Chapter 3(2) - combined footings

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• Spread footings such as square and rectangular

footings are economical for support columns
under normal condition.
• The most economical type of foundations, and
usually used when the loads on the columns are
relatively small and the bearing capacity of the
soil supporting the foundations is large

• Combined footing is a system of

foundation that support more than one
columns (usually 2 columns).

➢ Why do we use combined foundation?

Combined footing is usually used when:

1. one column is located at or near the property

boarder line.
2. two columns are so close that single footings
cannot be used.
3. supporting two columns of unequal loads

Property boarder

➢ Types of combined foundations-rectangular

Column Column

This is the simplest type. Cross section

Plan view
Geometric design Combined Footing

To keep the pressure under the foundation

uniform, the resultant force of all columns
loads (R) must be at the center of the
footing, and since the footing is
rectangular, R must be at the middle of the
footing (at distance L/2) from each edge to
keep uniform pressure.
Design of combined foundation-Geometric design
➢ Design of Rectangular combined Footing
• Let’s consider the rectangular combined
foundation shown in the figure.
• The allowable bearing capacity qall is
estimated from the bearing capacity equation
(Refer soil II).
• The geotechnical design of this foundation will
require to determine the design area A, and
dimensions L, B (keeping uniformly
distributed pressure).
• The following steps are used:
area A

Design of combined Footing (conti…)

Step #5.
The width B is then
calculated from:

Design of combined foundation-Geometric design (conti…)
Design of combined foundation-Geometric design (conti…)
3. Extension is not permitted from both sides of the footing:
In this case the resultant force R doesn’t apply at the center of rectangular footing because Q1 and Q2 are not
equals and no extensions from both sides. So the pressure under the foundation is not uniform and we design
the footing in this case as following: L=L1+W1+W2=✓.
How we can find e:
➢ Types of combined foundations-trapezoidal combined footing

Design of Combined Footings: Trapezoidal footing
1. More economical than rectangular combined footing if the extension is not permitted from both sides
especially if there is a large difference between columns loads.
2. We can keep uniform contact pressure in case of “extension is not permitted from both sides” if we use
trapezoidal footing because the resultant force “R” can be located at the centroid of trapezoidal footing.
Geometric Design of Strap Footing (Cantilever Footing)
1. Used when there is a property line which prevents the footing to be extended beyond the face of the edge
column. In addition to that the edge column is relatively far from the interior column so that the
rectangular and trapezoidal combined footings will be too narrow and long which increases the cost. And
may be used to connect between two interior foundations one of them have a large load require a large
area but this area not available, and the other foundation have a small load and there is available area to
enlarge this footing, so we use strap beam to connect between these two foundations to transfer the load
from largest to the smallest foundation
2. There is a “strap beam” which connects two separated footings. The edge Footing is usually eccentrically
loaded and the interior footing is centrically loaded. The purpose of the beam is to prevent overturning
of the eccentrically loaded footing and to keep uniform pressure under this foundation
Geometric Design of Strap Footing (Cantilever Footing) – Conti…
Usage: Mat Foundation
We use mate foundation in the following cases:
1. If the area of isolated and combined footing > 50% of the structure area, because this means the loads are
very large and the bearing capacity of the soil is relatively small.
2. If the bearing capacity of the soil is small (usually < 150 kN/m2).
3. If the soil supporting the structure classified as (bad soils) such as:
▪ Expansive Soil: Expansive soils are characterized by clayey material that shrinks and swells as it dries or
becomes wet respectively. It is recognized from high values of Plasticity Index, Plastic Limit and
Shrinkage Limit
▪ Compressible soil: It contains a high content of organic material and not exposed to great pressure during
its geological history, so it will be exposed to a significant settlement, so mat foundation is used to avoid
differential settlement.
▪ Collapsible soil: Collapsible soils are those that appear to be strong and stable in their natural (dry) state,
but which rapidly consolidate under wetting, generating large and often unexpected settlements. This can
yield disastrous consequences for structures unwittingly built on such deposits.
Geometric Design of Mat Foundation
Geometric Design of Mat Foundation (conti…)
Geometric Design of Mat Foundation (conti…)
Geometric Design of Mat Foundation (conti…)
Geometric Design of Mat Foundation (conti…)
Structural Design of Mat Foundation (Ultimate Loads)
In structural design we want to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams, to do this we
have to subdivide mat foundations into a strips in both directions, each strip must contains a
line of columns, such that the width of strip is related to the loads of the columns including in
this stip. For the previous mat, let we take a strip of width B1 for the columns 5,6,7 and 8 as
shown in figure below:
Procedures for structural design (drawing shear and moments diagrams):

1. Locate the points E and F at the middle of strip edges.

2. Calculate the factored resultant force (Ru): Ru=ΣQui
3. The eccentricities in X and Y directions remains unchanged because the location of the resultant
force will not change since we factored all columns by the same factor.
4. Calculate the factored moment in X and Y directions:

5. Calculate the stresses at points E and F (using factored loads and moments):

6. Since the stress at points E and F is not equal, the pressure under the strip in not uniform, so we
find the average stress under the strip:
7. Now, we check the stability of the strip:

If this check is ok, draw the SFD and BMD and then design the strip. If not >>>> Go to step 8.
8. We have to modified the loads to make the strip stable by the following steps:
• In the longitudinal direction the actions for design may be found from statics.
• In the transverse direction, the critical moment and shear are determined in the same way as
for a pad footing. Punching shears at the column face and at d to 2 d from the column face
must also be checked.
Example: Two (300 x 300) mm square columns spaced at a distance 2.45m is loaded as shown below. The
foundation is founded on a soil of bearing capacity 150 kN/m2. It is desired to design the footing to satisfy all
requirements using concrete grade of 30 N/mm2 and steel of yield strength 500 N/mm2. The concrete cover is

1. proportioning
At serviceability limit state; PEd = 1.0Gk + 1.0Qk
Total service load on column P1 = 665 + 122 = 787 kN
Total service load on column P2 = 825 + 145 = 970 kN
Total load on column = 787 + 970 = 1757 KN
Assuming 10% of the service load to account for the self-weight of the footing; SW = 0.1 × 1757 = 175.7 KN
Footing Area = Total service load/Allowable bearing capacity = (1757 + 175.7)/200 = 9.6635 m2
Adopt a rectangular base = 5m x 2m (Area provided = 10 m2
To locate the centroid of the footing, let us take moment about column P1; (970 × 2.45) - 1757( x) = 0
On solving, x = 1.352m from column P1
Let the projection of the footing from the lighter column be L1
Therefore; L1 + 1.352m = (Total length of footing)/2 = 5/2 = 2.5
Therefore, L1 = 2.5 - 1.352 = 1.148m (say 1.15m)
The final disposition of the footing is given below assuming a trial footing depth of 600mm.
2. ULS pressure calculation and shear force and bending moment diagrams
We can check the preliminary thickness of 600mm by considering the punching shear at the column
perimeter. At the column perimeter, the maximum punching shear stress should not be exceeded
At ultimate limit state;
• VEd1 = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35(665) + 1.5(122) = 1080.75 kN
• VEd2 = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35(825) + 1.5(145) = 1331.25 kN
• Total ultimate load = 1080.75 + 1331.25 = 2412 KN
• VEd < VRd,max >>>>>>>>>>>>>Where; vEd = βVEd/U0d
VRd,max = 0.5vfcd
Considering Column carrying VEd2 bearing the maximum axial load, VEd = 1331.25 kN
β = 1.5 (an approximate value from clause 6.4.3(6))
u0 = column perimeter = 2(300) + 2(300) = 1200 mm
v = 0.6[1 - fck/250] (strength reduction factor for concrete
v = 0.6[1 - 30/250] = 0.528
fcd = αccfck/γcfcd = (1.0 × 30)/1.5 = 20 N/mm2
VRd,max = 0.5 × 0.528 × 20 = 5.28 N/mm2
VEd = (1.5 × 1331.25 × 1000) / (1200mm × d)
Therefore; 1996874/1200d = 5.28
On solving; dmin = 315.263mm >>>Hence the depth is ok.
• Earth pressure intensity = 2412/10 = 241.2 KN/m2
• For a width of 2m, q = 241.2 × 2 = 482.4 kN/m

2.45 m
3. Structural Design
i. Bottom Reinforcement
Calculate maximum moment from the column face (critical section for moment)
MEd = [482.4 × (1.4 - 0.15)2]/2 = 376.875 kNm
Effective depth (d) = 600 - 50 - 10 = 540 mm (assuming Φ20mm bars), b = 2000mm

Since k < 0.168, No compression reinforcement required

Check minimum reinforcement, 0.15%=0.0015*2000*540=1620 mm2 < As1=1688m2 >>>>>ok, provide 2010 mm2
ii. Top reinforcement
There is no hogging moment on the footing as shown in the bending moment diagram.
However, provide minimum reinforcement at the top.
Asmin = 0.0015bd = (0.001 × 2000 × 540) = 1620 mm2
Provide 15Φ12mm @ 130mm c/c (ASprov = 847.8 mm2/m)
iii. Transverse Reinforcement
Cantilever arm = (2.0 - 0.3)/2 = 0.85m
MEd = [241.2 ×1 x (0.852]/2 = 87.13 kNm/m ( per 1m strip out of 5m)
Effective depth (d) = 600 - 50 – 20 -10 = 520 mm (assuming Φ20mm bars).
MEd = 87.13 kNm
b = 1000mm (designing per unit strip)
k = Med/(fckbd2 )
k = (87.13 × 106)/(30 × 1000 × 5202 ) = 0.0107
Since k < 0.168 No compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 - 0.882k)]≤0.95d = z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 - (0.882 × 0.0199)] = 0.99d take 0.95d
As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z)
As1 = (87.13 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 520) = 440.94 mm2
As,min =0.0015bd=0.0015*1000*520=780 mm2
Provide 4Φ16mm/m (804mm2/m or 4020mm2 for 5m) BOTH AT BOTTOM AND TOP
4. Check for punching shear
i. Shear stress of section
The critical distance from the face of the column is 2d
The average effective depth, d = (540+520)/2=530mm
Critical area, A = C2+4(2d)(C)+Π(2d)2=0.32+4*1.06*0.3+3.14*1.062 = 4.892m2
Perimeter, U1 =4C+2Π(2d)=4*0.3+2*3.14*1.06 = 7.856m=856mm
Soil pressure = 241.2 KN/m2
Unit weight of concrete = 25 kN/m3
VEd,red = VEd - ΔVEd
ΔVEd = (241.2 × 4.892) - (25 × 0.6 × 4.892) = 1106.57 kN
VEd,red = 1331.25 – 1106.57 = 224.68 kN
vEd,red = VEd,red / u1d = 224.68 x103/(7856 x 530) = 0.054 N/mm2
ii. Shear Resistance of section

k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1 + √(200/530) = 1.614 > 2.0, therefore, k = 1.614

Vmin = 0.035k(3/2) fck0.5
Vmin = 0.035 × (1.614)1.5 × 300.5 = 0.393 N/mm2
ρx (in the transverse direction) = As/bd = 804/(1000 × 530) = 0.00152
ρz (in the longitudinal direction) = As/bd = 2010/(2000 × 530) = 0.001896
ρ1 = √(ρx × ρz) =√(.00152 × 0.001896) = 0.001698 < 0.02
VRd,c = 0.12 × 1.614 (100 × 0.001698 × 30 )(1/3) = 0.3332 N/mm2
vRd,c=0.3332 N/mm2 < vmin= 0.393 N/mm2.
Take vRd=0.393 N/mm2 >>>vEd=0.054N/mm2-------The depth is adequate
5. Check for wide beam shear/one way shear

V1-1=226.7 kN
V2-2=197.96 kN
V3-3=327.85 kN
V4-4 = 347.328 kN

vEd = 347.328 × 103/ (2000 × 530) = 0.328 MPa

Asl = 2010 mm2
100 × ρ1 = 100 × 2010/ (2000 × 530) = 0.1896 < 2.0
CRd, c = 0.18/ (γc = 1.5) = 0.12, k = 1 + √ (200/530) = 1.614 ≤ 2.0,
CRd, c × k × (100 × ρ1 × fck)0.33= 0.12 × 1.614 × (0.1896 × 30)0.33 = 0.344
vmin = 0.035 × k1.5 × √fck= 0.035 ×1.6140 1.5 × √30 = 0.393 > 0.344
vRd,c = 0.393 MPa
(vEd = 0.328) < (vRd, c = 0.393)------- No shear reinforcement is required.

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