Avnet RFSoC Kit - Getting Started v1 - 2

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RFSoC Development Kit

Getting Started Guide

Version 1.2
October 25, 2019

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or representations that this implementation is free from claims of infringement and any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
Avnet RFSoC Development Kit Overview ................................................................... 3
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 4
Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4
Tools Setup ................................................................................................................. 4
Hardware Setup .......................................................................................................... 5
Booting ZCU111 .......................................................................................................... 9
Ethernet TCP/IP Connection to ZCU111 ........................................................................................... 10
Qorvo Card Control ................................................................................................... 12
Experiment 1: Generating a CW Tone through the TX Path ..................................... 14
Frequency Planning ........................................................................................................................... 16
Configuring the RF-ADC in the DPD observation path ...................................................................... 18
Configuring the RF-DAC in the transmit path .................................................................................... 23
Experiment 2: Generating an LTE signal through the TX Path .................................. 27
Appendix A: Installation of USB UART Driver .......................................................... 32
Download and Install the Required Software ..................................................................................... 32
Determining the Virtual COM Port ..................................................................................................... 34
Appendix III: Getting Support .................................................................................... 36
Avnet Support .................................................................................................................................... 36
MathWorks Support ........................................................................................................................... 36
Regulatory Compliance Information .......................................................................... 37
Revision History ........................................................................................................ 38

Page 2

This tutorial serves as an introduction to the Avnet Zynq® UltraScale+TM RFSoC Development Kit with
Qorvo RF Front End. Using the Avnet RFSoC Explorer® graphical user-interface in MATLAB, you will
control the ZCU111 development board, generate and acquire signals through the Qorvo front-end card.

DISCLAIMER: This tutorial is provided for reference/educational purposes only and may not reflect
results observed with other test equipment.

Avnet RFSoC Development Kit Overview

The Avnet Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Development Kit with Qorvo RF Front End enables system
architects to explore the entire signal chain from antenna to digital using tools from MathWorks and
industry-leading RF components from Qorvo. We extend the functionality of the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+
RFSoC ZCU111 Evaluation Kit by adding the Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF front-end card, plus native
connection to MATLAB® & Simulink® with Avnet's RFSoC Explorer® application.

Please consult www.avnet.com/rfsockit or contact your local Avnet FAE for further details.

Figure 1 - Avnet Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Development Kit with Qorvo RF Front End

Page 3

This tutorial is intended to help you:

 Gain familiarity with the Avnet RFSoC Development Kit with Qorvo RF Front End
 Use the Avnet RFSoC Explorer GUI to control the hardware, generate and acquire signals into
MATLAB through the RF signal chains of the Qorvo card
 Explore the Avnet RFSoC Explorer user API for automated scripting and interface to MATLAB

Laptop or PC with the following software installed:

 MATLAB R2019b (Free MATLAB Trial Package for Wireless Communications available)i

o DSP System Toolbox

MathWorks Support Package for Xilinx RFSoC Based Radio

Avnet Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Development Kit with Qorvo RF Front End

USB cable (Type A to Micro-USB Type B)

CAT5 Ethernet cable

Xilinx Vivado software is not required.

Tools Setup
1. Create a folder where RFSoC Explorer will reside. For this tutorial we shall use the following

2. From MATLAB  Add-Ons, install Avnet RFSoC Explorer for MATLAB & Simulink.

3. From MATLAB  Add-Ons, install Communications Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx
Zynq-Based Radio

Page 4
Hardware Setup
The Avnet RFSoC Development Kit includes the Xilinx Zynq ZCU111 Evaluation Kit. There are many
jumpers and switches on the board, shipped with default states, which do not need to change for this
tutorial. In the following steps we describe the minimal configuration. For a comprehensive setup guide,
refer to the online ZCU111 Xilinx Wiki (ZCU111 RFSoC RF Data Converter Evaluation Tool Getting
Started Guide).

1. Set the ZCU111 DIP switches (SW6) as shown in the figure below, which allows the ZCU111
board to boot from the SD card.

Figure 2 - ZCU111 SD boot switch settings

2. Remove the SD card from the ZCU111 and insert into your PC. Use an SD formatter tool to
create a FAT partition, https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/

Figure 3 - SD card formatter

3. Download the file avnet_rfsocX_zcu111_boot_v1_0.zip from www.avnet.com/RFSockit.

a. Direct link http://avnet.me/rfsocX-zcu111-boot-v1.0
This archive contains the software for the ZCU111 evaluation board.

Page 5
Unzip the archive to a convenient location on your hard disk, then copy the files to the root level
of the SD card. Safely eject the SD card from the PC and replace into ZCU111.

4. To enable your PC to make a serial connection to the ZCU111 USB-UART, you must install the
Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers . For step-by-step instructions see
Appendix A: Installation of USB UART Driver later in this document.

5. Connect the Qorvo RF card, ZCU111, antennae, and cables as shown in Figure 4. Although no
over-the-air transmission and reception is involved in this tutorial, the antennae provide
convenient 50-Ohm termination to the PA.1

6. Plug Ethernet and USB cables into your host PC

1The Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz Card is designed for LTE Band-3 small cell applications in
FDD mode. Transmission in the downlink is centered at 1842 MHz; reception in the uplink at 1747 MHz. It is
not intended for over-the-air loopback of TX to RX through the same card, hence the use of DPD observation
path for this tutorial.

For a comprehensive description of the functionality of the RF front-end, see Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-
end 1.8 GHz Card Hardware User Guide at www.avnet.com/rfsockit

Page 6
Figure 4 – Qorvo card mounted on ZCU111

Page 7
Figure 5 - Block diagram of Avnet RFSoC Development Kit

Page 8
Booting ZCU111

1. Turn the ZCU111 power switch ON (near the 12V connector)

From your PC launch a terminal program with 115200/8/n/1/n settings. For the example output shown
here, Tera Term was used. For information on setting up Tera Term to use with the ZCU111 USB-
UART port, see Appendix A: Installation of USB UART Driver later in this document.

2. You should observe terminal output from U-Boot and then Linux output appear in the Tera Term
window. After the final boot message ‘Server Init Done’, press enter to generate a carriage
return and command-line prompt from ZCU111.

Page 9
Ethernet TCP/IP Connection to ZCU111

Upon booting to Linux the ZCU111 Ethernet port should have an IP address. Discover it by running the
ifconfig command.

The ZCU111 Ethernet IP in this example is

Set a static IP for your host PC's Local Ethernet adapter. Make sure your PC and the board are on the same
subnet, gateway, etc.

Laptop Ethernet IP: IP


From the host PC, open a Windows command prompt and ping the ZCU111 board to verify Ethernet

C:\> ping

Page 10
From the host PC serial terminal connection to Linux running on the ZCU111, verify Ethernet connectivity
by pinging your host PC.

root@xilinx-zcu111-2018_2:~# ping

Page 11
Qorvo Card Control

1. The Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz Card is controlled from a Linux application
running on the Processing System (PS) APU of the RFSoC. Commands sent from the PC
through the USB_UART of ZCU111 are subsequently transferred to control registers on the
Qorvo card via an SPI BUS. Refer to the Avnet Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz
Card Hardware User Guide for more information.iii

At the terminal command-line, type ‘qorvo’ to launch the control menu for the Qorvo card.

Note: If you make a mistake while typing commands in the Qorvo control menu, use the
keyboard ‘Delete’ key to backspace at the command line.

Figure 6 - Qorvo card command menu

2. Type ‘v’ at the terminal command line, followed by a carriage return, to write default values to all
control registers in the programmable devices of the Qorvo card.

Page 12
3. Type ‘w’ at the terminal command line, followed by a carriage return to display all current values.
Note that these are the last values written to the Qorvo registers, not a read back of the device

4. In preparation for next steps, we shall ensure that no RF output power emerges from the QPA9903
power amplifier (PA) in the TX signal chain of the Qorvo card.

Type ‘e’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then type ‘1’ to disable the TX
TQL9092 driver amplifier.

Type ‘d’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then type ‘ 0’ to disable the
QPA9903 power amplifier.

With the digital attenuators at maximum attenuation, the previous steps have ensured that no signal
power is coupled back from the PA through the DPD observation path on channel 1 of the Qorvo
card to the RF-ADC of RFSoC on ZCU111. This is done for the purpose of calibrating the DPD
observation path RF-ADC in next steps.

Figure 7 – Qorvo card TX signal chain disabled

Page 13
Experiment 1: Generating a CW Tone through the TX Path

The power amplifier (PA) output in each channel of the Qorvo RF card is routed back to an RF-ADC
through a directional coupler, providing an observation path typically used for digital pre-distortion of the
PA. In this experiment we shall generate a CW tone in the digital domain from the RFSoC Explorer
graphical user interface (GUI) running under MATLAB on the host PC. The digital signal data will be
downloaded to the ZCU111 over TCP/IP and stored in DDR4 memory dedicated to the RF-DACs.

Once download is complete, the signal data will be read out of the memory buffer through DMA and
routed to the digital up-converter (DUC) within the RF_DAC tile, interpolated to a higher sampling rate,
frequency-shifted to 1842 MHz through the complex mixer and converted to the analog domain by the
RF-DAC. This process repeats indefinitely, constantly looping back to the start of the data in the memory
buffer after reaching the end to generate a CW tone at the output of the DAC. To avoid discontinuity
between the start and end loop-points of the CW tone, RFSoC Explorer automatically adjusts the signal
length to an integer number of cycles, thereby ensuring a smooth zero-crossing upon looping back to
the start of data.

The directional coupler at the output of the PA routes the RF signal back towards an RF-ADC on the
ZCU111, with 20 dB of attenuation. Normally intended as an observation path for digital pre-distortion
and PA linearization, this provides a convenient means of re-acquiring the PA output signal into the
digital domain without any external connections. Our objective here is simply to demonstrate usage of
RFSoC Explorer to generate and acquire signals and control the RF signal chain; we shall leave PA
linearization for another day.

Figure 8 - TX signal chain and DPD observation path

1. Start MATLAB R2019a

2. In MATLAB, change directories to the folder where RFSoC Explorer was installed. For this
tutorial we shall use the following location:

cd C:\Avnet_rfsockit\rfsocX

Page 14
3. At the MATLAB command line launch RFSoC Explorer using the following syntax:

rfsocX = Avnet_RFSoC_Explorer;

Figure 9 - Launching RFSoC Explorer

Shown in Figure 10 is the mapping of RFSoC data converters on ZCU111 that connect to signal paths
of the Qorvo RF card. ‘Tile’ and ‘Block’ indices are zero-based. For ADCs, Block (0 => 01; 1 = >23).

Qorvo Signal CH2_RX CH2_DPD CH1_RX CH1_DPD CH2_TX CH1_TX

AMC/Schem. ADC_01 ADC_03 ADC_05 ADC_07 DAC_00 DAC_06

Tile 0 1 2 3 0 1

Block 1 1 1 1 0 2

Figure 10 - Channel map of ZCU111 data converters

From the main tab of RFSoC Explorer set the Board IP Address that was previously found using the
ifconfig command from the host PC serial terminal connection to Linux running on the ZCU111.

Page 15
Frequency Planning

Frequency planning involves selecting appropriate sampling rates, Nyquist zone of operation and digital signal
processing according to signal bandwidth, I/F frequency and board-level filtering. In this case the bandwidth
of LTE-band-3 is 75 MHz, centered at 1842 MHz in the downlink.

While the bandwidth of the RF-ADC could easily support direct-RF conversion of the 1842 MHz I/F in the first-
Nyquist zone, the relatively small instantaneous signal bandwidth of 75 MHz would make such an approach
wasteful of resources and power. We shall instead aim to match the response of the digital halfband filters in
the decimation stage of the digital downconverter (DDC) to the bandwidth of the LTE Band-3 signal.

The decimation filters are flat out to 80% Nyquist passband or 0.4*Fs.3 Based on 75 MHz bandwidth of the
LTE Band-3 signal, we derive a suitable sampling rate at the RF- ADC as shown below.

Figure 11 - ADC sampling rate and decimation factor for LTE-band 3

0.4*Fs_ADC/D ≥ 75/2 (MHz)

Solving for Fs_ADC and decimation factor D yields a suitable sampling rate for the RF-ADC.


Fs_ADC ≥ 750 MHz

3 Ref: Table 41: Decimation Filter Operating Modes, Xilinx PG269 (v2.1) May 22, 2019

Page 16
Referring to Figure 12, a 1.00 MHz CW tone x(n) generated in the digital domain by RFSoC Explorer is sent
through the interpolation filters and shifted in frequency by the complex mixer in the digital up-converter to
form an analytic signal tone at 1843 MHz. Once converted to the analog domain the signal connects to the
transmit path of the Qorvo card to reach the PA, where it is routed back through a directional coupler to an
RF-ADC within the observation path normally used for PA linearization.

Note that the conversion from the digital to the analog domain produces a real signal with negative frequency
component. The bandpass BAW filter serves as a re-construction filter to attenuate undesired images that
are normally generated at multiples of the DAC sampling rate.

At the RF-ADC the sampling process produces virtual copies in the digital domain of the baseband signal
centered at multiples of the sampling frequency. Careful frequency planning can exploit this phenomenon to
retrieve the signal of interest without need of a high sampling rate that is greater than the highest frequency
component of the analog signal, which in this case is 1843 MHz. By purposely sampling at a lower rate to
create aliasing, copies of the signal can be made to appear at convenient frequency locations outside of the
1st Nyquist zone (0 – Fs/2 Hz). This is known as under-sampling or bandpass sampling. From there, the signal
of interest can be shifted in frequency back to baseband by the complex mixer within the digital down-

We shall shift to baseband the high-side image appearing at -319.688 MHz due to the alias centered at -
2*Fs_ADC. Mixing with an effective NCO frequency of 320.688 MHz through the complex mixer brings our
original CW tone back to 1 MHz. The signal then passes through three stages of decimation filters to attenuate
any unwanted out-of-band frequency components and noise, reducing the effective sampling rate to 135.168
MSPS, amply satisfying Nyquist for an LTE Band-3 signal bandwidth of 75 MHz.

Figure 12 - Frequency planning for PA observation path for LTE-band 3

Page 17
Configuring the RF-ADC in the DPD observation path

We start by enabling the ADC block for the DPD observation path in channel 1 of the Qorvo RF card,
which connects to ADC07 (Tile 3, Block 1) of the RFSoC device on ZCU111.

1. Enable ADC Tile 3 in RFSoC Explorer. Click to enter the tile.

Figure 13 - RFSoC Explorer Enabling ADC Tile 3

2. Enable ADC23. This is the ADC block that connects to the channel 1 observation path of the Qorvo RF card.
Click OK on the warning box; you will perform ADC calibration in a later step.

Figure 14 – Enabling ADC23 in Tile 3

Page 18
3. Adjust the ADC tile clock to 1081.344 MHz. This controls the sampling rate for both RF-ADCs in the tile.

Figure 15 - Setting RF-ADC sampling rate

4. The NCO frequency for the complex mixer within the digital downconverter represents the shift in frequency
to apply to the signal of interest at the ADC input, centered at Fc in the analog domain. In this case Fc = 1842
MHz for LTE Band-3. We wish to shift the CW tone at 1843 Mhz back to 1 MHz.

The complex mixer operates in the digital domain; NCO frequency settings in the range of -10 GHz to 10 GHz
translate to an 'effective’ NCO frequency in the digital domain (from -Fs/2 ... Fs/2). If the analog signal
centered at Fc is in a higher Nyquist zone relative to the ADC sampling rate, a digital alias will be shifted back
to DC. This is sometimes referred to as sub-sampling, as described on page 48 of Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF
Data Converter 2.1 PG269; see endnote v.

Set the ADC complex mixer to -1842 MHz.

Figure 16 - Setting ADC complex mixer frequency

Page 19
Observe the information dialog confirming the 'effective’ NCO frequency. Refer also to Figure 12.

Each of the RF-ADCs in the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC is built on multiple sub-ADCs in an interleaving
architecture. The nature of the interleaving process requires that an intricate calibration algorithm be carried
out to obtain the best dynamic range performance from the RF-ADC. It is recommended to remove all signal
power at the input of the RF-ADC during the calibration process; this was accomplished by disabling the TX
signal chain in previous steps. Further details are provided in section ‘RF-ADC Nyquist Zone Operation’ Zynq
UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter 2.1 PG269 iv.

RFSoC Explorer automatically calculates and displays Nyquist Zone and Calibration Mode as a function of the
input signal center frequency Analog Fc, and the ADC tile sampling rate.

Finally set decimation to 8X. This will enable the cascade of 3 half-band decimation filters within the RF-ADC
tile to attenuate unwanted frequency components above 67 MHz (at baseband) and reduce the sampling
rate to 135.168 MSPS.5

Activate the ‘Configure’ pushbutton to perform ADC calibration and download settings to the RF-ADC tile.

5 This sampling rate is sufficient for the purpose of demonstrating acquisition on a CW tone. In a true PA
linearization application it would be necessary to conserve greater excess bandwidth through the observation
path to capture any non-linear distortion products from the PA beyond the signal bandwidth. The useable
bandwidth through the BAW filter in the DPD observation path is approximately 180 MHz, from 1750 to 1930

Page 20
Figure 17 - Configuring the RF-ADC

Page 21
5. The configuration process communicates with the Xilinx RFdc Linux driver API running on the Processing
System (PS) APU of the RFSoC, providing runtime interaction and monitoring of the data converters. For
reference, the Xilinx RFdc source files are publicly available on GitHubvi.

RFdc responds with the actual ADC tile sampling frequency that was programmed in the internal PLL. Click
OK to dismiss the dialog box.

The RF-ADC block for the DPD observation path of the Qorvo RF card has been activated.

6. We can now re-enable the TX driver and PA of the Qorvo card.

Type ‘d’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then type ‘1’ to enable the
QPA9903 power amplifier in channel 1 of the Qorvo card.

Type ‘e’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then type ‘0’ to enable the TX
TQL9092 driver amplifier in channel 1 of the Qorvo card.

Channel 1 TX signal chain of the Qorvo card has been re-enabled, while the digital attenuators remain at
maximum attenuation. Refer to Figure 7.

We now proceed to configure the RF-DAC to generate a CW Tone for the Qorvo card.

Page 22
Configuring the RF-DAC in the transmit path

1. Enable DAC Tile 1 in RFSoC Explorer. Click to enter the tile.

2. Enable RF-DAC block 2, connecting to channel 1 transmit path of the Qorvo RF card. Refer to Figure 8

Page 23
3. Adjust the DAC tile clock to 6389.76 MHz. This sets the sample rate for all 4 DACs in the tile.

Leave ‘Signal Source’ parameters to default values: CW Tone, complex, 0 dBFS, 1 MHz.

Set the complex mixer within the RF-DAC tile to centre-frequency of LTE Band-3, 1842 MHz. The resulting
CW tone will be at 1843 MHz at the output of the DAC.

Set Interpolation = 8.

4. In the ‘Signal Plot’ panel, set to ‘Frequency’ domain and select ‘DAC Output’. This is useful for
frequency planning by displaying the interpolated signal at the DAC output sampling rate, post-mixer.
Finally press ‘Configure’, then ‘Download’ to transfer the signal data from MATLAB to the DAC memory
buffer of ZCU111.

Page 24
5. At this point the RF-DAC is continuously transmitting a 1 MHz CW Tone, digitally mixed with a 1842
MHz carrier to emerge at 1843 MHz from ZCU111 through the TX signal chain of the Qorvo RF front-
end card. The output of the power amplifier is coupled back through the DPD observation path
towards the RF-ADC for signal capture.

Figure 18 – LTE Band-3 downlink and DPD observation signal paths

6. Return to the main tab and descend into ADC Tile 3. Select ‘Single Capture’ and press ‘Acquire’.

7. Observe the CW tone which has been mixed back to 1 MHz by the ADC mixer. The signal level is low
because the digital attenuators are still at maximum attenuation.

Page 25
8. Select ‘500 Captures’ and press ‘Acquire’.

We shall now relax the DPD observation path attenuation in 10 dB steps, gradually increasing the signal
level at the RF-ADC while the acquisition is underway.

9. Type ‘c’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then enter the value ‘80’ to
decrease the attenuation by 10 dB. Repeat with values ‘40’ and ‘0’. Observe the corresponding
increase in signal level, which should ultimately reach approximately -1.65 dBFS.

Finally we can relax the Channel 1 TX digital attenuator, which until now has remained at maximum

10. Type ‘a’ at the terminal command line followed by a carriage return, then enter the value ‘119’ to
decrease the attenuation by 1.65 dB. The signal level should now be approximately 0 dBFS, full-scale.

Figure 19 - Channel 1 Tx Attenuator relaxed by 1.65 dB to reach 0 dBFS at observation ADC

Important: Increasing the signal strength through the DPD observation path
beyond this level may cause damage to the RF-ADC.

This completes experiment 1.

Page 26
Experiment 2: Generating an LTE signal through the TX Path

The power amplifier (PA) output in each channel of the Qorvo RF card is routed back to an RF-ADC through a
directional coupler, providing an observation path typically used for digital pre-distortion of the PA. In this
experiment we shall generate an LTE standard-compliant signal in the digital domain from the RFSoC Explorer
graphical user interface (GUI) running under MATLAB on the host PC. The digital signal data will be downloaded
to the ZCU111 over TCP/IP and stored in DDR4 memory dedicated to the RF-DACs.

1. Return to DAC Tile 1. From ‘Signal Source’ of DAC 2, select ‘LTE Waveform’.

From the LTE Generator menu set ‘Bandwidth’ to 20 MHz, Subframes = 1 and generate the waveform.

Figure 20 – MathWorks LTE Toolbox Waveform Generator

Page 27
At the information dialog select ‘Yes’ to maximize the signal level to the full available dynamic range for the

2. By default the LTE waveform is generated at its native sampling rate of 30.72 MSPS. Accept the prompt to
re-sample the signal at the current DAC sampling rate.

3. Scroll through the LTE parameters table to confirm the new sampling rate of 798.720 MSPS.

Set interpolation factor to 8X. Set the complex mixer frequency to 1842 MHz. (See Figure 18)

Press ‘Configure’ to send the DUC parameters to the RFSoC RF Data Converter subsystem.

Press ‘Download’ to transfer the signal data from MATLAB to the DAC memory buffer of ZCU111.

Figure 21- Generating a 20 MHz LTE waveform

Page 28
4. Select ‘Tile 3 ADCs’ within the Tab group at the top of the screen.

5. The ADC23 settings should have retained the state from the previous experiment.

Press ‘single capture’.

Page 29
6. Observe low level distortion products in the skirts of the output spectrum of the QPA9903 power amplifier.
Clearly the input level into the PA is causing non-linear behavior as the amplifier approaches saturation.

Reduce the input level into the PA by typing ‘a’ at the terminal command line, followed by a carriage return,
then enter the value ‘127’ to increase the attenuation and decrease the signal power entering the PA by
1.65 dB. Press ‘single capture’ to observe the PA now operating in the linear region.

This concludes experiment 2.

Page 30
This introduction to the Avnet Zynq UltraScale+TM RFSoC Development Kit with Qorvo RF Front End
has demonstrated usage of the Avnet RFSoC Explorer graphical user-interface to control the
ZCU111 development board, generate and acquire signals through the Qorvo RF front-end card in
the MATLAB environment.

For a comprehensive description of the functionality of the RF front-end, see Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell
RF Front-end 1.8 GHz Card Hardware User Guide at www.avnet.com/rfsockit

Page 31
Appendix A: Installation of USB UART Driver

The Xilinx ZCU111 uses the Silicon Labs CP2102 USB-to-UART Bridge IC. This connects a PC’s USB port
to the evaluation board and looks like a UART to the PC. A virtual COM port will be created on the PC by
means of a Silicon Labs CP2102 USB-to-UART bridge driver. Follow the instructions listed below to install
the Silicon Labs drivers.

Download and Install the Required Software

1. Using your web browser, navigate to the Silicon Labs website:


2. Download the VCP Driver Kit for your PC’s operating system. Drivers for MacOS and Linux are also

Page 32
3. Once the file is downloaded, extract the CP210x VCP Driver Kit archive. For example, for Windows
XP/Vista/7 the file is CP210x_VCP_Windows.zip. Once the archive is extracted, open the folder where
the archive was extracted and choose the correct installer for a 32-bit (CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe) or
64-bit (CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe) PC. The installer will guide you through the setup. Accept the
license agreement and install the software on your PC. Click Finish button when completed.

Page 33
Determining the Virtual COM Port
Now you can connect the ZCU111’s USB-to-UART port to one of the USB ports on your PC. The new
hardware detection will pop up and enumeration of the driver will start. Once finished a virtual COMx port is
created and you are ready to setup a connection using Windows HyperTerminal or comparable serial
terminal emulation utility. Follow these instructions to determine the COMx port assigned to the USB-to-
UART bridge:

1. Open the Device Manager by right-clicking on , select Properties, then click on the Device

Page 34
2. In the Device Manager, scroll down to Ports and expand the list. You will see the Silicon Labs CP210x
USB to UART Bridge and its assigned COM port. In the example below, it is COM4. Make note of this
COM port number for use with the serial terminal you will use elsewhere in this design tutorial. This
concludes these USB UART driver and virtual COM port installation instructions.

Page 35
Appendix III: Getting Support

Avnet Support

 If you have any questions about the Avnet Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Development Kit, Avnet’s RFSoC
Explorer application, or this tutorial please use the UltraScale+ RFSoC Forum on our element14
ZedBoard Community page: https://www.element14.com/zedboardcommunity

 To access the most current collateral, visit the product page at www.avnet.com/rfsockit

MathWorks Support

For questions regarding MathWorks software and support for the Avnet Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC
Development Kit, please contact [email protected]

Page 36
Regulatory Compliance Information

Page 37
Revision History

Date Version Revision

27 Sep, 2019 1.0 Initial Release

03 Oct, 2019 1.1 Added Regulatory Compliance Information
25 Oct, 2019 1.2 Updated MATLAB required version. Updated SW installation.

i Free MATLAB Trial Package for Wireless Communications available here https://www.avnet.com/rfsockit

iii Avnet Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz Card Hardware User Guide www.avnet.com/rfsockit

iv https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ip_documentation/usp_rf_data_converter/v2_1/pg269-rf-
vi https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/tree/master/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/rfdc

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