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Finding Cartesian Product

Consider two non-empty sets C = {x, y, z} and D = {1, 2, 3} as shown in the below image:

The cartesian product, also known as the cross-product or the product set of C and D is obtained
by following the below-mentioned steps:
 The first element x is taken from the set C {x, y, z} and the second element 1 is taken
from the second set D {1, 2, 3}
 Both these elements are multiplied to form the first ordered pair (x,1)
 The same step is repeated for all the other pairs too until all the possible combinations
are chosen
 The entire collection of all such ordered pairs gives us a cartesian product C x D =
{(x,1), (x,2), (x,3), (y,1), (y,2), (y,3),(z,1), (z,2), (z,3)}.
 Similarly, we can find the cartesian product of D x C.

Let us find the cartesian product of the two sets C and D, where C = {11,12,13} and D = {7, 8}.
After following the steps mentioned above:

 The resultant product C x D will be: {(11,7), (11,8),(12,7),(12,8),(13,7),(13,8)}.

 Similarly, we can find the cartesian product of D and C as D × C = { (7,11),(7,12),
 The cartesian products C × D and D × C do not contain exactly the same ordered pairs.
Hence, in general, C × D ≠ D × C.
Difference Between Relation and Function

The basic difference between a relation and a function is that in a relation, a single input may
have multiple outputs. Whereas in a function, each input has a single output. The table given
below highlights the differences between relations and functions.

Relation Function

A function is a relation in math such

A relation in math is a set of
that each element of the domain is
ordered pairs defining the
related to a single element in the
relation between two sets.

A relation may or may not

All functions are relations.
be a function.

Example: {(1, x), (1, y), (4,

Example: {(1, x), (6, y), (4, z)}

Note: Look at the example of the relation above: {(1, x), (1, y), (4, z)}. This is NOT a function as
a single element (1) is related to multiple elements (x and y). Hence the statement "every
relation is a function" is incorrect.

What are Measures of Central Tendency?

Measures of central tendency are the values that describe a data set by identifying the central
position of the data. There are 3 main measures of central tendency - Mean, Median and Mode.
 Mean- Sum of all observations divided by the total number of observations.
 Median- The middle or central value in an ordered set.
 Mode- The most frequently occurring value in a data set.

Example: The weights of 8 boys in kilograms: 45, 39, 53, 45, 43, 48, 50, 45. Find the mean,
median, and mode for the given set of data.

Mean = Sum of the weights/Number of boys

= (45 + 39 + 53 + 45 + 43 + 48 + 50 + 45)/8
= 368/8
= 46



Arranging the given data set in ascending order: 39, 43, 45, 45, 45, 48, 50, 53
Total number of observations = 8
For even number of observation, Median = [(n/2)th term + ((n/2) + 1)th term]/2
⇒ Median = (4th term + 5th term)/2 = (45 + 45)/2 = 45


Since the mode is the most occurring observation in the given set.
Mode = 45

Solving the mean of grouped data

The frequency distribution table below shows the performance of Grade-VIII students in a 50-
item English test.
Class Interval No. of Students
0-10 10
10-20 11
20-30 9
30-40 15
40-50 5
The formula use to solve the mean of grouped data is x̅ = where:

x̅= mean

f= frequency of each class

x= mid-interval value of each class

n= total frequency

Σ (sigma)= summation

To solve the mean, we need to make a new table consisting of four columns.
Class Interval No. of Students Class Mark fx
(f) (x)
0-10 12 5 60
10-20 8
20-30 9
30-40 11
40-50 10
N= Σfx=

To get the value of the class mark, add the lower and upper limit in the class interval and divide
it by 2.

Example: (look at the 2nd row) (0+10)/2 = 10/2 = 5

To get the value of fx or the product of frequency (f) and class mark (x), we need to multiply the
values in f to the values in x.

Example: (look at the 2nd row) 12×5= 60

Below is the completed table
Class Interval No. of Students Class Mark fx
(f) (x)
0-10 12 5 60
10-20 8 15 120
20-30 9 25 225
30-40 11 35 385
40-50 10 45 450
N= 50 Σfx= 1240

Now that we have the value for Σfx and n, we can now solve the mean.
x̅ =
x̅ =

x̅ = 24.8

Therefore, the mean of this grouped data is 24.8.

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