QUIZ Questions

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Hare Krishna

QUIZ Questions
1. Controlled mind is our ______ and uncontrolled mind is our ______.
2. Match the following
The senses, the mind, the intelligence and the soul as compared to different parts of
the chariot.
a. Senses- Horses
b. Mind- Reins
c. Intelligence- Driver
d. Passenger – Soul

3. Which of the following is at the highest among the other?

a. Senses
b. Soul
c. Mind
d. Intelligence
4. Which among the following is not a factor for success?
a. Performer
b. Endeavor
c. Money
d. Supersoul
5. Which of the following is not the modes of material nature?
a. Passion
b. Godliness
c. Ignorance
d. Goodness
6. What is the cause of one being caught up by bad habits even if he wants to get rid of
a. Foolishness
b. Lust
c. Wrath
d. Nature of human body
7. What are the 3 doors to hell?
a. Lust, Anger, Desire
b. Lust, Arrogance, Greed
c. Lust, Anger, Greed
d. All of the above
8. Match the following
How should we engage our eyes, ears, tongue and nose in order to purify them?
a. Eyes- Seeing form of the Lord
b. Ears- Hearing pastimes of the Lord
c. Tongue- Tasting prasadam offered to Lord
d. Nose- Smelling flowers offered to Lord
9. What is the Lord’s Advice on how we can change our lifestyle so that we can live
healthy lives?
a. Become regulated in sleep and eating
b. Work hard day and night for making a living
c. Become regulated in recreation
d. Both a and c
10. Mention 3 food items which comes in mode of ignorance?
11. Which of the following statements are true regarding reincarnation?
a. Reincarnation happens only for few people
b. Reincarnation will happen to everyone including animals
c. Only humans undergo it
d. The law of reincarnation is only hypothetical
12. What kind of knowledge needs to be added in modern education to make it complete?
a. Knowledge about how to manage finances
b. Knowledge about different occupations
c. Knowledge about AI
d. Knowledge about spirit
13. What will happen to someone who kills an animal or engaged in meat eating?
a. Nothing will happen as animals don’t have a soul like humans
b. The person eating meat will have to take birth as that animal as per law of karma
c. The killed animal will have a suitable body to kill the animal killer also
d. .
14. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna orders Arjuna to fight. However, violence commited as an
act of fighting for Krishna is not violence at all. Why?
a. Because he is doing violence against his enemies
b. Violence committed by arjuna is for administration of justice at the instruction of
c. Because soul cannot be killed
d. Because he has to take revenge
15. Which of the following are etiquttes of speech?
I. Truthful
II. Beneficial
III. Agitating to others
IV. Diplomatic
V. Recitation of Holy Scriptures
a. I, II and III
b. I, II and IV
c. I, II, IV and V
d. All of the above
16. What are the two types of cleanliness? ______ and _____
17. Who is very dear to Lord Krishna?
a. One who is non envious
b. One who is a kind friend of all
c. One who is fixed in devotional service
d. All of the above
18. What is real meaning of tolerance?
a. To bear heat in summer
b. To bear pain in surgery
c. To bear insults and dishonour
d. To be awake whole night
19. Fill in the blanks.
Lord Krishna says, You have a right to perform your ______, but you are not entitled
to the __________. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities,
and never be attached to _________.
20. Where did the Pandavas and Kauravas assemble to fight?
a. Hastinapura
b. Delhi
c. Kurukshetra
d. Vrindavan
21. The soul is
a. Indestructible
b. Part and parcel of God
c. Cannot be burned
d. All of the above
22. What is the source of this Universe according to Bhagavad Gita?
a. Demigods like lord Shiva, lord Brahma, etc.
b. By Chance
c. Lord Krishna
d. Some theories like big bang
23. What is our relationship with the Lord?
a. We and god are one
b. We are eternally fragmented parts and parcels of the supreme lord
c. There is no relationship
d. God is sadcidananda whereas we are not

24. In what form did Krishna appear before his father Vasudeva and mother Devaki?
a. As a ordinary child
b. As narayana with Four Hands
c. He appeared with six hands
d. Appeared as small child

25. Who are demigods?

a. Part and parcel of god
b. Different forms of god
c. Incarnations of god
d. All the above
26. Why people in this material world worships demigods like Durga, Siva, Indra, etc
a. Out great love for them
b. For material benefits
c. Out of fear of them
d. Without any desire for the results

27. What is the advice of the lord for getting divine knowledge?
a. Strive hard
b. Gather knowledge of the entire world
c. Approach a bona fide spiritual master
d. Fast and follow strict regulations

28. Why is Sri Krishna referred to as Bhagavan throughout the Gita?

29. How many items are there of knowledge?
a. 30
b. 7
c. 20
d. 108

30. What is the purpose of life?

31. What is the best way to remember lord Sri Krishna?

32. On which factor does the next body depend ?

33. What is the proper state of mind to have at the time of death?

34. According to Bhagavad Gita who is seeing all our activities?

a. Demigods
b. Government
c. Supersoul
d. Camera

35. What is the simplest way to come out of all this cycle of suffering due to our past
a. Economic development
b. By ones efforts
c. It will automatically go after some time
d. By surrendering unto lord

36. Abhayam is a sanskrit word please write the english meaning of the same.

37. Tejah is a sanskrit word please write the english meaning of the same.
38. Amanitvam is a sanskrit word please write the english meaning of the same.

39. Once a guest asked Srila Prabhupada, " Are You the guru of the world?" Srila
Prabhupad Bowed down his head in humility and cast his eyes down towards the
floor, he said " I am everybody's servant ". What is the quality here Srila Prabhupad
showed here?
a. Arjavam
b. Abhayam
c. Amanitvam

40. Happiness in the mode of passion is ___ in the beginning and ___ at the end. But
happiness in the mode of goodness is __ in the beginning but ___ in the end.

41. What are the examples of Krishna karma?

42. As a son suffers without his father, how are we suffering without lord krishna?
a. We are very happy in the world
b. We are making new inventions and making world a better place
c. We are struggling very hard without our six senses
d. We are struggling very much and suffer the results of our struggles

43. For the Unfortunate people of the kaliyuga, who cannot read all the veda's and
follow all the rule of the vedic rituals, how can the purpose of the veda's be served?
a. By visiting all the temples of india
b. By performing fire sacrifice
c. By chanting the holy names of the lord
d. By taking bath in the holy rivers

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