Aug. 1913; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 26 Aug. 1913; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; Aug. 1913; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’
E; Mar. 1933; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; G.F. Overlaet
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Sep. 1928; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1933; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Nov.
1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 3 ♀♀; Bena Bendi (Oshwe); 04°18’ S, 20°22’ E; May
1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Lomami: Kisamba; 07°20' S, 24°02' E; Jan. 1931; P.
Quarré leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Maniema; 05°00' S, 29°00' E; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♀; Terr. De Kasongo,
Riv. Lumami; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Jan. 1950; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Binga (Lisala);
02°28’ N, 20°31’ E²; 1 Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Bumba; 02°11’ N, 22°32’ E; Dec. 1939-
Jan. 1940; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Binga (Lisala); 02°28’ N, 20°31’ E; 5-12 Mar. 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Masisi-Walikale; 01°24’ S, 28°49’ E; 4 Jan. 1915; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; N’Guli (Lubero); 00°10’ S, 29°20’ E; Sep. 1913; Dr. Rodhain leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; PNA [Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 8 Jan. 1954; H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 7-15 Jul. 1955; P. Vanschuytbroeck leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S,
29°27’ E; Nov. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’
N, 22°03’ E; 18-26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 23 Nov. 1932;
H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Lac Kivu: Rwankwi; 01°20’ S, 29°22’ E; Jul. 1951; J.V. Leroy
leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Bassin Lukuga; 05°40’ S, 26°55’ E; Apr.-Aug. 1934; H. De Saeger leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Kampunda; 08°14’ S, 29°46’ E; 10 Nov. 1914; Dr. Mouchet leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀;
Basoko Yamabuti; 01°13' N, 23°36' E; 16 Mar. 1948; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Itoka
(Djolu); 00°10' S, 23°05' E; Oct. 1912; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lokolenge (Lulonga); 01°11' N, 22°40'
E; 19 May 1927; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E;
1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokungu; 00°41’ S, 22°19’ E; 1949; Dupuis leg.; RMCA.

Pseudoanthidium (Gnathanthidium) prionognathum (Mavromoustakis, 1938)

Gnathanthidium prionognathum Friese

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 72 (2♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E;
Sep. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamania (Mbandaka); 00°01’ N, 18°19’
E; Nov. 1951; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA.

Pseudoanthidium (Immanthidium) sjoestedti (Friese, 1909)

Immanthidium sjoestedti (Friese, 1909)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 72 (4♀♀ and 4♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville
(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 25-30 Nov. 1930; R. Massart leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; PNU
Mbuye-Bala; 08°44' S, 25°00' E, alt. 1750 m; 24-31 Nov. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Ituri •
1 ♂; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; Sep. 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Tenke;
10°35’ S, 26°06’ E; 30 Jul. – 9 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 2 ♀♀; Beni; 00°29’
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

N, 29°28’ E; Aug. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♂; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Sep. – Oct.
1936; Dr. Delville leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Terr. Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 1937; Miss. Prophylactique leg.;

Pseudoanthidium (Micranthidium) truncatum (Smith, 1854)

Micranthidium truncatum (Smith, 1854)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 74 (239♀♀ and 30♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Uele: Ibembo;
02°38’ N, 23°36’ E; 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. • 1 ♀; Bambesa; 03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 1933; R.F.
Hutsebaut leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 5 ♀♀; Bikoro; 00°45' S, 18°07' E; May 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1954; R.P. Hulstaertleg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 1953; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Feb. 1952; R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 2
♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; Jun. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jul. 1952; R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1951; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Coquilhatville (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; 12 Nov. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 24 Jun. 1924; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
1927; Strada leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA •
3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1933; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1935; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1933; A. Corbisier leg.;
RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932; A. Corbisier leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location
as for preceding; 28 Feb. 1939; Coll. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 28
Feb. 1939; Coll. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Oct. 1936; G. Couteaux
leg.; RMCA • 4 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 19 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding;
20 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 22 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 28 Nov. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 5 Nov.
1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA
• 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for
preceding; May 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1931; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. 1936; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀;
same location as for preceding; Feb. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Apr. 1955; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; May 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; May 1936; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 5 ♀♀; same location as
for preceding; Jun. 1935; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; H.J.
Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 18 Apr. 1928; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Feb. 1918; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Equateur; 00°00’ N,
18°14’ E; Verlaine leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Flandria; 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; 1931; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Nov. 1931; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1931; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Lukolela (Bikoro); 01°03’ S, 17°12’ E; Nov.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

1934; Dr. Ledoux leg.; RMCA • 9 ♀♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 9 Dec.
1952; P. Basilewsky leg.; RMCA • 6 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 9 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky leg.;
RMCA • 6 ♀♀; Ubangi: Nouvelle Anvers (Bomongo); 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 9-11 Dec. 1952; P. Basilewsky
leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Jun. 1929; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Août 1931; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
same location as for preceding; 11 Sep. 1932; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 15 Aug. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 20 Sep. 1926;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 21 Dec. 1930; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 26 Feb. 1933; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; 5 Sep. 1929; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding;
Mar. 1926; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Elisabethville, riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 14 Jun.
1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 19 Jun. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 27 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Jadoville: Numbi; 10°59' S, 26°44' E; May 1957; R.P.Th. de Caters leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kambove-Ruwe;
10°52' S, 26°38' E; Feb. – Mar. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA7 • 1 ♀; Kilwa-Lukonzolwa; 08°47'
S, 28°38' E; Aug. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA8. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀; Lualaba: Kalombo;
08°18' S, 26°19' E; 29 May 1947; Dr. M. Poll leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Kalumengongo; 08°00' S, 27°05' E,
alt. 1780 m; 21 Jan. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNU Mbuye-Bala; 08°44' S, 25°00' E, alt.
1750 m; 25-31 Mar. 1948; Mis. G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 2 ♀♀; PNG [Parc National de
Garamba]; 03°40’ N, 29°00’ E; 29 Nov. 1951; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 8 ♀♀; Ituri: Bunia;
01°34’ N, 30°15’ E; 29 Nov. 1951; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1 ♀; Luluabourg (Kananga);
05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa • 1 ♀; Kinkole (Stanley Pool); 04°12' S, 15°33'
E; 2 Aug. 1958; J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 20 Sep. 1923;
A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 4 Aug. 1958; J. Pasteels leg.; RMCA. – Kongo
Central • 1 ♀; Congo da Lemba (Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; 1911; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Jan. – Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S,
15°06’ E; Sep. 1920; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1911; Rovere leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Kitobola; 05°22' S, 14°31' E; 1911; Rovere leg.; RMCA • 14 ♀♀; Mayidi (Madimba); 05°11’
S, 15°09’ E; 1945; Rév. P. Van Eyen leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 1945; Rév. P. Van
Eyen leg.; RMCA. – Lomami • 1 ♀; Sankuru: M'Pemba Zeo (Gandajika); 06°49’ S, 23°58’ E; 17 Oct.
1958; Don R. Maréchal leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 24 Aug. 1959; Don R. Maréchal
leg.; RMCA. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Lulua: Kapanga; 08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; 19 Nov. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.;
RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 1 ♀; Bokoro (Kutu); 02°50'S, 18°23' E; 20 Mar. 1915; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. –
Maniema • 1 ♀; Kasongo; 04°27’ S, 26°40’ E; Aug. 1959; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lokandu;
02°31’ S, 25°47’ E; Mar. 1939; Capt. Marée leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 1918; R.
Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀; Bumba; 02°11’ N, 22°32’ E; Dec. 1939 – Jan. 1940; H. De Saeger
leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Beni à Lesse; 00°03' N, 29°41' E; Sep. 1911; Dr. Martula leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Burunga; 01°20’ S, 29°02’ E; 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kinyamahura (Djomba); 01°18'
S, 29°33' E, alt. 1800 m; 23 Aug. 1934; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lesse; 00°45' N, 29°46' E; 21 Jul.
1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Nyabikoro (Rutshuru); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 21 Jul. 1914; K.
Baeten leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; PNA [Parc National Albert]; 00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 19 Jul. 1954; P.

Published as Anthidium glomerosum holotype in Vachal (1910). Diagnoses d’insectes nouveaux recueillis dans le
Congo belge par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave (Musée du Congo, Tervueren), pp306-328.
Other specimen of Anthidium glomerosum Vachal, 1910.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 13 Apr. 1953; P.
Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Jan. 1938; J. Ghesquière
leg.; RMCA • 8 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Dec. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 26
May 1936; L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 28 May 1936; L. Lippens leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Rutshuru (riv. Musugereza, 1100m); 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 9 Jul. 1935; G.F. de Witte leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Rwankwi; 01°20' S, 29°22' E; 3 Mar. 1946; J.V. Leroy leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Terr. Rutshuru;
01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 18 Aug. 1937; Miss. Prophylactique leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Ubangi • 3 ♀♀;
Abumombazi (Mobayi); 03°34’ N, 22°03’ E; 18-26 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location
as for preceding; 8 – 11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Yakoma; 04°06’ N, 22°23’ E; 5-17 Feb.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kalonge, Riv. Mushuva; 00°21' N, 29°49' E; 6 Jun. 1949;
G. Marlier leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mulungu; 02°20' S, 28°47' E; 1938; Hendrickx leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; May 1954; J. Decelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’
E; Nov. 1951; P.C. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Région des lacs; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Dr. Sagona leg.;
RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Kiambi (Manono); 07°19’ S, 28°01’ E; 19 Feb. 1911; Dr. Valdonio leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Tang. Moero: Nyunzu; 05°57' S, 28°01' E; 1935; H. De Saeger leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1
♀; Mfungwe-Kayumbe; 01°17’ S, 26°16’ E; Jun. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA9 • 2 ♂♂; same
location as for preceding; Jun. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA10 • 2 ♀♀; Miss. St. Gabriel; 00°33’
N, 25°05’ E; M. Torley leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; 26 Sep. – 17 Oct.
1928; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 7 Jan. 1930; A. Collart leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1925; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Yangambi; 00°46’ N,
24°27’ E; Jan. 1960; J. Decelle leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 15 Jun. 1948; P.L.G.
Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma; 00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Feb. – Apr. 1941; R.P. Hulstaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bamanya; 00°01’ N, 18°19’ E; Aug. 1963; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Oct. 1961; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Oct.
1961; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Dec. 1952; R.P. Hulstaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 1968; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Bokuma;
00°06’ S, 18°41’ E; Apr. 1955; R.P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; 1953;
R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 6 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA •
2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Mar. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; Sep. 1954; R.P. Lootens leg.; RMCA • 11 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1952; R.P.
Lootens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Tshuapa: Flandria; 00°20’ S, 19°06’ E; 1946; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA •
1 ♀; Tshuapa: Flandria-Bolima; 00°03' N, 19°23' E; Oct. 1941; Rév. P. Hulstaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Tshuapa: Iyonda; 00°17' S, 20°52' E; 1953; R.P. Michielsen t leg.; RMCA.

Serapista denticulata (Smith, 1854)

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 75 (22♀♀ and 23♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°19’ E; 22 Apr. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 22 Apr.
1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E;
12 Nov. 1933; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same location as for preceding; Oct. 1935; Ch. Seydel leg.;

Published as Anthidium neavei holotype in Vachal (1910). Diagnoses d’insectes nouveaux recueillis dans le Congo
belge par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave (Musée du Congo, Tervueren), pp306-328.
Published as Anthidium neavei Vachal, 1910 paratype
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1932, De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for
preceding; 21 Aug. 1930; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 4 ♂♂; Elisabethville: Munama; 11°40’ S, 27°28’
E; Aug. 1931; G.F. de Witte leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kabunda; 12°25’ S, 29°22’ E; Dec. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 8 Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂;
Munama; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 26 Jul. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 6 ♀♀; Ituri: Logo; 02°11’ N,
30°56’ E; 15 Nov. 1926, R.P. Thalman leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 15 Nov. 1926,
R.P. Thalman leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe; 02°15’ N, 31°07’ E; Nov. 1935, M. & Mme. Ch. Scops
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1935, M. & Mme. Ch. Scops leg.; RMCA. –
Lualaba • 1 ♂; Ditanto; 10°15’ S, 25°53’ E; Oct. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; Lulua: Kapanga;
08°21’ S, 22°34’ E; Nov. 1932; G.F. Overlaet leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♂; Buseregenye (Rutshuru);
01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; Sep. 1929, Ed. Luja leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mukule; 01°20’ S, 29°15’ E; Sep. 1914; Dr. J.
Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 3 ♀♀; Ngesho; 01°17’ S, 29°06’ E; Sep. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; Sep. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; PNA [Parc National Albert];
00°03’ S, 29°30’ E; 16 Mar. 1954, P. Vanschuytbroeck & H. Synave leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Rutshuru; 01°11’
S, 29°27’ E; Aug. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1 ♀; Ibanda; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; 1952,
M. Vandelannoite leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Mulungu: Tshibinda; 02°19’ S, 28°45’ E; Nov. 1951, P.C. Lefèvre
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mushoko; 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; May 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location
as for preceding; May 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1937; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Aug. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; Mushoko (Lac); 02°29’ S, 28°51’ E; Aug. 1937; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Heriades (Heriades) bequaerti Cockerell, 1931

Heriades bequaerti Ckll. Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kaivu • 1 ♀; Masisi; 01°24’ S,
28°49’ E; 30 Dec. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Heriades frontosus Schletterer, 1989

Heriades frondosus [sic] Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (4♀♀). D.R. CONGO. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville (Mbandaka);
00°03’ N, 18°15’ E; Oct. 1922; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀ ; same location as for preceding; ; 1946
; Ch. Scops leg. ; RMCA • 1 ♀ ; Eala (Mbandaka) ; 00°03’ N, 18°19’ E ; 20 Oct. 1931 ; H.J. Brédo leg. ;
RMCA. – Mongala • 1 ♀ ; Ubangi : Burubu ; 02°09’ N, 21°30’ E ; 6 Dec. 1929 ; H.J. Brédo leg. ; RMCA.

Heriades hercule Strand, 1911

Heriades herculus Strd. Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mt. Ruwenzori; 00°26’ S,
29°50’ E, alt. 2300 m; 19 Apr. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Heriades impressus Schletterer, 1889

Heriades impressus Schlett.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Mukule; 01°20’ S, 29°15’ E;
Sep. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Heriades nitescens Cockerell, 1931

Heriades nitescens Ckll. Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Nord-Kivu • 1 ♀; Kasindi-Beni; 00°29’
N, 29°28’ E; Aug. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Heriades perminutus Cockerell, 1935

Heriades perminuta Ckll. Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes – Sankuru • 1 ♂; N'Kole, Makarikari;
03°27' S, 22°26' E; 6-23 Aug. 1930; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA.

Heriades spiniscutis (Cameron, 1905)

The name Heriades spiniscutis was given as the oldest synonym of 16 other species names in the genus
Heriades (Michener 1968), including also Heriades communis, which Pasteels has retained as separate
species, preserved in the RMCA collections.

Heriades spiniscutis (Cameron, 1905)

Material. Cupboard 110, Boxes 76 and 77 (31♀♀ and 26♂♂). D.R. CONGO. – Bas-Uele • 1 ♀; Bambesa;
03°28’ N, 25°43’ E; 16 May 1938; P. Henrard leg.; RMCA. – Equateur • 1 ♀; Eala (Mbandaka); 00°03’
N, 18°19’ E; 20 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Nov. 1936; J.
Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; Aug.
1923; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 16 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Kasenga; 10°22’ S, 28°38’ E; 1 Feb. 1912; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Mufunga-
Sampwe; 09°21’ S, 27°27’ E; 1 – 16. Dec. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 1 ♀;
Bukama; 09°12’ S, 25°51’ E; 29 May 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Lomami: Kaniama; 07°31’
S, 24°11’ E; 1930; R. Massart leg.; RMCA •1 ♀; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 4 Oct. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA. – Haut-Uele • 1 ♂; Haut-Uele: Mauda; 04°46’ N, 27°18’ E; Mar. 1925; Dr. J. Schouteden
leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Haut-Uele: Paulis; 02°46' N, 27°38' E; Jun. 1947; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂;
same location as for preceding; Jun. 1947; P.L.G. Benoit leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Bunia; 01°34’ N,
30°15’ E; Jun. 1938; P. Lefèvre leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Ituri: Nduye-Makara; 01°50' N, 28°59' E; Sep. – Sep.
1921; A. Pilette leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Kibimbi; 01°22’ N, 28°55’ E; 3 Feb. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Kasaï • 1 ♀; Luebo; 05°20’ S, 21°24’ E; Aug. 1921; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Kasaï Central • 1
♀; Luluabourg (Kananga); 05°54’ S, 21°52’ E; 14-17 May 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; RMCA. – Kinshasa •
2 ♀♀; Léopoldville (Kinshasa); 04°19’ S, 15°19’ E; 15 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same
location as for preceding; 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 16 Sep.
1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 18 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; 25 Sep. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

location as for preceding; Aug. 1949; R. Dubois leg.; RMCA. – Kongo Central • 2 ♀♀; Congo da Lemba
(Songololo); 05°42’ S, 13°42’ E; 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 3 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; Jan.
– Feb. 1913; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as for preceding; Jan. – Apr. 1913; R. Maynéleg.;
RMCA • 1 ♀; Kisantu (Madimba); 05°08’ S, 15°06’ E; 1927; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA • 2 ♀♀; same
location as for preceding; 1931; R.P. Vanderyst leg.; RMCA. – Maï-Ndombe • 2 ♂♂; Wombali (Mushie);
03°16’ S, 17°22’ E; Jul. 1913; P. Vanderijst leg.; RMCA. – Maniema • 2 ♀♀; Kibombo; 03°54’ S, 25°55’
E; 1 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; Maniema; 05°00' S, 29°00' E; Jul. 1913; R. Mayné leg.;
RMCA • 1 ♂; Nyangwe; 04°13’ S, 26°11’ E; 12 Nov. 1910; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same
location as for preceding; Apr. 1918; R. Mayné leg.; RMCA. – Nord-Kivu • 4 ♂♂; Rutshuru; 01°11’ S,
29°27’ E; Sep. –Oct. 1936; Dr. Delville leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 17 May 1936;
L. Lippens leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 01°11’ S, 29°27’ E; 13 Aug. 1937; Miss.
Prophylactique leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 2 Jul. 1937; Miss. Prophylactique leg.;
RMCA. – Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♀; Ubangi: Nzali; 03°15’ N, 19°47’ E; 3-4 Feb. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; RMCA.
– Tanganyika • 1 ♀; Baudouinville (Moba); 07°02' S, 29°47' E; 19 Jan. 1933; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. –
Tshopo • 1 ♀; Stanleyville (Kisangani); 00°31’ N, 25°11’ E; Mar. 1926; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA • 1
♀; same location as for preceding; Jun. 1926; Lt. J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA.

Heriades communis Cockerell, 193111

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (4♀♀ and 8♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Paratypes: – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀;
Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 13 May 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville; riv. Kimilolo; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀;
Lubumbashi; 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for
preceding; 23 Dec. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 3 Jun. 1920;
Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 31 Jan. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.;
RMCA •1 ♂; same location as for preceding; Feb.-Apr. 1921; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. – Ituri • 1 ♀;
Irumu: Lesse; 01°27’ N, 29°52’ E; 21 Jul. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; Irumu: Penge; 01°27’
N, 29°52’ E; 1 Mar. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Sakania; 12°45’ S, 28°33’ E; Sep. 1931, J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA. – Sud-Kivu • 1
♂; Uvira; 03°25’ S, 29°08’ E; 29 Aug. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA. – Tanganyika • 1 ♂; Albertville
(Kalemie); 05°57’ S, 29°12’ E; 1 Sep. 1931; T.D. Cockerell leg.; RMCA.

Heriades sulcatulus Cockerell, 1931

Heriades sulcatulus Ckll. Schlett.

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (4♀). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: Lesse; 00°45' N,
29°46' E; 21 Jun. 1914; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.
– Ituri • 1 ♀; Ituri: La Moto (Madyu); 01°34' N, 30°14' E; L. Burgeon leg.; RMCA. – Sankuru • 1 ♀;
Sankuru: Komi; 03°23’ S, 23°46’ E; 17 Mar. 1930; J. Ghesquière leg.; RMCA. – Tshopo • 1 ♀; Terr. Stan.
-Epulu (Apayo); 01°23' N, 28°36' E; 4 Dec. 1939; Dr. Van Breuseghem leg.; RMCA.

This species is given as synonym of Heriades spiniscutis (Cameron, 1905) in Michener (1968).
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Heriadopsis striatulus Cockerell, 1931

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 45A (1♀ and 22♂♂). D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂;
Elisabethville (Riv.Kimololo); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. Paratype –
Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Riv.Kimololo); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert
leg.; RMCA.
– Haut-Katanga • 1 ♂; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 1931; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 1
♂; same location as for preceding; 1932; De Loose leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Elisabethville (Riv.Kimololo);
11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 6 Nov. 1920; Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA. • 2 ♂♂; same location as for preceding;
Nov. 1928; Ch. Seydel leg.; RMCA • 2 ♂♂; Kapema; 10°42’ S, 28°40’ E; Sep. 1924; Ch. Seydel leg.;
RMCA. – Haut-Lomami • 2 ♂♂; Sankisia; 09°24’ S, 25°48’ E; 10 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA
• 1 ♂; same location as for preceding; 30 Aug. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 1 ♀; same location as
for preceding; 4 Sep. 1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA • 9 ♂♂; same location as for preceding; 4 Sep.
1911; Dr. J. Bequaert leg.; RMCA.

Osmia reginae Cockerell, 1932

Material. Cupboard 110, Box 77 (1♀). D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville

(Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 11-17 Sep. 1911; J. Ogilvie leg.; RMCA.

Lost or loaned materials

The following species, recorded from the RMCA by the cited species authorities, are believed to be lost as
they were no longer in the collections at the time of our study. The type specimens of two other species
supposedly curated at the RMCA were also absent from the collections. These are: Coelioxys ateneata
Strand, 1920 and Coelioxys neavei Vachal, 1910.
We resume these omissions below in order to complete the list of Megachilidae taxa curated at RMCA.

Coelioxys ateneata Strand, 192012

D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango: Atene; 05°23' S, 19°24' E; Charliers leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys aspericauda Cockerell, 1935 (= Coelioxys congoensis Friese, 1922)

Strand, E. (1921). Notes sur quelques Apides de Congo belge. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 8,
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

D.R. CONGO. – Kwango • 1 ♀; Kwango; 08°00’ S, 20°00’ E; 1925; Vanderijst leg.; RMCA13.

Coelioxys neavei Vachal, 191014

D.R. CONGO. Holotype – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave
leg.; RMCA.

Coelioxys piliventris Vachal, 1910 (= Coelioxys planidens Friese, 1904)

D.R. CONGO. – Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kambove-Ruwe; 10°52' S, 26°38' E; 27. Nov. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave
leg.; RMCA15.

Coelioxys acuticauda Cockerell, 1935 (= Coelioxys planidens Friese, 1904)

D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 27 Apr. 1930;

Dr. M. Bequaert leg.; RMCA16.

Coelioxys rotundicauda Cockerell, 1935 (= Coelioxys umbripennis Friese, 1922)

D.R. CONGO. – Haut-Katanga • 1 ♀; La Kasepa (Lubumbashi); 11°40’ S, 27°28’ E; 23 Sep. 1923; Ch.
Seydel leg.; RMCA17.

Megachile flexa Vachal, 1910 (= Megachile (Pseudomegachile) schulthessi Friese, 1903)

D.R. CONGO. – Lualaba • 1 ♀; Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.;
RMCA18 • 1 ♀; Bunkeya-Lukafu; 10°24' S, 26°58' E; Oct. 1907; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.; RMCA19.

A junior synonym of Coelioxys congoensis Friese, 1922, in Cockerell, (1935b). African bees of the genus Coelioxys.
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 26, pp.443-444.

Vachal, (1910). Diagnose d’insectes nouveaux recueillis par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave: Hymenoptera, Apidae. Annales
de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 54, pp.315-316.

A junior synonym of Coelioxys planidens Friese, 1904, etc. Vachal, (1910). Diagnose d’insectes nouveaux recueillis
par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave: Hymenoptera, Apidae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, 54, pp.316-317.

A junior synonym of Coelioxys planidens Friese, 1904, etc. Cockerell, T.D.A. (1935b). African bees of the genus
Coelioxys, Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 26, p.442.
A junior synonym of Coelioxys umbripennis Friese, 1922, in Cockerell (1935b). African bees of the genus Coelioxys.
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 26, p.437.
A junior synonym of Megachile schulthessi Friese, 1903, in Vachal (1910). Diagnoses d'insectes nouveaux recuellis
dans le Congo belge par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave: Hymenoptera, Apidae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de
Belgique 54, p.308.
Another specimen was identified as Megachile flexa in Vachal (1910). Diagnoses d'insectes nouveaux recuellis dans
le Congo belge par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave: Hymenoptera, Apidae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique
54, p.308.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Megachile corneipalmis Vachal, 1910 (= Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) ungulata Smith, 1853)

D.R. CONGO.– Lualaba • 1 ♂; Kambove-Bunkeya; 10°24’ S, 26°58’ E; Dr. Sheffield-Neave leg.;


A junior synonym of Megachile ungulata Smith, 1853, in Vachal (1910). Diagnoses d'insectes nouveaux recuellis
dans le Congo belge par le Dr. Sheffield-Neave: Hymenoptera, Apidae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de
Belgique 54, pp.311-312.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Spatial patterns of Megachilidae species and specimen records

We recorded and digitized the data associated with a total of 6,490 specimens relevant to 195 wild bee
species grouped in 18 genera within the family Megachilidae curated at RMCA. All specimens examined
were collected between 1905 and 1978.
The species and specimen count per administrative unit are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1. Distribution of species richness, specimen abundance and their ratios relative to the administrative entities of
the DRC. a) The former provinces (up to 1960) include: Equateur (Equateur, Mongala, Nord-Ubangi, Sud-Ubangi,
Tshuapa), Kasaï (Kasaï, Kasaï Central, Kasaï Oriental, Lomami, Sankuru), Katanga (Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomami,
Lualaba, Tanganyika), Kivu (Maniema, North Kivu, South Kivu), Leopoldville (Kinshasa, Kongo Central, Kwango,
Kwilu, Maï-Ndombe) and Province Orientale (Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Ituri, Tshopo); b) 26 Present-day provinces.
Administrative units N species N specimens N species/N specimens (%)
a) Historical Provinces (n=6)
1 Kivu 82 443 18.5
2 Kasaï 52 297 17.5
3 Orientale 88 815 10.7
4 Katanga 147 1,801 8.1
5 Léopoldville 47 891 5.2
6 Equateur 55 2,243 2.4
b) Present-day provinces (n = 26)
1 Kasaï Oriental 3 7 42.8
2 Maï-Ndombe 20 47 42.5
3 Kasaï 20 50 40.0
4 Mongala 15 41 36.5
5 Sud-Kivu 42 116 36.2
6 Kwango 6 17 35.2
7 Kwilu 13 38 34.2
8 Kasaï Central 26 77 33.7
9 Lomami 27 87 31.0
10 Maniema 43 143 30.0
11 Haut-Uele 47 155 30.3
12 Sankuru 22 76 28.9
13 Tshopo 30 108 27.7
14 Tanganyika 50 191 26.2
15 Ituri 53 220 24.1
16 Haut-Lomami 79 355 22.3
17 Nord-Kivu 41 184 21.9
18 Nord-Ubangi 17 97 17.5
19 Sud-Ubangi 16 95 16.8
20 Haut-Katanga 113 768 14.7
21 Kinshasa 20 152 13.2
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Lualaba 64 487 13.1

23 Bas-Uele 38 332 11.4
24 Tshuapa 29 361 8.0
25 Kongo Central 38 637 5.9
26 Equateur 46 1,649 2.7

Table 2. Distribution of species richness, specimen abundance and their ratios relative to the phytogeographical entities
of the DRC. The Coastal district shows more diversity within its small amount of collected bee specimens.

Phytogeographical districts N species N specimens N species/N specimens (%)

I Coastal 9 17 52.9
IX Lakes Edouard and Kivu 135 291 46.4
VIII Lake Albert 36 104 34.6
IV Kasaï 88 284 30.9
VII Ubangi-Uele 47 153 30.7
II Mayumbe 6 22 27.2
V Low-Katanga 135 513 26.3
III Low-Congo 42 750 5.6
VI Central Forestry 156 2,938 5.3
X Upper-Katanga 63 1,418 4.4

The administrative entities of the colonial era that hold more specimens are not the most diverse in terms of
species sampled. The ratio between species richness and the number of specimen records is higher for the
historical Kivu province (18.5% of its 443 specimens). These proportions are also observed in Kasaï, where
17.5% of species were found represented in the collections by 297 specimens. The Province Orientale is
ranked third with a ratio of 10.7% (88 species and 815 specimens), followed by the Katanga Province
(8.1%), Leopoldville (5.2%) and the Equateur which has a relatively low species exploration rate as its ratio
is only 2.4%.
Following the present-day provinces, the lowest species richness is observed in the Kasaï Oriental Province.
This is the smallest of the provinces where averages of only 3 species and 7 specimens have been recorded.
A similar observation is made in the apparently less explored Kwango province which encompasses 6
species out of only 17 historical specimens.
The Coastal phytogeographical district is relatively richer in species. This species richness seems to be the
highest in proportion to the number of records, as 9 species are separated out of 17 specimens. The Coastal
(I) and Lakes Edouard and Kivu (IX) districts thus show a ratio of more than 40%. The phytogeographical
districts of Mayumbe (II), Kasaï (IV), Low-Katanga (V) and Lake Albert (VIII) are between 20 and 40 %
of these ratios. The 3 other districts (III, VI and X) have fewer species in all the related records, their ratio
is less than 10%.
All of these data are illustrated on the maps of Figure 1 below.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Figure 1. Map of all Megachilidae records illustrating the number of specimens and species for each 50 km x 50 km
grid cell in (i) the six historical provinces in DRC (top row), (ii) the 26 present-day provinces (middle row), and (iii)
the 10 known phytogeographical districts (bottom row) (I = Coastal; II = Mayumbe; III = Low-Congo; IV = Kasaï; V
= Low-Katanga; VI = Central Forestry; VII = Ubangi-Uele; VIII = Lake Albert; IX = Lakes Edouard and Kivu; X =
Upper-Katanga) defined within the country. See methods section for details on the administrative units.
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

The number of historical collections and their associated species richness varies according to the
administrative/natural units. An average of 408.3 ± 305.3 specimens for 78.5 ± 37.5 species is counted
between the 6 historical provinces, while 186.3 ± 195.4 specimens for 35.3 ± 23.9 species are obtained by
following the current provinces. Between phytogeographic districts, an average of 213.8 ± 251.4 specimens
corresponding to 71.7 ± 54.2 species is recorded. The linear correlation, which reflects the gain in species
richness for more collection abundance (Figure 2), describes a notably significant model between the 26
current DRC provinces (R-squared = 27%, p < 0.001) and the 10 phytogeographic districts (R-square =
38%, p < 0.05). A non-significant model was derived from the correlation based on the 6 former provinces
(R-squared = 8%, p > 0.05). The low variance of these models explains the outlier deviations of some units
from the mean values. Thus, the greater collection abundance in Province Equateur ultimately reveals a
species richness close to the average among the 6 historical provinces; just as the triple number of species
in Katanga was collected with half as many specimens as in Province Orientale. Although less significant,
the linear pattern between phytogeographic districts also explains the double species recorded in the large
Central Forestry district (VI), on five more specimens than in the Kasaï district (IV).
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Figure 2. Linear models between collection abundance and associated species richness in (i) the six historical provinces
in DRC (top row), (ii) the 26 present-day provinces (middle row), and (iii) the 10 known phytogeographical districts
(bottom row) (I = Coastal; II = Mayumbe; III = Low-Congo; IV = Kasaï; V = Low-Katanga; VI = Central Forestry;
VII = Ubangi-Uele; VIII = Lake Albert; IX = Lakes Edouard and Kivu; X = Upper-Katanga) defined within the
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

country. Some administrative/natural units deviate from the overall attributable values. The Province Equaeur deviates
from the number of collections for species richness close to the mean.

The ANOSIM analysis of community composition among the historical six provinces delimited during the
colonial period did not show significant differences in taxonomic composition of communities (ANOSIM:
0.06, p= 0.15). However, this composition of historically collected bees in the DRC shows a strong
dissimilarity within the boundaries of the present-day 26 provinces (ANOSIM: 0.05, p < 0.001). Taking
phytogeography into account, we found an overall similarity in Megachilidae communities sampled across
the known phytogeographical districts at the national scale (ANOSIM: 0.05, p = 0.2).
Our analyses of community turnover among administrative units confirm the results above with congruent
results between the taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity approaches by showing that the total turnover
(βsør) observed among the six historical provinces of DRC and the phytogeographical districts is primarily
due to the nestedness of communities (βsne), with comparatively little replacement (βsim) (Table 3). A more
balanced mix of turnover was found when repeating the analysis using the 26 contemporary provinces where
the higher taxonomic turnover (βsør = 0.74) is due almost as much to community nestedness as to
replacement. This implies more heterogeneity in the known fauna of Megachilidae species among the 26
present-day provinces than among the six historical provinces.

Table 3. Wild bee community differentiation based on 6,490 specimens relevant to 196 wild bee species grouped in
18 genera and seven phylogenetic groups within the family Megachilidae curated at RMCA (Tervuren, Belgium) and
collected between 1905 and 1978. Community changes were assessed through beta diversity analyses and their
partitioning among three categories of administrative or natural units: (i) the six historical provinces in DRC, (ii) the
26 present-day provinces, and (iii) the 10 known phytogeographical districts defined within the country. The metric
βsør represents a measure of total dissimilarity, and its partitioning into its two major components: (1) species
replacement among sampling units, i.e., turnover: βsim; and (2) species loss/gain, i.e., nestedness: βsne; following the
formula βsør = βsim + βsne (Baselga 2010, Legendre 2014).
βsør βsim βsne

Taxonomic Phylogenetic Taxonomic Phylogenetic Taxonomic Phylogenetic

Historical 0.72 ± 0.0 0.56 ± 4.3 0.21 ± 0.0 0.05 ± 0.4 0.50 ± 0.0 0.51 ± 3.9
provinces (up to
Present-day 0.94 ± 6.9 0.74 ± 4987.8 0.52 ± 3.8 0.32 ± 2180.0 0.41 ± 3.0 0.41 ± 2807.7

Phytogeographic 0.81 ± 0.0 0.64 ± 15.0 0.23 ± 0.0 0.06 ± 1.6 0.57 ± 0.0 0.57 ± 13.4
al districts

A detailed examination of the occurrence records indicates that only the present-day provinces of Haut-
Katanga, Kongo Central and Lualaba harbour bees from all seven taxonomics groups described above. The
provinces of Kasaï-Oriental and Kwango are each home to species belonging to two groups within the
Megachilidae, the province of Nord-Ubangi has three groups, while the remaining others (Kasaï, Kinshasa,
Kwilu, Maï-Ndombe, Maniema, Tanganyika, Tshopo, Tshuapa, Ituri, Sankuru, Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Sud-
Kivu, Nord-Kivu, Haut-Lomami, Kasaï-Central, Mongala, and Lomami) have species belonging to either
five or six groups.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Taxonomic and temporal patterns of Megachilidae specimen records

The analysis of the specimen records reveals that the most frequently collected species from DRC and
curated at RMCA (Tervuren, Belgium) include the resin-dauber bee Gronoceras cinctum (Fabricius, 1781)
(n=1,270 specimens), followed (in much lower numbers) by its specific cleptoparasitic bee Euaspis
abdominalis (Fabricius, 1793) (n=394 specimens), and then by several species in the genus Megachile sensu
lato such as M. rufipes (Fabricius, 1781) (n=390 specimens) and Megachile bituberculata Ritsema, 1880
(n=281) (Figure 2). Collectively, the four species mentioned above encompass 2,335 specimens and make
up 36.0% of the dataset. At the other end of the abundance spectrum, we found 26 species that were
represented in the RMCA collections only as type specimens (holotype and paratype).

Figure 3. Top 4 of the Megachilidae species represented by the highest number of specimens in the RMCA collection
(Tervuren, Belgium). A. Gronoceras cinctum (Fabricius, 1781) (female at nest entrance) (n=1,270 specimens); B.
Euaspis abdominalis (Fabricius, 1793) (female on Duranta erecta (Verbanaceae)) (n=394 specimens); C. Megachile
rufipes (Fabricius, 1781) (male on Antigonon leptopus (Polygonaceae)) (n=390 specimens); D. Megachile
bituberculata Ritsema, 1880 (female on Pueraria javanica (Fabaceae)) (n=281). All photographs by NJ Vereecken.

Our specimen accumulation curves show several interesting patterns, such as the fact that 99.1% of the
Megachilidae specimens currently curated at RMCA were collected strictly between 1905 and 1960 (the
year the country gained political and administrative Independence on June 30, 1960), with a peak of
specimen collection during the decade of 1930-40, particularly in 1932 when 1,188 specimens (belonging
to 198 species in 18 genera) were collected by various entomologists (see below). The Gronoceras
specimens are still represented in the collection up to 1978, whereas the last specimens collected in other
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

groups are much older, such as the Lithurgini (last caught in 1955) and the Noteriades species (last caught
in 1946).
Furthermore, the accumulation curves illustrate that the Megachile sensu lato species have been regularly
collected and in higher numbers during the period 1905-1920; the sharp-tailed bees (cleptoparasites in the
genus Coelioxys), the Osmiini species and the Noteriades (three species represented out of 11 or more
known in Africa (Eardley et al. 2010)) have received comparatively less attention during these periods and
are therefore less well represented in the RMCA specimen collection.

Figure 4. Taxonomic and temporal patterns of Megachilidae specimen records in the RMCA collection (Tervuren,
Belgium). A. Rank abundance plot and associated data for the 10 most frequently collected species showing that the
top 8 species make up to 50% of the dataset. The distribution of species along the curve shows a very long “tail”,
implying that many of the species curated are only represented by a low or a very low number of species. For example,
26 species of Megachilidae were represented in the RMCA collections only as type specimens (holotype and paratype);
B. Specimen accumulation curve through time (1905-1978) for the seven groups of species in the family Megachilidae
showing that the best represented groups are the Megachile sensu lato, the Gronoceras, the Lithurgini and the
Anthidiini species (by decreasing order of magnitude). It is noteworthy that the Megachile sensu lato have been
regularly collected and in higher numbers during the period 1905-1920, and that all the above groups have received
more attention during the decade 1930-40 compared to the other groups of Megachilidae.

The entomologists behind the historical Megachilidae specimen records at RMCA

Collectively, we found that the names of about 286 entomologists appeared on collector labels (legit)
associated with Megachilidae specimens in the RMCA collection. Overall, and similar to the situation
observed for the species (Figure 4), we found that some names appeared with a greater frequency than
others. Of these, as shown by our rank abundance plot (Figure 5), ten collectors accounted for nearly 60 %
of the specimens preserved. We found that Mr. Hans Joseph Brédo was the most frequent name, appearing
on the labels of 1,057 specimens; this is almost double the number of specimens attributed to the following
entomologists such as Mr. Anatole Corbisier (ranked second with n=536 specimens) and Mr. Frans
Guillaume Overlaet (ranked third with n=530 specimens).
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

rank abundance proportion accumfreq
H.J. Brédo 1 1057 16.3 16.3

A. Corbisier 2 536 8.3 24.5

F.G. Overlaet 3 530 5.1 29.6
Dr. J. Bequaert 4 288 4.4 34.1
600 J. Ghesquière 5 282 4.3 38.4
Rév. P. Lootens 6 259 4.0 42.4

Ch. Seydel 7 247 3.8 46.2

R.P. Vanderyst 8 219 3.4 49.6
Dr. M. Bequaert 9 215 3.3 52.9

P. Quarré 10 140 2.2 55.0


0 50 100 150 200 250


Figure 5. The entomologists behind the collection of Megachilidae specimen records at RMCA (Tervuren, Belgium).

A professional entomologist by training, Mr. Hans Joseph Brédo (1903-1991) was Belgian and studied
mainly at the University of Louvain in Belgium. He later travelled Africa and DRC in particular as
entomologist for the Belgian government where he worked on locusts, primarily on the environmental
drivers of their swarming behaviour, and their control for crop protection. He contributed several papers
during his time in DRC, La lutte biologique et son importance économique au Congo Belge (Brédo 1934),
and he managed to collect most specimens of bees during his multiple field surveys across the provinces of
DRC, in addition to locusts, other insects and thousands of herbaria on the flora of the 11 sub-Saharan
countries (Harroy 1985).
Anatole Corbisier (Corbisier Baland, Anatole Antoine Pierre-Joseph-Ghislain) (1881-1950) was an
agronomist and arboriculturist hired by the Belgian colony to supervise crops in Elisabethville (now
Lubumbashi), where he transformed this chief town of the Katanga province into a city with beautiful streets
and well laid-out parks. He was also appointed as director to the Botanical Garden of Eala, in the area of
Coquilhatville (now Mbandaka), capital city of the Équateur Province along the Congo river, from 1916
until the end of his career in 1933. In addition to the numerous herbaria of species collected, he also provided
important collections of insects from these regions of the Congo (Staner 1972). The Botanical Garden of
Eala was run in turn by Belgians until Congo's independence and managed by the INERA (Institut National
pour l'Etude et les Recherches Agronomiques) until it became part of the Congolese Institute for Nature
Conservation (ICCN) in 2010.
While very little information is available on the Belgian missionary Frans Guillaume Overlaet (1887-1956),
we found that other catholic missionaries were also actively involved in the collection of Megachilid bees.
Such is the case for Reverend Father Germain Lootens (1910-1976) (n=259 specimens, ranked sixth in
Figure 5) and also for Reverend Father Hyacinth Julien Robert Vanderyst (1860-1934) (n=219 specimens,
ranked eighth in Figure 5), the latter being described as an anthropologist, agronomist, botanist and
naturalist, and who reported more than 3 % of Megachilidae specimens kept at the RMCA. Interestingly,
we owe the earliest specimens of Megachilidae from DRC from as early as in 1905 in DRC to the Reverend
Father Van Eyen and other anonymous entomologists; some of these voucher specimens were then sent to
the French entomologist Joseph Vachal (1838-1911) by Dr. Henri Schouteden (1881-1972) who had been
hired in the Natural Sciences section of the then-new Museum of Belgian Congo in 1910. These specimens
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

described by Vachal (1910) also included series of wild bees collected by the British naturalist and
entomologist Dr. Sheffield Airey Neave (1879-1961) during expeditions to Rhodesia and the Congo Free
State between 1904 and 1913 (e.g., Neave 1907, 1910) where Dr. Neave was working on ticks, sleeping
sickness and insect-borne diseases (Anonymous 1962; Baker & Bayliss 2009; Gilbert 2010). Dr. Neave is
another classic example of an entomologist working on insect pests and disease vectors, similar to Dr.
Joseph Charles Bequaert (1886-1982), a Belgian-born American naturalist who spent seven years (1909-
1916) in DRC, first as entomologist working on the Belgian Sleeping Sickness Commission and other topics
(e.g., Bequaert 1913, see also Pauly 2001). He was later head of botanical explorations in the Congo for the
Belgian Colonial Government (Carpenter 1982). His brother Michel Bequaert also collected specimens in
Elisabethville (now Lubumbashi) and at other localities in the former Katanga province (now Haut-Katanga
Last, it is important to note that only Theodore D. Cockerell (Cockerell 1932; 1933a, 1933b, 1933c, 1935a,
1935b, 1935c, 1938) has both travelled to DRC and described new species based on the collected specimens
belonging to the family Megachilidae. Another important character in the study of DRC Megachilidae was
the late Jean Jules Pasteels (1906-1991), Belgian Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where
he led research on embryology and entomology. Pasteels is also the authority behind the description of
several Megachilidae species curated in the RMCA collection, and a pioneer in the taxonomy and
systematics of sub-Saharan bees and other insects which he studied by examining the rich collections at
RMCA, including material collected during the renowned “Mission G. F. de Witte (1946-1949) -
Exploration of the National Park Upemba”.
The Table 4 below summarises the rate of specific variability of Megachilidae for the major collectors.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Table 4. Diversity indicies of bee collecting by major entomologists. Some entomologists collected a relatively smaller
number of species per specimens than others, reflecting low relative species diversity. For example, Mr. Hans Joseph
Bredo (n = 1,050) collected the greatest number of sepcimens, yet a smaller number of species than did Dr. Joseph
Charles Bequaert (ranked fourth in terms of abundance), deliberately recording the highest species richness on his 288
specimens, so great species diversity.
Collectors Abundance Species richness Simpson Shannon Pielou
H.J. Brédo 1050 72 0.86 2.9 0.67
A. Corbisier 536 28 0.78 2.2 0.66
F.G. Overlaet 330 43 0.88 2.92 0.77
Dr. J. Bequaert 288 77 0.96 3.85 0.88
J. Ghesquière 282 39 0.92 3.02 0.82
Rév. P. Lootens 259 25 0.89 2.56 0.79
Ch. Seydel 247 62 0.96 3.66 0.88
R.P. Vanderyst 219 18 0.85 2.19 0.75
Dr. M. Bequaert 215 70 0.96 3.77 0.88
P. Quarré 140 32 0.84 2.53 0.73

Although having collected the largest number of specimens, Hans Joseph Bredo's collections are mainly
dominated by the species Gronoceras cinctum (Fabricius, 1781), which accounts for 32.4% and secondarily
Euaspis abdominalis (Fabricius, 1793) accounting for 9.5% of his 1,057 specimens, which justifies a poor
distribution of relative specific abundances. Anatole Corbisier shows a lower diversity of collection with
also a dominance of Gronoceras cinctum (Fabricius, 1781) (41%) on the 28 species sampled. In contrast to
the best collector, Joseph Bequaert reported a greater variety of species with evenly distributed abundances,
hence the high species diversity associated with his 288 specimens.
A gallery of portraits of the abovementioned entomologists is shown on Figure 6.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Figure 6. The diversity of entomologists behind the collection of Megachilidae specimen records at RMCA (Tervuren,
Belgium). We list here the inventory number corresponding to each photograph, as well as the names of the
photographers, for the images kindly provided by the RMCA archives department. 1. Mrs. Lebrun and Vrydagh (left)
and Mrs. Corbisier and Staner (right) (AP.0.0.29742; photo by P. Staner 1930); 2. Reverend Father Hyacinthe
Vanderyst in Kisantu (AP.0.0.23368; photo by “Jesuit Order”, 1910-1925); 3. Reverend Father Hyacinthe Vanderyst
(R.P. Vanderyst) in Ipamu (AP.0.2.368; photo by R.P. Delaere, 1922); 4. Frans Guillaume Overlaet (AP.0.0.25895;
photo G. Fr. de Witte, 1931); 5. Maurice Bequaert (HP.1950.7.37, photographer not identified, 1950); 6. Professor
Theodore D. Cockerell and the pygmies chief Kasulo, who lived in the forest near Tshibinda in the Sud-Kivu Province
(photo by Alice Mackie); 7. Gaston-François De Witte (left) and Hans Joseph Brédo (right) (HP.2011.62.20-221; photo
G. Fr. De Witte, 1947); 8. Prince Léopold III of Belgium (left) and Mr Ghesquière (right) in front of the laboratory in
Stanleyville (now Kisangani) (AP.0.0.25895; photo Ghesquière, 1925); 9. Charles Seydel alias "Bwana Bilulu"
(HP.1953.21.8, photo E. Devroey, 1922); 10. Charles Seydel alias "Bwana Bilulu" (HP.2011.62.13-226, photo Gaston-
François De Witte, 1931) ; 11. Charles Seydel alias "Bwana Bilulu" (HP. 2011.62.5-145; photo Gaston-François De
Witte, 1925) ; 12. Sheffield Airey Neave; 13. Hans Joseph Brédo on the right, Director of the International Locust
Laboratory in Abercorn (Northern Rhodesia), welcomes Belgian personalities on an official visit to the Laboratory
(2017.24.30; photo Infocongo, 1952). All rights reserved for photographs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9; photographs 4, 7, 10, 11
and 13 under Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0); photograph 6 after Cockerell (1932) and 12 ©National Portrait
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(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.


Wild bees in the family Megachilidae in DRC

All these collections of Megachilidae from the RMCA were identified by Jean Jules Pasteels and
the species described in his publications. However, this author did not place much importance on
citing these data, which most of the time he mentioned only the country, "all of Africa", or even
one of its parts. Other researchers have repeated Pasteels' work without citing his data in detail. For
example, Liongo li Enkulu (1988) limited himself to producing maps for the ancient Chalicodoma
group. Far from being a personal contribution to the identification of new material, the present
work is simply a publication of the data identified by Pasteels and verified in part by Liongo li
Enkulu, to which are added patterns of diversity by tracking their distribution in the Congolese
space. It supports 6,490 specimens representing 195 species, constituting a valuable natural history
legacy from the colonial era of the DRC and represents the largest dataset on wild bees in the
country. Indeed, only a small number and partial occurrence records of bees from DRC have been
digitized and made available to date. For example, at the time of adding the last edits to this
manuscript, no specimen record of any Megachilidae species from DRC was available on the
iNaturalist platform (https://www.inaturalist.org); only 443 confirmed specimen records associated
with both preserved specimens and coordinates, primarily from institutions and museums in the
USA, were available on GBIF (https://www.gbif.org). Of these, 286 are Megachilidae specimens
(i.e., 64.56%) curated at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH, New York, USA),
unfortunately lacking the collection month and year. Another 104 specimen records of
Megachilidae from DRC (i.e., 23.47%) have been shared on GBIF by curators of the Snow
Entomological Museum Collection (SEMC) at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
(Kansas, USA), 34 specimen records (i.e., 7.67%) by the USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research
Unit of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in Logan (Utah, USA). The only African
institution contributing to this publicly available dataset is the Iziko South African Museum in Cape
Town (South Africa) which has shared the details relevant to 10 specimen records (i.e., 2.25%). A
comprehensive synthesis of the Megachilidae bees of DRC was out of the scope of the present
study, as it would require digitizing all congolese bee specimens curated in other international
depositories among those listed by Coetzer & Eardley (2019). However, the figures presented
above show that because of the historical colonial context of DRC and Belgium, and because
virtually no other field surveys that we are aware of have been published before or ever since the
Independence of DRC in 1960, we reckon that we have presumably covered the vast majority of
all specimen records ever collected for wild bees in the family Megachilidae in DRC through the
present work.
The rich collections from the Equateur Province were obtained through surveys at the Botanical
Garden of Eala, the headquarters that coordinated most biological expeditions until the end of the
DRC's colonial era (e.g., Harroy 1985). To date, the catalogue of Coetzer & Eardley (2019) lists
only 72 species of Megachilidae known from Katanga and 93 reported at the national level in DRC.
In our catalogue, we recorded up to 147 different Megachilidae species from the Katanga Province
alone (Table 1). The Katanga province has arguably been one of the most scientifically explored
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

regions, including in other entomological groups (Vachal 1910, Cockerell 1937), but it shows that
this province in particular is home to a rich fauna of Megachilidae bees. While the catalogue of
Coetzer & Eardley (2019) listed 93 species of Megachilidae reported from the whole of the DRC,
the present study now brings this figure up by another 102 additional species, reaching 195 species
in total for the country. It should be noted here that the existence of another three species (Coelioxys
ateneata Strand, 1920; Coelioxys neavei Vachal, 1910; Coelioxys umbripennis Friese, 1922)
described and supposedly curated at the RMCA according to historical publications (Strand 1921;
Vachal 1910a; Cockerell 1935b), but which were not found there, raises the species richness to 198
species of Megachilidae in DRC.
Different sampling intensities can be observed depending on the administrative/natural unit
considered. The most explored provinces, such as the current Kongo Central, also exhibits
significantly higher levels of Megachilidae species richness. The species sampling rate (Figure 1)
seems to have been driven by the detectability of species (many of which are large and
conspicuous), as well as by the accessibility of phytogeographic areas and the historicity of
localities within provinces (Monsarrat et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2022). Some taxa were associated
with less records, such as the smaller bees of the genus Noteriades or the subgenus Megachile
(Eutricharaea), have been comparatively less frequently sampled by the entomologists during the
colonial period. Likewise, the comparatively less accessibility of the Central Forestry District (VI)
(Figure 1), which is dominated by tropical rainforest and therefore quite difficult to survey, is likely
to explain the lower number of specimens and species of Megachilidae sampled in this region. The
historicity of localities refers to the succession of administrative and scientific activities over time.
For example, the locality of Eala (Province of Equateur) is better represented in terms of abundance
of collections because of the location of the botanical garden originally called Bokoto and then
inaugurated as the Eala Botanical Garden on February 2, 1900, founded by Emile Laurent of the
Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux (Belgium) who was then
employed by what was still the Congo Free State of King Leopold II of Belgium. This botanical
garden was once considered one of the most important tropical gardens of the world, a major
scientific hub for agricultural research on exotic species of plants and trees with economic potential
introduced to Africa, and key headquarters from which many scientists went on expeditions across
DRC during the colonial era (Harroy 1885).
Finally, the spatial scale of sampling (Rahbek 2005; Wang et al. 2022) is important in the
distribution of abundances and species richness of Megachilidae. Among the cells (50 km x 50 km)
within phytogeographic regions, some appear to be more explored than others. This is the case in
the locality of Eala (Mbadaka) which has got almost all the specimens reported from the Equateur
Province, and almost half of the specimens collected in the vast “Central Forestry”
phytogeographical district (VI). Lubumbashi also dominates the abundance of collections in the
Upper Katanga phytogeographical district (X). By contrast, the provinces Haut-Katanga, Lualaba,
and Kongo Central comprise species from all taxonomic groups as described above, and at least
one representative of the 7 taxonomic groups of Megachilidae, thus appear to be more sampled
than the rest. Generally speaking, the neighbouring provinces are compositionally different, except
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

for the two provinces Kwango and Kwilu that exhibit more similar in their Megachilidae fauna and
which are found within the same phytogeographical districts.

Diversity and endemism of wild bees in DRC

Many species described from the Congo are not currently reported from other countries in Sub-
Saharan Africa (Liongo li Enkulu 1988; Eardley & Urban, 2010). The works of Cockerell (1932;
1933a, 1933b, 1933c, 1935a, 1935b, 1935c, 1938), Pasteels (1965, 1966, 1968), as well as those
of Eardley and colleagues (Eardley & Urban, 2010; Eardley & Griswold, 2015; 2016; 2017) have
highlighted the taxonomic originality and the high endemism of the DRC wild bee fauna. However,
we have reservations about the endemism of the DRC, given that it appears relatively more
prospected than other Central African countries (e.g. Gabon, Central African Republic, Republic
of Congo), but also the fact that these specimens were mostly identified by J.J. Pasteels. Within the
bee family Megachilidae, putative DRC endemic species include the cleptoparasitic species
Euaspis rufiventris subsp. uvirensis Cockerell, 1933 and Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) congoensis
Friese, 1922, as well as the Anthidiine Pachyanthidium (Pachyanthidium) katangense Cockerell,
1930 and two Megachile species, namely M. (Eurymella) kimilolana Cockerell, 1931, and M.
(Pseudomegachile) bukamensis Cockerell, 1935. According to Pauly (2015), a series of 13 species
of Megachile sensu lato seem to exhibit a distribution restricted to the Congo Basin and DRC in
particular, with no records outside the country’s present-day administrative boundaries. Of these
putative endemic species, eight belong to Megachile sensu stricto, including seven that are
recorded in our catalogue (Megachile akamiella, M. brochidens, M. maculosella, michaelis, M.
niveicauda and M. paupera) as well as M. pinguicula Pasteels, 1965 (Pasteels, 1965). Another three
species displaying a similar geographic distribution belong to the group of dauber bees, treated by
by Pasteels (1965) as the genus Chalicodoma, namely M. ambigua (Eardley & Urban 2010), M.
biloba and M. biseta. Similarly, we found a potential endemic species from the genus Gronoceras
(Gronoceras chapini) historically designed as Chalicodoma (Gronoceras) chapini Pasteels, 1965,
as well as another species from the subgenus Creightonella, namely Megachile (Creightonella)
alternans Friese, 1922, which was not represented in the RMCA collections. Overall, we support
the suggestions made by previous authors on the potentially high rate of endemism among the
Conglese bees as reflected by the current state of knowledge, but more bee surveys in neighbouring
countries should be conducted to test the extent of this DRC endemism across bee families (Ferreira
de Lima et al. 2020; Santos & Ribeiro 2022; Shipley & McGuire 2022).
At the scale of DRC, habitat specialist bees might also be encountered, including for Megachilidae
species such as M. (Eurymella) kimilolana Cockerell, 1931 that appears to be intimately linked to
the savannah-forest mosaic of the lower (V) and upper Katanga (X) phytogeographical districts.
Unlike the central basin of the Congo, which is covered by dense forests, the former province of
Katanga has a savannah whose fauna would probably be found in neighboring countries such as
Angola, Zambia and Tanzania (Eardley & Urban 2010; Ascher & Pickering 2020). Future studies
should explore ecological affinities of wild bees in DRC, including their (micro-)habitat
preferences, but also their biotic interactions, from host plants to cuckoo-host species pairs, which
remain poorly known and documented to the present day (Kuhlmann, 2009; Gous et al. 2021).
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Contemporary research on wild bees in DRC: where to start?

The production of the present catalogue on the large family Megachilidae from Congo raises
several challenges. Among the most important, it seems to us a priority to consider a contemporary
re-sampling of historically well-explored localities and biodiverse habitats such as the Eala
Botanical Garden near Mbandaka (Province Orientale), as well as the area in and around the
Kisantu Botanical Garden (Kongo Central Province). This research activity is able to facilitate the
state of knowledge of local diversity for possible disappearances or discoveries of new species. In
the same vein, the Garamba and Upemba national parks are of great interest for contemporary bee
exploration. These protected areas, as well as the mountains bordering Lake Tanganyika, are home
to lesser-known savannah fauna that should also be explored. Another priority sampling area would
be the former experimental station of Mulungu-Tshibinda on the SE shore of Lake Kivu in the
eastern highlands, where an Afromontane botanical garden and agricultural research station was
established by the Belgian government authorities during the colonial period. The Mulungu-
Tshibinda station and its surroundings were successfully explored by Professor Theodore D.
Cockerell, who described several endemic species from this locality (Cockerell 1932). Resampling
of taxa can provide insights into possible biodiversity loss or other functional changes (Graham et
al. 2021) in these well-sampled areas of DRC and could help collecting more biological material
and generate DNA barcodes for species known only from their type specimens which are now
already more than 60 years old. The almost inevitable degradation of type specimens would mean
the loss of biological material essential for the development of follow-up taxonomic studies. This
is particularly relevant when considering the various taxonomic challenges. For example, Pasteels
(1965) reported, before his multiple revisions, at least 500 valid species names of Afrotropical
Megachilidae, not counting synonymies. Contemporary taxonomic revisions of the Megachilidae
as well as the other five bee families (Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, Melittidae), of DRC and Sub-
Saharan Africa are much needed to provide the basis for future research on basic and applied
aspects of the ecology and evolution of wild bees and their biotic interactions.
Secondly, research in this area should be directed towards the implementation of regular
monitoring of known and unknown hotspots, both in the remaining pristine tropical forests and in
areas subjected to anthropogenic land use change. Of particular interest should be regions of DRC
that are part of the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot, one of the Earth’s 35 biodiversity
hotspots, the most biologically rich yet threatened areas around the globe where access is reportedly
compromised by the proliferation of armed groups and inter-ethnic conflicts (Dorsouma &
Bouchard 2010; Pourtier 2009). As much as the knowledge of poorly known wild bee species is
compromised by the ravages of war, some of them could disappear altogether with the unstoppable
loss of key components of their Afromontane habitat. We therefore advocate here for a renewed
interest and financial support for scientific research in such regions that are likely among the most
biodiverse tropical hotspots of diversity for wild bees and other pollinators.

Concluding remarks
This study is an important first step to establish a historical baseline on the diversity of wild bees
in the family Megachilidae, and it contributes to the recent wave of museum decolonization efforts
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

through the use of digital technologies to enable democratizing and repatriating important aspects
of DRC’s natural heritage and potential downstream value (Berents et al. 2010; Beaman &
Cellinese 2012; Ströbel et al. 2018; Hedrick et al. 2020; Msila 2021). NHCs contain a diversity of
information beyond their conservation over time (McLean et al. 2016; Thomson et al. 2018). Given
their inaccessibility to many scientists, their digitisation is essential to facilitate understanding of
biodiversity as it evolves in the face of environmental and land use change (Miller & Rogo 2001;
Drew et al. 2017; Hedrick et al. 2020). These efforts lay a solid foundation to stimulate a new wave
of contemporary research to assess the present-day status of wild pollinators in DRC and
neighbouring regions, and to explore the biodiversity-(agro) ecosystem productivity nexus as well
as its impact on human welfare (Potts et al. 2016b; Nayak et al., 2021). Should the national and
provincial authorities of DRC take these advances into account, logistical and financial allocations
for scientific research would provide DRC researchers interested in wild bee diversity and
functions with a significant head start in the Afrotropical region. Far from the vision of a
proliferation of parachute science, whereby Northern scientists engage in Southern issues “out-of-
the-blue” (Raja et al. 2022) the present study also exemplifies a fruitful and sustainable partnership
(Akena 2012; Tobiasz. et al. 2019) among a diversity of co-authors from the North and the South
and between research institutions already engaged through privileged academic partnerships (e.g.,
ULB and UNILU). We hope that this study will inspire other similar initiatives across Africa and
beyond, and that this is also a first step towards a more in-depth study of the major bee groups in
DRC, and the perspectives of gaining more fine-grained insights into the distribution, ecology,
threats and trends of these essential pollinators.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Authors’ contribution
The study was conceptualised by NJV. ATN digitized and analysed the data. NJV and ATN led the writing
of the manuscript, with valuable inputs from AP and AD. All authors have read and approved the latest
version of the manuscript.

We are grateful to the RMCA staff, particularly Didier Van der Spiegel, Stéphane Hanot, Christophe Allard,
Patricia Van Schuylenbergh and Anne Welschen for their availability, valuable advice, as well as for sharing
photographs from the historical archives of insect collectors in DRC. We thank Stéphane De Greef (ULB)
for providing logistic help with the initiation of the specimen records digitization, and Leon Marshall (ULB)
for his help with the data formatting. We thank also Prof. Mylor Ngoy Shutcha (UNILU) for his support
throughout the study. This study was supported by the ARES-CCD grant to ATN in the framework of his
PhD thesis at ULB and UNILU on wild bees and crop pollination in the Katanga Province of DRC.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

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Appendices: State of knowledge on the endemism of bees within the family Megachilidae in
the DRC

Appendix 1. DRC bee endemism by province. The province of Haut-Katanga shows the highest level of endemism

Num. Provinces species Species
Megachile (Creightonella) paracantha (Pasteels, 1965);
Megachile (Eutricharaea) paupera Pasteels, 1965;
Megachile (Megella) exsecta Pasteels, 1965; Megachile
1 Haut-Katanga 7 (Pseudomegachile) cupreohirta Cockerell, 1933;
Megachile (Pseudomegachile) parabukamensis (Pasteels,
1965); Megachile bredoi Cockerell, 1935; Osmia reginae
Cockerell, 1932
Megachile (Callomegachile) ambigua (Pasteels, 1965);
2 Equateur 3 Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) maculosella Pasteels,
1965; Megachile chapini (Cockerell, 1935)
Megachile (Callomegachile) punctolineata Cockerell,
3 Bas-Uele 2 1935; Megachile (Stellenigris) vandeveldii (Meunier,
Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) pinguicula Pasteels,
4 Haut-Uele 1

5 Lualaba 1 Megachile (Eutricharaea) ornithica Cockerell, 1937;

6 Maniema 1 Heriades (Heriades) burgeoni Benoist, 1931

Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) pinguicula Pasteels,
7 Maniema 1
8 Sankuru 1 Megachile (Creightonella) ruda (Pasteels, 1965)
9 Sud-Ubangi 1 Megachile (Creightonella) ruda (Pasteels, 1965)
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Appendix 2. Endemism of DRC bees within the family Megachilidae following Provinces and localities. Some
locations have not been specified since the data source.

Num. Species Provinces Localities

1 Heriades (Heriades) burgeoni Benoist, 1931 Maniema
2 Heriades centralis Benoist, 1931
3 Heriades nitiscens Cockerell, 1931 Nord-Kivu Beni-Kasindi
4 Heriades pachyacanthus Cockerell, 1940
5 Heriades subfrontosus Cockerell, 1939
6 Heriades sulcatiferus Cockerell, 1937
7 Heriades sulcatulus Cockerell, 1931
8 Noteriades chapini (Cockerell, 1933) Kisangani
9 Osmia reginae Cockerell, 1932 Haut-Katanga
Anthidium (Severanthidium) abjunctum (Cockerell,
Pseudoanthidium (Micranthidium) truncatum Albertville
11 Tanganyika
alberti (Cockerell, 1935) (Kalemie)
12 Coelioxys katangensis Cockerell, 1932
13 Megachile (Eurymella) akamiella Pasteels, 1965 Haut-Uele PNG Akam
Megachile (Callomegachile) ambigua (Pasteels,
14 Equateur Eala (Mbandaka)
15 Megachile bredoi Cockerell, 1935 Haut-Katanga Mwelushi
16 Megachile chapini (Cockerell, 1935) Equateur Eala (Mbandaka)
Megachile (Pseudomegachile) cupreohirta Elisabethville
17 Haut-Katanga
Cockerell, 1933 (Lubumbashi)
18 Megachile (Megella) exsecta Pasteels, 1965 Haut-Katanga Sankisia
19 Megachile leucopsis Schletterer, 1891
20 Megachile (Eutricharaea) luteoalba Pasteels, 1973
Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) maculosella
21 Equateur Bokuma
Pasteels, 1965
Megachile (Eutricharaea)) ornithica Cockerell,
22 Lualaba Lualaba River
Panda (Likasi),
23 Megachile (Eutricharaea) panda Cockerell, 1931 Haut-Katanga Elisabethville
Megachile (Pseudomegachile) parabukamensis
24 Haut-Katanga Sankisia
(Pasteels, 1965)
Megachile (Creightonella) paracantha (Pasteels,
25 Haut-Katanga Mwema
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.17.520875; this version posted December 19, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Haut-Uele PNG
26 Megachile (Eutricharaea) paupera Pasteels, 1965 Kibombo,
Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) pinguicula
27 Bas-Uele Bambesa
Pasteels, 1965
Megachile (Callomegachile) punctolineata
28 Bas-Uele Mobwasa
Cockerell, 1935
Sankuru Komi
29 Megachile (Creightonella) ruda (Pasteels, 1965)
Sud-Ubangi Boma-Motenge
Megachile (Stellenigris) vandeveldii(Meunier,
Megachile (Anodonteutricharaea) venusta
31 Maniema ? Malela
malelana Cockerell, 1935

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