Byk L-Ti 1 en
Byk L-Ti 1 en
Byk L-Ti 1 en
L-TI 1
02 Additives for pigment concentrates
03 Pigment concentrates
04 Definition of terms
18 Formulating guideline
Pigment concentrates
This brochure provides to give an overview of the raw materials for pigment
concentrates, including how to formulate and test them, and how additives
by BYK can help you to get the best performance in the designated
Definition of terms
Tinting pastes are pigment Universal colorants are A full mixing system is based on
concentrates used to adjust the mainly used in architectural pigment concentrates suitable for
color/shade of an already coatings to tint solvent- and producing complete paints by mixing with
completed paint formulation. As water-based systems by either clear or pigmented (mostly white or
usually small amounts are being using a single colorant series. yellow) base paint. Higher amounts of
used, the possible impact on the pigment concentrates need to be added
quality of the final paint is relatively to the base paint, e.g. compared to
minor. tinting pastes. Therefore, the impact of
those pigment concentrates on the final
paint properties can be fairly significant.
05 Additives for pigment concentrates / Definition of terms
Architectural coatings
06 Additives for pigment concentrates / Definition of terms
Industrial coatings
07 Additives for pigment concentrates
Meet the requirement of the highest quality Be compatible with all let-down systems Meet regulatory requirements
paint system
What is important is the compatibility between:
Negative influence on durability in highly durable paint -W etting and dispersing additives and grinding resin;
systems will not be accepted; therefore, the selection of the -W etting and dispersing additives and let-down systems
raw materials needs special attention. For example, if the (all let-down systems);
cross linking in a 2-pack PU system is reduced, the hardness -G rinding resin and let-down systems (all let-down
and durability is influenced. systems);
- Solvents and grinding resin;
- S olvents and let-down systems (all let-down systems)
Grinding resins
(check recommended usage)
09 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
The optimal solvent or solvent composition is related to For solvent-borne pigment concentrates, grinding resins
the systems used and the solubility of the grinding resin. based on acrylates, aldehydes, ketones, polyesters and
It should balance the compatibility with all systems and alkyds are commonly used. Special attention is required in
viscosity reduction in the pigment concentrate. terms of the possible negative impact of the grinding resin
on film properties of the final coating.
In a solvent-borne 2-pack PU system, alcohols will have Grinding resins in water-based systems show a stronger
an influence on the crosslinking, while white spirit is not limitation if compared to solvent-borne systems. One note
compatible. The use of esters, ketones and aromatic for the water-based grinding resins: It is of the utmost
solvents would be possible. importance that only shear stable resins are used.
Thixotropic effect with organic pigments Reduced thixotropic flow behavior Increased thixotropic flow behavior
Correct balance will lead to a good flow behavior and stabilization of the pigment in the concentrates
10 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
Optimum grinding resin level: Pre-test 1: Grinding resin and let-down systems
The optimum resin amount is a balance between In order to evaluate the compatibility, 10 % of the grinding
pigmentation, rheology and influence on the final paint resin as delivered should be added to the various non-
properties. Generally, the amount of resin in solvent-borne pigmented let-down systems. There should be no turbidity,
pigment concentrates has an effect on viscosity, assuming gelation (strong increase in viscosity) or precipitation visible
that pigments are deflocculated and stabilized by wetting right after incorporation as well as after 24-hours storage
and dispersing additives. time at room temperature.
11 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
The pigments have to cover the complete color range of Pre-test 2a: Solvent fastness of two organic yellow pigments
the product portfolio to allow the mixing of all colors in two different solvents
needed. They have to meet the requirements of the highest
quality system in the range of let-down systems being used. Test procedure:
Also of importance is the stability of the pigment in the media Mineral spirit Xylene • Mix 5 g of pigment and
used (e.g. solvents, let-down systems, etc). If the pigment 75 g of solvent (blend)
• Store for at least two weeks
shows limited solvent stability (solvent fastness) the usage
at room temperature
should be checked. Only if the pigment is stable in the
solvents used in the pigment concentrates and let-down
systems is it safe to use. Otherwise there could be
problems regarding color stability or viscosity. Besides
solvent stability (solvent fastness), the pH stability is also
important, especially for water-based systems.
No or slight coloration of liquid shows bleeding stability: pigment is stable and safe to use G. 06
Strong coloration of liquid shows bleeding: pigment is unstable and inappropriate to use
12 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
14 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
Comparison of different stabilization mechanisms with regard to viscosity, settling and syneresis
Shear rate
Importance of Deflocculation
Primary particles (deflocculation) will show the original The selection of a deflocculating wetting and dispersing Pre-test 3: Wetting and dispersing additives with
nature of the pigments: additive for pigment concentrates depends on: grinding resin and let-down systems
• Selected color/hue • The polarity of the grinding resin In order to evaluate the compatibility, 5 % active substance
• Hiding power in case of opaque pigments • The polarity of the let-down systems of deflocculating wetting and dispersing additive should
or - Solvent-borne be added to the grinding resin and also to the various
• Transparency, if nature of pigment is transparent - Water-based non-pigmented let-down systems. There should be no
• Increased gloss and reduced haze - Universal usage turbidity, gelation (strong viscosity increase) or precipitation
• Reduced viscosity • Chemical nature of the pigment visible immediately after incorporation as well as after
• Prevention of seeding 24-hours storage time at room temperature.
Opaque Transparent
16 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
Rheology additives
One requirement of a pigment concentrate is long-term Rheology additives for pigment concentrates
storage stability. This is where rheology additives have a
significant impact. They can be used as an anti-settling Solvent Water Universal
agent or to adjust the final viscosity. Especially deflocculated GARAMITE
high-density (inorganic) pigments or fillers will create a Organophillic phyllosilicates
strong tendency to settle. Rheology additives to prevent RHEOBYK-D 4xx and RHEOBYK-74xx
settling need to be formulated. Polyurea
Synthetic phyllosilicates
Resin-free water-based pigment concentrates, even with
a high pigmentation, often show low viscosity. Where OPTIGEL
Modified phyllosilicates
tinting systems are concerned, this will be problematic if
light colors have to be tinted. If lower pigmentation is T.01
required, a rheology additive will help to adjust the viscosity.
17 Additives for pigment concentrates / Selection of raw materials
Formulating guideline
The correct combination of pigment binder ratio and The following pages show some examples with different
additive dosage will provide a good balance between grinding resins and different usage areas.
pigmentation, viscosity, stabilization and storage stability.
Example: Solvent-borne pigment concentrates based on high solid alkyd resin Example: Solvent-borne pigment concentrates based on alkyd resin
Pigment : binder ratio Additive dosage in % Pigment : binder ratio Additive dosage in %
(solids : solids) (solids on pigment) (solids : solids) (solids on pigment)
Titanium dioxide 2.0 – 2.5 : 1 2–3 Titanium dioxide 4.0 – 5.0 : 1 2–3
Inorganic yellow 0.8 – 1.0 : 1 7–9 Inorganic yellow 4.0 – 5.0 : 1 7–9
Organic red violet (magenta) 0.2 – 0.4 : 1 25 – 35 Organic red violet (magenta) 1.0 – 1.5 : 1 25 – 35
Coarser carbon black (e.g. Lamp black 101) 0.3 – 0.4 : 1 25 – 40 Coarser carbon black (e.g. Lamp black 101) 0.7 – 1.0 : 1 25 – 40
Carbon black (e.g. Special black 4) 0.3 – 0.4 : 1 30 – 50 Carbon black (e.g. Special black 4) 0.7 – 1.0 : 1 30 – 50
T.02 T.03
19 Additives for pigment concentrates / Formulating guideline
Example: Water-based, resin-free pigment concentrates Example: Water-based, resin-free universal colorants
(solvent- and water-based applications)
20 Additives for pigment concentrates / Formulating guideline
Industrial coatings
Example: Solvent-borne pigment concentrates based on aldehyde resin Example: Water-based pigment concentrates (resin-free or resin-containing)
Organic red violet (magenta) 1.0 – 1.2 : 1 15 – 45 Organic red violet (magenta) 25 – 35
Coarser carbon black (e.g. Lamp black 101) 0.5 – 1.0 : 1 15 – 30 Coarse carbon black (e.g. Lamp black 101) 30 – 40
Carbon black (e.g. Special black 4) 0.5 – 1.0 : 1 30 – 50 Medium carbon black (e.g. Special black 4) 50 – 70
Fine carbon black (e.g. FW 200, Raven 5000 Ultra) 0.3 – 0.5 : 1 50 – 90 Fine carbon black (e.g. FW 200, Raven 5000 Ultra) 60 – 90
T.06 Note: Resin-containing water-based concentrates include around 5–15 % solid resin T.07
21 Additives for pigment concentrates
Preparation of pigment
concentrates in lab scale
An animation of
the vortex effect
can be found online.
A uniform flow of the millbase
which will be ground should
be ensured during the entire
dispersing process.
22 Additives for pigment concentrates
Testing of pigment
The success of a sufficient dispersion can be checked via
Grinding/Hegman gauges, as this test indicates the presence
or absence of oversized agglomerates and thus improper
dispersion. However, this test method does not indicate
whether the pigments are properly deflocculated and
stabilized against re-agglomeration, as the primary particles
of organic pigments or inorganic pigments such as iron
oxide red are way below 1 µm and cannot be seen in a test
with a grinding gauge. There are several test methods that
indicate sufficient dispersion and stabilization of a pigment
concentrate by testing them within a coating system and
measuring various properties.
Physical properties:
• Gloss
• Haze
• Seeding
• Durability test
• Weather resistance
• Substrate adhesion or intercoat adhesion
• etc.
Flocculated Deflocculated
ΔE of rub-out = 6.90 ΔE of rub-out = 0.18
unrubbed area
Rub-out test
The basic principle behind the rub-out test is to check pigments agglomerate, which leads to a change in hue. The correct time to perform the test is when the paint is
whether or not the pigment is properly stabilized. The Before the paint dries completely, the surface is rubbed with almost dry but still tacky. If your finger leaves marks on the
pigment concentrate is not tested directly, but incorporated a finger, either from side to side or in a circle, which paint surface, it is an indication that this is the right
into a let-down system to obtain either a full-shade system redisperses the pigments with the shear force of the rubbing moment to conduct the rub-out test.
(one single pigment) or a color blend system (containing (see G.12). This can lead to a significant change in color
the pigment concentrate to be tested and a stable second compared to the unrubbed area, and indicates the
pigment, such as titanium dioxide). The paint is applied reagglomeration of the pigment.
and allowed to dry. During drying, the improperly stabilized
24 Additives for pigment concentrates / Testing of pigment concentrates
If all full shades in every let-down system show good Example: For all these mixtures (white reduction or white mixtures),
performance, a color blend should be tested. As a first • Let-down system 1 • Let-down system 1 + ... a rub-out test after the application should be performed.
step, one color blend with white is recommended for + T itanium dioxide • Let-down system 2 Only if there is no color difference (∆E depends on
each system. concentrate + Titanium dioxide requirements) should an additional test, such as a storage
+ Iron oxide red concentrate test, be performed. If one or more system/concentrate shows
concentrate + Iron oxide red a strong color difference, an improvement in results is needed
• Let-down system 1 concentrate and a cross-check in every system/color must be carried out.
+ T itanium dioxide • Let-down system 2
concentrate + Titanium dioxide Therefore, it is recommended to start only with titanium
+ Phthalo green concentrate dioxide concentrate and an additional three colored pigment
concentrate + Phthalo green concentrates (e.g. iron oxide red, organic pigment and
• Let-down system 1 concentrate carbon black).
+ Titanium dioxide • Let-down system 2 + ...
concentrate • Let-down system 3 + ...
+ Carbon black
concentrate and so on.
Full shade
PR 101 pigment concentrate in one let-down system
No or minor color differences (flooding and floating) will appear when one or more colors are mixed, only if all pigments are stabilized well. G.13
25 Additives for pigment concentrates / Testing of pigment concentrates
White reduction
PR 101 pigment concentrate in one let-down system
PW 6: Stabilized PW 6: Stabilized
In full shades, where a pigment concentrate is incorporated Additionally, the color shift visible in the comparison of It is read in the following way: green pigments appear more
into a clear coat formulation, a visual assessment can be two samples can indicate whether or not the pigments bluish when they are deflocculated and more yellowish if
performed to indicate if the pigments are properly dispersed are stabilized. If pigments are flocculated, the light is they are flocculated, red pigments appear more blueish
and stabilized. reflected with a slightly different wavelength compared to when flocculated and more yellowish when deflocculated.
deflocculated pigments. This leads to a color shift/ shift in
For transparent pigments, their state of deflocculation is hue between the samples. To determine the stabilization,
indicated by the transparency of the coating). When the a color diagram can be used.
pigments are flocculated, they scatter the transmitted light
which results in a visible turbidity.
Deflocculation shows a color shift in the direction of yellow. In transparency, deflocculation shows a color shift toward blue, in addition to an improvement in transparency.
27 Additives for pigment concentrates / Testing of pigment concentrates
Colorant acceptance
The stabilization of pigments and the compatibility of Both paints are applied onto a suitable substrate, and a
the colorant in the base paint can be determined by the rub-out test is carried out. If the colorant is sufficiently
colorant acceptance test. stabilized and compatible, the rub-out test should show
a good result in both samples. If a difference can be seen
In this test, two samples are compared with each other. between the high shear force and the low shear force
For the first sample, the colorant is incorporated into the sample, the colorant should be checked for stability or
base paint at low shear forces (e.g. stirring by hand), for compatibility with the base paint.
the second sample, it is incorporated at significantly greater
shear forces, e.g. using high-speed dispersion equipment
or a paint shaker.
or or
Particle size
Flocculated Deflocculated
29 Additives for pigment concentrates / Testing of pigment concentrates
Storage stability
Pigment concentrate will not be used up completely after Results of lab scale
production, therefore it is important that the concentrates
show good results both before and after storage. It is Before storage After storage Action
recommended to test stored pigment concentrates in the • Adjust the pigment concentrate formulation
same way as conducted during the evaluation (full shades:
color drift, gloss haze, seeding and white reductions/white • Start pilot plant production
• Evaluate mixing ratios for required mixing colors
mixtures: rub-out, color strength, gloss, haze and colorant
acceptance). Recommendation T.08
L-TI 1
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