Reviewer in Hydrology
Reviewer in Hydrology
Reviewer in Hydrology
The adaptation of
information technology to hydrology and water
resources applications.
HYDROLOGY 1. In simple term, it is the HYDROMETEOROLOGY 13. The study of the
study of water. transfer of water and energy between land and
HYDROLOGY 2. It is the science which water body surfaces and the lower atmosphere.
deals with terrestrial waters, their occurrence, ISOTOPE HYDROLOGY 14. The study of the
circulation and distribution on our planet. isotopic signatures of water.
HYDROLOGY 3. It includes those segments hydrologic processes that operate at or near the
of the field pertinent to planning, design and Earth’s surface.
operation of engineering projects for the control HYDROLOGIST 16. Who apply
and use water. scientific knowledge and mathematical
METEOROLOGY 4. The study of atmosphere principles to solve water-related problems in
with the special interest in weather and climate society: problems of quantity, quality and
condition. availability.
OCEANOGRAPHY 5. The study of ocean and HYDROLOGIC CYCLE 17. Is the circulation
seas. of water evaporated from the sea and the land
surfaces, its transport through the atmosphere to
GEOLOGY 6. The study of the origin, the land its return to the sea via surface,
history and composition of Earth subsurface and atmospheric routes.
ICE CRYSTALS 48. Also called 'diamond dust', AMOUNT 59._____ is of course important
appear like fog with individual water particles to the overall hydrologic cycle and replenishment
forming directly as ice. A barely visible of the soil water, and the amount is an
crystalline form of ice that has the shape of accumulation or product of the intensity times
needles, columns or plates. the duration.
OBSCURATION 49. Any phenomena in the INTENSITY 60. The _____of rainfall is a
atmosphere, other than precipitation, that measure of the amount of rain that falls over time.
reduces the horizontal visibility. The most
DURATION 61. The _____ refers to the
common is fog.
length of time rainfall occurs.
MIST 50. Visible minute water particles
suspended in the atmosphere that reduce
visibility to fewer than 7 miles (11 km) but more RETURN PERIOD 62. The ______or more
than or equal to 5/8thmile (1 km). specifically, the_______refers to how often
rainfall occurs at a particular amount or intensity
MIST 51. When the difference between
and duration.
the air temperature and dewpoint is 3°F (1.7°C)
or less then the obscuration is usually called- DEPTH 63. amount of rainfall at
______. specific period and location
Step2: Draw a line between gauges that will be 11. Assessing contaminant transport risk and
separated by isohyets. establishing environmental policy guidelines.
Step5: Redraw the construction onto graph paper Conditions for precipitation to form
with the isohyetal lines. Then count the boxes
1. Cooling of the atmosphere
between each of the isohyetal lines.
2. Condensation onto nuclei
Step6: Find the actual watershed area between
each isohyet. These areas will be lettered starting 3. Growth of the water/ice droplets.
with A at the top and moving alphabetically
4. The products of condensation must reach the
toward the bottom of the construction.
Step7: Multiply the areas found in Step 6 by the
Obscuration include;
average precipitation in the area.
1. Mist
Step8: Divide the sum of the values found in Step
7 by the total area of the watershed to get the 2. Haze
average rainfall in the area.
3. Fog
4. Sand
5. Dust
1. Designing riparian restoration projects
6. Smoke
2. Mitigating and predicting flood, landslide and
drought risk 7. Volcanic ash
3. Isohyetal Method.
𝑃̅ = mean precipitation
b = 2 is commonly used.
As in inverse distance method the weighting is strictly based on distance, hence this method is not
satisfactory for hilly regions.