IMS-PRO-02 Hazard and Risk Assessment & Aspect Impact

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Rev: 00
Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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Amendment History:

Issue / Rev No Subject of the Amendment Reviewed by & Signature Approved by Signature Date

1. Purpose.........................................................................................................................................................................2
2. Scope of application......................................................................................................................................................2
3. Definitions..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Cross Reference.............................................................................................................................................................2
5. Responsibility for application........................................................................................................................................2
6. Process..........................................................................................................................................................................2
7. Records.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Attachments..................................................................................................................................................................6
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Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the general planning activities to identify occupational Health,
Safety & Environmental aspects / hazard and perform a risk resulting from the activities, products and

2. Scope of application
This procedure encompasses all activities, products and services including the activities of suppliers and
contractors operating at site, which are under the control of the organization.

3. Definitions
Aspects: An aspect is an element of an Organization’s activities, products or services which interact with
occupational health, safety and environmental performance (i.e. shall have a potential effect on environment
and have a significant occupational health & safety risk).
Hazard: An object, physical effect or condition with potential to harm people, property or the environment or
affect on the company reputation.
Risk: The product of the chance that a specified undesired event will occur and the severity of the
consequences of the event

4. Cross Reference
Integrated Management Systems Manual QHSE
Compliance with Legislation

5. Responsibility for application

The MR, Top Management, Department Managers and Supervisors of each relevant Department are
responsible to implement this procedure, identify & evaluate HSE aspects/hazard and assess risk associated
with all types of activities within the Organizations control.

6. Process
6.1 Identification of HSE Aspects/Hazard and Impacts
All Departments, where occupational health, safety & environment management system relevant activities are
carried out, will identify environmental aspects and OH&SAS hazard for each of their concern process or
activity as part of initial review. All inputs and out puts from the process within the system will be identified
and incorporated in the HSE aspects/hazard and risk evaluation form.
Each aspect/hazard will be examined to determine how it interacts with the IMS System and such interactions,
whether beneficial or adverse, are listed as impacts. Based on each activity, associated risk will be assessed
and listed as per the stipulated criteria within this procedure.
The identification process includes situation arising out of start-up, shutdown and abnormal operation and will
be carried out in case of new materials or equipment when put to use. This will be reviewed at the end of
every year by respective sections and changes will be made, if necessary.
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Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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Methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment shall be done taking into account the following
Routine (regular Activities), non-routine activities (Shutdown & breakdown programs) and natural
Activities of all persons having access to the workplace (including sub contractors, visitors and other
interested parties).
Human behavior, capabilities and other human factors.
Identified hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health and
safety of persons under the control of the workplace.
Hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related activities under the control of the
Infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether provided by organization or others
(consultants, clients).
Changes or proposed changes in organization, its activities, or materials.
Modifications to the OH&S management system, including temporary changes, and their impacts on
operations, processes, and activities.
Any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of necessary controls
The design of work areas, processes, installations, machinery/equipment, operating procedures and
work of the organization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.
Be defined with respect to its scope, nature and timing to ensure it is proactive rather than reactive.
Provide for the identification, prioritization and documentation of risks, and the application of controls,
as appropriate.
For the management of change, the organization shall identify the OH&S hazards and OH&S risks
associated with changes in the organization, the OH&S management system, or its activities, prior to
the introduction of such changes.
6.2 Analysis of Aspects/Hazards

Each aspect identified in the aspects/hazard’s evaluation process will be subjected to further analysis and
consideration to find out whether it is:
Statutory & Regulatory requirements
identified in the QHSE policy of the company
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Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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of concern to the local community or any other interested party

Hazardous to health, or property of the company or other parties.
Under unsafe practices and potential for accident / incident etc.
6.3 Assigning Significance to HSE Aspects and Risk Assessment
After analyzing all identified HSE aspects, each relevant Department shall determine whether such aspects are
significant. While assigning any HSE aspect as significant, consideration shall be given to below stipulated
criteria such as:
Whether the aspects are identified in the policy
Whether aspect is governed by legal and other requirements
Whether the aspect is of concern to local community or interested parties
Whether aspect likely to be hazardous to health, property or environment.
Any HSE aspect, which is not subjected to the above criteria, shall not be considered in assigning for significant
HSE aspect.
HSE aspects that are within the above stipulated criteria shall be subjected to further review before assigning
significance. The following points are considered in the review:
Whether it is under the control of the company
Nature & scale of impact on human health as well as to the environment
Frequency of occurrence
Environmental aspects thus identified shall be classified as a significant aspect, if it is identified in the policy
and that it is governed by the legal requirements with consideration of following criteria:
If aspect has high frequency of occurrence and/or,
If aspects have high adverse environmental impact.
For each identified OH&SAS Hazard, a risk assessment shall be performed covering base risk (i.e. inherent risk
associated with identified hazards ignoring existing controls) and residual risk (i.e. level of risk whilst the
activity or situation under the control of the Organization). While analyzing the risk Consideration is given to
the following criteria:
Scale of its effects/impacts on human health & safety and property of the company
Potential severity & potential effects of any possible accident/incident and likelihood of its occurrence
Past accident / incident report and criticality & nature of the identified hazard
Each relevant Department is responsible to classify the risk (base & residual) associated with the activities
performed in their respective department based on the “Risk Classification Matrix”. Risk classification shall be
based on the following formula:
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Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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Risk / Significance Assessment Matrix

Probability/Severity of No Injury Minor Injury Moderate Injury Major Injury Catastrophic

occurrence 1 2 3 4 5
Almost Certain

Applicable definitions:
Hazard: Hazard is something with the potential to cause harm
Risk: Risk is the product of the hazard and likelihood.
Risk Rating (RR) = Probability Rating (PR) X Severity Rating (SR)
Organization shall control all identified non-tolerable risks by establishing suitable control measures in place,
whereas tolerable risk is subjected to be avoided or minimized by protective & precautionary measures, First
Aid treatment, appropriate signage or notices or suitable training etc. as applicable.
For each classified base risk, Organization has determined the appropriate control measures depending upon
company’s capabilities to avoid or minimize identified hazards/impacts. For each classified residual risk shall
determine further improvement on existing control measures, where appropriate.
6.4 Significant Aspects/Hazards
Management Representative(s) and respective department heads will review the fill-up form After reviewing
these documents prepared from all departments/teams, Management Representative(s) will prepare a list of
significant aspects and hazards (high risk associated), considering only the aspects/hazards appropriate to the
nature and scale of impact on activities/ products of the Company. Not all aspects/hazards classified as
significant or with high risk in the evaluation process may appear in this list.
The significant aspects/hazards thus listed out will be reviewed by Manager along with the Management
Representative and forwarded to the Top Management for approval. Record of such review and approved
significant HSE aspects / hazards will be maintained by Management Representative. Such significant HSE
aspects/hazards are considered during setting objectives & targets for continual improvement on the HSE
Management System performance.
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Aspects Impacts / Hazards and Risk Assessment Issue Date: 21.09.2020
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7. Records
Evidence of HSE aspect/hazard identification & evaluation and risk assessment result within the IMS
management system of the organization Shall be the record for this procedure.

8. Attachments
Aspect Impact Register
Risk Register

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