Module 3 - Explore Networks With Packet Tracer - 5. Explore Networks With Packet Tracer Summary

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3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5.

Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

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Explore Networks with

Packet Tracer Summary

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3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

3.5.1 Packet Tracer - Create a Simple


In this activity, you will complete the following objectives:

• Part 1: Build a simple network in the logical topology workspace.

• Part 2: Configure the network devices.
• Part 3: Test connectivity between network devices.
• Part 4: Save the file and close Packet Tracer.

 Create a Simple Network  Create a Simple Network… 2/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

3.5.2 What Did I Learn in this Module?

Packet Tracer Network Simulator

Packet Tracer Installation

Packet Tracer User Interface

Packet Tracer Network Configuration

3.5.3 Module 3 - Explore Networks with

Packet Tracer Quiz

Question 1

What is a feature of Packet Tracer?… 3/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

It allows a functional replacement for real physical network


 It allows building and modeling network configurations.

It can be used to trace a packet from source to destination

using real corporate data.

It can be used to examine network data flows for a corporate

network that connects to the internet.

Question 2… 4/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Refer to the exhibit. Which network device is being configured within

Packet Tracer?

home wireless router

 laptop


switch… 5/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Question 3

Refer to the exhibit. A user is building a home wireless network within

Packet Tracer. The user adds 2 PCs and 2 laptops. Which device would
be needed to create the network?

 the device labeled A

the device labeled B

the device labeled C

the device labeled D… 6/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Question 4

Refer to the exhibit. Which menu item would be used to bring up a web



 Desktop


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3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Question 5

Which type of cable connection would be used in Packet Tracer to

connect a FastEthernet port on a PC to a switch port?


 crossover



Question 6

A student is creating a wired network in Packet Tracer. The student

added six PCs. What other device is needed so that the PCs can
communicate with one another?

cloud… 8/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary


 switch

IoT gateway

Question 7

Refer to the exhibit. A user is creating a wired and wireless network

using Packet Tracer. The user has added a home wireless router, a PC,
and a laptop. The user configures the home wireless router. Which icon… 9/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

represents the tool that can be used on the laptop to view the SSID and
connect to the wireless router?

Command Prompt

IP Configuration

Web Browser

 PC Wireless

Question 8… 10/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Refer to the exhibit. A student is working on a Packet Tracer lab that

includes a home wireless router to be used for both wired and wireless
devices. The router and laptop have been placed within the logical
workspace. The student adds a laptop device and wants to replace the
wired network card with a wireless network card. What is the first step
the student should do to install the wireless card?

 Power off the laptop by clicking on the power button.

Drag the wired network card into the list on the left side.

Select the Config tab and then the wireless network card
checkbox.… 11/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

Select the WPC300N option from the left and drag that card
to the side of the laptop.

Question 9

A technician selected the GUI interface on a wireless router and added

a DNS address of The technician then immediately
exited the GUI interface. What will occur as a result of this

All connected host devices, configured with DHCP, will

automatically be sent the IP address of the DNS server.… 12/15
3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary

 Because the technician forgot to save the configuration, the

DNS server address will not be sent to connected devices.

The technician should have used the Config tab to enter the
DNS address

The technician should check the Physical tab to ensure that

the wireless router is powered on.

Question 10

Refer to the exhibit. Which Packet Tracer menu option would be used to
change the preferences such as showing port labels in the logical


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3/4/23, 9:04 PM Module 3: Explore Networks with Packet Tracer | 5. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer Summary



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