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Mikrotik Bandwitch Management Posted by akhmedB_Pub di 11:51 Label: Mikrotik Simple Queue untuk menggunakan simple Queue - aktifkan

max-limit - upload = 256k - download = 256k Simple Queue with Burst 1.aktifkan max-limit - target address = host address = max-limit >> upload = 64k >> download = 256k = burst-limit >> upload = 128k >> download = 256k = bust-treshold >> upload = 32k >> download = 64k = time burst >> 20 sec Queue With Dual Limitation 1. Parent Queue > aktifkan parent-Queue - name = main_queue - max-limit = 256k / 256k > advance tab = optional kombinasikan simple Queue with burst dengan menambahkan dual-limitation tau pare nt-queue [main-queue] Simple Queue With Time 1. jalankan Simple Queue with Burst 2. aktifkan time range for limit - office_hours - after_office_hours - holiday Graphing Traffic 1. cara kerja mirip seperti mrtg Queue Disciplines [Schaduler dan Shapes] 1. Scheduler > Limit the number of waiting packet 2. Traffic Shapes > control data flow speed also can do schaduling task 1. contoh Scheduler Queue : - BFIFO PFIFO Byte or Packet 0 komentar



2. contoh Shaper Queue : - PCQ HTB what is : 1. RED ? 2. SFQ ? 3. PCQ ? Per Connection Queue [PCQ] 1. Memory comsumtive 2. not limit the number sub flow PCQ-Algorithm 1. jika Limit-at and Max-limit set = 0 maka sub-queue bisa mendapatkan semua ban dwidth yang tersedia di paren. artinya mereka bisa menggunakan semua bandwidth secara rata. Contoh PCQ MARKING 1. marking-connection - chain = forward - src-address = - out-interface = WAN - action = mark-connection - new-connection-mark = pcq-con - passtrought = yes 2. marking-packet - chain = forward - connection-mark = pcq-con - action = mark-packet - new-packet-mark = pcq-packet - passtrought = no Create New Pcq-type 1. >> Queue >> Queue-Type >> add - name = pcq-download - kind = pcq rate = 32k limit = 50 total limit = 2000 dst-address = yes

Make Queue for Download Traffic 1. >> Queue >> Queue Tree >> add - name = client-download - parent = local - parent-mark = pcq-packet - queue-type = pcq-download - priority = 8 ## cara sama untuk buat traffic UPLOAD

>> untuk buat pcq with no limit >> PCQ with no rate rate = 0 max-limit = 256k HTB State ********* 1. GREEN >> sama atau kurang dari Limit-at 2. YELLOW >> lebih besar dari Limit-at 3. RED >> melewati Limit-at >>> attibute HTB - limit-at - max-limit - priority example for advanced bandwidth management : misal kita beli bandwidth 128kbps atur untuk setiap host untuk dapat bandwidth berapa? 1. buat queue simple parent = total bandwidht yang didapat Name = TOTAL-BANDWIDTH max-limit = upload=128k download=128k Advance interface = lan limit-at = 32k / 32k 2. buat queue untuk host name = host_A target address = [ip host] max-limit = 32k / 32k Advance interface = lan limit at = 8k / 8k queue-type = BAGI-RATA / BAGI-RATA parent = TOTAL-BANDWIDTH 3. buat pcq connection name = BAGI-RATA kind = pcq rate = 16k >> kalo traffic lagi full semua dapet 16k rata limit= 20

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