October 2015 School News
October 2015 School News
October 2015 School News
reading in
the EYFS
Night owls and Early birds are getting increasingly popular both with pupils, who are loving the space in
the school hall, and with families for before and after school care. Can we remind parents that bookings for
the following week must be made by email to the school office office@northwheatley.notts.sch.uk or by
telephone by the Friday of the previous week. Due to our increase numbers, we are unable to take last
minute bookings unless it is a family emergency.
To ensure the safety of pupils, we need to be notified if someone different is collecting your child after
school. If you need to telephone school to notify that someone else will be collecting please can you
telephone before 1pm to ensure that the message can get to your childs teacher. Answer phone
messages left after this time wont always be picked up which can cause confusion for your child, and for
staff, at the end of a school day.
Your help and support in all of these reminders is much appreciated as it will ensure that we have pupils
and happy staff too! Thank you.
School Attendance
Pupils, staff and governors are really proud of the excellent attendance in school. Last years attendance
was 97.3%, one of the highest in Bassetlaw! This is a huge achievement, thank you so much! It was great
to speak to a parent recently who commented that her child was feeling a bit under the weather but really
wanted to come to school and she knew that being with her friends would perk her up and help her to feel
better. It is this level of appreciation and partnership work that makes a big difference to your childs
Under new national government regulations which came into force in September 2015, any child with less
than 90% school attendance is now defined as a persistent absentee. 90% absence means 19 school
days are lost during the academic year which means that children are likely to fall behind in Maths and
English and will find it very difficult to achieve their best. If your childs attendance starts falling below 92%,
we will contact you to see how we can work together to help to improve it.
Year 5 Art day
On Wednesday 21st October, Year 5 pupils accompanied by a member of staff from school, will be taking
part in an art festival at the Elizabethan Academy. They will be transported by coach to and from the event
where they will meet with pupils from other local schools to further develop their art skills. This will further
build on their current topic work, Gallery Rebels. All Year 5 pupils will need a disposable packed lunch for
the day and school uniform will need to be worn. The programme for the day includes, optical art work;
nature inspired art, contemporary art working with cars, a study of Van Gogh and an art detective workshop
which our pupils should excel at!
INSET Monday 2nd November
School will be closed to pupils for INSET on 02/11/2015. Staff will be using the day to discuss ways that we
can, Extend Outstanding. We have been busy reading a wide range of educational literature to help us
research and discuss ways to further improve as a school. Our focus for the day will be looking at ways we
can really inspire pupils to always be fully engaged with their learning through the starters that hook their
interest, differentiation, questioning and effective plenaries.
Up and coming events
16th October Parents forum 8.30am.
20th October - Harvest Supper 2.30pm RSVP for up to two members of your family.
21st October Y5 art day at the Elizabethan Academy
22nd October Class two assembly (a selection of unclaimed items of clothing from Hathersage will
also be on display so that they can be reunited with their owners!)
23rd October school closes for half term and reopens for pupils on Tuesday 3rd November.
With my best wishes for a relaxing half term break with your families. Any questions about school life,
please dont hesitate to ask!