RV32 Reference Card IAC2024

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RV32 Reference Card

RV32IMFD Registers and Assembler Directives

Register ABI Name Description Saver* Register ABI Name Description Saver*
x0 zero Zero constant — f0-f7 ft0-ft7 FP temporaries Caller
x1 ra Return address Caller f8-f9 fs0-fs1 FP saved registers Callee
x2 sp Stack pointer — f10-f11 fa0-fa1 FP Funct. arguments/return values Caller
x3 gp Global pointer — f12-f17 fa2-fa7 FP Funct. arguments Caller
x4 tp Thread pointer Callee f18-f27 fs2-fs11 FP saved registers Callee
x5-x7 t0-t2 Temporaries Caller f28-f31 ft8-ft11 FP temporaries Caller
x8 s0 / fp Saved / frame pointer Callee
x9 s1 Saved register Callee Assembler Directives:
x10-x11 a0-a1 Funct. arguments/return values Caller • D ECLARATION OF SEGMENTS :
x12-x17 a2-a7 Funct. arguments Caller .data (for RW data) and .text (for program)
x18-x27 s2-s11 Saved registers Callee • D ECLARATION OF DATA ( WITHIN .data SEGMENT ):
x28-x31 t3-t6 Temporaries Caller .byte,.half,.word,.string – initialized list of values/characters
* Within a given function f, all registers marked as caller are considered .zero – N bytes initialized with value 0
temporary and do not need to be saved. All registers marked as callee
must be saved at function entrance, if used.

Instruction Formats
31 27 26 25 24 20 19 15 14 12 11 7 6 0
R-Type funct7 rb ra funct3 rd opcode
I-Type imm[11:0] ra funct3 rd opcode
S-Type imm[11:5] rb ra funct3 imm[4:0] opcode
B-Type imm[ 12 | 10:5 ] rb ra funct3 imm[ 4:1 | 11 ] opcode
U-Type imm[31:12] rd opcode
J-Type imm[ 20 | 10:1 | 11 | 19:12 ] rd opcode
R3-Type funct5 fmt rb ra funct3 rd opcode
R4-Type rc fmt rb ra funct3 rd opcode
Note: on B-Type and J-Type instructions the encoding omits bit 0 of the immediate field.

RV32IM Instructions
Instruction Name RTL Description
Type Opcode funct3 funct7
- nop No Operation Pseudo-inst.: addi x0,x0,0 -
li xd,imm Load (move) Immediate Pseudo-inst.: Myriad sequence xd imm
la xd,symbol Load Address Pseudo-inst.: auipc + addi xd imm (symbol)

lui xd,imm Load Upper Imm U 0110111 xd imm < < 12

auipc xd,imm Add Upper Imm to PC U 0010111 xd PC + (imm < < 12)
mv xd,rs Move Register Value Pseudo-inst.: addi xd, xs, 0 xd xs
neg xd,xs Negate (2’s complement) Pseudo-inst.: sub xd, x0, xs xd - xs
add xd,xa,xb ADD R 0110011 0x0 0x00 xd xa + xb
addi xd,xa,imm ADD Immediate I 0010011 0x0 xd xa + imm
sub xd,xa,xb SUB R 0110011 0x0 0x20 xd xa - xb
not xd,xs NOT Pseudo-inst.: xori xd, xs, -1 xd ~ xs
Arithmetic, Logic, Shift

and xd,xa,xb AND R 0110011 0x7 0x00 xd xa & xb

andi xd,xa,imm AND Immediate I 0010011 0x7 xd xa & imm
or xd,xa,xb OR R 0110011 0x6 0x00 xd xa | xb
ori xd,xa,imm OR Immediate I 0010011 0x6 xd xa | imm
xor xd,xa,xb XOR R 0110011 0x4 0x00 xd xa ˆ xb
xori xd,xa,imm XOR Immediate I 0010011 0x4 xd xa ˆ imm
sll xd,xa,xb Shift Left Logical R 0110011 0x1 0x00 xd xa < < xb[4:0]
slli xd,xa,imm Shift Left Logical Imm I 0010011 0x1 xd xa < < imm[4:0]
srl xd,xa,xb Shift Right Logical R 0110011 0x5 0x00 xd xa > > xb[4:0]
srli xd,xa,imm Shift Right Logical Imm I 0010011 0x5 xd xa > > imm[4:0]
sra xd,xa,xb Shift Right Arithmetic R 0110011 0x5 0x20 xd xa > > xb[4:0]
srai xd,xa,imm Shift Right Arith Imm I 0010011 0x5 xd xa > > imm[4:0]
mul xd,xa,xb Multiply R 0110011 0x0 0x01 xd (xa ⇥ xb)[31:0]
mulh xd,xa,xb Multiply High (S⇥S) R 0110011 0x1 0x01 xd (xa ⇥ xb)[63:32]
Multiply, Divide

mulsu xd,xa,xb Multiply High (S⇥U) R 0110011 0x2 0x01 xd (xa ⇥ xb)[63:32]
mulu xd,xa,xb Multiply High (U⇥U) R 0110011 0x3 0x01 xd (xa ⇥ xb)[63:32]
div xd,xa,xb Divide R 0110011 0x4 0x01 xd xa / xb
divu xd,xa,xb Divide (U) R 0110011 0x5 0x01 xd xa / xb
rem xd,xa,xb Remainder R 0110011 0x6 0x01 xd xa % xb
remu xd,xa,xb Remainder (U) R 0110011 0x7 0x01 xd xa % xb
l{b|h|w} xd,symbol Load From Global Symbol Pseudo-inst.: auipc + l{b|h|w} xd M[symbol] (B/H/W)
lb xd,imm(xa) Load Byte I 0000011 0x0 xd M[xa+imm] (B)
lh xd,imm(xa) Load Halfword I 0000011 0x1 xd M[xa+imm] (H)
Load Word I
Load, Store

lw xd,imm(xa) 0000011 0x2 xd M[xa+imm] (W)

lbu xd,imm(xa) Load Byte (U) I 0000011 0x2 xd M[xa+imm] (BU)
lhu xd,imm(xa) Load Halfword (U) I 0000011 0x2 xd M[xa+imm] (HU)
s{b|h|w} xs,symbol,xt Store to Global Symbol Pseudo-inst.: auipc + s{b|h|w} M[symbol] xs (modifies xt)
sb xb,imm(xa) Store Byte S 0100011 0x0 M[xa+imm] xb[7:0]
sh xb,imm(xa) Store Half S 0100011 0x1 M[xa+imm] xb[15:0]
sw xb,imm(xa) Store Word S 0100011 0x2 M[xa+imm] xb[31:0]
RV32IM Instructions (continued)
Instruction Name RTL Description
Type Opcode funct3 funct7
slt xd,xa,xb Set Less Than R 0110011 0x2 0x00 xd (xa < xb)?1:0
slti xd,xa,imm Set Less Than Imm I 0010011 0x2 xd (xa < imm)?1:0
sltu xd,xa,xb Set Less Than (U) R 0110011 0x3 0x00 xd (xa < xb)?1:0

sltiu xd,xa,imm Set Less Than Imm (U) I 0010011 0x3 xd (xa < imm)?1:0
seqz xd,xs Set Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: sltiu xd, xs, 1 xd (xs == 0)?1:0
snez xd,xs Set Not Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: sltu xd, x0, xs xd (xs != 0)?1:0
sltz xd,xs Set Less Than Zero Pseudo-inst.: slt xd, xs, x0 xd (xs < 0)?1:0
sgtz xd,xs Set Greater Than Zero Pseudo-inst.: slt xd, x0, xs xd (xs > 0)?1:0
beq xa,xb,imm Branch Equal B 1100011 0x0 if(xa==xb) PC PC + imm
bne xa,xb,imm Branch Not Equal B 1100011 0x1 if(xa!=xb) PC PC + imm
bgt xs, xt, offset Branch Greater Than Pseudo-inst.: blt xt, xs, offset if (xs> xt) PC symbol
bge xa,xb,imm Branch Greater or Equal B 1100011 0x5 if(xa>=xb) PC PC + imm
ble xs, xt, offset Branch Less or Equal Pseudo-inst.: bge xt, xs, offset if (xs<=xt) PC symbol
blt xa,xb,imm Branch Less Than B 1100011 0x4 if(xa< xb) PC PC + imm
Flow control (branch, jump, call, ret)

bgtu xs, xt, offset Branch Less Than (U) Pseudo-inst.: bltu xt, xs, offset if (xs> xt) PC symbol
bgeu xa,xb,imm Branch Greater or Equal (U) B 1100011 0x7 if(xa>=xb) PC PC + imm
bleu xs, xt, offset Branch Less or Equal (U) Pseudo-inst.: bgeu xt, xs, offset if (xs<=xt) PC symbol
bltu xa,xb,imm Branch Less Than (U) B 1100011 0x6 if(xa< xb) PC PC + imm
beqz xs, symbol Branch Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: beq xs, x0, offset if (xs==0) PC symbol
bnez xs, symbol Branch Not Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: bne xs, x0, offset if (xs!=0) PC symbol
blez xs, symbol Branch Less or Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: bge x0, xs, offset if (xs<=0) PC symbol
bgez xs, symbol Branch Greater or Equal Zero Pseudo-inst.: bge xs, x0, offset if (xs>=0) PC symbol
bltz xs, symbol Branch Less Than Zero Pseudo-inst.: blt xs, x0, offset if (xs< 0) PC symbol
bgtz xs, symbol Branch Greater Than Zero Pseudo-inst.: blt x0, xs, offset if (xs> 0) PC symbol
j symbol Jump Pseudo-inst.: jal x0, offset PC symbol
jal xd,imm Jump And Link J 1101111 xd PC+4; PC PC + imm
jal symbol Jump And Link To Symbol Pseudo-inst.: jal x1, offset x1 PC + 4; PC symbol
jr xs Jump Register Pseudo-inst.: jalr x0, xs, 0 PC xs
jalr xs Jump And Link Register Pseudo-inst.: jalr x1, xs, 0 x1 PC + 4; PC xs
jalr xd,xa,imm Jump And Link Register I 1100111 0x0 xd PC+4; PC xa + imm
call symbol Call subroutine Pseudo-inst.: auipc + jalr x1 PC + 4; PC symbol
ret Return from subroutine Pseudo-inst.: jalr x0, x1, 0 PC x1
ecall Environment Call I 1110011 imm=0x0, others=0 SEPC PC + 4; PC STVEC
Environment Break I

ebreak 1110011 imm=0x1, others=0 SEPC PC + 4; PC STVEC

sret Exception return I 1110011 imm=0x102, others=0 PC SEPC

RV32FD Floating Point Instructions (not available on Ripes)

{"F"|"D"} Instruction Name RTL Description
Type Opcode funct3 funct5
fl{w|d} fd,symbol FP Load from Symbol Pseudo-inst.: auipc + fl{w|d} fd M[symbol]

fl{w|d} fd,imm(fa) FP Load I 0000111 {010|011} fd M[fa+imm]

fs{w|d} fb,symbol,xt FP Store to Symbol Pseudo-inst.: auipc + fs{w|d} M[symbol] fb (modifies xt)
fs{w|d} fb,imm(fa) FP Store S 0100111 {010|011} M[fa+imm] fb
fmv.{s|d} fd,fs FP Sign Injection Pseudo-inst.: fsgnj.{s|d} fd,fs,fs fd = fs
fsgnj.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Sign Injection R3 1010011 000 {0x10|0x11} fd = abs(fa) * sgn(fb)
fsgnjn.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Sign Neg Injection R3 1010011 001 {0x10|0x11} fd = abs(fa) * -sgn(fb)
fsgnjx.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Sign Xor Injection R3 1010011 010 {0x10|0x11} fd = fa * sgn(fb)

fabs.{s|d} fd,fs FP Absolute Value Pseudo-inst.: fsgnjx.{s|d} fd,fs,fs fd = |fs|

fneg.{s|d} fd,fs FP Negative Value Pseudo-inst.: fsgnjn.{s|d} fd,fs,fs fd = -fs
fmin.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Minimum R3 1010011 000 {0x10|0x11} fd = min(fa, fb)
fmax.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Maximum R3 1010011 001 {0x10|0x11} fd = max(fa, fb)
fadd.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Add R3 1010011 rm {0x00|0x01} fd = fa + fb

fsub.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Sub R3 1010011 rm {0x04|0x05} fd = fa - fb

fmul.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Mul R3 1010011 rm {0x08|0x09} fd = fa * fb
fdiv.{s|d} fd,fa,fb FP Div R3 1010011 rm {0x0c|0x0d} fd = fa / fb
fsqrt.{s|d} fd,fa FP Square Root R3 1010011 rm {0x2c|0x2d} fd = sqrt(fa)
fmadd.{s|d} fd,fa,fb,fc FP Fused Mul-Add R4 1000011 rm fd = fa * fb + fc
FP Fused Mul-Sub R4

fmsub.{s|d} fd,fa,fb,fc 1000111 rm fd = fa * fb - fc

fnmadd.{s|d} fd,fa,fb,fc FP Neg Fused Mul-Add R4 1001111 rm fd = -fa * fb + fc
fnmsub.{s|d} fd,fa,fb,fc FP Neg Fused Mul-Sub R4 1001011 rm fd = -fa * fb - fc
fcvt.{s|d}.w fd,xa * FP Conv from Sign Int R3 1010011 rm {0x68|0x69} fd = (float) xa
fcvt.{s|d}.wu fd,xa * FP Conv from Uns Int R3 1010011 rm {0x68|0x69} fd = (float) xa

fcvt.w.{s|d} xd,fa * FP Convert to Int R3 1010011 rm {0x60|0x61} xd = (int32_t) fa

fcvt.wu.{s|d} xd,fa * FP Convert to Int R3 1010011 rm {0x60|0x61} xd = (uint32_t) fa
fmv.x.w xd,fa Move SP FP to Int R3 1010011 000 0x70 xd = *((int*) &fa)
fmv.w.x fd,xa Move Int to SP FP R3 1010011 000 0x78 fd = *((float*) &xa)
feq.{s|d} xd,fa,fb FP Equal R3 1010011 010 {0x50|0x51} xd = (fa == fb) ? 1 : 0

flt.{s|d} xd,fa,fb FP Less Than R3 1010011 001 {0x50|0x51} xd = (fa < fb) ? 1 : 0
fle.{s|d} xd,fa,fb FP Less or Equal R3 1010011 000 {0x50|0x51} xd = (fa <= fb) ? 1 : 0
fclass.{s|d} xd,fa FP Classify R3 1010011 001 {0x70|0x71} xd = (fa type?):0..9
⇤ – To encode fcvt.{s|d}.w and fcvt.w.{s|d} set xb=0; for fcvt.{s|d}.w and fcvt.w.{s|d} set xb=1.
rm – Floating point rounding mode. Set to "000" to select round to nearest.
Observation: Designations fl{w|d} and fs{w|d} represent the corresponding instructions for SP FP load/store (flw/fsw) and for DP FP
load/store (fld/fsd). Similarly, designations f__.{s|d} are used to represent the corresponding SP (f__.s) and DP (f__.d) instructions.

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