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Course Title: Programming Paradigms

Course Code: 425CCS-2

Program: Bachelor in Computer Science

Department: Computer Science

College: Computer Science

Institution: King Khalid University

Version: 3.0

Last Revision Date: Pick Revision Date.

Table of Contents
A. General information about the course: ................................................................ 3
B. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs), Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods .................................................................................................................... 4
C. Course Content ...................................................................................................... 5
D. Students Assessment Activities ............................................................................ 6
E. Learning Resources and Facilities .......................................................................... 6
F. Assessment of Course Quality ............................................................................... 7
G. Specification Approval .......................................................................................... 7

A. General information about the course:

1. Course Identification
1. Credit hours: ( 2 )

2. Course type
A. ☐ University ☐ College ☒ Department ☐ Track ☐ Others
B. ☒ Required ☐ Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: ( Level 7 / IV Year)
4. Course general Description:
This course covers the modern-day concepts of conceptualizing and writing
programs, which students will encounter in many computer science courses.

5. Pre-requirements for this course (if any):

324CCS-3 Programming with Python

6. Co-requisites for this course (if any):


7. Course Main Objective(s):

This course aims at :
• Increased ability to express ideas
• Improved background for choosing appropriate languages
• Increased ability to learn new languages
• Better understanding of significance of implementation
• Better use of languages that are already known
2. Teaching mode (mark all that apply)
No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage
1 Traditional classroom 30 100
2 E-learning
3 ● Traditional classroom
● E-learning
4 Distance learning

3. Contact Hours (based on the academic semester)
No Activity Contact Hours
1. Lectures 30
2. Laboratory/Studio

3. Field

4. Tutorial

5. Others (specify)

Total 30

B. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs), Teaching Strategies and Assessment


Course Learning Code of PLOs aligned Teaching Assessment

Outcomes with program Strategies Methods
1.0 Knowledge and understanding
Understand the
importance and
Exam, quizzes,
1.1 evaluation criteria of Lecture
and assignment
various programming K2 (2.1)
Identify the suitable
languages and Exam, quizzes,
1.2 Lecture
describe their K2 (2.2) and assignment
features for the given
Explain the various
typical and structural Exam, quizzes,
1.3 lecture
data types of their K2(2.6) and assignment
2.0 Skills
Apply BNF, EBNF and S1(1.7) Lecture Exam, quizzes,
Parse Tree for some and assignment
language statements
to solve specific

Course Learning Code of PLOs aligned Teaching Assessment
Outcomes with program Strategies Methods
Analyze different S2 Lecture Exam, quizzes
programing and
languages based on assignment,
2.2 designing issues, and Technical
scope, variables, and Presentation
bindings to identify
Communicate S4 Technical Assignments,
effectively the most Presentation and Technical
important features, discussion Presentation
benefits, and impact and discussion
of latest and
3.0 Values, autonomy, and responsibility

C. Course Content
No List of Topics Contact Hours
Overview of Programming Languages, domains, language evaluation
1. 2
criteria and Introduction to compilation methods.
2. Describing Syntax. 1
3. BNF and Context-Free Grammars. 3
4. Parse Trees, Ambiguity, unambiguity, and Extended BNF. 3
5. Static and dynamic binding. 2
6. Static and dynamic scope. 2
7. Life time. 1
8. Primitive data type and ordinal types. 2
9. Arrays. 2
10. Record, unions and pointers. 2
11. Design Issues for Object-Oriented Languages. 2
12. Support of object-oriented programming in c++ and java. 2
13. Exception Handling in various programming languages. 2
14. Seminars and Discussion 4

Total 30

D. Students Assessment Activities

Percentage of Total
No Assessment Activities * timing
Assessment Score
(in week no)
2 Mid Term Exams (15 marks for each) As per dept 30 % (15%+15%)
2. 3 Quiz (Written test) 4, 9, 13 10 %
3. 2 Assignments 4, 8 10 %
4. Technical presentation +Discussion 14-15 10 %
5. Final Exam (Written test) 16-17 40 %
*Assessment Activities (i.e., Written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.).

E. Learning Resources and Facilities

1. References and Learning Resources

Sebesta R. (2022) “Concepts of Programming Languages” 12th
Essential References
Students can update their knowledge by visiting different websites
Supportive References
related on computer-based programming and tools.
Electronic Materials Search through Google for related topics.
Other Learning Materials Websites digital libraries

2. Required Facilities and equipment

Items Resources
facilities Class room
(Classrooms, laboratories, exhibition rooms, Computer lab
simulation rooms, etc.)
Technology equipment Data show
(projector, smart board, software)
Other equipment
(depending on the nature of the specialty)

F. Assessment of Course Quality

Assessment Areas/Issues Assessor Assessment Methods
Effectiveness of teaching Students Indirect
Effectiveness of Students Indirect
Students assessment

Assessment Areas/Issues Assessor Assessment Methods
Quality of learning resources Faculty Direct
The extent to which CLOs have Reviewer / Qiyas unit Direct
been achieved
Assessors (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

G. Specification Approval

DATE 26-Oct-2023

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