December 2011 Newsletter
December 2011 Newsletter
December 2011 Newsletter
Diwali celebration What a great night run by the Friends of Woodland Grange (FoWG). Fantastic food, dancing, singing and henna art. It was great to take part in all of it! Christmas Tree Festival It was wonderful to have so many parents join us to make decorations with the children and then for a very great number join us, for the first time in the hall, for our Christmas tree festival. I am sure you will agree that the avenue of trees looked fantastic with all the childrens decorations hanging from them. Thanks, in particular, again go to the FoWG and Mrs Pickering from the Foundation Stage, for organising such a great evening.
We continue to work closely with the police to enforce safe and courteous parking on all roads near the school. The Police have told me that they will be making random checks over the forthcoming months and will not hesitate to follow-up on parking offences. We will continue to open up the school car parks and playgrounds in the evenings to ease congestion on local roads for late evening performances.
Overall, behaviour in the school continues to be of the highest order but, as has been the case recently where I have excluded a child from school, I will not tolerate continued bad behaviour that impacts upon the well-being, sense of safety and learning of others.
Children In Need - Total Raised
Important Dates
14th Dec - KS 2 Christmas Production (2:00pm) - KS 2 Christmas Production (7:00pm) 15th Dec - KS 2 Christmas production (9:30am) 16th Dec - KS 1 Singing (St Peters in Oadby, 9.45am) 20th Dec - FS Nativity (9.30am) 20th Dec - Christmas Dinner Thursday 22nd Dec- Last day of term 9th Jan - School opens 10th Jan - Life Education Caravan visiting School for wk 13th Jan - Mr Smytons Class Family Assembly 17th Jan - School Food tasting session at end of day (more details to follow)
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As a result of everyone's efforts we ended up raising nearly 900 for Children in Need - a great total. A special mention to the children in Yr 4 who raised over 300 as part of their homework by doing jobs at home. 2011/12 Academic Year
MISSING! A note book & a weekend challenge folder have gone missing from the Year 3 classrooms. Please check your childs bag to ensure no one else has put these items in it. The return of these teacher items would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks to the Underwood family for all the paper and card donated to the school. It is greatly appreciated.
Autumn Term School Closes Thurs eve 22nd Dec 11 Spring Term Begins Mon 9th January 2012 Mid-Term Break Mon 13th to Fri 17th Feb 12 School Closes Fri eve 30th Mar 12 Summer Term Begins Mon 16th April 12 May Day Holiday 7th May Extra day holiday for Queens Diamond Jubilee 1st June Mid-Term Break Mon 4th June to 8th June 12 School Closes Fri eve 13th July 12
Save all your Christmas cards this year as we will be recycling them in January - send them into school. Have a very merry Christmas & a happy New Year!