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Effect of Plant NAA, GA3 and Kinetin on Growth, Yield and Quality

French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Research Work in M. Sc. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science

Submitted by


Department of Horticulture
Rajasthan College of Agriculture
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology
Udaipur-313001 (Rajasthan)
Department of Horticulture
Rajasthan College of Agriculture
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology,
Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Synopsis of Research Work in M. Sc. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science

1. Name of Scholar : Mr.Rajesh Chandel
Class : M.Sc.(Horticulture)Vegetable Science
2. Registration No. : 22-01-02-10-65
Date of Registration : 22-09-2022
3. Title of Thesis : “Effect of Plant NAA, GA3 and Kinetin on
Growth, Yield and Quality of
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)’’

4. Name of Department and : Department of Horticulture

College : Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur
5. Expected Duration of Work : six months (August, 2023 – January, 2024)

6. Importance of Proposed Investigation

French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is also known as Snap bean, kidney bean,
haricot bean, garden bean or string bean. It is one of the most important
leguminous vegetables grown for its tender pods either for fresh consumption or
for processing as canned, frozen or freeze dried products. It has anti-diabetic
property and it is good for natural cure of bladder burns and cardiac problems. It
has both carminative and reparative properties against constipation and diarrhoea,
respectively. (Duke, 1981)
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important pulse vegetable crops of
the world Brazil, China and United states are important countries producing more
than half of the world supply. It is probably a native of southern and central
America. It was grown in United kingdom primarily for its edible immature pods
(Dwarf french beans). It was introduced in India by Europeans in the 19th century.
India is the second larger grower of vegetables, next to China. In Maharshtra,
Pune, Satara, Ahmednagar, Sangli, Nashik and Solapur are the leading districts for
growing French bean for green pod purpose as vegetables. Similarly in
Mahabaleshwar and Ratnagiri region it is grown as a kharif crop. However, in
Maharashtra area under cultivation of Rajma is negligible though it holds a good
promising rabi crop. (Ali and Kushwaha, 1987)
The nutrition value of the French bean is excellent. Per 100 g of French bean, it
contains 31 kcal of energy, 7.13 g of carbohydrate, 1.82 g of protein, 0.34 g of
total fat, and 3.4 g of dietary fibre. Copper, chromium, magnesium, calcium,
potassium, silicon, iron, and phosphorus are among the minerals found in it. Beans
also provide a range of vitamins, including, B1, B2, B6, K, C, A and E. It contains
polyphenolic compounds that have antioxidant and health-promoting properties.
Bean consumption lowers the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases,
cancer, and obesity. (Sondawale et al., 2023)
Plant growth regulators have been recognized for their role in growing crop
production, and now low cost technology has emerged as a boon for increasing
agriculture production at an exponential rate. It has been noted that photosynthates
synthesis and translocation into sink are very weak at later stages apart from poor
vegetative growth and flowering, the crop has a low yield. PGRs are organic
compounds that significantly alter or control physiological processes in plants.
They’re also known as ‘magic chemicals,’ because they have ability to cause
miracle in terms of growth, development and yield of crop. (Kumar et al., 2002)
GA3 (Gibberellic acid) was identified in a fungus called Gibberella fujikori,
which is classified as an Ascomycota. Fusarium moniliforme is a fungal pathogen.
This fungal plant pathogen causes Bakanae disease in rice seedlings. Gibberellins
was discovered by Kurosava, a Japanese researcher in 1938. Gibberellins are
synthesized in young leaves, root and immature shoot and move in all direction
and in all tissue including phloem and xylem. Gibberellins (GAs), a kind of
diterpenoid phytohormone, have a range of roles in plant growth and development.
Gibberellic acid (GA3) is commonly utilized plant growth regulator, play major
role in increasing stem elongation, increased internodal distance, growth, height of
plant, prevent plant from dwarfism, dry matter production, and yield in a variety of
crops (Harrington et al., 1996).
Cytokinins are regarded as the most important senescence-retarding hormones
and their exogenous application has been demonstrated to prevent the degradation
of chlorophyll and photosynthetic proteins as well as reverse leaf and fruit
In horticultural crops, NAA is extensively utilized. It also has an effect on the
physiological process, accelerates maturation, and produces higher-quality fruits
and a variety of additional benefits characteristics like increasing the number of
branches, fresh weight, and yield. NAA is used to prevent pre harvest fruit drop, to
enhance fruit set, to induced parthenocarpy in fruits, and to regulate flowering in
plants. At higher concentration NAA inhibit growth and has toxic effect on plants.
NAA at optimum concentration has significant effect on plants. Phototropism,
apical development, respiration, and flower bud formation have all been shown to
benefit from NAA. NAA works primarily by direct effect on cell wall components
and have influence on plasma membrane permeability (Revanappa et al., 1998).

7. Objectives:
1. To study the effect of plant growth regulators GA3 (Gibberellic acid), NAA
(Naphthalene acetic acid), and KA (Kinetin) on growth and quality attributes
of french bean.
2. To evaluate the effect of GA3, NAA and Kinetin on yield and yield attributes of
French bean.
3. To work out the economics of the treatments.

8. Review of Literature
8.1 Gibberellic Acid
Dhomne et al. (2022) studied the effect of GA3 and NAA at various
concentrations i.e. 25, 50 and 75 ppm. The results showed that all the treatments has a
significant effect on number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100 seed
weight, seed yield and harvest index of pigeonpea. Foliar application of GA 3 75 ppm
significantly produced highest seed yield and yield parameter.
Kumar et al. (2014) revealed that the highest plant height, number of leaves,
number of fruits, fresh fruit weight, ascorbic acid and total soluble solids obtained by
the application of GA3 50 ppm in tomato.
Kumar et al. (2020) conducted experiment was laid out in randomised block
design (Factorial) with three levels of NAA (50 ppm, 75 ppm, 100 ppm), GA 3 (50
ppm, 75 ppm, 100 ppm).The results reveal that highest fruit length of bottle gourd
(61.70 cm) was observed when plant sprayed with GA3 @ 75 ppm.
Pandey et al. (2004) studied the effect of GA 3 at 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 ppm
foliar application to garden pea var. Azad P- 3 resulted in increased pod length (8.80
cm), numbers of pod per plant, and yield per plot, whereas GA3 at 200 ppm resulted in
the highest pod girth (1.43 cm) and maximum 10 pod weight 67.64 g.
Rajani et al. (2016) reported that the effect of plant growth regulators on
growth, flowering, yield and quality of French bean cv. Arka Komal. Different
concentrations of the plant growth regulators viz., GA 3 and NAA were sprayed at 20
and 40 days after sowing. The results showed that foliar spray of GA 3 @ 250 ppm
increased number of branches, number of leaves, intermodal length and leaf area index
resulting in increased number of pods per plant, pod length, weight of 10 pods which
significantly increased the yield/plant and yield/ha.
Sharma and Lashkari (2009) demonstrated that the response of Gibberellic
acid, NAA and Cycocel on growth and yield of clusterbean cv. 'pusa navbahar'. Total
six treatments of plant growth regulators viz. three concentrations of each of
Gibberellic acid (GA3 50, 100, 150 ppm), Napthalene acetic acid (NAA 50, 100, 150
ppm). The results revealed that the plant height was found maximum with GA 3 150
Rathod and Singh (2022) conducted field experiment was laid out in
randomized block design with four treatments viz., T1- GA3 50 ppm T2- GA3 100 ppm
T3- GA3 150 ppm T4- GA3 200 ppm. The result revealed that maximum height of plant
(34.53 cm), plant spread (31.46 cm), number of leaves per plant (15.73) and number of
branches (7.66) in treatment where GA 3 200 ppm was applied. The treatment (T 2) GA3
100 ppm produced maximum number of green pods (44.57), yield (0.140 kg) per plant
and yield (119.70 q) per hectare.

Thomson et al. (2015) studied the effect of plant growth substances and
antioxidants on growth, flowering, yield and economics of garden pea, Pisum sativum
L cv Bonneville. Plants were sprayed with treatments viz, control, NAA (25 and 50
ppm), GA3 (50 and 100 ppm), 2,4-D (5 and 10 ppm), acetyl salicylic acid (100 ppm
and 200 ppm), ascorbic acid (100 and 200 ppm) 30 days after sowing. The results
revealed that the plant growth substance GA 3 (100 ppm) showed highest growth
parameters. Days to first flowering ranged between 48.97 and 52.75. The minimum
days (48.97) to first flowering were taken by the treatment GA3 (100 ppm).
Verma and Sen (2006) carried out an experiment to determine the effect of
plant growth regulators (IAA, NAA and GA3 each at 10, 25 and 50 ppm) on growth
and yield of Fenugreek cv. RCr-435. The results found that GA3 at 50 ppm gave
maximum number of branches (9.51) plant-1 as compared to control (6.43).
Yugandhar et al. (2014) conducted an experiment to study the effect of plant
growth regulators (GA3 at 50 and 75 ppm, NAA at 10 and 25 ppm, CCC at 100 and
250 ppm) on growth and seed yield of fenugreek. They observed that foliar application
of GA3 at 75 ppm significantly increased the number of both primary and secondary
branches plant-1(7.13 and 16.13 respectively) as compared to control (5.60 and 12.93
respectively). Showed minimum number of days to harvesting (106.33 days) as
compared to control (132.33 days.
8.2 Naptahalic Acitic Acid
Baruah and Das (1997) studied the foliar spraying of NAA at 25 ppm on bottle
gourd resulted in the shortest number of days to early flowering.
Das and Prasad (2003) reported that foliar application of NAA at 20 and 40 ppm
to mung bean resulted in increased dry matter production and increased pod length and
maximum number of pods per plant.
Kumanan et al. (2020) conducted the experiment that the effect of plant
growth regulators on growth and yield of Lab lab (Dolichos lablab L.). foliar
application of plant growth regulators i.e NAA @ 50 ppm, and 100 ppm. Studies
revealed that the application of NAA @100 ppm recorded the highest number of
flowers/plant (241.85 flowers/plant), number of fruits/plant (178.91/plant) and highest
yield/plant (0.39 kg) as compared to control.
Meena et al (2014) studied the foliar application experiment of plant growth
regulators significantly influenced the plant growth parameters like yield attributes.
Foliar application of 20 ppm NAA exhibited highest dry matter accumulation/plant,
yield attributes, seed yield(17.99 q/ha), followed by 20 ppm NAA.
Navya et al. (2021) reported that the effect of plant growth regulators on growth
and yield of Zaid Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). plant growth regulators of GA3 (50
and 100 ppm), NAA (10 and 20 ppm) and foliar spray at 25 and 35 DAS and
replicated thrice. Result revealed that treatment 4 (GA 3 100 ppm Foliar spray at 35
DAS) has recorded maximum plant height (47.47 cm), more number of branches per
plant (4.63), more number of nodules per plant (12.85) and maximum plant dry weight
(6.24 g/plant).
Medhi (2000) found that foliar spraying to French bean variety HUR -137 with
15 ppm NAA resulted in highest number of pod per plant (18.27 cm), highest pod
length (13.25 cm), and the highest pod yield (117.11 q/ha).
Resmi and Gopalakrishnan, (2004) observed the effect of foliar spray of NAA at
15, 30, 45 ppm on yard long bean (Vigna unguiculata var. sesquipedalis L. Verdcourt)
resulted in significant increase in number of pods and mean fruit weight where as
NAA at 15 ppm recorded increased fruit yield per plant from 344.68 g to 524.46 g. It
increased productivity from 5.54 t/ha to 7.48 t/ha.
Prabhakar et al. (2013) studied the effect of growth regulator (NAA) on yield
and uptake of nutrients by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata walp) . Result of the
experiment revealed that an application of NAA @ 100 ppm levels of growth
regulator was obtained higher growth yield and uptake nutrient by cowpea.
Purbey and sen (2005) studies the investigation was conducted at Horticulture
farm of the college Udaipur during 2001-02 and 2002-03. Plant bioregulators, i e GA 3,
(50 and 100 ppm),NAA (10 and 20 ppm). Result revealed that application of different
bioregulators significantly influenced the quality parameter like protein and diosgenin
content of fenugreek seed.
Purbey and Sen (2005) noticed that foliar spray of NAA at 20 ppm to fenugreek
cv. Rmt-1 recorded maximum dry matter accumulation (22.05 g/plant).
Rathore et al. (2015) studied the field experiment was accomplished at
Vegetable Research Farm, B.H.U. Varanasi during the winter season of 2019-20.
Results indicated that the growth parameters like plant height, number of
branches/plant significantly increased with foliar spray of gibberellic acid followed by
8.3 Kinetin acid
Biswas and Mandal (1988) stadied that application of Kinetin in wheat increased
the longevity of the source organs, yield parameters and yield per hactear. Application
of Kinetin on flag leaf of wheat increased the longevity of the glumes without
increasing yields, but when applied on the ear, the yield and longevity increased.
Burman et al. (2003) investigated the influence of Kinetin on photosynthesis,
nitrogen metabolism and yield of cluster bean under moisture deficit conditions though
alleviation of adverse effects of drought stress on growth and yield of bean plants with
the use of plant growth substances has earlier been reported. Foliar application of anti
senescence plant hormone Kinetin @ 5 ppm resulted in more dry matter partitioning
towards seeds resulting in higher harvest index in cluster bean.
Fatima et al. (2008) found that exogenous application of Kinetin was the most
effective in increasing growth parameter viz. root/shoot biomass, grain yield and
nitrogen fixation (viz., specific nitrogenase activity of nodules) of chickpea. It would
suggest that maximum grain weight plant -1 was recorded in ABA (foliar spray) and
kinetin (seed soaking) treatments. Maximum seed weight in kinetin treatment may be
attributed to the kinetin-induced translocation of assimilatesfrom vegetative to
reproductive parts.
Sadak et al. (2013) carried out an experiment to study the impact of IAA and/or
Kinetin treatments on Seed yield and yield components. Results showed that IAA
and / or Kinetin treatments caused significant increases in seed yield/plant (g) and
yield attributes (number of pod/plant, pods yield/plant (g),100-seed weight (g) and
biological yield/plant) of the two faba bean cultivars. Furthermore, the highest values
of seed yield were obtained from the application of 50 mg/L IAA +75 mg/L Kinetin
treatment in the two cultivars.
Singh et al. (2018) studied the effect of foliar sprays of plant growth regulators
(PGRs), viz. NAA (10, 15 and 20 ppm), GA3 (50, 75 and 100 ppm) and kinetin (10, 15
and 20 ppm) at 25 and 35 DAS was evaluated on growth, yield and seed quality
attributes in garden pea (Pisum sativum var Hortense) cv. Pusa Pragati. Plant height
increased with increase in concentration of GA3 and kinetin, albeit NAA. However,
GA3 did not influence the number of primary branches/plant, which were significantly
increased by kinetin and NAA. GA3 had a profound effect on hastening the initiation
of flowering by 3-5 days over water sprayed control, whereas other plant growth
regulators did not affect the days to flowering.
Gurjaret al. (2018) suggested that tomato Variety ‘Sel.-7’ sprayed with 15 ppm
GA3 followed by 25 ppm NAA gave highest gross and net return along with B:C ratio
(Rs. 132821/ha, Rs. 99581/ha and 4.00).

Patel et al. (2022) revealed that the maximum net return of Rs. 422710.86 q/ha
with Benefit: Cost ratio of 2.75 was recorded in (@ 40 ppm NAA + @ 50 ppm GA 3)
followed by (@ 40 ppm NAA + 25 ppm GA 3) with net income of Rs. 416581.86 q/ha
along with Benifit:Cost ratio of 2.71 in Brinjal.

9. Proposed Plan of Work

9.1. Experiment details:

1. Title : “Effect of Plant NAA, GA3 and Kinetin on

Growth, Yield and Quality of
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)’’

2. Location : Horticulture Farm, RCA, Udaipur

3. Year of experiment : 2023
4. Name of crop : French bean
5. Variety : Arka anoop
6. Design of experiment : Randomized Block Design
7. Number of replication : 3
8. Number of treatment : 10
9. Plot size : 2.4m x 1.2m
10. Spacing : 60cm x 15cm
11. Grosse experimental area : 128m2
12. Net experimental area : 87m2

9.2 Treatment details.

S.No. Treatments Symbols

1. Control T1
2. Kinetin @ at 5 ppm T2
3. Kinetin @ at 10 ppm T3
4. Kinetin @ at 15 ppm T4
5. GA3 @ at 40 ppm T5
6. GA3 @ at 80 ppm T6
7. GA3 @ at 120 ppm T7
8. NAA @ at 10 ppm T8

9. NAA @ at 20 ppm T9
10. NAA @ at 30 ppm T10

10. Observations to be recorded

10.1. Morphological parametrs
1. Plant height (cm) at 30 and 60 DAS
2. Number of leaves per plant at 30 and 60 DAS
3. Number of branches per plant
4. Pod length (cm)
5. Pod diameter (mm)
6. Days to 50% flowering (days)
10.2. Yield parameters
1. Number of picking
2. Number of pods per plant
3. Number of cluster per plant
4. Yield per plant (g)
5. Yield per plot (kg)
6. Yield per hectare (q)
7. Plant spread (N/S/E/W)
8. Number of seed per plant
10.3. Quality parameters
1. Protein content(%)
2. Total soluble solid(°Brix)
3. Ascorbic acid content (mg/100g)
10.4. Economic analysis: Benefit cost ratio
11. Statistical Analysis:

The data recorded for evaluation of different morphological and quality parameters
will be statistically analysed as per Randomized block design (RBD) as suggested by
Panse and Sukhatme, (1985).

12. Facilities Existing:

All the facilities required for the proposed study are available at the Horticulture Farm
Department of Horticulture, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT,
13. Location and area:
At Horticulture Farm, Department of Horticulture, Rajasthan College of Agriculture,
MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

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Place: Udaipur Rajesh Chandel

Date: (Signature of
Date: 26/08/2023
Minutes of Synopsis Seminar of Mr. Rajesh Chandel, M.Sc. student of this
department held on dated 26.08.2023 at 4.00 PM in the department of Horticulture,
Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur. The following advisory committee
members were present.
S. No. Name and Designation Status PG Code and No.
1. Dr. H.L. Bairwa, Associate
Professor & Head Major HORT-R04-523
Department of Horticulture, RCA, Advisor
2. Dr. Shalini Pilania, Assistant
Professor Member HORT-R04-718
Department of Horticulture, RCA, Advisor
3. Dr. Vinod Saharan, Associate
Professor Department of MBBT MBBT-R04-465
RCA, Udaipur
4. Dr. Pokhar Rawal, Associate
Professor PPATH-R04-467
Department of Plant pathology,
RCA, Udaipur

Mr. Rajesh chandel has presented her synopsis of research work to be under taken for
M.Sc. thesis in the form of seminar. After presenting the proposed plan of work and
other details, the synopsis seminar was opened for discussion. Finally, synopsis was
given its present shape and seminar ended with a vote of thanks by the major advisor
to all the members for their presence and valuable suggestion.

(Dr. H.L. Bairwa) (Dr. H.L. Bairwa)

Associate Professor & Head Major Advisor
Department of Horticulture, RCA, Udaipur Department of Horticulture, RCA, Udaipur
The members of advisory committee of Mr. Rajesh Chandel met on
2 6 / 0 8 / 2 0 2 3 at 4.00 PM in which, candidate presented in the form of seminar
the synopsis of his research work entitled “Effect of NAA, GA3 and Kinetin on
Growth, Yield and Quality of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)’’ is to be
carried out for Master's degree in Horticulture. After discussion the committee
has recommended the synopsis for approval.
S. Name and Designation Status PG Code and Signature
No. No.
1. Dr. H.L. Bairwa, Associate
Professor & Head Major HORT-R04-523
Department of Horticulture, Advisor
RCA, Udaipur
2. Dr. Shalini Pilania, Assistant
Professor, Department of HORT-R04-718
Horticulture, RCA, Udaipur
3. Dr. Vinod Saharan, Associate
Professor Department of MBBT-R04-465
MBBT RCA, Udaipur
4. Dr. Pokhar Rawal, Associate
Professor, Department of Plant PPATH-R04-
pathology, RCA, Udaipur 467
We have gone through synopsis critically and fully satisfied with the quantum and
quality of proposed research work for Master's degree and the same is recommended
and forwarded for approval.

(Dr. H.L. Bairwa) (Dr. S.S. Sharma)

Associate Professor & Head Dean
The synopsis is
Department of Horticulture, RCA, Udaipurhereby approved/not approved/to be revised.
RCA, Udaipur

(Dr. B.L. Baheti)

Director, Resident Instructions
MPUAT, Udaipur-313 001

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