21ST Century Literature Reviewer

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21ST CENTURY - Literature in general is our life's

story, experiences, and common

LITERATURE expressions identity, with -
geography, linguistic, and ethnic
influences, a way of life,
thoughts, and feelings expressed
What is 21st Century Literature? through literature.
- All literary works written and
published at the latter part of the
Why Study Literature?
21st century (from 2001
onwards) - Studying literature is like looking
at the mirror of life where man's
experiences, his innermost
What is 21st Century Literature? feelings and thoughts are
- It is written by contemporary reflected.
authors which may deal with
current themes/issues that reflect
a technological culture. Importance of Literature

• Through literature we learn the

What is Literature? culture across time and space.
The word literature is derived from • We learn more about human
the Latin word: problems and difficulties.
• Make ourselves better human
- Litera - letter being.
• Promote humanity and
- Litteratura - writing compassion.
• International understanding and
- Litteratus - learning world peace.
• We understand not only the past
What is Literature? life of a nation but also its
- Literature is anything that is • We become familiar not only the
printed as long as it is related to culture of neighboring countries
the ideas and feelings of people but also with that of others living
whether it is true, or just a very far from us.
product of one's imagination.
What is Literature?
- Literature is a piece of written
works which is undying. It - Webster defines literature as
expresses the feelings and anything that is printed, as long
emotions of people in response as it is related to the ideas and
to his everyday effort to live to be feelings of people, whether it is
happy in his environment and true, or just a product of one's
after struggles, to reach his imagination
- It is a body of work, either written, aspirations, the people's lifestyle
oral, or visual, containing as well as their loves.
imaginative language that
realistically portrays thought,
emotions, and experiences of the • Hele/Oyayi - lullaby
human condition. • Ambahan - 7 syllables per
line poem that is about
- is a product of particular culture human relationships and
that concretizes man's array of social entertainment.
values, emotions, actions and • Kalusan - work songs that
ideas. It is therefore a creation of depict the livelihood of the
human experiences that tells people.
about people and their world. • Tagay - drinking song
• Kanogan - a song of
lamentation for the dead.

As a result of colonization, it is 3. FOLK TALES

common in almost all countries who
experienced oppression and - are a kind of story that gets
inequality to reflect their rich passed on from generation to
experiences in literature. generation.

• Myths - explain how the

world was created, how
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD certain animals possess
(BC-1564) certain characteristics, why
some places have
Characteristics (based on ORAL waterfalls, volcanoes,
mountains, flora or fauna.

• Legends - explain the

origin of things.
• Fables - used animal
- Riddles (bugtong) - battle of characters and allegory.
wits among participants.
- Proverbs (salawikain) - wise • Fantastic stories - deal
sayings that contain a metaphor with underworld characters
used to teach as a food for such as "tiyanak",
thought. "aswang", "kapre", and
- Tanaga - a mono-rhyming others.
heptasyllabic quatrain expressing
insights and lessons in life. • Epics - narratives of
sustained length based on
oral tradition revolving
2. FOLK SONGS around supernatural events
or heroic deeds.
- a form of folk lyric which
expresses the hopes and
SPANISH - The poet Jose de la Cruz (1746-
COLONIAL/OCCUPATION 1829) was a master of such art
PERIOD (1521-1898)
- expeditions to the Philippines - Due to the long period of
were sent by Spain in the 16th colonization of the Philippines by
century. In their conquest, the the Spaniards, they have exerted
Spaniards brought Christianity a strong influence on our
with them. Clergy made a great literature.
impact on faith, education, and
government. - The first Filipino alphabet called
BAYBAYIN was replaced by the
- Through the Manila-Acapulco Roman alphabet
Trade (1565- 1815) the trade
gave rise to a wealthier middle - The teaching of the Christian
class. Children in middle class Doctrine became the basis of
families could then be sent to religious practices
Europe to get an education. Upon
their return they brought - The Spanish language which
European ideals of liberty and became the literary language
freedom with them. Such ideals during this time lent many of its
would then give rise to Filipino word to our language.

Philippine literature during the NATIONALISTIC PERIOD

Spanish occupation: The Propaganda Movement rose
during the Nationalistic Period.
- the Spanish missionaries taught - The movement was
the gospel through the native spearheaded mostly by
language, so they hired natives intellectual middle class like
to translate Spanish religious Jose Rizal, Marcelo del Pilar,
instructional materials. Graciano Lopez Jaena,
Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce,
- Eventually, the natives became Jose Ma. Panganiban and
fluent in Spanish and became Pedro Paterno.
known as ladinos.
The objectives of the movement
- Ladinos mainly wrote devotional were to seek reforms and changes
poetry. two of them were like:
Fernando Bagongbanta and • To get equal treatment for the
Gaspar Aquino de Belen. Filipinos and the Spaniards
under the law.
- Native drama called the komedya • To restore Filipino
or moro- moro was popular. It representation in the Spanish
depicted the war between Cortes
Christians and Muslims, wherein • To Filipinize the parishes.
the former always wins.
• To give the Filipinos freedom
of speech, of the press,
assembly and for redress of - Those who availed of this education
grievances through college were able to improve
their social status and joined a good
number of educated masses who
became part of the country's middle
Filipino writers: class.
• Francisco Baltazar - master of
traditional tagalog poetry. Works:
(Florante at Laura) • The first collection of poetry in
• Pedro Paterno - wrote the first English is Filipino Poetry (1924),
Filipino novel. (Ninay) edited by Rodolfo Dato.
• Jose Rizal - his novels portray
the corruption and abuse of the • The short story "Dead Stars"
Spanish officials and the (1925) by Paz Marquez Benitez
clergy. (Noli Me Tangere) is considered as the first Filipino
• Andres Bonifacio - the founder modern short story in English.
of the Katipunan. (Pag- ibia sa
Tinubuana Lupa) • A Child of Sorrow (1921) by Zoilo
• Leona Florentino - mother of M. Galang is the first Filipino
Philippine women's literature. novel in English.
(Naangawan A Kablaaw/A
Jolly Birthday Greeting) • Novel His Native Soil (1940) by
Juan C. Laya won first prize in
the first commonwealth literary
awards in 1940.
• The poet Fernando Maramag
- The US established a civil writes in the Romantic tradition in
government in 1901. his sonnet "Moonlight on Manila
- Free public education was Bay" (1912).
introduced and English was
the medium of instruction.
- in 1934, President Roosevelt
signed a bill making the JAPANESE OCCUPATION
Philippines a commonwealth.
On May 14, 1935 Manuel L.
Quezon was elected - The GOLDEN YEARS of
president. Filipino Short Stories &
- Filipino literature was given a
break during this period - using
Two significant developments in Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano
education and culture. etc.
- All publications were censured.
- The common theme of most
1. Introduction of free public
poems during the Japanese
instruction for all children of
occupation was nationalism,
school age;
country, love, life in the barrios,
2. the use of English as medium
faith, religion and the arts.
of instruction in all levels of
education in public schools.
✔ Tagalog was declared an official Tanka a poem very similar to haiku
language but it has more syllables and it uses
simile, metaphor and personification.
(together with Nihonggo/Nippongo). It writes about nature, seasons, love,
sadness ans other strong emotions.
✔ In effect, Philippine literature in
English came to a halt. Some Filipino It has 31 syllables, divided into
writers then turned to writing in 5 lines. First line with 5,
Filipino. second line with 7, third line
with 5, fourth line with 7, and
✔ The best works were compiled by the fifth line with 7.
the Liwayway magazine editors in
'Ang Pinakamabuting Maikling (5-7-5-7-7)
Kathang Pilipino' ng 1943, which
came out in 1944.
Tanka is very expressive yet
reserved form of lyric poem. It
Top 4 stories were: captures your imagination by using
short, catchy and meaningful
• Lupang Tinubuan - Narciso G. utterances.

• Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa -

Liwayway Arceo POST WAR &
• Nayon at Dagat-dagatan - NVM LITERATURE (1960-Present)

• Suyuan sa Tubigan - Macario

Pineda - Martial law repressed and
curtailed human rights,
including freedom of the press.
- Writers used symbolisms and
Philippine literature during allegories to drive home their
Japanese Period: message, at the face of heavy
- Theater was used as a vehicle
for protest, such as the PETA
Haiku - is a poem of free verse of (Phil. Educational Theater
Japanese origin. It has 17 syllables Assoc.) and UP Theater.
divided into 3 lines. First has 5
syllables, second has 7, and the third
has 5 syllables. (5-7-5)
Filipino writers continue to write
Haiku normally features allegorical poetry, short stories, novellas, novels
meaning. It is usually short but it and essays whether these are
covers a wide scope, which includes socially committed, gender/ethnic
nature, love, patriotism, nationalism, related or are personal in intention or
friendship and the human emotions. not.
- refers to works with cultural and
artistic value, often held as
✓ Writers wrote fiction that focused models for the literature.
on courageous deeds as well as the - These works represent the central
sacrifices and suffering in the lives of texts within a literary tradition, with
Filipinos. their rules and principles shaping
the broader understanding of
✓ Common for writers to write about literature.
the experiences of the Filipino people
under the Spanish in the lives of
✓ Canon is determined by various
✓ Philippine literature flourished even institutions seen as capable of
more during the postwar and deciding which works carry value or
contemporary period. not.

✓ Writers were able to produce short ✓ the works of writers are recognized
stories, novels, essays, and poems as important, and are seen as
that continue to be read by Filipinos canonical, or belonging to a
today. collection of works, called a canon.

✓Often, these are educational

institutions such as the major
universities in the country or writer's
The Philippines has a unique cultural
landscape, one shaped by a myriad ✓ Deciding the canonical value, is
of languages and traditions not something that is dictated by
determined by their geographical and government alone...... Society, in the
linguistic regions. end, determines what is canonical.

These many regional cultures, do all Functions and Purposes

come together to create the colorful
tapestry that we call Filipino culture. 1. Cultural Preservation:

Literary canons ensure the

preservation and transmission of
culturally significant works,
contributing to the continuity and
CANON development of a society's values,
ideas, and history. For example,
the cultural memory associated
What is a Canon of Literature? with a canon carries the heritage
of a particular group.
- "Literary canon" refers to a body
of books, narratives and other
texts considered to be the most
important/significant and 2. Educational Value:
influential of a particular time
period or place. Canons are used as a basis for
teaching literature, providing
students with an understanding of
the foundational works within a evaluating its worthiness for
tradition. They are a reference inclusion in a canon.
point for discussing themes, - Cultural relevance: Works that
styles, and techniques across reflect or engage with a particular
various periods and cultural culture's values, beliefs, and
contexts. experiences may be deemed
integral to the canon of that
culture's literature.
- Influence on other literature:
3. Aesthetic Evaluation: The Works that have heavily
concept of a literary canon allows for influenced subsequent literature
discussing and evaluating works are prime candidates for
based on specific artistic standards. canonical status, as they help to
The qualities of exceptional literary shape the course of literary
works can be identified and development.
appreciated through canonicity.

4. Comparative Analysis:
Establishing a canon facilitates the Inclusion and Exclusion
comparison of domestic and
international literary traditions,
fostering dialogue and engagement Constructing a literary canon
between various cultures, as seen in inevitably involves deciding which
the study of postcolonial literature works to include and which to
and the Western literary canon. exclude. This selection process can
be influenced by various factors,
such as:
Criteria and Principles - Academic consensus: The
opinions of scholars and literary
experts play a crucial role in
Constructing a literary canon constructing a canon, as their
involves selecting works of significant assessments of various works
value and importance within a contribute to determining which
particular cultural or historical ones are most significant or
context. There are typically, several deserving of recognition.
criteria and principles that are - Popularity: The popularity of a
considered when determining which work among the general public
works should make up a canon: can also contribute to its inclusion
in a canon, particularly if it has
had a substantial impact on
- Historical significance: Works society or has become widely
that have significantly impacted known and discussed.
the development of literature or - Diversity: In recent years, there
society or represent defining has been a growing emphasis on
moments in literary history are including diverse writers and texts
often included in a literary canon. in literary canons to counter
- Aesthetic merit: A literary work's historical biases and ensure that
artistic quality, complexity, and the canon reflects a wide variety
beauty are considered when of voices and experiences. This
can mean considering works by
authors from different Major Category of Poetry
backgrounds, genders, and
periods. Narrative poems

Form of poetry that is used to tell a

story. The poet combines the
elements of storytelling and the
elements of poetry.
4 Major Literary Dramatic poems
"Verse Drama". A form of narrative
closely related to acting, it usually is
• Poetry performed physically and can be
• Drama either spoken or sung.
• Fiction
Lyric poems
• Non-fiction
Has a musical rhythm. Topics often
explore romantic feelings or other
strong emotions. You can usually
POETRY identify a lyric poem by its musicality:
if you can imagine singing it, it's
- is defined as a type of literature that
probably lyric.
conveys a thought, describe a scene
or tells a story in a concentrated,
lyrical arrangement of words.
Elements of Poetry
– is a set of instruments used to
create a poem. 1. Senses and Images

- the use of vivid and descriptive

Poetry is always characterized language.
according to the following: - Senses and images are used by
the writer to describe their
impressions of their topic or object
✓ attempts to achieve beauty. of writing.
✓ Makes use of the strength of - The writer uses carefully chosen
imagination. words to create an imagery that
✓ It's musical, melodic, and the reader can see through his or
rhythmical her senses.
✓ makes use of language that is
metaphorical or symbolic, not
The kind of sense impressions in
poetry are categorized in mainly
the following:

Visual imagery - what the writer

wants you to see.
Ex. A host of golden daffodils; - Also refers to the denotative and
Beside the lake, beneath the connotative meaning of the words.
trees, Fluttering and dancing in
the breeze.
Denotation - dictionary/literal
Auditory imagery - what the writer meaning of a word.
wants you to hear.
Ex. A glass pane of our window
was shattered by a cricket ball.
Ex. The tapping of nails on the
table. The sound of a broken
glass shattering on the hard Connotation - secondary meaning in
floor. addition to the primary meaning that
is dependent on the context of how
the word was used.
Olfactory imagery - what the writer
wants you to smell. Ex. Michael's hopes and dreams
were shattered upon receiving
updates on his job interview.
Ex. The fragrance of spring
flowers made her joyful.

3. Rhyme Scheme
Tactile imagery - appeals to the - the way the author arranges
sense of touch. words, meters, lines, and
stanzas to create a coherent
sound when the poem is read
Ex. The feeling of a nice fuzzy
blanket on a cold night; The
- it may be formal or informal,
smooth underside of a snake;
depending on the way the poem
The rough texture of tree bark
was written by the poet.
- A pattern of rhyme that comes at
the end of each verse or line in
Gustatory imagery - appeals to the poetry.
sense of taste.

Ex. The salty, sweet flavor of a. Alternate Rhyme – ABAB

salt water taffy was Carrie's very b. Enclosed Rhyme – ABBA
favorite thing about going to the c. Monorhyme - AAA
beach for summer vacation. d. Tersa Rima Rhyme – ABA

2. Diction
4. Persona/Speaker/Voice
- the writer's choice and use of
words. - the perspective of the voice that
talks to the reader.
- Not necessarily the poet Maybe in Hyperbole - the use of
first person (refers to itself as "I" exaggeration. It may be used to
or "me", or in Third Person (he, evoke strong feelings or to
she, it, they) create a strong impression.

5. Structure I am so hungry; I can eat a
- refers to the way in which the text I have told you a million times
is set out to the reader. This not to lie.
includes things like line spacing, I am freezing.
line length, and paragraph size.

6. Figurative Language DRAMA

- is phrasing that goes beyond the Drama - generally classified into acts
literal meaning of words to get a or major divisions.
message or point across.
- Employs point of view but not
Simile - a way of describing apparent and evident in play.
something by comparing it with - Uses dialogues which are the
something else using "like" or words uttered by the characters.
"as". - It uses the traditional conventions
of fiction but has additional
Ex. You run like a rabbit. He is a distinctive characteristics of being
sneaky as a snake. performed and mounted on stage.

Metaphor - direct comparison of

two unlike things (comparing Elements of Drama
without using "like or as").
Plot - the sequence of events.
Ex. The girl was a fish in the
water. Setting - the place and time where
The clown was a rainbow, and when the events happen.
colorful and bright.
Characters - the persons who
Personification - to describe inhabit a story.
something that is
Theme - the central idea or overall
message that the story conveys.
not human as if it had human

The flower danced in the wind.
The friendly gates welcomed us.
The earth coughed and choked
in all of the pollution.
FICTION present a difference between
what is imagined will happen and
what actually happens.
• Flashback - utilize to achieve a
Fiction dramatic effect or impact on the
readers and audiences.
- a literature created from the • Conflict - provides and
imagination, not presented as showcases the opposing
fact, though it may be based on a objectives of the protagonist and
true story or situation. Include the the antagonist.
novel, short story, and novella

Short Story - is a brief artistic prose

form that centers on a single main
incident and intends to produce a
single dominant impression. Non-Fiction
Novel - is an extensive prose - is a broad genre of writing that
narrative that contains chapters and encompasses all books that aren't
interludes. rooted in a fictional narrative.

- Non-fiction typically aims to

Development of Plot: Patterns present topics objectively based
in both FICTION and DRAMA on historical, scientific, and
empirical information. (history,
• Exposition - introduces the biography, journalism etc.)
characters and dramatic situation
of the story or play.
• Rising Action - introduces the Conventional literary genres cannot
conflict of the story or play. depart or be taken away from what
• Climax - introduces the central we are today in the 21st century
moment of crisis that defines the literary genres. The old forms were
conflict. just modified, developed, enhanced,
• Falling Action - introduces the made more creative and artistic
aftermath of conflict (whether using the contemporary methods or
resolved or not). the modern technologies.
• Resolution - introduces the
moment of insight, discovery, or ____________________________
revelation of the character after
the falling action.
21st Century
Literary Genre
Narrative Devices in both

Are you a 21st Century Reader?

• Foreshadowing - guide or hint of - grew up using technology as a
what is to happen next in the primary learning tool
story. Irony - with the intention to
- is capable of navigating and Graphic Novels
interpreting digital formats and
media messages (Narratives in comic book formats)
- possesses literacy skills which
include technological abilities - Narrative work in which the story
such as keyboarding, internet is conveyed to the reader using
navigation, interpretation of comic form.
technological speak, ability to - The term is employed in a broad
communicate and interpret coded manner, encompassing non-
language and decipher graphics. fiction works and thematically
linked short stories as well as
____________________________ fictional stories across a number
of genres.

Illustrated Novel
(Story through text and illustrated
images) (Japanese word for comics)

- It is used in the English- speaking

- 50% of the narrative is presented world as a generic term for all
without words. comic books and graphic novels
- The reader must interpret the originally published in Japan.
images in order to comprehend - Considered as an artistic and
completely the story. storytelling style.
- Textual portions are presented in - Ameri-manga - sometimes used
traditional form. to refer to comics created by
- Some illustrated novels may American artists in manga style.
contain no text at all.

Types of Manga:
Digi-Fiction • Shonen - Boy's manga
(Naruto, Bleach, One Piece)
(Triple Media Literature) • Shojo - Girl's manga (Sailor
- Combines three media: book, • Seinen - Men's manga (Akira)
movie/video, and internet • Josei - Women's manga
website. (Loveless, Paradise Kiss)
- In order to get the full story, • Kodomo - Children's manga
students must engage in (Doraemon, Hello kitty)
navigation, reading, viewing, in
all three formats.

Doodle Fiction

- Literary representation where the

author incorporates doodle writing
and drawings, and handwritten
graphics in place of traditional
- Drawing enhance the story, often technology, space travel, time
adding humorous elements that travel, faster than light travel,
would be missing if the parallel universe and
illustrations were omitted. extraterrestrial life.

- Often explores the potential

consequences of science and
Text-Talk Novels other innovations and has been
called a "literature of ideas".
- Blog, email, IM format narratives
- Stories told almost completely in
dialogue simulating social network Blog
- A web log; a website containing
short articles called posts that are
changed regularly.
Chick Lit or Chick
- Some blogs are written by one
- Is genre fiction which addresses
person containing their own
issues of modern womanhood,
opinions, interests and
often humorously and
experiences, while others are
lightheartedly. written by many different people.
- Chick lit typically features a
female protagonist whose
womanhood is heavily
thermalized in the plot. Creative Non-Fiction

- Also known as literary non-fiction

Flash Fiction or narrative non-fiction

- A genre of writing that uses

- Is a style of fictional literature of
literary styles and techniques to
extreme brevity.
create factually accurate
- There is no widely accepted
definition of the length of the
category. It could range from word
- Writers must see beyond facts to
to a thousand.
discover their undying meaning,
they must dramatize that
Six-Word Flash Fiction meaning in an interesting,
o Earnest Hemingway: "For sale: evocative, informative way.
Baby socks, never worn.”
o Margaret Atwood: "Longed for
him. Got him. Shit." Hyper Poetry
- Digital poetry that uses links
using hypertext mark-up.
Science Fiction - available on a webpage and
which takes advantage of
- Is a genre of speculative fiction - uses computer screen as
dealing with imaginative concepts medium, rather than the printed
such as futuristic science and page.
Comparison between the CONTEXT
Conventional and 21st Century - originates from the idea of
Literary Genres weaving, as in 'textile'.

"The circumstances that form

Characteristics of Conventional the setting for an event,
Literary Genres: statement or idea, and in terms
• Based in oral tradition of which it can be fully
• Anytime and any place (once understood and assessed."
upon a time in a place far away)
• Common ending (they live - NewOxford Dictionary, 1998
happily every after)
• Contain common narrative motifs
- refers to what goes with a text and
and common themes
the background information that
• Use of figurative language
surrounds the text.

Ex. Environment Setting,

Characteristics of 21st Century Occurrences, Surrounding of
Literary Genres: Events
• Modern
• Open to experimentation and free PURPOSE
from old forms - a way to enable readers to
• Concerns artistic and social understand the narrative or
traditions literary piece.
- Provide information and concepts
• Comes from individual
to develop thought.
• Writers make their own meaning
of the world
• Complex and complicated
• Rise of technology and mass TEXT
1. Identify the words that suggest the
meaning of the word, multitude.

2. The author used imagery in the

poem, such as visual, auditory, and
TEXT AND CONTEXT kinesthetic imagery. What are the
words that suggest:
• Visual imagery
• Auditory imagery
• Kinesthetic imagery
- is the written part of the story,
what happens and what is stated
on the page.
- is any object that can be 'read',
whether this object is a work of
literature or a street sign.
- It is a coherent set of signs that
transmits some kind of informative
CONTEXT Personal Context
Types of Context in Writing - Refers to both the author and the
• Cultural Context reader.
• Historical Context - Author's lives always influence
• Ideological Context their work in some way. Reader's
• Personal Context background knowledge is also
• Social Context important in deconstructing a text.

Social Context

- Social class, religious affiliation

and gender are a few factors that
Cultural Context affect how people view something
and build social context.
- Refers to a particular 'way of life': - When interpreting this type of
involving religion, race and context, the intended audience of
nationality, as well as things like a text or created work is an
food, dress code and manners. essential element that changes
- Culture can relate to art, music, how the viewer should look at an
writing and literature itself. item.
- Beliefs, religion, marriage, food,
and clothing, are elements of _____________________________
cultural context that sometimes
need to be provided in order to
fully understand an author's story. MULTIMEDIA &
Historical Context

- Providing the time period and its What is multimedia?

current events can inform the
general mood of the era, setting Multimedia is defined as computer-
the stage for the tone of your controlled integration of text,
piece of writing and creating an graphics, drawings, still and moving
understanding of the society at images (video), animation, audio,
the time. and any other media where every
type of information can be
represented, stored, transmitted and
processed digitally.
Ideological Context

- Refers to the systems of beliefs

and ideas that underpin our If we break the word multimedia
attitudes and behavior. Such into its component parts:
ideology may be valued by
"multi" -more than one, and
society as a whole, or be the
basis of conflict. "media"- form of
- Is a context that is in many ways communication.
Multimedia is content that uses a "Mobile Phone Text Tula”
combination of different content
forms such as audio, images, is a traditional Filipino poem. A
animations, video and interactive particular example of this poem is a
content. tanaga that consists of 4 lines with 7
syllables each with the same rhyme
at the end of each line.
Types of Media
• Text
• Audio Sound "Slideshow Presentation"
• Static Graphic Images
is created with the use of Microsoft
• Animation
PowerPoint. It contains series of
• Full-Motion Video
pictures or pages of information
(slides) arranged in sequence and
Multimedia Formats in Interpreting often displayed on a large screen
• Literary Text using a video projector.
• Blog/Weblog
• Mind Mapping
• Mobile Phone Text Tula "Tag Cloud"
• Slide Show Presentation
• Tag Cloud Is a visual, stylized arrangement or
• Video words or tags within a textual content
such as websites, articles, speeches
and databases.

Multimedia Formats in
Interpreting Literary Text "Video"
is an electronic device used to
record, copy, playback, broadcast,
"Blog/Weblog" and display moving visual media.
is a website informational articles
about a person's own opinions,
interests, and experiences. These
are usually changed regularly.

"Mind Mapping"
is a graphical technique to visualize
connections of ideas and pieces of
information. This tool structures
information to better analyze,
comprehend, synthesize, recall, and
generate new ideas. You can use
Microsoft word or online mind
mapping tools in creating a mind

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