7 QC Tools

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Systematic Problem Solving and Deming Cycle


Plan Do Check

:Setup the Objectives and Means :Put the Plan into Practice :Observe the Results and the Process

Act :Standardize if Results are Satisfactory otherwise Re-plan and Follow the Cycle again

The PDCA / SDCA Improvement Cycle

CHECK Improvement results

DO improvement Improvement activities PLAN improvement Management strategy Focus on vital few



ACT to standardize or replan

Initiate improvement


ACT to improve the standard or its use Daily work CHECK the work against the standard



DO the work according to the standard

Basic Steps of Problem Solving





Steps of Problem Solving

1. 2. 3. 4. Definition Observation Analysis Actions Identifying and defining the problem Investigating the features of the problem Finding the root causes Establishing and implementing remedies (countermeasures) Ensuring the effectiveness of remedies Holding on the gains Reviewing the problem solving process and future plans

5. Check 6. Standardization 7. Conclusion

Problem Solving Steps

Continuous improvement Ensure performance Evaluate Solution Recognize Problem Form quality improvement teams Define Problem Analyze PLAN Problem Determine Possible Causes Identify Possible Solutions



Implement Solution

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Problem Solving Process

Symptom Recognition Fact Finding Problem Identification Idea Generation Solution Development Plan Implementation
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Follow Up

Benefits of Systematic Problem Solving Process

It helps avoid jumping to conclusion Helps avoid decisions based on opinions and feeling Helps the group in focusing their attention It provides a logic for remedies Sets a platform to involve all concerned Makes implementation simple

QC story and the Basic Seven Step Problem Solving Process. Concept of PDCA and its adaptation to problem solving in specific work situations.

Technical Analysis and Statistical Analysis

If you see female Japanese assembly line workers without any technical background whatsoever making suggestions even engineers havent been able to think of, you will ask what makes it possible for those women to acquire their technical knowledge. The answer is statistical methods.

We have two methods of analyzing and eliminating trouble in the manufacturing shop. One is by technological analysis; the other is by statistical analysis. QC uses statistical methods to analyze and improve the quality of products.

Technical Analysis and Statistical Analysis

Problem: In a color TV factory, a female employee of the Quality Assurance Section found that the failure rate of TV sets varies though they install same type of TV tuner in all the models. Analysis: She thought that there must be some reason for this difference in failure rate of TV sets. Therefore, she drew diagrams which showed the relation between the failure rate of TV sets and the length of the shaft, the temperature of the set, the diameter of the tuner knob, size of the cabinet and so on. Conclusion: At last, she discovered a correlation between the failure rate and the distance from tuner to speaker; In other words, the failure rate of the turner is quite low when the tuner is attached far from the speaker. On the other hand, when the tuner is attached near the speaker, the set doesnt work well.

Technical Analysis and Statistical Analysis (Contd.)

Such a conclusion would be hard to draw through technical analysis alone. But by accumulating market data we can discover such a phenomenon. We call this the law of large numbers. Therefore, you may understand that we have two ways to find out the cause of defectives, one is by the use of analysis based on technology and the other is through statistics. One of QCs specialties is the use of statistical methods to eliminate trouble in the shop. In order to find causes for a defect, you dont need sophisticated technical expertise. What you need to do is analyze data. And quality control circles have learned to use statistical tools; this is what makes the circles so successful. Statistical analysis can be used to solve problems not only in manufacturing but also in sales, accounting, personnel management and service. Spurred on by this method, QC circles are in demand among various fields including manufacturing, construction, financing, restaurants and department stores. The same thing may produce varying degrees of results. Companies introducing the method seem to get better results in their work. Source : Hajime Karatsu

Quality Improvement: Problem Solving Problem solving, the isolation and analysis of a problem and the development of a permanent solution, is an integral part of the quality-improvement process.
Not hit or miss, but objective and systematic Not directed at symptoms, but rather at root causes

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Why do we need the 7 QC tools?

Developed By Dr. KAORU ISHIKAWA. Total Quality Culture is data driven: data are impersonal; opinions are not. Experience is gained quickest by collecting and analyzing data. The 7 QC tools provide common methods of analysis to help problem solving teams operate effectively. It helps in taking decisions faster and objectively as factual approach to decision making.

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Why Statistics
It is more economical to assess a sample of product and use the result to predict the properties of the whole lot. It leads to predictions with a high degree of precision.
Base Population Taking actions Judgment STUDY Information Sample Data

Population-Sample Model
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When a quality control system uses statistical techniques for inspection , testing and analysis to control quality or to conclude whether the quality of product is satisfying the customer needs or to solve quality problems. SQC is systematic as compared to guess-work and avoids personal bias and poor judgments.

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Benefits of Statistical Quality Control(SQC)

Efficiency: Rapid and efficient inspection at a minimum cost. Reduction of scrap: Tells the causes of excessive variation in manufacturing and tells about potential non-conformance. Adherence to Specification: Specifications can be accurately predicted and control. Increases output: By reduction of wastages, effective utilization of Resources. Awareness: Creating awareness in organization.
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Types of data:
Statistical data can be characterized as VARIABLE DATA and ATTRIBUTE DATA. 1.1 Variable / Continuous Data: Data which can be measurable and can assume any value over some interval. Examples: - Dimension of a part measured - Temperature in degree centigrade. - Weight in Kg. - Time
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1.2 Attribute / Discrete Data: Data which can be measurable and can assume only certain distinct values (integer values). Examples: - Defect or not. - Days of the Week / Months of the year. - Performance ranking. - The no. of defective pieces found in a sample. - Cracks in sheets by spots welds etc.
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VARIATION Concept of Variation states that no two items will be perfectly identical even if extreme care is taken to make them identical in some respect. Variation is fact of Nature and manufacturing processes are no exception to this.

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Measures of Location / Central Tendency: 1. Mean = The sum of the values divided by the number of values. 2. Median = The middle value of a data set when the data is ordered from smallest to largest 3. Mode = The value that occurs most frequently Mean- Mode = 3(Mean- Median)


4. Measures of Spread / Dispersion: The extent to which the data is scattered about the zone of central tendency is known as Dispersion or Variation. Measures of Dispersion or Variability: 4.1 Range , R 4.2 Variance, V 4.3 Standard Deviation, or S


4.1 Range, R Range is the simplest of dispersion in a sample. It is used in the control chart. It is the difference between the largest observed value and the smallest observed value. Range, R= XHigh- XLow


Variability Deviation = distance between observations and the mean (or average)
Observations 9 Deviations 9 8.4 = 0.6

10 10 - 8.4 = 1.6 8 8 8.4 = -0.4 8 8 8.4 = -0.4 7 7 8.4 = -1.4 averages 8.4 0.0


4.2 Variance, V Average distance between observations and the mean squared Square of the standard deviation.
Observations 9 Deviations 9 8.4 = 0.6 Squared Deviations 2.56 0.36 0.16 0.16 1.96 1.0 10 10 - 8.4 = 1.6 8 8 8.4 = -0.4 8 8 8.4 = -0.4 7 7 8.4 = -1.4 averages 8.4 0.0



4.3 Standard deviation, or S Square root of variance. Example
Variance 1.0 0.24 Standard Deviation 1.0 0.4898979

Symbols and Formulae

Sample Size Mean Range Variance N = The total number of values X= X N

R = Max - Min V = (X X)2 N-1

Standard Deviation


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Seven Quality Control Tools

Check-sheet Pareto Histogram Control Chart Cause and Effect diagram Scatter Plot Stratification
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The function of a check sheet is to present information in an efficient, graphical format.

For problem solving, data is to be captured. Check list is a tool to capture the parameter. Check-sheet is a tool to capture data as per check list.

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Shift wise
ShiftShift-A TypeType-1 ShiftShift-B ShiftShift-C ShiftShift-G

Defect Type




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Check Sheets: To take down data simply and prevent inspection omission
Make boxes for filling in the required items
Product name Process name Measuring method CS20-5D No. 3 assembly line 100% visual operation Date / day Defect Loose screws Dirt in distance sensor Exterior scratches Soldering defect Bonding defect Operating defect Gap defect Part lost Exterior dirt Total Number inspected 18 2037
Add totals

Indicate items to be checked

Decide on methods of stratification.

Form 1 Feb. 1992 Date Recorded by: To 6 Feb. 1992 Miki Tanaka 2/5 Fri 2/6 Sat

Fill in data

Table 1: Check sheet for defects in camera assembly process

LN1238 Lot number LN1239 LN1240 Measuring instrument 2/1 Mon. IIII 2/2 Tue. -------2/3 Wed


Total 33 12 18 5 10










5 3 3

II 20 20 17 Percent age defects

2 16 91 4.5%

Make a scratch of the product to be inspected. Decide on items to be checked. Every time a defect occurs, fill in a mark of number a corresponding location.

Confederation of Indian Industry

Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), An Italian economist 20% of the population has 80% of the wealth Juran used the term vital few, trivial many. He noted that 20% of the quality problems caused 80% of the dollar loss. Pareto charts are extremely useful because they can be used to identify those factors that have the greatest cumulative effect on the system, and thus screen out the less significant factors in an analysis.
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Pareto Diagram allows the user to focus attention on a few important factors in a process. They are created by plotting the cumulative frequencies of the relative frequency data (event count data), in descending order. When this is done, the most essential factors for the analysis are graphical presentation and in an orderly format.
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70 Percent from each cause 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 (13) (10) (6) (64)




Causes of poor quality

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S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Defect Weld Missing Dent Ovality Fitment NG Other

No. of Defects 26 11 21 16 6

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Example Step 1: Arrange data in decreasing order

S. No. 1 3 4 2 5 Type of Defect Weld Missing Ovality Fitment NG Dent Other No. of Defects 26 21 16 11 6

Step 2 : Summation of individual frequencies. 26+21+16+11+6 = 80

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Example Step 3: Calculate cumulative percentage

S# 1 3 4 2 5 Type of Defect Weld Missing Ovality Fitment NG Dent Other Total Sum No. of Defects 26 21 16 11 6 80 Cumulative freq. 26 47 63 74 80 % of Cumulative freq. 26/80=33% (26+21)/80=59% (26+21+16)/80=79% (26+21+16+11)/80=93% (26+21+16+11+6)/80=100%

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Step 4 : Draw Chart

Pareto Chart
30 25 Numbers 20 15 10 5 0 Weld Missing Ovality Fittment NG Dent 33 26 21 59 16 11 6 79 100 93 100 80 60 40 20 0 Percentages


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Exercise Make Pareto Chart for the data given below.

Product : Spanner Production Per day : 25000

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Defect type Cracks Scaling Unfilled Cavity Grinding NG Plating NG

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Nos 298 1266 435 684 1372


Pareto Analysis
1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Plating NG Scaling Grinding NG Unfilled Cavity Cracks 33.8 65.1 684 435 298 1372 1266 92.7 81.9 100 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0

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Percentage (%)

No of Defects

A histogram is a graphical summary of variation in a set of data. Histogram is a visual tool for presenting variable data. It organises data to describe the process performance. The pictorial nature of the histogram enables us to see patterns that are difficult to see in a table of numbers.
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Key Concept of Histogram

Data always have variation Variation have pattern Patterns can be seen easily when summarized pictorially.

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While studying histogram look for its Location of mean of the process Spread of the process Shape of the process

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Calculations for Histogram

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 51 55 49 50 49 50 51 54 51 49 2 50 49 48 50 50 51 51 49 50 51 3 50 49 51 50 51 52 52 50 50 53 4 53 50 53 51 47 50 48 49 53 49 5 48 49 49 53 51 50 50 50 50 51 Xs 48 49 48 50 47 50 48 49 50 49 Xl 53 55 53 53 51 52 52 54 53 53

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Calculations for Histogram

Smallest Value, S= 47 Largest Value, L = 55 Range, R = L-S = 8 No. of cells= 1 + 3.22 log10(50) = 7 Calculated cell width (C.W.)= R / No. of cells=1.14 Rounded off Cell width= 1

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Calculations for Histogram

Starting value, A= 47 LCB (Lower Class Boundary)= A-(C.W. / 2)= 47-1/2= 46.5 UCB (Upper Class Boundary)= LCB + C.W.= 46.5+1= 47.5

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Plotting Histogram
Lower 46.5 47.5 48.5 49.5 50.5 51.5 52.5 53.5 54.5 Upper 47.5 48.5 49.5 50.5 51.5 52.5 53.5 54.5 55.5 Mid value 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Tally Mark I III Tally Mark Freq 1 3 10 16 11 2 5 1 1

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40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
1 2 6 13 10 16 19 17 12 16 20 17 13 5 6 2 1

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Types of Histogram

General Type

Comb Type

Positively Skew Type

Left-hand Precipice Type

Plateau Type

Twin Peak Type

Isolated Peak Type

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If the number of observations are increased considerably, then the no. of cells increases and the width of the cell become smaller and smaller. The series of steps that constitutes the top line of the histogram will then approach a smooth curve. Such a curve is called Frequency curve. The frequency curves may be of different shapes. The most important of these curve as far as SQC is concerned is the NORMAL CURVE. It is symmetrical about its mean value and has Bell shape.
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Normal bell shaped curve

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Normal bell shaped curve

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Manufacturing Outcome: Central Tendency

Falling balls hit these pins and go either left or right

Ball part way through row of pins

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5. CAUSE AND EFFECT DIAGRAM Show the relationships between a problem and its possible causes. Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa (1953) Also known as
Fishbone diagrams Ishikawa diagrams

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Cause and Effect Diagram

Used to associate multiple possible causes with a single effect. Given a particular effect, the diagram is constructed to identify and organize possible causes for it. The primary branch represents the effect (the quality characteristic that is intended to be improved and controlled) and is typically labelled on the right side of the diagram.
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Cause and Effect Diagram

Each major branch of the diagram corresponds to a major cause (or class of causes) that directly relates to the effect. Minor branches correspond to more detailed causal factors. This type of diagram is useful in any analysis, as it illustrates the relationship between cause and effect in a rational manner.
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Cause and Effect skeleton

Materials Procedures

Quality Problem



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Fishbone Diagram
Faulty testing equipment Incorrect specifications Improper methods


Out of adjustment Tooling problems Old / worn

Poor supervision Lack of concentration Inadequate training

Inaccurate temperature control Dust and Dirt

Quality Problem
Defective from vendor Not to specifications Materialhandling problems Poor process design Ineffective quality management Deficiencies in product design




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Fishbone Diagram

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Cause and effect diagrams

Advantages making the diagram is educational in itself diagram demonstrates knowledge of problem solving team diagram results in active searches for causes diagram is a guide for data collection

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Cause and effect diagrams

To construct the skeleton, remember: For manufacturing - the 4 Ms man, method, machine, material For service applications equipment, policies, procedures, people

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Typical causes for non conformance/ defects Machine factors

Inadequate process capability Incorrectly designed tooling Worn tools, jigs or dies Poor maintenance Equipment effected by environmental factors such as heat, humidity etc.

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Typical causes for non conformance/ defects Material factors

Use of untested materials Mix-up of materials Substandard material accepted on concession because of nonavailability of correct material Inconsistency in specifications on the part of vendors

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Typical causes for non conformance/ defects Men factors

Incorrect knowledge of setting up machines Careless operator and inadequate supervision Undue rush by the operator to achieve quality targets Lack of understanding of drawing instructions relating to a process Operator does not possess requisite skill for operating machines

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Typical causes for non conformance/ defects Method factors Inadequate process controls Non availability of proper test equipments Test equipment out of calibration Vague inspection/ testing instructions Inspectors do not possess the necessary skill

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Cause & Effect diagram Example








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Cause & Effect diagram


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Scatter diagrams are graphical tools that attempt to show the influence that one variable has on another. A scatter diagram shows the relationship between independent variable (cause) and dependent variable (effect).

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Characteristics of Independent Variable

It should be measurable on a continuous scale. It should have a logical relationship with the dependent variable. Changes in level of independent variable should cause changes in level of dependent variable.

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Typical Relationship We Normally Like to Study

Independent Variable Moisture contents Wax purity Roller Pressure Charge weight Number of users Dependent Variable Elongation of thread Hardness of lipstick Paper thickness Range of bullet Response time

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Y Typical Relationship

Length of bar

X Pull Speed
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Typical Relationship


Life (Age)
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Table - Humidity Vs Voltage

Humidity % 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 V1 40 46 45 49 51 54 54 57 59 60 V2 43 43 43 45 47 51 52 55 57 58 Voltage V3 41 46 43 48 50 51 51 54 56 57 V4 42 46 44 49 51 52 55 58 59 58 V5 40 44 43 46 49 53 53 58 57 58

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Scatter Plot 60 55 Voltage 50 45 40 35 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Humidity

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It is the process of segregating or regrouping the data on the basis of certain characteristics ( e.g. machine wise, operator wise etc.) for identifying the influence factors (i.e. identifying contributory causes to the problems being handled) Data on Customer Complaints may be segregated by a) Nature of Complaints: defective products, Delayed delivery etc. b) Department Responsible: Production, Design, Quality etc.
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Benefits of Stratification
Separate Data into groups. Draw meaningful and correct inferences from the data. Diagnose and Localize problems i.e. establish clear relationship between cause and effect. Identify the influencing factors, thereby making it easier to solve the problems.
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% Defectives Stratified supplierwise

% Defectives 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

10 A

25 B Suppliers

15 C

5 D

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% Accidents Stratified Shopwise

40 30 20 10 0 % Accidents







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Control Chart
Fundamental tool of statistical process control. It indicates the stability of the process. It helps determine whether a process is in control or if a special cause exists to change the process mean or variance.

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Control Chart
Purpose In all production processes, we need to monitor the extent to which our products meet specifications. In the most general terms, there are two "enemies" of product quality: deviations from target specifications, and excessive variability around target specifications.

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Why Control Chart ?

To find out, Any change in location of process average ? Any change in the spread of the process ? Any change in shape? To identify if special cause variation exists.

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Significance of Control Chart ? The quality of a product manufactured in a process is inevitably accompanied by dispersion. Various Causes of such dispersion exist and they can be classified into the following two types. 1. Chance / Random cause: Dispersion by chance is natural and unavoidable i.e. inevitably occurs in a process, even if the operation is carried out using standardized raw materials and methods. It is impossible to avoid the Random cause variation.

Control Chart
2. Assignable / Special cause: Dispersion from an assignable cause is unusual and meaningful in that it is avoidable and cannot be overlooked. Example: Neglecting various standards or application of improper standards. In order to control a process it is necessary to eliminate assignable causes and take action to prevent their recurrence, while tolerating dispersion by chance / random cause.

A control chart was first used in 1924 by W.A. Shewhart, who belonged to the Bell Telephone Laboratories, with a view to classifying an abnormal process by distinguishing variations due to chance from those due to assignable causes.
Example of Control Chart Upper control Limit Central line Lower control Limit Control chart for controlled state

Control chart for uncontrolled state

To make a control chart it is necessary to classify the process by type of raw materials, machine and line and further to classify these data into small groups such as time or shift. There are various types of control chart, according to the characteristic values or purpose. However, in any type of control chart the control limits are calculated by the formula : (average value) 3 x (standard deviation) Therefore such a chart is called a three sigma control chart.

The bounds of the control chart are marked by upper and lower control limits that are calculated by applying statistical formulas to data from the process. Data points that fall outside these bounds represent variations due to special causes, which can typically be found and eliminated. On the other hand, improvements in common cause variation require fundamental changes in the process.

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Control Chart
24 21 UCL = 23.35

Number of defects

18 15 12 9 6 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 LCL = 1.99 x = 12.67

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Sample number

Control Limits Upper Control Limit Target 3 x sd of means Lower Control Limit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sample Number
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Types of Control Charts

Control Charts

X R Chart X s Chart

Attributes p Chart np Chart C Chart u Chart

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Variable Control Charts Attribute Control Charts

o Defect prevention and process improvement o More expensive to construct and maintain o Can tell reasons for process behavior o Smaller n (1 to 10) needed

o o o o

Defect detection Cheaper to construct and maintain Cannot tell cause of defect Need large n (>100) A screening device to initiate variables control charting

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Selecting a Control Chart

Variables Data DATA TYPE Attributes Data



Sample Size, n Yes n>1 c (or) u Chart

Defects No

Defectives or Defects?

X-bar MR Chart

Constant n


u Chart

Range, if n<10

Range or S.D

S.D, if n>10


Constant n


X-bar R Chart

X-bar s Chart Confederation of Indian Industry

np or p Chart

p Chart

Types of Charts
Variable control charts are : X bar R Chart Run Chart Attribute control Charts are : P Chart C chart U Chart

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Types of Charts
Variable control charts are : X bar R Chart Run Chart

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X bar R Chart
Shows both the mean value ( X ), and the range ( R ). The Xbar portion shows any changes in the mean value of the process, while the R portion shows any changes in the dispersion of the process. This chart is particularly useful in that it shows changes in mean value and dispersion of the process at the same time, making it a very effective method for checking abnormalities within the process
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X bar R Chart
Formulas Used X bar Chart
Center Line = X

R Chart

Center Line = R

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X bar R Chart

SNO. 1 2 3 4 5 Average X (x) Range 1 65.84 65.88 65.82 65.9 65.88

2 65.88 65.86 65.9 65.84 65.86 65.868 0.06 3 65.86 65.88 65.86 65.84 65.9 65.868 0.06 4 65.86 65.88 65.88 65.84 65.86 65.864 0.04 5 65.9 65.84 65.86 65.88 65.86 65.868 0.06 6 65.84 65.9 65.86 65.88 65.86 65.868 0.06 7 65.88 65.9 65.9 65.86 65.88 65.884 0.04 8 65.88 65.9 65.86 65.82 65.84 65.86 0.08 9 65.92 65.9 65.92 65.88 65.88 65.9 0.04 10 65.92 65.88 65.88 65.86 65.84 65.876 0.08

65.864 0.08

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X bar R Chart
X = Average (Average X) = Average X =658.72/10 = 65.872 R = Average (Range) =0.6/10 = 0.06

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X bar R Chart
For X bar Chart UCL = 65.872 + 0.590x0.06 = 65.907 X =65.872 LCL = 65.872 - 0.590x0.06 = 65.836 R Chart UCL = 0.06x2.110 = 0.1266
Center Line = R

Center Line = X

= 0.06

LCL = 0.06x0 = 0
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Coefficients for X bar R Charts

Size of Sub-group

X-Chart 1.880 1.023 0.729 0.590 0.483

R Chart

R Chart 3.267 2.575 2.282 2.110 2.004

R Chart 1.128 1.693 2.059 2.326 2.534

2 3 4 5 6





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X bar Chart
65.92 65.91 65.9 65.89 X bar 65.88 65.87 65.86 65.85 65.84 65.83 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

UCL = 65.905

X = 65.872

LCL = 65.836

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R Chart

0.14 0.12 0.1 Range 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

UCL = 0.126

R = 0.06

LCL = 0

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X bar R Chart
SNO. 1 2 3 4 5 1 7.9 7.84 7.96 7.84 7.94

8+0 /-0.2
2 7.98 7.84 7.94 7.84 7.97 3 8 7.84 7.88 7.94 7.94 4 8.1 7.94 7.82 7.97 7.94 5 7.85 7.97 7.88 7.94 7.98 6 7.84 7.94 8.1 7.84 8.1 7 7.91 7.94 7.85 7.91 7.85 8 7.98 7.98 7.84 7.98 7.84 9 7.85 7.84 7.91 7.85 7.91 10 7.84 7.94 7.98 7.84 7.98

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Attribute Charts:

p Chart c Chart u Chart

Fraction Defective No. of Defects in a fixed sized Product No. of Defects in a varying sized product

p Chart

Control charts dealing with the proportion or fraction of defective product are called p chart (for proportion).

p Chart
Formulas Used

p is the fraction defective in a lot or population n is the number of lot

p Chart
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date 1st Jan 07 2nd Jan 07 3rd Jan 07 4th Jan 07 5th Jan 07 6th Jan 07 8th Jan 07 9th Jan 07 10th Jan 07 Total Quantity Produced 990 1000 1110 980 1000 1100 910 1080 985 Defective Qty. 87 93 189 126 109 102 145 90 81

p Chart
Step 1: Calculate Fraction Defective
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date 1st Jan 07 2nd Jan 07 3rd Jan 07 4th Jan 07 5th Jan 07 6th Jan 07 8th Jan 07 9th Jan 07 10th Jan 07 Total Total Quantity Produced 990 1000 1110 980 1000 1100 910 1080 985 9155 Defective Qty. 87 93 189 126 109 102 145 90 81 1022 Fraction Defective 87/990 =0.088 93/1000 =0.093 189/1110 =0.170 126/980 =0.129 109/1000 =0.109 102/1100 =0.093 145/910 =0.159 90/1080 =0.083 81/985 =0.82 1.006

p Chart
Step 2: Calculate UCL & LCL

P = 1.006 / 9 =0.112 UCL = 0.112 + 3 0.112)/9 = 0.422 0.112(1-

LCL = 0.112 3 0.112(10.112)/9 = - 0.203 =0

p Chart
Step 3: Draw Chart
0.450 0.400 Fraction Defective 0.350 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000

UCL = 0.422

P = 0.112 LCL = 0

c Chart
C Chart is used where each item inspected may have several nonconformities and each nonconformity is counted, and sample size is constant.

c Chart
Formulas Used Center line c = c /n UCL = c + 3 * LCL = c - 3 * c c

Where c is the number of nonconformities in each sample n is the number of lot

c Chart
Lot Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of pinholes 8 9 5 8 5 9 9 11 8 7 Lot Number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Number of pinholes 6 4 7 6 14 6 4 11 7 8 152

c Chart
Step 1: Calculate UCL & LCL Center line c = c /n UCL = c + 3 * LCL = c - 3 * c c c = 152/20 = 7.6 UCL = 7.6 + 3 * 7.6 = 15.85

LCL = 7.6 - 3 * 7.6 = -0.65 =0

c Chart
Step 2: Draw Chart
18 16 No. of Pinholes 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

UCL = 15.85

c = 7.6

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

LCL = 0

u Chart
A u-chart is an attributes control chart used with data collected in subgroups of varying sizes

u Chart
Formulas Used Center line u = u /n UCL = u + 3 * LCL = u - 3 * u /N u /N

Where u is the number of nonconformities in each sample n is the number of items in the sample N is the average sample size

u Chart
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total No. of parts Inspected 200 80 100 300 120 90 250 50 100 70 1360 Number of Nonconformities 5 7 3 15 4 6 10 1 6 2 59

Step 1: Calculate u
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

u Chart
Number of Nonconformities (B) 5 7 3 15 4 6 10 1 6 2 59 U = B/A 0.025 0.088 0.030 0.050 0.033 0.067 0.040 0.020 0.060 0.029

No. of parts Inspected (A) 200 80 100 300 120 90 250 50 100 70 1360

u Chart
Step 2: Calculate UCL & LCL N = 1360 / 10 = 136 Center line u = u /n UCL = u + 3 * LCL = u - 3 * u = 59/1360 = 0.043

u /N UCL = 0.043 + 3 0.043/136 = 0.097 u /N LCL = 0.043 - 3 0.043/136 = -0.011 =0

u Chart
Step 3: Draw Chart
0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u

UCL = 0.097

u = 0.043

LCL = 0

Thank You!

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