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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code 12893

Fifth Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Regulations - 2020
Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
PART - A (10  2 = 20 Marks) Marks
Answer ALL Questions Level

1. Define information rate. 2 K1 CO1

2. What is the channel capacity of a BSC and BEC? 2 K1 CO1

3. Why delta modulation is superior to Differential pulse code modulation? 2 K2 CO3

4. State any four desirable properties of a line code. 2 K1 CO3

5. Explain the eye pattern is obtained on a CRO. 2 K2 CO4

6. Define the principle of adaptive equalization. 2 K1 CO4

7. Illustrate the need for geometric representation of signals. 2 K2 CO5

8. Draw the waveform for the binary data sequence 101010 modulated under 2 K2 CO5
9. What are cyclic codes? Mention its properties. 2 K1 CO6

10. Express the syndrome properties of linear block code. 2 K1 CO6

PART - B (5  13 = 65 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions

11. a) i) Define entropy and explain it briefly along with the properties of 6 K2 CO1
ii) Explain BSC and derive the Channel Capacity For Binary Symmetric 7 K2 CO1
b) i) Two BSC’s are connected in cascade as shown in figure below 7 K2 CO1

Find the channel matrix of resultant channel & Find P(z1) & P(z2) if
P(x1)=0.6 and P(x2)= 0.4
ii) State and prove the properties of mutual information. 6 K2 CO1

K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyze; K5 – Evaluate; K6 – Create 12893

12. a) i) What is the need for Adaptive Delta Modulation and how it overcomes 6 K2 CO3
the drawback of delta modulation?
ii) Explain the features of adaptive delta modulation with transmitter and 7 K2 CO3
b) Explain the principle, generation and reconstruction of DPCM System 13 K2 CO3
in detail.

13. a) What is ISI? List the different methods to remove ISI in a 13 K2 CO4
communication system. Also state and prove Nyquist first criterion for
Zero ISI.
b) Explain in detail the principle of matched filter and Correlation filter. 13 K2 CO4

14. a) i) Draw the transmitter, receiver block diagram of BFSK. 7 K2 CO5

ii) Explain its signal space diagram and Band width in detail. 6 K2 CO5

b) i) Draw the transmitter, receiver block diagram of QPSK. 7 K2 CO5

ii) Explain its signal space diagram and Band width in detail. 6 K2 CO5

15. a) The Generator Matrix for a (6,3) block code is given below. Find all 13 K3 CO6
code vectors of this code.
1 0 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1 1 0
(i) Determine P sub matrix from generator matrix and Parity Check
(ii) Obtain equation for check bits using C=MP.
(iii) Determine check bits for every message vector.
(iv) Decode 111011 using syndrome Decoding.
(v) Prove that syndrome can detect only one error.
b) A 1/3 rate Convolution code has the following generators g1=[100], 13 K3 CO6
g2=[101] and g3=[111].
(i) Draw the Encoder circuit corresponding to the code.
(ii) Draw state table, State Diagram.
(iii) Determine output digit sequence for the data 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 using
transform domain approach.
(iv) Draw the Trellis diagram for this code.

K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyze; K5 – Evaluate; K6 – Create 12893

PART - C (1  15 = 15 Marks)
16. a) Encode the following messages with their respective probability using 15 K3 CO2
basic Huffman algorithm.
Message: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6
Probability: 0.2,0.3,0.11,0.16,0.18,0.05
Compute the Huffman code and Shannon fano coding for this source.
Also calculates average code word length, efficiency and variance of
the source encoder.
b) A discrete memory less source has an alphabet of seven symbols 15 K3 CO2
whose probabilities of occurrence are as described below
Symbol : {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8}
Probability: {0.48, 0.15, 0.1, 0.1, 0.07, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02}.
Compute the Huffman code and Shannon fano coding for this source
Also calculates average code word length and the efficiency of the
source encoder.

K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyze; K5 – Evaluate; K6 – Create 12893


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