MyGov 10th September 2024 & Agenda Kenya

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Historic day for Investors introduce State to prioritize

Igembe North as eco-friendly cookers agricultural
30,000 title deeds to market to mitigate reforms and debt
are distributed climate effects payments in
revised budget

September 10, 2024

Issue No. 11/2024-2025

Page 26

State rallies agencies to create

own revenue amid budget cuts
Co-operatives CS says BY NELLY KOSGEY (PCO)
5b Speaking during a famil-

iarization tour at the New
reduction in funding he Government has in- Amount of money the state has Kenya Planters Co-opera-
and budget cuts in the itiated robust strate-
gies in ongoing reforms
extended to farmers from the
Cherry Advance Revolving Fund
tive Union (New KPCU) of-
fices and the Dandora Milling
2024/2025 financial aimed at enabling state Plant, Oparanya noted that the
agencies and corporations to budget cuts experienced in the agency, which manages the
year is a wake-up call generate their own revenue and 2024/2025 financial year is a country’s premier coffee pro-
for all government support expansion programs. wake-up call for all government duction, has strategic assets
Co-operatives and MSMEs institutions to develop self-sus- valued at billions of shillings
institutions to be self- Development Cabinet Secre- taining strategies that leverage and is capable of sustaining its
sustaining financially tary Wycliffe Oparanya said
the reduction in funding and
internal assets to generate more
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Co-operative and MSMEs
CS Wycliffe Oparanya

State launches Presidential Directive The Week Sh16.3b

Management Information System In numbers Amount of money

the national
government has
allocated in the
BY SHARON ATIENO(KNA) Sh13.7m Financial Year

he Government is 2024/2025 as
Value of contract
leveraging technol- investment in
the National
ogy to improve ef- the digital super
Water Harvesting
ficiency, transparency, highway
and Storage Au-
trust, accountability, and thority (NWHSA)
openness in the public sign with Bomet
sector. County
To achieve this, it has 30,000
launched the Presiden- Title deeds issued
tial Directives Manage- 71
to residents of
ment Information System Number of Kenya Igembe North by
(PDMIS) and the Foreign Tea Development the Ministry of
Travel Management In- Agency factories Lands Cabinet
formation System (FoT- participating in Secretary Ms
MIS) to track and report this year’s Tea Alice Wahome.
on presidential directives, Class Competi-
ensuring their proactive tion
Deputy President Ri-
gathi Gachagua (Pictured) 250,000 197,000
described technology as Number of per-
a strategic driver in im- sons in the Lower
housing units the
plementing government Kuja Irrigation
government is
austerity measures and Scheme in Migori
targeting to con-
enhancing service deliv- county who will
struct annually
ery through the digitaliza- benefit indirectly
to address urban
tion and automation of all after the com-
and rural housing
critical government pro- pletion of Phase I
cesses, making services and II of an irriga-
available online. tion project.
Speaking at the launch



State launches Presidential Directive

Management Information System
State rallies its agencies to
that allow citizens to shift bridge accordingly.
generate own revenue
in Nairobi, Gacha- their mind-sets of think- Gachagua noted that
gua noted that the BETA ing globally, which must the world is inevitably
plan was inspired by the be done sustainably to changing, therefore, dig- in place.
Kenyan Vision 2030 eco- avoid abuse,” he said. ital transformation puts “We want to be realis-
nomic blueprint, which Additionally, the DP technology at a core of tic in how we operate and
highlights the role of ICT observed that the com- strategy which translates manage government re-
in enhancing knowledge missioning of FoTMIS is to better processes, in- sources. We need a clear
for wealth creation, social necessary, since it makes creased efficiencies and roadmap that will outline
welfare, and international the trouble of manually digital fluent work force, how we phase out from
competitiveness. clearing processes by en- elements that are key relying on the excheq-
“The administration hancing the ease and effi- to future survival and uer’s budget over the next
has set an ambitious ob- cient obligation processes growth. three years.
jective to catalyze trans- and approval. “PDMIS will record, “This will allow us to
formation and inclusive “The System will sup- track and report on implement sustainable
growth through the port the implementation the implementation of projects and achieve eco-
digital superhighway, of the government aus- the presidential direc- nomic growth that will
which plays a critical role terity measures, increase tives replacing manual create employment op-
in achieving significant efficiency and transpar- dispatch methods and portunities in the coffee Coffee farmer in Kenya.
progress in areas such ency of all the processes, providing robust feed- sub-sector,” the CS told He also emphasized in the 26 coffee-growing
as Health, Agriculture, which all goes to restore back,” announced the the Board. that coffee reforms must counties to accelerate and
MSMEs, and Financing,” trust and accountabil- DP, reiterating that the Oparanya further stated prioritize research, call- sustain coffee reforms.
stated Gachagua. ity that the Kenyan peo- implementation of the that the ongoing reforms ing on NKPCU to recruit Similarly, Principal
He also disclosed that ple demand,” Gachagua presidential directives is in the coffee sector have specialists to provide ex- Secretary for Co-opera-
the national government highlighted. done through people and significantly contributed tension services to farm- tives Patrick Kilemi re-
allocated Sh16.3 billion The DP encouraged the employees are the greater to coffee milling and sales ers, improve quality, and iterated that NKPCU’s
for the Financial Year expedition and conclu- sunset of any organisa- in the global market, en- boost production. strategic assets across
2024/2025 as an invest- sion of the processes, to tion. suring that farmers re- Currently, NKPCU is coffee-growing regions
ment in the digital super- secure a holistic struc- The DP was accompanied ceive fair value for their collaborating with Dedan are an added advantage
highway to help achieve ture that will not only by Cabinet Secretaries Dr high-quality crop. Kimathi University of that will drive increased
the identified objectives secure adherence with Margaret Ndung’u (MICDE), “New regions across the Technology in Nyeri production once renova-
in the sector. prevailed travel guide- Justin Muturi (Public Ser- country are becoming in- County on coffee re- tions are completed.
“The foreign travel, be- lines, but also facilitate vice), Beatrice Askul (EAC terested in coffee, and we search, capacity-build- He said Kenya will
ing the biggest item that the government’s ability Affairs & Regional Develop- will ensure that the exist- ing for coffee farmers, continue to invest in
consumes a significant to review the overall for- ment), Wycliffe Oparanya ing milling plants are op- student training, and in- marketing its own coffee
amount of financial re- eign travel budgets and (Cooperatives and MSMEs), erational and modernized dustrial attachment pro- globally, in collaboration
sources, will still remain expenditures, analyse the Attorney General Dorcas to increase pulping ca- grams. with the Kenya Export
important for building global travel threats and Oduor, Principal Secretar- pacity while maintaining The CS urged the agency Promotion and Branding
networks, learning, and priorities and reorganize ies, among other dignitar- global quality standards,” to scale up collaborations Agency and private coffee
building partnerships the Foreign Service foot- ies. he said. with other universities entities.

The New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited is a State Corporation and one of the
The Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency under the Ministry
largest dairy processors and market leaders in Kenya. It is re-known for its top-of-the range, quality
of Gender, Culture, the Arts and Heritage. WEF was established via Government Financial Manage-
brands, which include KCC Finest Butter, KCC Superfine Ghee, Gold Crown Milk, KCC Fresh Milk,
ment Act in 2007, through Legal Notice no.147.
Safariland Milk Powder, KCC Mala and La Yoghurt among others.
To deliver its mandate effectively and efficiently, the Fund invites eligible and competent service
We are seeking an excellent leader with an outstanding track record in business leadership to
providers for the following tenders:
serve as Managing Director. The ideal candidate should have a proven ability to deliver results,
be a visionary and innovative thinker with the capacity to build a dynamic and high-performing
Visit our website,, for detailed job description. 1. WEF/ONT/01/09/2024- PROVISION OF STAFF UNDERWRITERS 17TH SEPTEMBER,
In addition to the set qualifications and requirements, the successful candidates must also meet COVER – SECRETARIAT
the provisions of Chapter Six the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the Leadership and Integrity Act. STAFF

Qualified and interested applicants who meet the above requirements can submit their applica- 2. WEF/ONT/02/09/2024- PROVISION OF AIR AGPO 17TH SEPTEMBER,
tion in HARD COPIES quoting the Title and Reference Number of the position on the cover 2025 TICKETING SERVICES 2024 AT 11:30AM
letter and envelope. Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae indicating current - (FRAMEWORK
salary, copies of relevant certificates and testimonials, and contact information of at least three AGREEMENT)
referees to:

The Chairman, Interested bidders should download the tender documents from the website and
New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Ltd and forward their particulars to [email protected] for record and any clarifi-
P.O BOX 30131-00100, cations.
Detailed information on the tender documents is available on the Funds’ website at www.wef.
Applications SHOULD BE delivered to the office of the Chairman, no later than 30th September, and public procurement information portal All tender documents
2024, by 5 pm. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender number and tender name and
addressed to:
New KCC Limited is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from The Ag. Chief Executive Officer
all qualified individuals, including women, marginalised communities, and persons with Women Enterprise Fund
disabilities. P. O. Box 17126-00100

KTDA to set minimum quality

standards for its tea to boost
global competitiveness
BY SADIK HASSAN directors from 24 counties standard quality that will
(KNA) in Mombasa. be acceptable to KTDA so
Farmers were en- that we treat all farmers

mallholder tea farm- couraged to pluck only equally and fairly, and sell
ers have been urged high-quality tea, as the our tea that will gener-
to pick only the best high volume of unsold ate better revenue to our
tea leaves as the Kenya tea has been attributed to farmers. The difference
Tea Development Agency poor quality, tea hawk- in margins between the
(KTDA) considers estab- ing, the use of machin- best and lowest farmers
lishing minimum quality ery, improper handling will not go beyond Sh10,”
standards that all KTDA post-harvest, and the ab- Njeru stated.
teas must meet. olition of Direct Overseas The Chairman further
KTDA National Chair- Sales (DOS), all of which noted that favourable
man, Enos Njeru, stated have negatively impacted weather and the availa-
that this move would en- tea stocks. bility of rain have led to
The Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) Chairperson Enos Njeru briefs the media
hance the agency’s com- KTDA has increased high production of tea. on the sidelines of the induction of over 300 KTDA factory directors from 24 counties
petitiveness in the global monthly payments to He said plans are un- in Mombasa.
market and ensure that motivate farmers and derway to establish a
Kenyan tea remains a has initiated a program to common user facility in grammes. He assured ulator we would want to ernment will continue to
product of choice. educate farmers on best the Industrial Area, Nai- farmers that the unsold urge all people who are put in place interventions
“To reduce the volume practices for handling tea robi. The facility will help tea will be sold. supplying tea that they to help the tea indus-
of bulk tea stored in our between the farm and the ease value addition and “As a government reg- should meet the leaf try achieve its objective
warehouses, KTDA will factory. reduce transportation quality standard that is in line with the Bottom
focus on diversifying its “Farmers who focus costs. two leaves and a bud or up-Economic Transfor-
product range,” he said.
“This will not only
on quality over quantity
are reaping the rewards
On his part, Tea Board
of Kenya Chief Executive
Farmers a leaf which can attract a
price,” Mutai said.
mation Agenda (BETA).
“This year the govern-
prevent overstocking of of their product sales,” Officer (CEO) Willy Mu- who focus He revealed that they ment has provided Sh1
black CTC tea but also Njeru said. tai said 71 small-scale tea on quality have opened up Direct billion to support your tea
provide the market with He dissuaded farm- factories contribute 56 Overseas Sales (DSO) and packing hub at KETEPA
a variety of products to ers from disunity saying per cent of the national over quantity will work with KTDA to in modernising its equip-
cater to different tastes farmers from the East and crop production. are reaping the remove the DSO from the ment.
and preferences,” Njeru
added during the open-
West of Rift Valley are all
equal and should work in
Last year, he noted that
the sector produced 266
rewards of their Tea Act to be in the reg-
ulation for farmers to be
It has also set aside
Sh10 billion to support
ing ceremony of a four- a team. million kilogrammes of product sales,” able to do direct sales at all farmers including tea
day induction for over “We want to speak in tea while this year’s tar- -Njeru their respective factories. farmers with subsidy fer-
300 newly elected KTDA one voice, set a minimum get is 319 million kilo- The CEO said the gov- tilizers,” the CEO said.


The Privatisation Authority is a state corporation established under Section 8 of the Privatisation
Act, 2023 to among others, implement the Privatisation Programme and advise the Government
on all aspects of privatisation of public entities.
The Office of the Controller of Budget is an independent office established under Article 228 of the Con-
The Authority is seeking to recruit qualified and self-motivated individuals to fill the following
stitution of Kenya, 2010.
vacant positions: -
Pursuant to Article 252 (1) (c) of the Constitution, the office seeks to recruit qualified and competent staff
No. Designation Grade No. of Positions
to fill the following vacant position.
1. Manager, ICT PA 3 1
2. Principal ICT Officer PA 4 1 1 Director, Legal Services I Position
3. Senior ICT Officer PA 5 1 2 Senior Internal Auditor 2 Positions
4. Senior Records Management Officer PA 5 1 3. Senior Research and Planning Officer 1 Position
4 Fiscal Analyst 2 Positions
Interested candidates may access detailed job specifications, duties and responsibilities for the positions 5 Legal Officer 1 Position
and the experience required from our website
6 Senior Support Staff 1 Position
Applications clearly citing the position should be sent to:

The Managing Director/CEO Please visit the career page on our website for detailed job profile and instructions on
Privatisation Authority how to apply. Applications should be sent by post or hand delivered to our office addressed to:
P.O. Box 34542 – 00100
Social Security House - Annex 10th Floor The Controller of Budget
NAIROBI, KENYA Bima House 12th Floor, Harambee Avenue.
P.O. Box 35616-00100
Applications should be received not later than 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 24th September, 2024. Nairobi

Privatisation Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to diversity and gender equality. so as to reach the Office of the Controller of Budget NOT LATER THAN 24th September, 2024 AT 5.00PM.
Women, youth and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification. Only shortlisted candidates shall be
The Office of the Controller of Budget is an equal opportunity employer.

Promoting Prudent and Efficient Utilization of Public Funds



Historic day for Igembe

North as 30,000 title
deeds are distributed
BY CATHERINE Principal Secretary Nixon vealed that she will issue
Korir. another 7,000 titles in the

t was a historic mo- Ms. Wahome issued neighboring Tharaka Nithi
ment as residents of 32,000 title deeds dur- County this week.
Igembe North received ing the event in Igembe “We have 100,000 titles
more than 30,000 title North before proceeding ready for the whole coun-
deeds, which they have to Igembe South to issue try, and another 100,000
been waiting for since the another 5,000 titles at Tu- are in the pipeline,” said
1970s, from the Ministry mutumu Center. the CS.
of Lands. The ceremony “I promised the Presi- Mr. Korir said the Min-
CS Lands Alice Wahome (3rd right) and PS Lands Nixon Korir (2nd left) issue title deeds
was presided over by Cab- dent that I will be on the istry of Lands will work to residents of Igembe North.
inet Secretary Ms. Alice ground to serve the peo- hard to surpass its targets
Wahome. ple,” said the CS, who as- in the issuing of titles as promised the residents of receive their title deeds, aged them to continue
The residents of Am- sured the people of Igembe per the directions of Pres- Igembe that the State De- enabling them to con- serving Kenyans faith-
wathi Mutuati I ‘A’, An- North that the Ministry ident William Ruto. partment for Lands and duct land transactions fully.
tuambui II, Naathu B, will soon set up a new “As a government we Physical Planning will with ease saying ,’’we will Among the leaders
Amungeti B, Amwathi Lands Registry in the area. promise to deliver on all embark on a process to address the complaints who accompanied the CS
Mutuati II ‘C’, and Lower She also promised that those that we promised. rectify thousands of titles we’ve received about the and the PS were Igembe
Athiru Gaiti gathered at her office would collabo- Some will be delivered to- that were issued in previ- Maua Registry and rectify North MP Julius Taitumu,
KK Baithai Primary School rate with elected leaders day, others tomorrow but ous years. the situation,” he said. Igembe South MP John
to receive their title deeds. to organize land clinics to others might take a little PS Korir expressed his He also commended his Paul, Buuri MP Mugambi
The event was attended address title deed issues. longer,” said PS Korir. satisfaction in seeing the Lands officers for their Rindikiri, Meru Women
by CS Alice Wahome and Ms. Wahome further re- The CS and PS also people of Meru finally diligent work and encour- Rep Kailemia Karambu.

Health authorities ramp up

efforts after fifth Mpox case
BY JUDY SHERI (PCO) and currently, three on-
he Ministry of Health observation adding that
is urging increased out of the five confirmed
vigilance against cases two have fully recov- PROVISION OF STAFF HOUSING MORTGAGE SCHEME
Mpox following the con- ered while three remain ni ADMINISTRATION SERVICES
firmation of the country’s isolation and are respond-
fifth case. This comes af- ing positively to treat- TENDER NUMBER: NCIC/OT/HR/002/2024
ter testing 124 samples, of ment, demonstrating the 1. The National cohesion & Integration Commission (NCIC) invites sealed tenders for the Provision of Staff
which 110 tested negative, effectiveness of Kenya’s Housing Mortgage Scheme Administration Services for a period of Five (5) year renewable for a further Five(5)
while nine are still under response and management years subject to satisfactory performance
analysis. of the disease.
tary Dr. Deborah Mulo- that our healthcare facil- Health Cabinet Secretary NCIC/OT/HR/002/2024 PROVISION OF STAFF HOUSING MORTGAGE OPEN Wednesday September
ngo Barasa reported that ities are fuly prepared to Dr. Deborah Mulongo Barasa SCHEME ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 25th , 2024 at 12:00Noon
687,233 travelers have also diagnose and treat Mpox. est Health Care Facility
been screened at 26 points There is no need to panic if they suspect they have
2. Tendering will be conducted under National Open competitive method as prescribed under section 96 of Pub-
of entry across the coun- if you believe you may Mpox, avoid close contact
lic Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 and Regulations 85 of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
try. have symptoms. Mpox is with live or dead animals, Regulations 2020.
Dr. Barasa confirmed transmitted through direct avoid close contact with
that the fifth Mpox contact with an infected anyone showing Mpox 3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents
case was identified last person, contact with con- symptoms,maintain per- during office hours from 8:00AM to 5:00Pm at the address given below.
Wednesday and involves a taminated body fluids, sonal hygiene, such as fre-
29-year-old woman from clothing, utensils, or even quent handwashing with 4. A complete set of tender documents may be viewed and downloaded FREE of charge from the website
Mombasa, residing in the contact with infected wild soap and water or using an or who download the tender document must forward
VOK area near Tumaini animals”, the CS noted. alcohol-based hand sani- their particulars immediately to [email protected] or 17TH FLOOR, BRITAM TOWERS, HOSPITAL
Academy. She said signs and tizer. ROAD, UPPERHILL P.O BOX 7055-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA to facilitate any further clarification or adden-
The CS stated that the symptoms to look out for She also urged Kenyans dum.
patient, who is the spouse include, high fever, body to report all suspected
5. Duly Completed Tender documents shall be enclosed in plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender
of the fourth confirmed rash, enlarged lymph cases to community health
number as stated in the tender documents and be deposited in the Tender box provided at the office HQs ,
case and is currently ad- nodes, headache,back promoters or the nearest Britam Towers, 17th Floor, Hospital Road, Upper hill, Nairobi or addressed to:
mitted in Nakuru, was first pain, fatigue,muscle and health facility asdding that
seen at the Coast General body aches and to pre- the Ministry of Health will The Ag. Commission Secretary/CEO,
Hospital on August 28, vent the further spread continue to share impor- National Cohesion & Integration Commission
2024. She is now in isola- of Mpox, the Ministry tant information through 17TH FLOOR, BRITAM TOWERS, HOSPITAL ROAD, UPPERHILL
tion at Utange Hospital’s urges the public to avoid our official social media P.O BOX 7055-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA
Mpox Isolation Centre. unnecessary travel to accounts, website, the 0702777 000/ 020 258 5701/2
“The patient has no re- countries reporting Mpox press, and sensitization Email: [email protected]
cent travel history to a outbreaks,avoid direct forums nationwide.
country reporting Mpox contact with suspected “We urge the public to so as to be received on or before Wednesday September 25TH , 2024 at 12:00Noon
cases, but her spouse or confirmed cases and if be cautious of misinforma-
6. The applications will be opened immediately thereafter, at the NCIC’s Boardroom on 17th Floor Britam Towers,
had recently traveled to caring for such tion spread on social media Upper hill, Nairobi in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.
Rwanda and returned to patients, caregivers and to remain vigilantand
Kenya on the 24th of last should adhere to preven- we remain committed to The Commission reserves the right to reject any tender application in whole or part.
month,” Dr. Barasa said. tive measures as advised safeguarding the health
She revealed that active by the Health Care Pro- and well-being of al citi- 7. Late tenders will be rejected.
surveillance for suspected vider. zens and shall continue to
cases is ongoing to control The CS also urged Ken- implement comprehen- Commission Secretary/CEO
the spread of the disease yans to report to the near- sive response measures.

National Water sign Sh13.7m water

infrastructure deal with Bomet County

he National Water Harvest-
ing and Storage Authority Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) is a State Corporation established with a major role
(NWHSA) and the Bomet of promoting indigenous entrepreneurship by Financing and Developing Small Scale
County Assembly have signed a and Micro Enterprises. The Institutions is seeking qualified bidders to provide the
contract valued at Sh13.7 million following services: -
to develop water infrastructure in
The agreement, which was SERVICES
signed between the Authority 1. Provision for Security KIE/TNO/01 /2024-2025 Monday,
and the County Assembly, in- and Guard Services 23.09.2024 at
volves the supply, delivery, and 11:00 a.m.
installation of an 80,000-liter
elevated pressed steel water stor- Mr. John Muhia, Acting CEO of NWHSA, and Isaac Kitur, Clerk of the Interested eligible bidders may obtain the detailed tender advert and respec-
Assembly, exchange the signed contract valued at Sh 13,769,200. tive tender document by visiting our or PPIP Portal
age tank on a 15-meter-high free of charge.
steel tower at the Bomet County cal water projects,” Muhia stated ments through out the country.
Assembly. Speaking during the during the contract signing. The Addressing concerns about the Duly completed bid documents shall be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly
signing of the agreement, Mr. CEO also highlighted NWHSA’s long-delayed Bosto Dam project, marked with the “Tender Number” and “Tender Description” and addressed to:
John Muhia, the Acting Chief past achievements in Bomet which has been stalled for nearly MANAGING DIRECTOR
Executive Officer of the National County, including the drilling of five years, Muhia provided a KENYA INDUSTRIAL ESTATES
Water Harvesting and Storage 14 boreholes, with plans for more hopeful update by saying, “all P.O.BOX 78029-00507, NAIROBI
Authority, stressed the Author- in the future. Muhia assured that preparations for the implemen- And be deposited in the Tender Box Located on Ground Flour, so as to be received
ity’s commitment to supporting the new project would be com- tation of Bosto Dam are com- on or before the above indicated dates. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter
county governments in develop- pleted with the same high stand- plete, and we are now in the final in the presence of bidders and/or their representatives who choose to attend in the
ing essential water infrastructure. ards and efficiency that have stages of rolling out construc- conference Room Located on 2nd Floor of KIE Headquarter Building. Late bids will
“We are leveraging our exper- marked previous successful part- tion work and the dam will be be rejected.
tise and experience to bolster lo- nerships with county govern- launched soon,” he said.




Tourism Fund (TF) is a State Corporation established under the Tourism Act, 2011, mandated to mobilize resourc-
AND WILDLIFE es to finance the development of a sustainable tourism industry in Kenya.

The Fund is seeking to recruit qualified Kenyan Citizens to fill the following positions: -
A. Introduction
Pursuant to Section 73(5) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, Public Finance Management (National N0 Position Job Summary JOB GRADE
Government) Regulations, 2015 Section 174(1) and the guidelines for the establishment of Audit Committees in
1. Manager Legal Services This position reports to Corporation Secretary and TF 3

public entities vide Kenya Gazette Notice Vol.CXVIII No. 40 of 15th April, 2016, the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
Director, Legal Services.
invites applications from qualified and interested persons to fill the following positions of the Audit Committee.

1. Chairperson 2. Manager, Finance & Accounts This position reports to Director, Corporate Services TF 3

2. Two (2) members. 3. Manager, Human Resource & This position reports to Director, Corporate Services TF 3

B. Requirements for Appointment

4. Manager, Information Commu- This position reports to Director, Corporate Services TF 3
1. Chairperson nication and Technology

i. To be appointed as the chairperson of the Audit Committee, one must have the following: 5. Manager, Resource Mobilization This position reports to Director, Strategy & Resource TF 3

ii. A degree from a recognized university; Mobilization

iii. Knowledge and experience of not less than 7 years in audit and/or Financial Management/Accounting;
iv. Be a member of ICPAK or IIA and in good standing;

v. Knowledge and experience in Risk Management; and
VISIT TF WEBSITE: for full details of the position.
vi. Be a person of integrity and in compliance with requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of

Kenya 2010.
Application Process

2. Member Interested and qualified persons are requested to submit their applications indicating their current salary together
i. To be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, one must have the following:

with a detailed curriculum vitae, professional certificates and testimonials.
ii. A degree from a recognized university;
iii. Work experience of not less than 5 years;
The successful candidate will be required to avail the following documents at the point of receiving the job offer;
iv. Be a member of a professional body and in good standing;
• Valid certificate of good conduct
v. Knowledge in public service/government operations and experience in Risk Management; and
• EACC clearance
vi. Be a person of integrity and in compliance with requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of
• HELB clearance certificate
Kenya 2010.
• Valid KRA compliance certificate.
• Clearance from a reputable credit reference bureau
All interested applicants who meet the above requirements should submit their applications together with
detailed curriculum vitae, copies of academic and professional certificates, copy of Identity Card and testimonials
Officers in Grade TF 03 shall be appointed on a contract of five (5) years renewable subject to performance
in a sealed envelope clearly marked for Chairperson or Member of Audit Committee addressed to:
The Cabinet Secretary
The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
Method of Application
P.O BOX 30027-00100 NAIROBI
Applications clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF ………………………………” to be
addressed to:
Hand delivered to NSSF Building Block A, Eastern wing, 15th Floor by 2nd October 2024.
The Chairman, Tourism Fund P.O. Box 46987 – 00100 Nairobi
Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Cards, Academic and Pro- Soft copy applications should be addressed to [email protected] so as to reach on or
fessional Certificates and transcripts, clearance from the National Police Service, HELB, KRA, EACC and clearance before 16th May, 2024.
from any accredited Credit Reference Bureau during the interview.
No hard copies will be accepted.
Please note that:
i. Candidates should not attach original documents to the application; Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ii. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted; and
iii. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification. Any form of canvasing will lead to automatic disqualification.
iv. The appointment to the committee shall be for period of not more than three years.


Migori’s Lower Kuja irrigation scheme Second devolution

to benefit 197,000, create 250,000 jobs support programme
launched to boost
counties delivery

t least 197,000 peo-
ple in the Lower
Kuja Irrigation
Scheme in Migori County
will benefit indirectly
from the completion of
Phase I and II of the irri-
gation project. The pro-
ject, which was recently
inspected by President
William Ruto, will also
create employment for
over 250,000 Kenyans and
generate about Sh6 billion
once completed.
Currently, the scheme Director for Capacity Building and Technical
Assistance, (Devolution) Kennedy Nyambati (Left)
hosts 5,000 farmers who and the Kajiado Governor, Joseph Lenku.
have been connected with President William Ruto during an inspection tour at the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme
the National Cereals and in Nyatike Sub County-Migori County. The total project cost of the Scheme for phases BY ROP JANET (KNA) hanced the capacity of
Produce Board (NCPB) for
subsidized fertilizer.
A government-spon-
I and II is 2.6 Billion where 7,000 acres of rice will be cultivated in phase one.

agro-based industries, the irrigation scheme that line with Vision 2030 and
T he Second Kenya
Devolution Support
Programme (KDSP II)
county governments in
key areas such as public
financial management,
sored project, it is located and contribute to foreign will not only increase rice the Big Four agenda of has been launched in planning, human re-
in Nyatike Sub-County, exchange earnings. production but also create food and nutritional secu- Kajiado County. The pro- source management, and
45 kilometers from Migori The total project cost of wealth and job opportuni- rity which seeks to ensure gramme, implemented civic education.
town, and covers six loca- the Lower Kuja Irrigation ties in the county. food security at the local by the Ministry of Devo- “We have seen im-
tions and 13 sub-locations Scheme for Phases Other milling level that will contribute lution and Planning with provements in the way
in Nyatike and Karungu I and II is Sh2.6 companies that towards the same at the funding from the World counties manage their
The Lower Kuja Irriga-
tion Scheme has a history
billion where
7,000 acres
of rice will
6b were recently
sioned by
national level.
Speaking in August this
year in a forum on the
Bank, aims to enhance
the capacity of county
governments in deliver-
resources, plan for their
development and engage
with citizens and this
dating back to the 1980s be cul- The project will create President Korea-Africa Food and ing their mandates. has translated into bet-
when various studies or- tivated employment for over Wi l l i a m Agriculture Cooperation Kennedy Nyambati, ter service delivery and
ganized by the Lake Basin in Phase Ruto on Initiative (KAFACI) in Nai- Director for Capacity increased trust between
Development Authority I and an
250,000 Kenyans his visit to robi, the Cabinet Secretary Building and Technical the people and their
(LBDA) identified the po- add it iona l and generate about Nyanza are for Agriculture and Live- Assistance at the State county governments,”
tential for irrigation in the 12,000 acres Sh6 billion the Lake Ba- stock Development Dr. Department for Devolu- he said. He empha-
Nyatike area using water in Phase II. sin Develop- Andrew Karanja said that tion, noted that the first sised that the KDSP II
from the Kuja and Migori In addition, the ment Authority the country was planning phase of KDSP was suc- will build on the gains
rivers. project will have 47 Rice Mill Project in to reduce rice imports by cessful, with counties made in the first phase
According to the Na- kilometers of a drainage Kibos and Kisumu County 50 per cent in the next five showing improvements and address emerging
tional Irrigation Authority system, 212 kilometres and the Usonga Siriwo years. in the management of challenges to strengthen
(NIA) Chairperson, Eng. of on-farm drainage Rice Mill in Siaya County Karanja said instead, the their resources and de- county governments.
Gilbert Maluki, the pro- and an extension of the which will also boost and country will be focusing velopment projects. It will also focus on
ject will enhance rice pro- 2.06-kilometre canal net- facilitate increased rice on embracing high-yield- Nyambati, who repre- deepening the institu-
duction in the country, work. production and support ing varieties and modern sented Principal Secre- tionalisation of devolved
create a sustainable sup- The project has also farmers through value farming technologies to tary for Devolution Ms. functions, enhancing
ply of raw materials such seen the establishment addition. accelerate food production Teresia Mbaika, added the quality of service de-
as straw, oil, and hulls for of a private miller around The rice scheme is in in the country. that Phase I of KDSP en- livery.


Transforming Urban Mobility
P.O BOX 48511-00100


Kenya Fisheries Service invites eligible and interested bidders for the following tender;
This is to bring to the attention of the general public that an invitation for the following tenders has been uploaded
1. Framework Contract for Provision of KEFS/OT/001/2024-2027 OPEN NONE
No. Tender Name Tender Number
Laboratory Testing Services including,
1 Improvement of NCPB–Stadium main gate 1 access road KURA/RMLF/HQ/377/2024-2025 Microbiological, Physico-chemical,
Chemical, Contaminants (Heavy
2 Improvement of Kanarini Primary School Loop Road KURA/RMLF/HQ/378/2024-2025 Metals) and Pesticides Testing in Water,
3 Improvement of KWS Field- Stadium access road KURA/RMLF/HQ/379/2024-2025 Sediments and Fish/Fishery Products
and Fish Feeds
4 Improvement of Stadium loop Roads KURA/RMLF/HQ/380/2024-2025
5 Improvement of Access to County Commissioner’s Residence KURA/RMLF/HQ/381/2024-2025 Mandatory requirements, tender conditions and further instruction are contained in the tender
6 Improvement of Methodist CDF- Culture – Stadium Gate 5 KURA/RMLF/HQ/382/2024-2025 documents that can be downloaded free of charge at and
Complete tender documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope by 11.00am (Kenyan
7 Improvement of NCPB - KWS Airstrip Gate KURA/RMLF/HQ/383/2024-2025 Time) on or before 3rd October, 2024 in the Tender Box Situated on 13th Floor NHIF Building-
Kenya Fisheries Service.
Bidders are requested to visit KURA’s Website at and for more information.
All bid documents must be submitted as per the tender documents clearly marked with the bid
Deputy Director – (SCM) title. Late Bids will be rejected.
Director General
Kenya Urban Roads Authority The Authority is ISO 9001:2015 certified KENYA FISHERIES SERVICE


Kisumu port defies tough economic times to post 51.5pc growth

BY CHRIS MAHANDARA Ports Authority (KPA), billets (3, 217.5 tons) and by surpassing 200,000 II, MV Mango Tree. and
(KNA) the port recorded 125, 503 bagged fertilizer (1,367.0 metric tons in total cargo Orion III which have made
metric tons as compared tons). throughput. three, nine, one, six, one

isumu port has to 60, 910 tons during Gate activity accord- The port posted 116 calls and two calls respectively.
come out of the the same period last year ing to the report has also in July this year repre- MV Uhuru which was
doldrums to regis- representing a growth of increased with the port senting an increase of 63 revived in 2019 after be-
ter a 51.5 per cent growth 64,592 tons. realizing a total of 1,126 calls as compared to the ing grounded for over a
defying a regional eco- The commodity real- trucks during the period same period last year. decade has a capacity of
nomic crunch which has ized during the period under review. The vessels registered loading 22 wagons and
taken a hit on businesses. comprised automotive gas Vessel calls to the port during the period under currently ferries steel
According to the 2024 oil destined for Uganda have also increased with review include MV Uhuru, billets weighing 804.5
half year performance (26,186.9 tons), ceramic MV Uhuru II vessel docked the facility projected to MT Kabaka Mutebi II, tonnes destined for Jinja,
report released by Kenya tiles (3, 603.8 tons), steel at the Kisumu Port. break performance record MV Munanka, MV Orion Uganda.


The National Biosafety Authority is a State Corporation established under the Biosafety Act, 2009 to exercise general
supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to ensure safety
of human and animal health; and provision of an adequate level of protection of the environment. Annual and Licensing of handlers Registration and licensing of storage/ packaging/ 30,000
and operators dealing with GM manufacturing/ warehousing, dealing with GM
Under Section 51 of the Act, the Cabinet Secretary is vested with powers to make Regulations for better carrying food, feed, processed products derived products (for commercial purposes)
into effect the provisions of the Act in consultation with the Authority. Pursuant to this Section, the Cabinet Secretary
developed the Biosafety (Contained Use) Regulations, 2011; Biosafety (Environmental Release) Regulations, 2011; Cargo inspection & Clearance at Clearance of cargo at entry and exit points 5,500 per consignment*
Biosafety (Import, Export and Transit) Regulations, 2011; and Biosafety (Labelling) Regulations, 2012. Point of Entry (POE)
GMO Rapid Testing using Lateral strips (on request and 2,000 per sample.
on need basis)
Pursuant to these Regulations and following public participation that was carried out from 17 January 2024 to 7
th th

February 2024, the Authority hereby notifies the public and stakeholders that with effect from 1st October 2024, the Movement of non-commercialized Supervision of movement of GM materials that are still 10,000 plus transport at
following fees are applicable: GM Material not commercialized from one facility to another AA Rates per KM

GMO Labels for approved GMOs Annual fees for product traceability; Large sized firms 30,000 per firm or entity
NAME OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION / SPECIFICATION OF THE SERVICE FEES (KSH) (Firms with annual Turnover of over Ksh 10 Million)
NBA to avail the Label description
Genetically modified organisms Consideration of Application for approval of additional 60,000 per each and the unique identification num- Annual fees for product traceability; Medium sized firms 20,000 per firm or entity
(GMO) Applications Contained use facility including a Confined Field Trial additional Facility ber(s). (Firms with annual Turnover of over Ksh. 1 Million to
(CFT) ie more than one facility for one approved Project. Ksh 10 Million)
Operator to meet cost of labelling Annual fees for product traceability; Small sized firms 10,000 per firm or entity
NB: The Application fee of Ksh. 170,000 will cover
(Firms with annual Turnover of less than Ksh 1 Million)
the costs related to inspection and approval of one
Facility/site GMO- Free Stickers Annual fees for product traceability; Large sized firms 30,000 per firm or entity
(Firms with annual Turnover of over Ksh 10 Million)
Consideration of Application for Renewal of contained 170,000
Sticker specification to be designed
use and/or CFT Projects (After expiry of 5 years) Annual fees for product traceability; Medium sized firms 20,000 per firm or entity
by the company and approved by
NBA. (Firms with annual Turnover of over Ksh. 1 Million to
Public notification for Environmental release and Placing Actual cost of publication
Ksh 10 Million)
into the Market of GMOs
Applicant to proof non-GMO Status Annual fees for product traceability; Small sized firms 10,000 per firm or entity
Consideration of Application for renewal of Environmen- 850,000 of product (Firms with annual Turnover of less than Ksh 1 Million)
tal release and Placing into the Market of GMOs (After
expiry of 10 years) Issuance of GMO-Free Certificates Processing fee 5,500 per consignment*
Application for Transit of GMOs and/or derived products 40,000/ consignment* Issuance of ‘No Objection Letters Processing fee 5,500 per consignment*
through Kenya
Registration and Training of Institu- Registration fee for new Institutional Biosafety Commit- 20,000
Change or modification of research protocol where 170,000 tional Biosafety Committees (IBC) tees (IBC)
there is need for additional risk assessment
Annual Renewal fees after Registration 10,000
Change or modification of research protocol where 30,000
there is no need for additional risk assessment Biosafety Training of Institutional Biosafety Committees 100,000
(IBC) Members
Genome editing Applications Early Consultation for Genome Editing Applications (Re- 170,000
search) Inspection and certification of new Inspection fees 50,000 plus transport at
GMO containment/CFT facilities AA Rates per KM
Early Consultation for Genome Editing Applications 850,000
(Commercial purposes) Annual Inspection fee of GMO con- Inspection fees 10,000 plus transport at
tainment facilities AA Rates per KM
Application for clearance of Low-Lev- Consideration of Application for Low Level Presence 20,000/ consignment*
el Presence situations in consign- (LLP) situations - for declared GM Events Inspection of Records, GMO Register Facilitation costs 10,000
ments (LLP) (Analysis report from an accredited laboratory provided and Applications
by client (GM content within set thresholds of LLP).
Obtaining copies of Records Copies of records (non-confidential) 100/page
Consideration of Application for Low Level Presence 50,000/ consignment*
Annual Permit to deal with products Annual fees 1,000
(LLP) situations - for un-declared GM Events at low
of GMOs (wholesale, retail)
level or where the test results are not from an accredited
laboratory Consideration of Application for Review of Application to determine if information/data 20,000
treating certain information in Appli- is confidential or not
Notification for approval of stacked Notification request for lower level stacks (in situations 250,000
cations as Confidential
GM Events through conventional where all the single gene events and highest order stack
breeding where the single events have previously been approved for environmental
have already undergone regulatory release and/placing into the market in Kenya)
approvals in Kenya Explanatory Notes to the Fees Schedule
Molecular Laboratory Sampling services (on request) 25,000 per sample
Consignment*: Means cargo weighing up to 40 metric tonnes (one lot). Cargo weighing more than 40 metric tonnes
GMO Detection/ screening 25,000 per sample will be charged based on number of lots, at a flat rate per lot.

GMO Event Identification 30,000 per GM Event For further information, contact the Authority at [email protected] or Tel: 0713 854 132/ 020 267 8667
GMO Event Quantification 30,000 or postal address;
Chief Executive Officer
GMO Detection – Oversees (outsourced) 100,000 National Biosafety Authority
Bench fee for utilization of NBA’s Molecular Laboratory 2,000 per day, plus cost
P.O. Box 28251-00100
for own research and testing of consumables Nairobi

Thika accelerates road

development in pursuit
of city status
Tel No: 254 111035800 Email: [email protected]
National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road
P.O. Box 47715-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya


The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) on behalf of the Government of Kenya, Ministry of Health
herewith invites sealed tender (s) as follows:

No. Tender No. Tender Description Tender Closing

1 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT01/2024-2025 Supply of ARVS Pediatrics Medicines I 1st October, 2024
at 10:00am
2 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT02/2024-2025 Supply of ARVS Pediatrics Medicines II 3rd October, 2024
at 10:00am
3 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT03/2024-2025 Supply of ARVs Adult Medicines I 1st October, 2024
at 10:00am
Governor Wamatangi flanked by Engineer Obuolloh (immediate right) and Kiambu
County Planning and Municipal Administration Executive Salome Wainaina(left) plus 4 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT04/2024-2025 Supply of ARVs Adult Medicines II 3rd October, 2024
other county and KeNHA officials. at 10:00am
5 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT05/2024-2025 Supply of Medicines for Opportunistic 1st October, 2024
Infections (OIs) at 10:00am
BY HELLEN LUNALO (KNA) sitive, and I am pleased that the President
has approved my requests for this pro- 6 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT06/2024-2025 Supply of STI Medicines 3rd October, 2024

he Kenya National Highways Au- ject. As the county government, we are at 10:00am
thority (KeNHA) has pledged to dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities 7 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT07/2024-2025 Supply of Opioids Substitution 1st October, 2024
build 61 kilometers of roads in the allocated to us during the implementa- Therapy at 10:00am
busy industrial town of Thika as part of tion process, ensuring that the projects
8 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT08 /2024-2025 Supply of Male Condoms 1st October, 2024
an initiative to transform it into a city. can move forward without any delay,” at 10:00am
The roads, which have already been iden- he stated.
tified, will be constructed both within The roads designated for dualling in- 9 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT09/2024-2025 Supply of Condom Lubricants 3rd October, 2024
the town and on its outskirts, with an clude the Gatitu-Kilimambogo stretch, at 10:00am
allocation of approximately Sh5 billion. spanning 20 kilometres and part of the 10 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT010 /2024- Supply of Hepatitis B and C Rapid 8th October, 2024
The initiative aims to improve traffic flow Thika-Garissa Road for a distance of 22 2025 Diagnostics Tests (RDTs) at 10:00am
for motorists entering and leaving the in- kilometres. Additionally, the Thika-Ke- 11 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT011/2024- Supply of Shang Ring Devices 8th October, 2024
dustrial area. nol Highway will receive extra lanes on 2025 at 10:00am
The County has announced plans to al- each side for a distance of 14 kilometres.
locate Sh256 million for the Kenya Urban There will also be a new interchange at 12 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT012/2024- Supply of Methadone Dispensing 8th October, 2024
2025 Cups at 10:00am
Support Programme and an additional Blue Post for the 16-kilometer road con-
Sh500 million to enhance informal set- necting Blue Post to Gatanga. 13 GF ATM HIV GC7/OIT013/2024- Supply of Crag and HIV Rapid Test Kit 8th October, 2024
tlements in Thika, alongside improve- In Thika Town, the 4.4-kilometer 2025 at 10:00am
ments to roads, hospitals, and markets. stretch from Haile Selassie to the Upper GLOBAL FUND- KEN-M-TNT
Mr. Ephraim Obuolloh, a senior engi- Highway, Upper Road Roundabout, and
neer overseeing design at KeNHA, stated General Kago Road will be upgraded to a 14 GF ATM MAL GC7/OIT01/2024- Supply of Anti Malaria Medicines 3rd October, 2024
2025 at 10:00am
that a feasibility study, as well as an envi- dual carriageway.
ronmental and social impact assessment Besides, the Magoko-Kenyatta Avenue 15 GF ATM MAL GC7/OIT02/2024- Supply of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic 3rd October, 2024
report, has been finalized. Currently, the Road and Kenyatta Highway, which runs 2025 Test Kit at 10:00am
design phase is in progress, and subse- past East Africa Paper Mills, will also be
quent public consultations will be held. dualled. 1. Qualified and Interested tenderers may obtain further information during office hours on Monday to
Mr. Obuolloh led a delegation from The road leading from Zero Gravity Friday 08.00hrs and 17.00hrs except on Public Holidays from Procurement Directors office situated at:
KeNHA for a meeting with Gover- Distilleries will also be expanded to a dual KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre,
nor Kimani Wamatangi at his office in carriageway, extending from the Thika Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
Kiambu town, where they discussed Bypass junction to the intersection near P.O Box 47715-00100, Nairobi
various projects and potential areas of Makongeni Police Station. Tel No: +254111035800
Email: [email protected]
collaboration during the implementation Improvements have as well been
phase. planned for the Garissa Road-Thika By- 2. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the website:
Speaking during the meeting, the Gov- pass junction near BAT Thika, the seg- http:/ and PPIP Portal: Tender Documents obtained
ernor revealed that enhancing the town’s ment of the highway adjacent to Thika electronically will be free of charge.
infrastructure would bring about a sub- Sports Club, and the Del Monte Junction.
3. Tenderers must register their bid documents at the Procurement Office or via email at procurement.
stantial transformation for the commu- Governor Wamatangi urged KeNHA to
[email protected] (Refer to registration form in the tender document) to facilitate any further
nity. look into the upgrading of the roads along clarification or addendum.
“We have made significant progress the Kilimambogo-Juja Farm-Witethie
in our efforts to transform Thika into a route and the Gatuanyaga-Juja circuit, 4. The tenderers shall chronologically serialize and paginate all pages of the tender document submitted.
smart city, and have successfully com- emphasizing that the improvement
pleted public participation. Currently, a would enhance access to the eastern side 5. The bid documents must be deposited in the Tender Box No.2 marked Global Fund at the reception
report is being drafted for submission to of the town and provide an alternative on the Ground floor KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Nairobi on
or before the dates indicated in the table above.
the County Assembly for approval and route for vehicles traveling to Nairobi
subsequent forwarding to the Senate,” from Garissa, Machakos, and Kitui. 6. Bulky tenders can be handed over to KEMSA Procurement Director’s office for registration and safekeep-
he said. Gatuanyaga Ward Representative Jack- ing till the tender opening date.
“The roads are essential and time-sen- son “Jack Ma” Kungu detailed that Thika
was divided into two geographic sections: 7. Tender documents will be opened immediately after closure of the tender at the KEMSA Tender Opening
Thika West, which includes Thika Town, Hall located at Ground floor KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
and Thika East, which encompasses the Nairobi in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend.
We have made signif- less developed Ngoliba and Gatuanyaga
icant progress in our Wards.
8. Late bids shall be rejected and returned unopened.

efforts to transform Subsequently, with the planned de-

velopment of the city that is largely de-
9. There will be a Pre bid conference at KEMSA’s Tender Opening Hall, Ground Floor KEMSA National
Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Office Block Nairobi, Kenya on
Thika into a smart city, pendent on the ceded Delmonte land in 17th September, 2024 at 10:00am .
and have successfully Gatuanyaga and Ngoliba, Kungu stated
that he was optimistic of significant
completed public partici- growth and transformation taking place

pation.”- Wamatangi in the two wards in the foreseeable fu-




Kakamega poised for growth

with WB-funded road upgrades
The Government is promoting the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). It recognises the role
played by MSME sectors in income generation, wealth and job creation, increased foreign exchange earnings,
and poverty reduction. The Micro and Small Enterprise Authority (MSEA) Mandate aims to address the challenges
by raising farmers’ productivity and addressing cost and quality by reducing post-harvest losses for their products.

The Authority’s mandate is conceptualized to support the MSE sector through promotion, development, regula-
tion, and institutional capacity building. The Authority has aligned its strategy to, the bottom-up transformation
Agenda (BETA) and the emerging issues in the sector. Through this, the Authority aims to create a conducive
operating environment for the MSEs and increase market access locally, regionally, and internationally, by oper-
ationalizing the existing Cold storage (s) Centres through established partnerships.

These facilities will accommodate storage for agricultural produce, contributing to growth and resolving post-har-
vest challenges experienced by farmers. This will also help promote price stabilization for agricultural produce.

The Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) is intended to identify reputable and qualified firms/partners in the
Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa (2nd left) leads in inspection of the agricultural value chain who will work with the Authority and primary producers to operationalize and manage
ongoing upgrade works in Mjini - Masanga Road to bitumen standards. each Cold storage facility.

BY MOSES WEKESA (KNA) The Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) invites sealed bids from eligible firms/partners for the follow-
ing assignment;

akamega County is on the verge of
Tender No. Description of the Request for Opening Date Bid Drop - off
becoming a socio-economic hub, Expression of Interest
as a World Bank project begins up-
grading roads in its informal settlements. MSEA/REOI/01/2024-2025 Expression of Interest for Oper- 24th September MSEA tender box
ationalization and Management 2024 (located at Utalii
According to county leadership, the of Cold Storage and Processing House, Mezzanine one
Second Kenya Informal Settlement Im- Facility in Ngusishi, Meru County. Floor).
provement Project (KISIP2) is on track
MSEA/REOI/02/2024-2025 Expression of Interest for Oper- 24th September MSEA tender box
with its plan to upgrade the Mjini, Shi- ationalization and Management 2024 (located at Utalii
bale, and Lukoye informal settlements at of Cold Storage and Processing House, Mezzanine one
a cost of Sh152 million. This initiative is Facility in Olkalau, Nyandarua Floor).
expected to boost livelihoods in the west- County.
ern devolved unit. MSEA/REOI/03/2024-2025 Expression of Interest for Opera- 24th September MSEA tender box
Governor Fernandes Barasa recently tionalization and Management of 2024 (located at Utalii
led an inspection tour of the ongoing Cold Storage and Processing Fa- House, Mezzanine one
upgrade works on Mjini-Masanga Road, cility in Kiamokama, Kisii County. Floor).
which is being upgraded to bitumen
standards. strengthen institutional capacity for slum
Governor Barasa assured residents that upgrading in Kenya.KISIP2 project is ex-
Kakamega County will undergo signif- pected to be implemented in 33 counties S/N SITE NAME DATE TIME
icant transformation over the next ten including Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana 1 Ngusishi cold storage facility in Timau Meru County (Potatoes 16th September 2024 11.00am
years, thanks to this initiative. He also River, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Wajir, Meru, and other agricultural produce)
expressed his gratitude to KISIP2 and Tharaka Nithi, Machakos, Makueni, 2 Olkalau Cold storage facility in Nyandarua County (Potatoes and 18th September 2024 11.00am
other development partners. Nyandarua. Other benefitting counties other agricultural produce)
KISIP2 is a state project implemented are Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Turkana,
3 Kiamokama Cold Storage Facility in Kisii County (Bananas and 20th September 2024 11.00am
by the Government of Kenya (GOK) with West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, El- other agricultural produce)
funding from the World Bank, Agence geyo Marakwet, Nandi, Baringo, Nakuru,
Française de Développement (AFD), and Kajiado, Kakamega, Bungoma, Kisumu,
the European Union (EU). Homa Bay, Migori, Nyamira, Nairobi, Shortlisting criteria
The program aims to improve access to Embu, Marsabit and Laikipia. Interested and eligible firms/Partners must provide information on the overall firm’s experience, all relevant
basic services for the community by up- Out of these counties, 23 are benefi- statutory documents, capability to run the facilities, and demonstrate their suitability for the assignment putting
grading the Mjini, Shibale, and Lukoye ciaries of conditional grant for infrastruc- into consideration the following aspects;
informal settlements through infrastruc- ture upgrading and implementation of a.) Business type and evidence of the firm, having been in the agricultural produce business.
ture development. infrastructure upgrading works is ongo- b.) Firms/partners are requested to propose an operationalization model that includes the procurement
This includes roads and drainage ing in five counties, namely Kakamega, and pricing models that create fairness, transparency, and sustainability for agricultural produce.
c.) Illustrate financial capability in purchasing agricultural produce, aggregation, logistics, and strategies
works, water supply projects, and the Nakuru, Kilifi, Kisumu and Nairobi.
on competitiveness, and linkages to the value chain ecosystem.
installation of solar street lights within It is a key Vision 2030 enabler project d.) Propose initiatives that demonstrate farmers empowerment and value addition
the settlements. anchored in the Government’s agenda e.) Illustrate sustainable governance structure to operationalize the facilities indicating a clear relationship
Attendees at the event included the of enabling residents in participating ur- to the Authority, farmer, and Cooperative Societies.
County Executive, Area MCAs, the KISIP ban informal settlements within selected f.) Demonstrate key expertise in running and managing the cold storage facilities.
County Project Coordinator, and other counties benefit by having access to basic g.) Marketing initiatives ideal for the value chain agricultural produce.
county staff. infrastructure services and land tenure Note that the above criteria are not limited and firms / Partnerships are encouraged to provide any
The objective of KISIP2 is to enhance security. additional/relevant information regarding operationalization and management of the cold storage fa-
access to basic services and land ten- The project is currently domiciled at cilities.
ure security for residents in participat- the State Department for Housing and
ing urban informal settlements and to Urban Development in the Ministry of This Expression of Interest for the above assignment may also be obtained from the MSEA Website: www.msea. at no fee.
Lands, Public works, Housing and Urban
Development. Further clarifications may be inquired through [email protected] not later than seven (7) days
In undertaking these interventions,
Governor Barasa KISIP2 is divided into four components
from the date of closing/opening of the EOIs.

assured residents that including integrated settlement upgrad- Written Expression of Interest must be deposited in the Tender box situated at MSEA Utalii House, Mezzanine
Floor in plain sealed envelopes and marked with the Tender reference number, name and addressed to:
Kakamega County will ing which has two sub-components,
namely land tenure regularization and The Director General/CEO,
undergo significant trans- infrastructure upgrading, a component Micro and Small Enterprises Authority

formation over the next on socio-economic inclusion planning, P.O. Box 48823 00100 Nairobi

another on institutional capacity devel-

ten years, thanks to this opment for slum upgrading and program
Not later than 11.00 am on 24th September 2024.

initiative. management and coordination. HENRY RITHAA



Investors introduce
eco-friendly cookers
to mitigate climate
change effects
BY MABEL KEYA smoke or soot, which im-
SHIKUKU(KNA) proves their health and will

C The cookers
limate change has have more time on their
become a concern for hands to do other engage-
every government are faster, ments and the food will be
and stakeholder, especially safer, and cook clean and can never burn,”
due to the environmen- Oyolla said.
tal devastation witnessed
virtually every He noted that that it
across the globe. However, type of food costs on the upward of Sh7
efforts are in full swing to
reverse the devastating ef-
including deep million to install in an in-
stitution, depending on its
fects of this phenomenon, frying. They use capacity, but saves 60 to 70
which have repeatedly only one unit per cent of the cost of fuel.
caused the deaths of hun- This means that the
dreds of Kenyans and de-
of electricity to institution can
prived thousands of others cook for one hour recoup the in-
of their livelihoods.
Earlier this year, Kenya
because they stallation cost
in three to
faced the wrath of Mother do not use elec- four years, he
Nature when severe floods tricity continu- added.
swept through various Oyolla
parts of the country, kill- ously because of said they
ing numerous people, de- the thermostat have already
stroying homes, crops,
and livestock, and leaving
therein, thus
thousands of people home- saving 79 per
less and without income. cent of the cost
This disaster occurred while
the country was already of energy.
reeling from the effects of It costs tutions. He urged more But these investors are
a severe drought that had
devastated livestock, par-
between institutions to take up
this innovation be-
apprehensive about the im-
minent introduction of eco-
ticularly in arid and semi- three to cause of its cost- ef- levy which they say might
arid counties. seven fectiveness in the erode the perceived gains
Such events are not un- long-run as insti- the government would have
precedented, and as a shil- tutions contribute to made from such ventures in
result, the government lings),” - deforestation due to saving the environment.
continues to implement
various initiatives to both
Oyolla massive amounts
of firewood they
This tax was in the budget
proposal that was rejected
mitigate and reverse the use. by Kenyans recently but may
effects of climate change. nia Oyolla showcasing Another com- be re-introduced in the Sup-
In 2022, the government this technology during installed these pany, Nyalore plementary Budget.
launched an ambitious plan a Technical, Vocational facilities in sev- Impact Company As of 2021, the National
to plant 15 billion trees over Education Institutions eral learning insti- based in Homa -Bay Forest Resources Assess-
ten years, aiming to achieve (TVETs) International Con- is also promoting ment (NFRA) Report, 2021
a forest cover of about 30 ference in Naivasha said the use of electric indicates that Kenya’s forest
percent. This campaign is the cooker has a boiler pressure cook- cover stood at 8.8 per cent
designed to halt and reverse which releases steam ers at home which falling short of the minimum
deforestation and reduce which cooks the food also help save the target of 10 per cent set by
greenhouse gas emissions and uses only a quarter environment. Charles Kenya’s 2010 Constitution
that contribute to climate of the amount of fuel re- Mwangi, a sales executive and the United Nations (UN).
change. quired to cook the same at the company showcasing In total, Kenya has roughly
Through the Vision 2030 amount of food. the invention at the same over seven million hectares
initiative, which targets a The cookers also event said the cookers are of forests, commercial or ex-
forest cover of at least 10 come with a safe- timesaving and cook virtu- otic. This means indigenous
percent by 2030, the gov- ty-valve, temperature ally. forests, which take more
ernment has committed to and pressure regula- He said the electric cook- time to mature, are disap-
planting five million trees tors, all in a bid to en- ers use very limited energy, pearing at an alarming rate.
each year. Additionally, it sure safety in the kitchen making them cost-effective The NFRA report further in-
has designated an area of where mass pro- and are faster, clean and not dicates that up to 37 coun-
5.1 million hectares with duction of food noisy at all. ties out of the 47 counties
potential for reforestation. is done. “The cookers are faster, have a tree cover percentage
And to support these “In effect, safer, and cook virtually great¬er than 10 per cent.
efforts to fight climate the workers every type of food includ- It shows that forest cover
change, two organizations will be work- ing deep frying. They use is unevenly distributed
are seeking to help institu- ing in a clean en- only one unit of electricity across the country with the
tions and individual homes vironment with no to cook for one hour because central region, parts of west-
to embrace eco- friendly they do not use electricity ern and the coast region be-
cookers which will help Charles Mwangi; continuously because of the ing the most forested.
stem cutting down trees for Sales Executive thermostat therein, thus Another IFRA report
firewood. at Nyalore Impact saving 79 per cent of the cost shows that Kenya’s tree
The first organization, Company based in of energy. It costs between cover now stands at about
Faith Engineering Works Homa-Bay show- three to seven shillings),” he 12 per cent, which means
Company is partnering casing an electric said. that Kenya has attained and
with these institutions to pressure cooker Mwangi said the cookers exceeded the constitutional
during a (TVETs)
install the steam cook- International which cost between Sh10, threshold of having 10 per
ers which utilize steam to Conference in 000 to Sh12, 600 and are cent tree cover as obligated
make food for hundreds of Naivasha also ideal for big institutions in Article 69, Section 1 (a) of
people. and that the investment is the Constitution.
The Sales Executive Jeco- worthwhile.

State urges parents to register disabled children for support

he Government has Speaking during a hiding children with in- diapers, sanitary towels, stigmatization, which can tor for disability services,
called on parents of mapping exercise at Don tellectual and develop- nutritional supplements, worsen conditions, and said they have established
children with dis- Orione Special School mental disabilities and therapy, sunscreen lo- urged parents to seek help a programme aimed at
abilities to register them in Murang’a, Winfred register them because tions, and spectacles pro- early. “Most parents ig- creating awareness in the
with the National Council Wairimu, Head of the the government needs to vided by NCPWD. nore early signs that could community and that has
for Persons with Disabil- Autism and Related De- know the total number of Parents of children with show a child is suffering reduced stigma on people
ities (NCPWD) to assist in velopmental Disabilities children with disabilities disabilities also received from intellectual disa- living with disabilities.
budget planning and to (ARDD), emphasized that for better service deliv- training on conducting bility. It is advisable for Makena advised parents
ensure accurate data on all registration will enable the ery,” Wairimu said.At Don therapy at home and guid- the parents to seek help of children with cerebral
children with disabilities. government to streamline Orione Special School, ance on properly feeding when they notice children palsy, epilepsy and au-
This will help link them to services for individuals a total of 70 individuals their affected children. are not meeting develop- tism to visit the nearest
various forms of govern- with disabilities and bet- with disabilities, including Wairimu noted that mental milestones,” She NCPWD offices so that
ment financial and mate- ter support those in need. children and persons with many parents hide their added. Esther Makena, they can get financial,
rial support. “Parents should stop albinism, benefited from children due to fear of Murang’a County direc- bursary and scholarships.
State Department for Housing and Urban Development

WATER ACT 2016 Section 70 ,85, 87 & 139

Name of Project: Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2)



Assignment Consultancy Services for Preparation of Infrastructure Upgrading Plans, Detailed Engineer-
Title: ing Designs and Procurement Documents and Construction Supervision of Infrastructure
The Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) has received licence applications from three (3) water Improvement Works in Selected Informal Settlements in the Counties of Nakuru, Uasin
service providers to provide water services within their counties. The licence applications have been Gishu and Elgeyo Marakwet.
made pursuant to the Water Act 2016 (Section 85(1)- “A person shall not provide water services except
under a licence issued by the Regulatory Board, upon submission of an application and such supporting Reference No: KE-MOTI-438181-CS-QCBS
documents as the Board may require”.
1. The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank and French Development Agency (AFD)
Therefore, in compliance to WASREB principal object under the Water Act 2016 Section 70(1)–“protection towards the cost of the Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP2) and intends to
of the interests and rights of consumers in the provision of water services”, Section 87(1)- “An application apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
for a licence shall be subject to public participation” read together with the provision of Section 139, we
wish to advise that public consultation meetings shall be held at the venues stated below to get stake- 2. The Consulting services (the Services) include:
holders concerns on services provided, licencing conditions and proposals for services improvement go-
ing forward. Please note that all Water Service Provider(s) shall hold hybrid public consultation meetings • Preparation of Infrastructure Upgrading Plans, Engineering Designs and Procurement Documents and
(physical and virtual) as outlined below; Construction Supervision of Infrastructure Improvement Works

The assignment is expected to take Thirty-Four (34) calendar months from the contract commencement date.
Water Service Provider County Venue Day Date
3. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website:
and Time or can be obtained at the address given below.
Tetu Aberdare Water and Nyeri Physical meeting Wamagana Catholic Wednesday
Sanitation Company Hall, Nyeri County 2nd October 4. The State Department for Housing and Urban Development (the Client) in the Ministry of Lands, Public Works,
2024 Housing and Urban Development through its Project Implementation Team, now invites eligible consulting
firms ( “Consultants’’) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should pro-
10.00 am vide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform
the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:
Virtual Meeting WSP to provide links
i. Core business and years in business: The firm shall be registered/incorporated as a consulting firm
Ngandori Water and Embu Physical meeting Mavvel Hotel, Embu Thursday,
with core business in engineering or related field for a period of at least ten (10) years.
Sanitation Company town 3rd October
ii. Relevant experience: The firm shall demonstrate as having successfully executed and completed at
Virtual Meeting WSP to provide links least two assignments of similar nature and scope in similar operating environments in the last ten (10)
years. Details of similar assignments-Name and address of the client, scope, value, and period should be
10.00 am
provided and submitted with an Expression of Interest (EoI).
Homabay Water and Homabay Physical meeting Golden Rays Hotel, Tuesday, iii. Technical and managerial capability of the firm: The firm shall demonstrate as having the requisite
Sanitation Company along Homa Bay 8th October technical capacity including relevant equipment, tools, software etc. and managerial capacity to under-
- Kendu Bay Road 2024 take the assignment in the submitted company profile(s).

Virtual Meeting WSP to provide links Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
10.00 am
5. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World
*Please note that the Homabay public consultation covers both license and tariff applications* Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” first published July 2016 and revised September 2023,
fifth edition (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Participants should be seated by 10.00am. Personal identification of participants will be required.
Members of the public in respective areas are invited to make oral and written submissions and ask any 6. Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether
questions that may relate to the provision of water services in their areas. the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the
partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
Details on Homabay water tariff rate can be accessed at and www.homawasco. 7. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality Cost Based Selection method set out in the
Procurement Regulations.
Comments on the application shall be emailed to [email protected] or send in hard copy to:
8. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours i.e. 0900 to 1700 Hours East
The Chief Executive Officer, African Time, (EAT).
Water Services Regulatory Board,
5th Floor NHIF Building, 9. Expression of Interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below either in person, by mail or
Ngong Road, by e-mail by 24th September 2024 at 1100 Hours EAT.
P.O Box 41621 -00100,
NAIROBI. Address:
State Department for Housing and Urban Development,
The closing date for receipt of comments is 30 days after the publication of this notice. Attn: Principal Secretary
6th Floor, Ardhi House, 1st Ngong Avenue
Nairobi, Kenya
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Telephone: +254-02-2729200
Water Services for All AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT


Training program launched to combat rising Esophageal Cancer cases

BY SILVIA WANJOHI fects the tube that runs Team (CHMT) members, KUTRRH Board Chair, portance of community en- also be implemented in Kisii,
(KNA) from the throat to the Sub-County Community Professor Olive Mugenda gagement in the fight against Nakuru, Meru, and Nyeri
stomach, whose signifi- Health Focal Persons, and highlighted the collaborative oesophageal cancer. Counties, with the goal of

he Kiambu County cant risk factors include Community Health Assis- nature of the project which She highlighted the need equipping local health work-
D ep a r t ment of dietary habits, alcohol tants in the county. also involves the University to establish effective referral ers with the necessary skills
Health Services in consumption and smoking The training is part of a of Manchester in the UK. mechanisms and ensure ac- and knowledge to tackle the
collaboration with Ken- which have been identified broader effort to enhance “The group is ready to start cess to care to improve pa- growing threat of oesopha-
yatta University Teach- as significant contributor public awareness, build di- the work in an effort to dis- tient outcomes. geal cancer in Kenya.
ing, Referral & Research to the disease. agnostic capacity and im- cover the causes, the preva- “Community engagement The research project com-
Hospital (KUTRRH) have The symptoms include prove access to timely care lence, and the nature of this is crucial in the fight against menced its activities in
launched a five-day train- trouble swallowing, un- for oesophageal cancer pa- disease, which is affecting oesophageal cancer. We need August 2022 following the
ing program aimed at im- intentional weight loss, tients. more and more people,” to establish effective refer- receipt of Sh446 million from
proving the early detection chest pain, worsening in- This approach is expected Mugenda said. ral mechanisms and ensure National Institute for Health
and treatment of oesopha- digestion or heartburn and to significantly increase sur- Ms Teresiah Njoroge, the access to care to improve and Care Research (NIHR)
geal cancer in the devolved coughing or hoarseness. vival rates and the likelihood Director of Public Health patient outcomes,” Njoroge Esophageal Cancer Research
unit. The initiative targets Com- of successful treatment for and Sanitation for Kiambu said. Grant and is set to run for
Oesophageal cancer af- munity Health Management those affected by the disease. County, emphasized the im- The training program will three years.


RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AND RENEWBALE ENERGY CORPORATION National Housing Corporation (N.H.C) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the following tender.

1. CONTRACT NAME AND DESCRIPTION; Tender Number Tender Description Closing Date & Time
NHC/EST/002/2024-25 Tender for Sale of Commercial Spaces at Park Road 24th September 2024 at
Rfx No. Contract name and Description Bid Security Opening & Closing date Affordable Housing Project 11.00am
1000001178 Provision of Cleaning Services for Kshs; 250,000.00 26th September, 2024
the Financial year 24/25-25/26 @ 10.00am Tender document can be downloaded free of charge from N.H.C website or

Enquiries can be made via email address: [email protected].

2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National) using a standardized tender doc-
ument. Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers. Any addenda/additional information on the tender will be posted on the N.H.C website.

3. Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tender Documents Duly completed bid documents shall be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the “Tender
during office hours 8.00am - 12.45pm to 1.45pm-4.00pm Monday to Friday in Rural Electrification and Number” and “Tender Description” and addressed to:-
Renewable Energy Corporation Offices situated in Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor.
4. A complete set of tender documents may be viewed and downloaded by interested tenderers free of P. O. BOX 30257 – 00100,
charge electronically from the Website under tender documents or through the e-pro- NAIROBI.
curement portal using and on the Public Procurement In- And be deposited in the Tender Box located on Ground Floor of N.H.C house, so as to be received on or before
formation Portal 24th September 2024 at 11.00am and shall be valid for a period of 150 days after bid submission. Bids will be
Tenderers who are not yet registered with REREC must register their companies in order to participate in opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders and/or their representatives who choose to attend in
the tender using link below that can be found from the website Procurement-Supplier the Conference Room located on 10th Floor of N.H.C House.
registration: Late bids will be rejected.
5. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the website

6. Tenders shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings and shall include all taxes. Tenders shall remain valid for 147days
from the date of opening of tenders.

7. All Tenders must be accompanied by a tender Security in form of a bank guarantee. Original Bid security
shall be delivered to the tender Box (Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road,) on/before the MERU WATER AND SEWERAGE
tender closing date and time indicated above
8. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
9. Completed tenders must be delivered to Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation electron-
ically through on or before the tender closing date and time
indicated above Tel: 064-3132591 0717527707 P. O. Box 859-60200 MERU
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
10. Only Electronic Tenders will be permitted.

11. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line
date and times specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated
representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
Meru Water and Sewerage Services Company LTD invites eligible and competent bidders to apply for the
following Tender
12. Any addendum to this tender shall be uploaded to the Corporation’s website under
tender documents.
13. Late tenders will be rejected.
MWS/MED/24-25 Tender for provision of Medical Insurance Cover for Board Members and Staff
14. The addresses referred to above are:
Address for obtaining further information on tender documents
A complete set of tender documents containing detailed terms and conditions of tendering can be obtained
Original Bid security delivered to the tender Box (Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road,).
by interested bidders by downloading from MEWASSCO website or at public information
Contact Manager, Supply chain management, telephone number: 0709193000 and e-mail address:
portal for free.
[email protected]
Application clearly marked the Tender No. and Tender name on a sealed envelope should be addressed to:
Address for Submission of Tenders: Online Through
Address for Opening of Tenders. Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, online opening system
The Managing Director,
Tender Termination Meru Water and Sewerage Services Company LTD
P. O Box 859 – 60200 Tel: 064-3132591
Rfx No. Contract name and Description MERU
1000001078 Provision of Cleaning Services for the Financial year 24/25-25/26 Should be deposited in the tender box at the office reception so as to be received on /before Tuesday, 17th
September 2024 at 11.00 A.M. The bid documents will be opened thereafter. Tenderers or their representa-
Name: Dr. Rose N. Mkalama; tives are free to attend.
Designation: Chief Executive Officer




The Retirement Benefits Authority would like to bring to the attention of Trustees, scheme administrators and Assignment CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT COMMUNICATION & DOCUMENTARY.
other service providers of retirement benefits schemes whose financial year ended on 30th June 2024, the Title:
following provisions of the Retirement Benefits Act, 1997 and the Regulations therein:
1. Section 34(4) of the Act requires every scheme to submit to the Authority audited financial statements
within three (3) months after the end of the financial year. Penalties apply for failure to submit audited 1. The Government of Kenya (GoK) on behalf of Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) has received
accounts within the prescribed timelines as provided under Section 34 (4) (4c) financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) towards the cost of the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply
and Sanitation Program (KTSWSSP) and intends to apply part of the amount for this loan to payments under the
2. Section 16 of the Act; Regulation 39 of the Retirement Benefits (Occupational Retirement Benefits Scheme) Consultancy Services for Project Communication & Documentary.
Regulations 2000; Regulation 32 of the Retirement Benefits (Individual Retirement Benefits Scheme) Reg-
2. The objective of the assignment is to engage a communication expert to provide institutional communica-
ulations 2000 and Regulation 46 of the Retirement Benefits (Umbrella Retirement Benefits Scheme) Regu-
tion support and undertake strategic communication, stakeholder engagement, media management and
lations 2017 require each scheme to submit to the Authority the Retirement Benefits Levy within four (4) creative production for the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program (KTSWSSP) Athi Cluster.
months after the end of financial year. Any default in the payment of the levy attracts a penalty of 5% per
month on any amount outstanding. 3. The scope of individual consultancy services will include but not limited to the following:

In this regard, schemes whose financial year ended on 30th June 2024 should submit their financial statements by Construction Phase:
• Public Awareness and Outreach - Develop clear and concise messaging about the project’s purpose, benefits,
30th September 2024 and pay the requisite levy by 31st October 2024.
and timelines. Utilize various communication channels (e.g., town hall meetings, website updates, social
media) to reach diverse audiences.
Payments should be made online through the RBA Returns Portal via the eCitizen collection account. For • Stakeholder Engagement - Identify key stakeholders, including residents, businesses, environmental groups,
all payments, please provide the scheme details including the scheme registration number, scheme name and and government officials. Establish regular communication channels with stakeholders through meetings,
amount of levy paid to the Authority through the email address [email protected] newsletters, and community forums.
• Media Relations - Develop media kits with project information and key contact details. Proactively engage with
For queries regarding the Retirement Benefits Industry or your pension scheme please call RBA on toll free number: media outlets to share project updates and address any concerns raised in the media.
0800720300 • Construction Updates - Regularly share updates on construction progress, milestones achieved, and anticipat-
RETIREMENT BENEFITS AUTHORITY ed timelines. Communicate any potential delays or disruptions in a timely and transparent manner.

Rahimtulla Tower, 13th Floor, Upper Hill Road, P.O. Box 57733-00200 Nairobi Post-Construction Phase:
Tel: 2809000 Mobile: 0726 600001-5 or 0735 339132 Fax: 2710330 • Project Completion Announcement - Develop press releases and public announcements celebrating the
project’s completion. Organize events such as commissioning to showcase the completed project and its
For more industry updates, follow us on: benefits to the community.
• Benefits Communication - Clearly communicate the positive impacts of the new water and sewerage system,
such as improved water quality, increased sanitation, and environmental benefits. Provide information on
@RBA_Kenya rbakenya @RetirementBenefitsAuthorityKE Retirement Benefits Authority Kenya
how to access and use the new system effectively.
@RetirementBenefitsAuthorityKE • Public Education - Develop educational materials (e.g., brochures, public service announcements) on water
[email protected] conservation practices and responsible wastewater disposal to promote responsible use of the new infrastruc-
Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) is ISO 9001: 2015 Certified • Maintaining Open Communication Channels - Maintain communication channels established during
construction to address any post-construction concerns or issues related to the water and sewerage system.
4. The consultancy services will be carried out over a period of 12 Months
5. The Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) now invites individual consultants to submit their interest
in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information on their capacity and experience in
relation to the assignment, (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, avail-
ability of appropriate skills, etc.).
6. The minimum requirements are: -
• A minimum of bachelor’s degree in public relations and communication including journalism, political science
or related field, with sufficient practical experience in public communication
• At least twelve years of work experience working in public communications
• A combination of skills and knowledge in both print and visual communications including knowledge in and

handling of communication equipment is an added advantage
A demonstrated strong knowledge of and interest in Vision 2030 and Big 4 Agenda of the Government of
Kenya (GOK)
The Kenya National High Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya Roads Act, 2007, • Proven excellence, enthusiasm, and creative/journalistic writing skills, and approach to communications that
spur active public debates. Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and develop visual media content is an
with the responsibility for the Management, Development Rehabilitation and Maintenance of National Roads.
• Proven ability and knowledge of social media platforms, mainly Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters, and website
KeNHA invites sealed bids from eligible Service Providers for the following tenders. management among others.
• A good social media following, traffic, and engagement, especially with young people will be an added
S/No. Tender No. Tender Description Tender Closing/Opening Date/Time/Venue advantage.
• Excellent written and verbal communications in English
1. KeNHA/2800/2024 Provision of Motor Vehicles 25th September, 2024 at 11.00am.
Insurance Brokerage Ser- 7. Interested individual consultants must provide information with evidence that they are qualified and experienced
vices KeNHA Headquarters, Barabara Plaza, Jomo to perform this assignment. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submit-
Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, ted. In addition, they should include a proposal for undertaking the assignment along with a financial proposal.
Off Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor Board 8. The Consultants’ proposals shall be evaluated on the following criteria as expressed in their updated resume/
Room. proposal.
• Similar/Relevant Assignments undertaken 30%
2. KeNHA/2801/2024 Provision of General Insur- 25th September, 2024 at 11.00am.
• General Qualifications & Adequacy 30%
ance Brokerage Services for • Educational level compared to the field of assignment 20%
Authority Assets KeNHA Headquarters, Barabara Plaza, Jomo
Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Nairobi, • At least 12 years of relevant experience 10%
Off Mazao Road, Block C - 2nd Floor Board • Language proficiency in English. 5%
• Knowledge of Athi Water Works Development Agency’s Mandate 5%
9. Consultants shall be selected through comparison of qualifications of the candidates (not to exceed six)
among those who have expressed interest in the assignment or have been approached directly by the Borrower.
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested Bidders free of charge by downloading from Individuals considered for comparison of qualifications shall meet the minimum relevant qualifications and those
KeNHA website: or Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP): or selected to be employed by the Borrower shall be the best qualified and shall be fully capable of carrying out the
from KeNHA Office JKIA BaraBara Plaza Block C, 2nd Floor Supply Chain Office during normal working hours upon assignment. Capability is judged on the basis of academic background, experience, and, as appropriate,
payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh, 1,000.00 (One thousands shillings only) in form of a banker cheque knowledge of the local conditions, such as local language, culture, administrative system, and government organi-
payable to Kenya National Highways Authority. zation”
10. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with Guidelines
Bidders are encouraged to download the Tender documents from the above websites to minimize physical visits for recruitment of Individual Consultants under the “Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations” dated
to the KeNHA Office. October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at

All interested bidders are required to continually check the Kenya National Highways Authority website: 11. Interested Individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0800 to and Public Procurement Information Portal (PPIP) for any other tender addenda or clarifica- 1700 Hours from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400Hrs) and public holidays.
tions that may arise before the submission date. 12. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 24th September, 2024 at 12.00 noon East
African time and mention Consultancy Services for Project Communication and Documentary
Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)
Chief Executive Officer
For: DIRECTOR GENERAL Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA),
Athi Water Plaza, Muthaiga North Road Off Kiambu Road
For all your enquiries email us on: [email protected] Toll Free Line: 0800-211-244 Customer Care: 0700 423 606 #Road Safety Starts With You Nairobi, P.O Box 45283-00100 Nairobi.
@KeNHAKenya Website: Kenya National Highways Authority Tel: 254 020 2724292/3, Fax: 254 020 2724295
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Email: [email protected]


Ministry of Roads and Transport

Department of Transport

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority NATIONAL OPEN TENDER NOTICE

PUBLIC NOTICE The National Construction Authority (NCA) is a State Corporation established under the
National Construction Authority Act 2011, with the responsibility to oversee the
REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON THE construction industry and coordinate its development. The Authority invites sealed bids
from eligible candidates for the following tenders;
Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) is a State Corporation established under the Civil Aviation Act, No. Tender No. Description of Tender Eligibility Closing/
2013 and mandated, among other functions, to regulate the aviation industry in Kenya. As obliged Opening
under the provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and in order to make the
Act more robust to cover emerging issues in the Kenyan aviation industry and international best Provision of Private Security Services
1 NCA/T/01/ AGPO 18th Sept,
practice, KCAA reviewed the current Civil Aviation Act, 2013 provisions and has developed a draft at NCA Headquarters, Regional and 2024
Civil Aviation Bill 2024 for consideration by stakeholders. 2024-2025 Liaison offices

Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya and all other relevant legal requirements, 2 NCA/T/02/ Purchase of Cisco Call Management OPEN 18th Sept,
KCAA invites members of the public to submit written comments and/or memoranda on the draft 2024-2025 2024
Civil Aviation Bill 2024 via or fill the stakeholder
comments form and send via email to [email protected] on or before 30th September 3 NCA/T/03/ Provision of Comprehensive Motor OPEN 18th Sept,
2024 at 17:00hrs. Vehicle Insurance Services 2024
The draft Civil Aviation Bill, 2024 and the stakeholder comments form can be obtained from the
KCAA website: Tender documents with detailed information and instruction may be viewed and
downloaded from the Authority’s website; and the Public Procurement
Further, members of the public are invited to attend in-person public consultations on the Bill at Information portal, at no cost.
the venue indicated below:
Manager, Supply Chain
Nairobi The Panari Hotel 3rd October, 2024 09:00hrs – 16:00hrs

DIRECTOR GENERAL NCAKenya National Construction Authority @ncakenya +254 709 126 102/172/173 [email protected]

Scientists in Mombasa explore role of satellite

technology in supporting Blue Economy
BY CHARI SUCHE (KNA) A section of has adopted and devel- satellite data station with
oped dedicated policies for the capacity of generating

the delegates
cientists and re- follows pro- space science and tech- fishing advisories in the
searchers converged ceedings dur- nology. form of Potential Fishing
in Mombasa for a ing a Southern He pointed that through Zones (PFZ) for local fish-
three-day workshop to Africa Regional these policy instruments, ers.
learn about and raise Stakeholder the government seeks to Imam also stated that
awareness of the role of Workshop secure collaborations and the country regards col-
on Earth
Earth observation satel- partnerships and build laborations and part-
lites in supporting the Blue Technologies human and institutional nerships in the areas of
Economy. in Mombasa. capacity in the areas of Ocean Science Technol-
Under the Global Mon- blue economy and remote ogy and innovation in-
itoring for Environment sensing. cluding Space Science and
and Security and Africa tices on successful ser- natural endowed coastal drought, pollution among He said Kenya Marine Technology as a vehicle
(GMES and Africa) support vices, and strengthen the and marine resources that others, can be potential and Fisheries Research for facilitating knowl-
program, the forum aimed use of GMES and Africa many countries have. divers of poverty and food Institute (KMFRI) has the edge sharing, developing
to discuss the sustainabil- services. He noted that nations insecurity as well as mal- prerequisite analytical pre-requisite skills and
ity of the various services Giving his remarks dur- are also able to ensure that nutrition among vulnera- capacity to deal with big allowing for the diffusion
implemented under the ing a presentation, Imam they develop strategies ble communities,” he said. data sets which is criti- of inventions and innova-
GMES and Africa Project, said the use of earth ob- that protect the rich en- He further noted that cal in ensuring that they tions in the country.
according to Rashid Imam, servation (EO) and remote dowment being the bio- countries need up-to-date can translate large data “Kenya aims to explore
Director of the Kenya Ma- sensing technologies to logical resources. integrated information on sets into information and investment opportuni-
rine and Fisheries Re- obtain data on the state of Imam said the Blue the state of the earth. knowledge aimed at ad- ties in these areas for the
search Institute (KMFRI) the earth which include Economy sector is facing He reiterated that the dressing the challenges in socio-economic devel-
in Mombasa. the physio-chemical and multifaceted challenges government established various areas of the econ- opment of our people,”
Imam added that the biological systems is criti- which include environ- a specific department to omy. Imam added.
forum also sought to raise cal for planning to ensure mental and socio-eco- look into emerging and “Through KMFRI, we The theme for the work-
awareness about the use there is a better under- nomic challenges which challenges in the blue have technical experts shop was, “Enabling sus-
and impact of GMES ser- standing of the issues become complex with economy sector. with specialized training tainable development and
vices at both the national faced. time and interconnected. “The Department of and capacity of generating inclusive growth using
and regional levels. He said once processed, “Although African Blue Economy works very real time data on temper- earth observation tech-
It aimed to promote the data and information countries have commit- closely with the Kenya ature, current, primary nologies towards Agenda
cross-fertilization to en- help in many policy areas. ted to address these chal- Space Agency for the bet- productivity, wave height 2063”.
courage consortia to Imam added that the use lenges through nationally terment of our societies among other key ocean- GMES and Africa is a
establish cooperation of EO data is key in devel- determined contributions, here in Kenya and also for ographic parameters,” he joint programme co-fi-
frameworks among them- oping best science-based threats such as climate the rest of the continent,” said. nanced by the European
selves, share experiences, policies and strategies for change experience in our he added. He said KMFRI has set Commission and the Af-
knowledge, and best prac- the sustainable use of our country inform of floods, Imam said the country up a ground receiving rican Union Commission.

Devolution Department to enhance capacity building for counties

BYMARTIN MUNYI AND through the first phase of where if we score well, we lenged county governments other development part-
IRENE GALGALO (KNA) KDSP, Laikipia County was will be able to receive more to seek partnerships with ners,” Ms Kiringai said.

he state department supported in infrastructural grants and rise to higher development partners’ in KDSP is funded by the
of devolution has projects such as improve- levels of funding. The fund- order to harness more fund- World Bank through a loan
embarked on capac- ment of roads, health, wa- ing model is based on per- ing for development. to the national government
ity building devolved units ter, sanitation and market formance indexes of each “Counties are always but extended to devolved
with the aim of strength- rehabilitation at a cost of county,” Irungu said. complaining that the eq- units as conditional grants
ening governance systems over Sh440 million. More- Ms Jane Kiringai, a senior uitable share is not enough to support infrastructure
and improve service deliv- over, the county received advisor on internal devel- for development projects, programmes, strengthen
ery at the county level. over Sh113 million for ca- opment in the Office of the but they can leverage part- institutions in a bid to max-
THe state department for pacity building and techni- Deputy President, who also nerships that will see most imise the impact of devolu-
devolution principal sec- cal assistance. attended the launch chal- of programs supported by tion at the grassroots levels.
retary ms teresiah mbaika The County also received
has said that her depart- more than Sh103 million for
ment will provide counties the construction of maize
with resources to enhance storage facilities and instal-
institutional capacity in PS for Devolution Ms. Teresia lation of driers and capacity
the running of their daily Mbaika addresses participants building of producers.
affairs. during the launch of County Governor Joshua Irungu,
speaking in nanyuki Government of Laikipia second who attended the launch
town during the launch of said his administration
the laikipia county second she said. had outlined various flag- kasneb Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 41362-00100, Nairobi
phase of the kenya devo- Ms Mbaika further noted ship projects in the areas of Landline telephone number: +254 (020) 4923000. Cellphone: 0722-201214, 0734-600624
lution support programme that KDSP II seeks to lev- Health, Agriculture, Water Email: [email protected]. Website:,
(kdsp ii), ms mbaika noted erage partnerships through and Sanitation, Trade and Facebook: KASNEBOfficial X:@KASNEBOfficial
that the country’s devo- a combination of perfor- Infrastructure that would
lution journey stands as mance-based grants and be prioritized under the EXAMINATIONS NOTICE – DECEMBER 2024
a beacon of hope for so- targeted investments to second phase of KDSP.
Students of Kasneb, parents, sponsors, guardians, training institutions and other stakeholders are hereby notified that
cio-economic transfor- incentivize critical reforms Irungu pointed out that the December 2024 examinations will be administered over a period of five (5) days, from Monday, 2 December 2024 to
mation. and foster a culture of ac- since KDSP was a re- Friday, 6 December 2024. The specific dates and other additional information are availed below:
“over the past dec- countability and transpar- sult-based programme, his
ade, we have witnessed ency. administration had pri- 1. EXAMINATION DATES
remarkable progress in “By leveraging partner- oritized three key areas to The examination dates for the December 2024 examinations are as follows:
establishing and opera- ships and harnessing the commit that are: improve-
(a) Monday, 2 December 2024 and Tuesday, 3 December 2024
tionalising county gov- expertise of diverse stake- ments in service delivery,
ernments, ushering in a holders, we can overcome staff performance, and en- (i) Diploma in Data Management and Analytics (DDMA)
new era of governance and institutional and infra- hancing own source rev- (ii) Diploma in Computer Networks and Systems Administration (DCNSA)
service delivery. the mile- structural development enue to surpass the Sh1.1 (b) Monday, 2 December 2024 to Thursday, 5 December 2024
stones achieved reflect our challenges and unlock the billion realised in the 2023- (i) Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills (CAMS)
unwavering commitment full potential of Laikipia 2024 financial year. (ii) Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD)
to decentralisation and County,” the PS said. “This (KDSP) is a re- (iii) Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
citizen empowerment,” She further noted that sult-based programme (iv) Certified Secretaries (CS)
(v) Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA)
(vi) Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)
(vii) Certified Information Systems Solutions Expert (CISSE)
(viii) Certified Forensic Fraud Examiner (CFFE)
The Commission on Administrative Justice (ix) Vocational Certificate Courses: (VCEI), (VCGD), (VCICS) and VCBCT
(x) Certified Procurement and Supply Professional of Kenya (CPSP-K)
(Office of the Ombudsman) (xi) Associate in Procurement and Supply of Kenya (APS-K)
(xii) Certified Quality Professional (CQP)

Hata Mnyonge ana Haki (c) Tuesday, 3 December 2024 and Thursday, 5 December 2024
Foreign Accountancy Qualifications (FAQ)
(d) Friday, 6 December 2024

TENDER FOR PROVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE CLEANING, Business Data Analytics Practical Paper (CPA) and Financial Modelling and Data Analytics Practical Paper (CIFA)

FUMIGATION AND SANITARY SERVICES Note: Candidates are advised to make early arrangements, including seeking permission from employers
where applicable, to ensure that they sit for the examinations.

The Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) is a Constitutional Commission established under The closing date for registration and examination entry for the December 2024 examinations will be Friday, 1
Article 59 (4), Chapter Fifteen of the Constitution and the Commission on Administrative Justice Act, 2011 with the man- November 2024.
date of addressing all forms of maladministration in the public sector in Kenya. The Commission is also charged with
overseeing and enforcing the implementation of the Access to Information Act, 2016. The Commission on Administrative 3. QUALIFICATIONS BROCHURE
Justice (CAJ) invites sealed tenders from eligible service providers for:
The qualifications brochure can be downloaded from the Kasneb website or obtained from the
(a) The offices of Kasneb.
(b) Kasneb counters at Huduma Centres in Nairobi GPO, Kisumu, Kisii, Eldoret, Nyeri, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kitale,
Kakamega, Meru and Thika.
(c) Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) branches countrywide.
Interested eligible bidders may download the tender documents from CAJ website; (d) Training institutions offering Kasneb courses.
or Procurement Information Portal ( at no cost.
Bidders who download the tender document from the websites will be required to register the Tender at the Commis-
sion’s Head office before the submission date, to facilitate communication in case of a clarification. (a) Payment through student portal
Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, and levies, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for 150
days from the closing date of the tender. Students are advised to use student portal link A detailed guide regarding this
mode of payment is available within the student portal.
Completed Tender documents in a plain sealed outer envelope enclosing separately sealed envelopes (in “Original”
and “Copy”) all clearly marked Tender No. CAJ/CS/01/ 2024/2025 as per instructions in the tender documents (b) Payment by students based outside Kenya
should be deposited in the tender box at the Commission on Administrative Justice Offices, West End Towers on
Waiyaki way 1st Floor, Nairobi so as to be received on or before 18th September, 2024 at 12.00 (noon). Foreign based students should pay through KCB Dollar Account No.1123096465.
Bids received after 12.00 noon shall be rejected. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the
Students are advised to utilise the above payment channels. Please note that NO payment shall be made
bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at the CAJ Office as provided above on the specified date and
through any member of staff or agent of Kasneb. Cash payments will NOT be accepted at Kasneb offices.
Students based outside Kenya/Foreign students are advised to pay the applicable fees in US dollars.
For more details on the tender, please visit our website at: / or
5. All continuing students of Kasneb are required to renew their annual registration by 1 July of each year. New students
The Address for the procuring entity is as follows are advised to note that the annual registration renewal fee is due on the 1 July following the first eligible examina-
tion sitting and annually thereafter.
P.O BOX 20414-00200 NAIROBI
Tuesday, 10 September 2024.


Government on course to deliver on

improved housing, healthcare to Kenyans
(KNA) create quality jobs directly disabled as outlined in the
in construction for the Persons with Disabilities

he Government is on approximately 100,000 Act of 2003,” he said, add-
track to implement young people graduating ing that the SHIF card can
the Bottom-Up Eco- from TVETs each year, grant patients access to all
nomic Transformation and indirectly through health facilities including
Agenda (BETA), particu- the production of building public, private, and faith-
larly in housing and settle- materials, the government based organizations.
ment, as well as Universal aims to address the issue He pointed out that
Health Coverage, where effectively. contributions SHIF will
significant milestones The G ove r n m e n t be at a rate of 2.75 per cent
have been achieved. spokesperson said the of an individual’s income,
Government Spokes- target is to create over whereas the national and
person Isaac Mwaura one million jobs through county governments will
noted that the govern- the Affordable Housing pay the insurance premi-
ment aims to construct Program for plumbers, ums for the poor, those in
250,000 affordable hous- electricians, masons, custody and vulnerable
ing units annually to ad- and stone cutters at the populations through social
dress housing shortages quarry, and across the protection, as determined
in both urban and rural building and construction by means testing.
areas. industry as the govern- As of September 3rd,
Mwaura emphasized ment continues to roll out 2024, the government
that this goal aligns with this initiative. spokesperson disclosed
the constitutional provi- This commitment, he that 861,101 Kenyans
sion that recognizes hous- added, seeks to increase had registered with SHA,
ing as a basic social and the supply of new housing and 9,792 health facil-
economic right. This in- to 250,000 per annum and ities, including 2,008
cludes ensuring accessi- change the percentage of publics and 7,784 private
ble and adequate housing affordable housing supply and faith-based facili-
and reasonable sanitation from the prevailing two ties, were licensed by the
standards in accordance per cent to 50 per cent by Kenya Medical Practition-
with the Affordable Hous- structuring affordable ers and Dentists Council
ing Program (AHP) and long-term housing fi- Government spokesperson Dr. Isaac Mwaura addressing the press on the matters of (KMPDC).
Social Housing Program nance schemes, including national importance including Housing and Settlement, and Universal Health Coverage He added that draft
(SHP). a National Housing Fund at KICC, Nairobi. contracts with healthcare
Mwaura pointed out and Cooperative So- cial Housing Schemes to simultaneously provid- In line with the key ob- providers have been fi-
that more than 60 per- guarantee the offtake of ing a decent and dignified jective of Universal Health nalized, and that the gov-
cent of urban Kenyans live houses from developers. home for Kenyans of all Coverage, Dr. Mwaura said ernment is now focused
in slums and other sub- This situa- It further aims at walks of life. the government is com- on public awareness and
standard housing with- tion is due strengthening the Jua “Cumulatively, there mitted to the employment education regarding the
out adequate sanitation, Kali industry’s capacity are about 100,000 hous- and initiation of payment transition from NHIF to
which undermines their to the country’s to produce high-quality ing units at various stages for community health SHA, with healthcare pro-
dignity and exposes them rapid urbaniza- construction materials, of construction across the workers, who will form vider engagement to begin
to health hazards.
“This situation is due to
tion rate, which while giving developers
incentives to build more
An additional 700,000
part of the Primary Health
Care System and also pri-
once tariffs are gazetted.
“All civil servants are
the country’s rapid urban- averages 4.4 per- affordable housing units. housing units are in the oritize reducing the cost expected to be registered
ization rate, which aver- cent, resulting At the same time, the pipeline, including 40,299 of treatment through the by October 1, 2024, with
ages 4.4 percent, resulting government has success- social housing units ad- new and improved Social the Ministries of Energy
in approximately 500,000 in approximately fully piloted the Recog- vertised on June 25, 2024, Health Authority (SHA). and Information, Com-
new city dwellers each 500,000 new nition of Prior Learning which will also benefit “The shift from NHIF munications, and the Dig-
year. This makes housing
supply a challenging and
city dwellers (RPL) program for 213 ar-
tisans at Kibra and Ruiru
residents who were relo-
cated from flood-prone
to SHIF introduces en-
hanced benefits such as
ital Economy required to
support power and inter-
ever-moving target for each year. This Affordable Housing Pro- areas along the Nairobi full digitization, biometric net connections to health
the government,” he ex- makes housing jects, amid plans to roll River,” he highlighted. verification, independ- facilities across the coun-
plained. it out to other over 1,000 So far out of the 24 ent accreditation, an ex- try,” stated Dr. Mwaura,
Despite this, Mwaura supply a chal- artisans nationwide. ongoing AHP projects, panded benefit package, adding that the Ministry
stated that the govern- lenging and The Spokesperson also Dr. Mwaura revealed reduced monthly premi- of Education will support
ment is committed to
transforming the housing
ever-moving announced that two pro-
grams cutting across sev-
that 539,623 registered
members of the pub-
ums from Sh500 to Sh300,
fair contributions for all
student registration, while
the Ministry of the Interior
challenge into an eco- target for the eral counties, remain part lic have saved a total of sectors, universal cover- will facilitate the rollout
nomic opportunity. By government,”- of the timely interven- Sh2,274,456,214 and that age, emergency care, and through its National Gov-
viewing housing produc- tions by the government a total of 6,411 houses have government support for ernment Administrative
tion as a sector that will Mwaura to eradicate slums, while been booked to date. the very poor and severely Officers (NGAO) network.

KNH launches the Kenya-Japan Dr Gathara said the pro-

gramme is very beneficial
since it equips doctors both
and the first part of the small
intestines and the lower GI
which involves the large in-

Endoscopy Onsite Training Programme from Kenyatta and around

the counties with skills to
enable them to treat their
“We have advanced pro-
cedures that we do in en-
BY MWENDWA MWENDWA patients better, words ech- doscopy which include
(KNA) beginning of a three-day perts from Japan will come Gathara explained. oed by the Director of TEM- the Endoscopic Retrograde
hands-on training pro- and train with them at the She added that the pro- DEC at Kyushu University Cholangiopancreatography

he Kenyatta National gramme in various en- hospital. gramme usually runs twice Dr Tomohiko Moriyama (ERCP), procedures for di-
Hospital (KNH) in doscopy specialties which “It is a three-year pro- a year with the hospital on- who reiterated that the agnosis and treatment,” she
collaboration with aim to enhance skills and gramme but for on-site site training at Kenyatta and programme aims to tackle highlighted.
the Embassy of Japan has knowledge in gastrointesti- training in Kenya. The train- later a team of five doctors health coverage all over Dr Gathara thanked the
launched an on-site training nal care. ing and lectures will take travel to Japan to receive Kenya. Embassy of Japan for spon-
programme focused on hu- During a sidebar interview three days where we will further training. Dr Gathara elaborated that soring the programme and
man resource development at KNH in Nairobi , the Head engage with specialists from “This year we have 13 endoscopy is a procedure the KNH staff for partici-
for gastrointestinal diseases of Endoscopy Unit at KNH Japan and come November, trainees where we have six where doctors evaluate the pating in the programme,
in Kenya particularly in the Dr Linda Gathara revealed a team from KNH will travel from KNH and seven from gastrointestinal (GI) system saying she looks forward
endoscopy field. that the programme will run to Japan for training for a counties all over the coun- involving the upper GI, that to more partnerships in the
The launch marks the for three years where ex- period of one month,” Dr try,” she disclosed. is the stomach, oesophagus future.

15 alcohol outlets shut down by NACADA in Mombasa

Leading a multi-agency measures to ensure their can curb illegal sales, re- tablishments. flouting various require-

he National Author- team, NACADA explained businesses operate within duce the availability of Many of these outlets, ments of the regulations
ity for the Campaign that the operations follow the law. harmful alcoholic prod- the NACADA CEO noted, and laws related to alco-
Against Alcohol and sustained government “Our goal is to protect ucts, and ensure that sell alcohol to minors, op- hol dispensing outlets. All
Drug Abuse (NACADA) initiatives aimed at ad- the public, especially outlets comply with le- erate without licenses, or of them are undergoing
intensified its compliance dressing alcohol and drug vulnerable groups like the gal standards, ultimately stock illicit brews, all of due court process,” added
and enforcement efforts abuse challenges in the youth, from the dangers protecting consumers which contribute to ram- the CEO.
in Mombasa County with country. of unregulated alcohol from unsafe practices,” pant alcohol abuse and These crackdowns, the
a series of crackdowns on During the crack- outlets. Dr. Omerikwa said. its associated social and CEO said, demonstrate
alcohol-dispensing out- downs, NACADA Chief This crackdown will He said crackdowns on health problems. the government’s com-
lets in the coastal city. Executive Officer Dr. An- help ensure compliance alcohol dispensing outlets “In total, we visited mitment to public health
NACADA stated that thony Omerikwa empha- with the law, curb illicit are an effective strategy in fourteen establishments and safety, while pro-
these crackdowns are sized the importance of trade, and reduce the the campaign against al- within Bamburi, Kisauni, moting responsible con-
part of ongoing efforts by strict enforcement of the harmful effects of alcohol cohol and drug abuse in and the Central Business sumption which is crucial
the regulator to ensure ADCA 2010. abuse. Kenya because they di- District areas of Mom- in NACADA’s broader
adherence to the Alco- He urged proprietors By enforcing the Alco- rectly target the root of basa county and cumu- mission to reduce alco-
holic Drinks Control Act of alcohol-dispensing holic Drinks Control Act the problem, unregulated latively fifteen suspects hol and drug abuse across
(ADCA) of 2010. outlets to take proactive (ADCA) 2010, authorities and non-compliant es- were placed in custody for Kenya.

Government releases
Sh. 3.4b for August
payment to Inua
Jamii beneficiaries TENDER NOTICE

TENDER NO. NCA/T/04/2024-2025

National Construction Authority (NCA), under Section 5 of the National Construction Authority Act, 2011 (Cap
449A Laws of Kenya), holds the mandate to oversee the construction industry and coordinate its development. In
aligning with its mandate, the Authority has developed the National Building Code 2024, which was published as
The National Building Code, 2024, is a comprehensive framework designed to standardize construction practices,
ensure quality and safety, and promote sustainable building methods. The Building Code is under a transition
period that runs for one year and thus, the Authority plans to conduct sensitization & technical trainings for all
the nationwide stakeholders’ technical trainings on the National Building Code, 2024.
Scope of Work/ ToRs
1. To conduct a nationwide stakeholder mapping and develop a detailed stakeholder map & matrix.
2. To develop the training methodology framework for the execution of the technical training programs for each
category of stakeholders.
3. To develop customized execution plans for the rollout of the technical training programs nationwide.
4. To develop the technical training content and manuals for each category of stakeholders.
Principal Secretary for Social Protection and
Senior Citizens Joseph Motari (Right) confers 5. To conduct the technical trainings across all the 47 counties.
with a beneficiary. 6. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training programs and develop an action plans that will guide the Authority
in the implementation and enforcement of the National Building Code, 2024.
Eligibility Requirements

he Government has released Sh3.4 Are clearly indicated in the evaluation criteria in the tender document.
billion for disbursement to Inua Jamii
beneficiaries across the country. Submission Guidelines
cial Protection, the Treasury disbursed Public Procurement Information portal, free of charge.
Sh3,419,699,500 for August payment to
beneficiaries enrolled in the Inua Jamii Pro- Deadline for Submission
gramme and the the beneficiaries began Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender reference number
tember, 2024.
The Principal Secretary for Social Protec- Executive Director
tion and Senior Citizens Joseph Motari said National Construction Authority
the Inua Jamii Programme offers financial
assistance through monthly stipends to the KCB Towers, Kenya Road, Upper Hill,
most vulnerable members of the society in- P O Box 21046 – 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA
cluding the elderly, orphans and vulnerable Tel: 0709126102/172/173
children, and persons with severe disabilities
with the aim of improving their lives. So as to be received on or before Tuesday 1st October, 2024 at 11:00 a.m, Tenders will be opened immediately
Motari revealed that as of August 2024, the
programme benefitted a total of 1,215,343 thereafter in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend at NCA Boardroom on
elderly, 428,421 orphans and vulnerable 9th Floor, KCB Towers, Nairobi.
children and 59,637 persons with severe
disabilities. For more information or inquiries, please contact us through [email protected]
This, the PS noted, brings the total number of
beneficiaries to 1,703,401, an increase of 21,778
The Authority is committed to promoting professional excellence and adherence to the highest standards in
from July’s beneficiaries who stood at 1,681,623.
Motari attributed the increase to on-going the construction industry.
efforts to enrol more eligible Kenyans into the
programme following President William Ruto’s
directive to expand it to 2.5 million beneficiaries NCAKenya National Construction Authority @ncakenya +254 709 126 102/172/173 [email protected]
in phases.


Geothermal exploration risk underwriting facility

unveiled to Bring greater investments in the Kenya
othermal power potential dustrialization as well as the

he Insurance Regu- estimated at 10,000 MW. insurance regulator and the
latory Authority of According to Wachira, private sector in developing
Kenya (IRA) in part- the huge potential of ge- this facility that will de-
nership with the Ministry othermal energy makes it risk upstream geothermal
of Energy and Petroleum, not only an energy source resource prospecting, ena-
State Department of In- but also a driver of eco- bling greater investments in
dustrialization and East nomic growth and sus- green energy,” Massingham
African Insurance Sector tainable development. stated.
have uneiled a geothermal He added that Kenya is The de-risking facil-
risk underwriting facility endowed with vast ge- ity announced will cover
which is a pioneer initia- othermal resources and early-stage development
tive in Africa. great progress has been drilling risks for investors
The product is expected made in tapping into this in geothermal projects. This
to fast-track and attract clean power. facility represents a criti-
greater investments in “However, for us to fill cal step in creating a more
green energy projects in the energy gaps, we need favorable investment envi-
Kenya and the region by collaboration and invest- ronment by mitigating the
lessening the financial risk ment between the public financial risks associated
associated with geother- and private sectors,” the with these high-potential
mal projects. PS reiterated in a speech but high-risk projects.
The facility will un- read on his behalf by a This underwriting facility
derwrite up to 2 million representative from the not only marks a significant
dollars in the early ex- department. milestone in Africa’s jour-
ploration stages and its Wachira emphasized ney towards sustainable
development has been that collaborations are Joined by Insurance and Energy stakeholders, FSD Africa Risk & Resilience Director energy but also sets a prec-
supported by the Finan- a key step to harnessing Kelvin Massingham (Extreme Right) looks on during the launch of the geothermal risk edent for future initiatives
cial Sector Deepening and exploiting geothermal underwriting facility in Nairobi. aimed at de-risking and
(FSD Africa) in collabora- power to its maximum po- tential. sector’s innovation ena- supporting other high-im-
tion with Parhelion Un- tential. “The insurance sector bles greater private sector novation and leading the pact sectors across the con-
derwriting and Kenbright Speaking on the an- plays a critical role in the investment in geothermal way in supporting green tinent.
who are huge partners in nouncement, IRA Com- social-economic develop- energy. energy transition in Africa Kenya is already a leader
the joint initiative. missioner of Insurance ment of any nation. I am “It is also gratifying to expounding that ‘FSD Af- in geothermal electricity,
The Principal Secretary Godfrey Kiptum lauded proud that the insurance note that this product will rica is committed to make with a total installed capac-
for the State Department the facility as one that will sector has kept innovation enhance green energy and finance work for Africa and ity of 988.7 MW contribut-
for Energy Mr. Alex Wa- deepen Kenya’s green en- alive with products such sustainability of our econ- have finance flow into green ing 47 per cent of the power
chira noted that insurance ergy credentials by spur- as the geothermal risk omy,” Kiptum added. investments for a sustaina- on the grid. This places the
cover for the risky geo- ring investments in the underwriting facility,” he FSD Africa Risk & Re- ble future.’ country at rank sixth glob-
thermal exploration work geothermal subsector, a expressed. silience Director Kelvin “We are proud to have ally and first in Africa in
is a great enabler for the form of energy in which Kiptum further ex- Massingham applauded the worked with the State De- terms of geothermal power
country to exploit the ge- the region holds great po- plained that the insurance insurance sector for in- partment of Energy and In- development.

Video surgery opens next frontier in e-health in Nakuru county

Given the great leap in According to Proximie

urgeons in Nakuru fibre optic technology and platform founder Dr Nadine
will be able to hone a prerequisite in live sur- Hachach-Haram, every
their skills in surgery gery due to the delicate na- procedure can be recorded,
through a live video confer- ture of operations, Kones analyzed, and leveraged for
ence surgery (VCS) demon- said doctors could now tap future use to help inform
stration courtesy of experts the innovation to improve best surgery practices.
abroad and the county gov- the quality of surgeries and By connecting operating
ernment which has adopted treatment they give to their rooms globally, Proximie
a digital platform (Proximie) patients. is said to be facilitating a
that connects surgeons in “The benefits of being rich and insightful data
different operating theatres part of a real time medical set which the founder said
around the world through procedure are that you can feeds best practices into
high-capacity internet. get a second opinion in the the entire global healthcare
Nakuru county is the event of complicated pro- ecosystem.
fourth in Kenya to embrace cedures as well as improve Nakuru County Deputy Governor David Kones (Center) flanked by Makueni Couty According to Dr. Nadine,
Proximie, a global health your skill in doing the pro- Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr, briefing the press in his office. Proximie has been deployed
technology platform that cedure,” Mr Kones added. in over 800 hospitals across
digitizes operating rooms The Deputy Governor said to share knowledge and but will also facilitate the crucial in strengthening 50 countries in five con-
(ORs) and diagnostic rooms the platform offers a unique experiences and grow each learning and mentorship of surgical outcomes in Na- tinents, and has contracts
with a mission to deliver a opportunity for medical other’s individual and col- clinicians and medical in- kuru. with over 40 major medical
connected surgical platform students and professionals lective capacity in their ser- terns within the county. Although video con- device companies, with ac-
to help provide quality sur- to observe live surgeries, vice to humanity. The CECM said the tech- ferencing has been in the cess to 90 per cent of oper-
gical care. participate in simulations, The deputy governor ex- nology will also be deployed country for almost two ating rooms and diagnostic
Nakuru County Deputy and learn from leading ex- pressed his hope that mod- to improve surgical skills of decades, its application in suites in the United States
Governor Mr. David Kones perts across the globe. ern technology would be medical students, enhance the medical field was largely of America (USA) United
explained that Proximie Briefing the press in his adopted nationwide, cham- patient care and connect limited to remote consulta- Kingdom (UK) and the Eu-
uses machine learning and office at the county head- pioned by all the 47 gover- them with experts world- tions between doctors since ropean Union (EU).
artificial intelligence to cre- quarters, Kones said by nors. wide. previously, Kenya lacked Head of Proximie Global
ate a virtual and borderless integrating Proximie’s plat- County Executive Com- Noting that her depart- the necessary internet ca- Health, Shannon Shibata
operating room, enabling a form in their health care, mittee Member (CECM) for ment will be seeking to al- pacities. Germanos, emphasized
surgeon in Nakuru to virtu- the county government is Health Ms Roselyn Mungai locate more funds to expand The effectiveness of this that the platform acceler-
ally scrub-in and assist in an creating an ecosystem that said Proximie technology the use of the technology for technology has now been ates surgical training by al-
operation taking place in ei- will enable greater support will enhance surgical pro- the benefit of residents, Ms recognized by Kenyatta lowing clinicians to observe
ther Makueni, Nigeria, Lon- and innovation, elevating cedures through the use of Mungai added that a team- National Hospital and the procedures, learn new tech-
don or any other location the standards of health care. real-time video feeds. based approach, focused on University of Nairobi and niques, and exchange feed-
connected to the theatre According to Kones the This innovation, she evidence-based best prac- has also been embraced in back from anywhere in the
through high speed internet technology presents a added, will not only im- tices, patient safety, and Makueni, Murang’a and world and on any device.
connectivity. unique chance to surgeons prove surgical outcomes, communication, has been Mombasa counties.

Weatherman advises Machakos

farmers to gear up for short rains
rect type of crops to plant 250 mm, farmers had been (CECM) for Agriculture,

achakos County to ensure they maximize advised to plant resilient Livestock and Fisheries,
Director of Me- on the October rains and crops such as sorghum and Ms Catherine Mutanu, FAKE JOBS ALERT
teorological ser- to avert the possibility of chickenpeas which tend to said that they will work Our attention has been drawn to FAKE job advertisements that have
vices Mr. Dominic Kyalo, crop failure resulting from do well because of its high together with the ward gone viral online on purported vacancies at the Authority. We wish to
has advised farmers in lack of proper guidance. water holding capacity. Climate Change Com- warn members of the public not to fall prey to such adverts and that they
the area to start prepar- “Together with other Kyalo spoke during a mittees to advise farmers should be dismissed with contempt.
ing their farms in readi- stakeholders we tried to three- day Participatory of the importance timely
ness for the October short dissect the weather fore- Scenario Planning train- planting. Unsuspecting members of public are further cautioned against falling
rains. cast so as to get an advi- ing which was organ- Mutanu who is also prey to crooked individuals posing as employees of NACADA soliciting
money from them in the name of securing them employment positions.
Kyalo disclosed that the sory to issue to farmers ised in partnership with acting as the CECM for The Authority does not charge for any application and neither does it
county will enjoy between to prepare their seeds and IGAD Climate Prediction Water and Environment, engage individuals to conduct hiring of staff on its behalf.
35-45 days of rainfall activities to do on their and Applications Cen- noted that in the last two
whose intensity will vary farms depending on the tre(ICPAC). years the county had con- The Authority always advertises all its vacancies through the My GOv.
from between 150mm to amount of rainfall fore- The training brought to- structed more than 80 pullout or newspapers of nationwide circulation. We advise the public
40mm. casted for October, No- gether agriculture stake- dams and sunk multiple to constantly confirm the validity of advertisements bearing the NACADA
According to the direc- vember and December,” holders from the County boreholes as way of en- brand through our multiple official platforms such as the website (www. and social media pages; Twitter (@NACADAKenya),
tor, Machakos will receive said Kyalo. and National government suring that farmers have Facebook (Nacada Kenya) and Instagram (@nacada.kenya).
consistent rainfall from Kyalo said that a ma- such as crop and live- access to water for irriga-
October 28th to Novem- jority of the farmers had stock experts, officers tion. For any further inquiry please contact us through; Chief Executive Officer
ber 8th with the showers been advised to plant from Fisheries, Water and Ms Mutanu also said National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse
expected to start receding green grams which is fast Environmental Depart- that the county had also (NACADA)
from December 2-13. maturing crop. ment and farmers from doubled its efforts in en-
Following the weather However, for sub coun- different sub-counties in suring food security by P.O. Box 10774 00100 NAIROBI
NSSF Building, Block A, Eastern Wing 18th Floor
advisory, Kyalo said that ties which are expected Machakos. distributing seeds in
+254 (020) 2721997/93
the county had started ad- to receive below normal The county Chief Exec- preparation for the com- [email protected] / [email protected]
vising farmers on the cor- rainfall of about 150mm- utive Committee Member ing rain season.

portance of public-private
partnerships adding that
the project is committed
to impactful community
Mr Kibati noted that the
LTWP project stands as a
testament to what stra-
tegic partnership could
achieve in terms of devel-
opment, adding that the
development interven-
tions done have made lo-
cal communities resilient.
“Our cooperation with
the national government
and other key stakehold-
ers has been crucial in
advancing Kenya’s re-
newable energy goals. We
remain committed to con-
tinuing our work in trans-
forming lives in Marsabit
County and beyond,” he
said, adding that the firm
is proud to be part of Ken-
ya’s endeavour for a sus-
tainable and prosperous
According to the re-
port, significant savings
in both financial and car-
bon costs were delivered
to Kenyans through the
development of the LTWP
power plant, the largest

Africa’s largest wind farm offset saying the efforts under-

scored LTWP’s commit-
ment to the development
privately owned invest-
ment in the country.
The board chairman

over 600,000 tons of Co2 in 2023 of the local communities

by ensuring that they have
access to quality health,
noted that the LTWP pro-
ject is a major foreign
direct investment (FDI)
water and education ser- which has greatly boosted
BY SEBASTIAN MIRITI vices. the country’s economy
(KNA) contributing to climate LTWP Chief Executive Of- Notably, Schiff said the The CEO said the project besides enhancing Ken-

he Lake Turkana change mitigation efforts. ficer Mr. Max Schiff stated company provided emer- is not only focused on pro- ya’s global standing as a
Wind Power (LTWP) This information was that through the firm’s gency food relief to 17,700 viding clean and renewa- preferred investment des-
farm, located in revealed during the com- Winds of Change Foun- students in 67 schools ble energy but to positively tination in Africa and be-
Laisamis Constituency, pany’s launch of its sus- dation, several socio-eco- within its catchment area impact the local com- yond.
Marsabit County, gener- tainability report for the nomic projects have been which ensured that there munity by continuously The presentation also
ated 1,481 GWh of clean year at the firm’s site in implemented. These pro- was retention of the learn- improving the access to provided an avenue for
energy for the national Loiyangalani. The report jects include water initia- ers in school for one term education, healthcare, the company to restate its
grid in 2023. As Africa’s indicated that renewable tives, school infrastructure as the area was ravaged by and economic opportuni- commitment to continued
largest wind power pro- energy from LTWP ac- improvements, and en- drought. ties that include employ- environmental protection,
ject, LTWP offset 605,428 counted for 11.04 percent hanced health facilities, “We also delivered ment. corporate social responsi-
tons of carbon dioxide of the country’s electricity benefiting approximately healthcare to 226 people in In his remarks, LTWP bility, and economic de-
emissions during the generation. 70,000 residents across partnership with Mission Board Chairman Mr Mugo velopment within its area
same period, significantly During the launch, the constituency. to Heal,” he pointed out, Kibati emphasized the im- of operation.
September 10, 2024 1


hours boost
service delivery
at Huduma
Issue 141 • September 10, 2024 Centres

P I C T U R E S P E A K P.4

A road under
construction in the
rural area.


Kenya, China roads’ pact

to spur rural economy
The building of the roads will enhance rural connectivity,
unlock opportunities for trade, improve market access
and boost the quality of life for millions of people


“As a Board, you must ensure the
organisation succeeds through the strategies
you set,” said Eliud Kamau from SCAC.

KYEB Chairperson Wangui

Ng’ang’a thanked SCAC and
the National Assembly for PEOPLE How
the trainings, adding that Performance
the Board was now more ISIOLO Contracting
enlightened and empowered enhances better
The county has
to perform its functions better. service delivery
a population of
about 300,000.
2 September 10, 2024


I N F R A S T R U C T U R E also discussed with his Chinese counterpart

Xi Jinping the construction of the Rironi-Mau
Summit-Eldoret-Malaba dual carriageway,

Government to construct 15 a project expected to ease the movement

of goods from Kenya to the neighbouring

rural roads after inking Sh34

countries, said State House spokesperson
Hussein Mohamed.
He further noted that the two Heads of

billion deal with China

States engaged on the extension of the
Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) from Naivasha
to Malaba and into Uganda.

The building of the roads will enhance rural connectivity, unlock The SGR rail network is envisaged to be
extended by 369km from Naivasha through
opportunities for trade, improve market access and boost the Kisumu to Malaba (Kenya/Uganda border)
quality of life for millions of people to stimulate regional trade, tourism and
transport between Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda,
Burundi and the Democratic Republic of
Congo via the Northern Corridor, according to
INFOBOX the Transport Ministry. China would facilitate
the building of the infrastructure under its
Belt and Road Initiative.
ROAD AND RAILWAY “Kenya remains committed to actualising
TRANSPORT the promise of the Belt and Road Initiative in
enhancing national, regional and continental
connectivity,” President Ruto said.
The four main roads in Kenya forming
The project, once implemented, would
the East African Community (EAC)
Regional Trunk Road Network (RTRN) boost trade between Kenya and her neigh-
are: bours in particular Uganda, Rwanda and DR
(i) The Northern Corridor from Congo through the easing of the movement of
Mombasa Port through Nairobi to goods and reduction of transport costs. The
Malaba, with a branch line to Kisumu. extended railway would also cement Kenya’s
(ii) The Great North Road Corridor role as a central trade hub in Eastern Africa.
from Namanga (Tanzania) through
According to the Kenya National Bureau
Nairobi to Thika, Isiolo and Moyale
of Statistics (KNBS), the Standard Gauge
Railway (SGR) passenger traffic increased 17.9
(iii) The Northern Tanzania –
Southern Sudan Corridor from per cent in 2023 to stand at a record high of
Isebania through Kisumu to 2.73 million.
Kakamega, Kitale, Lodwar and Similarly, the train hauled 6.53 million
Nandapal/Nakodok (South Sudan). tonnes of cargo in 2023, an increase from
(iv) Lunga Lunga (Tanzania) to Garissa 6.01 million tonnes in 2022.
through Mombasa, Malindi and Lamu. The rise in cargo volume and passenger
Other important national roads are: traffic point to an increase in movement of
(i) Isiolo to Mandera through Wajir. people and goods, boosting activities like
(ii) Mai Mahiu to Isebania through tourism, trade, agriculture and job creation.
Narok and Kisii. The Ministry of Roads and Transport
(iii) Voi – Taveta. notes that an efficient transport system
The total railway network currently facilitates national, regional and international
consists of 592km of Standard integration, promotes trade and economic
Gauge Railway (SGR) and 2,778km
development, supports other sectors of the
of Metre Gauge Railway (MGR) line,
comprising 1,083km of mainline,
economy and contributes to poverty reduction
and wealth creation.

346km of principal lines, 490km of
he Government’s development agenda of life for millions in minor and branch lines and 859km of According to the Integrated National Trans-
in the transport sector received a underserved areas. private lines and sidings. port Policy 2024, under the economic pillar,
boost during President William Ruto’s The roads sector, the Government’s goal is to ensure the sector
recent trip to China, where Kenya signed just like Energy, is an contributes to the improvement of prosperity
an agreement expected to accelerate the enabler of economic
Top: President William Ruto (R) launches of all Kenyans and the GDP growth, through
the building of a 19.3km road in Homa
expansion of the rural road network across development through Bay County. Inset: President Ruto (R) support to tourism, agriculture and livestock,
the country. the facilitation of move- looks on as Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing,
The Sh34 billion funding agreement signed ment of people, goods and a Chinese official exchange Business Process Outsourcing and financial
partnership documents. On the left is
between Kenya and China Development Bank and services across the services.
Treasury CS John Mbadi.
in Beijing will facilitate the construction of country and beyond. On the other hand, under the social and
15 rural roads as part of the Government’s This supports key industries like agri- investments in infrastructure by the Govern- in 2023, from 4.8 per cent in 2022. political pillars, the Government seeks to
Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda. culture, trade, manufacturing and tourism. ment. The Government is committed to the In the 2023/24 financial year, the Govern- ensure the sector contributes to Kenyans
“These roads will boost economic activities, A good road network further helps to attract construction and improvement of roads and ment maintained 69,000km of rural roads, having social equity, a cohesive society and
create jobs and improve access to essential ser- local and foreign investors as it makes it easier regional transport corridors under the its according to the Economic Survey 2024. a clean environment.
vices in the rural areas,” The National Treasury for businesses to operate. bottom-up agenda, according to the Ministry The Government’s expenditure on roads Kenya-China also discussed the construction
and Economic Planning said in a brief. The Kenya’s transport sector, which includes of Roads and Transport. during the period increased to Sh179.5 billion of the Integrated Transport System in Nairobi,
Cabinet Secretary for Treasury and National road, railway, port and air services, accounts The rural road network serves 70 per cent from Sh178.2 billion in 2022/23, according as well as the equipping of Technical and
Planning John Mbadi said the project is aimed for about 11 per cent of the Gross Domestic of Kenya’s population, thus construction to the Survey. This represents a significant Vocational Education and Trainings (TVETs)
at enhancing rural connectivity, unlocking Product. The sector grew by 13.3 per cent of the 15 roads will open up opportunities portion of the Government’s total financial colleges, the construction of Bosto Dam,
opportunities for trade, improving market in 2023, with the Ministry of Roads and for millions of people, boosting the overall investment in fixed assets in the country. and the dualling of the Northern Bypass in
access and therefore boosting the quality Transport attributing the growth to increased economy, which expanded by 5.4 per cent President Ruto during the high-level trip Nairobi. ■


Kenya Yearbook inducts new Board

Directors to strengthen oversight

enya Yearbook Editorial Strategy, Ethical Leadership and Board KYEB Chairperson Wangui Ng’ang’a
Board (KYEB) Directors Evaluations. thanked SCAC and the National
were last week inducted “As a Board, you must ensure the Assembly for the trainings, adding
on their roles and functions as the organisation succeeds through the that the Board was now more enlight-
institution strengthens its govern- strategies you set,” Mr Eliud Kamau ened and empowered to perform its
ance and streamlines operations. from SCAC said. functions better.
Officials from the State Corpora- On the National Assembly, Board KYEB Chief Executive Officer Lilian
tions Advisory Committee (SCAC) Directors were inducted on linkages Kimeto said the induction aimed to
and the National Assembly conduct- between the Board and Departmental familiarise new Board Directors on
ed the trainings. Committee for Information, Commu- key governance principles to establish
SCAC officials took the Board nications and Innovation, the Role a strong foundation for the institution
Directors through the Legal and of Parliament in Budget Making and as it amplifies Government projects Cecilia Wakahiu (left) the Director Human Resource Administration at the State
Institutional Framework for State Oversight and Legislative Process and initiatives, especially on the Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) trains the Kenya Yearbook Editorial
Board Directors and Management led by Chairperson Wangui Ng’ang’a (sixth
Corporations, the Role of the to Establish KYEB Under an Act of Bottom up Economic Transformation left) and CEO Lilian Kimeto (fifth left).
Board in Driving Organisational Parliament. Agenda (BETA). ■
September 10, 2024 3


Extended operating hours

n December 5, 2022, and on weekends and Public been over-
Huduma Centres across Holidays from 8am to 6pm. whelming- HUDUMA
boost service delivery at the country extended The HCTC has been instrumental ly positive. CORNER
their operating hours from 7am in assisting Kenyans with booking Many citi-
Huduma Centres to 7pm to offer the Public longer appointments through the Service zens have
service hours. by Appointment (SBA) system, expressed
The initiative has since been allowing customers to access gratitude for the convenience and
implemented in 18 select Centres services at their convenience. flexibility the extended hours offer.
to provide greater accessibility to This strategic move was driven This initiative has not only im-
essential Government services for by the need to cater to citizens proved service delivery but also
those unable to visit during 8am with hectic schedules, ensuring enhanced the overall efficiency
to 5pm hours. that they access vital services and satisfaction of Government
The Centres offering the extend- without compromising their work service provision.
ed service period are Nairobi GPO, or personal commitments. Huduma Kenya encourages all
City Square, Makadara, Kibra, Eas- About two years into this in- citizens to take advantage of these Access our products
tleigh, Kiambu, Nakuru, Eldoret, itiative, thousands of Kenyans extended hours. through our website
Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Laikipia, Kisii, have benefited from the extended Whether you need to apply for
w w w. k e n ya ye a r b o o k .g o . k e
Kitale, Kericho, Kakamega, Kisumu hours, accessing services such as a birth certificate, renew your ID
and Mombasa. issuing Birth Certificates, Certifi- or access any other Government
Additionally, the Huduma cates of Good Conduct, Duplicate service, the extended hours
or buy physical
Contact and Tele-counselling IDs and support for over 16,000 provide a convenient time to fit copies at
Centre (HCTC) operates from Government online services. one’s busy schedule as they build h tt p s : / / k y e b . e c i t i z e n . g o . k e /
Monday to Friday, 7am to 9pm, The response from the Public has the nation. ■

Kenya Yearbook Editorial

Board CEO Lilian Kimeto
(standing) when she led the
Management Team during
Performance Negotiation
session with Ministry of
Information, Communications
and the Digital Economy

B E T T E R S E R V I C E and monitoring and reporting mid-year at

the end of the financial year, according to the
Ministry of Public Service, Performance and

How Performance
Delivery Management.
PC helps to improve public service deliv-
ery in the Public Service by ensuring that

Contracting enhances
top-level managers are accountable for their
performance and those below them perform.
The Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board

better service delivery

(KYEB) is among institutions under the State
Department for Broadcasting and Telecom-
munications which committed to new PC
targets last week.
Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board among the various Departments and KYEB Chairperson Wangui Ng’ang’a, who led
Agencies that are negotiating for their key deliverables in this financial year the Board Directors and Management during
the negotiations with the Ministry, said that
they would help KYEB achieve its mandate.

he Government is currently under- “I thank the Ministry for convening this
taking Performance Contracting (PC) session to enable KYEB negotiate on its PC
negotiations with various Ministries, INFOBOX 1.
Review of Performance
targets. This meeting is a learning session for
Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in an Contracting Guidelines KYEB,” she said during the negotiations in
annual exercise that seeks to strengthen service Machakos. KYEB Chief Executive Officer Lilian
delivery to the Public. 11. 2. Kimeto committed KYEB to the process, noting
Deployment of Identification of
The exercise involves identification of Performance Rewards Performance Targets that it speaks to accountability, efficiency and
performance targets by MDAs and committing and Sanctions delivery of services to the public.
on how they will be achieved during the “We are here to learn from the experts in
financial year. planning. If KYEB performs well, so is the
Key players in the Performance Contracting
negotiations are the Cabinet Secretaries,
Release of Performance ANNUAL Negotiations of PCs
Vetting (Quality
Ministry and the Government,” she said.
Other institutions that negotiated during

Evaluation Results Assurance) of PCs
the Principal Secretaries, Chairpersons of the exercise were Communication Authority,
Constitutional Commissions, Independent Media Council of Kenya, Kenya Institute of
Offices, State Corporations and Tertiary
Institutions as well as Chief Executive Officers. 9. CONTRACTING 4.
Mass Communication and Postal Corporation
of Kenya. During the process, agencies were

Evaluation, Moderation and
The Government introduced PC in 2003 by Vetting (Quality required to verify that performance indicators
Ranking of Performance of
Previous FY.
Assurance) of PCs Please contact our
setting up a Performance Contract Steering and targets are aligned to the priorities set by
Committee in August, and by issuing Legal the Government, in this particular case the marketing team
Notice No. 93, the State Corporations (Per- Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda for publication
8. 5.
formance Contracting) Regulations (2004).
Mid-Year Performance Signing of PCs
(BETA). Vision 2030 recognises PC as a core partnerships and
The exercise, which is in its 21st Cycle, strategy in achieving national development
entails review of PC guidelines, identification
goals. Citizens benefit from PC by accessing
of performance targets, pre-negotiations, quality and timely services and products E-mail:
consultations, hearings, negotiations of Submission of 6. as there are clear and measurable goals to [email protected]
performance targets, vetting of Performance Performance Reports of Implementation of PCs achieve. The exercise further ensures that there
Contracts, signing of Performance Contracts, the Previous FY is efficiency in utilisation of public resources, Tel: +254 20 271 5390
implementation and execution of the contracts which are directed on intended projects. ■
4 September 10, 2024


Treasury Cabinet
Mbadi (third right),
Kirinyaga Governor
Anne Waiguru
(second right), the
Chairman of Budget
and Appropriations
Committee in the
National Assembly
Ndindi Nyoro (right),
Treasury PS Chris
Kiptoo (second left)
and Planning PS
James Muhati during
the launch of Budget
Guidelines, National
Government and
County Government
Budget Manuals.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen awards

Nairobi City Marathon winners. Winners Eliud Magut and
Cynthia Limo Jerotich each took home Sh3.5 million.

Education Cabinet Secretary Julius Migos (centre) and Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio
Kipsang (left) among other officials when they condoled with the families and loved ones of the
children who lost their lives in the fire tragedy at the Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri County.

Defence Cabinet
Secretary Soipan
Tuya (centre)
when she visited
the Kenya Navy
in Mtongwe,
Mombasa. The
facility hosts the
Kenya Shipyards
Limited (KSL),
which designs,
constructs, mid-
refits, repairs,
overhauls and
maintains water
vessels for the
Kenya Navy and Interior Principal Secretary Dr Raymond Omollo when he
other MDAs. launched the first model tree nursery under the Tsavo
Heritage Foundation in Taita Taveta County.


NHIF Building, 4th Floor, P.O. Box 34035-00100 | Email: [email protected] | Tel: 020 2 715 390/0757 029 456 |
SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

NAIROBI-KENYA I Issue No. 11/2024-2025

State to prioritize agricultural reforms BRIEFS

and debt payments in revised budget Kiambu’s solar-powered
street lights to boost security
BY JOSEPH WANGUI growers will be paid,” said Kiambu Governor of life and security for
(DPCS) Mr Gachagua.

Kimani Wamatangi has residents by offering
he The government “We are putting financial launched a state-of-the- reliable and sustaina-
is committed to budgets for the sub sectors art integrated solar street ble lighting solutions.
fast-tracking ongo- in phases. We have made light program along Fort During the launch, the
ing reforms in the agricul- plans with the President Jesus-Gitambaya-Kwa governor appealed to all
ture sector, including state and there is no problem on Kibugi-Walakishi Road to stakeholders to support
funding for these changes, payment of the debts and enhance security in the the shift to solar energy
area. This initiative is part and noted that govern-
to sustain the country’s increment of the Cherry ment agencies such as
of the `Angaza Kiambu’
economic transformation Fund. We are in a tight fis- Program, which was in- the Kenya Urban Roads
and ensure higher earnings cal space but everything troduced earlier this year Authority (KURA), Kenya
for farmers. will be put in place soon. with the goal of trans- Rural Roads Authority
Deputy President Ri- We have set aside Sh2 bil- forming the county’s (KeRRA), Kenya Power,
gathi Gachagua stated that, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and his wife Pastor lion for the Cherry Fund energy infrastructure by and the Rural Electrifi-
given agriculture’s role as Dorcas Gachagua engage farmers in Ihwagi Village of currently and we will inject transitioning all street- cation and Renewable
the backbone of Kenya’s Mathira Constituency. an additional Sh5 billion,” lights to solar power. Energy Corporation (RE-
economy and its significant take a keen interest in the legal framework that pro- he stated. The project is expected REC) have been installing
selection of leaders for co- motes a sustainable and He urged coffee growers to significantly reduce street lights across the
contribution to the coun- county, leaving the bur-
maintenance costs and
try’s Gross Domestic Prod- operatives. We should also competitive cooperative to be borrowing money eliminate monthly power den of utility bills to the
uct (GDP), the government consider young leaders,” sector, he said. from the Cherry Fund in- bills, ultimately saving the county government.
cannot neglect farmers and he added. On the implementation stead of commercial banks. county millions of shillings According to Chief Of-
agricultural enterprises de- The Deputy President also of the Bottom Up Eco- On tea sector, the Dep- annually. “While we are not ficer for Public Works
spite the fiscal challenges mentioned that despite the nomic Transformation uty President said that the completely disconnecting and Utilities Virginia
of the current budget cycle revision of the 2024/25 fis- Agenda (BETA), Mr Gacha- Government is searching from the Kenya Power grid, Kahonge, solar street
(2024/25). cal year budget, the pay- gua assured stakeholders for new expanded mar- we aim to progressively lights have a life span of
“In the coffee, tea, and ment of historical debts in coffee, tea and dairy kets for tea export to boost transition to solar energy,” 20 years as compared
dairy sub-sectors, we are owed by coffee farmers sub-sectors that President earnings for farmers. Wamatangi stated during to grid connected lights,
the program’s launch. which last a maximum of
making good progress with nationwide, amounting to William Ruto’s administra- Statistics from Tea Board Powered by solar energy, five years, they are less
the reforms and are seeing Sh6.8 billion, will be car- tion is on course with it’s of Kenya indicate that tea these street lights provide prone to vandalism and
positive results. Our only ried out, and the Cherry plan, including payment of production for half-year consistent ill umination, insect swarming, are re-
issue now is governance Fund will be increased. coffee farmers’ historical period of 2024 was higher making the streets safer liable, efficient and have
in cooperative societies,” He further urged Mem- debts and increment of the by 47.44 million kilograms and more accessible at minimal maintenance
he said while in Kiambu bers of the National As- Coffee Cherry Fund. (17 per cent increase) from night. This improvement cost.
County. sembly to prioritize the “Despite the tight fiscal 273.64 million kilograms enhances the quality By John Kariba (KNA)
“I want to appeal to the enactment of the Co-op- space that has led to slash- recorded during the same
National Assembly to fast- erative Societies Bill.Mr ing of funds in the Budget, period of last year to 321.09
track the passage of the Gachagua explained that as the budget cycle con- million kilograms. New Sh 54 million market to
Cooperative Bill to enable
us to appoint people of in-
the objective of the legal tinues more funds will be
reforms is to entrench fiscal allocated to the Cherry
The production was
boosted by effects of ferti-
boost Muranga’s Gikoe town
tegrity to lead our societies. discipline in Saccos. Fund and the Sh6.8 billion lizer application which was Hundreds of traders and an eatery.
MPs and senators should The Bill seeks to provide a historical debts of coffee supplied to the farmers. operating in Gikoe Town, He said on a daily basis,
Mathioya Sub-County, Mu- the project has employed
rang’a, are in high spirits as about 25 workers both

ICT Authority, KeNIC sign MoU to promote .go. the national government
embarks on the construc-
tion of a modern market in
skilled and unskilled say-
ing the workers have been
sourced locally.

ke email adoption to grow digital economy the area. The Sh. 54 million
market is set to accommo-
date 204 traders, a social
Chairman of Gikoe market
Naftali Kimani Toro lauded
the government for spon-
BY MICHAEL OMONDI(KNA) email addresses and

hall, an ICT hub, and other soring construction of the
he ICT Authority has domains. Meanwhile, the amenities. modern market.
signed a Memoran- ICT Authority will promote The Clerk of Works, Johnna For many years, Kimani re-
dum of Understanding the adoption of email Mwita, stated that the vealed local traders have
(MoU) with the Kenya Net- use within Government construction of the one- been subjected to myriads
story modern market is of challenges ranging from
work Information Center Ministries and State Corpo- bad weather conditions
expected to be completed
(KeNIC) to enhance the rations to increase uptake by mid-November this to dirty working environ-
adoption of ICT standards, and compliance. year. “Construction of this ments.
facilitate knowledge and Speaking during the event market began in May and is “Traders have been work-
skills transfer, and promote in Nairobi, ICT Author- anticipated to be finished ing along roads exposing
the use of .ke domains as the ity Chief Executive Officer by November. Currently, them to risk of being hit
country’s digital economy Stanley Kamanguya em- the building is 43 percent by motor vehicles. During
continues to grow. phasized the importance of complete,” said Mwita. rains, they are forced to
This three-year collab- building a safe online envi- He added, “The ground use makeshift structures
floor will host 124 traders which could not ade-
oration comes as the two ronment as digital develop- ICT Authority Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Stanley
and will include dry rooms quately protect them from
organizations develop strat- ment continues to rise. Kamanguya (right) and Andrew Lewela, the CEO of KeNIC
for those dealing with ce- downpour.” Explained Kim-
egies to foster public trust in The CEO maintained that pose with the signed MoU.
reals and cold rooms for ani.
government digital initia- the MoU will help the ICT staff. sure these domains are se- vegetables. Additionally, He noted that once com-
tives while leveraging their Authority address some of “We shall also be looking cure so that businesses can there will be a playground pleted, the facility will
combined expertise and re- the strategic issues it faces at how we address the issue also register this. We believe for children and a lactation boost economic activities
sources to achieve the goal walking into this era of dig- of digital governance. We that this collaboration will room for mothers.” of the trading centre lo-
of a digitally transformed ital transformation. believe we can then work go a long way not only to Mwita also noted that the cated along busy Murang’a
country. Kamanguya identified two together with Kenic to real- support government insti- first floor will accommo- – Kiriaini road.
date 80 traders and will “With the new market, we
One obligation of the key things that Authority ise this,” said Kamanguya. tutions but also the private
feature an ICT hub with a expect the economy of this
MoU requires KeNIC to raise will be looking to carry out “We have carefully looked sector for them to be able town to grow,” he remarked.
capacity for 20 people, a
awareness of the impor- under this MoU including at the security issue and we to register on the .ke do- social hall for 60 people, By Bernard Munyao (KNA)
tance and benefits of using skilling and reskilling of its shall work together to en- main,” he added.

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