Emerald Heights Scholars Program

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Dear Parents and Students,

We are delighted to announce the integration of a unique - The Emerald Heights Scholars’ Program,
for classes VIII to XII. The objective is to provide education through experiences, by simultaneously
involving the students in activities to create responsible and skilled scholars for future readiness.
Through this, we aim to provide students with quantum leaps that promote academic relevance,
meaning and an understanding of real-world issues.
Why this initiative?
We can live our fullest potential if we are happy and happiness at workplace plays a significant
part of our lives. Through this initiative, we equip students with skills, hands-on experiences and
reflections such that they are able to connect theories and knowledge learned in classroom to the
real-world situations and in future prepare them to handle multiple responsibilities effortlessly.

Primary Requirements Primary Requirements
92% and above in Annual Examination 85% and above in Annual Examination
in Classes VIII, IX, X, XI and XII in Classes VIII, IX, X and XI
SAT: Minimum score - 1500 or ACT: SAT: Minimum score - 1450
Minimum score- 34 1 to 3 AP with score 3-5 or CEMC /
AP Scholar or CEMC / AMC / upto 50 AMC / SOF ranks
ranks Super Curricular: 1 to 2
Super Curricular: Minimum 2 Leadership - Student Council or
Leadership - Student Council / Clubs equivalent
Unique personal profile Minimum 6 co-curricular activities
Minimum 8 co-curricular activities

Active Participation in Clubs
Round Square Conferences
Research Programs
Super Curricular – Atleast 2 courses
Creative Writing Activities
related supers curricular with 2 to 3
Community Services
months of engagement
Model United Nations (MUN)
Any other, specific to student's talent
and uniqueness
Publishing Activities
Balvigyan Projects
Exchange Programs
Edex, Coursera, Unacademy, Udemy
online oredit-based Courses
Round Square Conferences
Internship - Minimum 4 weeks

The Emerald Heights International School, Indore | www.emeraldheights.edu.in

This program will furnish students with active engagements in
community service, research, study abroad, exchange programs,
internships, etc. developing their career portfolios and making
them industry-ready.

How will school support Benefits and Outcomes

students in this endeavour? for the students
Students will be counseled well before enrolling A better understanding of the
for any program/ activity/ exam, so as to course material
ascertain its maximum outcome. A broader view of the world and
The planning of these activities will be looked an appreciation of community
after keeping the exam schedule in mind. Insight into their own skills,
The clubs and the programs will run during the interests, passion, and values
stay back time/ holiday/zoom so that the Opportunities to collaborate
academics do not suffer. with diverse organizations and
The school career department will ensure that the people
chosen activity meets the academic and non- Positive professional practices
academic interests of students. and skillsets
Invite experts from the industry or esteemed The gratification of assisting in
higher education institution as guest speakers in meeting community needs
the clubs. Self-confidence, leadership skills
Help students with useful resources and websites and team work.
to ace and leverage the learning process. Career portfolio building to be
more future-ready

Expectations from Parents

Student Optimum Success
Mission: The Scholars Program is
a well thought program keeping
the long-term success and real-
life happiness of students.
The program is Not-for-Profit
and aims at delivering and
manifesting the best. Yet, some
Let’s also discuss about
On successful
programs might incur some costs, completion, as per the
which shall be borne by the some common myths guidelines and timelines
parents. The extra-curricular
activities are meant
laid by the School, the
In some rare cases, school might successful students will
not be able to provide only for the overseas
transportation facility, hence aspirant. earn the Certification of
kindly cooperate by managing PSAT/SAT are only for “Emerald Heights
the same. the US institutions. Platinum Scholar” or
Networking & Providing Do you know that 40+
popular Indian
“Emerald Heights Gold
Opportunities: Being the Scholar”
affluent parent body of the Universities also
Emerald Heights family, help us consider SAT for
admissions and Engage, Explore, and
attain internships at your ventures
scholarships??? Experiment different
for the Classes XI and XII.
Getting great grades platforms and to finally
in Classes X and XII are reach the acme.
enough for success in

The Emerald Heights International School, Indore | www.emeraldheights.edu.in

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