Oral Skills Q

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My bull is white like the silver fish in the river
White like the shimmering crane bird on the river bank
White like fresh milk.
His roar is like thunder to the Turkish cannon
On the steep shore.

My bull is dark like the rain cloud in the storm.

He is like summer and winter.
Half of him is dark like the storm cloud,
Half of him is light like sunshine.

His back shines like the morning star.

His brow is red like the beak of the hornbill.
His fore head is like a flag, calling the people from a distance,
He resembles the rainbow.

I. The singer achieves rhythm in the song above through repetition of words i.e. “white like”
like e.t.c.
II. If you are to do a live performance of this song how would you make it more
interesting to the audience?
b) Underline the silent letter in each of the following words (5mks)
i) Rendezvous
ii) Eulogy
iii) Tourism
iv) Condemn
v) Phlegm
c) Read the genre below, and then answer questions that follow:-
“Willy warmly welcomed Wendy and wondered why Wyatt walked wearingly while whistling.‟
i) Classify the above genre.
ii) Identify and illustrate one sound pattern from the genre
iii) State any one function of the above genre
d) You school is participating in a debate and the motion is: “Parents should let children
decide their own destiny,” How would you ensure that your argument convincing? *KC*
e) Imagine that you are listening to a telephone conversation between a receptionist and a lady
whose child is very ill and she is seeking her physicians‟ help. Unfortunately, Dr. Kemboi is
not in, but the receptionist is on the line. In the blank spaces, fill in what you think the
receptionist should have said to the lady.

2. (a) Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow:
A Greedy Old man and the sausage
Once upon a time, there lived an old man. One day he paid a visit to his in-laws. On entering
the house of his mother-in-law, he found that she had been roasting some meat, among which was a
delicious looking sausage and she was not in the house. He immediately took the sausage and quickly
shoved it into his quiver. And it so happened that a piece of live coal had got stuck on the sausage but
the old man didn‟t know. He quickly shut the quiver.
No sooner had he sat down than the owner of the house came in. They sat down to talk about
the children‟s health. When they had finished, it was time for the old man to return to his home. Just
then, the woman noticed smoke issuing from the quiver and asked the old man; “Paker, how come the
quiver is smoking?” The man answered, “Oh. It‟s some naughty fire stick with a soft head that
smokes whenever it comes into contact with soft wood and the arrows.” The woman kept quiet and
got up to escort her guest.
When they had walked only a short distance, the fire made a hole in the quiver and the arrows
fell out, tiak! together with the stolen sausage. The lady, who was walking closely behind, exclaimed:
„See, had I not known it! Then the old man fearing that his sausage might be eaten. shouted, “Oh, my
Paker, please do not eat it!”
So while the lady ran home in shame, the greedy old man continued with his journey in
extreme embarrassment. They showed each other their backs and there ends my story.

(i) State two things a narrator would do to draw the audience‟s attention to the beginning of
t he story
(ii) Describe how a narrator would perform line 4-6 of the second paragraph
(iii) Explain three ways in which the audience can indicate active listening in the performance
of this narrative
(iv) Apart from using the ending formula, how else would a narrator signal to the audience
the ending of his story?

3. Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow:-
Where is she eee
Where is she ee
We want to pamper her
We want to pamper her x2

We advise you, we advise you

When you get there respect your husband
When he calls you, respond to his call
So that your marriage can last

Both of you may live in peace

Both of you may live in peace x2

(i) List down what is lost when the above song is written down
(ii) The above song is a translation from Kiswahili to English. What has been lost in the

(c) (i) Underline the stressed syllable in the correct pronunciation of the following words
(The dots indicate syllable boundaries)
(i) res. pect
(ii) re. view
(iii) in. ves. ti. gate
(iv) con.so.li.date
(v) cal. cu. late
(vi) di. vi. de (noun)

(ii) Provide another word with a similar pronunciation for each of the following words
(i) Feet
(ii) Alter
(iii) Ale
(iv) Cereal
(v) None
(vi) Ate
(d) (i) Explain three things you would do if you were unexpectedly asked to give a short speech
During the form four farewell party
(ii) You are giving this speech without a public address system. How do you ensure you are
heard clearly by everybody

4. i) Read the oral narrative and answer the questions asked.

There was a man, it is said, who lived with the ethnic group of his wife. One day he said to
his wife, “We are moving away-tell your people.” So she told her people and they gave him the
customary gifts and returned to him a part of his bride wealth.
Then this man who had been living with his wife‟s ethnic group moved away with his
family and his wife, and after he had walked all day he set up a camp in a certain place. Then he
said to his wife, “woman, there is a matter I have to discuss with the people whom we left, and I am
going back to them. Pen the animals and wait for me.”

So he went back, and when he reached the village in the evening he sat down in the
clearing by the huts, intending to eavesdrop. The people were gossiping about and someone said,
“well, let us all give our opinion of that who stayed with our tribe for such a long time!”

“He was a good man.” said one.

“By God, he was a brave man.”
“By God, he was a generous man.”
“By God, he looked after the animals well.”
“By God, he had some knowledge of men.”

The whole village praised him, and all the time the man was listening. There was pause, and
then a young girl spoke, “but I know something about him that was bad!”
“What was it?” the people asked.
“He didn‟t go far away enough from the huts when he urinated!” at this the whole
village burst in to laughter, but the eavesdropper was so angry that he stood up said to them,
“well, by God, I have moved far enough away now!” to the great astonishment of the whole

a) How would you performs the narrative in order to capture the audience attention
b) (i) In which tone would the eavesdropper say last line of the narrative
ii) Underline the word in which the vowel sound is different in the following sets of words :
a) ship, sheep, sleep
b) Pull, pool, book
c) Bark, park, buck
d) Might, height, mice
e) Barn, ban, bag
iii) State whether the stress would fall on the first or second syllable on the word in
bold by underlining:
a) I don‟t like associating with that rebel
b) Waiyaki had a lot of respect for the elders
c) We manage to turn the businesses
d) When can you contact me?
e) You can access a lot of information in the internet
iv) What would you consider important in giving someone directions especially to a
place that is difficult to trace?
v) What preparation would you do before attending an interview for a job?

5. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-
I seek a quiet country life
Without the city‟s bursting strife
I seek the sight of trees ablaze
Instead of streets that form amaze
Barbara Klinger

i) Identify two sound patterns in this poem and state their effectiveness
a) i) rhyme Life Ablaze Strife Amaze
ii) Which words in the poem contain dipthongs?
iii) How could you say the first line of this poem and why?
iv) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above
b) In each of the following groups of words, one of the underlined is different from the rest.
Identify the word with the different sound:-
i) purse further fury nurse
ii) three thick theme these
iii) have fame rake fate
iv) heir honest honoraria harbour
v) committee constitution command commodity

c) Read the item below and answer the questions that follow:-
If freaky Fred found fifty feet of fresh fruit and fed forty feet to his friend Frank,
how many feet of fresh fruit did freeky Fred find?
i) Classify the oral item above
ii) Identify two characteristics of this genre
iii) State four functions of this genre

d) Explain the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions :-

i) They were taught by the word of mouth
ii) The guest of honour asked us to lend him our ears
iii) Politicians must now walk the talk
iv) Daisy has the gift of the gab

e) You are a TV presenter with “Duond Joka Nyanam” station. You have been assigned the
duty to interview an important and famous writer in the name of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o.
How would you prepare yourself for an effective session with a view to producing a good

6. a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow:-
Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Wind of the western sea,
Low, low, breath and blow,
Wind of the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying moon, and blow,
Blow him again to me;
While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.

Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,

Father will come to thee soon;
Rest, rest on mother‟s breast;
Father will come to thee soon;
Father will come to his babe n the nest,
Silver sails all out of the west
Under the silver moon;
Sleep my little one, sleep, my pretty one, sleep.
Alfred lord Tennyson.

(i) State any two pairs of rhyming words from the above poem
(ii) Apart from rhyme, with illustrations from the poem, identify any other two techniques
that have been used by the poet to create rhythm in this poem
(iii) If you were to classify the above poem as a song, in which category would you
place it and why?
(iv) Comment on the number of syllables used in the last line of each stanza.
What does this tell you about the rhythm of this poem?
(v) If you were to recite this poem to its target audience, how would recite the last
line of the last stanza?
(vi) From the poem, identify any two words containing the vowel sound //

b) Underline the silent letters in the following words

i) Subtle
ii) Comb
iii) White
iv) Hymn
v) Clinton

c) Rewrite the following sentences identifying the stressed syllable in the underlined
words ( use stress marks)
i) Drug abuse is so rampant in coast province
ii) The alarm clock rang on time
iii) Can I have your contact, please
iv) We were forced to desert our fertile land and now, here we are in a total desert

d) Carefully study the following conversation and then answer the questions that follow:-.
Juma : I am so happy! (Jumps up) we finally did it! Four powerful sweet goals!
Solomon: No doubt about that victory! Chelsea…..
Collins :(interrupting) shut up your pointed beak! Its Chelsea not Chelesea! Simply stated;
the blues.
Solomon: Accept my apology. I didn‟t mean to offend anyone. For your information Collins,
Man City isn‟t my team. Notwithstanding, the fact remains that Manchester city outran
and outfoxed your team. I saw the match myself.
Juma: Hold your peace, boy. Are you not aware of the adage that goes: he who fights the truth,
fights against God! Chelsea can beat any other team in the English premier league but not
Manchester City: that‟s the truth, period.
Collins : Sure? Come to think of it, have you ever stopped to wonder why all the beautiful women
in this present world and probably the one that will come, prefer to associate with Chelsea
players and fans rather than those of man city? Still wondering? Answer is obvious: Man
city players are not only short and ugly but also daft morons!
Juma: To be honest, you could be saying the truth as far as your captain‟s snatching of Wayne
bridges girl friend is concerned. However, don‟t you think it‟s a show case of immorality,
for a married man like him to engage in an extra-marital affair?
Catherine: Guys, let‟s end the entire talk. Why can‟t we talk about AFC Leopards, Sofa Paka,
and Western Stima! Isn‟t there any football being played in Kenya?
Solomon: True
Catherine: What I…..mean is, who in England talks about Western Stima? Anyway, thanks
for your company! (Walks away)

i) Identify and illustrate any two features demonstrated by Collins which indicate lack of
courtesy while conversing with others
ii) From the above dialogue, identify any two features of a healthy conversation
iii) With relevant illustrations from the above dialogue state any two features that characterize
natural speech

7. a) Read the genre below and answer the questions that follow:-
“How high up has he heaved his heavy hoe?”
i) Identify the genre above
ii) For what purpose would the above genre be used
iii) Cite one feature of oral skills used in the above genre
iv) Mention two characteristics of the above genre

b) Give another word that has the same pronunciation as the words below
i) Profit
ii) Mete
iii) Pull
iv) Dough
v) Key

c) Imagine that Ngugi Wa Thion‟go, the author of the novel „The River Between‟ has
been invited by the English department to give a lecture on the key themes and aspects
of style evident in the novel, in a week‟s time. As one of the students of literature
preparing to offer him audience, what steps would you take just before and during
the presentation to ensure that you benefit fully from the event.

d) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-
I stood and stared, the sky was lit
The sky was stars all over it
I stood. I knew not why
Without a wish, without a will
I stood upon the silent hill
My eyes were blind with stars still
I stared into the sky

i) Show how the poet has effectively created rhythm in this poem?
ii) What word would you stress in line 5 and why?
iii) Explain two ways in which you would make the recitation of the first three lines
of the poem effective

e) Read the conversation below and then answer the questions after it.
Hawa : Hallo, is that Thatu‟s Girl‟s school?
Peter : Yes, what is your name?
Hawa : Hawa Mukova
Peter : What do you want?
Hawa : May I speak to the head teacher?
Peter : He went to do shopping for his family. What did you want to tell him?
Hawa : Sorry it is confidential. May I speak to the deputy?
Peter : He is attending a pre-wedding in fact he is never in school
Hawa : Oh! I will call later
Peter : It‟s okay
i) Identify four instances of lack of telephone conversation etiquette
ii) Write corrections using correct telephone etiquette
iii) Underline the silent letter in the following words
a) Eulogy
b) Phlegm

8. (a) For each of the following words, provide another similar pronunciation.
(i) Site …
(ii) Owe
(iii) Rite
(iv) Road
(v) Blew
(b) A resource person has been invited to your school to talk on the newly introduced play
An Enemy of the People by Henrick Ibsen. What five things would you do to ensure you
benefit maximumly from this talk?
(c) Using each of the words given below, construct two sentences to bring out two different
A. (i) Import
(ii) Import.
(iii) Produce.
(iv) Produce
d) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:-
I thank thee mother
Your back I wet
When I leaked
like a broken gourd,

Your breast I sought

like a blind bat,
On your back
I swung like a little vagabond
but you said
„It‟s my vagabond.‟

(i) Who is the persona?

(ii) On the line „Like a broken gourd.‟ Which words would you stress? Why?
(iii) How is rhythm achieved in the poem? Illustrate.

(e) Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:-
There lived two men who were good friends. One of them was very wise and the other
very foolish. One day, they argued between themselves, and one said, “I am the wisest man in
this country.” The other said, “No,! I am the wisest.” As there was no way of measuring
wisdom, the two men did not know who was wiser than the other.
One day they were discussing the ill-behaviour of their wives and one of them said,
“If we want them to behave well we must beat them up. Women are like children, beat them
up and they will behave well.”
The other said, “No ! if you beat your wife, she will become worse.” After arguing for
a long time, they kept quiet and went home. On reaching his house, the man who was in
favour of beating wives began to beat an ox-skin vigorously. When the other heard this, he
thought the sound came from his friend beating his wife and he took a stick and beat his wife
severely until she fell sick and later died.
When the two men met later, it was now clear who between them was wiser than the other.
(Adopted from: The Hyena and The Rock by B.M.
Lusweti: Nairobi: The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1992)

(i) Suppose you are the one narrating this story, what would you do first before narration to
capture the attention of the audience?
(ii) How would you deliver the speech by the 2nd speaker? “No ! I am the wisest.”
(iii) If you are listening to this story, what would you expect the story teller to do so as to
make the story interesting?

(f) The following is a conversation between an Admission’s teacher and Juma, a Form One
seeking admission to Elimu Secondary School. Study it and complete the blank spaces
Juma : ……………………………………………………………………………
Teacher : Good morning young man, how are you?
Juma :
Teacher : Welcome to Elimu Secondary School and have a seat.
Juma : Thank you, Madam.
Teacher :
Juma : I‟m Hassan Juma Masumbuko.
Teacher : I have verified your documents and therefore allowed you to join the classroom next
door as our first Form One student this year, congratulations.
Juma :

9. Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:-

Once upon a time, there was a man and wife who had a baby girl. Unfortunately, the wife
died and so, the man married again. He got another girl with the second wife. The two girls
became extremely close; so close that whenever the mother sent one on an errand, the other was sure
to accompany her. The mother, however, did not like the child of the deceased. She would always
show her dislike by denying her certain favours. Her feelings became so bad that she decided to get rid
of the girl.
To do this, she dug a hole in her bedroom on a day when the husband was absent and
covered the hole with a cow‟s hide. She then called her daughter and sent her to the house of a
friend some kilometers away. As usual, the two girls wanted to go together but the woman
refused, giving the excuse that she wanted to send the other one elsewhere. After the departure of
her daughter, she tailed the other girl and sent her for her snuffbox in the bedroom. Unaware of
what lay ahead, the girl eagerly rushed into the room only to fall into a hole! The mother very
quickly filled the hole with soil, completely disregarding the girl‟s screams for help.
When the daughter came back, she merely assumed that the absence of her dear companion
was justified. After hours of waiting, she, however, became impatient and questioned the mother.
„Where is my sister?‟ she asked
“But she followed you. As soon as she did what I wanted, she ran after you. Now stop
bothering me” the mother retorted.
Time passed and the now anxious girl went round calling out the name of the other one, but
all in vain. Alas …she cried the whole night and the next day and refused to touch any food. The father
helped in the search but to no avail.
After three days, the girl still cried and called the other one. She then heard a very weak voice
responding in song:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
Maalya Maalya
(And your mother is the wise one iiee malya
She dug a grave iiee malya
For interring me in iiee malya)
The girl dashed towards the direction of the voice, repeated her cries and again got the
same response. She came to the conclusion that whoever was responding was definitely
underground somewhere in the house. Immediately the father came that day (before the arrival of
the mother), she told him what had happened. After hearing the song, the father dug up the place and
pulled out an extremely weak and disfigured daughter. All the three wailed and eventually, the father
gave her a mixture of blood and milk from a goat to drink after which she vomited all the soil she had
eaten. He gave her some more of the mixture after which he hid her.
When the wife eventually came back, the man did not let her get into the house but sent her
for a cow in a far off place. He explained his action by telling her that he had decided to host a feast for
relatives (including his in-laws). In the meantime, he sent-for all of them. When the woman came back
with the cow, she found everyone waiting for her. Uneasy now, she sat down in the place she was
shown by her husband. He then stood up and after welcoming all, reminded them of the lost daughter.
He then called upon the wife to explain the circumstance leading to the sad episode. She hauntingly
repeated the now commonly know story. When she sat down, the husband told this woman‟s daughter to
repeat her earlier wails after which all heard;
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
All were surprised to hear the words of the other girl‟s song and at that moment; the „dead‟
girl joined them. The woman was as though paralyzed by shock. The husband then explained the
truth of the matter and told his in-laws to take their daughter with them. They said that if that was
what she had done to the girl, they couldn‟t have such a monster in their house. The woman was
disowned by all and chased away.

(a) How would you say the following opening formula “Once upon a time”?
(b) If you were performing this story what oral skills would you use?
(c) As a story teller, how would you deliver the two songs to portray the different contexts?
(d) If you were one of the relatives invited by the girl‟s father, how would you portray
your reaction towards the revelation of the step-mother‟s behaviour?
(e) What intonation would you use at the end of this statement and why?
“Now stop bothering me”

(a) Shem showed Sila‟s shining shoes shamelessly on Sheba‟s shore.
(i) Classify the above genre
(ii) Identify the dominant aspect of style in the above genre and illustrate your answer
with a brief explanation
(iii) State any three functions of the genre identified in (i) above

(b) Mr. Angwech of Shangilia mixed secondary school asked his class to decide on which set of text
books in their syllabus they should perform for the rest of the school. She asked Noreen to lead the
discussion. Read their discussion below and then answer the questions that follow:-
Mr. Angwech : Noreen, would you lead the discussion?
Noreen: Aha, Ok. The question is: What play should we pick for our class play? Does
anyone have suggestions? Kabonyi?
Kabonyi: I suggest we do „An Enemy of the People‟.
Tom: How about „Shreds of Tenderness?‟
Noreen: No. I dislike „Shreds of Tenderness‟
Lilian: I love „The River Between‟.
Kabonyi: No way! That will make a stupid play! Let‟s do „An Enemy of The People.‟
Noreen: Peter?
Peter: I have never watched „Shreds of Tenderness‟ but…
Peris: It‟s a superb play.
Noreen: Peris, Please let Peter finish then it will be your turn
Peris: Sorry.
Peter: Anyway, I have seen a play on „An enemy of the People‟ but I have watched the
movie and I love it
Noreen: Peris?
Peris: I just want to say that I think „Shreds of Tenderness‟ is a really good play.
Noreen: Apepo?
Apepo: I saw the movie „An enemy of the people‟ too and I really like it. I loved that part
where Aslasken asks Dr. Stockmann to…
Noreen: Excuse me, Apepo, but we should talk about that after the discussion is over. Does
anyone have any other suggestions? No? Ok, Kabonyi proposed „ An enemy of the
People‟, Tom likes „Shreds of Tenderness‟ and Lillian wants to the „The River
Between‟. Has anyone seen or read all three? No. Ok? I suggest that we all go to
the library and read them and then continue the discussion in a couple of days. Is
that ok with everyone? Ok. The discussion is over.

(i) Identify any three wrong things done by the class in terms of effective communication

(a) Koech was part of the audience listening to a speech delivered by the Director of Youth
Affairs on how to empower the youth. After the speech the Director asked them questions on
the key issues which featured in the speech. Koech could not remember much. What do you
think he failed to do during the speech?
(b) You have been invited to give a talk to the Pamoja Youth Group on etiquette. You decide to
focus on respecting personal space in social interaction in your talk. Describe two examples
that you would use to illustrate the different situations in which it would be important to
respect personal space.
(c) During a presentation, you were interrupted severally by some members of the audience.
Give four reasons why the audience would do so?

10. (a) Identify the silent letter(s) in the following words

(i) Married.................
(ii) Bomb ...................
(iii) Difference ............
(iv) Satchet...................
(v) Buffet .......................

(b) Read the following oral song and answer the questions that follow:-
Ndiegu akatsia kusuma
Achima umwana
Numwana akatsia kusuma
Achima ndiegu

Ndiegu vava
Ukalilanga gu?
Zunu, zunu, zunu....

Ndiegu went to beg for food
She didn‟t give it to the child
The child went to beg for food
It didn‟t give it to Ndiegu

Ndiegu, please
Why then are you crying?
Pinch, pinch, pinch......

(i) Give the characteristics of this oral performance

(ii) What features of oral performance are lost when this song is written down?
(iii) If you were to perform this song before your fellow students in form II, what
accompaniments would make for this audience to remember your performance
for a long time?
(iv) What aspects of this song would make it easy for the audience to join in the singing of
(c) You are required to give an impromptu speech in a crowded assembly of inattentive students.
State what you would do to ensure that they listen to you
(d) Divide the following words into their constituent syllable units e.g. Operate – op-er-ate
(i) Wonder ................
(ii) Honey ..................
(iii) Drawback...............
(iv) Town ....................
(v) Education...............

(e) (i) Two teachers (Mrs. Stima – D.O.S and Mr. Obwaya – the drama teacher) of Kiti High school
are involved in a discussion in the staffroom. They are assessing the possibility of allowing
students continue with their entertainment on Friday evenings. Complete the conversation:-
Mrs Stima: Mr. Obwaya, do you think entertainment is necessary in this school?
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: More time? This is unacceptable! Let the students do what brought them to school.
This is a school and not a leisure resort.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs Stima: In fact we are wasting time discussing this issue. Let‟s ban entertainment. We are not
destroying anybody.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: (calmly) Would you please, explain why you are favouring this issue.
Mr. Obwaya:
Mrs. Stima: But when they go into the dance hall they are never grown ups nor are they
responsible. They should stick to books.
Mr. Obwaya:..
Mrs Stima: I am sorry, Mr. Obwaya, I‟ve to cut you short. Are you aware that the majority in
this school are of the opinion that entertainment should be curtailed?
Mr. Obwaya: (shocked)
Mrs. Stima: That is it. Nothing is going to happen and nobody is going to change this.
Mrs. Stima:…………………….
Mr. Obwaya: yes! Why not? They even need to be added more time
Mrs. Stima: ………………………..
Mr. Obwaya: I agree with you but you know, we may think we are assisting the children but find
we are destroying them.
Mrs. Stima: *
Mr. Obwaya: to me entertainment is part and parcel of learning. It is absolutely necessary
Mrs. Stima: ……………………………………
Mr. Obwaya: Students need time away from their books. Let them ventilate their steam.
Furthermore, they are responsible as they are grown-ups
Mrs. Stima: ……………………
Mr. Obwaya: But they need……
They show interruption. if no ellipse or dots, award “0” mark.
Mrs. Stima:
Mr. Obwaya: What! It can‟t be! You are invited for trouble√
N/B:- The exclamation mark is necessary to show shock.
Mrs. Stima:

(ii) State two forms of polite address used by Mrs. Stima in the above conversation (1mk)

11. (a) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Slowly he moves His blue shirt
To and fro, to and fro, Billow in the breeze
Then faster up and down. Like a tattered kite

The world whorls by: Mother!

east becomes west, Where did I come from?
north turns south When will I wear long trousers?
The four cardinal points in his head, Why was my father jailed?

i) Identify any two sound patterns used in this poem and illustrate them.
ii) Why do you thing the poet uses the sound patterns you have identified in (i) above?
iii) How would you say line 2 – 4 of this poem and why?
iv) Give words that sound similar to the following ones in this poem.
Blue –

b (i) Rearrange the following words in pairs of homophones.

whines, mown, lays, weather, dough, laze , moan, doe, whether, wine
(ii) Provide minimum pairs for the following words.
/t/ /d/
c) You were the best student in K.C.S.E. last year. The principle of your former school has
requested you to give a speech to the present candidates. What important aspects would
you consider in order to enhance effective speech delivery?

d. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow:
Makokha : Hi old man! I hope you know why I‟m here, Your girl Lavender
loves me and I have come to take her away. Where is she?
Murunga : Did I hear you right? Did you say ………………………….
Makokha : Yes, Lavender! Just say how many goats you want!
Murunga : Who are you? Whose son are you?
Makokha : Good heavens! You mean you don‟t know f who Iam? You must be
the only one in this village who doesn‟t know famous people like
me. I am Makokha or Deno, the guy whose voice you usually hear
on Egesa F.M. radio. You are a very lucky father- in- law!
Murunga : What is the world coming to?
Makokha : I hope you are not going completely blind. The world is going
nowhere! It is Lavender who is coming to my three- stories palace.
Ask her to come. I am running late.
Murunga : Young man …….. get out of my sight before I set dog, Tobby, on you!

d. (i) Identify and illustrate four things that you find wrong with Makokha‟s manner
of speech.
(ii) “Your girl, Lavender, loves me and I have come to take her away.” Rewrite this sentence
in the manner in which Makokha should have uttered if he had a sense of courtesy.
(iii) At one point Makokha deliberately misunderstands Murunga. Identify this point and
state what it reveals about Makokha‟s attitude.

12. Read the following poem and respond to the questions

I shall return again. I shall return
To laugh and love and watch with wonder eyes
At golden noon the forest fires burn,
Wafting their blue – black smoke to sapphire skies
I shall return to loiter by the streams
That bathe the brown blades of the bending grasses,
And realize once more my thousand dreams.
Of waters rushing down the mountain passes.
I shall return to hear the fiddle and fife
Of village dances, dear delicious tunes
That stir the hidden depths of native life
Stray melodies of dim- remembered tunes.
I shall return. I shall return again
To ease my mind of long, long years of pain.

(a) i) What three things does the poet wish to return to?
ii) Name the stylistic device to emphasize the poets longing.
iii) Describe two sound patterns used in the poem
iv) A poem is best read aloud. What do you think is lost if you read this poem silently?

b) Imagine you are part of the audience that is listening to a speech. You look around and notice
that some people are looking at their watches, a few are yawning and one or two are shifting in
their seats.
i) What would be the likely cause of such behaviour? Mention at least four causes
ii) If you were to be the speaker, what would you do to capture and sustain the interest to
the audience? Mention at least four

c) i) For each of the words below give another word with the same pronunciation
Wet –
Soar –
Would –
Tied –
One –
You –

ii) Underline the silent sounds in these words


d) What will be the meaning of the sentences below if the underlined words are stressed i)
The young tout and the driver, hijacked the car
ii) The young tout and the driver, hijacked the car
e) The phone rings.
Mr. Oundo: (picking the phone) Yes!
Ken : Who is speaking please?
Mr. Oundo : What do you want?
Ken : I would like to speak to …
Mr. Oundo : Speak up I cant hear what you are saying!

From the above telephone conversation identify and explain at least three cases of lack of
telephone etiquette

13. a) Read the poem below and answers questions based on it.
Listen to the rain,
The whisper of the rain,
The slow soft sprinkle,
the drip-drop tinkle,
the first wet shisper of the rain.

Listen to the rain,

the singing of the rain,
the tiptoe pitter patter,
the splish and splash and splatter,
the steady sound,
the singing of the rain.

Listen to the rain,

the roaring pouring rain,
the hurly-burly
topsy- turvey
Lashing gnashing teeth of the rain,
The lightning-flashing
Thunder crashing
Sounding pounding roaring rain,
leaving all outdoors a muddle,
A mishy mushy muddy puddle.

Listen to the quietude,

The silence and the solitude
Of after rain,
The dripping, dripping, dropping,
The slowly, slowly stopping
The fresh wet silent
after time
of rain.

i) Identify any two sound patterns employed in the poem

ii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem
iii) How would you say the first line of the poem?

b) A bear will bear a bear

i) Classify the above genre
ii) State two functions of the genre above
iii) Give another example of the genre

. c) Underline the odd one out

i) Picked wicked packed sacked
ii) World worker wolf worship
iii) Think this thing thistle
iv) Tube tutor turn tumour

. d) i) non-verbal skills in communication are very important in the delivery of any oral item.
State any four forms of non-verbal cues
ii) Give three reasons why listening is an essential aspect of communication
iii) How would you say the following statements ;
i) Why do you always come to church late?
ii) Are you the boy who was found bullying the form ones?
iii) I don‟t believe your story.

e) Imagine you are faced with the following situations and give at least two appropriate
responses to each situation
i) You accidentally knock down another student on the pavement
ii) You are in a hurry to get to school and three people are busy conversing right in
the middle of the path
iii) Your friend has lost a close relative and you decide to console her

14. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:-

The sun rises in the east

Sending forth its morning Heat
The lily in the valley below
Reflects its wondrous glow

Red yellow pink and white

The roses send out their bright light
It is such a wondrous sight
Beauty shining through the night

(i) Explain one way through which rhythm has been achieved
(ii) Write down the rhyme scheme of the poem.
(iii) Explain any two ways you would ensure your audience enjoys your performance of
this poem
(iv) Which three words would you emphasize in line three of stanza one?
(v) Underline the silent letter in the following words:.
Eulogy .
Phlegm .
(vi) Using each of the following words. Construct two sentences with each to show the two
meanings implied in the word . .
(vii) Your school principal has invited a prominent professor to offer a talk on a topic of students‟
interest. Briefly explain any four features that would prove one is not listening
(viii) Give a word that sounds similar to the one given below (3mks) ½ a mark each
Analyst -
Surge -
Through -
(f) The following is part of a conversation between a student and a principal of some school in
Kakamega District. The student is the chairperson of the school’s writers’ club and is
requesting for permission for the club members to attend a writers symposium at a neighbouring
school. Complete the conversation.

Student: ………………………………….. . . …………………………………………

Principal: Good morning, your club patron Mrs. Wasike had mentioned that you would see me about
a symposium but she did not elaborate what is the symposium about and Show will you
benefit from it.
Student: ………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: That sounds like a very useful symposium How many club members will attend and how
do you intend to finance the trip? .
Student: ………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: That is a good number, and I hope you will raise enough money from the projects. If some
remains after the trip you could support the school bursary fund. You have my permission.
Student : …………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word (10mks)
Although (1) _____President and prime minister effectively (2) _____ a ceasefire
(3) ______they (4)______on the telephone (5) _________ Wednesday night and asked
their lieutenants to cease hostility 6relationship may not b e out of the woods (7) _________.
The President (8) ______Prime Minister differed when Raila (9)_______ the suspension
of (10)___William Ruto of Agriculture and Sam Ongeri of Education a week ago.
(Adapted from The Standard Newspaper)

. (a) The following is a telephone conversation between Jane and her mother. Jane is a student at
Mwalimu High School, while her mother, who has been unwell for some time, is a business
lady. Complete the dialogue by filling in the blanks with appropriate responses.

MOTHER : Hello Jane! How are you?

JANE : ……………………………………………………...(2mks)
Mother : Oh! Little girl. Don‟t worry about that, I am still on drugs and I believe all will
be well very soon. I am concerned about your school work. Have you improved?
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
Mother : This is great. I have always prayed for you. Don‟t relax after mid-term results.
Now make sure that you are working hard to be the best in the district.
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : You are right Jane. Caro is joining University of Nairobi and all of us in the
village are proud of her. Where are you going on the tour?
JANE : …………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : I will send somebody to clear the remaining amount. Next month is only ten
days away.
JANE :…………………………………………………………………………….………
MOTHER : Daddy is doing well but he has gone on transfer to Kianyaga.

(b) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

She dwelt among untrodden ways

Besides the springs of dove;
A maid whom there was none to praise
And very few to love

A violet by mossy stone

Half-hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky
She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be:
But she in her grave, and oh,
The difference to me!
(i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem (2mks)
(ii) Which word would you stress in stanza 1 line 4, and why? (2mks)
(iii) If you were to recite the poem in a drama festival, what two performance features would you
employ in the last stanza? Give reasons (2mks)
(c) From the following list, write down five pairs of words whose pronunciations are similar
Abattoir well coup
Rattle kettle hail
Nose zoo cape
Hale tour whale
Gape meteor noise (5mks)
Cattle knows cups
(d) Rewrite the following words in two columns of the hissing sounds /s/ and /3/
depending on their pronunciations (5mks)

(e) Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of NACADA in fighting drug abuse
among the Kenyan youth. What would you need to ensure that your speech is successful?
(f) Mention five non-verbal cues you would use to make your speech effective (5mks)

16. a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow;
He clasps the Crag with crooked hands:
Close to the sun in lonely hands,
Rung with the azure world, he stands,

The wrinkled sea beneath crawls:

He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunder belt he falls.

Identify two sound patterns employed in the poem. (2 mks)
What has the poet achieved by use of the above? (2 mks)
Which word would you stress in the last line and why? (2 mks)
a) What gestures would you use while reciting line one of the poem? (2 mks)
b) A small woman who cooks better than your mother, Answer. Bee
i) Identify the above genre. (1 mk)
ii) Give any three functions of the genre above. (3 mks)
c) Write another word with similar pronunciation as these. (5 mks)
d) i) Explain three reasons why listening is an important aspect of communication.
ii) State any three forms of non verbal cues and briefly explain what each of them
e) Mention the words or expressions you would use in each of the following situation. (3
i) You are revising for your end term exams at home. Your neighbours are playing very loud
music. You decide to go over to their house to request them to reduce the volume of their
radio.(1 mk)
ii) A friend of yours comes to your house to invite you to accompany him or her to watch
a movie.
You are unable to accompany him/.her because you have not finished your chores in the house.
You decide to turn down the invitation. (1 mk)
iii) Your friend has sent you message that she or he has lost his or her mother. You decide
to console him or her. (1 mk)

17. (a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
My old man‟s white old man
And my old mother‟s black
If ever I cursed my old white old man
I take my curses back

If ever I cursed my black old mother

And wished she were in hell
I am sorry for that evil wish
And now I wish her well

My old man died in a fine big house

My ma died in a shack
I wonder where I‟m gonna die
Being neither white nor black (By Langstone Hughes)

a) (i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem (2mks)

(ii) Apart from rhyme, identify another sound pattern used in the poem and state its effect
(iii) State the words you would stress in the third last line and explain why (2mks)
(iv) How would you say the last line? (1mk)
b) In which word is the vowel sound different in the following set of words? (5mks)
(i) son, sun, can, hut
(ii) came, come, late, name
(iii) so, sew, sow, sod
(iv) hot, robe, cock, cost
(v) hurt, herd, hard, firm
c) Indicate the intonation pattern in the following sentences (5mks)
(i) Are you serious?
(ii) You must behave yourself
(iii) I am going shopping
(iv) He can‟t do that, really!
d) In a conversation, how does one know it is his/her turn to speak? (5mks)
(e) You are attending a seminar with your friend. Halfway through the presentation by
one of the speakers, she (your friend) tells you that she can hardly concentrate.
Explain any seven strategies you would advice her to employ so as to listen effectively
and benefit from the talk. (7mks)

18. (i) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
I sit outside my house and listen
From the construction site comes
Pound, push, pull and plunk.

I get back into the house and listen

Form her kitchen comes
Wash, swirl and gush

To bed I go at last for peace

Mutter, wheeze and slurp

He snores in peace
While I awake I remain
The noise too intense to ignore

Oh! The noise they make

In the house, out the house
Out the bed, in the bed
Why can‟t they keep silence?
(a) What is the poem talking about? (1mk)
(b) Identify any two sound patterns used in the poem (4mks)
(c) Which words would you stress in the last line of stanza three? Why ? (2mks)
(d) (i) How would you say the line of the poem? (1mk)
(ii) Identify four pairs of words with the same pronunciation from the list below (4mks)
Hale Pose missed draught mist
Way bawl air ball tile
Why tall pause draft hit
Drought ore wail till heat
(iii) You are a radio presenter and you are scheduled to interview a prominent politician abut
the current proposed constitution.
(a) What preparations would you carry out before the interview? (6mks)
(b) What strategies would you employ during the interview session? (6mks)
(iv) Explain any six important details you will use when giving direction to make it accurate.


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