7th BofY TEST

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Grade 7 Beginning-of-Year Test

from “Rikki-tikki-tavi,” Rudyard Kipling
Read this passage from “Rikki-tikki-tavi” by Rudyard Kipling. Then, answer the
(1) He had forgotten the egg. It still lay on the veranda, and Nagaina came nearer and
nearer to it, till at last, while Rikki-tikki was drawing breath, she caught it in her mouth, turned
to the veranda steps, and flew like an arrow down the path, with Rikki-tikki behind her. When
the cobra runs for her life, she goes like a whiplash flicked across a horse’s neck.
(2) Rikki-tikki knew that he must catch her, or all the trouble would begin again. She headed
straight for the long grass by the thornbush, and as he was running Rikki-tikki heard Darzee
still singing his foolish little song of triumph. But Darzee’s wife was wiser. She flew off her
nest as Nagaina came along, and flapped her wings about Nagaina’s head. If Darzee had
helped they might have turned her; but Nagaina only lowered her hood and went on. Still,
the instant’s delay brought Rikki-tikki up to her, and as she plunged into the rat hole where
she and Nag used to live, his little white teeth were clenched on her tail, and he went down
with her—and very few mongooses, however wise and old they may be, care to follow a
cobra into its hole. It was dark in the hole; and Rikki-tikki never knew when it might open out
and give Nagaina room to turn and strike at him. He held on savagely, and struck out his feet
to act as brakes on the dark slope of the hot, moist earth.
(3) Then the grass by the mouth of the hole stopped waving, and Darzee said: “It is all over
with Rikki-tikki! We must sing his death song. Valiant Rikki-tikki is dead! For Nagaina will
surely kill him underground.’’
(4) So he sang a very mournful song that he made up all on the spur of the minute, and just as
he got to the most touching part the grass quivered again, and Rikki-tikki, covered with dirt,
dragged himself out of the hole leg by leg, licking his whiskers. Darzee stopped with a little
shout. Rikki-tikki shook some of the dust out of his fur and sneezed. “It is all over,’’ he said.
“The widow will never come out again.’’

1. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A The author says that Nagaina “flew like an arrow down the path.” What
figure of speech is this description?
a. metaphor
b. simile
c. hyperbole
d. personification

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Part B Which example from the text uses the same figure of speech as the answer
in Part A?
a. [S]he goes like a whip-lash flicked across a horse’s neck.
b. She flew off her nest as Nagaina came along....
c. Then the grass by the mouth of the hole stopped waving....
d. Rikki-tikki shook some of the dust out of his fur and sneezed.

2. How do the actions of Darzee’s wife develop the plot of this story?
a. Her song encourages Rikki-tikki to keep fighting Nagaina.
b. Her flapping about reveals the location of Nagaina’s hole.
c. Her leaving the nest makes Nagaina want to attack her.
d. Her attack gives Rikki-tikki time to catch Nagaina.

3. Which part of the story does this passage most likely represent?
a. the exposition c. the climax
b. the falling action d. the development

4. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A Which literary theme do Rikki-tikki’s actions illustrate?

a. creativity
b. friendship
c. courage
d. wisdom

Part B Which excerpts from the text best support the answer to Part A? Choose
two options.
a. Rikki-tikki knew that he must catch her, or all the trouble would begin
b. [H]is little white teeth were clenched on her tail, and he went down with
c. … Darzee said: ‘It is all over with Rikki-tikki! We must sing his death-
d. So he sang a very mournful song that he made up all on the spur of the
minute ….

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Short Story
Read the passage, and answer the question(s).
Jason woke up to the sound of his mother calling his name. He looked over at his alarm
clock and sat up with a jolt. It was 7:55. “Not again!” he groaned. His bus was going to be
there in five minutes! Jason jumped out of bed, threw on his clothes, and ran down the stairs
with only a minute to spare before his bus was due to arrive. He was about to walk out the
door when he realized that he had forgotten his homework. As he ran back up the stairs, he
heard the sound of his bus as it drove away without him.

5. Which of the following is the conflict that most clearly drives the action in this
a. a conflict between Jason and his c. a conflict between Jason and his
mother alarm clock
b. a conflict between Jason’s habit d. a conflict between Jason’s desire
of waking up late and his desire to to do well in school and his desire
make the bus to sleep

6. How do readers know that this story is told from the third-person point of
a. The narrator is not a character in the story.
b. The narrator participates in the action.
c. The story is told by Jason himself.
d. The mother appears in the story.

7. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A Which prediction is most reasonable, based on details in the passage?

a. Jason will decide to walk to school in the future.
b. Jason will never miss the bus again.
c. Jason will miss the bus again another day.
d. Jason’s mother will stop waking him up.

Part B Which excerpt from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
a. Jason woke up to the sound of his mother calling his name.
b. “Not again!” he groaned.
c. His bus was going to be there in five minutes!
d. [H]e heard the sound of his bus as it drove away without him.

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8. Which word could replace the word groaned in the passage to give the text a
more neutral connotation?
a. moaned c. whined
b. exclaimed d. wailed

9. How would the story most likely be different if it were told from Jason’s point
of view?
a. It would tell what happens when c. It would show Jason’s thoughts
he gets to school. and feelings.
b. It would include additional d. It would describe Jason’s room in
characters. more detail.

from “The Village Blacksmith,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Read these lines from “The Village Blacksmith” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Then,
answer the question(s).
Under a spreading chestnut tree
The village smithy stands;
The smith, a mighty man is he,
With large and sinewy hands;
(5) And the muscles of his brawny arms
Are strong as iron bands.

His hair is crisp, and black, and long,

His face is like the tan;
His brow is wet with honest sweat,
(10) He earns whate’er he can,
And looks the whole world in the face,
For he owes not any man.

Week in, week out, from morn till night,

You can hear his bellows blow;
(15) You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,
With measured beat and slow,
Like a sexton ringing the village bell,
When the evening sun is low.

10. Which of these is the most logical inference that readers can make about the
a. He would be angry if he did not have this job.
b. He cares more about his physical strength than anything else.
c. He is appreciated by everyone in the village.
d. He is a very honest, hard-working person.

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11. Which is the best explanation of the meaning of the simile in the first stanza?
a. It shows that the smithy is located near a chestnut tree.
b. It states how large and powerful the smith’s hands are.
c. It helps readers understand the smith’s work in the village.
d. It compares the smith’s muscles to iron to show their firmness.

12. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A What theme does the author explore in this poem?

a. the value of independence
b. the cruelty of fate
c. the importance of wealth
d. the uses of cleverness

Part B Which excerpt from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
a. The smith, a mighty man is he, / With large and sinewy hands
b. His brow is wet with honest sweat, / He earns whate’er he can
c. And looks the whole world in the face, / For he owes not any man
d. You can hear him swing his heavy sledge, / With measured beat and

13. Based on the context of the poem, what is another word for brawny in line 5?
a. tired c. flexible
b. dirty d. powerful

Read the dialogue, and answer the question(s).
1 BOB: Look at that terrible painting!
2 (AMANDA steps backward and gives BOB a puzzled look.)
3 AMANDA: Why don’t you like it? I think it’s quite creative.
4 BOB: It’s just squiggles and spots. I can’t make any sense out of it.
5 AMANDA: It’s abstract art, Bob. It’s meant to show feelings rather than definite
6 BOB (snorting): Well, I can’t believe that anyone would enter it in the contest. I’m sure that your
painting will win a prize before that one ever does.
7 AMANDA (pained): It IS my painting, Bob.

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14. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A Which lines in this passage include stage directions?

a. lines 1, 4, and 6
b. lines 2, 5, and 6
c. lines 2, 6, and 7
d. lines 3, 5, and 7

Part B How do the stage directions in Part A contribute to the development of the
a. They show the order in which events occur.
b. They give clues to the feelings of the characters.
c. They allow the reader to predict what will happen next.
d. They describe the physical appearance of the characters.

15. What does the dialogue show most clearly about Bob’s character?
a. He worries about hurting other people’s feelings.
b. He is not very interested in Amanda.
c. He is nervous when faced with a strange situation.
d. He freely shares his strong opinions.

Public Document
Read the passage, and answer the question(s).
What Is the Flu?
Influenza, otherwise known as the flu, is an illness caused by a virus. It can cause
symptoms, such as a sore throat, runny nose, fever, sneezing, coughing, headaches, and
weakness. The flu can be contagious, meaning it can pass from one person to another.
Someone with the flu should stay home from school or work to avoid passing it on.

Why Get a Flu Shot?

It’s in your best interest to get a flu shot this year. Studies have shown that this vaccine
can protect you from getting sick.
It is especially important for vulnerable populations, such as the young, pregnant women,
and seniors, to get a flu shot. This can prevent complications from the flu.

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How Is the Flu Shot Delivered?

The flu shot can be delivered by injection or through a nasal spray. The vaccination contains a
low dose of the dead flu virus, which help the body produce antibodies that help fight the virus
if it arises. Flu shots should be administered at the beginning of “Flu Season.” This starts
approximately in October, although flu shots are available through at least January.
Flu Shot Nasal Spray
Delivered by needle Delivered by spray
Safe for people 6 months old or older Safe for people 2 years old to 49 years old
Will not cause a contagious flu Has a small chance of causing a contagious flu

16. This passage features bold headings, such as “What Is the Flu?” What is the
role of these headings?
a. to divide the passage into c. to give readers supporting details
b. to organize the passage into d. to explain key concepts to readers

17. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A Which statement best expresses the author’s claim about flu shots?
a. It’s in your best interest to get a flu shot this year.
b. The flu can cause symptoms such as a sore throat.
c. Someone with the flu should stay home from school or work.
d. The flu shot can be delivered by injection or through a nasal spray.

Part B Which evidence from the text is most relevant in supporting the claim in
Part A?
a. The flu can be contagious, meaning it can pass from one person to another.
b. Studies have shown that this vaccine can protect you from getting sick.
c. The vaccination contains a low dose of the dead flu virus ….
d. Flu shots should be administered at the beginning of “Flu Season.”

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18. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A From the context in “How Is the Flu Shot Delivered?” what do you
conclude is the meaning of the technical term antibodies?
a. something that is passed between people
b. a type of virus found in a vaccine
c. something in the body that wards off illness
d. a type of influenza that is common in winter

Part B Which phrase from the text provides a clue to the meaning of antibodies?
a. a low dose
b. dead flu virus
c. fight the virus
d. if it arises

Read the passage, and answer the question(s).
James Smithson was a very wealthy person. When he died in 1827, he left his riches to the
United States. Smithson, a British scientist, wanted his fortune to help spread knowledge. In
1846, Congress used his money to build the Smithsonian Institution, a collection of several
educational sites in Washington, D.C. It includes sites that focus on art, history, and science.

The National Museum of American Art features different forms of art from Colonial times to
today. Visitors can see American crafts, portraits of famous people, and other works. The
National Museum of Natural History has exhibits on all types of living things. Visitors can
learn about human, animal, and plant life. The National Museum of American History
includes displays of household and military items, along with inventions from America’s past.
The National Air and Space Museum preserves the history of U.S. aviation and aeronautical
accomplishments and plans.

The Smithsonian includes other types of educational sites in addition to museums. For
example, the National Zoological Park has more than 2,000 mammals, birds, and reptiles.
There are also Smithsonian research centers that focus on ocean, rain forest, and space

More than 150 years have passed since the Smithsonian was created. In that time, James
Smithson’s gift has certainly achieved its goal of spreading knowledge.

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19. Which is the best summary of the central idea of the passage?
a. James Smithson was a generous person who gave his wealth to support
the spread of knowledge.
b. The Smithsonian Institution, dedicated to spreading knowledge, consists
of educational sites in many fields.
c. The National Museum of American Art is dedicated to American art and
shows pieces from various times in American history.
d. The Smithsonian Institution is named after James Smithson, a British
scientist and a generous man.

20. What are ways that Smithson’s wealth led to the spread of knowledge? Choose
two options.
a. He left his riches to his fellow scientists.
b. His money was used to build museums.
c. Research centers were built using money he gave.
d. He spent his money to build schools and universities.
e. Money he donated was used to preserve the environment.

21. Read this excerpt from another writer’s account of the Smithsonian Institution.
When James Smithson left his wealth to the United States, he asked that it be used
to spread knowledge. The result was the founding of the Smithsonian Institution.
Smithson’s gift was generous, but the actual work of defining and refining the
Smithsonian’s mission was left to figures such as Joseph Henry, its first Secretary.
Which of the following best describes the difference in the perspectives of the
two authors on their topic?
a. The first highlights Smithson’s role in founding the Smithsonian
Institution; the second emphasizes the important part played by others.
b. The first emphasizes the government’s role in maintaining the
Smithsonian Institution; the second highlights Smithson’s role.
c. The first emphasizes the importance of the Smithsonian in preserving
art; the second highlights its work in science.
d. The first tends to portray James Smithson as a hero; the second tends to
portray him as an ordinary man.

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Read this dictionary entry, and answer the question(s).
sab-o-tage (SAB uh tazh) n. 1. any interference with production work in a plant or factory,
especially by enemy agents or employees during a work dispute 2. any undermining of a
cause v. to injure or attack by sabotage. From the French sabot, “a wooden shoe”; by some
accounts, early acts termed sabotage involved throwing wooden shoes into machinery,
causing the machines to break down.

22. What name does sabotage come from, according to the word history?
a. a French king c. a secret organization
b. an early kind of machine d. a type of shoe

Read the passage, and answer the question(s).
(1) Even before I started performing in musical comedies, I learned how music and laughter
could mix. When I was a boy, for example, I sang for years in the school chorus. We were
young, but performances were a serious business for us. We tried to conduct ourselves with
great, solemn purpose.

(2) Bette Ann was our star soprano. The rest of us were serious, but Bette Ann was as stern
and dignified as the statue on top of a building. That’s what made it so hard for us when the
spider came to our show.

(3) It was the final performance before school let out for the year. Bette Ann was in the
middle of her big solo. She climbed from one high note to the next, and as usual, the
audience was rapt, listening in an appreciative trance. We chorus members sat onstage
behind her, quiet and still.

(4) That spider must have been a music lover, too. Jeremy was the first to notice him as he
descended on his silken thread, one inch at a time, from the auditorium ceiling. Jeremy
nudged me, and made a small pointing gesture. From where we sat, the spider was well lit,
silhouetted by a spotlight. His progress was easy to track, and we watched his descent in
silent awe.

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(5) It soon became clear what the spider’s target was. As Bette Ann’s voice reached even
higher, that spider descended even lower, headed straight for the top of her head. Amid the
music, I could almost hear a Mission Control–style countdown: “T minus 10 seconds to
impact, T minus 9, T minus 8.…”

(6) As our performance headed straight for disaster, I remember wondering whether the
shriek Bette Anne was about to give would be even higher than her high C.

(7) The episode is certainly funny enough to be memorable for itself. I also take the memory
out from time to time, though, as an antidote for jitters before a performance. After all, I think
to myself, the thing that’s likeliest to trip me up is the thing I least expect—a little spider
hanging from the ceiling, perhaps. So why worry? Either the spider finds me—or I hit that
high C after all!

23. Which of the following are most clearly purposes of the author in this passage?
Choose two options.
a. to inform readers about techniques of singers
b. to entertain readers with an amusing story
c. to inform readers about some risks of performance
d. to inform readers about some events in his life
e to persuade readers that music can involve humor

24. Which of the following is an example of a technique the writer uses to achieve
one of the purposes of the passage?
a. The writer entertains by introducing something inappropriate, the spider,
in a serious scene.
b. The writer informs by using technical terms such as “musical comedies”
and “high C.”
c. The writer persuades by appealing to readers’ emotions, such as their
sympathy for Bette Ann.
d. The writer informs by giving a detailed explanation of the events that
led him to become a singer.

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25. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A From the context of the passage, what do you conclude is the meaning of
the word rapt in paragraph 3?
a. completely surrounded
b. completely focused
c. completely unhappy
d. completely missing

Part B Which word or phrase in the passage provides the best clue to the meaning
of rapt?
a. as usual
b. trance
c. behind her
d. quiet

26. Which of the following best explains the interaction of ideas in the passage?
a. The writer’s memory of the spider encouraged him to find a career in
b. The writer’s memory of Bette Ann helps him achieve perspective on his
own pursuit of fame.
c. The writer’s experiences in the school chorus helped prepare him for life
as a performer.
d. The writer’s memory of the spider helps him accept the uncertainties of


Identify the choice that best answers the question.

27. Which sentence from an essay about mountain climbing would lead you to
conclude that the writer has a negative opinion about this activity?
a. With a guide and preparation, anyone can climb mountains.
b. Injury is just one risk that mountain climbers face.
c. Climbing mountains is a great challenge and test of will.
d. The reward is the climb itself, not the view from the top.

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28. Read this excerpt from an argument.

Some people feel that extended study halls will disrupt the school schedule.
However, this hasn’t been the case at the middle school, where extended study
halls have worked well for three years.
Which of the following features of a strong argument is most clearly present in
these sentences?
a. figurative language
b. a clear statement of the writer’s claim
c. a supporting fact
d. a clear reason for readers to take action

29. The word bolt has several meanings. Which meaning does it have in this
Mrs. Edwards bought a bolt of silk to make her daughter’s wedding dress.

a. a sudden departure c. a part of a lock

b. a flash of lightning d. a roll of cloth

30. Which answer choice uses the same meaning of snap as used in this sentence?
I know that you’re not feeling well, but please don’t snap at me.

a. That crossword puzzle was a snap to do.

b. My dog may snap at you if you get too close.
c. Snap up your jacket so we can get going.
d. If jeans go on sale, I’ll snap up a pair or two.

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31. In which sentence is the hyphen not used correctly?

a. That is my sixth-grade notebook.
b. I prefer these black-and-white photographs.
c. The bill passed by a two-thirds majority.
d. I’m totally amazed-you can’t be serious!

32. Which sentence contains an appositive phrase?

a. My soccer team, which is called the Easton Eagles, has a great record.
b. At the end of the day tomorrow, we have a big game across town.
c. David Sánchez, the coach of the opposing team, owns a music store.
d. My brother, sister, and I take guitar lessons there every Thursday.

33. In which sentence do all of the common nouns, and only the common nouns,
appear in boldface?
a. I learned to ride at the ranch last July.
b. The eager horses quickly lined up at the gate.
c. The trainer, Joe Asch, slipped my foot into the stirrup.
d. “Rochelle,” she said, “you will be just fine.”

34. Which revision best clarifies the relationship of the events described in this
Jennifer and Carlos were happy to finish their science project, and they had worked
on it for more than a month.

a. Jennifer and Carlos were happy to have worked on their science project
for more than a month but finished it.
b. Jennifer and Carlos were happy to finish their science project, so they
had worked on it for more than a month.
c. When Jennifer and Carlos were happy to finish their science project,
they had worked on it for more than a month.
d. Jennifer and Carlos were happy to finish their science project after they
had worked on it for more than a month.

35. Which principal part of the verb see is used in this sentence?
Megan has seen every one of that actor’s movies.

a. present c. past
b. present participle d. past participle

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36. In which revision of this sentence are commas used correctly?

Mr. Rodriguez is one of the most, popular teachers at my school but he soon will
move to Phoenix Arizona.

a. Mr. Rodriguez, is one of the most popular teachers at my school, but he

soon will move to Phoenix Arizona.
b. Mr. Rodriguez is one of the most popular teachers at my school, but he
soon will move to Phoenix, Arizona.
c. Mr. Rodriguez is one of the most popular teachers at my school, but, he
soon will move to Phoenix, Arizona.
d. Mr. Rodriguez is one of the most, popular teachers at my school but he
soon will move, to Phoenix Arizona.

37. Read these descriptions of a situation in a short story. Which presents the
conflict in the story?
a. Two young boys meet on the school playground in kindergarten.
b. Two boys develop a friendship and become as close as brothers.
c. Two boys—best friends for years—compete to be captain of the
basketball team.
d. After a third boy unexpectedly is named captain, two boys resume their

38. Which sentence contains a metaphor?

a. When Max opened the door, a lightning bolt of fur and claws streaked
b. The snow fell as wildly as stuffing from a burst pillow.
c. Like the steering wheel of a car, the handlebars on a bicycle are used to
d. Cotton candy has the appearance of clouds at sunset.

39. Which point of view are you most likely to find in an autobiographical or
personal narrative?
a. third-person omniscient c. objective
b. third-person limited d. first person

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40. Which of the following sentences most clearly makes an appeal to emotion?
a. One of the best ways to ensure that others treat you respectfully is to
show that you respect them.
b. Forty-nine percent of audience members reported crying during the
second part of the movie.
c. The governor should be careful not to anger legislators if she wants their
votes for the new bill.
d. Parents who care about their children’s future will vote against this
disgraceful budget.

41. Which choice correctly uses a participle to combine the choppy sentences?
Jonah breezed through the test. Jonah was feeling confident.

a. Feeling confident, Jonah breezed through the test.

b. Confidently, Jonah breezed through the test.
c. To feel confident, Jonah breezed through the test.
d. The test was a breeze, Jonah felt confidently.

42. The Latin prefix mal- means “bad.” Which word does not use this prefix?
a. malfunction c. malcontent
b. malnourished d. mallet

43. Which group of words is a dependent clause?

a. my mom went jogging c. the clock runs fast
b. since he arrived yesterday d. he fell into the ditch

44. Which sentence contains an action verb, not a linking verb?

a. The bicycle was expensive. c. Dylan seems upset for some
b. We grew herbs in the school d. The flowers smell fragrant.

45. Which of these is a compound-complex sentence?

a. I waited at the mall for three hours.
b. Because Sue was injured, Dorie took her place, but we still won.
c. We could have salad, or we could have fruit.
d. If they don’t arrive soon, we’ll have to start without them.

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46. In which sentence does the verb agree with the subject?
a. The tone and pitch of the sparrow’s song is pure and clear.
b. Hermit thrushes and wood thrushes is a delight to hear.
c. The lark and the robin are loved for their music.
d. Sunflower seeds or corn attract a variety of birds.

47. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

Part A The word mobile has several meanings. Which answer choice most
precisely states its meaning in this sentence?
Where in past societies people were often stuck in a limited role for life, modern
societies permit many to be mobile.

a. able to be moved physically

b. changing in purpose
c. able to change status
d. able to move physically

Part B Which context clue in the sentence most clearly supports the answer to Part
a. in past societies
b. stuck in a limited role
c. modern societies
d. many to be

48. Which sentence contains an error in the use of commas?

a. Walking past the store, I noticed the FOR SALE sign.
b. The field was still occupied so we couldn’t start the game.
c. For lunch, we have a choice of soup, sandwiches, or salad.
d. You need to use a quick, precise movement.

49. Based on your knowledge of base words, what is the most likely meaning of
the word reproduce?
a. take apart c. give away
b. make again d. grow larger

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50. Read the list of items that might be included in a work about the Great
I. an explanation of how a stock market crash helped cause the Great Depression
II. descriptions of the effects of the Great Depression on the lives of average people
III. dialogue between two brothers about the effects of the Depression on their

Choose the answer that most accurately shows which items might appear in a
fictional account and which might appear in a historical account of the Great
a. Fiction: I, III Nonfiction: I, II, III
b. Fiction: II, III Nonfiction: I, II
c. Fiction: I, II, III Nonfiction: I, II
d. Fiction: I Nonfiction: II, III

51. Read the following sentences.

Jamal is a dedicated fan of the Pugs. Kevin is a dedicated fan, too. Almost like
twins, Kevin and Jamal both wear Pugs jackets. Kevin and Jamal plaster their
notebooks with Pugs decals.
Which revision of these sentences best uses compound subjects and predicates
to eliminate wordiness?
a. Jamal and Kevin are both dedicated fans of the Pugs. Almost like twins,
they both wear Pugs jackets and plaster their notebooks with Pug decals.
b. Jamal is a dedicated fan of the Pugs, and Kevin is a dedicated fan, too.
Almost like twins, Kevin and Jamal both wear Pugs jackets. They
plaster their notebooks with Pugs decals.
c. Jamal is a dedicated fan of the Pugs, and Kevin is a dedicated fan, too.
Almost like twins, they both wear Pugs jackets and plaster their
notebooks with Pugs decals.
d. Jamal and Kevin are both dedicated fans of the Pugs who are almost like
twins who both wear Pugs jackets. Jamal and Kevin plaster their
notebooks with Pugs decals.

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