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Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda,

Samson (2023)



Title Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks

wii Odi, Asor, Aguila, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson
12-STEM (2023)

Abstract Plastic gives people convenience; it helps humanity store our necessities in
our daily lives, but as people use plastic, they also waste many of it away. According
to Gueverra., (2022), five trillion plastic bags are used and Philippines contributes to
0.75 metric tons of plastic every year, so with that problem in mind polyfied eco-bricks
were created. Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks is a
quantitative study that used a descriptive method to know the expert’s evaluation on
the product, and an experimental method to know the proper plastic to cement mixture
ratio. This study was conducted to create cost efficient and durable bricks while
reducing plastic pollution. Two ratios of bricks have gone two trials, a 5ft drop test and
a standing on it test to determine the proper and applicable ratio, which will be judged
for evaluation by experts. The researchers found out that 1:10:50 is the applicable
ratio to create quality bricks. The physical durability of the brick was given a WAM
rating of 4.46, its weathering resistance, a 2.53 rating, design and structure a WAM
rating of 2.66, giving the physical durability a highly effective rating and a moderate
effectivity for both the weathering resistance and its design and structure. This
research aims for the reduction of plastic pollution, creation of cost-efficient and
durable bricks for a cleaner environment.

Keywords: Eco-Bricks; Plastic; Weathering Resistance; Physical Durability;

Introduction Plastic is an item that helps humanity in many ways, it gave us opportunities
to properly contain and store our necessities in living, but a problem that we are facing
is plastic pollution. Plastic pollution affects the earth in many ways, mainly affecting the
oceans thus endangering marine life affecting humanity in the near future. 86% of the
ocean is polluted with plastics and because of that, it caused the death of a million
seabirds and 100,000 marine animals. (, 2020)

Plastic pollution doesn’t only affect the oceans, it also affects the land, due to
people’s irresponsibility and littering, we experience clogging of canals resulting to
flooding. Plastic pollution in land affects soil fertility, altering of natural habitats and
reducing the ecosystems’ ability to adapt in climate change.

The effects of plastic pollution are truly harsh and will be devastating if we did
not see this as a major problem, not only the earth will be affected, but our lives, as
well. Globally, 5 trillion plastic bags are used and one million plastic bottles are
purchased every minute, therefore in total, half of all plastic produced is designed for
single use purposes. Meanwhile, the Philippines contributes to 0.75 metric tons of
ocean plastic every year, making it as the third largest contributor of ocean plastic
(Guevarra, 2022).

With awareness to the said problem, the researchers came up with an

innovation that will create durable, sustainable and environmentally friendly bricks
while contributing to the reduction of plastic pollution. The innovation Polyfied Eco-
Bricks aims to create cost efficient bricks to be made into structures to help the
community, while also helping the community reduce plastic pollution.

This study aims to be an advocacy towards a cleaner community while also

having a product that will help engineers and architects to further innovate the basic
foundations of building structures.

Research This research study Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable, and Cost-Efficient Bricks,
Question/s aims to test the effectivity and performance of the product. Specifically, it aims to
answer the following questions:
1. To know the applicable plastic to cement mixture ratio to create the Polyfied
2. To know the acceptability of the Polyfied Eco-Brick in terms of:
2.1 Physical Durability
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



2.2 Weathering Resistance

2.3 Design and Structure
3. To know the modifications to improve the Polyfied Eco-Bricks
Brief Review of According to the study of Sarwar et al., (2020). The researchers utilized grinding
Related HDPE or High-Density Polyethylene mixed with cement at different percentages to
Literature/ create eco-friendly and cost-efficient bricks. The bricks were compressed with an
Studies advisable 2000 psi of pressure, and 35% mixture of HDPE. The resulting cement
mixture had decreased the density, increased the ductility, and improved the
workability which led to producing lightweight materials.

Waste plastics are commonly disposed of haphazardly, causing problems in both the
environment and marine life. To address this issue, researchers have explored the use
of waste plastic in making eco-bricks. This study examined how moisture content and
soil types influence the characteristics of eco-bricks when subjected to compressive
load. Eco-brick samples were made with different moisture contents using laterite,
sharp sand, and stone dust. The soil samples were tested for suitability, and the eco-
bricks were then tested for compressive strength. The study found that moisture
content had a positive impact on the compressive strength of eco-bricks made with
sharp sand and stone dust, but a negative impact on those made with laterite. Overall,
the specific strength, ratio, and bulk density of the eco-bricks were satisfactory at
various moisture contents. The study concludes that soil moisture content significantly
affects the performance of bottle bricks, emphasizing the importance of considering
soil types when producing eco-bricks (Edike, 2020).

Based on the study of Barman et al., (2022). Rapid urbanization, population growth,
and technological development contribute to increasing plastic waste in municipal solid
waste (MSW). Plastic bricks made from recycled materials, such as polyethylene (PE)
and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, offer a potential solution. These bricks
exhibit high strength, thermal and sound insulation properties, and can reduce the
demand for other construction materials. Testing and characterization studies have
shown that incorporating plastic in brick production increases compressive strength
and decreases water absorption.

in a study by Wiener et al (2017) presents an experimental investigation into the

characteristics of Eco-bricks filled with different inorganic waste materials. The
research demonstrates that the density, thermal shrinkage, and elastic modulus of the
Eco-bricks are dependent on the filler content. Furthermore, the density and elastic
modulus of the Eco-bricks resemble those of medium-high density expanded
polystyrene (EPS), indicating their potential as sustainable alternatives for
nonstructural construction. The proposed use of Eco-bricks as time capsules paves
the way for future recovery and waste valorization possibilities in communities lacking
advanced recycling options.

In conformity with the study of Twab et al., (2020) this study finds that increasing the
plastic content in bricks and concrete blocks reduces their thermal conductivity,
making them more suitable for insulation. Additionally, higher plastic content enhances
the bending strength of these materials, increasing their resistance to stress. By
replacing cement with waste plastic, environmental issues associated with plastic
waste disposal and the cement industry can be mitigated. Using waste plastic in
construction materials offers advantages such as lightweight properties, versatility, and
the ability to customize them to meet specific needs. This literature report provides
insights into the benefits and technical characteristics of utilizing waste plastic in
building bricks and concrete blocks, contributing to sustainable construction practices.

Scope and This study focuses on the utilization of plastics and other waste products. This
Limitations proves the necessity for further research regarding concrete mix design, amount of
cement, and properties of local concrete blocks as well as other technical and non-
technical factors to determine the appropriate mix design and feasibility in the
production industry. Since plastic waste takes centuries to decompose, inappropriately
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



dumped plastic materials cause flooding and other environmental detriments. So,
instead of dumping such plastic waste products, one way to alleviate those issues is to
repurpose them. In this experiment, we will show how to make bricks out of plastic
waste. We throw away huge amounts of polymer every day in the form of plastic
bottles, cartons, and yogurt pots. However, this study poses limitations such as its
limited sample size that may not provide significant statistical results such as the
products PSI and more Lack of long-term evaluation is also a limitation of this specific
study for concrete is known to undergo changes due to factors such as moisture,
temperature, and chemical reactions and the amount of time that was given to conduct
this study is not enough to verify if the results of the experiments will be constant and
fixed and finally, limited generalizability for the information focuses on the specific
context of the Philippines and mentions the problem of plastic waste in poorer
countries. However, the study does not discuss the generalizability of the findings to
other regions or countries with different waste management systems, environmental
conditions, or material availability.
Methodology Research Design
This study is qualitative research that used a descriptive method to know the effectivity
and efficiency of the Polyfied Eco-Bricks and an experimental method to know the
proper plastic to cement ratio.

Sampling Method
The researchers used purposive sampling to know and find the proper respondents for
the study that will give the necessary data to prove whether the Polyfied Eco-Bricks
are effective and efficient. The respondents are municipal engineers and foremen.
Both respondents have the necessary knowledge and expertise to properly evaluate
the product.

Treatment and General Procedure.

Figure 1
Cutting of Plastic

The researchers gathered plastics and cut it into small fine pieces, then after that the
researchers will incorporate it into the cement mixture.

Figure 2
Making of Brick Mold

The brick mold is made from plywood that have dimensions of 4in x 8in x 3in. This
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



mold will serve as the base to create the Polyfied Eco-Bricks.

Figure 3
Mixing of cement and Plastic

The researchers then mixed cut plastic and the cement mixture, to be made into the
Polyfied Eco-Bricks.

Figure 4
Creation of The Product

The researchers used the mold then poured the plastic-cement mixture to create the
bricks, after that the brick is smoothened with a palette to try to create a smooth

Figure 5
Curing of Bricks

After the molding, the bricks will then be cured for at least seven days for them to be
hard as rock, producing quality brick.

Costing Estimate

This section outlines the costing considerations for the research project focused on
polyfied eco-bricks. Polyfied eco-bricks are innovative building materials that aim to
reduce environmental impact, promote sustainability, and offer viable alternatives to
traditional construction materials. Conducting research on alternative eco blocks
requires careful financial planning and budget allocation to ensure the successful
execution of the study.
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



Table 1
Costing of The Polyfied Eco-Bricks

Materials Cost
Plastic ₱0.00
Cement (per kg) ₱15.00
Sand (5 kg) ₱6.75

Total ₱21.75

With these 1:5 ratio of cement and aggregate with plastic as additive, 2 bricks can be
made with a kilogram of cement and 5 kilograms of sand. The cost to make 1 brick is
estimated to be 11 pesos.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will use a 5-point Likert scale to know the perception of experts
towards the polyfied eco-brick’s efficiency and effectivity, with 1 being strongly
disagree and 5 being strongly agree. To interpret the accumulated data the
researchers will use weighted arithmetic mean that require tools such as the
population size, frequency distribution, and weighted mean. As a result, 5.00 will be
the highest, while 0.00 or 0.01 is believed to be the least effective.

Weighted Arithmetic Mean Formula.

∑ wx
WAM =¿
WAM = Weighted Arithmetic Mean
w = weight
x = frequency

Table 2
5-point Likert Scale
Range Scale Verbal Interpretation Descriptive Analysis
5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Highly Acceptable
4 3.40-4.19 Agree More Acceptable
3 2.60-3.39 Neutral Acceptable
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree Less Acceptable
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree Unacceptable

Results and Presented at this section are the findings and the analysis of the data that the
Discussion researchers have gathered when conducting this study.

Figure 6
Bricks after the 5ft
Drop Test and Step
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



1:5:0.1 ratio 1:5:0.075 ratio

Mixtures of cement that have ratios of 1:5:0.01, and 1:5:0.075 (cement is to sand is to
plastic) will go through two trials. When the bricks were cured, trials such as 5ft drop,
and standing on the bricks were done, then after that the researchers concluded that
the ratio of 1:5:0.01 is applicable, because the other brick have more cracks and had
more chunks broken when the trials were done.

Table 3
Experts Evaluation on Physical Durability

Statement SA A N D SD Weighted Descriptive Rating

Mean Analysis

The brick can

withstand a 5ft 1 4 0 0 0 4.2 Highly 2
drop. Acceptable

The brick can

withstand high 2 3 0 0 0 4.4 Highly 1
levels of stress Acceptable

Average Weighted Mean 4.3 Highly Acceptable

Table 3 shows the descriptive analysis of the computed data gathered by the
researchers from the evaluation of the physical durability of the poly eco-brick which
was done by the selected experts. The first statement had a rating of 4.2 which is held
second, while the second statement had a rating of 4.2 which was then held first. Both
statements are deemed highly acceptable and overall the physical durability of the
polyfied eco brick is also highly acceptable along with a AWM of 4.3

Table 4
Experts Evaluation on the Weathering Resistance

Statement SA A N D SD Weighted Descriptive Rating

Mean Analysis

The brick can

sustain itself 2 0 3 0 0 3.8 More 1.5
when exposed Acceptable
to attrition.

The brick can

sustain itself 1 2 2 0 0 3.8 More 1.5
when Acceptable
submerged in
water for a
period of time

Average Weighted Mean 3.8 More Acceptable

Table 4 shows the descriptive analysis of the computed data gathered by the
researchers from the evaluation of the weathering resistance of the polyfied eco-brick
which was done by the selected experts. Both statements had a rating of 3.8 and are
deemed more acceptable. Overall the weathering resistance of the polyfied eco brick
is also more acceptable along with a AWM of 3.8
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)



Presented at this section are the conclusions made by the researchers based on their

1. The appropriate ratio of plastic to cement is to sand was, 1:5:0.1. It produced a

rigid and durable brick, in addition as the researchers looked into it more it is said
that proper soil moisture is also a factor to create more durable bricks. Edike,

2. The acceptability of the bricks was evaluated and the researchers found that:

2.1) The physical durability of the bricks is highly accepted and were
deemed effective, the addition of plastics made no changes to the brick and
made it slightly attractive and durable according to the experts. This finding
correlates to the study of Sarwar et al., (2020) that stated incorporating
polymers can make durable and lightweight concrete.

2.2) The weathering resistance of the bricks is only acceptable, because the
experts observed crumbling of the brick. This happened because the brick
only cured for only one day, contradicting to what the expert suggested
which was 7 days of curing before usage. Another reason is that the cement
mixture was not properly done by the researchers, the experts said that
proper mixture of cement is a factor to produce quality bricks.

2.3) The design and structure of the brick was also acceptable; it had a rigid
structure and the experts had claims that it a design but they recommend to
make it smoother for a finer look.

3. The following modifications are mentioned by the experts that were selected to
evaluate the polyfied eco-bricks, they are as follows:

3.1) Addition of other waste can contribute to further durability of the brick.

3.2) The plastics must be more refined for further incorporation in the mixture

3.3) Proper mixture of the cement must be applied in order to create quality

3.4) The brick must be cured for at least seven days to achieve maximum

3.5) Quality of ingredients are also a factor to create durable bricks

Recommendations For Construction Workers – Use this Polyfied Eco-Bricks because it can be a way to
produce cost efficient bricks to build structures such as walls and pavements, but a
factor to consider is the proper mixture and the proper ratios in order to create durable
and quality bricks.

For Engineers – Continuously support this study. It can help engineers innovate and
discover addition of plastic and its properties to further enhance the durability of bricks.

For the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office – Promote this study
because it can be an opportunity to properly dispose the non-biodegradable waste,
and turn them into bricks that can help in building structures. The researchers
recommend to use a shredder to turn the plastic into fine pieces in maximum
Polyfied Eco-Bricks: Producing Durable and Cost-Efficient Bricks: Odi, Aguila, Asor, Dela Cruz, Doroliat, Lunar, Pineda, Samson (2023)




For Future Researchers – Use this study as a reference to other research that is
related on reducing plastic pollution and using plastic to help innovations that will result
to a cleaner environment. The researchers recommend to use the necessary citations
and understand the research properly to have full mastery of the topic.
References Ananya B., Trina D., & Gautam M., (2022) Testing and Characterization of Plastic
Bricks. 2.

C. Antico, F., J. Wiener, M., Araya-Letelier, G., & Gonzalez Retamal, R. (2017). Eco-
bricks: a sustainable substitute for construction materials. Revista De La
Construcción. Journal of Construction, 16(3), 518–526.

D. Ariyani, N. Warastuti, and R. N. Arini, “Ecobrick Method To Reduce Plastic Waste

In Tanjung Mekar Village, Karawang Regency”, CIVENSE, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.
22–29, Dec. 2020.

Emmanuel E., John A., & Martin D, (2020). Production and Optimization of Eco-Bricks.
266. Zhen Leng.

G. Stanley, (2020) The Face of Plastic


Sarwar S., Shaibur M., Mohammed H., Md Rasel H., Ahmmed I., Ahmed FF.b, Md A.,
Sarker H., Shamim Md A,(2023). Preparation of Environmentally Friendly
Plastic Brick from High-Density Polyethylene Waste. Creative Commons

Shocking Ocean Plastic Statistics: The Threat to Marine life, The Ocean & Humanity

Tawab, Abdel & Mr, Amin & Wahab, Abdel & El, Abd & En, Rahman & Hassanien,
Reda & Mh, Hatem & Ae, Ghaly & Ibrahim, Mohamed. (2020). Recycling
Waste Plastic Bags as a Replacement for Cement in Production of Building
Bricks and Concrete Blocks.

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