Exam For National Values Education Primary 3 1st Term

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INSTRUCTION: Choose the appropriate options to answer each of the following questions
1.) ________ means all the processes that affects people’s beliefs, commitments, capabilities
and actions as members of communities
a.) social studies b. civic education c. security education d. societal inclusion
2.) All of these are examples of democratic activities, civic rights and responsibilities except
a.) voting during elections b. staying informed c. practicing tolerance d. religious crisis
3.) One of the reasons why we study civic education is
a.) to know our rights and duties as citizens
b.) to become vast with the knowledge of the scripture
c.) to create a fashion taste that is unmatchable
d.) to become better acquainted with difficult mathematical equations
4.) All of these are elements of security except
a.) confidentiality b. authenticity c. integrity d. socialism
5.) A group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage or adoption is called _________
a.) marriage b. family c. omnipotent d. community
6.) In the _________ family, relatives like aunts, uncles, grandparents etc are inclusive
a.) nuclear b. extended c. complex d. programmed
7.) One of these is not a component of civic education
a.) human rights education b. teaching a culture of peace c. education of tolerance c.
gender inequality and discrimination
8.) The knowledge of civic educations should be done by all these except
a.) secondary schools b. primary schools d. the media d. all of the above
9.) Someone who has no gaps and isn’t prone to dishonesty, cheating, lying etc is said to
a.) integrity b. liberality c. punctuality d. confidentiality
10.) Who is the head of a nuclear family?
a.) Inlaws b. children c. mother d. father
11.) All of these are the roles of the father except
a.) providing moral guidance for his children
b.) loving the wife and children
c.) giving birth to children
d.) supplying the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, shelter etc
12.) What is one of the duties of the children in the family?
a.) giving birth to children b. protecting their parents c. providing moral guidance d.
being good representatives of the family in the outside world thereby protecting the good
name of the family
13.) ________ means to owe one’s allegiance to a nation
a.) regional b. palatial c. national d. expatriate
14.) Nigerian nationals can do all of these except
a.) permanently stay in Nigeria
b.) vote and take up government positions
c.) can easily set up businesses without restrictions
d.) can destroy public infrastructures and get away with it
15.) A legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife is called
a.) marriage b. family c. omnipotent d. community
16.) The process of ensuring and confirming that the identity of every individual is genuine
and authentic is called
a.) confidentiality b. authenticity c. integrity d. socialism
17.) All of these are the importance of marriage except
a.) companionship b. procreation c. to provide social and economic security for
children d. to promote sexual immorality and perverseness
18.) _______ are legal, social and ethical principles of freedom or entitlement
a.) rights b. laws c. responsibilities d. none of the above
19.) Something that one is expected to do by moral or legal obligation is called
a.) rights b. laws c. duties d. none of the above
20.) One of these is not part of our right as citizens of Nigeria
a.) right to kill and get away with it
b.) right to life
c.) right to personal liberty
d.) right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
21.) One of the duties of citizens of Nigeria is
a.) to break the laws in the Nigerian constitution
b.) to destroy public properties
c.) to steal from political offices
d.) protection of public property
22.) In _________ a man marries more than one wife
a.) polyandry b. monogamy c. polygamy d. typogamy
23.) The ability to understand the thoughts, feelings or emotions of someone else is called
a.) apathy b. empathy c. disparity d. grandiose reception
24.) Christian marriage is conducted by ____________
a.) Pastor/Priest b. Herbalist c. imam d. Buddha priest
25.) Another name for Muslim marriage is called __________
a.) minka b. minna c. Nikkah d. Dimka
26.) One of the things demonstrating empathy does is
a.) creates trust
b.) creates distrust
c.) Creates strife
d.) creates insecurities and fears
27.) In the _______ marriage, the bride price is paid
a.) Christian b. Islamic c. traditional d. court
28.) Islamic marriage is conducted according to the dictates of the _________
a.) constitution b. bible c. Quran d. customs and traditions of the community
29.) A government of the people, by the people and for the people is called __________
a.) democracy b. aristocracy c. Oligarchy d. monarchy
30.) Security agents are responsible for
a.) creating chaos and violent situations
b.) promoting the activities of criminals
c.) maintaining law and order
d.) collecting bribes


INSTRUCTION: Answer only THREE questions in this section
1.) List five rights of a citizen of Nigeria
2a.) What is empathy?
b.) State three duties of citizens of Nigeria
3a.) Describe two roles of
i.) the mother in the family
ii.) the children in the family
b.) Who is a national?
4.) Mention five items used during traditional marriages
5a.) What is the full meaning of EFCC?
b.) Give three examples of security agencies in Nigeria

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