Design of Pile Caps Final

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Design of Pile Caps

10.1 Introduction
A pile cap is defined as a concrete block cast on the head of a group of piles, to
transmit the load from the structure to the group of piles. Generally, pile cap
transfers the load form the structures to a pile group, then the load further
transfers to firm soil.
External pressures on a pile are likely to be greatest near the ground surface.
Ground stability increases with depth and pressure. The top of the pile
therefore, is more vulnerable to movement and stress than the base of the pile.
Pile caps are thus incorporated in order to tie the pile heads together so that
individual pile movement and settlement is greatly reduced. Thus stability of
the pile group is greatly increased.

The functions of a pile cap are:

1. To distribute a single load equally over the pile group and thus over a
greater area of bearing potential,
2. To laterally stabilise individual piles thus increasing overall stability of
the group. And

To provide the necessary combined resistance to stresses set up by the

superstructure and/or ground movement.

Pile caps are thick slabs used to tie

a group of piles together to support
and transmit column loads to the piles.

10.2 Pile Cap Arrangement

Spacing of the piles in the pile group
The following should be considered when determining the spacing of the piles:

1. Overall cost of the foundation


Nature of the ground


Pile behaviour in the group


Resulting possible heave or compaction of ground causing damage to

adjacent structures


Cost of pile cap


Size and effective length of ground beam


Type and size of pile

Piles should be placed in a suitable arrangement so that the spacing

between piles ranges from (2-3) D (pile diameter) in case of isolated pile
caps and (2-6) D in case of rafts supported on piles.

The C.G. of piles should be placed as far as possible in the C.G. of

loads transmitted from the structure to the group of piles.

In the case of presence of neighbors, piles should be away from the

property line by a distance not less than D or as the pile installation
method requires.

The projection of the pile cap should be 10-15 cm.

Initial Layout:
The simplest pile layout is one without batter piles. Such a layout should be
used if the magnitude of lateral forces is small. Since all piles do not carry an
equal portion of the load, axial pile capacity can be reduced to 70 percent of
the computed value to provide a good starting point to determine an initial

In this case, the designer begins by dividing the largest vertical load on the
structure by the reduced pile capacity to obtain the approximate number of
pile. If there are large applied lateral forces, then batter piles are usually
required. Piles with flat batters 2.5 (V) to 1 (H), provide greater resistance to
lateral loads and the less resistance to vertical loads. Piles with steep batters 5
(V) to 1 (H) provide greater vertical resistance and less lateral resistance.

Final Layout:
After the preliminary layout was developed remaining load cases should be
investigated and the layout revised to provide an efficient layout. The goal
should be to produce a pile layout in which most piles are loaded as near to
capacity as practical for the critical loading cases with tips located at the same
elevation for the various pile groups within a given monolith. Adjustments to
the initial layout by the addition deletion, or relocation of piles within the
layout grid system may be required. Generally, revisions to the pile batters
will not be required because they were optimized during the initial pile layout.
The designer is cautioned that the founding of piles at various elevations or in
different strata may result in monolith instability and differential settlement.

Typical Arrangement of Piles

Requirements for Pile Caps

Same as spread footings with the following additions:
1. Design must satisfy the punching shear in the vicinity of the individual
piles or shafts
2. The effective depth d must be at least 30 cm. This implies a minimum
thickness T of 40 cm.
3. The bearing force between the individual piles or shafts and the caps
must not exceed the capacity of either element.

Pile Cap Reinforcement

The amount of pile cap reinforcement is governed by:
1. The loading on the pile cap,
2. The spacing of the piles, and
3. The depth of the pile cap.

10.3 Load Distribution

To a great extent the design and calculation (load analysis) of pile foundations
is carried out using computer software. For some special cases, calculations
can be carried out using the following methods
For a simple understanding of the method, let us assume that the following
conditions are satisfied:

1. The pile is rigid

2. The pile is pinned at the top and at the bottom
3. Each pile receives the load only vertically (i.e. axially applied );
4. The force P acting on the pile is proportional to the displacement U due
to compression.

x ,y Mx , My
x y x , y
: x2 , y2
Ix = Io + A . X2
( ( A) )A Io
Where Mx, My moments about the axes x, y
The distance between the y axis and x-axis to any hazing in the group

x2 , y2

moments palaces of the group , as calculated in the following


Ix = Io + A . X2
Io neglecting

the small value, and delete limit A ( where (A) pile section )
of the equation space, we find that the pile load resulting from moments
applied to the value is shown in the equation :

Eccentricity of load
( Single )

Eccentricity of load
( Double)

Graphical Method

Installation error:
Until now we have been calculating theoretical force distribution on piles.
However during installation of piles slight changes in position do occur and
piles may miss their designed locations.

So the designer must compare theoretical and the actual load distribution as a
result of misalignment after pile installation.
Deviation of the piles
Most piling specifications permit a deviation in pile position of not exceeding
75 mm in any direction from the intended position. Additional deviations of
1:75 from the vertical piles and 1:25 from the designed rake for raking piles
are also permitted.
Thus, the pile cap should be large enough to accommodate those piles which
have deviated from the intended position. The pile cap should extend for a
distance of 100 to 150 mm outside the outer face of the piles in the group.
Location and Alignment Tolerance:
The pile head at cutoff elevation shall be within 50 mm of plan locations for
bent caps supported by piles, and shall be within 150mm of plan locations for
all piles capped below final grade. The as driven centroid of load of any pile
group at cutoff elevation shall be within 5% of the plan location of the
designed centroid of load.
No pile shall be nearer than 100mm from any edge of the cap. Any increase in
size of cap to meet this edge distance requirement shall be at the Contractors
Piles shall be installed so that the axial alignment of the top 3m of the pile is
within 2% of the specified alignment. For piles that cannot be inspected
internally after installation, an alignment check shall be made before
installing the last 1.5m of pile, or after installation is completed provided the
exposed portion of the pile is not less than 1.5m in length. The Engineer may
require that driving be stopped in order to check the pile alignment. Aligned
section on a misaligned section shall not be permitted.
If the location and/ or alignment tolerances specified in the preceding
paragraphs are exceeded, the extent of overloading shall be evaluated by the
Engineer. If in the judgment of the Engineer, corrective measures are
necessary, suitable measures shall be designed and constructed by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall bear all costs, including delays, associated
with the corrective action.

10.4 Design of Pile Cap

If the pile group is analyzed with a flexible base, then the forces required
to design the base are obtained directly from the structure model.

If the pile group is analyzed with a rigid base, then a separate analysis is
needed to determine the stresses in the pile cap.

An appropriate finite element model (frame, plate and plane stress or

plane strain) should be used and should include all external loads (water,
concrete, soil, etc. ) and pile reactions.

There are many methods for designing pile caps from which we could
mention the following:
1- Circulage Method
2- Beam Method
3- FEM methods

10.4.1 Circulage Method

Circulage method can only be used when the column is loaded with an
axial force and piles are arranged on the circumference of a circle. Piles are
not allowed to carry horizontal forces in this case.

As it is shown in the following figure, the force T for which the

reinforcement is calculated is calculated using the shown force diagram.

Force Transmission in Circulage Method

Strut-and-tie model
The strut-and-tie model should be considered for the design of deep footings
and pile caps or other situations in which the distance between the centres of
applied load and the supporting reactions is less than about twice the member

Struts and ties in a pile cap

The main reinforcement (As) can then be calculated from the following

10.4.2 Beam Method

The Beam Method is the most widely used method as it suitable for any
type of loading and any shape of the pile cap.

Design Procedure:

A- Required Data:

Pile Data:

1- Pile diameter and length,

2- Pile allowable bearing capacity

Column Data: 1- Column load (N + M + H),

2- Column dimensions

B- Design Steps:

1- Determine required number of piles:


In case of (N) only multiply by 1.1

In case of (M+N) multiply by 1.2

Number of piles used is rounded to the upper integer

2- Pile Cap Arrangement and Plane Dimension:

Piles should be placed in a suitable arrangement so that the spacing

between piles ranges from (2-3) D in case of isolated pile caps and (2-6)
D in case of rafts supported on piles, where D is the pile diameter.

The C.G. of piles should be placed as far as possible in the C.G. of


In the case of presence of neighbors, piles should be away from the

property line by a distance not less than D or as the pile installation
method requires.

The projection of the pile cap should be about 10-15 cm.

3- Pile Cap Preliminary Depth:

The depth of the pile cap could be preliminary estimated assuming an
allowable punching stress of 10 kg/cm2 on the column face.

4- Check Forces in Piles:

5- Check for punching shear:

6- Check for shear:

7- Design for moment:

The critical section for moment is taken at the column face.

8- Check for Bond:

The reinforcement used in resisting flexural moment should be checked for

bond stress acting on it.
Shear at the same section of the bending moment is calculated.

9- Details of reinforcement:


10.4.3 FEM Method

Grid used for FLAC 3D analysis of pile groups (After Poulos, 2001)

Grade Beams

Deep foundations are sometimes connected with grade beams.

Grade beams are required for all deep foundations subject to seismic loads.
For seismic design, they must resist a horizontal load equal to 10% of the
column vertical load.
Grade beams must be designed without the support of the underlying soil.
In the British Standard Code of Practice BS 8004, a ground beam is defined
as a beam in a substructure transmitting load(s) to a pile, pad or other
foundation. The ground beam connects the two pile caps.
Ground beams should not be confused with capping beams. Capping beams
perform the same function as pile caps. However, the function of a ground
beam is to connect adjacent pile caps to ensure stability of the foundation
and to ensure stability against lateral forces.
Ground beams are designed to connect a group of pile caps in a continuous

The top and bottom reinforcement of a ground beam are usually made equal
to overcome lateral forces or settlement of one pile cap relative to the
adjacent one.
Ground beams may also require shear reinforcement in the form of binders.
The depth of the ground beam is usually more than 1/15 of the span. The
width of the beam depends on design requirements.
Ground beams can also be designed to transmit loads from walls to pile caps.
A pile cap is required to transfer the load from a 400 mm 400 mm column to four 600 mm
diameter piles, as shown in Fig. 14.30.
Pile caps can be designed either by the truss analogy or by bending theory (see BS 8110: Part 1: In this example bending theory will be used.
For a pile cap with closely spaced piles, in addition to bending and bond stress checks, a check
should be made on the local shear stress at the face of the column, and a beam shear check for
shear across the width of the pile cap. For more widely spaced piles (spacing > 3 diameter), a
punching shear check should also be carried out.

Local shear check

The ultimate column load is Pu = 6400 kN.
Length of column perimeter is u = 2(400 + 400) = 1600 mm.
The shear stress at the face of the column is

Bending shear check

In accordance with BS 8110: Part 1:, shear is checked across a section 20% of the
diameter of the pile (i.e. D/5) inside the face of the pile. This is section AA in Fig. 14.30.
The shear force across this section ignoring the self-weight of the pile cap, which is small in
comparison is given by

The corresponding shear stress is given by vu = Vu/bvd, where bv is the breadth of section for
reinforcement design.
In accordance with BS 8110: Part 1:, this must not exceed (2d/av)vc where av is dened
in Fig. 14.30 and vc is the design concrete shear stress from BS 8110: Part 1: Table 3.8. Thus

For grade C35 concrete, from BS 8110: Part 1: Table 3.8, assuming six T25 bars, the minimum
value of vc is 0.4 N/mm2, giving

Thus, provided the average effective depth exceeds d = 846 mm (the local shear check),
minimum reinforcement to satisfy bond and bending tension requirements will be adequate in
this instance.
The necessary depth for the pile cap is
h = d + 25(diameter bar) + 75(cover)
= 846 + 100
= 946 mm use h = 950 mm

Design Example: Piled ground beams with suspended slab

Previously design example is to be reworked on the assumption that the building is now to be
relocated in an area where the 5 m depth of ll is of a much poorer quality, and is con- sidered
unsuitable for supporting a oating ground oor slab. The ground oor slab is therefore to be
replaced by wide plank precast concrete oors, spanning 8 m parallel to grid lines AE.
The additional loads due to this suspended oor are shown in Fig. 14.32, and the increased pile
loads are indicated.
The increased loads could be catered for by increasing the number of piles along each loadbearing internal wall (parallel to grid lines 15). In this case however, it has been decided to
maintain the same pile and ground beam layout as in Design Example 3.

Pile capacities
As previously, the pile capacities given in Table 14.9 are derived from previously design
Example (Fig. 14.29).

Piles of 450 mm diameter will again be used. Comparison with Design Example 3 indicates
increases in length of between 0.5 m and 4.6 m.

Check on strength of pile cross-section

A check on the stresses in the pile cross-section, carried out in a similar manner to Design
Example 3, indicates that grade C35 concrete is required.

Ground beam size

The ground beams are designed in a similar manner to previously design example, taking due
account of the additional loading from the suspended ground oor.

The calculations will be found to indicate that the 600 mm 625 mm deep ground beams in
previously design example will need to be deepened by approximately 200 mm to accommodate
this additional loading.

Fig. 14.29 Pile safe working loads for design examples.

Pile Caps.

Fig. 14.32 Piled ground beam and suspended slab design example.

1 Introduction
The design of pile caps had at one time become a math-ematicians delight and a designers
nightmare. Highly complex formulae with numerous empirical variants could result in expensive
design and construction to save a couple of reinforcing bars. As in all design and construction the
aim must be to keep it simple.

2 The need for pile caps capping beams

It is frequently not possible to sit a superstructure column direct on to a pile because:
(1) It is practically impossible to drive piles in the exact position and truly vertical. Piles wander
in driving and deviate from their true position. A normal specication tolerance for position is
75 mm and for verticality not more than 1 in 75 for a vertical pile or 1 in 25 for a raking pile. A
column sitting directly on a pile with
an eccentricity of 75 mm will exert bending as well as direct stresses in the pile.
(2) A single, heavily loaded column supported by a pile group will need a load spread (pile cap)
to transmit the load to all the piles.
(3) A line of piles supporting a load-bearing wall will need a capping beam to allow both for
tolerance of pile positioning and load spreading of the piles concentrated load to the wall.

3 Size and depth

Pile caps are usually of concrete but can be large slabs of rock or mats of treated timber. This
discussion is limited to the more common use of concrete.
To allow for the pile deviation the pile cap should extend 100150 mm beyond the outer face of
the piles. The pile group centroid should ideally coincide with the columns position (see Fig.

Fig. 14.16 Plan on triple pile cap.

The depth must be adequate to resist the high shear force and punching shear and to transmit the
vertical load (see Fig. 14.17). The shaded area of the pile cap plan in Fig. 14.17 is the area where
the column load is directly transferred to the piles. For such a condition the shear stresses are
generally small but bending moments need to be catered for.

Fig. 14.17 Load transfer from column to piles.

Alternatively, peripheral steel as a ring tension around a cone shaped compression block may be
considered to be a suitable equilibrium of forces (see Fig. 14.18), however, full tension laps must
be provided for the peripheral steel.

Fig. 14.18 Ring tension pile cap.

Single column loads supported on larger pile groups can create signicant shear and bending in
the cap which will need top and bottom reinforcement as well as shear links (see Fig. 14.19).

Fig. 14.19 Pile cap, typical reinforcement.

The heads of r.c. piles should be stripped and the exposed reinforcement bonded into the pile cap
for the necessary bond length. Pile caps to steel piles can be reduced in depth if punching shear is
reduced by capping and/or reinforcing the head of the pile, as shown in Fig. 14.20.

Fig. 14.20 Reinforced pile head.

Piles for continuous capping beams supporting load-bearing walls can be alternately staggered to
compensate for the eccentricity of loading due to the 75 mm out-of-line tolerance (see Fig.

Fig. 14.21 Continuous capping beam.

Pile Groups.

It is sometimes necessary to drive a group of piles to support heavy loadings and it is important
to notice two effects:
(1) The pressure bulb of the group affects deeper layers of soils than a single pile of the same
depth (see Fig. 14.13) in a similar manner to a wide foundation.
(2) The load-bearing capacity of a group is not necessarily the product of the capacity of the
single pile times the number of piles. There can be a pressure overlap (see Fig. 14.14) and the
capacity of the group could decrease as the difference between a pad and strip foundation.
A single pile, in driving, displaces soil which can result in heave at ground level and a group can
cause greater heave and displacement; this fact should be checked and considered. Driving a
single pile, too, in loose sand and lls will compact the soil around the pile to a diameter of
approximately 5.5 times the pile diameter and make it denser. If a group of piles is driven it
could create such a compact block of soil as to prevent driving of all the piles in the group. The
central piles should be driven rst and then, working out to the perimeter of the group, the
remaining piles should be driven.

Fig. 14.13 Section through pile pressure bulbs.

Fig. 14.14 Plan on pile pressure bulbs.

Spacing of piles within a group

Approximate values for centre-to-centre spacing are as follows:
(1) Friction piles not less than the perimeter of the pile.
(2) End-bearing piles not less than twice the diameter of the pile.
(3) Screw piles not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the blades.
(4) Piles with enlarged bases at least one pile diameter between enlarged bases.
These values are affected by the soil conditions, the group behaviour of the piles, the possible
heave and compaction, and the need to provide sufcient space to install the piles to the designed
penetration without damage to the pile or group.

Spacing of piles within a group

Approximate values for centre-to-centre spacing are as follows:


Friction piles not less than the perimeter of the pile.

End-bearing piles not less than twice the diameter of the pile.
Screw piles not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the blades.
Piles with enlarged bases at least one pile diameter between enlarged bases.

These values are affected by the soil conditions, the group behaviour of the piles,
the possible heave and compaction, and the need to provide sufcient space to
install the piles to the designed penetration without damage to the pile or group.
Piles - Factor of safety.

BS 8004 recommends a factor of safety of between 2 and 3 for a single pile. The factor of safety
is not a xed constant and depends on the allowable settlement of the pile which is dependent on
the piles surface and cross-sectional area, the compressibility of the soil, and the reliability of
the ground conditions. The factor should be increased when:
(1) The soil is variable, little is known of its behaviour or its resistance is likely to deteriorate
with time.
(2) Small amounts of differential settlement are critical.
(3) The piles are installed in groups.
The factor may be decreased when:
(1) As a result of extensive loading tests, the resistance can be condently predicted.
(2) As a result of extensive local experience, the soil properties are fully known.
A common factor of safety taken in design is 2.5. A properly designed single 500 mm diameter
pile driven into noncohesive soil is unlikely to settle more than about 15 mm.
In a load test the settlement is noted for increasing increments of load and a settlement/load
graph is plotted. The graph resembles that of the stress/strain graph for many structural materials
(see Fig. 14.12). Up to working load there tends to be practically full recovery of settlement on
removal of load but beyond that loading there is likely to be a permanent set (as in steel loaded
beyond the elastic limit) and at ultimate load there is likely to be no recovery at all.

Choice of Pile.

Fig. 14.12 Load/settlement graph.

Having found a satisfactory pile and a reliable and cooperative piling contractor for
a particular site and conditions, there is a temptation for a busy designer, with
inadequate time to investigate the wide choice of piles and systems, to use the
same piling contractor for all future projects. This understandable reaction does not
make for cost effectiveness nor structural efciency. A guide to the choices available
is given below:
(1) The piling system must provide a safe foundation with an adequate factor of
safety against failure of the foundation on supporting soil
(2) The total settlement and differential settlement must be limited to that which
the structure can tolerate.
(3) The pile should be the right type of pile for the ground conditions and structure.
(4) The driving of the piles and the load they impose on the soil must not damage
neighbouring structures.
(5) The piles must be economic and durable, and where speed of construction is
important, quick to place.

1 Ground conditions and structure

(1) When invited to tender for the contract the piling contractors should be
provided with a soil report, the position and magnitude of structural loads and the
location of the structure together with information on adjoining properties. They

should also be asked to visit the site to inspect the access for piling plant
(2) Driven and cast-in-place piles, where the shell is left in, are used on sites over
water (jetties, piers, etc.), on sites known to contain large voids, and on sites
subject to high water pressure. Driven piles should not be chosen where the ground
is likely to contain large boulders but they are one of the best piles for loose-tocompact wet sands and gravels.
These types of piles are frequently the cheapest to use on building sites with lightto-moderate pile loadings
and where the charges for moving onto site are spread over a large number of piles.
(3) Bored piles are frequently the lowest cost piles when piling into rm clays or
sandstone and when vibration and ground heave would cause problems to existing
adjacent buildings.
(4) Jacked piles need something to jack against and tend to be expensive. Their
main use is therefore in underpinning when they can prove to be cost-effective.
(5) Steel H piles are often chosen when long length piles with deep penetration into
sands and gravels are required.

2 Durability
The ground conditions can affect the choice and method of protection of piling
material. Sulfates and acids will attack poor-quality concrete, some acids will cause
problems with steel piles and alternate wetting and drying can cause timbers to rot.

3 Cost
Piles are, or should be, chosen as the economic and safe alternative to strip and raft
foundations but there is more to cost analysis than comparing the cost per metre
run of piles; there are on-costs. In comparing piling contractors estimates it can be
unwise to accept the lowest cost per metre run.
Examination of extra over-costs for such items as extending lengths of piles,
conducting check loading tests, etc. is prudent. The designer should examine the
piling contractors resources available to complete the project on time, the length of
notice required to start work and the contractors experience in piling on similar
sites. The contractors reputation should be investigated and proof obtained of
adequate insurance to indemnify building owners for any claims or damage to
adjoining buildings or failure of piles due to design and construction faults.
To the cost of the piles must be added the cost of excavation for constructing pile
caps and any necessary tie beams. This increases the cost of construction

supervision and design.

Decisions must be taken early so that design, detailing, construction and planning
can be completed well in advance of starting the contract. Too often the time is
restricted by delays in site investigations, change of design brief, recent changes in
contractors prices, etc.
Methods of Piling.
There is a wide variety of methods used for piling and every piling contractor has a
number of variations for their system improvements in method and equipment
continues. The main classes only are discussed below.

1 Driven piles
This method is used for piles of timber, precast concrete, prestressed concrete and
the various types of steel piles.
The pile is hammered into the ground by pile-driving plant shown in outline in Fig

14.10 (a). Methods of protecting the head of the pile from shattering are shown in Fig. 14.10 (b).

Fig. 14.10 Driven piling.

Driven piles are classied as displacement piles and, where the soil can enter during driving, as
small displacement piles (e.g. open ended tubular or other hollow sections often in steel).

2 Driven cast-in-place piles

A closed ended hollow steel or concrete casing is driven into the ground and then lled with
fresh concrete. The casing may be left in position to form part of the whole pile or withdrawn
for reuse as the cast concrete is placed.
The cast concrete is rammed into position by a hammer as the casing is withdrawn ensuring rm
contact with the soil and compaction of the concrete. Care must be taken to see that the cast
concrete is not over-rammed or the casing withdrawn too quickly. There is a danger that as the
tube is withdrawn it can lift up the upper portion of in situ concrete leaving a void or necking in
the upper portions of the pile. This can be avoided by good quality control of the concrete and
slow withdrawal of the casing.
Driven cast in situ piles can prove to be economic for sands, loose gravels, soft silts and clays
particularly when large numbers of piles are required. For small numbers of piles the on-site
costs can however prove to be expensive.

3 Bored cast-in-place piles

The hole for the pile shaft is formed by drilling or augering and the toe of the hole can he
enlarged by under-reaming in stiff clays to provide greater end-bearing capacity for the pile. The
method tends to be restricted to clayey soils and, as with the driven cast-in-place pile, care must
be exercised to prevent necking of the cast concrete. If they are used in loose sand or silt the
inow of soil into the bore must be prevented. They can be installed in very long lengths and be
of large diameter.
The relatively small on-site cost of bored piles means that smaller sites can be more
economically piled than they can using a driven piling system. The bored pile is not usually
economic in granular soils where loosening and disturbance of surrounding ground can cause
excessive removal of soil and induce settlement in the surrounding area. During piling operations
the hole can be lined with a casing which can be driven ahead of the bore to overcome
difculties caused by groundwater and soft sub-soil but sometimes difculties of withdrawing
the casing after casting can prove expensive.

4 Screw piles
Screw piles of steel or concrete cylinders with helical blades attached are screwed into the
ground by rotating the blades. Their best application is in deep stratum of soft alluvial soils
underlain by rm strata. Due to the large diameter of the blades the piles have increased
resistance to uplift forces. Screw piles can be removed after use in temporary works.

5 Jacked piles
Jacked piles are used where headroom for the pile and pile driver are limited as in underpinning
within an existing building. The pile is jacked in short sections using the existing superstructure
as a reaction frame.

6 Continuous ight auger piles

The ight auger pile system uses a hollow stem auger mounted on a mobile rig. The auger is
drilled into the
ground with very little vibration and spoil removal. When the required depth has been reached
(see Fig. 14.11), concrete or grout is injected through the auger shaft. Usually the concrete or
grout mixing plant and the pumping equipment are located nearby but can, if such areas are
sensitive, be located well away from such positions. Pile lengths of up to 25 m can generally be
achieved with pile diameters from 300 mm to 600 mm. Piles can be raked up to an angle of 1 in
6 from vertical. The system is suitable for use in most virgin soils and ne granular lls and rigs
can operate in areas with restricted headroom.

Fig. 14.11 Flight auger pile.

7 Mini or pin piles

There are a number of mini or pin piles on the market. The systems range from water- or airushed rotary percussion augers to small-diameter driven steel cased piles which are driven to a
The pile diameters generally vary between 90 mm and 220 mm and can be used in most soils
and with restricted access/limited headroom. Where necessary, noise and vibration can be kept to
a minimum and piles can be driven within a few hundred millimetres of adjacent properties.
In underpinning they can be used to penetrate existing concrete or masonry foundations, and can
be bonded into the existing elements or form part of a new support system in conjunction with
cast-in-situ needle beams.
Slenderness of such small-diameter piles must however be taken into account and the need for
good quality control particularly with regard to lling such small bores with concrete.

The piles are not generally suitable in mining areas where surface movements and lateral strains
may be expected to distort or shear the piles.
Concrete Piles.
Concrete piles are the most widely used in the developed countries and may be cast
in situ, precast, reinforced and prestressed.

(a) Precast
This type is commonly used where:
(i) The length required can be realistically predicted.
(ii) Lateral pressure from a stratum within the soil prole is sufcient to squeeze
(neck) a cast-in-situ pile.
(iii) Where there are large voids in
sections of the soil which would possibly have to be lled with an excessive amount
of in situ concrete or could cause loss of support for wet concrete prior to setting.
(iv) For structures such as piers and jetties above water level on coastal, estuary
and river sites.
Though precast piles can be manufactured on site it is more common to have them
designed, manufactured and installed by specialist subcontractors.
There are disadvantages in the use of precast concrete piles as follows:
(i) It is not easy to extend their length.
(ii) They are liable to fracture when driven into such obstacles as large boulders in
boulder clay and the damage can remain out of sight.
(iii) Obstructions can cause the pile to deect from the true vertical line.
(iv) There is an economic limit, restricted by buckling, of the unrestrained length of
the pile.
(v) Noise and vibration caused by driving can cause nuisance and damage.
(vi) There can be large wastage and health and safety risks to the workforce caused
by noise and vibration due to the need to cut off the projecting length after driving.
(vii) The accuracy of the estimated length is only proved on site when short piles
can be difcult to extend and long piles can prove to be expensive and wasteful.
(viii) The relatively large rig required for driving often needs extensive hardstandings to provide a suitable surface for pile driving.
The advantages of precast concrete piles are:
(i) It is easier to supervise the initial quality of construction in precast than in situ.
(ii) The pile is not driven until the concrete is matured.

(iii) Stresses due to driving are usually higher than those due to foundation loading
so that manufacturing faults are more easily discovered and, in effect, the pile is
preload tested (provided the defects can be detected).
The reinforcement, while adding to the load-bearing capa- city, is mainly designed
to cope with handling, transporting and driving stresses.

(b) Cast in situ

There is an ever increasing variety of cast in situ piles offered by specialist piling
subcontractors. The piles are
usually circular in cross-section and are regarded as small- diameter piles when
their diameters are from 250600 mm and larger-diameter piles when their
diameters exceed 600 mm; large-diameter piles are now possible with dia- meters
up to 3.0 m.
The advantages of cast in situ piles are:
(i) They can be constructed immediately, thus cutting out the time required for
casting, maturing and delivering of precast piles.
(ii) There is no need to cut off or extend excessive lengths of the piles as they can
be cast in situ to the required level.
(iii) They can be cast to longer lengths than is practical with precast piles.
(iv) Most obstructions can be hammered and broken through by the pile-driving
(v) The placing can cause less noise vibration and other disturbance compared to
driving precast piles.
(vi) Soil taken from boring can be inspected and compared with the anticipated
The disadvantages of cast in situ piles are:
(i) It can be difcult to place and ensure positioning of any necessary
(ii) Concrete quality control is more difcult.
(iii) There is a danger of necking from lateral earth pressure.
(iv) Young concrete is susceptible to attack from some soil chemicals before it has
set and hardened.

(c) Prestressed
Prestressed concrete in superstructure design is made of higher strength concrete,
requires smaller cross-sectional area and can be made impact-resistant. The same
results apply to prestressed piles relative to comparison with pre- cast reinforced

piles. Their advantages compared to precast reinforced are:

(i) Handling stresses can be resisted by a smaller cross- section which can result in
a more economical pile.
(ii) It is easier with the smaller section to achieve longer penetration into loadbearing gravels.
(iii) Tensile stresses that are generated up from the toe of the pile after the hammer
blow can be compensated for by prestress.
(iv) The reduction of tensile cracking of the concrete can lead to greater durability.
The disadvantages of prestressed piles are:
(i) The smaller section provides less end bearing and total peripheral skin friction.
(ii) Deeper penetration into end-bearing strata (gravel, compact sand, etc.) may be
(iii) It is more difcult to extend the length of a precast driven pile.
(iv) As in prestressed concrete superstructure elements, stricter quality control in
manufacture is necessary.
Design of Foundations at Pile He
A general description of ground beams and pile caps is discussed in previously and
restraints and cap/beam details are briey mentioned.
In addition to providing restraint, the ground beam is also used to transfer loads
from the superstructure to the pile and can be used with or without pile caps. For
example, two alternative layouts are shown in Fig. 14.22 indicating a wide ground
beam solution and a narrow beam using pile caps

Fig. 14.22 Alternative beam/cap layouts.

Where the increased width of the beam needed to accommodate the pile diameter, plus the total

of all necessary tolerance, is only slight and where a reduction in beam depth helps to
compensate for the additional concrete, a wider beam omitting the pile caps can be more
Often the ground beam can be designed compositely with the walls above and by using
composite beams a standard nominal size ground beam, dictated mainly by the practicalities for
construction, can be used. This has the advantage of standardizing shuttering, reinforcement and
excavation, making site construction simple, economic and quicker than the traditional solution.
Many different beams designed ignoring the benet of the contribution from the structure above
can severely complicate the foundations (see Fig. 14.23).

Fig. 14.23 Composite action versus normal design.

When considering the use of composite action, consideration must be given to services which
may pass through below ground level in these zones. It is often the case that in adopting
composite beams the resulting shallow beams can be more easily made to pass over the services.
The use of composite action should however be used with caution if there is a requirement to
maintain exibility of future layout. Any modications involving the introduction of major
openings in the walls would invalidate the design assumption that the wall and foundation act
A further help in standardizing a smaller and more economic section is that composite action
often makes it
possible to precast the beams alongside the excavation and roll them into position, speeding up
For building structures the basic alternative foundations for support on piles generally adopted
consists of one or a combination of the following:
Type 1 Concrete ground beams with or without caps sup- porting the main superstructure load

but with a oating ground oor slab between the main wall (see Fig. 14.24).
Type 2 Concrete ground beams and suspended in situ or precast concrete oor slabs (see Fig.
Type 3 Flat slab construction (see Fig. 14.26).
Type 4 Suspended slab and beam foundations with voids or void formers (see Fig. 14.27).

The economic viability of the pile solutions for the above foundations will differ depending on
many variables but, by applying the following basic principles, realistic cost comparisons can be
made and piling options exploited:
(1) Minimizing pile numbers relative to pile length/cost and beam length/cost ratio.
(2) Maintaining axial loads on piles and ground beams wherever practical.
(3) Providing pile restraints from other necessary structures wherever practical.
(4) Standardizing on the minimum beam size which can accommodate pile driving tolerances,
restraint stresses and pile eccentricity while exploiting any possible composite action.
(5) Minimizing the depth of excavations.
(6) Minimizing the required bending of reinforcement.
(7) Minimizing the shuttering costs by simple standard beam proles.
(8) Use of simply supported design and simple beam cages wherever possible unless some small
cantilever action can greatly reduce the number of piles per unit.
(9) Minimizing the need for pile caps wherever practical by the use of slightly wider beams.

Fig. 14.24 Piles and oating ground slab.

Fig. 14.25 Piles and suspended ground slab.

Fig. 14.26 Piles and at slab construction.

Fig. 14.27 Piled suspended slab and beam


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