PGR in Veges

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International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology

Citation: IJAEB: 11(3): 439-449, June 2018

DOI: 10.30954/0974-1712.06.2018.4
©2018 New Delhi Publishers. All rights reserved


Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators on

Growth, Flowering, Fruit Ion Content, Yield and Fruit Quality
of Strawberry
Manish Kumar Sood, Dilip Singh Kachawaya and Mahesh Chand Singh*
Department of agriculture, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib-140406, Punjab, India
Corresponding author: [email protected] (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2937-8475)
Paper No. 700 Received: 15-03-2018 Accepted: 18-05-2018

A study was undertaken to monitor the interactive effects of bio-fertilizers and plant growth regulators
on performance of strawberry grown in open field condition at the Research Farm of Department of
Agriculture, Mata Gujri Collage, kharora, Punjab during year 2016-17. Three different bio-fertilizers viz.
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha), PSB (6 kg/ha) and VAM (12 kg/ha) and three plant growth regulators viz. GA3
(100 ppm), Triacontanol (5 ppm) and NAA (50 ppm) were tested individually and in combinations in a
randomized block design. The treatment PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) registered an improved plant
growth with least time to produce first flower (57 days) compared to control treatment. The highest
fruit length (40.7 mm), fruit width (27.2 mm), fruit weight (14.2 g) and number of fruits per plant (13)
were observed in the plants treated with PSB (6 kg/ha)+ Triacontanol (5 ppm). The nitrate, ammonium,
magnesium, calcium and sulphate content of strawberry fruit were found maximum in the plants treated
with Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm). While, the maximum phosphate and potassium contents
were obtained from PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm) treated plants. The plants treated with PSB (6
kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm) confirmed the highest fruit yield (13.48 t/ha), TSS (11.4 ºB), ascorbic acid
(63.67 mg/100g), total sugar (7.7%), reducing sugar (4.9%) and anthocyanin content (1.9). Thus, it can be
concluded that an appropriate combination of bio-fertilizers and plant growth regulators may significantly
improve the overall plant growth, fruit yield and quality.

mm The combined application of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators (i.e. PSB@6 kg/ha + GA3@100 ppm)
helped to improve the plant growth with least time to produce first flower.
mm The physical characteristics, anion and cation content of strawberry fruit were positively affected by
treating the plants with PSB@6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol@5 ppm.
mm The plants treated with PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm) registered a 33.0% higher yield compared
to control treatment.
mm An appropriate combination of bio-fertilizers and plant growth regulators (e.g. PSB@ 6 kg/ha) +
Triacontanol@ 5 ppm) significantly improved the fruit yield and quality of strawberry.
Keywords: Strawberry, bio-fertilizers, plant growth regulators, fruit ion content, yield, quality

Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is one of strawberry fruits and products is chiefly related
the most delicious and nutritious soft fruits of the to the processing operations (Hendawi et al. 2013).
world (Singh et al. 2007). It is herbaceous perennial The modern cultivated strawberry is a hybrid crop
and short day plant cultivated in more than 75 evolved by crossing two species, Fragaria chilonensis
countries. The juicy flesh of strawberry is used in and Fragaria virginiana. Strawberry is a member of
production of alcoholic beverages and fruit wines. Rosaceae family with an octaploid chromosome
A change in chemical and physical properties of number of 2n= 56 (Vishal et al. 2016). Strawberry is
Sood et al.

cherished in home gardens and commercial fields (Kumar et al. 2012). The application of gibberellic
for its nutritious fruits containing a tantalizing acid (GA3) is reported to increase leaf size, petiole
aroma (Kumar et al. 2012). Among the fruit crops, length, whereas the application of auxins is also
it gives quick returns in shortest possible time known to impart similar effects (Vishal et al. 2016).
with very high returns per unit area on the capital The plants treated with Triacontanol may increase
investment. Nutritionally, strawberry is a low the number of roots which in turn can help the
calorie carbohydrate fruit but a rich source of plants to take up more nutrients from soil and
vitamin A (60 IU/100g of edible portion), vitamin increase production per plants. Saima et al. (2014)
C (30-120 mg/100g of edible portion), fiber and reported the highest number of leaves per plant
also has high pectin content (0.55%) available and leaf area with triacontanol and anthocyanin
in the form of calcium pectate. Water is a major treated with CCC. According to Jamali et al. (2011)
constituent (90%) of strawberry fruit. Ellagic acid the application salicylic acid (SA) and nickel (Ni)
is a naturally occurring plant phenol which has in appropriate proportion may significant increase
been found to inhibit the cancer disease and asthma number of fruits per plant, inflorescences, leaf area
through regular consumption (Kumar et al. 2015). In per plant and yield. On the other hand, Abdollahi et
India, Maharashtra is a leading state in production al. (2012) reported an increased yield, inflorescence
of strawberry fruit. It is also commercially grown and number of fruits per plant when Zinc sulphate
in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and (100 mg/l) without Paclobutrazol (PP333) and Boron
Kashmir, Uttrakhand and lower hill of Himachal (H3BO3) application.
Pradesh (Singh and Saravanan 2012). Thus, it becomes imperative to study the effect
Bio-fertilizers are naturally occurring products with of plant bio-regulators on various physiological
living micro-organisms which have no ill effects processes with the advantage to increase strawberry
on plants, soil health and environment (Kumar production (Saima et al. 2014). The present study
et al. 2015; Pal et al. 2015). These micro-organisms was thus undertaken to evaluate the most suitable
are either freely living in soil or symbiotic with combination of bio-fertilizers and plant growth
plant and contribute directly or indirectly towards regulators enhancing the yield and fruit quality of
nitrogen and phosphorous nutrition of plants. strawberry.
Bio-fertilizers are effective in boosting the growth
and production of horticultural crops. It has been MATERIALS AND METHODS
reported that the use of bio-fertilizers increases
the crop yield from 15 to 30% (Singh et al. 2015). Study site
Bio-fertilizers also produce hormones, vitamins The present study was carried out at the Research
and other growth factors required for growth and Farm of Department of Agriculture, Mata Gujri
development of plant (Mishra and Tripathi 2011). Collage, Kharora, Punjab during year 2016-17 to
Apart from several agronomic practices followed monitor the interactive effects of bio-fertilizers
in strawberry cultivation, the application of plant and plant growth regulators on growth, flowering,
growth regulators play an important role in fruit ion content, yield and quality of strawberry
improving both vegetative and reproductive growth (Cv. Chandler) grown in open field condition. The
(Vishal et al. 2016). study site is situated 13 kilometers away from Sri
Plant growth regulators are plant hormone Fatehgarh Sahib between latitude of 30º56´ N and
enhancers or disrupters which are man-made longitude of 76 o40´ E respectively at an altitude of
or naturally derived (Kumar et al. 2012). There 255 m above mean sea level.
is a lot of information that show how plant bio-
regulators encourage the biochemical changes Climate
in plants, which in turn induce vegetative and The climatic condition of study area is sub-tropical
reproductive responses. According to one study, with three distinct seasons i.e. winter, summer
Gibberellic acid induces stem and internodes and rainy. During the winter season (December-
elongation, seed germination, enzyme production January), temperature ranges from 5 to 8oC, while
during germination and fruit setting and growth in summer season (May-June) it ranges from 42 to

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Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Flowering, Fruit Ion Content...

45oC. Most of rainfall is received from mid of July wettest month (256.1 mm) followed by August
to end of September after which the intensity of (165.6 mm) and month of December contributed to
rainfall decreases. The mean annual rainfall of the minimum rainfall (1.7 mm). However, no rainfall
study area is 670 mm. was contributed by the month of November.
The mean monthly maximum temperature was
Field preparation and planting
recorded in the range of 21.3-33.5°C with minimum
and maximum values in the months of December Organic manure (FYM) was applied one fortnight
and July respectively (Fig. 1). before planting the runners and mixed uniformly
during field preparation. The field was well
prepared by repeated ploughing followed by fine
planking to obtain a fine tilth. The soil physical,
chemical and biological properties are reported
in Table 1. The one year old runners of uniform
age and size procured from a strawberry grower
from Nauni, Solan (HP) were planted. Before
planting, the strawberry runners having cut 2/3rd
portion of leaves and roots were treated with 1.0 g
Bavistin per litre of water to protect the plant from
fungal infection. Raised beds of 15 cm height were
Fig. 1: Climate of study area prepared for planting the strawberry runners. The
runners were planted on raised beds each having
Similar was the trend for mean monthly minimum a spacing of 1 m × 0.80 m at 40 cm × 20 cm during
temperature (7.4-27.2°C). The mean monthly relative mid of October 2016. Hand weeding, one at 25-30
humidity RH) at the study area was recorded days after transplanting (DAT) and second at 50
in the range of 72.8-77.0% with minimum and DAT was done.
maximum values for the month of September and
August respectively (Fig. 1). The seasonal rainfall Water and Fertilizer application
was recorded to be 525.2 mm with July being the
The crop was irrigated through drip system with

Table 1: Soil physical, chemical and biological properties

Particulars Value obtained Method employed

Bulk density (mg/m-3 ) 1.48 Weighing bottle method
Soil porosity (%) 38.00 Using the value of bulk density and particles density
pH 6.96 1:2 soil suspension method (Jackson, 1973) Digital pH meter
1:2 soil suspension method (Jackson, 1973) Digital electrical conductivity
EC (dSm-1) 0.398
Organic carbon 0.55 Walkey and Black rapid titration method (1934)
Available N 35.596 ppm Ion chromatography
Available P 6.794 ppm Ion chromatography
Available K 38.123 ppm Ion chromatography
Available ca 1198.223 ppm Ion chromatography
Available Mg 135.123 ppm Ion chromatography
Available S 3.101 ppm Ion chromatography
Total bacterial count on
110 Serial dilution method
nutrient agar (× 106 cfu/of soil)
Total bacterial count on
53 Serial dilution method
nutrient agar (× 107 cfu/of soil)
Total bacterial count on
3 Serial dilution method
nutrient agar (× 108 cfu/of soil)

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 441 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Sood et al.


Fig. 2a, b: A view of drip irrigated strawberry crop grown on beds

inline drippers (Fig 2a, b). The water for irrigating Experimental treatments
the crop was taken from a tube well installed at the
The experimental trial was carried out in randomized
experimental site. For the first week of planting the
block design in three replicates with sixteen
runners, light irrigation was given on daily basis
treatments viz. control (without bio-fertilizer
and optimum soil moisture level was maintained
and growth regulator), Azotobacter (10 kg/ha),
in the field as desired. Fertilizers like Urea, DAP
PSB (6 kg/ha), VAM (12 kg/ha), GA3 (100 ppm),
(di-ammonium phosphate) and MOP (murate of
Triacontanol (5 ppm), NAA (50 ppm), Azotobacter
potash) were used in experimental field to fulfill the
(10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm), PSB (60 kg/ha) + GA3
recommended dose of fertilizers in strawberry crop.
(100 ppm), VAM (12 kg/ha) + GA 3 (100 ppm),
Fertilizers were applied through basal application
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm), PSB
and split application. The recommended dose of
(6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm), VAM (12 kg/ha) +
nitrogen and entire quantity of phosphatic and
Triacontanol (5 ppm), Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA
potassic fertilizers were applied as basal. The
(50 ppm), PSB (60 kg/ha) + NAA 50 ppm), VAM
calculated amount of N:P:K ( 100:120:80 kg/ha) was
(12 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm). The bio-fertilizers and
applied in two splits i.e. half dose of nitrogen after
growth regulators were procured from the market.
one month of transplanting and remaining half
dose of nitrogen was applied after two months of

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 442 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Flowering, Fruit Ion Content...

Preparation and application of stock solution of fruits at harvesting was done using standard
procedure as reported in AOAC (2002).
The stock solution of GA3 (100 ppm), NAA (50 ppm)
and Triacontanal (5 ppm) was prepared (w/w) by Statistical analysis
dissolving 100 mg of GA3, 50 mg NAA, 5 ml of
Triacontanal in absolute alcohol. The final volume The statistical analysis was done as per design of the
of one liter was prepared by adding distilled water experiment as suggested by Panse and Sukhatme
in a volumetric flask. The randomly selected plants (1987) and Ranganna (1995). The interpretation of
were sprayed with GA3, NAA and Triacontanal. The results is based on ‘F’ test. The critical difference
sprays were applied with the baby - sprayer which (CD) was worked out for significant treatments.
was washed thoroughly with water and rinsed with
solution before every use. The first application of
stock solution was started at 40 DAT of the runners.
Effect of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators
The second application of GA3 was done at 20 days on growth and flowering of strawberry
interval, NAA at the time of flowering (December)
and Triacontanal was applied to strawberry plants The plant growth of strawberry was significantly
at the time of fruiting. affected by combined application of bio-fertilizers
and growth regulators. The plant growth parameters
Plant protection viz. plant height, plant spread, number of leaves
per plant, leaf area were registered maximum and
Termites were the major pest in the experiment field.
minimum under treatments PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3
The symptoms could be characterized by wilting
(100 ppm) and control respectively. The maximum
and drying of whole plant in 45 DAT and that could
plant height, plant spread, number of leaves per
be seen near the root zone. To control the termites,
plant and leaf area were obtained as 27.2 cm, 27.5
chloropyriphos 20 EC along with irrigation water
cm, 53 and 98.4 cm2 respectively (Table 2). However,
was applied and carboryl @ 0.15% was sprayed to
the minimum values of theses growth parameters
control strawberry caterpillars. Blitox @ 0.25% and
were obtained as 21.1 cm, 17.0 cm, 34 and 81.9
Bavistin @ 0.2% were sprayed alternatively at the
cm2 respectively (Table 2). The least number of
initial stage of growth to protect the plant from
days taken to produce first flower (57 days) was
fungal attack. Straw mulching (Fig. 3) was done
recorded under PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA 3 (100 ppm)
and low tunnels were also used to protect the crop
followed by Azotobacter 10 (kg/ha) + GA 3 (100
from frost at desired time.
ppm). However, the maximum number of days to
produce first flower (69 days) was recorded under
control treatment. The increase in plant height, plant
spread and number of leaves per plant, days taken
to produce first flower and leaf area in relation
to application bio-fertilizers and plant growth
regulators during the growth period received the
support from Sharma and Singh (2009), Mishra
and Tripathi (2011), Prasad et al. (2011), Kumar et
al. (2012), Nishad et al. (2014), Kumar et al. (2015),
Nazir et al. (2015), Rajbhar et al. (2015), Singh et al.
Fig. 3: Drip irrigated and mulched strawberry crop (2015), Vishal et al. (2016), Palei et al. (2016). The
increase in plant height, plant spread, number of
leaves per plant and leaf area of strawberry plant
Quality analysis and decrease in days taken to produce first flower
The biometrical observations were recorded on five may be due the growth regulated by gibberellins
randomly selected plants of each treatment. The by causing cell elongation in mature petiole of
quality analysis of fruits at harvesting was done strawberry plant system. This could be the fact that
using ion chromatography. The quality analysis gibberellins increased cell division, cell elongation

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Sood et al.

Table 2: Effect of bio-fertilizer and plant growth regulator on growth and flowering of strawberry

Plant Plant Number of Leaf Days taken Number of

Treatment height spread leave per area to produce flowers per
(cm) (cm) plant (cm2) first flower plant

Control (without bio-fertilizer and growth regulator) 21.10 17.04 33.86 81.93 68.92 13.85
Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) 25.72 22.8 36.34 88.05 62.05 16.82
PSB (6Kg/ha) 25.85 22.00 40.48 89.47 59.96 15.21
VAM (12 kg/ha) 25.80 21.84 39.41 88.23 60.10 16.91
GA3(100 ppm) 26.11 24.89 48.80 97.96 58.88 16.79
Triacontanal (5 ppm) 25.81 21.56 36.46 91.81 60.16 16.78
NAA (50 ppm) 25.69 22.50 45.33 89.78 60.16 16.79
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 26.91 26.05 50.85 95.05 58.03 16.72
PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 27.17 27.47 52.48 98.39 57.05 17.39
VAM (12 kg/ha)+ GA3 (100 ppm) 25.95 21.66 43.47 90.38 60.18 16.77
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 23.10 22.06 36.82 88.95 61.04 16.85
PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 24.62 24.29 50.36 95.66 60.28 17.83
VAM (12 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 23.78 21.92 39.31 93.73 60.51 16.51
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 24.94 23.40 37.26 90.73 60.46 17.48
PSB (6 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 25.36 22.39 36.76 92.21 60.73 18.18
VAM (12 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 25.35 21.45 42.76 90.15 59.91 17.01
Standard error of mean 0.40 0.57 0.72 0.37 0.49 0.40
CD (0.05) 1.17 1.65 1.96 1.09 1.42 1.16

and cell length due to increase in epidermal and Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) and PSB
parenchyma cell. The increase in vegetative growth (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) treated plants which
by PSB was helpful in cell elongation and cell themselves were statistically at par. The result were
division in meristmatic region of plant due to the found in agreement with the finding of Palei et al.
production of plant growth substances (NAA and (2016) who reported maximum number of flowers
GA). Application of bio-fertilizers such PSB helped from NAA 100 ppm treated plants. The numbers
to increase the biological nitrogen fixation and of flowers per plant were obtained more in NAA
availability of phosphorous which is required for treated plants due to more number of flowering
strong vegetative growth (Kumar et al. 2015). stocks arisen from those plants as the stimulus
The results were also found in conformity with (florigen) convert vegetative bud to fruiting bud
Saravanan et al. (2013) and El-Shabasi et al. (2009), with the help of exogenously applied NAA.
Rajbhar et al. (2015) who reported that GA 3
Effect of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators
application increases petiole length and reduces the
on physical characteristics of strawberry fruit
days required to produce first flower. The increase
in vegetative growth and other parameters might be The physical characteristics of strawberry fruit viz.
due to the production of more chlorophyll content fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight and number
with inoculation which is due to more leaf area. of fruits per plant were recorded maximum and
Better development of root system is possibly due minimum under treatments viz. PSB (6 kg/ha) +
to plant growth hormones like NAA and GA3 which Triacontanal (5 ppm) and control respectively. The
directly influence the increase in plant growth maximum fruit length, width, weight and number
parameters. of fruits per plant were recorded as 40.7 cm, 27.2 cm,
The maximum number of flowers per plant (18) 14.2 g and 13 respectively (Table 3). However, the
was recorded in PSB (6 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) minimum fruit length, width, weight and number
followed by PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm), of fruits per plant were obtained as 31.6 cm, 21.1

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 444 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Flowering, Fruit Ion Content...

Table 3: Effect of bio-fertilizers and PGRs on physical characteristics of fruit

Berry length Berry breadth Total number of

Treatment Berry weight (g)
(mm) (mm) fruit per plant
Control (without bio-fertilizer and growth regulator) 31.60 21.10 10.47 10.01
Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) 36.69 25.35 11.35 12.10
PSB (6Kg/ha) 33.72 25.51 12.32 10.80
VAM (12 kg/ha) 37.14 25.35 11.58 12.41
GA3(100 ppm) 38.93 25.75 13.40 12.06
Triacontanal (5 ppm) 36.68 24.81 12.49 10.88
NAA (50 ppm) 39.00 23.95 13.37 10.76
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 35.89 26.91 12.35 12.06
PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 39.26 26.69 14.09 13.00
VAM (12 kg/ha)+ GA3 (100 ppm) 35.72 25.62 11.66 12.05
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 34.20 23.10 11.65 11.59
PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 40.71 27.17 14.18 13.31
VAM (12 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 36.73 23.78 12.20 11.10
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 39.00 24.94 12.00 12.09
PSB (6 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 38.76 25.36 12.12 13.14
VAM (12 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 38.64 25.35 12.24 12.03
Standard error of mean 0.54 0.48 0.24 0.11
CD (0.05) 1.57 1.41 0.70 0.32

cm, 10.5 g and 10 respectively (Table 3). The fruit Effect of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators
length and fruit weight were maximum under PSB on anion and cation concentration of
(6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) followed by PSB strawberry fruit
(6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) treated plants. The fruit
The anion and cation concentration in strawberry
width recorded maximum under PSB (6 kg/ha) +
fruit was significantly affected by the interactive
Triacontanal (5 ppm) followed by Azotobacter (10
application of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators.
kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) and PSB (6 k/ha) + GA3
The nitrate content in strawberry fruits was
(100 ppm) treated plants which themselves were
recorded maximum (29.3 ppm) in plants treated
statistically at par. Similarly, number of fruits per
with Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA 3 (100 ppm)
plant was recorded maximum under (6 kg/ha) +
followed by Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanol
Triacontanal (5 ppm) followed by PSB 6 (kg/ha) +
(5 ppm), Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm)
NAA (50 ppm) and PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm)
and Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) treated
treated plants. From the present study it is reported
plants (Table 4). Similarly, the ammonium content
that the fruit length, fruit width and weight were
(44.59 ppm), magnesium content (549.03 ppm),
increased significantly with the use of bio-fertilizers
calcium content (3665.22 ppm) and sulphate content
and plant growth regulators. The results obtained
(113.62 ppm) were recorded maximum in the fruits
were in agreement with the findings of Mishra
produced from the plants treated with Azotobacter
and Tripathi (2011), Kumar et al. (2012), Khunte
(10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm). However, the phosphate
et al. (2014) and Nazir et al. (2015) who reported
(295.07 ppm) and potassium content (1783.09 ppm)
maximum fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight
were recorded maximum under PSB (6 kg/ha) +
and number of fruits per plant from PSB and
Triacontanal (5 ppm) treated plants.
Triacontanol treated plants due to increase in the
number of roots which in turn helped the plants to
take up more nutrients from the soil and increase
the yield.

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 445 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Sood et al.

Table 4: Effect of bio-fertilizers and PGRs on anion and cation content of fruit

Treatment Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Potassium Magnesium Calcium Sulphate

content content content content content content content
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Control (without bio-fertilizer and growth
regulator) 21.33 38.97 284.72 1743.67 539.40 3283.05 103.52
Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) 25.32 43.02 287.11 1775.63 544.93 3358.62 106.37
PSB (6Kg/ha) 22.86 40.72 289.78 1778.03 541.78 3343.44 105.03
VAM (12 kg/ha) 23.07 41.92 287.66 1767.80 542.11 3344.00 105.73
GA3(100 ppm) 22.88 40.59 286.63 1746.90 540.59 3299.19 104.92
Triacontanal (5 ppm) 22.62 40.63 286.84 1754.51 540.81 3310.22 104.88
NAA (50 ppm) 22.35 40.89 286.88 1756.37 540.76 3304.21 104.87
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 29.29 44.59 287.55 1777.92 549.03 3665.22 113.62
PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 26.15 41.74 291.88 1781.99 544.05 3421.59 105.70
VAM (12 kg/ha)+ GA3 (100 ppm) 27.63 42.36 287.29 1768.89 546.47 3467.30 107.73
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanal
(5 ppm) 28.99 43.48 288.70 1769.73 545.70 3450.88 109.19
PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 27.62 42.20 295.07 1783.09 543.41 3500.29 107.57
VAM (12 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 27.91 42.86 287.63 1768.95 543.63 3437.19 107.52
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 28.91 43.48 287.73 1769.81 544.59 3451.37 108.66
PSB (6 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 27.91 41.50 288.43 1773.58 543.86 3417.37 106.17
VAM (12 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 28.70 41.60 287.48 1767.96 544.56 3436.44 107.81
Standard error of mean 0.34 0.23 0.46 1.06 0.23 1.45 0.42
CD (0.05) 0.98 0.68 1.33 3.08 0.68 4.21 1.24

Table 5: Effect of bio-fertilizer and plant growth regulator yield fruit quality of strawberry

Titratable Ascorbic Total Reducing Anthocyanin Yield per
TSS reducing
Treatment acidity acid Sugar Sugar Content hectare
(ºB) Sugar
(%) (mg/100g) (%) (%) (at 530 nm) (t/ha)
Control (without bio-fertilizer and
8.51 0.91 50.93 6.41 4.14 2.19 0.390 10.10
growth regulator)
Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) 9.05 0.84 53.60 6.46 4.22 2.24 0.88 12.61
PSB (6Kg/ha) 10.14 0.81 55.33 6.93 4.63 2.31 1.11 12.77
VAM (12 kg/ha) 10.04 0.85 54.01 7.01 4.66 2.36 0.64 12.71
GA3(100 ppm) 10.44 0.77 61.29 7.18 4.73 2.43 0.67 13.19
Triacontanal (5 ppm) 9.74 0.66 59.77 7.21 4.72 2.50 1.11 13.16
NAA (50 ppm) 9.92 0.85 57.51 7.33 4.49 2.85 1.05 13.11
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 10.24 0.77 59.95 7.35 4.59 2.75 0.90 13.13
PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) 10.91 0.70 62.44 7.64 4.80 2.87 0.87 13.25
VAM (12 kg/ha)+ GA3 (100 ppm) 10.31 0.73 57.10 7.63 4.58 3.03 1.32 12.92
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5
10.09 0.75 52.86 7.58 4.50 3.01 0.89 12.84
PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 11.42 0.61 63.68 7.66 4.88 2.89 1.89 13.48
VAM (12 kg/ha) + Triacontanal (5 ppm) 10.17 0.75 59.84 6.73 4.44 2.30 0.48 12.71
Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 10.33 0.86 58.85 6.79 4.34 2.45 0.49 12.86
PSB (6 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 9.45 0.71 57.79 7.21 4.29 2.93 0.45 13.05
VAM (12 kg/ha) + NAA (50 ppm) 9.92 0.74 56.69 7.07 4.25 2.85 0.49 13.10
Standard error of mean 0.07 0.01 0.44 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03
CD (0.05) 0.20 0.04 1.28 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 446 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Flowering, Fruit Ion Content...

Effect of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators findings of Mishra and Tripathi (2011), Khunte et
on fruit yield of strawberry al. (2014), Kumar et al. (2015) and Nazir et al. (2015)
who reported maximum TSS, ascorbic acid, total
On the basis of present investigation, it is reported
sugar and reducing sugar and minimum titratable
that the fruit yield of strawberry was significantly
acidity from PSB + Triacontanol treated plants.
affected with the use of bio-fertilizers and plant
The TSS, ascorbic acid, total sugar and reducing
growth regulators under different treatment
sugar and minimum titratable acidity was more in
combinations. The maximum fruit yield (13.5 t/ha)
Triacontanol treated plants mainly due to increased
was recorded in PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5
number of roots which causes plant to take up more
ppm) followed by PSB (6 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm)
nutrients from the soil and increase production.
and the minimum value (10.1 t/ha) was obtained in
The results were in agreement with the findings of
control treatment (Table 5). Kachwaya et al. (2018)
Singh et al. (2009) in ber, Baksh et al. (2008) in guava.
reported the highest yield of strawberry grown in
The respective increase in ascorbic acid content
open field conditions as 15.2 and 17.3 t/ha with
might be due to increased efficiency of microbial
drip irrigation at 120% of ETc during year 2010
inoculants to fix atmospheric nitrogen, increase
and 2011 respectively. However, the difference in
in availability of phosphorous and secretion of
yield of strawberry obtained in the present study
growth promoting substances which accelerates the
in comparison with Kachwaya et al. (2018) may be
physiological process like carbohydrates synthesis
due to difference in climatic conditions of the study
etc. The maximum non-reducing sugar (3.03%) was
areas and difference in study objectives. The results
recorded in VAM (12 kg/ha) + GA3 (100 ppm) treated
of presented here were in good agreement with
plants which was statistically at par with that
the findings of Mishra and Tripathi (2011), Kumar
obtained in Azotobacter (10 kg/ha) + Triacontanol
et al. (2012) and Nazir et al. (2015) who reported
(5 ppm) treated plants. However, minimum non
the maximum fruit yield from PSB + Triacontanol
reducing sugar was recorded in Control treatment
treated plants and minimum in control. The fruit
and the results were found in a good agreement
yield was recorded more in Triacontanol treated
with the findings of Thakur et al. (2016) and Saima
plant mainly due to more number of roots absorbing
et al. (2014).
water and nutrients resulting in faster growth
(Hochmuth et al. 2001; Diengngan et al. 2016). CONCLUSION
The increase in fruit yield might be due to increased
The combined application of bio-fertilizers and
fruit set per plant, increased fruit size and weight
growth regulators (i.e. PSB@6 kg/ha + GA3@100
which may also be due to the fact that nitrogen fixers
ppm) helped in increasing the average plant height,
and phosphorous solubulizers not only increased
plant spread, number of leaves and leaf area with
the availability of nitrogen and phosphorous to the
least time to produce first flower compared to
plants but also increased their translocation from
other treatments. The physical characteristics of
root to flower through plant foliage. These results
strawberry fruit were significantly affected by
were also in line with findings of Singh and Singh
treating the plants with PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol
(5 ppm). The anion and cation content of strawberry
Effect of bio-fertilizers and growth regulators fruit were also positively affected by application of
on fruit quality of strawberry bio-fertilizers and growth regulators. The plants
treated with PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5 ppm)
The maximum TSS (11.42 °B), minimum titratable confirmed the highest fruit yield (13.5 t/ha), TSS
acidity (0.61 %) and maximum ascorbic acid (11.4 °B), ascorbic acid (63.67 mg/100g of fruit
(63.68%) values were recorded in PSB (6 kg/ha) + pulp), total sugar (7.7%), reducing sugar (4.9%)
Triacontanol (5 ppm) treated plants. Similarly, the and anthocyanin content at 530 nm (1.9). The
total sugar (7.76 %) and reducing sugar (4.88%) plants treated with PSB (6 kg/ha) + Triacontanol (5
content were obtained maximum in PSB (6 kg/ha) ppm) registered a 33.0% higher yield compared to
+ Triacontanol (5 ppm) treated plants (Table 5). The control treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that an
results were found in good agreement with the appropriate combination of bio-fertilizers and plant

Print ISSN : 1974-1712 447 Online ISSN : 2230-732X

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