Social Studies Multiple Choice Questions

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York castle High School

Social Studies
Multiple Choice Items
Grade 10
Name: …………………………………………..………………

1. Which one of the following describes bi-lineal descent?

a. The duties and privileges of children is the responsibility of the parents.

b. The duties and privileges of descent follow the female line.
c. The duties and privileges of descent follow the male line.
d. The duties and privileges of descent follow the female and male lines.

2. Which one of the following is the best description of 'culture'?

a. The art, craft, literature and music of a people.

b. The lifestyle, traditions, ideas and beliefs of a people.
c. The style, colour and significance of the clothes people wear.
d. The dancing and singing in the ceremonies of the people.

3. A child should be able to expect all of the following from its parents except:

a. Reliability
b. Consistency
c. Intolerance
d. Fairness

4. All of the following are good aspects of peer groups except they:

a. Can encourage people to work together to achieve good results.

b. Can make the efforts of individuals more effective.
c. Can encourage people not to work hard at school.
d. Can stimulate their members to good actions and achievements.

5. An out-group is best described as:

a. Two or more people carrying out an activity, interest or hobby.

b. A number of people working out in the fields.
c. A group of young people helping the mentally handicapped.
d. A group whose activities are disapproved by society.

6. Which one of the following is NOT true of the organisations of groups?

a. The members need constant supervision.

b. The members need firm leadership.
c. Groups demand loyalty from their members.
d. Groups demand commitment to their activities.
7. A person becomes a citizen of a country by all the following means except?

a. Emigration
b. Birth
c. Marriage
d. Naturalisation

8. Which one of the following is not an influence on cultural life?

a. A norm
b. A law
c. A folkway
d. A custom

9. The arrival of a new child in the family can affect all of the following Except

a. Emotional life of the children.

b. Person who records the birth.
c. Family budget.
d. Parent's relationship.

10. All of the following are all reasons for some parents inflicting brutal
punishments on their children EXCEPT

a. Financial problems.
b. Emotional stress.
c. Census arrangements.
d. Personal frustration.

11. A young person who deliberately does the opposite of what he or she has
been asked to do by a parent is showing;

a. Tolerance.
b. Defiance.
c. Fairness.
d. Consideration.

12. Unwanted pregnancy among young, unmarried teenagers causes all of the
following except:

a. The intellectual development of the mother may be hindered.

b. The children may be born retarded.
c. It creates economic problems for the girls and their families.
d. It could lead to an increase in the abortion rate.
13. All of the following are grounds for divorce EXCEPT:

a. Irreconcilable differences.
b. Independence.
c. Infidelity.
d. Abuse.

14. Which is a probable cause of teenage pregnancy?

a. Role models.
b. Abstinence.
c. Lack of religious and moral education.
d. Pressure of the nuclear family.

15. A peer group can best be described as:

a. A group of people who are about the same age and have the same interest.
b. A group of people from the same religious and ethnic background.
c. The members of a community who live and work together.
d. A number of people sharing the same geographical location.

16. Which of the following are legal drugs in the Caribbean?

a. Alcohol and heroine.

b. Tobacco and alcohol.
c. Tobacco and cocaine.
d. Alcohol and marijuana.

17. A person is most likely to commit suicide in which of the following cases?

a. Loss of a loved one.

b. Peer pressure.
c. Prolonged and incurable illness.
d. Quarrel with a friend.

18. Abortion is a method of?

a. Ending pregnancy.
b. Breaking up an unhappy love affair.
c. Preventing conception.
d. Procreation.

19.Which one of the following always hinders a good family life?

a. Education of woman.
b. Alcoholism.
c. Religion.
d. Wealth.
20. Family conflicts can lead to these types of behaviour among children,

a. Nervousness.
b. Eloquence.
c. Emotional stability.
d. A negative concept of adults.

21. Excessive beating of a child will not affect its:

a. Material well-being.
b. Behaviour and manners.
c. Self-image.
d. Physical development.

22. Which of the following is least desired among family members?

A. Support.
B. Competition.
C. Commitment.
D. Cooperation.

23. Street children are LEAST LIKELY to engage in:

a. Prostitution.
b. Vending.
c. Begging for money and food.
d. Using illegal drugs.

24. A 'drug dilemma' exists because:

a. Only illegal drugs are abused.

b. Some persons abuse legal and illegal drugs.
c. People always use drugs wisely.
d. People are knowledgeable about all drugs.

25. An example of a formal secondary group is:

a. Family.
b. young men playing in the street.
c. Scouts.
d. A study group.
26. An institution has all of the following characteristics except:

a. an organised structure.
b. overtime endurance.
c. does not address a particular need in society.
d. may have sanctions such as rewards and punishment.

27. Why are rules very important in any institutions?

a. They act as standards govern- ing the behaviour of members.

b. They enable leaders to be uncooperative.
c. They help members to vent their frustration at visitors.
d. They help members to compete for leader's attention.

28. Which of the following is not an institution?

a. School
b. Political party
c. Sports club
d. The mass media

29. An educational institution has which of the following characteristics?

a. Is highly organised
b. Offer financial advice
c. Assures persons of divine intervention
d. Accept jewellery and other valuables for safe keeping.

30. Religion carries out all of the following functions except:

a. provide members with a sense of belonging and identity.

b. establishes certain codes of conduct.
c. provides a skilled population.
d. provides direction and focus for life's journey.

31. Which of the following is not an economic institution?

a. Insurance companies
b. Trade unions
c. Credit unions
d. University

32. Which of the following is NOT a function of education and religious institutions?

a. Provide socially correct ways of living.

b. Transmit culture.
c. Willingness to fight off external aggression.
d. Giving a sense of identity to citizens.
33. 'National Sovereignty' refers to a nation's

a. obligation to support the work of the United Nations.

b. need to maintain democratic institutions.
c. development of high-income housing.
d. status as independent and self-governing.

34. The system under which a country is governed by a few influential people is known

a. anarchy.
b. oligarchy.
c. republicanism.
d. democracy.

35. Which of the following has executive functions?

a. Senate
b. Parliament
c. Cabinet
d. House of Representative

36. Under which of the following circumstances may government restrict the
constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens?

i. Threat of civil war

ii. Military invasion from another country.
iii. Widespread destruction from natural disasters.
iv. Peaceful demonstrations associated with trade union protest.

a. i, ii, and iii only

b. i, ii and iv only
c. ii, iii and iv only
d. i, ii, iii, and iv

36. In trade unionism, collective bargaining refers to negotiations:

a. among members to fill top positions in a union.

b. between various employers in a particular industry.
c. between an employer and a union representing employees.
d. among several trade unions seeking a common goal.

37. What is the main reason why government exist?

a. to ensure order in a country

b. to monitor the behaviour of individuals
c. to train individuals for combat
d. to provide employment.
38. A body of laws and rules defining the relationships of the Government to the people
is called?

a. an institution
b. a corporation
c. a constitution
d. a federation

39. Which of the following statements is correct; a bicameral legislature is composed of:

a. the Cabinet and President

b. the Senate and House of Representatives
c. Parliament and the Judiciary
d. the Executive and the Judiciary.

40. TWO examples of a constitutional monarchy in the Caribbean are:

a. Jamaica and Guyana

b. Guyana and Barbados
c. Trinidad and Tobago
d. Jamaica and Barbados

41.The chronological order of the political system of the West Indies is as follows:

a. Crown Colony, Republic, Constitutional Monarchy.

b. Proprietary, Old Representative System, Crown Colony.
c. Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, proprietary.
d. Old Representative System, Crown Colony and Republic.

42. Which of the following does not fall under the banner of the judiciary?

a. the industrial court

b. the appeal court
c. the resident magistrate's court
d. the coroner's court.

43. A bill becomes a law/act when:

a. it goes through several stages of reading and discussion in Parliament.

b. it has been successfully debated in the House of Representatives.
c. the President/Governor General gives his assent.
d. it becomes part of the laws of the country.

44. 'First-past-the-post' system refers to:

a. the first person to cast a vote on election day.

b. the first polling station to count the votes cast.
c. the candidate who receives the majority of votes in a constituency.
d. the first time the people of a country went to the polls.

45. Population growth occurs when

A. a large number of babies are born each year.
B. a large number of infants and adults die each year.
C. the number of babies born each year is greater than the number of infants and adults who
D. the number of babies born is more or less equal to the number of infants and adults who

46. The definition for 'natural increase' is:

A. The birth rate minus the death rate.

B. The death rate minus the birth rate.
C. The number of babies born per thousand people.
D. The number of deaths per thousand people.

47. The population of Jamaica has grown mainly because of

A. natural increase.
B. many babies are born.
C. emigration.
D. immigration.

48. Large population increases in the United States are due mainly to

A. a high birth rate.

B. a low death rate.
C. migration.
D. immigration

49. The movement of people from one place to another resulting in a

permanent change of residence is called:

A. mass movement.
B. migration.

50. Which of the following is not a form of migration?

A. Internal and external

B. Temporary or permanent
C. Intra-island
D. Migration balance

51. The process of entering one country from another to take up permanent or
semi-permanent residence is called:

B. emigration
D.Internal migration

52. Which of the following is a pull force that influences people to migrate from
their own country?
A. Overcrowding in their small country.
B. Educational opportunities in the country of destination.
C. A chronic state of unemployment in the home country.
D. Uncomfortable political climate in the home country.

53. Which is the dominant form of internal migration?

A.Urban to urban
B. Urban to suburban
C. Urban to rural
D. Rural to urban

54. The consanguine family is also known as the:

(a) conjugal family

(b) nuclear family
(c) extended family
(d) single parent family

55. A family unit composed of one or two parents and their children, and which is based
on marriage, is the:

a. nuclear family
b. consanguine
c. exogamous
d. extended

56. Exogamy and endogamy are cultural norms relating to:

a. Marriage patterns
b. Descent regulations
c. Residence patterns
d. Authority patterns

57. A marriage forms that unites one woman with two or more men is termed:

a. monogamy
b. polygamy
c. polyandry
d. polygyny

58. Which of the following is not a descent pattern?

a. matrilineal
b. patrilineal
c. neolocal
d. bilineal

59. Remarriage often creates families composed on both biological parents and
stepparents and children. These are called?
a. extended families
b. blended families
c. neolocal families
d. matrifocal families

60. Through which of the following processes does the family strive to maintain the
continuity of society?

a. monogamy and polygamy

b. polygyny and polyandry
c. endogamy and exogamy
d. procreation and socialisation

61. The family form in which great power is assigned the male head is said to be:

a. matrifocal
b. the nuclear family
c. patriarchal
d. an extended family

62. All of the following constitutes the traditional roles of women EXCEPT?

a. conjugal
b. maternal
c. parental
d. wage-earning

63. Study the following statement:

"Men dominate West Indian Society".

The concept embodied here is that of:

a. Patriarchy
b. polyandry
c. monogamy
d. Matriarchy

64. Which one of the following is not a major function of the family?

a. education
b. reproduction
c. socialisation
d. provision of economic needs.

65. The process of learning in which children and adults take on the feelings and
attitudes and ways of behaviour of the society around them is termed.

a. communication
b. socialisation
c. education
d. developmental

66. The custom of a bride's parents paying in money or kind to the husband is called;
a. Bride-wealth
b. dowry
c. family fund
d. maintenance

67. An element of the West African family transferred to the Caribbean is:

a. alimony
b. matricentric family
c. marriage
d. illiegitimacy

68. Slavery was responsible for all the following family relationships except:

a. the nuclear family

b. 'living with' relationships
c. visiting relationships
d. the matrifocal family.

69. All the following characteristics of a family can be changed except:

a. income
b. race
c. class
d. religion


From the information in the diagram above depicting a family household, Winston must
perform the roles of:

a. breadwinner and disciplinarian

b. father and breadwinner
c. husband, son and father
d. father husband and nephew

71. Which of the following would correctly describe Winston's family?

a. Extended
b. Patriolocal
c. Joint
d. Patriarchal

72. Which of the following family functions has declined the most in the Caribbean over
the past several centuries?
a. socialisation
b. care and nuturance of children
c. social placement
d. economic production

73. The descent most commonly practised in the Caribbean is?

a. bilineal
b. matrilineal
c. patrilineal
d. neolocal

74. All persons who occupy a housing unit such as a house, apartment, single room, or
other space intended to be living quarters:

a. family
b. household
c. family group
d. extended family

75. The nuclear family is increasingly replacing the extended family as the predominant
Caribbean family structure because:

(i) of growing industrialisation

(ii) of improved transportation and communication
(iii) old people who no longer want to live in extended family households
(iv) of the rising divorce rate

a. i only
b. iii only
c. i and iii
d. ii and iv

76. Caribbean parents are having fewer children today because:

(i) the divorce rate is high

(ii) family planning has become more acceptable and more available
(iii) grandparents are no longer willing to help look after the children
(iv) standards of living are rising

a. ii and iii
b. ii only
c. i, ii and iii
d. ii and iv

77. Family planning is becoming more urgent now because of all the following EXCEPT:

a. countries cannot provide enough employment.

b. the cost of maintaining a child is greater
c. it is now known that childbearing is dangerous to health
d. the population explosion.

78. Pregnancies among secondary school girls are considered unacceptable because
a. can lead to abortions
b. is a consequence of breaking the law of the state.
c. show that the girl violated the mores of the society
d. can be dangerous to the health of young girls.

79. Which one of the following is NOT one of the general contexts in which power is
commonly defined as authority?

a. Traditional
b. Rational-legal
c. Charismatic
d. Democratic

80. Power that is legitimised by respect for long established cultural patterns is called?

a. traditiona
b. political
c. sacred
d. charismatic

81. Abortion is a method of:

a. procreation
b. breaking up an unhappy love life
c. ending pregnancy
d. preventing conception

82. An engagement announces a couple's intention to?

a. engage in pre-marital sex

b. get to know each other better
c. pool their resources
d. get married

83. The cause of arguments between mother and daughter about clothes is?

a. that the mother's and daughter's tastes in clothes always differ

b. generation gap
c. daughter is loose and wayward
d. mother is always right.

84. The oldest child in a family usually:

a. is the beat behaved

b. bullies the younger ones
c. gets to do what he/she wants
d. has greater responsibility than the younger ones.

85.All of the following help to make a marriage last except:

a. unselfishness
b. sense of humour
c. chastity
d. tolerance

86. Divorce occurs when:

a. the partners decide never to live together again

b. the partners separate legally.
c. One partner is found guilty of adultery
d. The marriage is declared by the courts to be legally ended.

87. Which of the following set of groups belong to the same type:

a. football, steelband, hockey, chess

b. political party, credit union, bank, co-operative
c. church, choir, brotherhood, religious order
d. Boy scouts, cadets, Girl Guides, netballers.

88. Trade Unions, political parties and the Kiwanis clubs are examples of:

a. primary groups
b. secondary groups
c. peer groups
d. social problems

89. Which of the following groups in the Commonwealth Caribbean are involuntary.

(i) family (ii) army (iii) racial (iv) religious

a. i and iii
b. iii and iv
c. ii and iii
d. i and iv

90. Which statement is always true of an informal group? It

a. cannot have a leader

b. is made up of friends
c. is small in size
d. allows freedom of action and conduct.

91. The process whereby a group or society en-forces conformity to its demands and

a. law and order

b. social control
c. socialisation
d. labeling

92. The ideas, beliefs, material objects that people in a society have created and
adopted for carrying out the necessary tasks of collective life.
a. convention
b. norms
c. mores
d. culture

93. Standards of desirability, of rightness, and of importance to society

a. cultural values
b. cultural standards
c. cultural myths
d. cultural purity

94. Rules for what should or should not be done in a given situation.

a. values
b. folkways
c. norms
d. mores

95. These rules govern everyday conduct, but violations usually do not bring serious

a. mores
b. folkways
c. values
d. sanctions

96. The behavioural expectations associated with a status;

a. status requirement
b. achieved status
c. ascribed status
d. role

97. A relatively small number of people who interact with one another overtime and
thereby establish patterns of interaction, an identity, and rules and norms governing
their behaviour.

a. gang
b. group
c. congregation
d. crowd

98. A group to which one belongs and with which one identifies

a. reference group
b. out-group
c. in-group
d. voluntary group

99. This group is characterised by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation

a. primary
b. secondary
c. reference
d. in-group

100. Groups and organisations with norms and values centred around the most basic
needs of a society

a. obligarchies
b. bureaucracies
c. institutions
d. societies

101. Socialisation that occurs early in life, in infancy and early childhood.

a. preparatory socialisation
b. primary socialisation
c. secondary socialisation
d. feral socialisation

102. An institutionalised system of symbolic, beliefs, values and practices that deal with
questions of ultimate meaning:

a. Theology
b. Church
c. Sect
d. Religion

103. What is the term used for a decline in the authority of religious institutions, beliefs,
values and practices?

a. liberalisation theology
b. secularisation
c. the prophetic function of religion
d. nomination

104. Which of the following statements is correct; A bi-cameral legislature is composed


a. the Cabinet and president

b. the Senate and House of Representatives
c. Parliament and the Judiciary
d. The Executive and the Judiciary

105. In order to contest a seat in Parliament, Commonwealth Caribbean constitutions

require that an individual must:

i) be a citizen of that nation

ii) have reached a particular age
iii) be well-off financially
iv) have been a resident locally for a specified period

a. i, ii, iii
b. ii, iv
c. i, ii, iv
d. i, ii, iii, iv

106. Which electoral system is practised in Jamaica?

a. First-past-the past
b. Proportional
c. Adult Suffrage
d. Titular

107. Which of the following is not an acceptable definition of government?

a. It is the exercise of a measure of control over people.

b. It exists for the preservation of law and order
c. It is well defined geographical territory with people sharing a common nationality
d. It comprises a small group of people who constitutes the rulers, public authorities and
the administration

108. The concept of national sovereignty is best described as a nation's"

a. legal right to determine its own future

b. need to maintain democratic institutions
c. capacity to defend its territory against all nations
d. willingness to co-operate with other states

109. All of the following are functions of Government in a democratic state EXCEPT: a

a. to defend the state from external attack

b. to protect the citizens from violence and theft
c. To ensure that they live religiously good lives
d. To effect justice among citizens and between citizens and the government

110. The absence of government in a country may lead to a state of:

a. autocracy
b. anarchy
c. obligarchy
d. democracy

111. A body of laws and rules defining the relationships of the government to the people
is called?

a. an institution
b. a corporation
c. a constitution
d. a federation

112. To be democratic, a government must

i) hold free and fair elections

ii) neglect basic human rights
iii) have a written constitution
iv) be responsible to public opinion
a. i, iii
b. i, iii
c. i, iv
d. ii, iv


The above diagram of the three functions of government means that:

a. No one institution has supreme power to make laws

b. There is no complete separation of powers
c. They are all under the authority of one man
d. They all sit in the same house

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