FST-3C (ICSE-G-2) Math+Bio (C-10) 02-08-2024 - SOL

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02/08/2024 Code-C

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MM : 40 Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology- Time : 60 Min.


Hints and Solutions


SECTION-I (10 Marks) - (Attempt All Questions)

A1. A. Answer : (4) …[1 Mark]

B. Answer : (2) …[1 Mark]
r(bp−aq) q(ar−cp) p(cq−br)
= = = k
lr qm pn

= k
l r+qm+pn

⇒ bp = aq, ar = cp, cq = br
⇒ = , = , =






a b c
= =
p q r

A2. A. Solution:
7 −8 x 22
(i) [ ][ ] = [ ]
8 −7 y 23

7x − 8y 22
[ ] = [ ]
8x − 7y 23

⇒ 7x – 8y = 22 ...(i) ⇒ 8x – 7y = 23 ...(ii)
Adding and subtracting (i) and (ii), we get 15(x – y) = 45
⇒x–y=3 ...(iii)
…[0.5 Mark]
and x + y = 1 ...(iv)
…[0.5 Mark]
Adding (iii) and (iv), we get
⇒ 2x = 4
…[0.5 Mark]
Substituting it in (iv), we get
⇒ y = 1 – 2 = –1
5 9 x 20
…[0.5 Mark]
(ii) [ ][ ] = [ ]
9 5 y 22

5x + 9y 20
[ ] = [ ]
9x + 5y 22

⇒ 5x + 9y = 20 ...(i)
⇒ 9x + 5y = 22 ...(ii)
Adding and subtracting (i) and (ii), we get 14(x + y) = 42
⇒x+y=3 ...(iii)
…[0.5 Mark]
and 4(x – y) = 2
⇒ x−y =
…[0.5 Mark]
Adding (iii) and (iv), we get
1 7
⇒ 2x = 3 + =
2 2

⇒ x =
…[0.5 Mark]
Substituting it in (iii), we get
7 5
⇒ y = 3− =
4 4
…[0.5 Mark]
Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology-T03C(G2)

B. Solution:
Let, p(x) = x ³ + 2x ² – x – 2
Here, constant term is (–2)
∴ Factors of constant term are +1, –1, +2, –2
…[0.5 Mark]
Now, f(1) = (1) ³ + 2(1)² – 1 – 2
…[0.5 Mark]
∴ (x – 1) is a factor of p(x)
…[0.5 Mark]
Now, we will apply long division, here divisor is x – 1 and dividend is x ³ + 2x ² – x – 2
…[0.5 Mark]

…[1 Mark]
∴ (x ³ + 2x ² – x – 2) = (x – 1) (x ² + 3x + 2)
…[0.5 Mark]
= (x – 1) (x2 + 2x + x + 2)
= (x – 1) [x(x + 2) + 1(x + 2)]
= (x – 1) (x + 2) (x + 1)
Which is the required solution.
…[0.5 Mark]

SECTION-II (10 Marks) - (Attempt Any 1 Question)

A3. A. Solution:
Let the denominator of the fraction be x. So, the fraction will be x−5

...[0.5 Mark]
According to the question,
x−5 1 x−5+3
+ =
x 12 x+3

...[0.5 Mark]

(x−5) 1 x−2
+ =
x 12 x+3


x−2 1
− =
x+3 x 12

...[0.5 Mark]
2 2

⇒ x −2x− x +2x+15


x +3x

⇒ x² + 3x – 180 = 0
...[0.5 Mark]
⇒ x² + 15x – 12x – 180 = 0
⇒ x(x + 15) – 12(x + 15) = 0
⇒ (x + 15)(x – 12) = 0
...[0.5 Mark]
⇒ x = 12 [ ∵ Negative value can’t be taken]
Hence, 7

is the original fraction.
...[0.5 Mark]

Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology-T03C(G2)

B. Solution:
Given a : b = 3 : 4
a 3
⇒ =
b 4

…[0.5 Mark]
a a
2 2 6( ) –7( )+9
6a –7ab+9b b b
∴ =
2 2
2a2 –4ab+5b a a
2( ) –4( )+5
b b

…[1 Mark]
9 21 27 21
6( )– +9 – +9
16 4 8 4
= =
9 9
–3+5 +2
8 8



…[1 Mark]


= 57 : 25
Hence, 57 : 25 is the required ratio.
…[0.5 Mark]

C. Solution:
Let f (x) = ax 3
− 11x
+ bx + 2

Now (3x − 1) and (x − 2) are the factors of f(x), then f (


) = f (2) = 0

[By factor theorem]

…[1 Mark]
f ( ) = f (2) = 0

3 2
1 1 1 1
f ( ) = a( ) − 11( ) +b( )+2 = 0
3 3 3 3

a 11 b
− + +2 = 0
27 9 3

⇒ a + 9b = −21 …(i)
…[1 Mark]
3 2
f (2) = a(2) − 11(2) + b (2) + 2 = 0

⇒ 8a − 44 + 2b + 2 = 0

⇒ 4a + b = 21 …(ii)
…[1 Mark]
On solving equation (i) and (ii), we get
a = 6 and b = −3 .

…[1 Mark]
Hence the values of a and b are 6 and -3 respectively

Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology-T03C(G2)

A4. A. Solution:
A + 3B = 5A + 3I

B =

(5A + 3I − A )
...[0.5 Mark]
−1 0 −1 0
∴ A = [ ][ ]
3 2 3 2

−1 × −1 + 0 × 3 −1 × 0 + 0 × 2
= [ ]
3 × −1 + 2 × 3 3×0+2×2

1 0
= [ ]
3 4

...[0.5 Mark]
−1 0 1 0 1 0
Now, 5A + 3I − A
= 5[ ]+3[ ]−[ ]
3 2 0 1 3 4

−5 + 3 − 1 0
=[ ]
15 − 3 10 + 3 − 4

−3 0
=[ ]
12 9

...[1 Mark]
and B =

(5A + 3I − A )

−3 0
= [ ]
12 9

−1 0
⇒ B = [ ]
4 3

...[1 Mark]

B. Solution:
Given equation is y2(p2 + q2) + 2y(pr + qs) + (r2 + s2) = 0.
Discriminant = D = b2 – 4ac
⇒ D = [2(pr + qs)]2 – 4(p2 + q2)(r2 + s2)
...[1 Mark]
⇒ D = 4(pr + qs)2 – 4(p2r2 + q2r2 + p2s2 + q2s2)
⇒ D = 4(p2r2 + q2s2 + 2pqrs) – 4(p2r2 + q2r2 + p2s2 + q2s2)
⇒ D = 4p2r2 + 4q2s2 + 8pqrs – 4p2r2 – 4q2r2 – 4p2s2 – 4q2s2
...[0.5 Mark]
⇒ D = 8pqrs – 4q2r2 – 4p2s2
⇒ D = –[4q2r2 + 4p2s2 – 8pqrs]
...[0.5 Mark]
⇒ D = –[(2qr)2 + (2ps)2 – 2(2qr)(2ps)]
⇒ D = –(2qr – 2ps)2
...[0.5 Mark]
Given, ps ≠ qr.

Since (2qr – 2ps)2 > 0

⇒ –(2qr – 2ps)2 < 0
...[0.5 Mark]
Hence, the given equation has no real roots.

Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology-T03C(G2)

C. Solution:
Let =a



= k,

…[0.5 Mark]
Then, a = bk, b = ck, c = dk
…[0.5 Mark]
L.H.S of given expression
= (a 2 + b 2 + c 2) (b 2 + c 2 + d 2)
= (b 2k 2 + c 2k 2 + d 2k 2) (b 2 + c 2 + d 2)
…[1 Mark]
= k 2(b 2 + c 2 + d 2)2
and R.H.S = (ab + bc + cd) 2
…[1 Mark]
= (bk · b + ck · c + dk · d) 2
= k 2(b 2 + c 2 + d 2)2
…[1 Mark]
Since, L.H.S = R.H.S
Hence, (a 2 + b 2 + c 2) (b 2 + c 2 + d 2) = (ab + bc + cd) 2


SECTION-III (10 Marks) - (Attempt All Questions)

A5. A. Answer : (1) ...[1 Mark]

B. Answer : (2) ...[1 Mark]

C. Answer : (1) ...[1 Mark]
D. Answer : (4) ...[1 Mark]
E. Answer : (3) ...[1 Mark]
A6. A. Solution:
(i) Glucose
...[1 Mark]
(ii) Plasmolysis
…[1 Mark]

B. Solution:
Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, Cell wall
…[1 Mark]
C. Solution:
(i) Odd term - Chlorophyll
...[0.5 Mark]
Category - External factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis.
...[0.5 Mark]
(ii) Odd term - Palisade parenchyma
...[0.5 Mark]
Category - Coloured pigments.
...[0.5 Mark]

SECTION-IV (10 Marks) - (Attempt Any 2 Questions)

A7. A. Solution:
(i) The above given setup is of Ganong’s potometer.
…[1 Mark]
(ii) Limitations of Ganong’s potometer are:
1. The twig does not remain alive for a long time.
2. It is very difficult to introduce air bubble.
(Any one) ...[1 Mark]

Fortnightly Subjective Test for Class-X-ICSE (2024-25) Maths+Biology-T03C(G2)

B. Solution:
(i) The upward conduction of water in the form of dilute solution of mineral ions from roots to aerial parts of the
plant against the gravitational force is called ascent of sap.
...[1 Mark]
(ii) Following are the important characteristics of diffusion :
(a) The molecules (or ions) diffuse from the region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower
concentration without the use of energy. This continues till an equilibrium is established.
(b) The diffusing molecules move randomly.
(c) The direction of movement of one substance is independent of the movement of another substance.
(d) Diffusion is faster in the gaseous phase than in the liquid and solid.
… (Any one) [1 Mark]
(iii) Osmotic pressure is the "maximum pressure that can be developed in an osmotically active solution when it is
separated from pure water by a semi-permeable membrane". It is also defined as "the pressure needed to prevent
the passage of pure water into an aqueous solution through a semipermeable membrane thereby preventing an
increase in the volume of the solution".
..[1 Mark]

A8. A. Solution:
(i) The process of formation of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) by using ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and
inorganic phosphate is called phosphorylation.
...[1 Mark]
(ii) Principle of limiting factors: Light intensity, carbon dioxide content and temperature are the main factors
affecting rate of photosynthesis. But what happen when one of these is not optimum? These factors are not
independent. Thus, whichever factor is lowest in content in the surrounding actually determines the rate of
photosynthesis. This is called the “principle of limiting factors” given by the scientist Blackman. Thus, it is
necessary that all the conditions must be optimum to achieve maximum rate of photosynthesis.
…[1 Mark]
Sunlight ↑
(iii) 6 CO2 + 12H2 O −−−−−→ C6 H12 O6 + 6O2

⏐ + 6 H2 O
Water Chlorophyll Oxygen ⏐
Carbon Glucose ⏐


...[1 Mark]
B. Solution:
(i) Wind : If wind is not blowing, water vapours accumulate above the transpirating leaves which decreases the
rate of transpiration. The wind removes the accumulated humidity and brings fresh air capable of absorbing water
(slow breeze) and thus, enhancing the rate of transpiration.
...[1 Mark]
(ii) Sir J.C. Bose’s pulsation theory: He experimented on Indian telegraph plant (Desmodium gyrans). He
believed that there was a layer of cells in the stem in a state of active pulsation which caused the rise of water.
...[1 Mark]

A9. A. Solution:
(i) Guard cells (‘X’) are the only epidermal cells that contain chloroplast ('Y').
…[1 Mark]
(ii) Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis.
…[1 Mark]

B. Solution:
(i) Respiration, Combustion, Decay and decomposition, Carbonate rocks and minerals.
(Any two) ...[2 × 0.5 Mark]
(ii) RuBisCo, is the most abundant enzyme of the biological world.
...[1 Mark]
(iii) Hypotonic solution : If the external solution has lower solute concentration than the cell, then it is called a
hypotonic solution.
…[1 Mark]

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