Non Mendelian Patterns Lecture

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Incomplete Dominance
❑ One allele is not completely dominant over
the other
▪ Causing the heterozygote to have a third, different phenotype

Blending in flowers
 Homo Dominant = red flowers
 Homo recessive = white flowers
 Heterozygotes = pink flowers

2. Codominance
❑ Occurs when both alleles are expressed
equally in the phenotype of a heterozygote
Roan fur in Cattle
Where a cattle can be:
➢ Red (RR = all red hairs)
➢ White (WW = all white hairs)
➢ Roan (RW = red and white hairs

3. Multiple Alleles
❑ Sometimes a trait or gene
have multiple (more than two)
ABO blood type in humans
 three alleles: A, B and O
 determinedby the presence of
two antigens – A and B
O is a recessive trait
A and B are codominant
3. Multiple Alleles
❑ ABO blood type in humans
❑ Color variations in rabbits
❑ Hair color


Step 3: Write the resulting

genotypes and phenotypes
❑ Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell.

23 pairs of chromosomes
o 22 pairs – somatic chromosomes
o 1 pair – sex chromosomes

❑ Sex Chromosomes:
male = XY
female = XX
4. Sex-Linked Trait
❑ are inherited through the X chromosome
❑ Males have only one X chromosome. Thus, if they
inherit the affected X, they will have the disorder.
❑ Females have two X chromosomes. Which
means that they can inherit/carry the trait
without being affected if it acts in a recessive
❑Color blindness in humans
1. XX Normal female

Normal female, carrier of the gene

Color-blind female

4. XY Normal male

Color-blind male
❑Hemophilia “bleeders disease”
- a sex-linked recessive trait defined by the absence of
one or more of the proteins required for blood clotting.
❑ Hypertrichosis pinnae auris “Hairy ears”

- a genetic
disorder in
humans that
causes hairy
5. Sex-Limited Traits
❑ are those that are expressed exclusively in one sex.
❑ autosomal (not found on X or Y chromosomes)
Lactation in Cattle
➢both male and female possess
a gene pair for lactation, but it
is only expressed in FEMALES
➢the gene for lactation (L)
is dominant over the
non-lactating gene

❑ Roosters develop large comb, while hens of

the same breed do not
❑ Bright plumage (feathers) of certain male
birds that does not appear in females of the
same species.
❑ Beards much present among men than in
6. Sex-Influenced Traits
 are expressed in both sexes but more frequently in
one sex than the other sex
 also autosomal (not found on X or Y chromosomes)

ex Pattern Baldness in Humans

➢ influenced by sex hormones
testosterone present in
both male and female
➢ Males have much higher levels
of testosterone (baldness allele
behaves like a dominant allele in males
and recessive in females)

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