Lecture Notes - Differential Calculus

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BEERS Review Notes Review Notes MATH Differential Calculus 1 & 2

LIMIT OF A FUNCTION Note: If the resulting limit of the above mentioned Theorems on Continuity:
 Limit of a Root of a Function rules still takes the same indeterminate form,
The LIMIT OF A FUNCTION is the value a then extend the evaluation to the next order  “The polynomial function f(x) is continuous
derivative. This rule of repeated differentiation for all values of x.”
function approaches as the variable lim n f(x) = n lim f(x)
approaches a value. x →a x →a is applicable until the limit is no longer  “ The rational function f(x)/g(x) is continuous

n indeterminate. everywhere EXCEPT for values of x which
provided M is real number make the denominator g(x) equal to zero.
lim f(x) = L
x →a  f(x)   f "(x)  
lim   = lim   DERIVATIVES
x →a  g(x)  x →a  g"(x) 

Limits involving algebraic operations are often  f "'(x)  Given a continuous function y = f(x) , the
performed by replacing subexpressions by their
If the expression obtained after substituting the = lim   ... and so on
limit to a given function does not give enough x →a  g"'(x)  derivative of y or f(x) is defined as the
limits. The resulting definite value is the limit of the
function desired. The function is said to be increasing information to determine the original limit, it is (instantaneous) rate of change of y with respect
or decreasing without limit if the resulting value is known as an indeterminate form. LIMIT OF SOME SPECIAL FUNCTIONS: to the independent variable x, expressed
positive infinity or negative infinity, respectively. mathematically as:
The indeterminate forms include:
 sin x   sin x 
THEOREMS ON LIMITS 1 lim  =1 2 lim  =0
x →0  x  x →  x  dy f(x + x) − f(x)
f '(x) = = lim
1. 0 0
2.  0
3.1 
0  cos x   1 − cos x  dx x →0 x
 Limit of a constant 3 lim  =0 4 lim  =0
0 x →  x  x →0  x 
  tan x  1 Graphically, the (instantaneous) rate of change
5.  −  6.0   7. 5 lim  =1 6 lim (1 + x ) x = e
x 
The limit of a constant is itself.
 x →0  x →0 of a function is the slope of the tangent line at a
x point on a graph of that function. Therefore, we
 lim k = k  1
 ex − 1
7 lim  1 +  = e 8 lim   = 1 can also say that differential calculus is about
 x  finding the slope of a tangent to the graph of a
FORMS  ax − 1  x n − an  function, or equivalently, differential calculus is
 Limit of a constant and a function 9 lim   = loge a 10 lim   = na
n −1
x →0 
 x  x →a
 x −a  about finding the rate of change of one quantity
THE L’HOSPITALS’ RULE: u with respect to another quantity.
lim u =  12 lim =  , k  0
lim k  f(x) = k  lim f(x)
 Generally, the L’Hospitals Rule works only for u → u → k
x →a  x →a 
the limit of a quotient that takes the k k
13 lim =  ,k  0 14 lim = 0 ,k  0
indeterminate form 0/0 or  /  u →0 u u → u
 Sum or Difference of Two or More
Functions Rule 1: (Form 0/0) CONTINUITY
The function f(x) is said to be
 lim  f(x)  g(x) = lim f(x)  lim g(x)  f(x) 
 lim f(x) → 0  continuous at the point x=a if the following (3)
x →a x →a x →a If lim   x →a 
 with 
x →a  g(x)  lim g(x) → 0  conditions are satisfied:
 x →a 
 Limit of the Product of Two Functions ✓ f(a) is defined
 f(x)  f '(x)
Then: lim   = lim ✓ lim f(x) exists
( )( )
x →a  g(x)  x →a g'(x) x →a A. Rolle’s Theorem
 lim  f(x) g(x) = lim f(x) lim g(x)
x →a x →a x →a ✓ lim f(x) = f(a)
x →a
Rule 2: (Form / ) If f(x) is continuous over a closed interval a,b
 Limit of the Quotient OF Two  lim f(x) →  
 f(x)   x →a  and differentiable on the open interval (a,b),
If lim   with  lim g(x) →  
Functions x →a  g(x)  and if f(a)=f(b)=0, then there is at least one
 x →a 
number c in (a,b) such that f’(c)=0
0 1 2
 f(x)  xlim
f(x)  f(x)  f '(x)
 lim  =
Then: lim   = lim
x →a  g(x)  x →a g'(x)
x →a  g(x)  lim g(x)
x →a
BEERS Review Notes Review Notes MATH Differential Calculus 1 & 2

B. Mean Value Theorem E. Inverse Trigonometric Functions MAXIMA AND MINIMA TIME RATES
d 1 du
1. sin−1 u =
If f(x) is continuous on the closed interval [a,b] dx Critical Points Steps in Solving Problems Involving Time-
and differentiable on the open interval (a,b), 1 − u dx

y rates
then there is a number c in (a,b) such that :
d −1 du Maximum Point 1. Draw a diagram if necessary. Label constants
f(b) − f(a) 2. cos−1 u =
f '(c) = dx 1 − u2 dx with their numerical value.
b−a Point of inflection 2. Determine which rates are given and which
x rate you need to find.
tan−1 u =
1 du 3. Find an equation relating the variables
C. Derivatives Algebraic Functions dx (1 + u2 ) dx defined in step 1.
Minimum Point 4. Differentiate the equation in step 3
d d 5. Substitute all the given information into the
1. ( c ) = 0 2. ( x ) = 1 d −1 du ① At max imum po int : result of step 4 and find the unknown rate.
dx dx 4. cot −1 u =
dx (1 + u2 ) dx f '(x) = 0
Sample Problem
f "(x) = − (concave downward)
( )
u n = nu n −1
4. ( u  v ) =
du dv

dx dx 5.
sec −1 u =
1 du
Differential Calculus 1
dx u (u − 1) dx
2 ② At minimum po int :
x + Sin2x
du dv d 1 du f '(x) = 0 1. Evaluate lim
v −u 6. csc −1 u = x®0 x - Sin2x
d dv du d u  f "(x) = + (concave upward)
5. (uv ) = u + v 6.   = dx dx dx u (u − 1) dx
2 A. 1 C. -3 *
dx dx dx dx  v  v2 B. 2. D. 3
F. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions ③ At the po int of inf lection :
D. Trigonometric Functions 3x 3 − 4x + 2
y" = 0 2. Find lim
loga e du Note:
x → 7x 3 + 5
d du 1. loga u = → a  0,1 A. infinity C. 3/7
1. sinu = cosu dx u dx The point of inflection is the point on
dx dx B. 2/7 D. 3/5
the curve wherein the curve changes its
d d 1 du sense of concavity, that is, from 3. Solve for the limit of as x
cosu = − sinu
du 2. lnu = loga u = concave downward to concave upward
e − x2
dx dx u dx approaches + infinity
dx dx
or vice versa.
A. 0 C. 1/3
G. Derivatives of Exponential Functions B. infinite D. can’t solved
d du How to Solve Worded Problems in Maxima and
3. tanu = sec 2 u

( )
dx dx d u du Minima z 2 + z − 1 − 3i
1. a = au ln a 4. Evaluate the zlim
dx dx →(1+i) z 2 − 2z + 2
d du Steps in Solving Worded Problems in Maxima
4. cot u = − csc 2 u and Minima: A. 1+j1.5* C. 1.5-j
dx dx d u du B. 1+-1.5 D. 1.+j
2. e = eu
dx dx 1. Draw a diagram if necessary.
2. Write an equation representing the quantity 5. Find the horizontal asymptotes of the
d du
5. sec u = sec u tanu to be maximized or minimized. This quantity graph of the function defined
dx dx x
will typically be represented in terms of two or f (x) =
more variables. x +1
d du 3. Use any relationships between the variables
6. csc u = − csc u cot u A. y = 1 * C. y = 2
dx dx to express the equation obtained in step 2 into
a function of single variable. B. y = 2 D. y = 0.5
4. Differentiate and equate the function to zero.
BEERS Review Notes Review Notes MATH Differential Calculus 1 & 2

6. Find the derivative of y=xx (A) (1/2, ½) (C) (1,-1,4) 22. Find the minimum distance from the curve 29. In the figure above, PQ represents a 40-
A. e ( x + ln x)
x (B) (1/2, 1/8)) (D) (1,1/2) (E) (2,2) y=2(sqrt2x) to the point (6,0). foot ladder with end P against a vertical
A. 3.46 C. 5.66 wall and end Q onlevel ground. If the ladder
x x (1 + ln x) * 16. If the slope of the curve y=𝑎𝑥/(𝑏 − 𝑥) at the B. 6.67 D. 4.86 is slipping down the wall, what is the
point (1,1) is 2, then the values of a and b distance RQ at the instant when Qis
C. x x (1 + x ln x) are 23. Find the approximate radius of curvature of moving along the ground ¾ as fast as P is
A.1, -2 C.-1,2 the function y = 9 x 2 − 5 x − 10 at the point (- moving down the wall?
D. xe (1 + ln x)
B.1,2* D.1,1 3,86.0)
A. 6086.35 C. 13327.9
7. Find the second derivative of y = x + ( x 17. Find the slope of the line whose parametric B. 11414.9 * D. 39040.3
exponent – 2 )? equation is y = 5 – 3t and x = 2 + t.
a. 1 – 6(x exponent – 4) A.3 C.2 24. The three sides of a trapezoid are 10 m
c. 6 ( x exponent 4) B.-3* D.-2 long. How long must the fourth side be to
b. 1 – 2(x exponent – 3)
make the area maximum?
d. 6 ( x exponent – 4) * 18. If c is the number that satisfies the A. 15 C. 25
conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem for B. 20 D. 18
8. Find the first derivative of y = arcsinh(x/2). f (x) = x^3 - 2x^2 on the interval 0  x  2, (A)
6 10
A. 1/square root (4+x2) then c = 2 5 7
25. A poster is to contain 300 cm of printed
B. 1/square root (4-x2) (A) 0 (C) 1 matter with margins of 10 cm at the top and 8 10
C. 1/2square root (4+x2) (B) ½ (D) 4/3 (E) 2 (B) (D) 24 (E) 32
bottom and 5 cm at each side. Find the 5
D. 1/square root (2+4x2)
overall dimensions, if thetotal area of the
Sample Problem poster is minimum
9. If y = ln (x^2.e^x) , find the second 30. Water is flowing into a conical reservoir 29
Differential Calculus 2 A. 27.76 m2, 47.8 cm ft deep and 14 feet across the top, at a rate
derivative of y with respect to x.
B. 20.45 cm, 35.6 cm* of 2 cubic feet per minute. Find how fast is
19. At x=0, which of the following is true of the C. 22.24 cm, 44.5 cm the water rising when it is 25 feet deep?
10. If x2+ y2 = a2 , find the 2nd derivative of y.
function f defined by f ( x ) = x 2 + e −2 x ? D. 25.55 cm, 46.7 cm A. 0.00512 ft/min C. 0.01748 ft/min*
A. – a2 / (y3) * C.ax/y4
B. – axy 2
D. a(xy)^ -2 B. 0.02303 ft/min D. 0.00844 ft/min
(A) f is increasing. 26. A rectangular box open at the top is to be
(B) f is decreasing. formed from a rectangular piece of
11. Given 3x = y^3 + 3y , find dy/dx. 31. A sponge is in the shape of a right circular
(C) f is discontinuous. cardboard 3 inches by 8 inches. What size cone. As it soaks up water, it grows in size.
(D) f has a relative minimum. square should be cut from each corner to
12. If f(x,y) = 2x^2 – xy, find fx (2,3) ? At a certain moment, the height equals 6
(E) f has a relative maximum. form the box with maximum volume?
a. 2 c. 4 inches, and is increasing at the rate of 0.3
A. 3in. C. 2/3 in inches per second. At that same moment,
b. 3 d. 5 20. Find the absolute maximum and minimum B. 1.5 in. D. 2 in. the radius is 4 inches, and is increasing at
value of the function the rate of 0.2 inches per second. How
13. Find the total derivative of the function  1 
f(x,y,z) = 3x^2y^4z f ( x ) = x 3 − 3x 2 + 1 for  − ,4  . 27. At 12:00 noon ship B is 100 miles east of much is the volume changing at that time?
 2  ship A. If ship B sails west at 10 mi/h and A. 24pi/5 C. 34pi/7
Ans. Max = 17 Min = -3 ship A sails south at 20 mi/h, find the B. 16pi/6 D. 13pi/2
14. If  ( x, y ) = x3 y + e xy , find yx distance between the two ships when they
2 2
are closest to each other? 32. A boatman is at A which is 4.5 km from the
A. 3x − 2ye xy − 2xy 3e xy 21. Given the function y = x3-5x2-8x+3. A. 84.99 miles C.89.49 miles nearest point B on a straight shore BM. He
2 Determine the following: B. 89.44 miles* D.84.94 miles wishes to reach in minimum time at point C
B. 3x 2 + 2xye xy + 2xy 2e xy a. maximum point situated on the shore 9 km from B. How far
2 2 b. minimum point 28. Determine the diameter of a closed from C should he land if he can row at the
C. 3x 2 + 2ye xy + 2xy3e xy * c. point of inflection rate of 6 kph and can walk at the rate of 7.5
cylindrical tank having a volume of 11.3 cu
2 kph.
D. 3x 2 + 2xye xy − 2x 2 y 2e xy m. to obtain minimum surface area.
A.(-0.67,5.81),(4,-45),(1.67,-19.65) A. 1.22 C. 2.44 * A. 4.15 km C. 3.25 km
15. At what point on the graph of y = (1/2)x^2 B. (0.67,5.81),(-4,45),(-1.67,19.65) B. 3.0 km * D. 4.0 km
is the tangent line parallel to the line 2x - 4y B. 1.64 D. 2.68
C.(-0.78,6.74), (4,45),(1.67,19.65)
= 3? D. (5.81,0.67), (45,-4),(1.67,-19.65)
BEERS Review Notes Review Notes MATH Differential Calculus 1 & 2

33. Car A is 70 km west of Car B and is sailing

south at the rate of 25 km/h. Car B is sailing
north at the rate of 45 km/h. How fast is the
distance between the two ships changing 2
hours later?
A. 26.2 km/h C. 66.2 km/h
B. 26.6 km/h D. 62.6 km/h

34. A spherical balloon inflated with r = 3(cube

root of t) as t is greater than zero and t is
less than equal or equal to 10. Find the rate
of change of volume in cubic cm at t = 8.
A. 37.70 C. 113.10*
B. 150.80 D. 75.40

35. A stone is thrown into still water and

causes concentric circular ripples. The
radius of the ripples increases at the rate of
12 in/s. At what rate does the area of the
ripple increases in sq. in/s when its radius
is 3 inches?
A. 402.55 C. 275.60
B. 226.19* D. 390.50

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